Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 25, 1834, p. 2

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provincial o extracts from tiik report uf m baiku in obedience to your excellency commands transmitted to mo by lieutenant colonel kuwait civil secretary in his communication bearing date 19th march last as well as subsequent corres pondence i proceeded upon the th day of septem ber last to the mouth ol the trent the btftteof he waters preventing an earlier inspection for the purpose of attending to the import of my instrue- tions viz to survey and estimate tllfr expense of rendering that river mtwgable for steam boats drawing live tat water with locks of commensu rate dimensions 131 feet in hmght by j feet in hie clear the result of which examination survey and levels 1 have the honor now to lay before your excellency thus may the different obstructions to the free navigation of the river trent be overcome and ren dered available for the passage of strain vessels drawing 5 feet water 1 10 feci over all by 32 fret beam viz by section 1st from the mouth to the widow harris 9 miles riseug 5 9 by the con struction of 13 locks 9 dams and 2 collateral cuts 1st- 488 yards in length 2nd 770 yards in length 63683 3 10 section 2 from widow harris to head of chis- holms rapids about 6 miles rise s ft 7 in 3 by n wing dam at widow h 1 1 drown the shallows above lewis bushs and by one lock and 1100 yards rock excavation at clltahohns- 138u 7 l section 3 front cliilrolmfl to crow bay in cluding percy reach by a dam at chmiolm to cover the shallows at the ligvcriiuurut place by 2 locks and i miles of excuvuion to myers juills 2 locks 2 dams and excavation limn the bid of the river to wilkin milts or big falls thence 3 combined and one detached luck and a guard lock with j mile excavation to litlkms uunm thence to crow isay by a dam across the river bove the boom with 5 detached locks wnh their respective excavation from the bottom of the river wiili a collateral cut from 37 into vow buy 1100 yards 113711 13 4 section 4 from the foot of frow 15ay by a dam across one of the outlet channels to cover the table rock sufficiently o the foiks ct foot of heeleys rapids by 3 dams alid 3 locks to en trance bay foot of heelers fid and by one detached 3 combined and 1 guard iuck with their excavations and cut of 320 yard through chiefly limestone rock to the summit of the lorn reach 302 2 5 section 5 from hrelcyv falls to rice lake by construction of a dam at the bend of heeleys falls to drown the three intervening rmu 4 2 x 3 0 or shallows above and to buck sufficient water into the lock at cmoks mill hv the construction i one lock and dam there to cover the rocky shoals above together with considerable rock excavation aoove nudundbrwmur t w2 w including for luck houses 120 0 jilt tchicft may he aerowpthhtd fr th sum 233447 6 uk cy tjtmtfnm rftift houses 1320 0 0 conancnccmcnh to the country immediately bordering on iln- river the advantages are loo apparent irmu the harrassing inconvenience experienced in drnffehiff every species of commodity mid provisions required for the many wants of ticw settlements thrmich perhaps he woret of roads in thclvotinrr and uh- viate the many heartrending scents of endniiince scarcely to be credited but by an eye witness to government the beniht must come more im mediately home in the increase in value of llic many thousands of acres on and contiguous to it bank and contributory lakes and ftiriam tvhlrtt on all hands and by people much more conversant with the true estimation than i can be is idiitied must rise at least 100 percent the moment uv operations shall commence the facility for the transport of lumber from the waters above and from the different mannfucturinc establishments now existing and miieli nnm mjon double will form a very promum t feuiuiv in the advantages likely to follow the tolls upon which will be cheerfully paid and that dan fruit htismtvx of driving the river to the destruction of much valuable property and los of human life muoilff the 4l rapids nbvhum mid ihivc mo rinnltt from all the information i have ikim iimdhni to cul- led ill the first year ield 6000 to thia add the still move incalculable benefit this proviuce would derive from the marmora iron works being set in operation which being rituaicd on crow river which in conjunction with the trent 1 also inspected only nine miles from where the line ol communication passes in crow hay a fine navi gable stream with the exception of three ranges ol rapids each of which admit of easy improvement which i have reason to believe would he commenced so soon as the prosecution of the trent should be decided upon from these works the falls would auo be con siderable to new settlement to the north and around the rice lake ottanabec river ami lakes beyuitd what an incalculable benefit would accrue from ihfl improvement in contemplation necessitated now to drag from lake ontario all the many wants fur their infant settlements at exhorhiimtt rates over a hill and dale road to rice lake there shipped oil board of a steam doal for pclcrburu established nearly two years ago by an enterprising individual j g betbume esquire of cubouryh there unloaded and conveyed nine miles by laud into another steamer belonging to the same individual theoce by various portaffqs to tin ir himrnmns when the trent shall be rendered navistiljh- he settler and merchant may have their goods shipped under tliejr own eye at juontrcal uhnt para alum the lachine ottawa river and otninu at carril- lion chute auxblondcaux ami fircnvllw- alonir the rideau canal up the bay of uutnte along the trent navigation rict lake and to ivterboro withoutever once being disturbed after leaving the juootreal wharf to say nothing of the diminution m freight which must as a matter of course fol lowand on the other hand it require no stretch of imagination to anticipate all thow settlements in few years conlrihuting nmteriallv inwards the ex 2nd thence into chemong buck pigeon and sturgeon lakes rapids 1 mile 3rd loto cameron lake rapids mile 4th into balsion luke rapids i inile from thence to luke inmiroe is miles by land making lite total camtlitlg from hire lake 11 lake simcoe tjtj miles ihen into lake huron down the severn 1 believe the dilferencc of level is some where sihnnt 70 feet takimr all these into consideration connected with the ionnediate local advantages which must as i matter of course follow the improvements now in contemplation the key to nil tllouc regions beyond and viewed in connexion with the ottawa and ri dcatt navigation already in operation and those in contemplation by the hack of the island of mon treal the gnvnd desideratum of an internal water cotnmuulfnlioii from the atlantic or gulph of l lawrence to lake huron ought certainly to have some weight in interesting the jvother country in furthering wch au uuderiakiiig that is if the lro- viiicil funds should not be adequate within the 4 years of ftxeentunu which however is somewhat out of my sphere but i believe 1 may salely assert without thenar of contradiction that there is not u land- holtur between tlie trents mouth and laketfmicoe but would cheerfully submit to an annual tax on hi laiuh during the execution of the works 10 assist in defrnvinc the expense and if such a measure were properly digested and arranged i have little doubt but as an alternative it would meet the gene ral finding of the district and tend to facilitate the undertaking- our pctiltiin ft a nnll snnt of money for the esperimen- of i p i out lakes with mw sratics uf txsh h been rrt frnva to the committee of supply wlio wc tnift will ec tlie pkprilitriily of ni oiimicndinj the grant of from 150 to 200 ulitili it will lie tfurtbj even lor die province m know t1il it i imirtirihl our rcportrr lia furnilul us with tbc nvoii tmuii the fiihjiv t hut wc m laid it i ljr tin renou alkvtt4tatad ii gives us pleasure to remark that wc luive hern mutaken with respect to the opinions of motors bidwvll and parry who wc find wero gupjorttd of the grunt wc have boon partly premised a memoir on ill uh jctof operiinonh thut have been mtd some of whih have failt and iomc wc4ltidf and the cau of f lilmo mid ttb cos wc ac not of those whd wotild cry out ninintt im provinutitjt sayiit if it ittrt right to be nature tfovmhare done it becmmwq have ilio eiidenre of oor ense that that tnttlq tw left ttfloiohfnltamtftqf ahundied lo perform fur oirmlv4 york putrivl paini lawrence im lr ii i tv 1711 ornnts wtllnnd can yw provcnieat 35 a tty ntvqptiollj 1 rds ftiul bridget ss porters 330rduilvuia ihj jivparii bridge i swot 4 lung point omal 3 it confidently asserted in the mmimerial circle that at the commencement of tin igtprouehinjr sesion minister rc prepared im submit to pm lament certain measure that will mora rutonuh the oiinlf a of their former exploits the english churrh rfie bill will l it is said hy those who ptoftw io be in posn 0 the nereis of iba prison bmw if poibibk a aovtud fold mon radical llian the mea sure avvardcj to ireland lord john rwacl u ul low hw principal ftntstant of the ldcliancellor tn preparing the bill it is aui rumoured of irsc we lake upon ourselves the rcsponsibiljtv of vouchiox f the accuraey of uie report that amons inntifiirij other roiecls now entertained by ths ca binet i a plan fur impi a tax upon funded property in in order tu enable them tvry ihe house nd window du ticf the prcun of which been so much felt and so mildly proteled littik hv tlnir frrffitr friend and tuppottttl tf vauuvulf iiorais- icinihvau extract m the montreal fiakettr fruiii the amerin tuif kejitcr that commodore barrie c it of kiiigtoi ha otlcicd the celehrmed imftorted horse oahee fn salehi price is one thousand guineas and feels assured that oi inspection he will be considered cheap ti man who had represented or as they would have it misrepresented them so long hut us the situation in which they were placed did not admit of anything like a chance of fair phy they prudently resolved to allow their opponents io have it their own way this time under the confident expectation that on the huntings a far different version of affairs might be displayed the following is the official account of the pro ceedings procured from the secretary at a rjeuctal meeting of the inhabitants of king ston called by requisition of tp imarkland and other holden at the court house in kingston on wednesday the 26th day of feb 134 walter will but stick true to each other nothing on can prevent the town of kingston from ber cipated from tory bondage and tory oppresaio 51 5 hig important to uknnox k addincton tlie frinjji of jn mrirtw rici k intend to mujur ktrrmff w nn tfiuirojiv ile m 0r napiiin 1 if lm i mlfusmn oivl aitirfucr arf fhihia btltrc hrlgritcrol ckcuoo- a won t ihe win l rnotfh ix hie wba anl will be llktlty pffltlfew rtfiee expeftce ai ie oftve or iho tlriiinli wilis ihr ik itlmijl- ibe rhymer bi rvtcod mr on tnediiv itat i tnnsi inelaneluily event transpired in thi rlmttl of mr wortz rif the wimlniill noar tflc river don wh ivai ftkdtd jrowglcd in ids wll about a fortnilu prr- viout lie 1ml it nn itetimntc rind minblc wile- which it id 1 1 i i i h had wj pnved upon ilia rnina ai to cuuc i tcm- porty inuniym ivo iindttjnd mid li4o good reason to bcticvo that tlie cvetj1 bank dill which havt been pi i in tlie ccnttkowi will w iivowq 001 in tlu irj time anj tireuniirtami ifrffurfctfn iiiid i nnt tiirtir i mriiiu llml will nyproftw tin- tit in ikr n nn lindf m krce- illiillivik ami w0 ilinuld wl1 111 llc lorrcnt hatf suhsidud ami wc can irvl our thi rmliimitl ii hi ofbfff nr a ff rutl it uani dtuks ilim ran ijni tw- vwinliy arhoorur hlnhis v n fir nijigaro fob- 20th i bill thi i wirlhvif ittr w aitiu n inivi tomticakariiiv i ymik artmhci life htilt 1 iii vrihim imins dmatnao oclock which in iwn lnmretintci rlud fittfwut avfmws botjioj in yungi- strii and 4vcnil inrk hmttmii pprtvinin to ihcm l au and lnmil to dcnlh i tiny uf u yom of ago who iwik jill iiimnv rjforw of ilicllotimp tin llou liurncd flmvn were tlior mcupicd hy ry hnd mtivk tihinvi 1tkcr kccnon dd co upholsterer air iiii 3wiu aoepor -lf- ltdtt4 uuters and mr bill tullow nn llcrdl itmtcd on lh eilidcof yrmgr sircjiiu ill w town tiw firohrokfl mitt this promtpn of mrkmnn a pn nd uiyand mcturfc which were unittl and tin huld tvltih wi1iumtd to doh tna the son of mr simthrr a jii onnriit who u m btlivii a prtiut irrlhciimt f kmwi a p mr bthiilijrs wc nndcrtand tilirr with hi fift a lid of 1 r vtfltt of ae ind a irirnil occnpiid ouu dimittirtnl in lit pnnus aftir the utiiu itij day n wr alumiri tir 9 oviock in the otriibm u ih vu imchivn tttntodlu vj by iho coroner mr simtlii t iind muio of his irioiid wont to a neighboring mo rrlhir purport if reading jnd is u5tn the merit of itt 7fjfw- pwipmi1 mi trmwttlwhntimloo4 m 3 loa- li am ii m1 mt h kmiwm m rti m h loilj in die ainc nptfltflgnt lefi thu apartmirnt and lock- ca llvr door after tim without rcflclni or pcrliapt kilitwin that iho poor boy wialrcp ittdlohoyn proviou b their return ihi fin brlum wbieli rcducodllto bojrt wd id- i cvorv tiling in li n includinj thi uufortunan ciiild in rpicmin to aslic tin only reinaitu ortlns poor hy that avfe hiiuh wvn tbc tnek bonn and pari nf the scull whicb hy tlu- infltioim ofihrlirc were dimiuuhcd to the size ifihoe of an iotan mid wcrg nllurcd to mrfitcl cinder a 0cuncr was held today before george dosan ej coriut on tbc tiodv of the ibmmtd when a verdict of accidental ftcaili hv hiirnin ww rtiurncd mr- sttolhers the uuluriiinitc parent of tliodttcacd ba been quite delirious we ar lold ever miicc the melancholy cataliophe the prcmi and prnncrty of mr itowinan wo heat were inmtred lor 800 and tbowofmr larkic for 950 the rcl werr all uuiniircd and the ioj to the latter therefor will bt abuom ruinous tbb ltt ludo caiasuopbe strikingly rlrmonstratcs the ncec iily of tlw incorporation ofthc town which would enable the corpora holy to prohibit tbft erection hereaftar of any bowoi except iioi of bnu or stone and tbo name catastrophe will pgrbup iff rl additional evidence nftlio necessity of esub lining a provjn ial umance compimvj suh as that winch ihv noblic in m advciticd in this paper to be held on tbc tlh m nxl ijiivcncd b iak into couideration lpmhifth oncominmi rannoi te awardeil to the fir hook and lit mcr compatriot audio tbedemthmcnt nf the tjiith rjiuiriit under ttir command of ijikvt dmet whtth wn called out upon itw occasion their exertions to protect the adjuininbnih1inc trum tlicconrlazaraiioit and to rescue ami pnjtqfl prop riy frornilie houses wliirh w0f4 burned t were hmm1 tudcruigablc and jiiccefub wnh courier nottcb trccrtlintrgcounucn to vhoowcnd cor paper ore hcrcbrc ifticmol io return uij uie ptotc m ce ilcy do uo pkovc to becouw futitcrilft pftrtiftamjm nj osc wiling to become a crit opoo oie eovioomry mia arc tfvviicvl to tic u iw ruicl krnii m vmj poviibtc ihi ipjmri nftlnnnlurrltiifirfrrffi rliipla pounarrs jce trolfenrim re qccj rwl ii rcliini tm rrfftl ptpno linc offle m todmribw ui or cireuuuion atvl recnl u iwur enly or eoch pcrvofu 09 rcrut lrm to cou1rspomibnt tlie coumnofitiiiipaiernoicfi to ftll fwnic on certain ronhidonn firtt ihnr nothin libellous m be ir ir i imn of whwltfacjiw ww uuicjujuei onii tcemjty ua the rl dome aiu inurmp of n writer 1 9em n- tlie ojnord pntm iulvr mmion tti poorimc w crttnmunicnuoo uft oc runl auacrotinuoftkraihs n qinrriulolic uihctninj po trade and tltal wheat ltt ash snivel c nwst be rehippecd as return outgoes another and by no means tin luml coiwiilom- 4ioo to indtice the tarty ddopuottof mich a sdr- lid ocheme and rational nithmv hliuuui l the contrideratton of the facti that tin imvjgfllioil mp tied into rice lke ia cotdpurullvvvy tpehkitiffi the communication carried itllo irftliti huron r8 bppeoro evident from nil the iulonikiiin i wsv eea aue to collect nut bmvintf visited ujoso qiwr- ters it to the obstructions cxitn between rdcr fcoro and lake huron and whmi aluiuugli ntit coming within the immediate iliii i my iiitrvr- tionn i have the honor to submit lor your excel- lencyt information an collcctrd from my intelli gent guide john llarrii fan indistn tnitlur ltt from the otonabee kiver tu fllud luke ex- jn 7 miten- llfjtfijltnr aciemiilvtliqfulloving5uinhiivcbrcn voted in couuitlwi of supiily thr siviker oftln leilative caumil tml per annum for tin year 2 lfc ami isuftw ittrtrnntftt iffirr private scrretiiry to hi ctcellcncy jim lbitt ciivvniur wm6l1icfclcrkicvsccorhl rltf mk flu ito contiiincic 70ullgg8fi lutrutire cmmrll offirr rest clerk sg0l8acaii do- imlirirnicp ibturr firuanrr firi ricrk ssfi- second jo jlma coiitiii5ncn t-5l- htsptrtor tittiffirp fmnfcfiril ckrk 330 second do ni-timilm-iiun- rll50lir siifntpir ofbtftotf mcctkint cloth 30w second d ervojunurclcrkti l7woach odrainn iu iwa cwitilljbjllfki r iho wed wing ilihhc building i0v ttrtvnmiu inter iftw- printing in suiiuto titvke tti rrfliorfrnpbi ifttum fldol cwinal ond nlrnirdiniy liiumiiiitiulimfr uid keepet of kingn bench 0t aunrny owtrarh pzuty 1200 solicitor gomifntl do itio ssiliry t tlir brirmlniy iditcr ftlip pmvi fiir thnytwv irtf lbund ismfioot ricrk in kb office u0r cmthiitwcicai l kingston friday norsixq pebvs i4 mgchamcs meetings no less than three mechanics meetings have been ht id in kingston durfcig the last week prciimtory to the town meeting on wednesday last ofimor ilny evening at mr- john lances tavern mr ferns in the chuir hid mr sjkncc secretary certain reso- luti na wccc pnsseo declaratory of the necessity ol union among mechanic who having the election o i in town member of parliament in their own hands uuzht tu deteriiiine upon semiing thither a man of their choice one who would advocate thoir rights and pledge himself to use ins besi endeavors to miti- iite thuiiticipated evils arising out ol the system of fhiritcnttary labor messrs truax and drumtnond were then seve rally proposed but ns the fikug l tiietr lavor wn i 1 1 1 1 1 it as tesolvcd that a deputation should wait upon mr d j smith to request him to allow hirrisirltio be nominated candidate on the mechanic imprest provided he would pledge himself to sup- uoft thi mechanics in their just pretentions and ad vocate hherul opinion after panillg some other cchtiluliwisi one of which was to invite the attend iinc of mr truxa committee on tuesday cvcti- insl at mr meagher tavern the meeting adjourned until then i tuesday night mr ferns in the chair and iriinslfc ssecretary the report or the deputation was reeeiwvi siiiuk tlial iuig tu prcuxutitlij trtl- iraccmein mr d j smith was unable to comply with the wishes of the mechanics a question then arose und 08 ably argued for some time ii who was the mwt probuble candidate to supplant mr halrerman mr truax or mr drummoud upon a fir diuson the majority was two io one in favor of ur trax but some of the leading mechanics in mir dritnmonds interest objecting to the result ol thisdivhon being received as a correct opinion ol the hiechftfiti ptesent owing to the whole body ol juf tfuav committee throwing their undue pre- pouderiucf i thai gentlemans favor it wns deter- mined iliat purely nieehunics meeting should as- siinble on etluesday morning at nine oclock then to dclthcra on the choice of a candidate upon this uflderjnding meeting dispersed cohateqinily on wednesday morning nearly fif ty of the rincipal town mechanics assemlled and after placirrf butierworth in the chair and re- appomtins mft lwi secretary it was resolved that which vver lw candidates should have the majori- of votes in hu favor the friends of the other sdioul gt mtd unite to oppose mr hag- ennaih ir 7vuax was again declared the suc cessful calculate and the ittwfillg broke up with the expressed purpowof attending the town meeting and opposig noiuination of mr iligermau wiih tooth iiud amid any thing be gathered fnm the pruceo u l tliree meetings mr hagr- mtui bppeftoi w be as imicll itn object of detestation among the mechanics of kingston as he is held in execration by the parry known by the name of liberals town mettinu- about 0 oclock on wednesday the tories of kingston mtrtcwd uruiul at the otnirt houc all the aversand all their clerks all the doctors anil nil ihrr shiphuys all the magistrates and ul their hanir on a the tory schoolnkisiers anil all their achofrtof all the try printcnand all their dev ils in fad tsveij hokt that could by either coaxing or ihfcatiituhb he penntaded to come forward waa at the meeting which filled nearly to suffocation the large imil amidst this large number of idle per sons luighl he seen about sixty of the real cuvtors of tlie own the majority of whom had come pre pared to iittivfl a series of resolutions shewing sense the entertained ol the bcrvcc of the gentle- itfccunille esq was called to the chair and james nickalls junr named as secretary the requisition having been read and the meeting organised it was moved by a j ferns esq and seconded by d j- smith ksq 1st that it is expedient to nominate a suitable person tn represent the town of kingston in the en suing parliament carried it was moved by george mckenzic esq and seconded by a manahan esq 2d that in the opinion of this meetirg the ne cessary qoniilications required in a representation forthetown of kingston are devoted loyalty attach ment to the principle of the british constitution superior talents and a desire to promote the interests of the province in general and those of this town in particular carried it was moved by john s cartwrighl esq and seconded by james atkinson esq 3d that in the opinion of this meeting our rep resentative j a hagerman esq- eminently pos sesses the qualities set forth in the preceding reso lution and that he will receive our wannest support at the next general election it was muted in amendment by g w yarker esq and seconded by g ii mclean esq that lite name of j s cartwright esq be inserted instead of that of c a hagerman esq amendment lost resolution carried the chairman having left the chair and david j smith esq being called thereto 4th it was moved by j s cartwright esq sec onded by 1eorge mckcnzie esq that the thanks of the meeting be given to walter mccuuilte esq for his impartialconduct in the chair when the meet ing adjourned in addition wc shall give a short analysis of the speeches made upon the occasion mr g mckenie was the first speaker upon this gentleman since his conversion from wlnggtsm to toryism is thrown all the dirty work of the to ries he addressed the meeting at groat length and spoke with his customary volubility he gave a rather plausible apology for mr hagermanscou- djifiiiild h to answer four out of the six questions which some anonymous scribbling wag had put to the inhabitants of kingston in which accord ing to our humble judgment the querist had much the best of the dispute he was rather personal to wards dr barker by way of shewing hisgnod breed ing in regard to these same questions which appear not to have been swallowed by mr ilagcrmaus friends since they stuck so much in 1r mckcn- zics ihroat lie sat down amid the huzzas of all the idlers strangers nonclcciors and boys who shouted as if their sole existence depended upon the strength of their illugs dr- barker made a few remarks upon the folly of attributing to his pen all the handbills or squi which were printed at his establishment john snlwnnn cartwright esq was the next speak er he began as usual with him to talk of the high high claim which he had upon the atlrntion of the electors of kingston he expatiated greatly upon the splendid talents of his friend hagerman and set about his task with hammer and tonga for about half nn hour during which time if he did not con vince in hearers of the truih of his cucouiuins he at lent pin them in possession of the real value of his nihrnfr tfr palxi huifirrl nti tftr tmilhultum of his friend g- jlckcnzie that if he were solomon by name he was not solomon by nature mr yarker objected to the nomination of mr hagerman on the ground of his holding an official situation which did not leave him at liberty or lei sure to attend to the duties of representative of king ston he thought the meeting could not do better than nominate the last speaker in preference to jtfr hagerman mr g mckenzic tatd his objection to such an alteration on the ground that mr cartwright being confessedly no conjurer we forget the precisewords mr m nude useofjhemightiiiuch the more easily be seduced from the strict letter of his duty by the radicals thtn could that lion in their paths mr ha german mr d willliamson inadeafew bricl remark in which he plainly demonstrated how little mr hag erman hnd done in reality for the town of kingston and how utterly unworthy he was of the future kind ucss of its inhabitant he was more than once in tercepted byjtffi mckenzie who apparently wished to have all the talk to himself and the impartiality of the chairman was displayed in allowing such ir regularities and also in permitting the buffooneries of mr- jeflers who sit at his right hand an attempt was made by the liberal party to di vide the meeting on the resolution which nominated mr hagerman a trial to obtain fiir play which wns resisted is by the tones stoutly since the result would have tfhown on which side of the question the rent electors would stand it was evident that mr cartwright rates his own abilities much higher than does his friend mr- g mckenzic because although be was considered not sulficicntly talented to represent the town of king sioo yet he publicly announced himself at the close oi tlm meeting us candidate for the comities nf len nox and addingtofi a compliment and condescen sion which will no doubt he properly appreciated by the electors thereof not that we have any doubt of belittle gentlemans success yet for the sake of re freshing his memory these electioneering times we beg leave to quote mrs ilaftns recipe to cook a hare firt ratrh a hare then skin it c ac judging nf ibe result of the meeting as a whole we do not think the kbcral prty ouhi in the lenw to be discouraged the majority of the votcft are evidently in favor of jtfr truax and if his friends downfall of toryism in the county ot i fkontenaci a in spite of the dreadful state o the road i very numerous and highly respectable body of the free holders of frontenac assembled yesterday at mer rills pursuant to public notice most of the candi dates whose names we announced a few days ago were present together with others whose names we had not hitherto heard mentioned after some familiar communication it waa zqrwd that the libe rals present who by the bye composed ninetenths of the whole meeting should make choice of the men likely to be most serviceable to the county and at the same be most time probable to meet with un divided support the selection was made in favor of jacob shibbley land duncan vntrauime ksqrs a the meeting forthwiih proceeded to business the meeting was held in the open air before the house the number of persons present renilrriiur the inside wholly inadequate to contain them the secretarys amount of the proceeding we liy before the public at a meeting of the freeholders of the county of frontenac held b public notice at the house of mr s merrill in the township of kingston this 2dt day of february ish francis lattamorc eq in the chair and mr win leslie of kingston secretary the chairman opened the meeting by stating that the freeholders bad assembled this day to nominate suitable candidates lo represent the county at the ensuing election moved by a truax eq and seconded by d vanalstine esq that the thanks of ibis meeting are due to their present member john campbell esq for his patriotic and consistent conduct during the time he has represented the county ol frontenac in parliament and nothing but his removal from the county prevents them from nominating him again carried ncminc tontradictntc moved by dr itaimish seconded by mr j if mclean that in the opinion of this meeting- hugh c thomson esq has forfeited the confidence of the electors of frontenac carried nm ro moved by mr l dalny seconded bv mr j brennan that this meeting will imi support any can didate who will not ptedgt himself to uphnhj to the extent of his power and ability the rights of the peo ple as under 1 reform in civil mid religious abuses 2 the propriety of voting bv ballot 3 the right of the house of assembly toanpro- pri of hc provincial taxes 4 the justice of preventing the clem reserves trom panting into the hands ot a dominant church arrtctt nrm ton hibley that in lie opinion of thi meeting no of ficer of the crown can he a free and independent rep resentative of the people carried by mujurity moved by b waters eq seconded by duncan vanalstine esq that jacob hiblley bq he a can didate to represent this county in the ensuing parlia ment carried with acclamations moved hy t a corben esq seconded by mr tavcrley that duncan vanalstine lvq be a can didate to represent this county in the ensuing par liament carried with aa tarnations moved bv mr ja aikuiann wwmlpfl hy mr w lloldridge that john jvdrks esq he a candidate to represent this counrv in the ensiling parliament moved by mr a thibodo seconded by mr ac guera that the following gentlemen he a committee with liberty to add to their numher tn manage the tlertian of the two candidates j shihy and d vanautine esqr committee antonv tiucguin henry wood peter swiucr wot simkius james doyle louis dalay daniel evcritt sylvester holden dr ii yeomans dr win ticannsh john truemnn wallis s fairman james puwlev david dalay peter knight joseph ferris joseph mclean kuht abeinethy l herchmcr wm jarkmhi hugh campbell louis day jtthron jackson ikilk latiamorv jmib vpfucjl wm dawson c nicka tunis snook henry sltibly itoh mclean vanhnrnc- william brass the chairman having rose it was moved by j irks eq that john g parker esq take the chair aod afterwards resolved by acclamation that the thanks of this meeting he given to f lattamore esq for his acceptable cervices the thanks of the meeting were then voted to the secietary f lattamore chairman wm leslie secretary the resolution thanking vr campbell parsed the meeting with perfect unanimity as did also the resolution reflecting upon life conduct of the other member not one single individual lifting up his band or voice in favor ol mr thomson against whom a nineh more severe resolution would have passed had not the recollection of his late severe illness came across a few of his former friends ifhen the resolution was put concerning the propriety of a crown officer serving his country in a legislative capacity mr marks rose and stated to the meeting that the situation which he had the honor to fill was not held from the provincial government but directly from the british government itself and ought not and could not interfere with the indepen dent fulfilment of his duties as representative of the county should he have the fortuue to be elected by the freeholders he regretted that the motion was put at this stage of flit- proceedings and re quested the mover to withdraw it until nnc future occasion a request that uas not complied with air d vanalstine in replying to mr mnrk took an opportunity to pass thmnu well merited en- comuom upon the private character and talent of that gentleman a man whom he regretted could not consistently be returned hy the county on ac count of the office he held- the objection against him was insuperable he instanced some cases iu point and among others that of the late copt ma thews the notion was carried by a large majori ty of the meeting who divided on the occasion the nomination of the two favorite candidate then tcok place and was received wiih loud and deafniiu shouts of nppkuim upon mr ah rk being proposed some objection

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