Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1962, p. 1

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touffirille ritntne vol 74 no 15 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday september 20 1962 twelve pages cty judge slashes pickering twp farm assessments by 22515 down on the farm theres nothing like a weekend visit to the farm and 1 year old arlene waite of scarboro appears right at home as she feeds dolly her midday meal of oats on the premises of wm c hall ninth line north in whit church the donkey foal is only four weeks old staff photo parents near hillcrest school are concerned over childrens safety the parents of pupils attend ing the hillcrest public school cone 6 whitchurch twp have expressed some concern for the safety of their children after two young girls and a boy were stopped on a lonely section of the sixth line road with offers ot candy the children who had all been forewarned of such dan gers refused to be enticed into the cars and ran home the on tario provincial police at van- dorf were notified the separate incidents were investigated by an opp officer but with no description of the chicles or their drivers and without a licence number their efforts have been hampered there was one other similar oc currence on cone 5 south of bcthesda the trustees of the hillcrest school section have been con tacted and a public meeting may be arranged to discuss the mat- ter further some parents are advocating bus service to and from the school the present en rollment at hillcrest is 40 pupils we never thought that such a thing could happen in the country said one parent in conversation with the tribune an opp constable said that there had been a sharp increase in the number of calls concer ning such incidents ever since the tragic disappearance of the beeton girl thomasina baker local lad finds 6 legged frog if museum when 7 year old gavin john ston rr4 stouffville came home and told his parents he had found both a 3 and a 5 legged frog in a mill pond on the ratcliff property his moth er and father mr and mrs robt johnston didnt believe his story to prove his point the young lad promptly went out and brought home a 6legged specimen the johnstons kept the frog alive for about thiee weeks and later turned it over to dr e j crossman of the lifescience bylaw banning guns gets final reading week of church services to start at high school the auditorium of the stouff ville dist high school will be the location of a weeklong pro gram of religious services next week commencing on sunday evening at 730 p m the guest speaker will be rev r a crooks ma of parry sound the stouffville christian mens fellowship working in co operation with the stouffville ministerial association has ar ranged the special sacred music to be headed by a 35voice male choir and a toronto bible col lege quaitet the ambassador male singers will also be pres ent in addition to mrs alma oldham the baker hill trio thesopersandmr cyril red- ford the services to start on sept 23rd will conclude on sunday sept 30th weeknight meetings will commence at 8 pm sun day gatherings will start at 730 pm assessments on fifteen indi vidual farm properties repre senting six separate landown ers in the twp of pickering have been slashed by s22515 in a ruling handed down this week by judge a r wilmott of cobourg moie than so ap peals were heard last spring in a county court held at brough am and the majority of deci sions are still to come the assessed value of 952 acres as established by picker ing twp assessment commis sioner delbert gauslin was 95855 this figure was reduced to 86120 by the local court of revision judge wilmott cut this amount still further to 63605 a complete breakdown of the finalized assessment fig ures per property is published en page 8 of this issue the decisions affected the fol lowing landowners all in the rural area of the township samarillo goodwin gillispie r c baker rennison and he ron the heron appeal for ex ample involved a total of 424 acres his assessment after re viewed by the municipal court ci revision was set at 3539500 the rennison premises was sliced from 4500 to 1800 this was a smaller parcel in volving only 40 acres the per acre values in the majority of instances ranged from 50 to s65 judge wilmott said that the township assessor had made no effort to appraise the indki dual parcels of land in the municipality with reference to sale pi ice he noted furthet that individual properties were not appraised with respect to location and rental value given more time assessment commissioner mr gauslin has asked the coun cil for a 60 day extension in older to complete the 1962 roll the lequest was granted at a special meeting on monday night the roll is usually com pleted by oct 1st it has been extended to nov 30th deputy- clerk mr harry pearse said that it might not take the en tire 60 day period to finalize the figuies the assessment commissi oner wishes more time to check the 1962 roll against these judge wilmott slashed it to judgements said reeve sher- 2739000 the assessment on man scott glasgow ratepayers grant approval for new 52000 school division of the royal ontario museum gavin a student at melville public school was unable to take his sixlegged frog into class but as proof of his catch he has a letter of appreciation from dr crossman in toronto the new markham township bylaw banning the discharge of firearms in an area south of no 7 highway was given third and final reading on monday night councillor chas hoover uiged that the southeast cor ner of the township be excluded to the extent that farmers be nllpwcd to shoot vermin on their own land however other mem bers held to the fact that the township solicitor had advised there should be no exceptions in the bylaw councillor hoover said that he had it on good au thority from another munici pality that a bylaw with some exemptions was working quite jvcll there he said he favoured the passing ot the bylaw but wanted the area reduced we havent had too much i penalty opposition considering the pub licity id like to pass the bylaw and see how it works there was really only one property owner here said councillor hooper i cant be a party to any by law we cant enforce id go along with the solicitors advise and lie says we cant exclude commented deputyreeve mum- berson reeve dean said it seemed that some legistation was need ed with teeth in it although i realize that owncrs should be able to kill vermin on their own property the bylaw was passed in its present form with all voting in favour except councillor hoover the new law carries a 300 twister causes severe damage a twister accompanied by heavy rains and sharp lightning cut a path of destruction through a section south of uni- onvllle on thursday night toppl ing trees buildings hydro and telephone poles the farm premises of james walker cast of the kennedy road was hardest hit a portion of the barn roof was stripped of is shingles and a garage and chicken house were blown from their foundations a brick chim ney on the walker farm house was smashed to the ground traffic va blocked on the kennedy road for a hilfhour until highway crews hydro line men and police could clear the pavement ol fallen trees a number of minor fires were started when limbs caused shortcircuits on power lines employees of the markham twp road department worked throughout the night removing trees that had snapped off in the wind at box grove a markham lady motorist mrs kenneth walker was caught in the middle of the storm and a tree came down on the front of her car she was not injured over at clarcmont cne of the floodlight poles in the communi ty park was broken at the base the deluge interrupted a play off softball game as players and spectators scrambled for cover one floodlight standard in he brougham park was also dam aged truck driver halts local suicide attempt an alert earlymorning truck driver completing his globe and mail deliveries in stouffville has been ci edited with saving the life of a 45 year old scarboro man on tuesday the trucker observed the slumped body of a man in the premises of the stouffville coin laundry around 430 am and called the police p c hugh vankoughnet and constable dennis davies arrived on he scene and obtained the services of dr d j petrie following emergency medical treatment the victim was rush- ci to the scarboro general hos pital police said that lie had taken a quantity of iodine internally a few hours later he was con victed in magistrates court of attempted suicide sentence was withheld pending a mental examination for the second time within a year the ratepayers of glas gow ss no 6 uxbridge township fiave registered their approval of a new 2room public school on a ballot vote of 287 the- trustees were given the green light to proceed with their plans to build a 52000 struc ture on a two acre site almost directly across from the present school building mr earl dpws- well a ratepayer in the section and reeve of the township on- ducted an orderly meeting on thursday night that was attend ed by 40 pei sons the chairman informed the gathering that although the schools enrollment in septem ber showed a decrease from the previous term it was no indi cation that it would continue to drop or remain stable with a number of rented homes in the area the attendance can bounce and very rapidly he warned fortyfive students aie presently enrolled i dont know what makes people change their minds so fast commented ratepayer john hulshof last fall we were talking about three rooms and now some advocate none at all mrs donald hope noted that considerable progiess had al ready been made towards the start of a new school with the acquisition of a site the hiring of an architect and the drilling cf a well mr dowswell pointed out that about 7000 was now involved in promised payments for work done and this debt could be rather costly for the section if the dept of education ordered it paid out of cunent funds need more time mrs peter king suggested that the ratepayers should give the matter very serious consid eration before registering a de cision we are not a wealthy section nor are we poverty- stricken but i feel we should have more time to- think about it she said she noted that ac cording to department esti mates a tworoom school should cost only 40000 she noted further that the dept of edu cation appeared to favour a consolidated school system rather than individual buildings in every section where do we get a consoli dated system asked the chair man mr dowswell he revealed the individual situations in oth or rural sections in the district referring to the departments maximum allowance for grant purposes he contended that few builders were able to construct a school according to a 20000 per room figure the discussion portion of the meeting was concluded within an hour after the chairman out lined a strict program of pro cedure that he intended to fol low mother hen hatches chicks under car hood the engine of a 1949 model car provided a warm but rath er insecure home for a moth er hen and her six chicks recently but each and every member of the brood survived the ordeal mrs edith soden of broug ham discovered the nest under the hood of her auto although she continued to drive the car the hen never left iicr makeshift abode finally the big day came and the proud mother un veiled her family the first born arrived somewhere be tween clarcmont and broug ham and five others followed a few minutes later dragstrip drivers are fined 150 lose licenses jury urges ban for child riders on tractors a jury has recommended that legislation should be enacted to prohibit any persons particular ly cildren from riding on any part of construction equipment such as tractors other than in the drivers seat this recom mendation was presented last week at buttonville at the con clusion of a coroners inquest into the death of a 9 year old thornhill boy robt david stokes was crushed to death on aug 13th when he fell out of a frontend bucket and a wheel of the machine passed over his body the inquest was told that two boys and three girls weie riding theres no excuse for such behaviour charged magistrate n p kelley in richmond hill traffic court on friday the public must be protected against people like yourself the magis- strates critical comments were directed against two 17 year old youths ian hiscocks of markham and james middleton of box grove they were charg ed with racing on the night cf aug 9th by p c bruce fmdlay of markham twp police department the drag strip as described to the court by officer findlay was located on a paved portion of the 9th cone between no 7 hwy and box grove both hiscocks and middleton were fined 75 their drivers permits weie suspended for 60 days they enteied a plea of guilty constable findlay said that he spotted the two southbound cars racing side by side at a high rate of speed he said that the markham police office had teceived a complaint from the area earlier in the evening and he was despatched to check the report serious offense addressing hiscocks magis trate kelley indicated the seri ousness of the offense he said the law allowed on conviction a term of imprisonment or a 100 fine the accused a marri ed man was driving his wifes car when stopped theres no use sending you to jail it would only hurt your family said mr kelley no person has the right to go out on the high way and do tricks like this he continued hiscocks was given two weeks to pay the fine middleton paid his fine before leaving the court chambers switch over to dial phones here slated for october 21 following the change to dial telephone service in october stouffville and the surrounding exchanges will be part of a con tinentwide network permitting customers to dial their own long distance calls to more than 76000000 telephones in canada and the united states to make direct distance on the tractor that was driven dialing ddd of stationto by a 15 year old lad station ong distance calls pos- coroner r p jones of willow- the continent was divided dale was in charge of the heal ing assisted by sgt robt hood of markham twp police dept members of the jury included messrs charles boyington gordon patterson robt jamie- son hugh anderson and john thompson protests amount of water piped to whitchurch duck farm no deserted wives in markham twp according to relief officer n lewis of markham township there are presently no deserted wives in the municipality re ceiving relief assistance ac cording to council this is not the usual case mr lewis who was commended for his current three months report to council stated that 41 persons had been en the markham relief rolls in the past three mqnths these 41 had 12 dependents and to talled with those receiving va rious other types of welfare made 246 markham paid out 3339 in direct relief from may to july and total com of the welfare dipartment including salaries was 6391 revenue including the raising of 100000 ducks west of bailantrae has raised the ire of district farmers to the north on monday night a delegation of rural property- owners attended a regular meet ing of whitchurch twp coun cil to protest the use of large quantities of water at the king cole duck farm mr wm wright the chief spokesman said that a stream that served many acreages in the area had been drained dry due to the recent installation of a 6 inch pipe that leads to the duck poultry pens almost one mile away it was learned that a 3 inch pipe previously used had not taxed the creeks supply the water is carried over the distance through the use of a pressure pump deputyreeve frank williams said that he had visited the site of the pipelaying project and had ordered the owner to halt all work he said that his request had been ignored the ontario water resources com mission has been called in to investigate the matter the council agreed that the firm would have to reduce its water requirements and revert to the amount ued prior to the installation of the new pipe i they warned that if these in structions were not followed a graduate into 100 code areas saidw c barnes local bell telephone manager each area has its unique three digit code all exchanges stouffville claremont gormley union- ville and markham will be in the 416 area other large cen tres in the area include toronto hamilton st catharines and oshawa customers are reminded that ddd may be used only to place stationtostation calls to place collect calls persontoperson calls credit card calls calls charged to third telephone or calls from coin telephones cus tomers should dial operator in any one code area there are no two telephones with the same number similarly any telephone number combined with its particular area code is not duplicated anywhere in north america said mr bar nes since no two numbers in the same code area are alike when placing ddd calls to another telephone in the same area it is not necessary to use the area code as an example 368- an inquest will be held into 3911 in toronto which is in the the fatal accident at the mark- 416 area you nee dial only 1 on gormley 112 to reach the wife 01 slain missionary to return home mrs dorothy grove and her three children bruce 10 pauline 8 and david 6 left the east african mission camp on mon day and will arrive home on sat urday mrs grove is the wife of the late merlin grove killed en the mission field in july the family will reside for a time at the home of her sister mrs john hess scotia avenue n toronto to hold inquest ham sand and gravel co on aug 29th that took the life of 33yearold clifford wallwork of bailantrae the father of four the hearing is scheduled for buttonville on wednesday oct3 coroner john fleming of markham village will preside the victim the son of the leeve of whitchurch township was listantly killed when pinned un der a frontend loader that top pled down a 25ft embankment at the pit ddd equipment followed by the number 3683911 to leach any telephone out side the 416 area however it is necessary to use the appropri ate area code as an example to call 8449911 in monti eal which is in the 514 area you would dial 1 112 in gormley to reach the ddd equipment fol lowed by the area code 514 and the number 8449911 dialing and before the called telephone rings the operator will come on the line and ask your number please custom ers should give her the number of the telephone from which they are calling according to the manager when a call is placed through ddd equipment the number cal led the number of the tele phone the call is placed from the time the called party an swers and the time the call is completed are all recorded on tape the information on the tapes 13 transferred to cards and later to the actual bill you receive in the mail all these operations are completed automatically by computing machines safety classes have begun safety classes began last week at the summltview public school with constable harry hetherington conducting prin cipal lome boadway and mr howard mills also assisted with these initial classes outdoor ac tivity in the park is planned as well at orchard pk public school two classes have been held by principal keith suther land and constable vankough net the program was discussed at the last council meeting but no action resulted and those inter ested in the project are proceed ing on their own 18 dogs destroyed eighteen dogs were destroyed by the dogcatcher in markham township according to the offi cers bimonthly report on mon day of this week officer ryan had impounded 51 dogs in the municipality twentyfour of the animals had been reclaimed and nine had been found new homes eight dogs and one mr barnes said just after mouse were isolated miss betty sproxton daugh- tcr mr and mrs j r sprox ton of gormley graduated last week from the nightingale school of nursing toronto she will take a position on the staff at the branson hos pital north york she is a student graduate of the stouffville dist high school liquor vote approval in markham starts plans for new 2000000 hotel more than 70 of the voters in markham village last week cast their ballots in favour of a dining lounge and cocktail bar licence in the municipality a breakdown of the vote was dining lounge yes 1118 no 396 or 74 cocktail bar yes 1070 no 414 or 71 the result of the plebiscite has stirred up renewed interest the erection of a modern 3- storey 120 room motor hotel on toronto has la i6va acre parcel of land front- rb farrier irs on no 7 hwy the chosen grants etc came to 3115 show lug a net cost of relief as 1775 court action would result mrs roderman of purchaed the herb ramcrj farm on highway 47 near lin- site is east of elmwood cemete- colnville jry and extends north to the markham dist high school mr robt jackson president of thornlca construction thornhill told the tribune this week that if plans proceed ac cording to expectations work on the project will begin in the spring of 1963 the cost has been estimated between 1 and 2 million dollars the club and hotel will form part of a community centre to include a private and public curling rink a 20lane bowling alley tennis courts and chil drens playgrounds lions plan harvest ball the stouffville lions club are now selling tickets for the harv est ball to be held at cedar beach musselmans lake on friday oct 5 1962 dancing will begin at 9 pm with don dikes orchestra proceeds in aid of cnib at lake joseph centre admission 300 per couple

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