ib ib it qui wuaac published semiweekly opifeb per orn dicor by e j barker m d volume 1 ki1gst011jc tuesday march 18 im no 12 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political infrtnitation is published every tuiiliiy and friday morning by docuit barker editor nni prrictar u his 01- ii in rear street nit iluor lufln gummonfal if mr for country circulation onlyllic british whig is published crry tuesday auvruoun m n weekly form and will be found to contain ihc ttlfttf important nwtltft of tlio semi- weelcly taper tciuit ftt the sonii- weekly paper one pund per annum iriiil inalvaico or within thrw tiroiitii lrmi the receipt of tbc first lintllbur nudum pound bvo iliilliuf if collected ul 00 end ofthe vear cxeluivel ioiije for tltc country pper twvlvu liillingsi and sixpence per annum if paid in ailvniicp or willmi lliuv uiuutlll from lire rcceiimof the firl mttiuvr iind fifteen umii if collected at llic mid of llie jvir exclusive of juota companies nf imlivmuttlrf wlm iwidu in tlie country and who iiviv prefer to send in tins ulhv ir their pipor muy have thetu mjuplicd at ten shillings per vpy ier annum prompt pay no rabunptloq received fur less fnftn i months and no paper discontinued uuitl all arrearage are paid up except at the option of th publisher qtrtjctttsnttcitts six lines and umur td fiit insertion and 7jd- each subsequent insvrrimi ten tines and under 3s 4d firtinserfnfi and ilhl caeliulrupknl insertion ahovc ten lines 4d per line for the firl insertion and id per line for every subsequent insoition advertisements without written directions ore inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ordeis for discontinuing advertisement to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agent unless post pi id jletter press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior press and un excellentsortincnt of jon tvrr is enabled to execute every dmeripiion of jod printing with neatness and ex pedition upon term hitherto uuprceedcut low in upper canada marble woltks the undersigned bega leave to inform the inhabitants of kinirston and its vicinicyi that he kecpft on hand n large assortment of makble chimney pieces tombs a mieadstonev of all descriptions finished in tin best manner he trusts from his loth experience in the bliness and from the arrangements helms made to receive a regular supply uf different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to those who may favor liim with their patronage all orders executed on the riinrtesl notice john cullen quarryst kingston feb 7ih is34 tf 1 joiix seuivtxs returns ilia sincere thanks to hid friends and the public generally for the support be has received and now begs leave to inform them that he has leased that well known stand hi mr- john dowungs in suire strcetj where of has just opened a tavern for general entertain ment which will be known by lira name of ute he will at ull limes keep un hand an assort ment of the best kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingston and the public generally arc respect fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation liquors and also in rear of the home are e stabhue kingvion feb 27 1831 wines scelleut sbtds and 7 caution this is to forbid any person or persons pur chasing a note of hand drawn by me in lavor of hiram wood or bearer for the mn of four pounds three shillings dated december the 25th 1833 at ninety rfov the mid 110 e having been left with mr charles heaih whieh was obtained ol and w rtvibe jpvfhtttwvi liy train ivw tfmaw for it i have received no value david fish kingston feb 27ih i83j iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including mill castings clothiers and other screwtf mitt pinions gearings also trimming and finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castinin of every kind will be made to or der in the course of a few weeks ploughs ami plough castings witt be kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and rcifdh qforsalk asinnllsteameneincof4horse power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24th january 1834 1 barrack canteens s- notice is hereby given that the canteens in die undermentioned barracks are to be let upon the following conditions for two years from die 23ih march next no person but of an unquestionable chaiacter nor any person lor more than one canteen or uho will not undertake bonaiide to reside in the can teen and conduct the business thereof in bis own person will be approved and two sureties will be required for the regular pavmem of therein andofall sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for the due performance of the several conditions and stepulutions of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accepted and hiisureties tmit execute the indenture and lease ofcovenants relating thereto the particulars where of may be known by applying to his ofliec or to the barrack masters althe several barracks the names of two respectable parsons with their christian name professions and plrces of abode who will join the tenant in executing the indenture as his sureties must be inserted in the proposals pud the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance department does not undertake to pro cure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the respective officers at kingston with the wonlb tender lor canteen written on the outside cover ill here ceived at this ouice on or before 12 oclock noon on the 18th march next after ulheh lour any pro posals received cammt he notfcftl tt ww ixm act canteens arc not liable to have troops billeted on them all persons making tenders for canteens are to lake notice ulm they will be held to the strict per formance of the covenant of their- leases and full payments of their rents without any remission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease it self set forth the form of the tenders to be as follows thereby offer for the canteen vt the barracks at for twelve month from the 25th marift next the rent of uafirls per fur the notice is hereby given mrat nn application will be made to the surrogate of the vidlniid district surrogate court to appoint alexander mxabl esq o kingston gemlemaii guardian fr henry mi lium hugh and eliza roney infunt orphan chil dren of james and jane uouey deceased pin- sujmt to the aet in suchcase made and provided w 1 cook toicn warden kinffston 20thfeb 1s34 new store william macculer respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckenie lunr directly opposite the hardware store of mr john watkiiw store street where he intends in keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of dry goods groceiies wines spirituous liquors croclicrj tlawwutc a- a w m g trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business will recommend liim to a fair share of the public support kingston feb tin 1854 1 to let with f qssesiqf rl 15th april next that escdhnd business immediately adjoin g w yarkers hardware estaftiis ment it present in the occupation of die subscriber also to let of which possession will likewise be given on the jkiib day that desirable and pleasant family resi dence with an excellent garden a orchard attached comprising three fifths of an acre and an excellent well of water situated at the top of grave street now occupied by t a corbett illl ii ii ii huiisc na a tliccttiiig and on farther rent ij month for every un vuncoiitnmsiomd ojtcer and private soldiers who may occupy he bamufa dur ing that period and propose mr of und mr of as my sureties for the saint the rents of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite lo each in the following list therefore the biddings will be upon what is offered br every ten men occupying the barrack this number will be ascertained from le ftirrncfc wauvrs murmi ivijvk rteili mks made up on rfe first day of every month and no changes in the occupations of the hu racks which may take place in tllc progress of the inonlh eiiher for or against the tenant ill be taken into account no less number than ten will be charged against the tenant nor will any odd number lie calculated thus if the barracks should be occupied by 143 men on the first da v of the month only 140 will be cal culated for that month the bidders are also desired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny in their offers as they will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly ac cording to the above form tets 1c pnt 1 0 0 kikgstos poilll n a o o offiesof ordnance kingston u c 17ili fck isii slcrliitgptrnnnntn wholesale and 11etail hardware store upler end ok b10re stilekt kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends d he public that he has lately revived front encland an extensive assortment of ibunmuii- gery cutl15ky c wuieh lie now oilers lor sale at verv reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smiths bellows wrought and tut uls english swedes and hussia iron cast steel sneet copper zinc and tin plates fitch lar kusn wliing window ilass pomlw 1 urpen me car- flini ted kingston feb 7th is34 p h fob sale by the subscriber superfine flour by the bbl prime mess tork do butter by the quantity cheese do do r j f- market place kingston feb 7th ibm linseed and olie oils glaziers unnunds peuers tools and files of every description and purcussion guns timvd japaun d a polished ritts and stirrups suifful and dou- ffie bridles trace and ox chans gun powder d shot chain cable white and tarred rope english and philadelphia mill saws cross till and pit saws hand saws circular fcaws spades d shovels steelyards fre irons short and lone handled frying pumcast and wlw notice in the press and will oon be published re marks on doctor mew pamphlet against the catholic doctrine of the fsisssf 18t body and blood in the eucharist addressed by him to bis cosgrearaw of bt james in york upper canada and occasioned by the honourable john- elms- s puhhcation ol the bishop of strasbourgs nervations on the sixth chapter of st johns iitl bv the rev win p macdonalo vicar eral kingston audi alteram partem 1ft kingston 10th march l l0 100 iiortlctltur a l james wads worth respectfully infeflfcs w inhabitants of kingston that he intends resuming the business of jwrsery seemmk flo- rist upon an extenvc scale as early this spring as the season will permit on his nursery rounds immediately nttnied to the union church burial ground where h hopes to he favored with the calls of all persons wh may ish to improve me state of their pleasure gpna flower or kitchen gardens j w also begs leave r s loilcl tlial f on band a considerable quantity of the very beet english gawjen seeds imported fall he will for public convenience expose them for salein the marketplace ewry saturday amituesday mornings between theheurs of nine and noon kingston feb 25th 1w 6 david leahy returns his sincere thanks to bis friends and public generally for the support he has received previous to the late calamatous fire by which he was a severe sullerer and now begs leave to inform them that he has leased that stone building in kingstreet belonging to mr wutkins next to dr bakers and near the chroniilc office corner where he has just opened an inn for general en tertainment he will at all times keep on hand an assortment of the best mquors and wjne also in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston 20th feb 1s34 john uelonge in returning his sincere thanks to the gentry and other inhabitants of kingston for the uxauv cxvors courred upon him during the last thirteen years rcpecimlly begs leave to acquaint them that he has taken tie house situated at the cor net of king queen greets which he has fitted in a superior manner aid where he will prepare as formerly suppers eiiictics soups uz to those trcntleiiieu whoinay be pleased to patronize him lie takes the presentopportumty also to inform ihe public that he is no manufacturing and intends to keep constantly on land wholesale and retail all kinds of clfjiior cordialw -iirccilonar- panlrj- vr firue or small dinner parties attended to upuu the shortest notice e7jst received from new york a superior as sortment of the finest east ixdm preserves kingston feb 18th is3i 4 for sale acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburc ahoul 60 acres of which ure improved with a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the situation ofthe place isagreenble and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to ineel the eye ofthe enterprising farmer apply to a- truax esq kingston or to the subscriber jos nejlson ernestown 4th march 1834 9 veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has comment n business in the above tine at chcmufs old stand near the scotch kirk anlnfimuolly fob sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon professor columns im proved principle kingston march 10th 1s34 10 removal rtl the subrribcrs havt removed 10 mr thomas smiths premises adjiming air noble palmers itamum stapv south of the harkoi square joseph allen co- a urfrwerrs general agents kington feb 10th sj4 to the free and independent electors of the town of kingston gfuttlxjkwj not having publicly announced my intention lo solicit your sufirages a member of pnrliiunont for uits town iit the next general election i now bog leave io say tltai in compli ance with the wulicsof 4 large portion of my fellow townsmen a conveyed to me in a numerously signed requisition i shall present myself to your notice on tlic day uf election my long residence among you entitle me in say tliat my principles are well known and my attachment to the crown und culmtitution of great uriuin unquestionable in support of whit li i trust always to stand prouiinenilv forward ifl should have the honor to be retained as your member i pledge myself to guppoit a bill to incorporate the town of kingston a bill to prevent thelprovincial penitentiary being an injury to mechanic a bill to repeal the summary punuhmcnt aet which de prives the british subject of his dearest right trial bv jlky mv most active exertions will be used to prevent the clergy reserves pasiii into the haiiibofd dominant church sty pfivatq interests are inseperably bound up with tnoe of this town to pramotftlha proiporilj of which will always be die chief object of my ambition have the honor to he gentlemen abraham truax ftl 39th 18s4 dishotltiov of partnership notice is hereby given that the bustnew hereto fore carried on under the firm of cubmack mor ton urewera and distillers in kingston is this day dissolved by mutual consent all demands are re quired to be made to either of the undersigned for adjustment and transferred to r drutnmond for payment and nil debts due to the concern to be paid to k drummond who id authorized to grant acquit tances for the same john 8 ctfrmack james morton kingston 9th march 184 kingston brewery the subscriber having taken this establishment on hi own account formerly managed by coruack mortaki would announce to the public generally that he is prepared to manufacture beer w hisk e y ofthe best quality which he will be glad to dispose of for cush or short approved credit he has now on hand and offers for sate from 8 to 10000 gal lons excellent beer from 2 to 3000 gallons rood whiskey likewise iibuul 600gallons malt whis key g head fut cattle a quantity of hups c c the subscriber will make it a business through the course of the summer to supply steam boats private families c with excellent bottled ale all orders sent to the office in town at the foot of clarence street or to the brewery will be punct- ually attended to robert drummond kingston sth march 1834 kinsion 300 50 21mi by sides of sole of fob sale the suiischiuer leallici do of skiruojti do of upper lenther a large nuunliiy of calf kidd and hog skinj also 200 bbls of salt at lis 3d s it kingston feb 25ih ism caldwell a ii first rate butter for sale tie cheese at 6d lidiniilv recommended announcement tames uvlon ovoi himself of the present opportunuy of informing the friends ofthe late mr miciiakl mokax and the public in general dial he intends carrying on lie biihinrssnf avchoaeer ast commission mercuyt in all its various branches on bebalf of the widow by strict attention to business and by punctuidi- ty james linton hopes w meet a share of public latninage cash advanced oil jrodf kingston february 14 1834 3- the subscriber begs leave to inform tte gentry and public o kingston and its vicinity that be has opened his long room and is now ready to receive consign- ment from all parties willing to realise immediate rash for landed property merchandise house hold furniture c fist his nightly auctions aitl be continued as usual at which every article in the dry good line mav be wirchattd at utiprccedenfly low prices hugh scan i an auctioneer and commission merchant kingston fol 6 i sci 1 large quantity of first rate butter at ud also fine bay of quh per lb the above can be coi as being ol the be quality private families will find it to their advantage to call and examine the sme thomas wilson kingston feb 1s34 information wanted of moses waugii pedler who left kingston in july last bribe upper country and who was last heard of in brantfnrd gore district any person having knowledge of the above will eonfer an obligation on the undersigned by commu nicating with liim by letter t a corbett kingston feb istli 1934 4 tim new york emigrant he york advocatoand guardian mid the lure mercury vvillpleahelo copy lliu abuvc for three week 5 e lesslie sons in addition to their supply of books station ery drug patent medicines have for sale 00 re wrapping paper english german toys 2ewt green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in jars bbls leather wood transfer vnrnish notice the undersigned gives notice to all persons in debted to him either by note or book account to call and settle or arrange the same previous to the 6rst day of april next as on that day all his accounts will be put into the hands of his attorney for collec tion john mokay store pt kingston march 4th 1j4 s ceme sail twine c sec kingston feb 1834 1 3n and 10o barrel pans baking bar n hot s makei s- iron hinges tea keules sace rans a sugar kettles 8wd bond i on i lead single and double sheet iron thread kussia bristles brass and copper wire buttons needles thimble brass c wire and brass fenders dta cover i mortice ad cabmet locks ood knives trowels plated simllers and ml tea siwons cabinet smd bins waggon boxes td shoe sprig gilt plated and mile a new luilves plated table u foundrv braces d trays t english hi and bar tni c cheshire cheese u 2rf v english ghtr is hi iron horn ticks rim cnr- ivs brass ju- c superfine va kingston feb 7 183j niomas habdt jttst bece1ved for sale by the silcrihers of fresh water herrings o0 kes of oysters direct from new haven onlv eiiiht davs from the lnds baker egan market sanare march mi 18j4 fi wanted respectable youth from id as an aj inentire rild as an engage for u term ol adoration from the apply to 11 to 10 years tollli dry goods business to yenrs one of a tolerable country would be preferred lincmn jnnuarv sihi 1s34 wm wilson take aotice the stlbscrlber b about to relinquish business in kingston requests al persons indebted io him by note or book iucoiinl to call and settle the same without delay kincston frbttb t a corbett parker bensoiv have on hand und are nowofltringforsaleat their store a very extensive and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries vinec by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising every article re quired by the fanners whether for domestic ag ricultural building or other purposes and to which tlieii attention i requested they arc now paying cash fox all kind of mer chantable produce kingston january 9th ism 1 cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere hanks to his friends and the public in general for the support he has received since he commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a large assortment of winrs jamaica spirits spanish cognac branov holland gin pspreftmist shrub worthy the notice of tavern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and a large quan tity of w9t india wwof the first quality a lge assortment of salt witter fish table salt cheee hint s oatmeal cnrnmeal honey flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly forsale w p cook store street kingston january fth s34 1 at the court of general jldjaiirned quarter sessions uolcleii m kingston 3rd mmicii 1834 it ia ordered chat the uiidcrmentioikd police reculations made and ordained on the 6lh august 132 iz 11 that any person camlug a loud with can waggon gfrigh- 6r tjiliiif mm smshs licensed shall forfeit for every ofteuce the sum of forty shilling 11 thsit vehicles belonging to inhabitants residing in tbc country and engaged in carrying loads from thence into town and also vehicles beongingto individuals resident in town and employed solely in carrying the property of the owner of such vehicles shall not require to be licenced be rescinded and that the following be made and or dained in lieu thereof to wit that any person carrying a load with a cart waggon sleigh or other vehicle without being duly licensed shall on conviction forfeit and pay or every such oflnce the euro of foity shillings provided always that this regulation shall not apply in the case of vehicles belonging to persons residing in the country and engaged in carrying loadb from thence into the town or from the town into the country nor in iht case of vehicles belonging io persons residing in the town and employed solely in carrying the property of the owners of such vehicles or in carrying the property efpwsem te wkm be ft mftfltef ffiffp ite tew by the owner thereof on particular occasions by the court j nickalls jun clerk of the peace m d vrjc provision store raker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform the public that they keep on hand wholesale retail the following goods dried apples york bay oysteis fine flour indian corn meal oats peas beans fine flavored teas american cheese canadian do excellent strong beer superior cyder in bbls spices of all kinds muscovado sugar refined do poultry of all kinds c all which articles together with many others will be sold low for cash in addition to the above baker egan have laid in a good assortment of dry goods glassware crockery- market stptarc kingston feb 10 ism american lork hams ven i son do mutton do mess pork prime aless do prime do excellent fresh butter do salt do scotch herrings north shore do dkby do climnont do salmon trout french cod information wanted of jane thorp who left montreal for the upper province about the end of april last in company with the family ol thomas lalluy for merly of chamblv letters to he addressed to arthur ledle1 kingston feb 7th 1834 1 1 i i i sidts soie leather mjjj 50 doz cast eteel axes shepherd simmons work 200 barrels salt 50 tierces west india rice for sale bv parker benson january 9 1s 1 wanted a young lad as a compositor in thie office of tole rable good english education kingston f is 1834 stoves by parker and benson at cost to close consignments januarv 9 1834