Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1962, p. 8

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pitt 8 the siootrvale tribune handiy scpteabw 20 1962 beachs hill construction to remove a long standing road hazard beachs hill a longtime road hazard on cone 2 uxbridge twp will soon be gone but will not toon be forgotten last week a 22 ton earthmovei and two d7 caterpillar bulldozers mov ed into the area and within a matter of hours the machines had caned a huge chunk out of the rough and nigged terrain the wiggins and bailey con struction co of brampton has the contract to remove 26000 cu yards of earth from the crown of the elevation and de posit the fill in the ravine below the firm expects to complete this portion of the project by the end of september according to the company foreman mr john waudby the initial stage of the con struction program was started last year by the township when heavier equipment was required the contract was put up for tender bids road super intendent stan slack told the tribune that the s turn and the sharp incline made it treach erous both for municipal ma chines and private motorists especially during the winter months the township will gravel the new piece of road way before freezeup stuck 5 times no resident in uxbridge township is better acquainted with the hazards of beachs hill than mr walter beach him self for 62 years he has lived on an adjasent farm and the man out of the ditch five times he saidi mr beach has both a tractor equipped with heavy- duty chains and a caterpillar he recalled how one toronto driver became bogged down on the hill on a sunday morning and was finally freed at 9 pm that night it was a common occurrence for mr beach to be aroused during the early hours of the morning by some maro oned motorist he has even opened his home as an over night lodging place he noted that as traffic on the second con cession increased over the years so the problems mounted it will cost quite a bit of money to fix the road but it will be a job well done he concluded perhaps this winter ill get a little more sleep could be problems the company foreman mr waudby expressed some con cern over the lack of a solid foundation at the base of the hill where the earth is being deposited he warned that if the weight of their machines or the sand fill was more than the groundlevel could support the whole area might sink out of sight he pointed out that if such a thing did occur the only solution would be to dump con- tinous loads of fill into the bog until a firm base was formed one earthmover carries is tons of sand each bulldozer weighs over 15 tons if the 26000 cubic yards can be handled without stories he could tell would fill difflculty the current portion a largesized book i pulled one of the p cost an esti- mated 442000 reject petition for sun movies a petition with over 200 sig natures asking council to pass a bylaw authorizing a vote for sunday movies has been scrap ped because the wording was changed after the signatures had been obtained uxbridge town council learned at a meet ing last week councillor mrs nellie kydd wanted to know what had hap pened to the petition that was under dispute at the last meet ing clerk delmos long advised that it had been relumed to i constant instigator of the peti tion who had in turn taken it to solicitors r harris and w f greig they had agreed that new one must be prepared with the proper wording accord ing to the latest lords day act council learned that one rate payer was told that the petition had been for skating at the arena the ratepayers name it was reported to council had been put on the petition and he had not signed it i am not opposed to the pe tition said mayor stanley beach but i do think it should be done legally councillor fred steward was concerned at the delay and feared that if the petition was wont get into a private scrap members of pickering twp council have refused to take sides in a private water rights dispute between two atha dis trict propertyowners council lor harvey spang introduced the issue at a special meeting at brougham on monday night although facts surrounding the subject appeared rather vague it would appear that one resident is using water for a swimmng pool and thus creat ing a shortage for two or three other farmers further down stream i feel that it is a private dispute between two people commented councillor milton mowbray our intervention would just lead to further headaches agreed councillor hubert wank mole hill out of a mountain not proceeded with at once that there may not be time to pass the bylaw and so have the pleb iscite at the next general elec tion the clerk said that he be lieved that the revised petition was now in circulation as well as a petition asking for a bylaw authorizing the question for sunday sports he said that these questions required sepa rate bylaws uxbridge pickering tp claremont news mri a samarillo valerie and leo left on friday to spend the weekend at the home of mr and mrs b kelly of norwood mr and mrs jim mcguire and family and miss jill bickell spent saturday visiting with friends in brampton they later attended the brampton fall fair marilyn rennie was the lucky winner of fiftytwo baby chicks given away by the peel poultry farm at the uxbridge trade fair on friday evening mr and mrs robt hockley held a corn roast at their home on saturday evening friends and relatives from whitby brougham and claremont were present the regular monthly meeting of the ladies auxiliary was held on thursday with com jessie mcguire in charge mrs margaret roszelle was initiated into the auxiliary plans were outlined for the fall and winter program the girl guides and brownies and their leaders attended the morning service at the united church on sunday a severe water shortage is affecting many homes in the claremont village tank trucks from brooklln and pickering are hauling water into the area weekly and the cost runs at 8 and 10 per load on the norris hardy farm north of clare mont two farm ponds have dri ed up for the first time in more than 20 years pasture lands hve been burned to a crisp and more than 100 head of cattle have been removed fiom the premises by their owners due to the drought a stone cairn has been erected on the farm of mrs e soden southeast of brougham to mark the site of the first post office in the area mr john devitt completed the work the stone was obtained from the soden premises a bowling tournament for the kaiser trophy was held on the claremont greens tuesday evening entries were present from agincourt markham ux bridge and stouffville on wednesday of last week messrs jimmy briscoe don hedges and tom hammond at tended a mens trebles tourney at markham two claremont rinks competed at stouffville on saturday for the birkett tro phy an allandale trio were the winners threesomes from claremont included mr and mrs geo derusha and jimmy briscoe mr and mrs tom ham mond and mrs agnes wallace mr eddie ortiz sister a vis itor here for the past month has returned home to spain mr and mrs peter hardy of toronto visited with friends here on sunday ssss notice of application by the corporation of the township of uxbridge to dispense with a vote of electors take notice that 1 the council of the corporation of the township of uxbridge intends to apply to the ontario municipal board for approval of the acquisition for gravel purposes of approximately 50 acres of land being the easterly quarter of lot 11 concession 6 and that of the sum of 14000 the total cost thereof 7000 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the geneial rale over a period not exceeding seven years 2 application will be made to the ontario municipal board for an order to dispense with the assent of tho electors and for approval of the said undertaking any ratepayer may within twentyone days after the first publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the clerk of the township of uxbridge at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection 3 the ontario municipal board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not bo required and may approve of the said undertaking but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered dated at goodwood this 11th day of september 1962 j e foskett clerk goodwood ontario mr and mrs clare keevil and mr and mrs n g fraser of toronto were guests at the home of mr and mrs malcolm lewis of willowdale on sunday following the christening of mr and mrs lewis baby daugh ter at st clements anglican church north toronto mrs w p jones of brooklln mrs margaret stevenson miss ada found and miss gertrude morgan of toronto were among the visitors who attended the 75th anniversary of the wom ens mission circle in the bap tist church on monday evening mr and mrs l d almack and family were among the 2000 employees and families who attended the open house of the scarboro division of the english electric company on the weekend the visitors were treated to a conducted tour through the factory and later enjoyed lefreshments on the lawn mr and mrs cyiil redford from toronto visited mr and mrs jim coates on sunday another couple mr and mrs chesley clark were also visi tors at the coates home mr and mrs thos davis were up at their cottage on kenesis lake over the weekend lyle jackson son of mr and mrs robt jackson is attending queens university in kingston he is enrolled in the engineer ing course and plans to special ize in geological science lyle is a graduate of the pickering dist high school mrs alice jeffers of toronto was a weekend visitor at the home of mr and mrs steve doucette mrs dean l mairs of brough am and mrs lillian empring- ham spent the weekend with their sister mrs william p boyington of uxbridge mrs lloyd pascoe and mrs g r lloyst visited with fi iends at newmarket on satur day the home of mr and mrs haiold dean was the scene of a reunion recently when 14 per sons gathered at their residence friends and relatives were pres- brougham rally day service will be held in st johns church on sunday morning sept 30 at 10 am congratulations to miss bar bara masters and mr ralph johansson who were married on saturday september 15 glad to hear mrs killey who has been in oshawa hospital was able to return home during the weekend mrs a j gray accompanied her son russell to his cottage at balsam lake for the week end mrs sinclair of toronto visit ed with her friend mrs perry one day last week we are very glad to hear that george malcolm who has been in hull hospital since his accident was able to return home on sunday he is still confined to bed ah wish him a speedy recovery joy kebekah lodge no 355 the regular meeting of joy rebekah lodge no 355 was held in the hall monday evening sept 10 with a good attendance noble grand sister jean elli- cott assisted by vice grand sister isabelle annis opened the meeting sister annis gave a very jenghty sick and card re port and read several thank you notes an invitation to at tend the birthday meeting of welcome rebekah lodge no 383 stouffville was accepted also an invitation to attend the friendship degree night at white dove rebekah lodge no 399 ajax saturday evening september 15 second nomina tions for elected officers were held dates for installations for oshawa district no 7 west were read by recording secre tary joy rebekah lodges new officers will be installed by sis margaret browning district deputy president of the oshawa west no 7 and staff monday evening october 22 birthday greetings were extended to sis margaiet middleton png pearl perry eleanor eilicott and florence eilicott png beachs hill cone 2 ux- of the automobile this sum- when completed eliminate brampton chew away at the bridge twp has presented a mer the council granted its the hazard pictured heie elevation to make a mole winteitime problem to dis- approval to a major con- heavy machinery of the wig- hill out of a mountain trict motorist since the advent struction project that will gins and bailey co of staff photo more than 1100 attend uxbridge polio clink oral polio vaccine clinics were conducted thioughout the twp of uxbridge on tuesday sept 11th an estimated 1165 children took advantage of the service the uxbiijge twp board of health is appreciative 01 the help in time and service that was volunteered during the day the following were in charge of the clinks s s 2 mr and mrs ivan lead- ley mrs jack manley mrs martin hazenberg ss4 mrs v jean pugh mrs lila campbell mrs mae jones mrs mary morgan s s 5 mrs george coppins mrs ross tyndale mrs marye sheehey mrs helen wilson ss6 mrs robert lewis mrs mervyn bunker mrs earl dowswell mrs david francis s s7 mrs george alsop mrs luther wilson mrs marvin maye mrs robert dawson s s 8 mrs beverley beach mrs harold brown miss patri cia egginton mrs isabel beach ss9 mrs edna fairless mrs wm hewlett mrs harold powell mrs katherine mc dowell s s 10 mrs e malcolm mrs norman smalley mrs kenneth menar mrs gordon risebrough ssh mrs e a erickson miss sandra carlin mrs j k laird mrs p fockler refuse flock damage bill a committee report submit ted before a special meeting of pickering twp council on monday night has refused pay ment of a flock damage claim filed by mr kenneth chafen cone 7 north of green river an amount of 300 was ap proved however for sheep kil led including 12 ewes 8 lambs and 1 ram councillors harvey spang and milton mowbray reported on their findings after meeting earlier in committee we simply have no reason placed before us for paying flock damage said councillor mowbray we have no argu ment with regard to the animals that were killed back from the beaches one local citizen says there should be a law keeping jovial back- slappers at home in the summer pioneer life to be enacted at brougham old ontario will come to life again this satuiday in the hamlet of brougham the pickering township museum will be the site of a full afternoon of demonstra tions and exhibits which may never be seen again in this country according to mr rob ert miller museum committee chairman there are few people today who know the old trades and crafts members of the pickering township historical society and local residents have been working all summer to prepare this exhibition known as history in action mr mil ler reports that there will be demonstrations of stone split ting timber hewing butter making quilting and cider making grain flailing and many other trades and crafts as well visitors will see early steam engines tractors and old cars in action the committee has arranged for real old fash ioned horse and buggy rides for the children it promises to be an exciting afternoon for young and old think of the miiey that families would save if the youngsters had their way about music lessons cherrywood mr and mrs c schwalm ot orland mr and mis r david son of whitby and mr and mis a rittenhouse of sandford had dinner on sunday evening with mr and mrs wm twcddle mis e ruhes has her sister from ottawa visiting with her and her family mr and mrs f reynolds ot toronto visited with mr and mrs e glenisty during the weekend cherrywood ucw was held in the church hall on wednesday evening sept 12th at 8 p m mrs a macdougall the piesi- dent piesided a number of la dies from neighbouring societies helped to make the evening moie enjoyable mrs little con ducted a very impressive devo tional period mrs d milne sang two beautiful solos this is my task and holding my hand accompanied at the piano by mrs g todd mrs n laughlin then introduced the guest speaker mr munroe vp o dunbarton high school he gave a very interesting talk on guidance followed by a question period mr bodreg counsellor for the high school also gave an excellent talk mrs e taylor then thanked all for taking part in a very pleasant evening aft er the benediction was pronoun ced a delicious lunch was solv ed by the group followed by a friendly visit erect stone cairn to mark location of first post office in brougham district lunch was served by the noble cnt from such distant points grand next meeting will be as montreal toronto and new held monday evening sept 24 york state at 815 oclock 33szst esssxssxxs wante more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone ls6w cold storage lqckers for rent stouffville creamery co result of assessment appeals in pickering twp judge w h willmott of cobourg has handed down decisions on appeals filed before the county court by six individual propertyowners in the twp of pickering the result of his findings to date are as follows owner samarillo farm goodwin farms gillispie farm r c baker farms rcnison farms heron farms total acres 98 140 635 40 3s75 5650 1 50 20 20 195 1 1 6912 4989 10825 952 after court of revision 8525 13440 5690 5400 3485 5085 90 4510 2250 2250 16235 90 135 5755 4165 9015 after cty court appeal 6235 10500 4760 2160 2515 3670 65 4510 900 900 12675 65 65 4300 3250 7035 86120 563605 in an effort to identify the cone 5 pickering twp his site of the first brougham tory records that prior to district post office mrs edith 1835 mail was carried on soden has erected a stone horseback and by stage coach cairn on her farm at lot 15 to the country depot construction work has been completed on the erection of a fine stone cairn to mark the site of the first brougham district post office the monu ment is located on the farm premises of mrs edith soden south of no 7 hwy near brougham it was erected by mr john devitt of claremont local residents who assisted with the project included messrs kenneth pascoe ross knox and jim gray of broug ham howard hagerman of locust hill and milton campbell of ajax the stone was all ob tained from the soden property history records that the first district post office was estab lished prior to 1835 onehalf mile east of what was known as howell s hollow on the spring creek the site was quite a thriving industrial cen tre having a distillery a trad ing store and a saw mill later the post office was kept by a mr taun who lived a halfmile north of brougham on the s madill farm finally it was lo cated in bentleys store which was built in 1835 and what was known as bentleys corners lie- came brougham mr howell operated the farm that mrs soden now occupies he built the house which was destroyed by fire some 12 years ago a store a distillery 12 cottages for the hired men and post office the mail was carried on horseback and by stage coach to this depot mr j m gerow who later became a councillor was on this farm from the age of 11 years as a hired man at the age of 80 years he recalled carrying hops to the pigs from the dis tillery the posts of the distil lery still remain mr gerow was a carpenter by trade and erected the present municipal building in brougham the present soden farm situated at lot 15 cone 5 is now called meadow- brook farm the original pro perty owned by mr howell contained 1000 acres in 1835 mr wrn bcntley built a store and established an industry known as bcntley and co patent medicine factory the post office was moved to bentleys corners where the hamlet of brougham is now located wedding gliddon rorter miss joann porter daughter of mr and mrs john b porter of dunbarton was united in marriage to mr wilfred glid- don son of mr and mrs william gliddon of claremont ontario in claremont united church on saturday september 15th 1362 rev a e crcsswell performed the double ring ceremony the bride given in marriage by her father wore a floor length gown of white tfcu de soic with appliques of lace and long pointed sleeves a headdress of satin and pearls held her illu sion veil she carried a bouquet of yellow roses and white snow drifts mrs irene doak sister of the bride was matron of honour and miss lynne gliddon sister cf tho groom was bridesmaid they wore identical sheath dresses of gold peau de sole with matching headdresses they carried gold satin muffs on which were pinned corsages of talisman roses and carna tions mr gary cooper was the best man and the ushers were mr raymond doak and mr keith norton the reception was held at tho west rouge where the brides mother received her guests in a blue brocade two piece dress with matching hat navy acces sories and a corsage of red sweetheart roses and white car nations the grooms mother wore a brown shantung dress beige accessories and a corsage of johanna hill roses the guests enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner followed by an enjoyable evening of dancing the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to cape cod on their return they will reside la toronto

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