lands for sale in upper canada the following valuable lots nftuiid ore offered fur sale nn vctv reaschwole icnns in ittarhhurfh justown district lot no 17 iu i he jih collection 2i0 urrcs gootl uuttl in rli old niki wll settled tuvnliijn cleared oh both sides neirto mills md qood ruauv in butgesst johnstown disliitt loi 21 in iheiih concession 300 acres good hind and near the ritjcaii canal in rmnlmk midland district loi no 10 in die 14ih concession 2tki acres land siid to dc good in oro home district broken lot no 1 firm range and port of loi no 1 in second ranee 100 ncres excellent land and well situated likewise in the sune township lot no 3 second range gore 300 acres beautifully situated on the bank of lake sjbkotf very superior land adjoining excellent set tlements one of which is lieutenant obriens in essa home district west halves of lots no 6 and 7 and east half of lot no 6 bui concession 00 acre excellent hnd and the nottawasaga ri ver runs through it in cfifcdonuomc district oast half of lot no 9 in the 5th concession east of hnrontnrio sneer 00 ncres very excellent land cleared on three side within a mile of flouring and raw nulls in flaw huiiieoivrict lot no 2g the pcin tanguishiite road 20 aer voiy excellent land a rivcr running through it and excellent mill seats and will soon he vev valnabk and probably a vil lage laid out theiw in thorah villogg of beaver town at the month of heaver river hakt simeoe 100 tillage ijo a number of water lute and mill privileges when there is a dam erected across bciver river and one ofthe best situations for munuftcturon and mechanics in upper canada the steam boat landing is ut this place a store opened and many buildings are go ing up this place will eventually he the connect ingliuk between rice lake ftiid lake simcoc apply to die proprietors ra parker york or x u parker riugston kingston january 30i is3i i laiis for sale oxreasoyjrle terms axd liberal credit odlil acres lot 7 in tin 1st conrcion w township of neuon gore district- 5oo ilmnc w h concession township ol madoci midland district 2qo acres lot 1 iu he 6th concession 1oimihipofvolford district of juhusrown 1ao acres lot 22 in tlu 3d concesson township ofwalsinghrnl london district the above lands arc admirably situated in the midst of flourishing settlements the lot in the gore district in particular having an excellent mill seat on if for further particulars npplv metier post paid to john counter kingston jan lt 1931 i i ff j7w fo bj3 somjm7 to be sold lot no 23 in the 3d concession of kingston now in the occupancy of henry dulton the proprietor wta 1 about to remove from the midland district this farm is 2 12 miles from kingston is com monly known by the name of the picket farm it is designated in the original gneit as a 200 a en lot but contains actually about 2 acre of which const derably upwards of 00 acre are cleared and in a good state of cultivation great portion if the cleared land is alluvial of the richest rfescrip lion and the remainder upland admirably adapted 10 produce with suitable cultivation as heavy crops of every species of ti rain and pulse as the hcstland is generally susceptible of procuring the farm is traversed in tin rentrcliy a run ning stream and besides abounds with living springs there are three drllintrhonf nid li cdtikuiia and a purnayer may la accommodated with the whole farming stock consisting of cniile and horses with about 100 tons of ilay iikm bushels of oats with much other irain and the requisite number of fanning implements the quality ofthe soil the quantity cleared with out a vestige of roots or slumps and its close prox imity to kingston which is a never satisfied cash market render it a most desirable acquisition for person of means who is desirable of enriching his family by agriculture possession with an indisputable title can be given at any moment and the terms ol payment may be known by application to mr henry dalton on die premises or at the purriotollice 23 king street york feb i 181 for sale the following valuable real esatc appertaining to the estate ofthe late ttieoruilrs xkion vis the premises now ocupied by mr ft if mcot- lom as a merchant shop wsfli oilier store house c being lot no rm the west side of front street in ihe town of btllvijie the premises adjuiiin now occupied bv messrs rutter aveiill beiiijj part of loi xo nujili west side of front street jtethilv xtat containing half an acre of land lying on the east side of pinnacle street being lot no- 22 hi public situation a farm within one and a half inileofrellville being the east half of lot no- 3d in the 2d con cession ofthe township of sidney containing 1k acres 30 of which arc now under cultivation and well fenced there are on this hum a irood log house and frame barn one hundred acres of land iu the county of prince edward being the south ilulfof lot no 67 in the 4th concession of the tuavnshin of aim liasburgh three wood lots within a mile of belmlle for further particulars apply to charles nelson bellville october 29th 1833 sfttfftacres of first quality j tjj by the subscriber nf land for sale low far cash or ap proved credit no 23 in the 4th concession in the township of darlington 200 acre s w halves 29 and 30 in the 2d concession township of adgalo 200 acres s- v half 2ft m the 6th concession 100 acies 92 east side of the pcuetanguinslnne koad 200 acres for amber particulars apply to the sub scriber at 173 king street york james alcguikc york october 23 is3 i for sale in the township of majikham being tile east half of lot number two in the second conekion con taining one hundred acres upon which there in clearing and a lw houaerected for terms and further information aunly to w ewakt york 28th jan 1831- i fab7i f02s saiim that well tiiuated properly lying on the ut side uf hie 12 mile crtkfk in the township of nehun lately belotghr to darnel o hcilty eon- timing of pari uf loino3nud 3 hi tin nt con eissinii of dunilas street ctiitttiinlnjr ttfitlicr 150 acres alout 7oofvhirh ire under cultivation here are on the premise a well fiuihtd frinue f i iliitit house itarn stalile and out houses wiih a merchants shop to any person desirous of entering the merchan- lile business die above property i wel ndpcd beinc siiuarcd in the midst of a line n heat country and from the neighborhood of vvhirh hirire quail lilies of staves arc annuapv exported 10 the tiuehce market for further particulars and terms apply to an drew steven em hamilron or at yorfc to john kademickst york januarv oth 134 i to let in sieymouk a valuable tavern stand in the centre or this rapidly imwoving towiudtiji situnted on in river trent and having ferrjaitaclicdwit to perons acquainted with the bmsintaw few place of- tvr heller propeei of success none hut ihosr who ciu present lemhnoniala ofsobricty and lionc iy need apply funher inlonnation may he had ironi mr i terry at bellville or from msyor campbell ill suymotm srymour jnnitary is31- for sale in the town of york eighteen building lots rm dutc street cfc- mtint strati upper george street and richmond street part of the purchase money to he paid down and a liberal credit of our or live years will be cken for the reiniiinder apply to the subscriber for particulars isoiue duisgan also 3000 acres of land fr sale in dillerent parts of the province apply as above york sept is 1633 1 twelve hundred acres of choke land jor de situated hi the townships of zorba and missouri in the london his trid for 750 cash in hantl enquire of ma tlernktt york 11 dee s33- village oftiiokold this flourmiinvrllae on llw wwiairf oanal froin its growing importance deserves public atten tion it i fitimred on the nwuntnin nilire or suin- mit level of the canal where the lorkace conmirn- cea and although deriving pea and important mi- vantages from it extent of water power it poweftsc many natural ail vantages being in a direct line be tween the city of the falls and st catherine and about 8 miles from the former place in the heart nl a wealthy and nourishing country and affording every facilitv for wilding oil prodiee to dilkrcut markets having a direct collliniiliicotioil by wntin tobothhikr fnuii iis beinir elevated upwards ui llir0 hundred ivet above ihe level of lake ontario it has a line commanding pfmpcct with good pure waer and a ftaluhrimi air it is nofrwarchy three rars since itacommenco- meut and wulaillh 16 fimiilttv with a population of 260 soul among whom are ft number ofgoutl and respectable mechanic it lia four saw millet caa- ble of sawiiitr from ii in i30u0 feet of lumber er day and a liit rate flonrtnff mill three nteivhaiit jnins ami a ritnivite d from its situation ma- ihiuery to any extent can he erected andfloriltf an excellent ohmitug to nieebanirs of every dehcrip lion a bood tannery is miich wanted which could be carried on very profitably to a great extent a hark can be brought by water from the forests of chippawa and jrand hivcr there are also two places of public worship and another in contemplation and a medical practititm- ti iviu rfimioi the object ol tin fcuhmtibrr in ffi this public notice i to hold out indtifvinctita eiwna vvih- log lo purchase he will sell lots upon very reason able terms and upon long credit to actual settler george keefer thoroldmukjan 3 ikji i c hatch cha i r3i ak c r klncstox upprb canada vork ijtikmkaiuic press tub subscrilwr iwss to inform the public at large that he ha the above in full opera lion bv the water side ill the house that was formerly thecommia- iiat office where every thinir relating lo dial art can be done on the shnrtesi nofice x- this office nfliinli veiy croat advanta tothort pcrrana who ivc inntc tracts ot land for amaattie diacams can be printed on the heading of handbtllfi whiehwill immediately show ibe cxaci situation of every lot c all orders executed with neatness nod dupatch s o tazewklli llthourahier ork u c july loih iftst j new livkky stable rear of the kingston hotel d devlin vv co rwprelfullv announce to the gentry and inhahirams of kincston rhai ibey have commenced a livery stable as above and that they ait now prepared lo accommodate them ith a choice shection of exculleut horse at hire with a greater variety of vrkielu of fashionable ami ihe best kinds and wiib competent aod careful drivers saddle horses ofevery pace pmifie witfhlngn rnnveyancc may send at any time ami havelheir orders promptly execmed horxea ta ken in at livery bought and od exchanged oi disposed of on conunisiou j d- co will use their bet exertions to satis fy the puldir and will make such improvements in their establishment as may from time ro time be necessary- their terms are moderate and will be lound much lower than ilmse heretofore charged kingston dee 1 k this day imuiusiiki attrtjbr hflr hi tin grttiti ihtznt ur sinr macfarlaxe as cus kingaton upper can ada almjisav for ihe venr of our lord 1834 botnglho siroiid after itpwexttll or leap year and tin- fifth year of the keiiru ol his majestv kin williainihe ffiiirth fi itry iitirhuit and others may be sup plied on ihe must liberal terms by the publisher kiofpilon october lj isw- piiospectus oi- titfi snrnxi volcme of tin ajlhon csr tkrij the second oluillc of the new series of the jtlhinn will com m on tin lirt saturday of tle nihtiiihr vntr 11 l this jotinml wucb nnlmilii tip xeus poli- tiis md lllefiil in of rurope more pariicularlv of ireat m m been etahlisbeil oenilv vwf ytfir u his obtained a reputation and circulation fnrturtasipff tliu most sanguine expec tations nf iis founders this flattering encooiojp- mem hasenablfl ilie ivoprictor on three separate oeeisicu in iii prove enlarire and embellish the work and lo throw into its payes such an increased quantity of polniral literary aod scientific matter as to render it n the estimation of it friends one of ihe most tflkwnt weekly juurnals ill the ciisrlili hiniruaife in ii4 details iie jtlhfon will he found to embrace ntices anil wiotl extracts from all ihe new puburatiousof v ue issuing from the itriiish press the de bales n both houses of parliament with the most remark ibh speeches at lentil and ihe irenerul iutrlliire ee ofthe uriluh euiire the con tinent of euiojt and odier pavts of the qlobe in its lirhicr pnrton will he found the amusing and agreeable talrrof the british periodicals which are so remitrkulnf for their lively and sparkling ta lent selected w th a diifcccariil care that has drawn forth the iroat uiunialilled aplrohation- any thiii that tends m the remotest decree to shock female deiiraey or to ollend uaiumal ntleetioii i rarvfnhv excluded by which course ll paper has become ail hint e f ihe mtsf respeeiahle and in- tidlectual familis nod may be found in the draw inirkooms and oil the lahlig of the most literary perhona on the north american continent poetry hisirry biography mliaict and ihe drama receive distinct and proper atiemion wbile seieutilic and geographical discoveries voyaa and travels v c are faithfully recorded the wil and anecd of die frreat eiuopean world the loudon and parisian fashions and a weekh summary of thr miscellaneous intelligence of the da complete tieifttca ge prospectus ofr v montiuv maoa0rvbi on a new and cftll rehpnsivr plan co kf catlro th canadian monthly maoazixe it is intended ill a sh n time in submit tu pnblir approval or condemnation a monihly magazine of a rhfflwffr f vutl than hsif bithiu bppiib- lished in a britlttl colony monthly and quarterly periodicals have alreadv been tried but will one existiuff exception wiihoin success the projectors of the present work persuath themselves they wn discern soniethinff 111 the limit ed nature of tho works to account for such an to- ne something h the altered aspect ofthe times to warian them in anticipating success for a periodi- eal of a more conprehensive character under thi impression they iihmit llieir pao in an older pmrt ofa umre niltlirinl character iu a larger and nun iliotltv poniijauoruuhkififiijiini will fmd ample sppoti ihotii eoiffmiri tu tin jui- voracy of onccltf ofpriiwiplv or the hhwimtioii of etui branch ol eieuee eiifhml fiance uerilltt- ov and ameriehave their ininm reviews theit phrenological jooiials and tin ir itev ievis mid ma- snzinea devoted every possible moditication ol jiotiiieal and uieritkrical creed cnuula il she de sire to call into rxiatence a periudiral literature nuiet be content m first with one or two nmgaziittfr embraruiff all an wiy thine with ibis view tt is proposed in admit attieles oil general politico o aiy creed provided tl ey dicu qoeationa hi cantli lair and count xwn language a- voidinsr everv rtuphmtdirtairt allusiim or expres sion which may iuleetued likely tu create pain in any breast an honest and misistem tory ha phdied it an ariirleimw and l and an uuheiidiii siherd is in i i iui iltv iiik piupim and litilti are edu cited gentlemen though of adverse schools the ca- nadian imonihly r iiue will he the bumble means of instituting a sort of friendly suit not between ponies for party it eschews but between contend ing political principles the decision the projectors pretend not lo take upon themselves that inusi rest wiih the public while reviews are devoid to one clas of opin ion and reail chiefly by ibse who subscribe there in and what is worse deal villi evidence under the security that if refutations appear in a review of op posite principles it will not reach the readers eye a conviction that not only the same review but even the same number mnv contain q well vvritteu article on the oilier side will therefore operate as a salu tary check upon n careless as well as a dishonest dealing with evidence- in this mode of dicusii disputable points ihe lovrr of truth must needs rejoice ihnnjrh as it will make ntd ha oc with the rnde ofa political partiznn the projeciors are induced la hope it ill not bewiih- oui euennesi unrinvsaid thus imnjirf flip hfttiiti ill character f he c ittoaii monthly magazine the public must not lose ighi ofthe fact flat other subjects will oc copy the larcor portion of rs pases the improve iiiiin and deiehipemem of t resources of ihe can tdas the promotion of education sketches of socie ty literary cssny ami snnliftc 0w1liatliona will all fmd their appropriate place in short even thin will he attended to calcolaton to render the work varied instructive anj entertaining in a country making uc of two langunffos tile exclusion of either must dotfroy or at all events iuierlere much with the ttfflfilllttss ofa work of the kind to render it thereftuv morceinially com prehcosive the canadian mouihly masazine ispro- posed as the vehicle for araetes in both french and english the rule of admission bcin2 solely thai al ready named in the fourth paragraph of litis pro- ppcciua tliouch the original character of ihp canadian monthly marpixine will llns be departed from with out good and stilfkrieut resym mill when any article iu ihtf enfflish french or ainetiran periodirals nf a character hktv to he hihv iutcresimiito tliocolo nial readrr forces itself uwii the notice ot the edi tors it will be inserted lastly the public must ta reminded that iwoeon ditions are noccnaary 10 thf sucressful prowciilion ofthe design first a eiosiani supply of literal y assistance itoihi a sulcriptron listpufrciciulo rover fxpcttsea tllo vvurk will consist of four sheets or c pnfffh 8io very neatly printed oh ffond paper it will u really fur delivery on the list dav nf every month at tkvrv inimviis pcranmim delivered in town and tvvkntvkoi a hillii8 transmitted by mail communications m in a 10 tin- editors of the canmlian 1tfvfajy mnmr it ii ii con- mntiiiwis or to ihe ihth jlttrrrtinrr ofliee ktlitors of newspapers who are frundlv lolhe ih vign of die a nil w pertitdira udl oldir bv ifiviob iln prtsim in l few i i iion momren nov 1 183a prospectus doctor harki5v rcpertfully iirouaiflt his friends and patrons llmt n ctfyaa eireiunstances will petmit he wjl publish ihe lirst number ofa new commekciai toil im- cal journal impciial size lobe called llw beitish whig and continue to issue the same every tuesday and fiidiv by ttisht oclock in the morning asiheehiel object of the phhlisht iu oeiptin a miweeklv paper will be ofa couunneial uaiure every endeavour will be made to furnish the latest information relative ro the comet state of die liver- ikiol quclwc montreal new york detroit york and kiutrsion nurkets together wiih as ample a de- tad of european and colonial inteilieuci as the limits m his paper will allbrd the politics ofthe paper will be strongly mark ed to compromise them in as few words possi ble suffice itioaay that liubral measures will k advocated upon british whig principles as tar us they may he found compatible with the locali ties nf this province while au ardent attachment to the crown uf great britain and her liberal institutions will be manifest ed every colonial abuse will be pointed ooi every incipient encroachment upon the bbertiesol the pet- ple exposed a every attention paid to iheir politic d want the public actions of all individuals will be considered open to comment at the same time ihir private transactions wil i be rigidly iespecd and ihv difficult line of demarcation between a public and private offence strictly observed a verrs experience in ihe arduous ttbtfc of cater ing for the political puhlic has iftilght doctor bar ker to appreciate the difficulties of liis uiderialmg and has also taught him to know hi deficiencies which is perhaps the best criterion of his intention to remedy them all persons who are friendly to hc above under taking are respectfully requested to subscribe to the paper and if their circumstances permit 0 forward one years or six months subscription ill an v a nee to messrs lesslie ons uooksclleiv or mr d williamson kingston or to the present ajpmlis for the spectator who will hv pleased to remit the same to the above gentlemen without delay terms for the semiweekly pape one pnuod per annum if paid in advance nr within ihrco months from ihe receipt of the first number and one pound live shillings il collected at the end oflhtveur ex clusive of postage a weekly paper composed of ihe above will be ulllllillvltfthvlw ilaesmilpa ufitwtumlntmwtttrf- tulathm only which will be forward per mail at r shilliiufs and sixpence per auiiiun il paid in tttivancoi or within three rkhitlls from the receipt ot the first number and ifteeu shilli g ifcohricd at he end uf the vear exclusive uf ptwlaffe companies of individuals who reside in the coun try and who may prefer to send 10 the office for their tapers may have th in supplied at ten shilius per ropv per annum prompt pay kington dee i is3j roxdonlixeof packet lo 5wi thi fiks7 testk aud t ach mojcth will n vivv of crating new facilities i cfiunm mow v tifag hptwwmi uiodon nor new york irklnrn nf tlj mtvilsl aket ilrcmjy qlingttjhls i indtuvl t wi0p rto tu adding xu llit ntw iiit ktt i is to dciliu ooq ofultlil from nety y lt lotltond uouij niiiirninilunflononth7th 17ch utnl from pofimouili on uir lt 1 0th nd 204 immli ilirimiliuut lit yeitr the lino will now jiijis to mictfed eich oilier and sail as follown f from mew york fth 1 sliin ontario w s sebor nwtcr f- 10 siipsamlxlrobertson fd fsi canada tlmmi- rrinifi m mar 1 ship sovereion j kiirm i mm mar 10 slip hannioal f- ii imwd m mar 20 sliip thames r grtwmfcl t april 1nevvship b april 10 ship philadelphi k ii monm april 20 ship samson d clnlwk ruicr mav i ship president lhmn muir m muv 10 new ship may 20 ship montreal tlmttipfiii maar nov dec dec ite jan jan jjio fh fk fk mar mar from lfa70 27 faml uobertsov i- vr rrhna ft 7 anaix lenven purl iimuis ki hilirr i 17 sovereign icav porii nh imc aa st hannibal bavc pirti lhjtmrvl 7 thames leavrspottm itlijim 10 17 xrw ship n poitrn iiilt j tft inn mw i r l und 27 philadelphia inv portm ih ftfc 7 samson leans pohmuiiil kh 10 17 president laana pn irii lmi2a 97 new ship icavca por n th mmh 1 7 montreal leaves ftimiiirmtti march 11 17 ontario loaves puftmii h mir- h 1 these 4iifw r of the first eh- isnl built in tlntity uf ihe hcl niairiiil fewftbwjj ami nra navigntetl hy ablu wnl mfimxd cot m their accommodation rn itii4nfiirf vm- aad extensive anil tor whom bed i mmih wine jfit nfilii ii cualitywill always tu- j ia j fur frfl parage apply l eillier ofttkconnkllhttn nn board ii john hriswold 60 wroi ckinnell mintlrn a co it frontaml oeo wildes co x looilemau it n b die fhipfof thcabov- lim t rnuuime toi ai poftytnomh m usual eeh wjiyfu hinl anil retmj senene id from whence tfcomltrctrji rim daily cotbc uvttl dlld to oittoreni mill offikuiatirl eery inpirmmion relative u fhiline of packet mav ut ohtaineij liy inpbrnhcn a llli tllii a new steam boat to he hnit at priseutt on an wprorth jvfmi lft brttrrrn prtxffitt ami si at a oencml iwfeiiug of ihu liiluibiimm f pfft- ioii cflllh for tin iurpnso urttskjiitr sibio crinrr- siiimi the mnwt exprtlu nt t imt ofbmlttj rn s1kam passage boat to ply licftnicii dimwit motrkvi a mwiilhui t biii trmlln t tin uhnir nuj mr w il wells oimoiutrtl 3wiiiir rite following resolutions rre tinposi dutitl itiupti itil 1st thnt iliifi rucenng clenn it ispciiufl lofon iruct a kout ut preset it i ofthe follow in ilocrip- linn viz two cylinders of mi vllipticutt orovnl form 17fi vot in ihiiiil fi hi oiili tnho fi v idi bj he butliol suiv e uml bulled toucher by hkuiin ofiron hoops on the inside wllllffitl tiny timbers the ends formed iu mich i mimir atn giv0 n good how aut stern the cylinders to iwpluocq iwcive feet apart with a deck extended across then to pro ject wo feet outside meiurinir 176 hy 31 nnd hulled hy means ofiron holts and well secured bv iron braces a wheel of25 feet in dianieier and 12 feet in lengili to he plncrd between the uoats and worked hy two low pressure eiwjttlmofso horsepower each when lhli far odvauctd the boat not todraw more than 20 14 inches md move through the water at the rate of 19 mile per hour 2d- that from estimates the meelini are of opi nion that such a boat cm be constructed and put into operation for 5000 3d that to insure a more extensive aod impar tial circulation of stock this sum be divided into kiuhl hundred shares at six pounds fesrtriingj each and until ihe boat iwcompleted the stock he nottransjpftcxcept by the eonsent ofa ma- johly m the cumiikttee of management 1tb tht until the completion of the boat no stockholder he entitled to a vote on any share or shares over fifty 5th thai hiram norton alexander mcmillan mpheu jones joseph wliimiy lonsou milliard esrpiires ol prescott henry iilderslceve esq of oananofpie lie the managing aud building com- mirtee cth that ncomniiltee he appointed to open the rooks and take up subscriptions for stock who are iu report to the committee of management as early a til lothdayof february next aud thut the fol lowing be a committee viz messrs wm ritchie co montreal j medoiald 8s co iuriinihtte joseph whiniev and w b wills iwps present juyc- wood ks coniwnlk fiorgc brouse esmatilda i c jndson biiq ojrdeusluirirh u s j j be- ilnnip esq cuhourgg monroe eq york unwell pentiss i5 hamilton lewis clement eq niagara ileitrv jildrrleeve erj kiucston billa flint enq brotkville george a- clark eiq brant ford 7ih that a soon as 2500 pound he sub- srrilud ihe mnnusiliff and building committre may proceed lo make coitlracte for ihe biiikkin of sairl boat 8th thai the committee ofmlulacenipiii he here- hynuthorised to open ihe books immediately and eiiri ihern in eac h of the coiiunitiee for raking up the suhscriitioim and thalthev he nlso aitilmriseri hi proportion ihe amount of each instalment to he paid iu and fix thr time for the payment ofthe ame und also ihe time for lorleilure in detaull ot pamiieiu signed alexander memiij hair inn it w b ufjjs sitfrfttrtf presrott jamiury i i 111 i ncftlok lash paid for furs hv bakton rilllliva kingston january ji ikji arthur forftbit y returning hie sincere thauum hi friends public in setieral for ihe lihial support rti couraieukut lie has hitherto nvivrd iesper hecs leave in ttilorui litem llmt lie lias rvemal cm i his inimiii iu the lnrv f pipii a thhoilu one door wet u mr john hm where he is now receiving a lari mipplv nftq wines spirits iroccries all olhichel mild as usual oil ihe lowest hmo hv voioej retail a few cases of maruiihide fresh pic and sauces kinntmi nov 30 ifiso notice the sulisenbere leave to irs usroitirrs hmh in town uud eouiitrv tlit d sirons oth infliiigltinffiiirs tuai ewe lie fun minted mr williiiin rihra smyth hi afftiej the settlement oft is rolicen diccptt ntsall sun indebted to him rocall iitt o dmmvmiilhii tlnnniuwho m vlntrivrd to crti ramviiuand pioeeediuir ic msom n iv i uautiua rilltf ik n nihul rtlv perso i mi arrs due kot okiia u uim u merfil fvmm ir mil r iir t mhii nf two tired mill iiliyevu dnllurs tiittnr iviiki tmyiiltlc nn ihe 2ili of jhav lll doi i r hibk i tore in kn ion n fur it i have ttt mi vattu thos demorestl iemomsivile jan 27 ljj book rivivixo rnijw cpeip u piuitui5 jimlyi teuudby s lukrlsow positetln ciirhtilic chuah stteetj kiiiriuu january 9th u in indini niagara if i vi uti alurjdajr iy ajm saturdjy lti iinrl briliinn ic post office arrangement ueraatcnc or tiig mul the maiu tortlie offlemoa tlie drain pii rinih iq uhiwi ward ofthuofficcj are closed six tiniesi wilc vi diy tucdav vaftgday thurhy frijnv those tn the ntstteard of this office aooaktfefi indomdwi iimea wc day vdlneday tlmrrtay fihf mii will close caili day ut 6 ocl thoiniurortfcc tntwcin i prinet edvtfd countj roule art ind thrick i wtwk on turday thursday am s iiur it fi oclock p ml the mails for camden etaiiil ilion arc made tuesdav and friday at 6 oclock v m ti mailn for nil officer wtstoi anraster are closed ta week viz on niviivv dthurmliv 6 ovuick the maiu fur newmarket fend 4iier cttcu yoik ar cloc aoiee a week iz on monday and dav ai 6 oclock r m the mail for orficcs forth of ptorl hope l ptcrlnron2i are closed ont i ivevh viz on ainnvlock p- w the miiu for marmora are cloned unct a week tii thursday at 6 oclock p m the mails for the office nn ihe rnie llirouh bc perth etc arc closed invea wrek viz on mondif thnrrfav at 6 oclock p u the mail for the cnited suis me rioted arm woeki viz on monday wcdo iv and friday ai3o arrival of till mail the eastern mailsafriycftzinra week viz onmo tncsday wednesday thursday friday and stci the wtsiero moili arrive six tmm wck iz on k tuesday wednesday thursday friday and sttt contratt hour of arrival 4 oclock p m- thc mails from office wtjt of mwtor will arrive men wcrk viz on tuesday and fridv wiiluw mails fiocn ye tjiepnnre rihvard maib wrivv three limts z week on alondavwfdnrahy and fndiv uttho aritetime ihe oilier western mail the southern orlviied stlw alailjc arrive thru weikviz on momlny wednesday and friday pn jnmr of arrival on an average llirirtli the yeav 5 o office hovrs the office willbeopenfnnn gnuk a m- hll 7o pm eerv day except ihe salkilli when iwicm il ilclivercd imlv keiween ihe hour t ami it a 31 as to letters gutxt abroad tlif ell ion iiu regulations miift he ici h d fo olhc the will remain not forwarded and ur u to 4t eoricvl lhtctit fir the tniicd stale mui lit i paid iiicam rent and stirh a ore in fended to thai wtjv in europe he pnul paid to new york- letrers fur rorope intended to u u hy quebec mtfl pot i i i lo qucheq and tho- intruded in he seui bv fiper polinimlh mrtt mutt i pii pmd to mi teller ran only tig mm by vvav iktuuthlv brtwccn mav and 1m inovemhvr in mcrrli vt tliev in forwarded hy the oilier route at am hvimul fill utu romihtloort relative to riae iui leitem for v nlofkurope wt a lndic ac ee the pm mptwrnrjj adwrlipemeut put up in it llllkv kalemif rtljp- nil q mutflf h u lumll tllm oliiiv tapr v nioiii td to kvvv voile u vad 4n qiiebrc 3d iii llilifix wm any ieupp i thai txnirvvardi d vi itlhhtl beiu th will be eharel uh letter pttvilat kulftuf mijiu ifa newpuer ironi llo- llw hwi nrillli rrhul pimvmee d fill ipevnoenl id him lau vmemto new vorlt nnehui mil imu jolln maravuvyp- i- kiuptoo feb tib ttw