its so easy benjamin a- moore m paints v cfl hardware told jail cell not room in royal york 5 main st w stoltfv1lle phone 6402771 for office supplies business machines see the stouifville tribune aggsbsasbaaaaaagahbg stouffville district high school ojpeiy night for day and night classes tuesday april 2nd threequarter hour programme in the auditorium beginning af 815 pm consisting of day school fashion show and musical numbers exhibits and displays of art sewing shop work home economics icaihercraft science and other class work will be arranged in the class rooms open from 730 to 1000 pm boys and girls gymnastic display in the gymnasium at 915 no admission charge everyone welcome an impaired driving hearing a adjourned for iwo weeks while the accused brings his doctor in as a witness to give evidence regarding the state of his health after the crown evidence had all been heard in an impaired driving charge against 60-year- old wilmot tweedie of green wood the accused asked for the twoweek adjournment to en able him to produce his physi cian to prove to the court he suffers dizzy spells tweedie told magistrate j crawford vv guest he may have suffered one of those dizy spells after walking backwards and missing a chair by a foot and landing on the floor during a sobriety test at the pickering township police station constable donald martin told the court he went to a wood- view road residence on the night in question and saw a parked car in the driveway the vehicles motor the of ficer said was running and he saw the accused getting out of the car tweedie constable martin said was staggering badly and held the car for sup port he said the accuseds speech was very slurred and he was unable to get his drivers licence out of his wallet after fum bling around for a few min utes according to the officer the accused had no idea where he was and thought he was still on his way home at police headquarters con stable martin said the accused wanted to take a sobreity test he attempted to walk a line three times the first two stag- gering badly the third time constable martin said tweedie told him i did pretty good that time j and started walking backwards 1 to sit down on a chair he said j he missed the chair by a foot and landed on the floor the accused kept saying im sober constable martin said he added the accused talked a lot after he had been locked up tweedie wanted to know why he was kept in the cells when he was cold he said he only had a board to lay on his worship suggested he was not staying in the royal york hotel for the night sgt john pugh said he ad justed the thermostat in the station when the accused com plained of the cold and said it was over 75 degrees witness garraan federick vanderberg at whose residence the accuseds car was in the driveway said tweedie was be hind the wheel attempting to i get out of the snow tweedie told the court he had been in toronto all day and bought a dozen beer and a doz en porter at west hill on his way home he said he may have had one drink of beer with his cousin at west hill on the way home crown attorney w bruce af fleck asked if that one drink was out of a barrel he further wanted to know how the accus ed could have been lost comple tely within 10 miles of his home tweedie said he went off the road and when you get into those driveways you just dont know where you are he added he has been off work due to dizzy spells and may have taken one when he missed the chair at the police station defence witness william roy hill said the accused has been off work at general motors be cause of dizzy spells and is un der doctors care defense witness john fitz- patrick when called to the stand by the accused said he didnt know much about it and had never seen him take a dizzy spell he said he may have tak en one in his presence but he wouldnt have known about it tweedie then asked for the adjournment until he could have his doctor appear in court to give evidence on his behalf ont county seed fair this saturday professor d- h plaunt de partment of agricultural kco- nomics oac guelph will be the guest speaker at the onta rio county soil and crop im provement association annual seed fair and hay snow to be held in the town hall beaver- ton on saturdav march 30th 19g3 economics as applied to farming is becomiiik more and more important each year for a number of years professor plaunt has been connected with the work being done by the va rious farm management asso ciations across he province his ideas and suggestions will be beneficial to practical farming there will also be a panel discussion on the tor of crop production with ernhasis on fertility and weed control the panel moderator will be harvey wright soils specialist for this area the panel members will be russell morrison norman lehman murray holtbv and albert hockley the exhibits of grain forage seeds hay and silage will be set up in the town hall beav- erton between 1000 am and 1100 am and judging will be completed by 1230 pm the afternoon program will include the comments of the judges professor plaunts talk panel discussion general dis cussion period and the present- want your car cleaned outside spot paint repair upholstery also waxing if desired reasonable rates will pick up and deliver archie reid ringwood toone 4n232b twy mjrjfi it 1963 the stoutfytue triwk1 fie i prime fresh sliced fork liver iamb chops brkaded veal cutlets minced beef wieners lb 29f lb 59 lb 59 2 lbs 75 2 lbs 75c bologna lb 29c cut and wrapped for your freezer front quarters of beef lb 42c hind quarters of beef lb 59c oboyles meat market free delivery phone g402532 stouffville ation of trophies good seed is good economics in successful grain growing the seed pair assists in main taining standards of high qual ity in seed and affords an ex cellent opportunity to hear out standing speakers and to dis cuss cultural practices in con nection with growing of grain and forage crops with other farmers its spring gardening time youll enjoy your qardening even more with the help of fi 1mi0nville nurseries 1u miles fast of untonvllle phone 2971440 good reasons for you to on april 8th 1 to establish decisive leadership in he governing of canadas affairs and thus restore the confidence of canadians in our government 2 a liberal government will take vigorous action lo restore revitalize and expand our economy to increase national and individual wealth the liberal programme for canada includes these three major significant points to be made effective within the first term of oflice 3 to provide a medical insurance programme sponsored and financed on a contributory basis by the federal government and in cooperation with the provinces and the medical profession so that no one in our country will suffer privation because of sick- ness or illhealth i to institute a contributory portable pension programme to ensure thai our citizens will retire with a realistic pension of approximately twothirds of their regular work- ins wage with n 1000 increase immediately after election 5 to implement legislation on the federal level in cooperation with the provinces that will guarantee equality of educational opportunities to the university level for all canadians regardless of economic ability vote liberal your candidate norm cafik liberal candidate for ontario riding believes that canadians must he realistic he says we must be realists we must be resuo our programme for canadians can be put into effect when the economy of this nation has been expanded adequately to support such policies our first goal is to make an invest ment in canada and its future we must produce more revenues on the national level i am convinced that the liberal party will fill canadas greatest need stability of gov ernment the 31 year old businessman from pickering township himself portrays the kind of capable man needed in ottawa today his gifts in leadership and in organization are well- known a change is desperately needed in ottawa and in this riding this time vote cafik h jiutt mi ish jhjhkfctsihi sjr mbbbmbebb i norman cafik liberatj ontario riding tibkrat association