Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 14, 1834, p. 4

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mb laxds for sale in upper canada thls following valuable lots of lund tirooflcred for rale on very reasonable units in jitpardsbureh jpafctowil district 101 no 17 iu the bth coiioemioni 20u iut good land in ui old ana volt settled wyndiip cleared on both aides mot lo mills ind cootl ruaifc in burgrs johnstown ljisirici lut no 21 in ihc4ih concession 00 ncrct good land aitl mar the ridean canal in raiedon midland district lot xo 19 in the 14dl concession 21hi acres land said to lc good in oro home district broken lot no i first rftngg find part of lot no 1 in second range ilk acres excellent land and well situated locewiw in the same township lot no- 3 second range gore 300 acres beautifully situated on the bank of lake sitncoe very superior land adjoining excellent set tlcments one of which is lieutenant obrien ft in essa home district west halves of lots no 6 and 7 and east half of lot no- 6 6th concession 300 acres excellent land and the notiawasaga ri ver runs through it in cahdon home district east half of lor no 9 in the 5th concession cost of hnronlario sireet 100 acres very excellent hunt cleared on three side witlin a mile of inuring and saw mills in ffo homcdint lot no 26 on the pcnc- tanguishiue road 200 herfft very excellent hunt a river running through it mtd excellent mill seats and will soon he veiy valuable and probably a ul lage laid out there in thorah vilfogc ofbeaxcr town at the month of beaver river lake simeon 100 village lott a number of water lots and mill pi ivilegcs when there is a dam erected across beaver river and one of the best situations for manufacturers and mechanics in upper canada the steam boat landing is at this place a store opened and many buildings are go ing up this place will eventually he the connect ing link between rice lake and luke simcoe apply to the proprietors r a parker york or j j parker kingston kingston january 30 ism 1 lands for sale ox reasonable terms and liberal credit oaa acres lot 7 in the 1st concession township of xclson gore district 500 acres lot ii in the 10th concession township ol mddoc midland district ooaircs lot 4j in the 6th concession township of wolford district of johnstown q acres lot 22 in ths 3d concession township of walsinchrm london district the above lauds arc admirably situated in the midst of flourishing settlements the lot in the gore district in particular having an excellent mill seat on it for further particulars otiplv hotter post puid to jotts couatkr kingston jan ut 183 j 1 t warm to bje sold to be sold lot wo 22 in the 3d concession of kingston now in the occupancy of henry dalian the proprietor mho is about to remove from the midland district this farm is 2 12 miles from kington is mm- monlv known by the name of the picket farm it is designated in the original grant as a 200 acre lot but contains actually ft1oui 225 acres of which considerably upwards ofloo acres arc cleared and in a good state of cultivation a great portion of the cleared land is alluvial of the richest descrip tion and the remainder upland admirably adapted to produce with suitable cultivation as heavy crop of every species of grain and pulse as the host land is generally susceptible of procuring the farm is traversed in the centre by a run ning stream and besides abounds with living springs there are three dwellinghouses and two excel lent barns and a purchaser may be accommodated with the whole farming stock consisting of cattle and horses with about 100 tons of hay 1000 bushels of oats wiih much other grain and the requisite number of funning implements the quality ofthe soil the quantity cleared with out a vestige of roots or stumps and its close prox imity to kingston which is a never satisfied cah market render it a most desirable acquisition for a person of means who is desirable uf enriching his family by agriculture possession with an indisputable title can be given at any moment and the terms ol paytmni may be known byapplicaiion to mr henry dal ton on the premises or at the patriotoffice 223 king street york feb i 1834 for sale the following valuable real estate appertaining to the estate ofthe late thfophius nklson viz the premises now ocupted by mr c- il mcol- lom as a merchants shop with office store house c- being lot no- on the west side of front street in the town of brlhiilr the premises adjoining now occupied by messrs butter a vet ill being part of lot aa oujtly- west side of front street hi sellvifle ajbt containing half an acre of land lyimron the east side of pinnacle street being lot no 22 in public situation a farm within one and a half mile ofbcllville being the east half of lot no 36 in the 2d con cession ofthe township of sidney containing 100 acres 30 of which arc now under cultivation and well fenced there are on this faun a yood log house and frame barn one hundred acres of land in the county of prince edward being the south if a if of lot so 67 in the 4th concession of the township of ame lia sburgh three wood lots within a mile of bellville for further particulars apply to charles nelson bellville october 29th 1833 1 rtftfiacres of first quality ilxnnd for sale i vjsvb by the subscriber low for cash or ap proved credit no 23 in the 4th concession in the township of darlington 200 acre s w halves29 and 30 in the 2d concession township of adgalo 200 acres s w half 26 in the 6ih concession 100 acres 92 east side of the peuetanguinshiuc road 200 acres for further particulars apply to the suih scriberat 173 king street york james mcgoire york october 23 1832 1 in thctownshipof markiiam being he east half of lot number two in the second ciiimsion eon- taming one hundred acres upon which thero iao clearing and a log llourerectcd for terms and further information apply to y wart farm fou 8axii that well situated properly lying w lira weal hide ofthe 13 mile crude in the 1 wnsllip of nelson lately hrtojiginir to dmiirl okiilly con sisting of pnrl uf lots xo2uid 3 in the lt con- tvsmnn of dtimhis surel cnntaininir ilibvlhtff 130 acre about 75ofwhirh arc under iuliiraiton their are on flic preilitw a well finishrd fmtiie lw iline house barn stables and out houses wifll a merchants hop to any person delimits of emeriti the mrrcttfin- llle business the above property is well adap cd beiii situated in the midst of a fine w heat country and from the neighborhood of which hirtjc quan tities of staves are annually exported to the quebec market for further particulars and terms apply to an drew steven emi hamilton or at york tn john radenhurst york january otb is3 1 to let ix seymour a valuable tavern stand iu the centre of this rapidly improving township situated on the river trent and having u ferry attached toil to persons acipiaintvd with the business few place ol ler better prospects of succcw none but those who can present testimonials of sobriety and hones ty need apply portlier information may be had ironi mr l perry at belkille or from major campbell in seymour january 1831 seymour for sale in the town of york eighteen building tots on duke strttt co- rtfinc strtctt vpptr george slrcet and ffichuwnti street part of the purchase money to be puid down and a liberal credit of our or five years will be given lor the remainder apply to the subscriber for particulars geoitce dutikan also 3000 acres of land for sale in diflercm parts of the proince apply as above york sept is 1633 1 twelve ii iivdred acres of choice land for sale situated in the townships of zorra and missouri in the london dis trict for 750 cash in hand enquire of mr york 11 dec 1sw 1 village oftuorold this flourishing villaffe on the weltond canal from ite growing importance deserves public atten tion it is situated on the mountain ridge or sum mit level of the canal where the lockage commen ces ami although deriving gical and important ad vantages from its extent ofwater power it possesses many natural advantarcs bring iu a direct line be tween the city ofthe falls and st catherines and nhnut s milrt ironi the innnrr plmr in llm hrnrl t a wealthy and llonrivhing country and nlliirdmg every fitcihtv for sending t piodurt in diwrciii markets having a direct roinininueation by wale to both htkvt from it bring cltsvutrd iipwanln ni three hundred feet above the level of lake ontario it has a line commanding prospect niih gid pure witter and a salnbrinus jiir it is notvscarcely ilirec year pinee its commence ment and contains 1c fiinihcs with a population n2li0sonls anion whom are a number of soodand respectable mechanic it has four saw utilise capa ble of sawinpiinm 13 to 13000 feci of lumber per day and a tiri rate louring mill three merchant hops and a postofliee tuid from its situation ma chinery to any twteni run he erected ami iifrtfutf an excellent opeultig to incohnnics of every descrip tion a good tannery is much wanted which could be carried on wvy profitably to a great extent as bark can be brought by vatcr from the forests ol chippawa and grand river there are also itvo places of public worship and another in coutemplnlion and a medical practition er from edinburgh the object ofthe subscriber in gluing this public notice is to hold out iudiueinents to persons wivh- ing to purchase he will yell lots upon very reason able terms and upon long credit to actual settlers ceorgekeeier thorommis jan 3 1wi i c hatch chat rm akc i kixgstox upper canada york lithograwiic imtkss the subscriber begs to inform the public at large that he has the above in full operation by the water side in the house lhat whs formerly the commissa riat ollice where every thing relating to lhat art can be done on the shortest nnice in it tlii oflice sitlbrds very great advantage tothoe persons wfej hve inrffu tracts ni land lor rdeas the diagrams can be printed on the heading nf handbills uhirh will immediately show the exact situation of every lot ac- all orders executed with neatness and dimatch sotazewell ltthogharilsiu york urjlvi9thlft33 new livery stable rear ofthe kingston hotel j devlin si co respectfully announce to the gentry and inhabitants of kinffton that tbey have commenced a livery stable ah above and tbnt they are now prepared to arcnmiuodatc them with a clloini election of excellent hursm at hire with a greater variety of vcaiettt f fnvliionableand the best kind and with competent and careful drivers saddle horses of every pace famwr wishing a conveyance may send at any lime and have their orders promptly executed hnrxes ta ken iu at livery bought and ndd exchanged o disposed of on commission j d co will use their best exertions to satis fy tire public and will make sueh improvements in their establishment as may from time tn time be necessary- their terms are moderate and will he found much lower than those heretnlbre charged kilkpton die it i5q3 tims day published and for sitr bg the grw dozen nr singfa macparlaxe v cos kingston upper can- aila j jilmj1n i v for the year of our lord 1834 beinerhr serond after bisexiilr or leap year mid llie fifth year of the rehjn ol his maievfv king william the fourth fftcimntry meuhautf and others may be sup plied on the most liberal term by the publishers kltiguton october 13 1833 poospectcd of tltr skcont volume of ti1h albrln fxf verity the second volume of the rfuw series of tin fittriim will eointneiiet on the first satlnnbtvof tli llthuiittr venr 1wj es ih news poli- more rarticulnii this inn ies md i mat which million irerature f europe of tjrcat britain has been established iietnh ttrtfre yittrs and has obtained a reputation and circutaiitw farrparfi ihc most vangninc expeo- unions uf its founders this lattcring encomasre- mem has enabled ihe ivopiietur on three separate occasions to imprme enlarge and emhellii thf work and to throw into its pages such an increased quantity nf political itamry and scientific matter u tn rentier it in the estimation of its friends one nf be most efficient weekly journals in the english language in ifs details the vbion will be found toruilimei notices and opitus extraits from all the new publiraiiousof value issuimr liom the rrilisfa tres ilie debates iu lth houses of parliament willi the most rentarkabh speech at length stud ihe general inttdbgeucc ofthe uriuuh empire the con tinent of europe iid other parts of the fflobe- lu its lighter portion will he found the amusing and agreeable tale of british periodicals which are so remarkable w their lively mid skirkling ti- leut selected with diligence and euro that has drawn forth the mo utupialificd approbation any thing ilmt tends in dw remotest degree m shock female rieiicacvi orto offend national affection is carefully excluded by which course the paper has become an inmate l l mosf respectable and in lellectual families mid mny be found iu the draw- iiiffrunms and on ulo tables of the most literary persons on the noi american continent poetry history biography music and the drama receive wwil nd proper atieution while scientific and liraphical discoveries voyages and travels e are faithfully recorded the wit and anecdote rf ac great european world the london and pisiau fashions and a weeklv summary of the imcellancotw intelligence of the daj complete the dange prospectus 0 a thlv aiaoazlnk on a new am caifrehensive plan to the canadian uontiily uagaztne it is intended in h rt n in submit to puhlir approval or condemmon a monthly mogazine of a character more nxti than has hitherto been pub lished in a british ionv- monihly and ciir periodicals hnvc nlread been tried but with existing exceiiion wilhotll success the projei ihe present work persundi themselves they cart discern something iu the limit ed nature of those vorka to account for such an is- wie something in wmred aspect ofthe times tn uintftiti ilirm in pntiriswwilpwfoi it yrrwdi- pttl nf a more roniprhensive ehirarter under hi iinpisinii they milum iheir pan in an older imittj if a nunv anifieial ehanictor iu a larger and mt niottev iuinunlii t i mitfsixini will liud ample snppnt ihnuh euniinid tuilk ml- voriry of one class if piiimiple or the illustration of one branch nf vcinice england fiance uenwi- mv and america ha v their mining reviews thii phiennhineal juitrinlv and tbrir reviews and 1 eayjnex devoted to avery possible iimdilication ol political and theolmval en canada ifvhe de sire to call into exeieuce a periodical literature must he content at irt with one or two nnupudttct euibrainir all and iry lllinp willi ibis iew irs proposed to admit atlielesoti general politics of av creed provided il ey discuft neepttona in candid hir and courteous language ti- voidins every the mist distnut allusion or expres sion which may be demed likely to create pain in any breast an honest and rotistent tory has pledged us an article now and them and an unbending liberal is in our list for the saiiuvurposi i nnd as both are edu cated pentleinen 1i1012i1 of adverse srlwols the ca- nadian imoiiihly maoiziue will be the humble means of instituting a soir f friendly suit not between parties for parcv it hcllcws but between coniend inir political principle the derision ihe projectors nretenfl not 10 take ipon ihemseues that must rest wiih the public while reviews ureitevoied to one class of opin ions and read chieflyhv ilme alio suhseribe there- to and what is worscdeal wiih c idence under the security that if reliuamns appear in a revtew of op posite principles it wil not reach the renders eye a conviction that nut oily the same review but even the same number mavnontain a well written article on the of her side will therefore operate ns a salu tary check upon a earless as well as a dishonest dealing with evidence in this mode of dismissing dispurable points the lover of truih must nerds rejoice though as it will make sad hn oc with lie trade of a political pani7an ntii enemies i saving said thus mtclurfrtlf political character nf flia cheiuiunmontlly magazine the puhlicmnst not lose sight ofthe liu that other auhjecia will 00 rupvthe larger portiorof irs pages the improve ment and develonemeit ofthe resources of the can- jilas the pnuikition 01 education sketches of socie iv literary essays aid scientific disijutsbions will all tind their appropritte places in short every tltills will he attendd 0 calcnlatcd to render the work varied instructive and entertaining in a country making use of two languages ihe exclusion of either imt destroy or at all events interfere much with th iisefuhiesn nf a work ofthe kind to render it ihefiue more essentially com prehensive the canailun monthly magaaine ispio posed ns ihe vehicle f articles in both french and english the rule of aftniaslon bctlls solely that al ready named in the jurih paragraph of this pro- specula though the original character of thp canadian monthly magnsfrianf lif dpnrted from with out cooil and siilficieih rcssnn still whn any ariirle m the english freuchur amwirnn periodieals of a character likeiv to be htrbly interevtiiiirto the coin- nial reader forces itsi- upon the notice ol the edi tors it will be inserted lasilv the public itist be reminded lhat two con ditions are necessary l snceessful prosecution ofihe design fiiii a consinni supply ufliteniry iissistanre second subscription list sufficient to cover expense the woik willconsi nfbtir sheeis or frl paew 8w very neatly pnnrrd mi pud paper it will be ready or delivery nil die last day of every month ai twkntv simmivi per otinmn delivered in town and twkntv- korn jsinlumis tnmsinun l by mail commtllllcntintia to be addressed to the lditors ol the vttnndim mlht magassm at ik ii cus- vimaiams or to iu lniltf jlfrrrtirr office editors nf newspapers who are friendly loiherh- vieu of thcahnw pcriedieal will ubbire by tliviilgthr prospectus a few itimiitfum montreal nov i 133- pkospectus- dotor barker respectfully aepiaiut his ivietids and patrons that as early as circumstances will permit he will nuhlish ibe lirst her of a new uommebciah poi-iti- cal jourxal imperial ie lobe called the billtish whig and continue to issue the panto every tuesday and friday by ehrhi oclock in the monnmr as the chief object of the phblisherin attetnjrtin a semiuetkly pnptr wiiboofaconinirriial imtnre every endeavour will in made to furnish the laiest iiiformation relative to the rot reel state ofthe liver- iub qpiiebec mnotreal new york detroit york and ii m markeim together wiih as ample a tie- tail nf buropeau and colonial inteilience as the limits of hi paper will arbrd the politics of the paper will be wrongly mark- 1 d to compromise them in as few words as possi ble suffice itioytlrat liberal measures will ih advocated upon british whig principles a far as they maybe found compatible with ihe locali ties of this province while an ardent attachment to the crown of j real britain and her liberal institutions will be inaiiifc ed every colonijl abuse will be pointed our every incipient encroachment upon the liberties of the peo ple exposed feevery attention paid to their political want the public actions of all individual will bo considered open to comment at die sanu lime tlvir private transactions w ill be rigidly respected and tile difficult line of demarcation between a public and private ofleiice strtetlv obered a yaera experience in the arduous uk ofcatei iiicr for the political public has taught doctor uar- ker to appreciate the difficulties of his undertaking and has also taught him to know his deficiencies which is perhaps the best criterion of ilia intention to remedy ihein all persons who are friendly to the above under taking are respectfully requested toiibscnheto the paper and if their circumstance permit to forward one year s or six months subscription ill advance to messrs leslie a oh booksellers 01 mr i williamson kingston or to the present afetlkfl for the spectator who will be pleased to remit the same to the above gentlemen wiiluuu delay team rif the semiweekly pape one pound per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the receipt ofthe first number and one pound live shillings ij collected at the end ofthe year ex clusive of postaee a weekly paper composed of ihe above will he lulllbhed every tuesday ifivwoiu for rvutttrt fir- ulatiim only which will he forward d per mail al twelve shillings and sixpence per annum if paid in chance or within three niotitlw from the receipt of rhefinn number and fifteen shdli gs if coliittcd at r he end uf the year exclusive ofpotfage- companies ofindividuals who reside in ihe coun try and woo may prefer 10 send to the office liir their ropy peronnifrn piompt pay kington dn 7 181 anew steam boat to he hulft at prtsfott on an mprorcd vhiu i ity bettrren prtxcott ami monirtul at a general meeting of the inhabitants of pre- coit colled for tht purpose of lakiuir ioin co aiion the ntoat expedient ihinofluildi sa passage boat to idv iwiuven 1h london line op packets to sail the ririt tfjehl alto twekti lacii m05tb willi n view of crcatin new- ftcltrttci in ihe inur wurnsbocx rtinp hntmseil lnrin nod newyurkihepfo irietfity of die frveial packrt alrrarfy viiajedirtirjiic 1 iimi- isam n r moxtbkal a mwlillan lvf beiet rulbd to ihe chair and mr w b wells nppniund derrt tlie follow log iteohitioos were proposed ami atlopi ed lstt that this meeting deem it expedient to con- struct a boot ftt prcscoii of the follow inc descrip tion vtc- two cylinders uf an elliptical or oval form 176 feet in length 5 hi depth oimlo twl wide to be built of staves and bolted oocther bv tuenna of iroii hoops mi the inside wiihotit any limbers the ends formed in mich a maimer kin irivc n irnd bnw and stern the cylindere to be placed twelve lect apart with a deck extended actnm them to pro ject two feet outside meamirins 17g bv 31 and bolted by means of iron boh and well secured in iron braces a wheel of25 feet in diameier and 12 feet in leucib to he plnced between the float null worked by two low pressure engines nf3u horsepower erh when llhh rir mbannd mm bout nut lu draw more tlimu i i inches and move through the wfuer at the rate of 18 miles per hour 2d that from estimates the meeting arc of opi nion that such a boat can be constructed and put into operation for 5000 3d that to insure a more extensive and impar tial circulation of stock this sum he divided into eiffht hundred shares at six pounds fiesliritngs each and until the boat bt tromnleted the stock or completed tne choc be notirsinsfejrjprpi iy the consent of a ma th projectors nre indtued to hope it will not bcwiihljqfvldf the commhtce ofmanngement 4ilu that until iiie completion of the boat no stockholder be entitled lo a vote on any share or shares over liliy 5th that hiram norton alexander mcmillan alpheus jonos joseph whhucy lnnsnn imiiard esquires nf prrseotl henry iiildcrslecvo esc of gannwupie be the managing and building com- mirtee 6ili that committee be appointed to open the books and lake up subscriptions for stock who are to report 10 the committee of management as early asihe 15th day of february next mid that the fol lowing be a committed via messrs woi ritchie co montreal c j mcdfeiahl iv co ianaumpie joseph wliiinev and yv b vhk esqis- precott tiny c wood esq curilwall oeorge hronse esq matilda i judson esq oinieeisburuh u- s j g-be- tlliinc esq cobimrff g- monroe escp york- kthbell psentiw ejij hamilton lewn clement esq xiaara heiivv oildeilecw esrj kinsston itilla flint esq brockvilto cieorge a clark esq rrauiford fib thit lift soon ns 25111 pound be sob- jrrihed the mannffinst mid building commiitee may prot eed to make contracts for the lluilding of iohfl iioiil 8b that the committee of manngemew be here hyauihoristd to open the hooka immediately and seiidihcm tocach of ihe committee for taking tip the subscriptions j and thntihev be also anihorised to proportion ihu amount of each insfalmeiit lo be paid iu and fix ihe lime for the payment ofthe same nndnbto the time for forfeiture in default o payment signed alexander mcmiixax lttttrmuk w is wells rvrretartft ii ifih i iirivlurs nl ilie vribi pnritcisi mkwij wixfihrjn bren iodoced t cop ntc in adding t ihe number or iha w kd i v i doiitrli oiu oftliein from new vmiic ofi ft 1 lodrand 30lli and fmni lundftn nnthe 7ih 17ili 11 on tim pofttmwtb on tin 111 hnk and i0ili of mbi motiiji tkroutiout uw yenr tliu line will now conimfj iip u tueceed oxli other and nil us follows viz from new york fth i si i ontario w- s sebor mwur pji 10 ship sxmtelkobbrtson a tt grifwoll imi soship canada thorns rrittmi mwfcr akir i ship sovfreirtn j kmninv tmt mar 10 slop hannibal f h imird natter mar 20 shin thames r grittrold mir april i new ship aprillu ship philadelphia e tl morrtd mxcr april20 ship8amson d cfwtvkk may 1 ship president gootpi ih mav 10 new ship may 2u ship montreal ctaminn iimmvf from lojsvoy tils kri iir ilia nov disc dec doc nit jul juil fi b fek feb- mai 27 s a mx robertson i- im prmiciith dc 1 7 canada usivu pttruttuiiitli iinlir ml 17 sovkreifin icivwpiirimmiullidrr gp 27 hannibal caves loriuuili jantwry i 7 thames icttvwi poits nil jra hi- 17 xw ship lcvo poruniriiili jail lilt 27 philadelphia kavr prmnuh fch- l 7 samson leaves port ih u uk 17 president leaven rfti k pkso 27 new ship leaves pohmi i alnrrli l 7 montreal leaves portuhnilii slnreh 10 17 ontario leaves purl nk mr- h tftl these hip ttmofttm isnttelttin 1 afluhtlh bui4w9 hnilt in this iiy of llivlmil niatenau xpp n anh f odmf fitftewtl nnil aie luiviiteil by able ml xpcriettevil i inmnni ff their actommodnnon fir piienr lire crv elrn cind extensive and for whom beds i wine inl otm rfihelel luality will always be proviiled for freight cv pa ajc upply to either ofthe r e on 1 ihe i i or to john hriswold 69 smitli rreel grinneix hinturna tn lu fronitiet oeo wildes co- no loojennn t londoa n b the shipsof the above lijie wilt nifilinw lo touch at porumouth as utual each wty iti lnl tmnl rerti pw sender and frrtm wtienee meamboir- run ilaijv luihe coob neut and to dilfitenl pail of england 9 bnwf uiltrination relative lo ifiufinri nfpakit shipt may he obtained by applieniion at thi- ifiiv aktiiuk votrrbil lin returning hi rincereihankmulth rundfiafidllic public in trenenil fm thv ihkimi nimnnn iimjm- roiiniitliinut he has hitherto nrrivr mprifidlv lirc irare ru inlhnn them ih h ih- hns ncatwib w his htninras in the store hfk uefttpm bv mr a thboilu one door west of vlrjnhii mowau where hi in how rikxtving a htrs whir spirit groceries sc nilrj n iifciiui nil ihr supply uftea nil fnlikthwillbe iiv ty tthnrsicand sidrs frislt pieklm owest ler retitil a fiw cac of larini ami s11iioc kiiimioii niv 30 iftjrj j h umoblrni both in town and ronntry iht beinj it ftimitu il h inifiii hi- flliirs i n ro ht his ap- roinlril m wletimill luvunl stlivth his afjetn for 1 11 tnitls all ilit senlnnrnt of lis rniiccnu sfmisinrluuirfl ti him tocill imm t per- lytmilntunh iltnmi whu morcvditll jiiiilhriyed tt 511 f nr i is mid liiv kliprfnii x raa john favin 1 ni n cau m tllis is o luihjll ntlv prison 1 ivot of iial ilnwl iiu- ji nvmieu mr mtfitll liiiioti nr in rl r for lu- suniof i liin- ilietltiml iihvmin dnlhirs t nrlvtf ruts smd pjiiilr mi 1 lie 2ih of mv isjl donsrlam pft ni t lore in king ton us ir it i havr receiv ed no otittte dimiioivsmltr thos jam 27 1834 demorest juuhtir 0th book b1xdino rnliinnd cupierplt- priiiim nrfttlv ex- ecuktlby s liaiikion op- potte tbii carbolic church rear sievi riijtoii ijl 1 post office arntiiscmeiil ikaiitvar of tk mmu tiie mail grille mictwoil the main pin rme 10 ihe east tront of ilii4iliri artclomij limea ivevk iz mimofl- ilav tiilnv wrilmlav tlmriliv krulav smut jay 1 dav woctikmhi thursday friday and saturday these mail will rhwvwh day at 6 oclock the m11u for orbce between btih and brighton on tbe prinet- edward county route areclefl rtrfee a week viz on tuesday niurday fiovlotk p m tlie maiu for camrtcn katand wilton are made up oq tuehay ami friday atgovlock p m tin mail fur nil office jfestofaficwter nre closed ftrwe s week viz on kftmbj baithfcirjjtt 6 a- the mail for newmarket anl oilier ihlice north 61 yoik are clone ocira a week viz on monday and thuri- dav al 6 oclock pm riie mails tor otficesi north of port iioh l cavan prterhoroiijfli r are closed once wvck viz on saturday u6ntlork p m tlie mii-3- r 1 1 r marmora are li ncc a week vit no tlmwlay at 6 oeloek p ai tint mail for tlie office on ihe route through beverly petth ad are elocd tsriee a wck viz on monday and ttmwbvp at 6oloek p u- tne mail for tlie untied stale- are clojii tarcc times wek vi- on monday vedu and friday aioclock p 3l arrival of the mails the eastern mail arrive ffttism a week viz on monday tiiesdny velnc3day thursday friday and saturday the westein mail arrive six tfimftt week viz 00 monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday contrarf hour of arrival 4 oeloek i m the mail from office htst of aiater will arrive ftet a week viz 011 tuesday and friday with he matu from york theprinee lthvartl mail arriv- thrtt times a week viz in mmulav vidnriby and friday at the ame timo with lite other western mails the southern orlvited satos mail arrive thnrtrtnes n week viit mi monday vvodnesdny and friday probablo hour ttf arrival on an average thriili the year 5 oclock office hot rs tlie office will be open from 6 ovu k a m till 7 oclock p m y day exert the saukilh when l her will bo delivered inly lietween the hour of 1ml a m 48 7ft letters qoixg abroad aiiendid lo iillivtwifo 1m lut in til concerned v hi jmid to cap viu- llnit way to must prcvrntt jt iotimv cash paid air fnm bv karton piiillipa kington january 0 rsil 1 neit hy queheo nnt 1 the fidlowiu reulilin must i ihev will reuiiiiii hut for warded mul getter fvlhe united sialic niui rtlll and kiieli n arc intended lo ire pnj4 paid tn new ymk lmrem nr fnronc intended 10 he nt paid in qiwhcei and ttotfl inleiidiid i he itetil by mali ii flinoiith niuket mnrt te vm to italifht iinfrn uuly ut mit hyway orouelh herwven vk aliiyjiutl ll iveilh r tn merel eseb lliev tnnv n lirwutdel iy ihe ihi r foirtcs at aiu mwm f01 lln- rrilninn relative to itrte 011 letter for the tiirimutt1iurnh west indies aee the pi mamer teuenilv advert ueillfth nut tip in lib i iitiec inmii llim tlliee to t n uutihh- i katen of pmie mi a mimle leni tih vinevid itl to new yotk h aiim half kit m any n unu kfiinmcdoil willimii hehuj mtnol will he 1linheii i nil l rn r hhthie ir uf a niiiiiii r ihioirie 10 w uan lit tot peniein jik tij j lie irnl ui1 i u jollin matal iav l m tiih up llrifi vine it l id t olllr lirk kmtoii feb tilt itf34i n

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