Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 4, 1834, p. 2

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provincial tiik clrrgv rtseavts among other prophe cies mr kyerson foretold through the guardian that the clergy reserve question would be settled to the satisfaction of a ii parties the proceed of reserve sales continue to be withdrawn from the colony in specie and are placed in the english fund at interest lor the bishop and clergy ol quebec what arc the signs of mr ryenoifr amicable settlement advocate a bill to alter the law appointing churchwardens by the people is in progress it is to give more power 10 the church of england the mechanics protection bill is iosl sheriff jams is their pro lector and legislator many of them trusted their votes with him last election and no doubt will the next it is said that the clergy reserves sale bill has passed we dout know its provisions but suppose it to be an electioneering claptrap amount ing to nothing lb mr lesstie of kingston a thorough going re former of the right kind has reproved the editor of the whig for naming him asa probable candidate for frontenac truly the otleme appears to us veryiight and we have seen far greater mistakes made than if wm leslie and john campbell wen- next summer returned fur frontenac it is the h of an honest editor to name good men who would he a credit to the country if he knows them nor is he liable to be called in question for so doing lb ret pec table pretbyteriao congregation hu been formed and fluuriihe under the pastoral chtrgaof the r mr horn the huron tract hiving arrived the dignity of a county fl meeting of the western towjiihip wai held at godwich on tuesday the 2nd instant for the parpote of lelecting i fit and proper person te repreient the cotiaty in the colonial parhtt ment wh j cape dunlop r n va put in nomination and received with the unanimouipprobalion of the freeholders we ai very plnd of tbti copsia dunlop is not tny a true biitith tar in ibe uett aenve ofthe term but he ii a man of literature and acienca of libei al and philanthropic principles of induatriouaaod persevering habiu and will undoubtedly therefore be a very great acquittion to the house of atteiu- bly of this province york conrur bmfrotll yesterday cv t celebrated hotel not twenty miles from fec4tat wkarf there took place a most edifying scene ofdiacurd aod pvoacity a drunken police officer with more xeallhao daarrelion entered the sacred pre cincts in pursuit ofa young hibernian delinquent a ren contie endued when an elderly gentleman also from she sister isle addressed the unfoitunate limb of ihc law in the man ner following arran yoj big blackguard 1 it is out of that door you mut be after go and ill tell you the reason why t by the powers ytm rant help yourself i whereupon the constable t quoitcd forth as shakespeare hath it with such dpbia uid rapidity that in his pttttfi from the hall to the ireet being propelled by the right hand ofthe elderly gentleman aforesaid and the icfl foot ofa justice of peace from the bockwoihls he fell foul of and nearly capsized his majestys attorney general who happened lobe papting at the moment we are happy to hear after making due en- rjuiry that the learned attorney general nustained no serious injury nnj that he is doing ai welt ascan be eipected 1 ii a true blue parliament 1 i am now fully satisfied that unless the most shameful neglect shall prevail on the pan of the electors themselves the next house of assembly will he thoroughly liberal at least two to one and i believe that the executive government itself has no expectation of returning more than a third ofthe members of the next house- the counties ot york lincoln hastings northumberland lenox adttifwfa n fumwm 1a vundos halton middlesex and oxford will each of them send reformers and only reformers at the very worst wc will see one reformer returned for oreinille lanark the ottawa stoimoiit glen- gany simcoe wentwonh norfolk kent essex and two of the six village this will give the friends of peace and freedom 40 members out of 59 and if it be asserted that there may be three nr four failures out ofthe above 40 1 reply that there may be 8 or 10 tory failure to balance these out ol the opposition 19 this calculation i make upon good public or private authority joined to the ex tensive personal knowledge i have of the country i think thai the revolutionary patty for so these may be called who seek to accumulate vmt wealth by high taxes and impositions an extravagant pub lic expenditure ill applied will go tu gront expense and be countenanced in many acts of injustice unci partiality by the authorities who are united with them but 1 feci satisfied iliat in the present btate ol mens minds and of society it will he labour and money wasted the 12th parliament will be in worth and in truth the peoples parliament a re vival and the glorious reign ofthe true lilue fore told by my worthy friend mr- swift whose sage predictions in colonial politics ore much more to be depended on than his calculations of the winds and the weather- lb british whig plbuc meeting a i i h meeting of ihe inhabit iati or kioftloci friendly to lae worn of aurahani trail e mm member for uuatowawill talc place li n fi at the commercial hotel the c to be takeo at 7 oclock by orter of ihe commit w t kennedy stcrtfary not political a dxetiog ofh iprelwir i otkinston and all others friendly u tne formauooofa mecfimfe lcirrary jwitw wtll lake plae oo fr evening next si mr tfckaya tavern chalr to be taken al aix ovioelf ki march 4th 1334 important to lfinox ahdington the friends of joon 5fch- ja wrlf k eq mtend to macr r ly oft siufdiji ihe mi ofmarch at the napaare mills lo nocoiftaie dia geouemanaod anolrr a comllar tme nen ffejvera eiceikw a word to tse wise m caoofh the neit of ihee amknblel will ole place oo the lha lo ihe commercivi hotel in the press and will be utanly pabuheo pru apeoce at the ottce oc the ornish whie the epk of tnomns ih rhymer tt his frten4 mr paul pry of kiogoo also to the prop and vrll be pobliahcd ai he ortee of ihe bhiinh wwf on thursday neii priee three pence ue second tetter of mr peier prt to hi london acquaintance jottti ketch rw- thd uailey the county of grenville has washed her hands clean from toryism the coumy of leeds is regene rated the county of dundas the old stand bv promises well btontionl is shakins herself from the dust of political aputhy oleugam we are in formed is under deep conviction truth i spread ing her enlightening mantle over her the uuinnu of scotch genius has kchted the candle of reform at st andrews williumstown and cannvmh lnchiei is yielding to reason the upproacliiu general election will if we mistake not tell the ultras ol tins province a story that must astonish and unman them grcnvilc qazrttc as we had our paper made up read for press this morning we received a latter from yolk statin that the hill fur the improvement on the bl lawrence had passed ihe legislative council 0t the morning of the 21st instant neni con it i- now and not till nuw that we are able tu congratu late our readers and the people tif this district generally erf having their anticipatiuns realized ai itsau 0i u lv ok aftit k vx 4i1kv uuvtlt to be a flourishing town the farmers will grow rich trade will prosper labourers will have plenty of employment cask will circulate and in fact all tilings will go well cornwall qbfcrvrr to cotwrnv subscribers in order iai ihoae of our country 5nbebrrs wtodo idt receive thrtr pater per rwd jnay live an ofponuntty of bejo supplied wilh art imlr deu a pof hte we liereby pve a lii ofthe plaeev lo vvliie they wnii be fonvaroed from thi office by ibeefueioneyonceauvr publieauom mr wm b fairmao wm brafc j madicutxii llrory fmnkha w kereu3ori p fitch edgar j row j taylor merrill wm holirrldj d wct4 il n holhabrck madjp pituborjh do flrewcr mllla kiki miu tbarricfleld tvpflmnf of kaffrtom waterloo hi creeks erneatoawd ernotowti newborg h jmai kviriv dai i c hboroogh vcau lovhboroli portland theaboegenikmia are reqoetrd tolurnuh ue ramea ofnorji mh- mcntart b9 reserve thctr pnpera at their touaej aa aooa aa may be r nlhvblt the following eenfleipen aave kindly eoncnted io art an general a enta in ihe above towdhipe and who hereby auilioriced to ttrwc pay and gram recip j meteor s taylor b watera wm drwv and w 3- farmn- tloe eamr gentle men lo whom we aend oorpaprr are hereby re- qorted to return ii lo the portoftce ifi eaee ibey do not pleuae to be aubcribcra pomateraaddotierawiltiq tn become afcw evpoo ihe eattanoaey term lire invited to act aa aneb and io remit a aooo aa poaaibt ihe namea of the aabaeriben tsey obula poavnaaiera fce are livewif re- qocaied not lo rctarn ihe refused napera l- the office not to distribute tlhem for curctdauon and remvi the namea only of aueh peraoma aa rwuae thrm fins again another fire broke out inst even ing in a small wooden building on jordanstreet op- fdsite the uniaidian office owned hy mr k a arker and occupied as a bakery by mr ruben jaex the building consumed and a small ad- joining dwelling house belonging to mr post was pulled down to prevent the fire front spreading to the adjacent buildings the engine hook and lad der fire companies as usual diutgtiished them selves and saved a large block ol buildings by their prompt and efficient exertion christian gaurdin it uiaaodluitiitio the letter tipneo oid sprr to rejected the queriea of o- r ahal appear on tueanay oeil the clamna ofthi paper ore open to all panie on certain conditinna fift thai nothjfkf hbellouaor irrehgioos be orwarded foe inreruon of wfifch tle etiior will bethejuelje nn1 aeeoodly thai the real name and addreifihe writer bcr the eltoea anrafe infortaatiort thr potiiac of all communicaliooii mtu br all account of death or roarriageaiobe antheifucairel the state ofthe currency still agitates the pro vinces of nova scotia and new brunswick meet ings have been held and more have been announ ced and a bill has been brought into the assem bly for the purpose ofintroducing british silver into the colony but the newspaper accounts are too vague to enable us to form any judgement ofthe re medial nature ofthe measjre jlfdr daily advertiser the clergy reserve sale bill wj passed yester day in the house of assembly 22to l after it was passed mr jarvtssaid he wis anxious tht pi constituents should have this absurd and inconsist ent bill placed in their hands for them to judfrc ol its merits and he would therefore move that 500 copies be printed with the yeao and nays mr mor ris moved in amendment that all the amendments moved by hon members in the course of ihc debate be added which was agreed to as m likewise an amendment to extend the number to 1000 copies york patriot klxgtos tveday mqfisixg march 4 1834 it will be seen by the notice ofa public meeting of mr truuxs friends this evemw at the commercial hoteh that it is not the intention of that gentleman to give up the contest without a eirugele ith mr hagerman becaufie on wednesday the friends f mfi h consisting of every mill under magisterial influence made a strong display ol strength at the court house- the election however does not lie w he noisy individuals then present but with the inhabitant householders of the town and among them ihe liberal party has many friends we are free to confess that for the sake of rxvon- ciliinz exciting prejudices and perhaps also from pome national feeling we regret that some other gentleman of liberal opinions who has throd luck to hen born subject of his majesty has not come forward on this occasion but ought we on that ac count to throw afi trunks birth in his facel if the town of kingston is unable to produce one natu ral horn subject possessed of sufficient public spirit to offer his gratuitous services to his fellow towna- imji ought we to refuse those of another loyal sub- ject becau that subject canie herein early life from a foreign country surely not if we cannot oh- tain the man wo wnuld perhaps select were the choice open io ourselves let us not turn away the proffered kindness of another even if ihc fact should he that he was once an alien i codericb dy our laft account from gftdarieh wa learn 4hittho tiets of emigration atill continues to flow westward ftoiwkhatukling ihc diffifuliiea to bocontunded with on tha cod and all ihe toil and mlta neceaaaily incident to winter traniporttlion in i new country the siacn boat which will be launched at godcrich in april neit will obviate all difficul ty of approach during the iummrr rimi greatly irnd to in- creiaelhe population and add to the proapfitjr oflhia intrr- ealmnliuleawi port the school at goderich are weundor- atand in a flounahing atato iht under the guidance of mr hamilton a gentleman of hih library aiiaimnenta ulely ar rived haa fifly sohoulsi and an infant school and seminary for ymnjj ladie ha lately been aitablihod under tho auper- fitrndrn nf mra wabb vva ara 6ilh informed thai a it ift well known that mr truax rm no penonfi amhitton to gratify he ie not anxious to go to par liament hecaue were he eo inclined ihe county o frontenac haa long been open to hia acceptance he haa no ttuch ambition to gratify hot he dotfuwiah to pee thia town elevate itself amonj canadian citieai and he ktvtwi that while mr hagennan continues to represent it that no ouch result is likely to trite from his representation upon principle therefore he acta and from a lively desire to see the prosper ity of the place of his abode it is also well known that before mr truax consented to receive the re- rpiiftitiorv he made several personal applications to certain individuals who all refused to stand a con test with one whose influence is so much dreaded no that of mr- llagrrman and moreover finding hid solicitations fruitless he offered to aubscribe one hundred dollars ttwrds telmying the expenses ol any gentleman who could beprvvwled upon to leave his private builtest and ro to york on that of the public upon the score of rjuaification no olyjection can be made to mi truax his property tsmple and all vesttd in this town hn attachment to tire crown and cunstitution of grw britain is m ht himself says unquestionable iis commercial pnbiiyis proverbial and his privaucharacter unimpeachable mr hagerman could not then have a more formi dable opponent for all tlut con be said aginst him h thai lie is an america by birth although ten yrara ago he took the oau of tlleginnce to his mft- jety ond became thereby tntitled to all ihe privi leges ofa naiuml horn bjtxt we have ho room to pursue this subjtxt at present and shall there fore conclude this article ith a laie remark in the montreal herald upon vr h gates r member ol the legislutive council in lower canada beiiig stig mntized ns unlit for olficc because like mr truax he was an americun m crime imputed to mr gates is that he is an american which in a countr like canada would be a very ridiculous objection seeing she must borrow k population fron every country in the world our paper has been so filled with the local poli tics of the town that webave sadly neglected the more important parliamentary proceedings at york we however hasten to mate some amends by giving a short account of the transactions of the past few days although we sniggeredand grinned at iht petition of mr dalton to breed t water fish in fresh water lakes yet it appears that on the 19th uli our sa pient house of assembly thought the project no laughing matter and in pe of the cty sensible remarks of dr duncomhe the petition was actual ly referred to the cummin of supply who from all that can be gathered will grant a sum of money to try an experiment that will render the province the ridicule ofthe world on the same day mr smmsnnabill for monopo lizing all bank iraniciions in the province to the present chartered hacks was very properly kicked out of the house mr bidwell said that great as this house might be in legislation it could not prevent the circulation ofthe notes ofthe montreal bank they were of great benefit to the country though they may reduce rhe profits of the banks here the effect of this bill would be to restrict commercial enterprise in a very great degree it might deprive these foreign bank as they are called of hostile feelings towards us which would be more injurious to ns than it would be to then if a measure was brought for ward to restrict circulatron of ootes under 20 shillings he would support it as it weald have ihc effect ol producing a great circulation of metallic currency throughout the country which would benefit the poor man he thought it unwie and impolitic to introduce a measure of this kind and he hoped ii wonld fal- on the 20th mr terry succeeded in passing his hill for the sale ofthe clergy reserves through a second reading upon which a wry animated debate cnsuerl displaying the great talents of mr bidwell in a striding manner the length of which entirely precludes its publication on the 24ih the bill was read a tlnrd time and passed on the 22nd mr- robinson moved the order of the day for increases ihe charter ofthe york and kingston banks this motion gave rise to some very severe reflectinn hy m flfc u thr conduct ofthe president ofthe york bank w ho in h s lace as legislative councillor argued against the propriety of passing the hamilton cohourbank rills fur ihese reason vis that there exists no ne cessity for incretsing the circulating medium in the province that the passage of ihe hills would en- dancer ihe biln now under the consideration of thr kinds government that there are not persons in the outer districts capable of managing the opera tions ofa bank mr mcnab said he could attach little weight to these objections as regards the first anv our hose ideas of the wants of the country extend beyond the limits of the home district knows to the contmry and if there is any thine in the ohjec- ion surely it ouffht to apply to the bills under thr protection ofthe hniu member for simcoe a well as to any others and would not ihe passaee of a bill hi hicreate the charter of the york bunk n itiulfl lhttic u oill iw nfc ii mil j 11 i sage ofa bill establishing a bank in another part ofthe country as to the last objection he llioughl it a slandtr gratuitously offered tu the outer dttricts he cared not who made the objection hut he would sav that there weie in gore men wirli as much discretion just as able just as enlightened and jiwl as honest as there are in york and woud ufler little in comparison with the directors ofthe bank of upper canada had one great bank been es tablished iih branches in every district ol ihi province not however completely under the control ofthe directors in york it might have mwld a good furkse but now having chartered a srtotul bank there could be no objection to a third it was his belief that the commercial bank of iw midland district never would have received it charier had it not not been for the war losses tlv passaee ofone was made hy its promoters todejnd upon the other look at the great benefit the ol k bank bus conferred upon the province more par ticularly on the town ofyoik hut why fhouh w tfitethein a monopoly encrease ih chanei oj these hanks and no charter will ever he nbtatnei for any of the outer districts of ihe province he regretted exceedingly llml be hills sent up itom that house were opposed in the legislative couucl hy the president of the york bank hear hrar he thought it exceedingly indelicate in that hon member when such is the case and other direc tors and stockholders are seen following in his wili in tlvat house and when th- reasons assigned loi their opposition are known and when in the course ofa few days they endeavour to cet a bill ihrvugh this house to encrease the charter of the vpper canada bank what would the country think and say 1 will they not have reason to complai w their representatives he would repeat that he deeply regretted that the head of the york lank should have felt it his dutv to have voted against the establishment of other banks when the cpper canada bonk had under his good management at tained such a standing all over the world the hon ipember for simcoe who wished to get the matter back to the order of the day would no doubt advo cate the necessity but he would do donbt advocate the necegsityi but he would recommend him mt to presa it for now was the time for that hou o make a stand hear eaf and the hon member might rely upon it he was reckoning without his host this house was in his opinion much better capable of judging of the wants of thr province than the hon leg council and ihe hon member for simcoe could not expect that house wvuld abandon their views merely to adopt those of the leg- council he would oppose the measum at tempted to be introduced in every shape and way he possibly could the house adjourned letters have been received in town this morning saying that the parliament will be prorogued to morrow why how now muduin flirt what is with yu the mutter if youre for hinging dtri leasee who hut can spatter madam flirt old song we have been much surprised at certain rude ob servations personally applicable towards uurnelves ui the editorial matter uf the chronicle of 6aturdiv and the only thing hich remains to be determined js are those expressions intended as a ugml of war we sincerely hope the contrary not that we feu man or devil in the shape of an editorial foe much leas that um whom so repeatedly have we vanquish ed that our very arms have tired of whacking him but conceiving that in the ensuing contest diere will lie more than quantum svjicit of ill bluoa displayed there exists no necessity for the editors of the two belligerent journals to be more personal toward each than the strict occasion warrants when we describe the gentlemen we allude to as high and ultra toriea we have their writings as our guide and their own expressions for our excuse but when these same gentlemen point us out as ol radical notoriety it would be as well for them to find one single paragraph in the whole course ol of our late or present writing which breathes any spark of what may be purely termed ratim politi cal doctrine our humble endeavors are to sec es tablished within this province the same good govern ment which exists in great britain as british whigs are at the head of his majestys councils at home so it is our wish to see british whigs sup plant canadian and yankee tories in the execu tive and legislative colonial assemblies and there fore until our opponents can point out any one ex pression or action which goes beyond this legitimate object of ambition and has a tendency towards an archy or even republicanism of any kind we shall consider ourselves politically slandered when ac cused of radicalism it is possible that envy or jealousy of our adver tising patronage and increasing circulation may be attributed by others as the cause which actuated so many acrimonious expressions after so leng a si lence an imputation which it behooves the gentle men ofthe chronicle to remove it is true we may have some reasons for knowing that such a sordid motive does not exist hut the public may judge dif ferently and less dependence will be placed upon their statements hereafter than their worth may de serve in requesting therefore that during these electioneering contests personalities on both sides may be abstained from we do it as much out of re gard to our opponents astoourself but if itis deem ed highly necessary to the tory cause that we should be blackguarded in order to destroy our in fluence why in the name of gay we ask nothing but a fair field and no favor and the public shall judge who best can spatter toryasweareto the hack bone erf chron mr d williamson has requested ns to say thai he doe not think the interruption he received at the town meeting proceeded horn mr g mckenzie as fir as we could observe and we kept our eye very closely upon all the actions of the tory orator we are still of opinion that mr williamson was in terrupted by mr mcketie particularly at the time when mr williamson was asking what great thing mr hagerman had ever done for kingston br in stead of allowing him tu continue his observations mr mckenzie jumped up and siiid 1 will tell yo what mr hagerman hasdne upon which down sat mr williamson and on went mr mckenzie now if this is not interrupting a gentleman t williamson observes in his letter 10 im waseu dent tttat a number of persons was collected for ih purpose of preventing any thing being said unle hy the party ihry were intructed to hear on saturday noon ihe horse and cow belonging to mr carrell were sold in the mnrketplnce to sat isfy the fine imposed hy an arbitrary and vindictivt magistracy acting under the consciousness n wrong these genllemen ordered out the wlmlc con- fluihuiafory posse at their disposal consisting of the high constable and his bludgeoned assistants and in case this force should not be sufficient the inilita ry were applied to to be ready at a moment no lice in order to act should there be occasion am what cave rise to this mighty display of armed mi- ihoruyl simply because the magistrates in orde to please the ton carters and thereby command their votes at the ensuing election thought proper n fine a gcnleman of known opposite political senti ments for ihe committal of an offence lor wnicl neither by law nor equity ought he to have beei punished the crowd was numerous and a good deal of public indignation was displayed viva voce but not the smallest obstruction to the sule was oflered on two reasons first on account ofthe perlect inutility ol such a measure and secondly because the exhi hhionofsuch scenes will tend more towards the re demption of this oppressed town from tory misrule than the daily writings of fifty newspapers the cattle were sold for about five pounds sufficient to cover theme aud their worships fees and the crowd dispersed ooe act of brutality we witnessed the early part of the sale some unr hid wo dollufs in jeat when one pound was the sacking price whereupon one of die constable joseph kirbyj without staying to enquire wh w c rat his heavy bludgeon ard struck an unoffending by stander who had not opened his mouth a heavy blow on the head d rendered bun foitmxnmm ments insensible if such are the proceedings tole rated by kingston magistrates well may we par ody im hurlequc expression of one of heir body oh happy town in whh magistrates order their commands to be perloriped and then knock down a man for itucing the execution address df d vanalsline esq to the freeholder of frontenacf delivered at the cunty meeting on the 27th ui upon being nominated candidate to rc- preaent that county at the next election mr chairman uentlemen freeholders impressed with lively feelings of respect arid grtv itmle for so united and ardent manifestation of your sentiments in my favor i rise to address you the nomination you have been pleased to make has as much surprised me as no doubt it haa niirprised many of my more immediate friends i came here to support the candidates named to me previous to the meeting but as one of them dm been already nominated and the others have de clined a nomination i should be wanting in my duty to my country were 1 to refuse the call of so numerous and so unanimous- an assemblage com posed as it is ofthe strength and sinew wealth and respectability of the county 1 am sure that all who know me will acquit me of any premeditation or unfairness in the observa tions which the nomination of john mark esq called from me at the time 1 stated my objections to that gentleman for whom i have the most un bounded respect and esteem i had not the least idea that my name would come before you as a candidate for had such been the case i would sooner have died than uttered one word that might have a tendency to make my chance of succesa against his one jot the greater am sure i have but to allude to this circumstance to claim your lair judgment of the transaction cheers although gentlemen it will be no advantage but on the contrary a serious damage for me to leave my business ehould i liave the honor to be elected your representative yet seeing you have chosen me i am willing to submit to anv sacrifice to meet your wishpjtj 1 rnnv h i am for i am known to most of you 1 was horn and bred among you my father was one o the first settlers in this province a v e loyalist who fought bled and suffered in defence of the british government during the bloody revolutionary war with the united states trained up as 1 was by a real friend to his king and country al though 1 was but sixteen years of age at the break iog out of the late war with the united stateis yet i volunteered my sword and services and served the whole time of its duration sometimes travelling 400 or 500 miles and regarding nothing but the manifestation rc my zeal in defence of the country that protected my family aud gave me birth i should not allude to these circumstances were it not too common a practice for our onemie the tories to tax eery man who strives to remove the abuses in the provincial government with dis affection and disloyalty you know and i know that the real loyal men in the country are those who wish to support the ijririah constitution in its puri ty and that those persons who are always bawling out the cuckoos note loyally loyalty are the very first to violate its provisions to suit their own purposes for example these same loyal persons have this very session passed an act abolishing ui i measure a britons right tkial by jury cheers gentlemen i am happy to say that 1 am a briton horn mid one in principle i have always fought in defence of her institutions and hope even to stand fur ever in the same cause yet gentlemen i am a constitutional reformer i am happy to say that our constitution provides for the protection of the lowest subject in his majesty dominions and it is therefore our bounden dnty to maintain our rights ronstitutioually yes gentlemen our worthy monarch long may he live is anxious hat every subject in his ast domains shuutd enjoy his rights and privileges and is moreover highly pleaded to ee his people manfully stmid forward and defend them the people are the strong bulwark of his tewhftriir wrlptrtavemswwe joint enemies ofthe king as the people they wish to control he majesty of the one and oppress tlie iberties of the other in england happy and free england thanks be their power is utterly an- ihitated and prostrated to the earth and i hope i shall speedily see the diy when the same state if things shall exist in canada cheers and cries of tee wilt he free the purpose for which we have this day em- bed is thai you might choose candidate to be re turned by you at the next election for members of parliament a branch of our legislature through which you the people are represented and it ia therefoie but fair and just towards yourselves that you should be careful in your selection and make choice of none who may be under executive influ ence for gentlemen should the house of asaem oly be filled with placemen dependents on the go vernment will it not be reasonable to fear that those t oms would not represent the people but the go vernment and i ask you if we are to have a house of assembly why should not that house be composed entirely of persons who are able to act ree and independently t suppose for a moment that this betrue that men under the influence of the executive are to be returned to parliament and then act a it is to be feared thev will act i then ask whether it would not be far belter wa reasonable to do away with the aely w ther save the expen and ecutiv manage the affair- 0 lhe wwiice m y did whej b country was drat settled whe grievenco wertd not known nop ber4 of 1 cheer i shall iw occupy more of your ttrae but mewlj add aboukt my life be spared will meet you at b j poll on the day of election and should i be re turned as your member nothing thall prevent nh from mrivlng to the utmost of my ability to da charge taithfully the important duty auigned to rr in conclusion 1 beg iq picntion that moderation w all things hi highly requisite and it is alar nf opinion that proper respect should he paid to every branch of the government although at the mi lime it is the duty of the people to aland forward boldly in defence of their prevjtege his not reasonable in me to m that i hall wm to 9tr4

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