Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 25, 1834, p. 4

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lands for sale in upper canada the following valuable lots of land arc offered for sale on very reasonable terms in edwarthburghi jonstown district lot no- 17 in the gth concession 200 acres good land in an old nd well settled township cleared on both sides near to mills and good roads in burgess johnstown district lot no 24 in the 4th concession 200 acres good land and near the rideau canal in rawdon midland district lot no 19 in the 14th concession 200 acres land said to he good in oroi home district broken lot no 1 first range and part of lot no 1 in second range 100 acres excellent land ftod well situated likewise in the same township lot no 3 second range gore 300 acres beautifully situated on the bank of lake simcoe very superior land adjoining excellent set tlements one of which is lieutenant obriens iii essa home district west halves of lots no 6 and 7 and cast half of lot no 6 gilt concession 300 acres excellent land and the notuiwasasa ri- mortgages memorial deeds of assignment bonds wills testaments protests contracts a ft charter punic ver runs through it in caudoni home district east half of lot no 9 in the 5th coocessiou east of hurontario street 100 acres very excellent land cleared on three sides within a mile of flouring and saw mills in flossy home district lot no 26 on the pene- tanguishinc road 200 acres very excellent land a river running through it and excellent milt seats and will soon be very valuable and probably a vil lage laid out there in thorah village of beaver town at the mouth of beaver river vake simcoe 100 village hott n number of water lots and mill privileges when them is adam erected across beaver river and one of the best situations for manufacturers and mechanics in upper canada the steam boat landing is at hi place a store opened nnd many buildings are jjo ing up this place will eventually he the connect ing link between rice lake and lake simcoe apply to the proprietors r a parker york or x g parker kingston kingston january 30 ism 1 fakm for sjuub that well situated property lying on the west side of the 12 mile creek in the township of nelson lately belonging to daniel oreilly con sisting of part of lota so aiuf ftl flse 1st cm- cession of dundas street containing torether 150 acres about 75 of which arc under cultivation there are on the premises a well finished frame dwelling house bam stables and out houses with a merchants shop to any person desirous of entering the merchau- tile business the above property is well adaprcd being situated in thernidst of a fine wheat country and from the neighborhood of which large quan tities of staves are annually exported to the quebec market for further particulars and terms apply to an drew steven sq hamilton or at york o john rademiukst york january 9th 1s34 1 agreements powers of attonn and all commercial instruments prepared engros sed and attested upon thq shortest llotitc books posted accounts collected fttld lands bought and sold at thn oflicr of v t kennedy notary prnur land auvr uknealamu ntant store street kingston feb urfh i8sm- i br ic fnr the liberal has received since he bus been in take this method t inform them jt fjmrjtt to be some9 to be sold lot no 22 in the 3d concession ofkiftgston now in the occupancy ofllenry dalton the proprietor who i about to remove from the midland district this farm is2 12 miles from kingston fc is com monly known by the name of the picket farm it is designated in the original grant as a 200 acre 101 but contains actually about 285 acres of which considerably upward of 100 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation a great portion of the cleared land is alluvial of the richest descrip tion and the remainder upland admirably adapted to produce with suitable cultivation as heavy crops of every species of grain and pulse as the best land ie generally susceptible of procuring the farm is traversed in the centre by a run ning stream and besides abounds with living springs there are three dwellinghouses and two excel lent barns and a purchaser may be accommodated with the whole fanning stock consisting of cattle and horses with about 100 tons or hay 1000 bushels of oats with much other grain mid the requisite number of fanning implements the quality of the soil the quantity cleared with out a vesiige of roots or slumps and it close prox imity ta kingtttun hluch ho never mitistitd cash market render it a most desirable acquisition for n person of means who is desirable of enriching his family by agriculture possession with an indisputable title can be given at any moment and the term ol payment may be known by application to mr henry dalton on the premises or at the patriotoffice 22 j king street york feb 1 1 to let in seymour a valuable tavern stand in ihe centre of this rapidly improving township situated on the river trent and having a ferry attached to it to persons acquainted with the business few place of fer better prospect of success none but those who can present testimonials of sobriety and hones ty need apply further information may be had from mr ix perry at bellville or from major campbell in seymour seymour january 1834 t the suiiscrib tenders his thanks to ihe publ patronage lie business and that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buckskin mittens and tjloves whip cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and lyillita which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at tliesignof the beab market square geese feather paper rags old ivwter cop- pet and brass deer ikins sheep skiiif bees wax tallow c will be received inpayment the highest price paid at alttimmin cayh for furs n b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by so doing they will oblige bauton phillips kington fib 4 1854 1 crtmnc vw 7tac the subscriber offers for sale at tli albauv type foundry noi liberty street on the mostfvnnibte terms every variety o printing type together with cuts ijias utile gasflti galleys cities composingsticks and printing utensils tjciirrally also a new english script of which the caption and signature of line are specimens and a new great primer script cut in similar style these founts wore got up with great care and ex pense and are believed to be decidedly superior to any others cast in this country they were cm from the latent loudon scripts and on the most ap proved plan in lhc9c founts the double letters arc complete exhibiting that perfect connexion of the letters in initiation of writing whirh can ho cltected by no other method and completely avoiding that broken arid di0ottutituml fcpjieuiwice of btript cast tit the ordinary way which resemble italic letter rather than writing especially when il becomes a tfiflq uorn the plan on which these founts are cut is so systematic that the composition uud dis tribution are nearly or quite as minplc as that of plain letter- script has besides licen very objectionable as to the body it being cast either on a square body and most of the letters having of course some part of the face projecting over the side and very liable to break or hrjntf on ft plain inclined body and with great difficulty kept in line rnlll iimw objections arc completed obviated in the present founts the letter bun on an inclined body the lace cannot break olfltke that on fipinre body and the type being cast with a notch and shoulder in di sides is kept in line as easily as type of ituv hotly these founts require a common pair of eases only mill a few of the lower casi boxes divided each ibunt will be accompanied with a plan of the cases and the necessary directions and cases of the lint quality with die boxes divided it the pro per manner will be fiirnihecl w1ku ordered as no unnecessary sorts are put in the founts 3u pounds ol the english script is mtilirniit for a inort- eage and about hall that rjunnliiv i generally suf ficient for common jobs of the iinmt primer about one quarter more is required albany feb 131 jstmtnf jfr village ofthokom illlgc on the avelland c this flourwhing al ia growing importance deserves publication vsmagtfs from its extent of water many natural sdvnntncqs beinj irotn tion it is sittiate on the mountain i or sum mit level of the canal where he lockage couuneii ces and although derhiuu great and important ad- tower it possesses in a direct line be tween ihe rily of the falls and si catherines and about 8 mills from ihe former place in the heart of a wealthy and nourishing country and nilordinu every facility for wnrimu off promote to different markets having a direct commutiiralion by wtktef to both lakes from it being cjcvatid upwanls of three hundred feet nbovc the level nfloke ontario it lias a fine counnaudiutr prospect with good pure water and a salubrious air it is now scarcely three years since its commence ment and contains 16 families with a population of 260 souls nmong whom ore n number or good and respectable mechanic it has bnrsaw mills capn- ble of sawing from 13 to 13000 feet of lumber per day nnd a first rate flouring mill three merchant shops and a postoffice and from its situation ma chinery to any extent can be erected and aflords an excellent opening to mechanics of every descriji- a good tannery is much wanted which coultl tion jwvacres of first quality of land for sale j vu by the subscriber low for cash or ap proved credit no 23 in the 4th concession in the township of darlington 200 acres- s- w halves 29 and 30 in the 2d concession township of adgalo 200 acres s w half 26 in the 6th concession 100 aries 92 east side of the penetanguinshine road 200 acres for further particulars apply to the sub- bcribcr at 173 king street york james mctiure york october 23 1832 1 twelve hundred atkilk of choice land for sale situated in the townships of zorra and missouri in the london dis trict for 750 cash in hand enquire of mn xork 14 dec 1683 i respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of kingston and its vicinity that he llftojum received a very large assortment of fashionable fur caps of almost every description with a variety of ladiei muffs tippets with domsxo mutch infante fur caps and gentlemens pur gloves of all kinds and black kuwh lamb skins for coat collars the above furs arc from a rcspecuble house in montreal with positive instructions to tell litem at very reduced prices kingston 17th january 1934 1 be carried on very profitably to a great extent as bark can bo brought by water from the forests of chibpaivn and grand kivor 1 hero are awo two ptucrs of public workup and another in coiitenipljiiioii and a medical broctitioii- er from etliuhurgh the object of the subscriber in giving this public notice is in hold out inducement to persons wish ing tn jnurhasi- he will pc lot upon very reason bblo tcrtllftj and upon long credit to actual seitlen onlv thorold milkjan ieorge keefer 3 ll- i hatch chuirmnkcr kingston upper canada new livery stable in rrar of the khtgnoh ihitrl j devlin c respectfully unnonncc in the gentry mid inhabitiiiith of kiminn tliat iln have commenced a livery stauijsos above and that they arr now prepared to accommodate rhem with n choicc sirction of excellent iirc at birr with a greater xarieiy of vchuirs of fludiioiinbluuild ihebest kinds ond with competent and cunlul drirrv sadih elovmfi ofrverv pace vttmilhx wiftlting a runviynnct may nildtil any mnu and lia c tlu ir nrtlen promptly exicuied iiointa li ken in at livwy bouyhi and sold wfhaupd im dispunl of on comiuiviiik j 1 0k will twe ilicir best oxrriions inwnw fy the public and will make such improvnutntiit in their ewtablitthmcnt n may fmin time totiuuln nccwrtnry thrir icrmsoro moditntcj uudwill hr found inurli locr thm im hetetofoic charged kingston dee iu 1 i ts macmder has on hand a vrry lioice and coiupletr assort ment of trygo0j consisting of flushings caiiiulinu cloths rlniltntsj krd scarlet and whit flannels a vjuv extensive anoimiknt of 1iroad cloths ami ts5lmkrtk worsted inmfortrs iinbltt cloaks liaidn mvrinosi boninxett worsted hosiery sctftth uounets urnuii chiton ami ltmm hirings rry cheap twilled ftnckinffi aw vc- c tolrthcr a tilt goods tnll descriptions suitable for iho hotisoitf which in is selling very bw and to which he would licit h call the attenttun of the iradr aiq very suprrior cncnik brmdy on tin lnndfll forten kingston 18th jamurv is3i 1 just received an additional siipph uf that splendid book the english annuau for 13 edited by the iionmr nnmsox- aix 4i principles f government a treatise on proo itntlitnitonsi including the constitution of the united states by navhanielchipman l u l the above for salcl jami macfarlane co kiiurotofi isthdw l3a yokk 1 1 1 cickjha pk1c jfkkss the ubscribw beg u inform the public at targe thnt lie luis the above fr fh operation by the water sidr in the house thnt was fonnerly thecommissa- riftt ohice where evert j relating to that art can be done on die 4iorlo notice x b- this oilier milords vry great ndvantne tnthor persous ttho taxc lanre tntctsof laud for salens the diagram itwi be printed on the heading of handbills which will immediaiely show the exact shuuttoii of every lotiv all orders executed m neatnr and disputch s o tazewell- lltlfooxapbell ynrkucjiilyl j p o a mo maoazixk ox a new and omprehenive plan to iip called the canadian moftthtjy u 1is it is itneitdcd in a sh rt linici to submit to ptiblir npprovolor cnnilenuiahona umnthlv manjue of a rhuntcter more extended ihtul bashillutto been pub- lislwd in n british colony monthly and cluarterly periodicals have already boon tried bul with one sxiniiiig exception without success the projectors of the present work persuade themselves thry can discern something in the limit ed nature of those works to account for such an is sue sonuihincr in the altered aspect of the times to wannnt them in anticipating success for a periodi cal ofs niorr eomprehenwiv character under r- iinpreinu ihry submit iheir plan in an older society of n more ariilieial character in a innfor and more motley population a uiagazine will fuid ample support thnuirh confine to til d- uracy of oncrhim of prineiple or the tllustraiiou of one branch of srienv england franc fjvrma- uv and amrriea lune thrir lmiimsr reviews ihrir phrentilnsrieal journals ond their review and mn- irazines dcvoted to every possible mndilicniion of poliiical and ilieoliical rroecl canada if she de sire to rail into existence a periodical literature musi be content at lirl with one or two magazine embracing all and every llihu with this view it irf propotd to admit articles on eenonil politicaof any creed provided inoy discuss iiucslintnt in eaudid fair ami courteous language a voidinu ery the most diittnnl allusion or csprcsu siiiu which may be deemed likely to create pain in any breast an linnoftl and consistent tory has pltnsod us an article now and ihen and an unbciidhifl liberal is in our li for the same purpose and tin both ar edn- rated umtlcnuii ihouifli of avcri srhnftls the ca uadian monthly magazine 1 he tin immkle means of iustitiumi a sort o frierdly suit not between partirs fiir party it cchew but between contend ing political principles the decision the projectors pretend not to take upon themselves that mttsl tnt with ihe public while reviews arc devoted to one class of opin ions and read chiefly by llhv e wlm sulivciihe there to and what is worse deal fe i h evidence under the afwihfvt awtf wfvitlawns a hi vikrlfti ofoj- posite principles it will iot reach the rcadcrv eye a conviction that not onv the same review hut even ihe same number may contain a well writieu article on the other side will therefore operate nz a salu tary check upon a careless as well as a dihoucm dealing with evidence in this mode of tiiscuins disputable points the lover or truth must needs rejoice though as it will make wtd havoc wiihthc trade of a oliticnl jartizau the projectors ar inducal o hope it will not be with- nut enemies having said thus murh of the political character of the canadian monthh maira7ine the public must not lose sight of the favk that other subjects will oc cupy mm larccr portion l it paees the improve ment and dcvelopement the resources of the can ada the promotion of cdncttion sketches of socie ty literary essays and scientific disquisitions will all lind iheir apropriatt places in sliort ever thing will ih tended 10 caleuhiicd to render the work varied instructive and entertaining in a country makintr mse or two languaecs tin rrliiinu ol either muyi destroy or at all events iiileifere much with the usefulness of a work of the kind to render it therefore more essentially com- preheumve the canadian moutlily mooafiine is pro- posetl as the vehiele for article ml bolu french and english the rule of admiion being solely that al ready named in ulu fonnh paragraph of thu pro spectus thoiiffh the original harncter of the canadian monthly matraiuf will 01 be departed from wiih- out tfood mid snllirient m son slill wlieu any artirle in ihe liiulish french ameiiran peiiudieals of a character likely tube hibl illlcivsllugtu theeolo- uial reader fureesitsell njhill the notice ol the edi tors it will be iuwrtetl lastly tin publie mot he reminded lliat iwogon- ditiotts are invesury i i mieosful pneeuiion of the design first ntfhstnticc- second cover expenses the work will comtdl of four sluets ijr gl mgvs wi verv neatly printed nn ffmnl taper it wilt lie ivady liir delivery nil il hu da f rvrry mouth at twxtv uilunifs jr aiiiiuiiidelivrn in iiwii ami twhstvkoi u sun in- triuxuiiiiil b mail coimtmiuealiuiih hi h iuldiol eutlu icdumtsui the ctitfttttiuh jltntthfa ahigitzthtf hi ii ii ct n- mmhv or to the jthjf mwrtwr office lilidirs ol newspaper who an fiieudlv lo iheih- sirfil of ihe above periodical will oblige y glviiiglbe prospeetusa few inbertih momrettl nov 11803 i onsiaui mipply if liieimv subscription list mi1o ieut lo prospectus doctor barker respectfully acquaint his ivieuds and patrons that rs early a olrctimsuutces will petmit he will publish the first number of a new commercial poljtu cal journal imperial siw to be called tin british whig and continue o issue the kniw ecry tuesday and fiiday by ulght oclock in the mnruing as the duel object of the publisher 10 attempting a semiueekly paper will be of a commercial uattire every endeavour will be made to furnish the latent information relative to the cm rcet state of the ijiverw pool quilbecj montreal new york detroit york and kimrton markets together with m ample a de tail of kuropoan and colonial intelligence os the limits of hb paper will allbrd the politics of the paper will be strongly mark ed to compromise them in as few words as possi ble suffice it o say that liberal measures will be advocated upon british whig principles as far as they maybe found compatible with the locali ties of this province while an ardent attachment to the crown of great britain and her libera institutions will be manifest ed every colonial abuse will be pointed out every incipient encroachment upon tho liberties of the peo ple exposed every attention paid to their political wants the publie actions of all individuals will be considered open to comment at the same time their private transactions will be rigidly respected and the difficult line of demarcation between a public and private offence strictly observed a yerrs experience in the arduous task of cater ing for the political public ha- taught doctor bar ker to appreciate the difficulties of his undertaking ami has also taught him to know his deficiencies which is perhaps the best criterion of his intention to remedy ihcro all persons who are friendly to the above under taking are respectfully requested to subscribe to the paper and if their circumstance permit to forward one years or six mouths subscription in advance m messrs lesslie sons bookseller or mr i williamson kingston or to the present agents for the sprrtfittr who will be pleased to remit the same to the above gentlemen without delay tferhs for the semiweekly paper one pound per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the receipt of the first number and one pound live shillings if collected at the end of the year ex clusive ol postage a weekly paper composed of the above will be published every tuesday afternoon jor country cir rulathn ony which will he forwarded per mail at twelve shilling and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the receipt of the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at the end of the vear exclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in the coun try and who may prefer to send to the office for their papers may have ihm supplied at ten shillings per enpy per solium prompi pay kiniton doc i 183 axew steam boat 7 bf hyill at prrscott an an improved plun to phi htttrrvn prcsrott and nnntrittl at a general meeting of the inhabitants of prce con railed for the purpose of taking jluo consider aiiou the most expedient plan if build in a rftkam passage boat to ply between fruratt- montrkau a mmillait esij being called tn the chub and mr w it wells appointed secretary the following resolutions were proposed and adopt ed lt thnt this meeting deem it expedient o con struct a bnn at lrcscott of the following descrip tion viz two c tinder of nil elliptical or oval form li feet in lensthoin depth undft feet wide in be built of ma ves ami bolted together by humus of iron hoops on the inside without any timber the rods lornicd in such a manner a to ravo a gon hnw and stern the cylinders to be placed twelve teet apart with a deck extended across ilieiu to pro ject two fet outside measuring 176 by 31 and bolted by means of iron bolts and well secured bv iron braces a wheel ofs3 feet in diameter unci 12 leet in icnzih to be placed between the bouta and worked by iwo low lresstire engines ol jd horse powet eoeh- when uhia fur advanced the itoat not todraw more ihuujo 14 inches and move llironeh the water at ihe rate of is miles per hour 31 that from estimates the meeting are of opi nion that such a boat can be constructed and pm into operation for 5000 3d that to insure a more extensive and impar tial circulation of rstnck this sum be divided into eight hundred shares at six pounds five shillings each and until ihe boat be completed the stock lie not transferable except liv the consent of a ma jority of the committee of management 4th that until the completion of the boat no stockholder lic entitled to a vote oti any share or shares over fifty 5th that hiram xorton alexander mcmillan alpheus jones joseph whiiney lonson milliard esquires of present t henry iildendccve eq of gauanotpie be the managing and building com mittee gth thnt a committee be appointed to open the rooks and take up subscriptions for stock who are to report to the committee of management as early as the ifrhdttyof february nexl and that the fol low iusr be a committee vts messrs wm kitchic co montreal c j mcdonald co jananoquc joseph whitnev and w b wells esqts preacott guy c wood er coinwall- jeorgo brouse rq- matilda i cjiidsoti esq ogdeneburgh u s j- gue- ilnine bsq cobourg g monroe i5sq york hussell prentiss btoy inmilton lewis clement e1 niagara henry qildctvleove esq kingston billa flint esq brockville george a- clark esq brantlottl till that lissom as 2500 pound he sub- rribed the mniinqhls and building committee may proceed to make contracts for the building of smd boat 8th that the committee of management be here- bvauihorihed to open the books immediately and end i liriu fnearli of the committee for taking up the isnllscriptimw and ihaitlury he also an thoriccd to projiortiiiii thu tunnunt of each instaluient to be paid in ami fix the time for the payment ofthe mtm- iintfulso the time fur forfeit are in default ol pavinein signed alexander mcmliaaiv cauirmtttti w u we1js sttntartf pnvctitt jaiiuaiy 1 i iftji a mine bid as a comjhmilor iii litis oflieo of tole- ralili- gnod enulisb rditnilion kiuttston feb- 1811 londonmneof packets to ia1t the rirt tfsth asd twkntletb ov facu month willi a view of creating new facilities in die inter- ciurmi now exiting hotweei london and new york the pro- pritom f thu scvn pnekcts alrnriy cnaed in trade have liwn induced to cooptralc in adding to the number of these i1 kct a an lo dispatch one ofthrm from new york on th ut lmi and 20th and from london onth 7th 17th nnd7tb and from portmnoijih on the 1st 10th and 20th of evcrr mouth throughout hio year- the line will now contiatof 11 bliip9 to utccrd rach other and nail afouown vix from new york 1 ship ontario w- s- schor master 10 ship samuel kobertgonj a il griawold 20 shin camaoa4 thorns britton master lship suvekkuin j kinh v master 10 ship hannibal f il urban master 30 ship thames r- gtvwold niitrr lncw ship apnllo ship philadelphia e r moqwi master jiril20 ship 8amhon ix cbiwi k mx-er- ivh feb mar mar mar apri may 1 ship president hay 10 new ship grr sjikttuj mater may 20 ship montreal chanipln nvmer from loxdqy nor 27 samx robertson fewy portnwrth 1 dec- canada leaves portiuhith dnvembtr 10 dec 17 sovereign leaver porhm dec 20 dec 27 hannibal leave poriutiuh january 1 sm 7 thames leaver ponmumlh jan 10 jan 17 new ship kavoa portsmouth jut 0 jan b7 philadelphia leavetf 1rmmiuth feb i- fcb 7 samson leave portsmontli frk 10 fcu 17 president taawt inirbaimiib feb 20 feb 27 new sihp leaver portsmouth marrh 1 mar 7 montreal leaves puiiniuih man h 10 mar 17 ontario leave pwifliimhi marth 20 these ships arc of the first cla- about sootofh burtlcn built in this city of the lel mattrials opprnil and copper fastened and arc navigated by able ami experienced command ors their accommodations lor patiir are very elegant and extensivcp and for whom beds iltlii wine and stores ofthcbet quality will always be proviflcd for frcipht or passage apply to either ofthe commanders on board ihe hipf or to john hriswold 60 south mreel grinnell m1nturn co- vm front street geo- wildes co no m cglvnian st london n b the yhipsof ihcabovft line will rufttfam lo touch at portsmouth oj usual each way l html niul neeive pw mflgm and from whence metmbnau run daily tothe conn nciit and 10 dilfitent parts of england fmv 1 every information relative j thuktio of packet ships sale of crown lands notice is hereby given that ilt tirtdcrmentioned lots in the township of seymour iu thi newcastle rifrirt will hr nhrrrh fnr ill l p v b li c at l i i in cobomc gratnahe at kcfrluiift inn on sa- turclnv the ut of march next tt iii oclock a m 5 the upset price of 12s 6cl ciirmicy per acre on condition of actual settlement and upon the actual terms of payment lot 21 2nd concession 200 acres lot 222nd do a clerijv reserve 200 do lot 232nd do 1 200 do lot 22 3rd do 200 do lot 14 9th do 200 do hrnlvn lot 15 9th concession about 42 do cmniriwr nfcrrtwn hitvl- ofti vrtrk 11 pclnmy v9t i casu riid for dccnfcilitti dew uornsi furs rags and feathers by raker a- egan mnwc kui place kiiirslon feb 14 1334 cautioa this is to forbid nnv person of persnnq purebning a notrof namdravmjbv tnein favour of mr metwt fttiton or order tut thr sum of two hun dred ami fifty 4evn dnllars tvwntvlive cents nnd payable on the 2ftth of wav 131 at douglass prentiss i tore in kingaoti as ibr it i have reir- cd tin value tiios demorest dcmorcblville jan 27 1834 1 blank deeds summons a indenture liirsilc at on- oilier of ihe hritisii whig februorv hi is kept rurs zuufiabiid variety for sale bv january 9 lsl tits jtcns raps a great parker benson 1 tcttrtt tf ii offitif inj i in iinx lll the fntfffcwrnfliinfci post office arrangement ilklvmltirrk of fhk 1ul 1 i mtilj lorthc ofltctbhtn the rmin iujq rodlr to tfws fast rrilnv tturdiv wiimlittg niagara as hr as kvi mi mwbr hint- lay 1iitu jhitii r jj hii aiitfv mail will rw fftch day ol 0 ovick tlic msiil fr offices between htth and brigliton on the prince kit vvanl county route an cherf rhrite a week vn on tinkiy thursdoy tnd sanmhy m ft oclock i m the mails fiir camden east ami wilton are made upon tnciluy and friday at 6 oclock p m thcslail lor all officii irofanctoterare closed hn n wcek vifc on monday and tlitirdar at g otlnrk p- m the maiu rir newmarket and ohcr office north of yotk arc cliwcd tttirc a week viz on monday and ilium dav at fi oclock pm the maiufor offices xora ftf pore iltpe i e ckvtt pete thorough ate closed tfnrca week vtz on saturdav at c oclock pm the mttiuvftr marmora arc closed owe a week viz on hiuiwiav ni 6 oclock p u the mnils fm the officer on the putc throoffh bererl prrtlip vc are closed twuc a week viz on monday and thursday m goclocu p m the mail fur th united stales are closed liree ttma t week viz on monday wodtvadav ind friday atsoclock pi m arrival of tiic mails the ra5tentmiiil arrive mfmna a week viz onmonday tlrfifdm wednesday thumlsi friday and saturday the western mtularrivc sit timtsix week viz on monday tucmlay wednemlay thnrfjav friday and saturday cttttftvrfnihir ofnrrival 4 oclock p m the mail from offices ttesi f ancaster will arrive hpjoi n tek viz on tvday and friday witli the mails from york th- prince edward mwto arrive three timm week viz on mnndav wednesday and friday atllie iofoi timo wiui the other wcmcta maild the southern or united soi mail arrive thret times a week mx on monday wediuday and friday probable httur of arrival on an average through the year 5 oclock office uqvrr the office will be open from s oclock a- m- till 7 oclock pmevw y ecet lite sawlt when letlew will b dvhvt red only itwvem the hooi ofs and 0 a- u 48 to letters ooikq abroad the folhnviii regulations miii he attended lo otherwise ihey will femain not forwarded md h lost to all concerned loiter tor the cnitod stale iinul he no paid lo cane vin- emi nod ich to are intended htgolhil way lo europe mui lie poi paid to n w york utter for emvpe intended in he som by quebec imut u mmtimid lo quebec and ihom iiutidrd to he cnt bv hau axpvf falmouth packel mni he m paid to tlalifat lruekeanniik be enl lywy ofquenr helwcen 2lh layaiol ki jxovemu r in mi n ham vcch they mav lo lnrvaniei hy the ntber routi i ai any ffmtrii foi the nhulocw rdatiye lo portam on letters for uio onlinrtnlhr v t lul- llie lvl mler triirf il adveriitumeim put up oi ihu offitc hale of pmieona ml mter frmii this oflw tu j mm miii um inew vk ioidto qneue u any neipi mi efermnlr will im ehaied with teller inli kateifpta l kewnnita oiibe urilwli iwinetv id toc cape vhiemionevvynrk i witliout being pstpiuj niii thift fffiee to ttnv paff ipvi nt jd and per ndiuiair kington feb 7lh 131 one itiu john muwliay r

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