ibrawtam wma published semiweekly opipeu peil orbem dicor voiiumk l by e j barker m d kingston u tuesday march 4 i no 8 the british whig a 86miavfxkly journal tfovoud to commercial nnd political iiifonnlmn publish ewrv tuesday and friday mornins by doctor barker editor mi proprietor at his 01 ficc in ttmr stroolfttexl lkir lutlic coannwiul motel for country circulation only the british whio u iublilied every tuesday afternoon iu a weekly form and will c found to contain the mot important matter of uio snni- weekly paper tirm fr the semi wirklypnpcronr pound per annum if paid in advance or within three mritlt from the receipt of the first nuinur and one pound five shilling if collected at tii end of the year exclusive of poster- for the country p per twelve ihluingi and sixpence per annum if paid iu mvnctt or within thtoc months from the receipt of the first number and fircgti ilultillgi if collected at tle eod of the year exclusive of posture coinpaoic of individual who renle in the country and who may prefer to send to the ofttci or their papers niav have them supplied at ten btiillinys per copy per annum prompt nay nquhscrijlion received for less than six month and no paper dwconiinued until all arrumgtson paid up except at the option of uic publisher gtftcrusnncnts six line and under 3s 6d- fitinnertion and 71 ejicb subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3 iii h ertion anil jj eahobsoouent insertion above ten liocs 4rt per line for the firt insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direction are inserted till forbid and charped accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment jjo letters uikon in except from agent unless post paid jlcttcr press printing doctor barker having obtain a most superior press and m excellent assoment of jos typeu enabled to execute every desciiption of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto uupreccdcntly low in upper canada marble wokks the under si xed beg ltatr io inform the i his sureties inut execute the i kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingmonand the public mjtjhv are respect fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation iron and brass casting of every description made io order on the shortest noticy inclmlitio ajrtf costings clothier and other scrcus milt pinions gearings also irimniinand finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der in the course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will be kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and retail efoa sale a small steamengine of4horse power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24th january 1834 1 barr cam notick is hereby given that the canteen in he undermentioned barracks are to be let upon the following conditions for two years from the 25ih march next no person but of an unquestionable character nor anv person lor more than one canteen or who will not undertake lionaliilc to reside in the can teen and conduct the business thereof in his own person will be approved and two sureties will be required for the regular payment of the rent andof all sums which may become due ill respect of the sid canteen and for the due performance uf the several conditions and stepulations of the lease the person wiionc proposal shallbe accepted and denture and icase igston iiorticl james wadsworth respectfully informs ilw inhabitants of k that he intends resuming the business of nurferymjljy svedsmajv flo rist opon an extensive scale as early uii- spring as the season will permit on his nursery grounds immediately attached to the union church burial ground where hi hopes to be favored with the calls of all persons wo l w to improve the state of their pleasure grounds flower or kitchen gardens j- w also begs leave 6 no that having on hand a considerable uantity of the very best english qjkbdbn sheds imfofttep wit tall he will for public convenience expose them for salein the marketplace eery saturday and tuesday mornings between the jours jlfmend noon kingston feb 25ih is34 mtm 6 ty that he marble inhabitants of kitlffttrotl d its icin keeps on hand a innre assortment of chimney pieces tombs heartstone of all description finished in the best manner he trusts from ins loni experience in the b isiiiess and from the arrangements iu- has made to receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage- a11 orders executed on the lmriert notice john cullbn q iarrysr kingston feh 7lll istfl- tf 1 returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public genrnjly for the support he has received and now begs leave to inform them that be has leased hat well knoun stand he mr jon dow uses in store street where oi bus jurt opened a tuveni for general cntenain- jnent which will be known by the name of the a tsj f tl fr e r jy luiud an assort- ines i lent shede a he will at nil f jiney kccp on ment ihc iiftl liquors and vi al6t in rear of lie u oiwe are bxce swbli t knissron feb 27 is31 pur- lavor four caution this is to forbid any person or persons chasing a note of hand drawn by me in of hiram wood or bearer for the sum of pound three sftittittgs dated dece 1833 at iiintv hav thr- mid noe havincr been left with air chhiles himii wllieh was obtained of him by hirmn lvol under false pretence and for it 1 have received no value david fish kingston feb 27th 1s34 7 of covenants relating thereto the particulars where of may be known by applying to this office or to he barrack masters at the several barracks the names of two respectable persons with their lllt- uit i iiulli 1 i c j 1 1 1 1 i 1ll il 1 i ulndi who will join the tenant in executing the indenture as hu sureties must be inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance department does not undertake to pro cure the tenant a license- sealed proposals addressed to the respective officers at kingston with the words tender for canteen written on the outside cover will be re ceived at this ollico on or before 12oclock noon on the 18th march next after which l any pro posals received cannot he noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops billeted oi them all persons making tenders for canteens are to take notice that they will be held to the strict per formance of the covenant of their leases and full payments of their rents without any remission or reduction further than the covenant of the lease it self set forth thr form of the tenders to be a3 follows i hereby offer for the canttcn in the burratk at for twdcc honttv from the 25th march acxtf the rent of pounds per annum for thr house os dwelling mid tht further rtnt of pc month for every ten joncianed officer and private soldier who may occupy the 2rracka dur- david leahy returns his sincntf thanks to his friends and public senerally for tic support he has received previous to the late cohniatous fire by which he was a severe suflerer rtld now begs leave to inform rhem thai he has leased that stone buildimr in ringtreet belonging imr waikins next to dr bakers and near tht- chronkk office comer where he has just opened an inn for general en tertainment he will jc all times keep on hand an assortment of the bes liquors and fvjnejs also in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston 20th feb is34 impqbtant iavii wiijliahisojv having determined tin extending his business and removing to a more uligblc situation by the 1st may bogs leave to itilonn his numerous friends and the public iu general that he will dispose of his present new and extensive stock of dry goods at unprecedented low prices for cash mis stock consists of superfine and refine black blue olive brown and drab cloths mixture and fancy cashmeres j petershams pilot cloths flushing coatings canadian and strung cloths fur farmers use with an extensive assortment of scarlet white and colored flannels m 64 tickings blankets and baizes winter hosiery c c black and colored gros de naples bombazines crapea andmcrinoes worsted plaids ginghams checks and primed calicoes in great variety with a genera i- and select assortment op other goods connkcted with the trade to suit the present and approaching season which country storekeepers mid others who wish to realize a saving will find worthy of their at tention xto second price iads- kingtton feb 6 161 1 jvfem provision store baker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform the public that they keep on hand wholesale retail the following gnods american pork hams venison do mutton do mess pork prime mew do prime do bxcellent fresh butter do salt do scotch herrings north shore do digby do chamonr do salmon trout french cod dried appleg york bay oystett fine flour indian corn meal oats peas beans fine flavored teas american cheese canadian do excellent strong beer superior cyder in bbls spices of all kinds muscovado sugar refined do poultry of all kinds c all which articles together with many others will be sold low for cash in addition to the above baker egan have laid in a good assortment of drv goods glassware crockery market square kinton feb 10 1834- r 0 fa mj o ojt john belongeirireturninghissinccrc thanks to the gentry and otherinhahitant of kingston for the many favors conferred upon him during the last thirteen years respectfully begs leave to acquaint rlinm i di ip lm taken lp ntlufts situated at the eor ner of king iueen streets which he has filled in a superior manner anywhere he will prepare as formerly iuppers uunctifsdups fcc to those gentlemen who nay be pleased to patronize him he takes the present qiportunity also to inform the public that he is now manufacturing and intends to keep constantly on bind wholesale and retail all kinds of iiuortt cordial coifecllouryt ibtry c large or small dinner pirtics attended to upon the shortest notice cjiist received from xcw york a superior as sortment of the finest east wdm preserves kingston feb itsch b34- 4 notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the surrogate of the midland district surrogate court to appoint alexander mxabb esq of kingston gentleman guardian for henry wil liam hugh and eliza roney infant orphan chil dren of jttmea and jane honey deceased pur- suant to the act in such case made and provided w i cook town warden kingston 20th feb 1834 new store william macuruer resuectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckeozie junr f directly opposite the hardware store of mr john watkins store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of drv goods groceries wines at spirituous liquors w m g trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business will lecommend hint to a fair share of the public support 1 kimrsron fek 7ih is34 1 ng tkat period and propose mr oj and mr of as my sureties for the same the kills of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite to each in the mh e ai following list therefore the biddings will be upon mwfl iy w eviy fin mnn ocrawiryj the l3i rucks this number will be ascertained from die lfurrack masters monthly returns which are made up on the hrsl day of every month and no changes in the occupations of the barracks which may lake place in the progress of the month either for or against the tenant will be taken into account mo less number than ten will be charged agahmihe tenant nor will any odd number be calculated thus if the barracks should be occupied by ms men on the first day of lite month only 140 will be cal culated or thai month the bidders are also desired tu introduce no fractional parts of a penny iu their oflers us ttiey will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly ac cording to the above form kwmov puinl hnry oiliceofordnaiice kingston d c i7th feb 1634 r the subscriber of whicl i me day to let with puanathon on the 15th of april next that excellent stand for business immediately adjoining mr g w yarkers hardware establish ment at present in the occupation of 15 0 01 2 0 0 also to let possession will likewise be piven on ihe thai desirable and pleasant family resi- cc wiih an excellent gurden us orchard attached uprising ihree tilths of an acre and an excellent well of water situated at the lop of grave street pm occupied by i t a corbett feb 7tli 1334 1 f for sale f by the subscriber superfine flour by the hh h prime mess pork do k butter by the quantity cheese du du s n cvvldwell market place kingstonfb 7ih 181 1 wholesale and betail hardwarli store upper end op si ore street kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tbe public that he has hudy received from england an extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery c which he now oilers fur sale at very reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smiths bellows wrought and cut nails english swedes and russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tin plates pitch tar rosin whiting window glass paints turpentine linseed and olive oils glaziers dimonds car penters tools and files of every description flint and purcussion guns tinnd japannd plated and polished bias and stirrups single and dou ble bridles trace and ox chains gun powder and shot chain cable white and tarred rope english and philadelphia mill saws cross cm and pit saws hand saws circular saws spatles and shovels steelyards fire irons short and long handled frying pans cast and wrought iron hinges tea kettles sauce pans baking and suaar kettles 3leggd round iron puts bar lead single and double sheet iron shoe makers thread russia bristles and shoe sprigs iron brass and copper wire gilt plated and hum buttons needles thimbles brass candlesticks wire and brass fenders dish covers iron rim mortice and cabinet locks wood screws cur riers knives trowels plated snuffers and trays plated table and tea spoons cabinet brass foundry braces and bins waggon boxes ja- d trays grain and bar tin c c k cheshire chicsc is lb superfine english ulue u lb thomas hardy- hll i i x removal m the subscribers have removed to mr thomas smithy premises ajjoning air noble palmers druggist shop out door south of the jharkci square joseph allen co atiffionccrs general ji gents kingston feb 10th 1834 announcement james linton avails himself of the preeenl opportunity of inform the friends of the late mr michael moras iinrljlifiiililirinnmerwl tlii he intends carrying on i ne liuatitesai of aucziqjfeen wd commission mejrthvt in ill its various branch on behalf of the widow by strict attention to frihiiwwi and by punctuali ty james linton hopes meet a share of public putronnge- sale op crown lawd3 notice is hereby given ihat a poriion of the vacant crown ltnds in ihc townships orsunuidale not- rawasnga arta and zoro irn the home district will be offered for sale v public auctiok at the court house in the town of york on monrlrtfi the 10th of march next al 12 oclock noon at the upset price o cy per jlcre on condition of actiuil settlement and upon the usual terms of payment also jkater lots in front of lots 13 14 15 and 1g in the said town commissioners of crown hands office york 17th feb is34 cash advanced on snoods kingston fcbrunrvjfc 1834 3 phllll engtist the subscriber begs leave io inform le gentry and public n kingston and iis viciniix that lie iras opened bis long room and is no ready to receive consign ment from all parlies illin2 to realize immediate rash for landed property merchandize house hold furniture c c his nightly auctions will be continued as usual at which every article in the dry good line may be purchased at uniueccdently low prices hugh scanlan auctioneer and commission merchant kington feb 6 ih34 auction and commission btjstness r jackson grateful for the distinguished mtronev he has received since his connnencement in the above line begs leave to return thunks and to staff to the public generally that his house which was burned in november last is again rebuilt with an extensive auction room where he intends to re sume the business of general auctionkkr and commission acient ai hind of cattle and land sold on the most rea sonable terms n b reference con be given to some of the most respectable gentlemen in town r jackson kingston feb 6 1831 auctioneer for sale by the subscriber 500 sides of sole leather 50 do of skirting 200 do of upper leather a large quantity of calf kidd and hog skins also 200 bbls of salt at us 3d s r caldwell kingston feb 25th 1834 tihst bate butter tor sale a large quantity of first rate butter at 9d per lb also tine bay or uuintie cheese at 6d per lb the above can be confidently recommended as being of the best quality c7 private families will find it to their advantage io call and examine the simc thomas wilson kingston feb 7 1s31 information wanted of moses waugh pedler who left kingston in julv iuc for the upper country and who was last heard of in braitfoni gore district any person having knowledge of the above will confer an obligation on ihe undersigned by commu- t a corbett kingston feb 18th 1934 4 tjunvu ywb emigrant the york advocate and guardian anil the gor mercury will please tu copy ihe above fur three e lesslie sons ix adoption w their supply of books station crv dints patent medicines have for sale s20c li rapping paper kniish german toy j 2ewi green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil ill jrf 8t bbls leather wood a transfer varnish seine c sail twine c c c kidctton feb 1634 1 3n wanted a respectable youth from 14 to 16 years old as an apprentice to ihe dry goods business iq engage lor a term of jmrs one of toliihh education from the country would be preferred apply to wm wilson kingston january 3ut 1s34 kingston feb 7 1834 take syotjce the subscriber being about to relinquish business in kingston requests all persons indebted to him by note or bool account to call and settle ihe same without delay t a coruett kingston feb tib is31 hvdsionstitebthotel albany u chi kcisllii respectfully informs his canadian friends thai he continues to kvcp open his well known es- tablislunent where gentlemen from the provinces may depend upon finding the best accommodations upon tin- most reasonable terms albany jan 1st 1s34 1 tf parker sl benson have on hand and are now offering for sale at their store u very extemivc and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries wines c by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprimhg every article re quired by the farmers whether for domestic ag ricultural building or other purposes and to which their attention is requested they are now paying cash for all kinds of mer- chantamo produce kingston january oth 1s34 1 cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave 10 tender his sincere thanks to his priends and the public in joneral for the support he has received since he vommenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a lare assortment of wines jamaica spirits spanish cornac brandy holland gin peppermint shrub worthy tlic notice of tavern keepers also groceries- earthenware glass and a large quan- rjty of wt india rirt of the first quality a lirge assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese butter oatmeal cortuncal honey flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston january 9th 1s3j 1 extensive fall importations received by j w armstrong sl co their usual fall supplies of staple and fancy goods suited to the present and approaching sea son to which they respectfully solicit public atten tion among their stock which with extent com bines an infinite variety will be found superfine yorkshire and west of england cloths and cassi- meres some of the finest fabrics in black blue and fan cy colors double milled olive invisible green russia brown and drab surtout clths flushings petersham bath coating yorkshire beaver satinettand canadian cloths barragans f listings velvets and velveteens fnurpoint whitney androseankes flannels serges and baizes white and colored counterpanes and marseilles quilts bed ticks printed calicoes regatta stripes and real scotch ginghams steam loom cottons turkey stripes and striped shirtings white and colored plain imd satteen jean moreen and chintz furnitures shalloons boinbazetts bombazines norwich crapes and taftsin plaids merinos double twilled crapes and camblets twilled sacking osnaburgs dowlas sheeting and sail canvas irish linens long lawns french and imitation cambrics aod cambric hkfb huccaback diaper brown nuu bleached diaper table cloths brown and bleached holland hook jacconet cambric and mull muslins checked striped and hair cord jacconets plain figured bobbinetta urlings blonde and real thread laces edgings and bbbinctt quillings thread and muslin insertions lace caps and cap crowns muslin si lace robes black and colored gros de neples and gros dena- ples ginghams white black and colored crapes crape royal and figured gauzes india lustrings sarcenets persians and satlins black and white lace veils gauze veils scarfs and handkejrfihjef lace and muslin collars muslin stomachers la dies corsets and corded petticoats fur trimmings boas muffs and tippets- north west buffalo robep gentlemen fur caps chamois skins and gen tlemens manufactured chamois vesta and draw ers worsted and lambs wool do gurnsey frocks and worsted belts silk cotton worsted end lambs wool hosiery and wadmilled ovemll hose ladies and gentlemens single fletcy and cha mois lined gloves hair combs buckskin milts braces silk stocks suflhers and opera tyes gentlemens silk cloak cords and tassels cloak clasps silk and cotton umbrellas black and colored silk vewets and velvet rib bons india bandannas rich drees hkfs and ladies sontagmeaux cassimere worsted cyprus crape rockspun merino and real thibet shawls and hkfs sarcenet sattin and gauze ribbons christys london hats patent leather caps and scotch bonnets brussels kidderminster and venetian carpeting hearth rugs cloth tooth nail and hair brushes worsted cotton and silk fringes lambs wool worsted and cotton yam 5 crockery glassware liquid and paste blatking jfcc c c white sparkling champagne jolys brand in cases of one two or three dozen each kingston nov 18 183a 1 tf information wanted of jane thorp who left montreal for the upper province about the end of april last in company with the family of thomas gallay for merly of chamblv letters to be addressed to arthur ledlei kinirsioh feb 7th 1834 1fwfk sides sole leather mjfm 50 oou cast 6ee axes shepherd simmons work 200 barrels salt 50 tierces west india rice for ale bv parker benson january 9 1834 1 wanted a young lad as a compositor in this office of tole rable good english education kingston feb 18 1834