Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 18, 1834, p. 1

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istaiia wu22 published semiweekly opipeh pub orhem d i c o r by e j barker m d volume 1 kingston u tue80at february 18 1934 no 4 the british whig a semiweekly journal dvvoted to commercial itnd political information is puhlislied every tuesday and friday mornings hy doctor barker editor and proprietor at his of fice in rear street next duor to the commcrrial hotel for country circulation only the british whig is siblihcd every tuesday afternonn in a weekly form and will a bund to contain the mml important mailer of the srini- tcekly paper tnws for the semi- weekly paper one pound per annum if aij in advanro or wiihiti three months from the receipt of the first number and one pound ivy dulling if collected at the end of the year exclusive of torftc for the country p per twelve shilling and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within time months from the tecciptof the firt number and lilleen shillings if collected at the end of the year exclusive of potttac companies of individuals wliu icilc in the country and win may prefer to nd lo the olhe tor their papers may have tbem supplied at leu shillmgd per copy per anoum prompt my no subscription received fur ic9ft than six months and no jyiijrr jlf miihn ru i until ill nirconijo are pud up exoept at the option of the publisher advertisements six hue and under 2 l fortiiwoitiop and 74d each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firct insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4n per line fur the firal insertion and id per line for every subscipiriit insertion advertisement without written directions are inserted till forbid ami charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements lu be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no tetters taken in except horn arnts unless paid pttt ziclter jprcss printing doctor barker having obtained a niotl superior press tod an excellent assortment of job type is enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and cjc- e edition doada upon terms hithertu un precedent ty low in upper 31akble works the undersigned lue leave 10 inhabitants of kingston ntl its vicmift keeps on hand i la rife assortment chimney to 11 ft k a of of all tascripitniusj pieces ffcftrf- fit ones islntl in ihcliti manner lform the that hp marble lie trusis from his i0113 oxpvriimic in ihc l tsiness and frmn ilw rrrausewetka hi tut ma he 10 receive a rcsuliir snpnly of different kinds of marlile lo jive eawftfitioii so those who may favor him with their imirowigc- h orders executed on q larrvnr k ton k ip holiest notice toi in cullen is31 tf i 7ti new store william maciikueilrseciltmy informs ins friends nrf he nullie hat le has commenced btsi it in lhe slow us imiriiiu occupied by mr william hrkunxte j r dnctly opposite tlitr hirtkriihv of mr uv walms rtora street wtfc he tauuhifii kwv cii maittly on haid a well bicrtrd isonmui f l v uooos groceries wines spuhtuovs liquors crocker j ulawur ac ac v m g truss that his assiduity and dose at tention 10 business will recommend him to a fair hare of the public support kmkon 1 7h 1934 earthenware a china george dawson oiot respectfully the inhabitants of kingston aid its lis busii n forms ennty that he less here in the course 0 two or three weeks and as he dues not intend re- it again in this plarc lite remainder of his intends closing burning it ag stock ill he sold at first cost he also lakes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for pnsi favor jk b wholesale purchasers ill find his prices considerahlv lower than elsewhere kingston feb 1634 tf 1 take notice the subscriber being about to relinquish business in kingston requests all persons indebted to him by note or book account to call and settle yfeg without delay t a corbett kimtston feb 7th 1854 to let with possession on the 15th of april next that excellent stand for xisiness immedhttclv adjoining mr g w yarkers hardware establish ment at present in the occupation of kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingstonand the public generally are respect fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including mill castings clothiers and other screws mill piiions gearings also trimming and finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der in the course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings wiil be kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and retail qvforsalk a small steamengkieof4horsc power is offered for sole cheap for cash kingston 24th january 1834 1 t macnider has on hand a very choice and complete assort ment of dry goods consisting of flushings cunudian cloths blankets red scarlet and white flannels a very extensive assortment of uroad cloths and cassimkres worsted comforters camblet cloaks plaids merinos llombazeits worsted hosiery scotch bonnets brown cotton and loom shirtings very cheap twilled sacking ftc c c together with goods of all descriptions suitable for the season which he is selling very low and lo which he would beg to call the attention of the trade also very superior cogimc brandy do do loniiun porter kingston 18th january 183-1- 1 wholesale and retail hakowak13 tohe i iiir end op si ore vtrerti kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends aiud the public that he has lately received from england an extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery c which he now obera for sale nl vary reduced price consisting of anvils vices smuhh bellows wrought and cut nuils english swedes and russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tin plates pitch tar rosin window glass paints turpentine wtnunjr linseed ai id olive oils glaziers d mm ndi ers tools and files of every description cir- flim japamim plated single and dou ins gun powder and tared rope pen and purcussion guns tinned and polished bitts and stirrups hie bridles trace and ox ch and shut chain cable white enhih and philadelphia mill saws cross cm and pit sawy unitd saws circular sjiws spailes and shovels steelyards fire irons short and long handled frying pans cast and wrought iron hinges tea kettles sauce puns baking and sugar kettles 3leggd round iron pot bar lend single and double sheet iron shw makers thread russia bristles and shoe sprig iron brass and copper wire gilt plated and horn buttons needles thimbles brass candlesticks wire mid brans fenders dish covers iron rim mortice and cabinet locks wood screws cur riers knives trowels plated snuffers and trays plated table and tea spoons cabinet brass foundry braces and bitts waggon boxes ja- d trays grain and bar tin c cheshire cheese is 2c lb superfine english glltf i lb thomas hardy kingston feb 7 1s34 1 iinr english the subscriber also to let possession will likewise be wanted a respectable youth from u to 16 years old as an apprentice to the dry goods business to engage for a lerm of yean one of a toliiabk- education from the country would be preferred appjy wm wilson kingston january 31st 1834 iven on the of which possession will likewise dc g same dav thai desirable ami pleasant family resi dence with an excellent garden orchard attached comprising three fifths of an acre and an excellent well of water situated at the top of grave street now occupied by t- a corbett parker benson have on hand and are now offering for saleat their store a very extensive and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries wines c by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising every article re quired by the fanners whether lor domcsiic ag ricultural building or other purposes and to which their attention is requested they are now paying cash for all kind of mer chantable produce kingston january 9th 1834 1 kn gston feb ttli 1s3 robert glendinniiig is just now offering for sole a quantity of very superior madeira wine in casks very superior old fori wine in bottles a few dozens fine old ration rum very superior small still scotch whiskey and all other spiriiuous liquors to eihor with all groceriesof the first quality at considerably prices for cnh kingston feb 7th 1s34 announcement james linton avail himself of the present opportunity of informing the friends of the late mr michakl moran and the public in general that he intends carrying on the business of auciiojveer axd commission decsuwt in ntl its various branches on lielmlfof the widow by strict attention to bwiilicttsi mid by punctuali ty jnmes linton hopes to meet share of public patrnimgn cash advanced on good kingston february 14 1814 3w the subscribe begs leave to inform thu gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity that ho has opened ilis long lihn and is now ready lo receive consign ment from all parties trillion lo realise immediate cash for landed property merchandize house hold furniture c c his nightly auctions will be continued as usual at which every article in the dry tiood line mav be purchased at uimrccedently low price hugh scan lan auctioneer aft 1 cotnntissiun merchant kingston feb 6 18ftl- i auctiox a3vd commission business r jackson grateful for the distinguished patronage he has received since bs coujmenceinunt in the above line liegs leave to return thanks and to tftttte to the public generally thiat his house which was burned in november last is again rebuilt wilh an extensive auction room where he intends to re stlllh the butdlhbs ot otnlkal accrtuxkvm ami commission aoent ah hind of cattle and land sold on the most rea sonable terms n 15- reference can be given to some of the most respectable gentlemen in town r jackson kingsmn feb 6 1834 auctioneer g h haines auctioneer and contfiiiou merchant kingston g h haines respectful informs the inhabitants of kingston that he has commenced as auctioneer and commission agent aid begs to sulk it a hare of their patronage md bitort huuocd 80 oil in assurance that it will he a earnest endeavor to on tbehosl lor his employer and always tu pay the strictest regard to punctuality and depjtch in the scttlin of his accounts to those tiintletnen in the undertaking and their cordial support he takes this opportunity of returning his thanks and assures them it will he u pride to prove himself worthy of their confidence until g h h can obtain sufficiently commodi ous piemiscsin consequtnee of the scarcity of buildings he has been unfbr the necessity of rent inff for a short rime the fruit room on the premises of mr kendiick cabmt maker store street where he will be happy to wceive goods foe sale oi to dispose of houses or ltttds cither by auction or private contract on the mos moderate commission n b houses let debit and rents collected kingston dee lsih 1s53 1 wia have encouraged hin who have assured him ol the srbscriber offers for sale at the albany type foundry no 3 libert street on the most favorable trms every variety o printing types together with cuts brass rule cases galleys chases compodngfstirka printing utensils generally also a new eu script of which the caption and signature ol are specimens and a new gival primer script cut in similar style tjjesejounts were got up with grent care andnx- and arebelureedojie decidedly superior to this country tjv were cur and li thi pense anv others cast n sorts o educed for sale by the subscriber superfine flour by the bbl prime mes pork do butter by the quantity cheese do do s r caldwell market place kingston feb 7ih 1h34 cheap grocery store the subscriber beg leave to tender bin sincere thanks to his friends imd the public in general for i he support he has received since he commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a large assortment of winks jamaica spirits spanish cognac brandy holland gin peppbrmint sc siiiiuo worihy the notice of tavern keepers -also- groceries earthenware glass and a large quan tity of west india 22tceof the first quality a i rge assortment of salt water fish table sab cheese butter oatmenl cornmeal hontry flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston january oth 1j4 1 notice mr colls surgeon at the naval establishment having mttde application fur permission to proceed to england all persons uho have claims to settle arfc requeud to send their bmuuirts for ad ah uewspaperb uid periodical publications discontinued from this date kingston 21th january l3i listmeiir are 10 be just received adhinnppiyfhatt to the english annuau rorls34 hon mrs norton auso principles of gover free institutions including die united state by nathaniklchipman the above for mile by jamesmacfablane is co kington 18th dec 1633 important david williamson having determined un extending his business and removing to a more eligible situation by the 1st may begs leave to inform his numerous friends and the public in general that he will dispose of ins present new and extensive stock of dry goods at unprecedented low prices for cash his slock consists of superfine and retiue black blue olive brown and drab cloths alixturcaud fancy casstmeres petershams pilot cloths flushings coatings canadian and strong cloths for farmers use with an extensive assonmcnt of scarlet white and colored flannels 34 64 tickings blankets and baizes winter hosiery c e black and colored gros de naples bombazines crapes and mcrinoes worsted plaids ginghams cheeks and printed calicoes in great variety with a general and select assortment of other coops connected with the trade to suit the present and approaching beaton which country storekeepers and others who wish to realize a saving will find worthy of their at tention no second price made kingston feb 6 1834 1 jvew provision store baker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform the public that they keep on hand wholesale retail the following goods american pork hams dried applea venson do york bay oysteis mutton do fine flour mess pork indian corn meal prime mess do oats pms beaiu prime do fine flavored te excellent fresh e tutter american cheese do salt do canadian do scotch herrings excellent strong beer north shore do superior cyder in bbts jwvu do sprees of all kinds chamont do muscovado sugar salmon trout refined do french cod poultry of all kinds c sale ni 9 per 6d psrst rate butter for a large quantity of first rate butter lb also line hay of quimie cheese at per ik the above can be confidently recommended as being ol ilie uest quality private families will find it to their advantage to call and examine the mine thomas wilson kingston feb 7 1834 deeds of atwisiiim ins mortgages memorials bonds wilis teguments protests contracts agreements powers of attorney charter parties and all conumrcial instruments prepared engros sed and attested ujou the shortest notice- books poud accounts collected ana lands uougfii and sold at the oflice of wm t kennedy notary public lano agent general accountant s tore treet kington fiby gth 1j4 1 e lessl1e sons in addition to their supply of books station ery prillp si patent medicines have for sale j200 roams wrapping paper eiitish german toys 2 cm green yellow white shoe thread curricrv oil in ja s bbls iiaiher wootl transfer varnish skinti a pail twine c c c kintrsron feb i s3 1 i 3n m the latest london scripts and on the nmsi ftp proved plan- in these founts the double leticrsar complete exhibiting that perlict connexion f the letters in imitation of writing inch can be elueted by no other method and completely avoiding that broken and disconnected appearance of script crst id the ordinary way winch resembles italic letter rather than writing especially when it becomes a trifle worn the plan on which these fount un cut is so systematic that the composilion ami dis tribution are nearly or quite as simple as that ol plain letter script ins besides been very objectionable asm the body it being east either on a square body ami most of the letters having- of course some pnt ol the face projecting over the side ami very liable to break or being on a plain inclined body and with great difficulty kept in line both acne objection are completely obviated in the present founts the letter being on an inclined boly the face cannot break oftlike that on square body and the typv being cast with a notch and thmtuter in the sides i kept in line as easily as type oi square body these founts require a common pair of casts onlv with a few of the lower case boxes divided each fount will be accompanied with a plan of the cases and the necessary directions and cases ol the tirstquabiv with the boxvs divided in the pro per manner w ill be furnished when ordered as no unnecessary sorts are- put in the founts 30 pounds of the english script i sufficient for a moil gage and about half hat qunifiiity i generally sul- litciit for common jolw- olj the heat primer about one quarter more is reqtijjved albany feb is 2w jt the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public fur the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in busines and lakes this method to inform them hat he keeps constantly on hand tin ami sheet iron ware buckskin mittens and cloves whips cigars combs bullous sewing silk and thread ami many other articles too numerous for deiail requisite for country merchants and pedlers inch can he had on advantageous terms by applying at the sign of the bear market square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and brass deer skins sheep skins bees wax tallow ivc will he received inpayment the hi fust jirirc paid at ail cuius in cash for furs n 15 those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by so doing they will oblitre barton phillips kirrgrton fh 4 1834 1 iiuosovstreethotel albany a ciimecifiijb respectfully informs his canadian friends that he continues to keep open bis well known ea- taolivhineflt where gentlemen from the provinces may depend upon hiding the best accommodations upon the most reasonable terms albany jan 1st 1831 1 tf rcsociiis wmjlsojw espectfclly informs the ladies ami gen tlemen of kingston and its vicinity that he has just received a very large assorrment of fashionable fur caps if almost every description with a variety of ladies muffs tip pets wiib is 01 s to match infants fur caps and gentlemens fur gloves of all kinds and black russia lamb skins for coat collars the above furs are from a respectable house in montreal with positive instructions to sell them at very reduced prices kingston 17th tnnuarv 1831 i all which articles together with many others will be sold low for cash in addition to ihe above baker egan have laid in a good assortment of dry goods glassware crockery- market square kingston feb 10 1834 extensive falu importations received by j w- armstrong 8l co their usual fall supplies of staple and fancy goods suited to the present and approaching sea son to which they respectfully solicit public atten tion among their stock which with extent com bines an infinite variety will be found superfine yorkshire and west of eyglajvd cloths and cassi- meres some of the finest fabrics in black blue and fan cy colors double milled olive invisible greenrussia brown and drab surtout cloths flushings petersham bath coating yorkshire beaver satiucit and canadian cloths barragans fustings velvets and velveteens fw p rmngr fifli lfg sfcfe flannels serges and baizes white and colored counterpanes and marseilles quilts bed ticks printed calicoes regatta stripes and real scotch ginghams steam loom cottons turkey stripes and striped shirtings white and rolorul plain and satteen jean moreen and chintz furnitures shalloons bombazetts bombazines norwich crapes and tariain plaids merinos double twilled crapes and cambleta twilled sacking osnahm dowlas sheeting and sail canvas irish linens long lawns french and imitation cambrics and cambric hkfs huccnback diaper brown and bleached diaper table cloths brown and bleached holland book jacf i r cambric and mull muslins checked sniped and hair cord jacconets plain figured bobhinetts urlings blonde and real thread laces edgings and bobbiuctt quillings thread and muslin insertions lace caps and cap crowns muslin lace robes black and colored gros de naples and grosdena- ples ginghams white black and colored crapes crape royal and figured gnuzes india lustring sarcenets persians and sattins black and white lace veils gauze veils scarfs and handkerchiefs lace and muslin collars muslin storobpre flies corseis mti ccfffiefl peffrtitdtfft fur trimmings boas muffs and tippets north west buffalo robes gentlemens fur caps chamois skins and v tletnens manufactured chamois vests and draw ers worsted and lamvs wnol do gurnsey frocks and worsted belts silk cottott worsted and lambda wool hosiery and wadmilled overall hose lndtes and gentlemens single fleecy and cha mois lined gloves hair combs j buckskin mitts braces silk stocks stiflbers and opera tyes gentlemens silk cloak cords and tassels cloak clasps silk and cotton umbrellas black aod colored silk velvets and velvet rib- bon ib toiil st r t the btulilingnow occupied as the com- lltlvj g meiciu bank posscsdoii siven about ilte um b middle of january fur i further particu- lars aj ply to f a habp2b kington tt i dc 1s5x 1 tf james maofarlane and company booksellers si stationers beg to announce that they have removed their remaining slock of books station er y to the new stone building erected since the fire on the site of their former establish- streets where friends and the lincnl h treatise on constitution of the l l d stoyesb cousigninents januarv9 1831 parker and b knsoil at cost to elojw 1 itieilt corner of ivinj and brock they will lw happy to wait on thci public 03 the printing ojficc and book bindery are in operation as usual kingston january s 1m india bandannas rich dress sontagineaux cassimere worsted cyprus crape merino and real thibet shawl nd hkfs sarcenet sattin and gauze ribbons christys london hats patent leather caps aod scotch bonnets brussels kidderminster and venetian carpeting hearth rugs cloth tooth nail and hair brushes worsted cotton and silk fringes lambs wool worsted and cotton ym crockery glassware liquid and paste blacking c c c a white sparkling champagne jowvbrand in cases of one two or three dozen eacft kingston nov 18 1833 1 tf miss phillips milliner 6l dress mater grateful for the favors she has received re spectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston that she continues to carry on the above busing at her apartments over the office of the british whig where she hopes to be favored with a continuance of their patronage childrens dresses elegantly embroidered kingston feb- 6th1834 v blank dei5dhn sihihihhk indenture lor sale auhe olha- ol the bt wuta february 7th 1m keui lvfohmitioy wjmttefo of jane tholtp who t monti a at for the thout the emi of april last in with the family o thomas gallay for- chamljlv letters to be addressed lo arthur ledlel kingston feb- 7th 18s4 up con tucrly kt provioet pany ol fkk sides sole leather luuu 50 doz cast steel axes shepherd simmons work 200 barrels salt 50 tierces west india rice for sale by parker benson january 9 1834

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