4100 copies every week dbune classified ads pages 6 7 vol 74 no 6 rhe tribune stouffville ontario thursday july 12 1962 twelve pages a total loss a claicmont distiict fami ly weie lendeied tcmpoianly homeless last week when a tragic file destioved their rented frame house noith- east of the village in ux- biidge township none ot the children of mr and mis win blundell was injured but the entite contents of the stiuc- tuie was lost thiee of the twelve members in the blun dell family aie shown heie including 16 year old joan who holds a few lemnants ot clothing and bedding that weic rescued fiom the blaze the homeowner mi noms haidy second fiom light views the smouldeiing ic- mains of the landmaik structure holeinone in wrong hole kjeuitnesses at the wil lows coif club mongolia ex pressed some jubilation on saturday evening when they watched a 200 yard drive by 15 ear old mike cadieux of stouffville score a perfect holeinone the yonug amateur was not so elated by the feat lie readily admitted that his shot was aimed for the 15th hole but curved and drop ped squarely into the 17th in spite of the deviation of the drie the local lad came up with a creditable 95 score on the game council to consider radio or telephone hookup for police the withdrawal of telephone ewitchboaid sci vice in-stouff- viile this fall in favour of a dial systenrhas prompted the village council to consider other forms of communication for the police depaitment the matter was discussed bilefly at a regular meeting on thursday night following the receipt of a letter fiom the senior officer hugh vankoughnet p c van- koughnet said that the local operatois had been veiy help ful in passing on calls to them in cases ot emeigency he noted that this pi active would be discountinucd with the change over to dials the officer said that the bell co would install a tele phone in the cruiser on a icntal basis of 43 per month councillor gar lehman chairman of the police commit tee pointed out that file calls were now handled in a diffet- cnt manner and a similar change would likely be ncees- saty for the police depaitment deputy reeve kenneth laushway suggested that moie infoimation on the telephone hookup should be obtained and the cost should he com- paied with radio communica tion councillor lehman said hat a bell co lepiesontative would meet with the council on le anest bonds to itc chipped on a lecommenriation fiom deputyreeve kenneth lausli way council agioed that one mile of ullage streets should be chipped this year and an additional mile should be com pleted in 63 sticels included in the piogram will be paik drive north to manitoba to church st maytiee to haw thorne lloyd avenue to rose ave obilcn avenue and craduatk miss elisabeth rae daugh- tcr of rev and mrs wm rie obrien ae stouffville grad uated recently from the toronto east general hospi tal school of nursing on june 9th she is a former stu dent of the stouffville cist hjh school rupert to fail view deputy- reeve laushway said that these stieets had been chip ped five years ago and had given good seivice this is money well spent agieed reeve win timbeis our streets have leceived many favomable comments deputyreeve lausway repoi t- ed that lepiesentativeof the con- stouffvilles stieets to be the best in nineteen municipalities seived by his firm dangerous intersection the deputyreeve suggested that the council should give some considei ation to lessening the dangers on the 9th conces sion at rupeit avenue he con tended that the midsection should be made a way stop sticct a good many children use tliis load on their way to school and with no sidewalks a leal danger exists he said he chaiged that tiuck traffic was quite heavy on the ninth line and many driveis paid little attention to the 30 mile speed limit mr elmer daniels in attend ance at the meeting suggested that some type ot slow sign should be elected on westlawn ciec due to inci eased activ ity in the paik deny liability two claims for injuries fiud by rev win rac obiicn ae and mrs chas glove main stieet weic in jected by the unrieiwi iters adjustment buicau ltd claim gokarts not muffled at goodwood track the gokait tiack cone 2 uxbndge that occupied a con sidei able poition of councils time last yeai and became an election issue in december has aioused comment again this summer councillor donald jackson in formed a tegular meeting of council on monday night that he had visited the tiack piem- ises recently and discovei ed that the karts were not pioperly muffled contrary to their agree ment the cleik was instiucted to wute to the owners and draw the matter to their atention the council contended that if teims of the agieement weic not met the track licence could be cancelled licence keoked a licence to opeiate the jones wrecking yaid at lot 34 cone 4 uxbi idge twp lias been cancelled pending the owners action aiound the piopeity councillor donald jackson said he had personally inspected the piemises and found the fence incomplete botli deputyrceve norman hogg and councillor chas for- sytlie said that they had le ceived complaints concei ning the condition of the yaid two youths fined for drinking two teenage vouths wcie fined a total of s20 plus costs in richmond hill court on tuesday for di inking while und er age charges were laid by constables win vance and gordon bull of the maikham village polce department on saturday night against james richairi heroid 17 of ballantrae and richard lever 1 of tor onto the two officers were sum moned to a lestaurant parking lot in the village to follow up a icport that two ouths weie di inking in a car they found that one of the lads was intoxi cated 500 bond kred forbes of unipnville was fined 23 and costs and ordeied tc post a sooo bond to keep the peace after he was convicted of assaulting another man on the premises of the markham shop ping centre the investigation was completed by p c wm vance another unionville resi dent 19 ear old john showier was fined 10 and costs for drinking while under age a charge of indecent exposure filed against a 1 year old mark- ham jouth was adjourned until july 24th urges action on bl00mingt0n intersection a municipal engineer of the dept of highways has inform ed whitchuich twp council of the urgency in staiting an improvement progiam to les sen the dangers at the inter section of cone 9 and the bloomington sideioad mr j g tillcock inspected the corner on june 12th and his iceom- mendations were aired befoio r tegular meeting of council on wednesday night 1 found it to be eeiy bit as dangeious as i been led to believe he said hie intersection the scene of busy car ami giael tiuck tiatfic has lecoided sevoial seiious accidents within icccnt years and a number have been killed mr tillcock sugested that a house on the southeast corner shouldbe moved and a number of ticcs on the northeast corner should be cut down as much as i dislike the cut ting of trees i believe that it is in the best interests of public safety to do so he said he noted that the noithwes corner had been nicely cleared but some improvements could be made to the southwest side he charged that tiie road profile tended to obstruct visi bility and should be levelled off mr tillcock suggeted that council should consider mak ing the intersection area a 35 mile perjur 7one on both roads he said that a recent ammendment to the highway traffic act provided a town- i ship with hc power to regulate speed limits machinery firm flies council road suptt0 plant in a sales promotion piogram unpiecedentedifrthis district a godench firm transported all members of uxbndge twp council the cleik and the road supennterident in two planes from goodwood a distance of over 200 miles to view fiist hand two load giader machines the dominion road machine ry co has submitted tendeis on the pioposed purchase the cost of which is in excess ot 20000 the flight to goderich was made on monday and the council met to discuss the mat ter later that evening no deci sion was leached pending a tiip to pans ontano to tour the plant ot the j d adams co six tendeis weie opened at a special meeting on june 18th the prices ranged from a low ot 21610 30 ho a high of 27s7695 swill feeder unwanted the council refused to grant its appioval of a swillfeeding establishment pioposed for lot 27 cone 5 uxbiidge twp the request was leceived fiom mr t reickie of ajax mr reickie said that with councils appioval he would have little difficulty in obtain- weaving truck centre of court argument steeling a partially ioaded whitewash spras ti uck with one hand holding the drivers door closed with another and pas sing four cais on an s cuive should keep a man pietty well occupied suggested police chief fied white of maikham villageat a lengthy couit lieai- ing in richmond hill qn fnday moi ning beit hudson allison 23 the opeiator ot a ti uckspi aver in the maikham aiea was con victed of caieless driving and fined 2000 plus 950 costs following an horn long argu ment the accused was lepie- sented by solicitois donald hindson of maikham who put foith a strong plea or behalf of the diiver p c wm gunn ot maikham village said he spotted the 1948 fold tiuck near no 48 hwy after a lepoit on the vehicles eiratic behaviour had been given to him by a witness goidon albeit gauett of goodwood he followed it m the cruiser along no 7 hwy be tween the 8th and 9th conces sions he desenbed the irregu lar couise set by the tiuck and and obseived that on a cuive west of cone 9 it pioceeded lopass four other eajs he said lhaf trie vehicle then made a shaip lighthand turn at the entrance to the burkholder farm and the officer had to brake his car sharply to avoid a l earend collision steering loose the accused said that he had the steering lepaiied six days after the incident he contend ed that he had damaged the front end of his truck in a faimers yard and this caused it to loadwander he noted that the one door would open unless held tightly by an in side handle he admitted that he had pased four slowmov ing cars on a curve but testi fied that the visibility was clear- up ahead ing a licence fiom the dept of agricultuie reeve karl dowswell pointed out that the municipality had no bylaw that would piohibit such an operation but contended that lesidents in the area would not favour this type of business the council members legisteied a unanimous vote against the icqucst reject rural subdiv in twp of uxbridge a pioposai that would trans form fiftyfive acres of piopeity into an 11lot lural subdivision between cone 4 and 5 twp of uxbridge lias been l ejected ac cording to a decision revealed at a legular meeting of uxbiidge twp council on monday night the application was made by mr gerald mehaig of maik ham trustees of school sections no 12 and no i together with the inspector and membcis of j council discussed the proposed buildup of homes on five acie lots at a special meeting last veek it had been suggested tiiat the acreage could be trans- fened from school section 12 to school section where a school building was now located no 12 has no school it was agreed that such a transfer of assessment would not be in the best interests of no 12 mt pleasant it was also felt that five acre lots were not desireable it was pointed out however miss charlotte ann mc nair daughter of mr and mrs fred mcnair aitona graduated recently from the pcterboro civic hospital during her first year she p mr 1 received the canadian nurse master roy warder of lions heart i spending a week with bis cousin russell stover vcharg from erecting homes i prize for the highest stand- on lots of ten acres mis marlene malloy is work ing t a summer resort on ikushog lake in haliburton ing in professional develop ment at her graduation she was presented with the e m lecson award for the highest standing in medical nursing community rallies to aid clarem0nt family made homeless by fire the claremont community has l allied to the aid of a fami ly of 12 made homeless on thursday afternoon when their tented frame home northeast of the village was destroyed by fire in a collection diive pro moted by mr alvin redshaw and assisted by other district lesidents articles of clothing bedding furniture and cash do- rations have been sent in to mr and mis wm blundell and their 10 children joan 16 pen ny 13 jimmy 12 sandia 11 danny 10 joey s dougie 6 billy 4 susan 3 and ralph 4 months one son russell 18 hves in claremont and another wm 23 i esides in pickei ing the house located on the nor- lis haidy faim in uxbiidge township was burned to the giound in less than one hour in spite of effoits by the volunteer fiiemen fiom claiemont the embers had not cooled out befoie mr redshaw a farmer to the noith was spint- ing a doorto door collection campargrr to date the drive has bi ought generous lesponse and the total has now passed the 200 maik a showei of miscellaneous ai tides was held in the community hall at claie mont on satuiday afternoon mr lloyd peteis has offeied the family tempoiaiy use of his house on the outsknts of the village enters house sixteen year old joan blun dell a waitiess in taylors res taurant at claiemont noticed the file on her leturn home from work she rushed irrto the house irr an attempt to save some of the childiens clothes and personal belongings but was dnveir back by the flames only two of the ten childien were in tire stiuctme when the fire slaited penny 13 and sandra 11 were in the kit chen but escaped without in jury mr blundell a bulldozer opeiator for a toronto con stiuction fiim was at vvoik at the time but was contacted bv telephone mr haidy the owner had completed the sale of his 100 acie faim near the block road to mr roy coppins and was about to close a deal on an ad ditional 130 acics wheie the blundell family weic living he had planned to allow the blun dells to lemam in the houe mr haidy had used an adjoin ing shed for stoiage and every thing in the stiuctuie was de- strojed including 16 rolls of looting a quantity of furni- lure and electrical appliances in the house also belonged to the hardys and it too was lost mr and mis haidy now reside in claiemont mr and mrs blundell and family had lived in the haidy hcuse for four jears and then moved to toronto they le- luined in july of 1961 mis devina blundell told the tnbune that she was anxi ous to keep the childien togeth er if possible the family is now looking for a permanent residence area restricted solicitor hindson noted that since the charge was applicable only within the limits of mark- ham village any actions bvjthe diiver west of cone 7 or east of cone 9 could not apply in the case magistrate n p kelley agieedhe questioned theme- chanical condition of the truck since the police did not see fit to lemove it from the load theie are a lot of people who aie diivmg vehicles that aie not i oadvvorthy he said he charged that theie was no uiles or legulations in the highway trafic act that prohibits a motoi ist from passing on a solid white line the maikings aie theie meieiy as a guide to the motoiist he suggested that pei haps the driver had commit ted an en or in ludgement how ever this is the type of man that is entitled to a benefit of the doubt he concluded unusual behaviour when a man takes a vehicle out on the load he must be responsible for what happens said the magistiate i submit that nothing did happen interjected mr hind son foi tunately theie was no ac cident agieed the magistrate but i feel it was unusual be haviour for a tiuck dirver to pass four other cais on a curve i feel that the dnvei did not show thenecessaiy legard for other people on the load blame wolves for sheep losses wolves have been blamed foi iccent attacks on sheep flocks in the twp of uxbiidgcf and some farmers lepoit heavy losses concern over the matter was cxpiessed at a legular meeting joins claremont staff miss glendyne gordon of stouffville a recent graduate of the toionto teachers col lege has joined the staff of the claiemont public school and will commence her new duties in september finger severed by power mower a seventeen year old clare mont youth lost the end of a finger on his left hand when it was clipped by the moving blade of a power lawnmower keith woiboy a lesident at the home of mr joe baglier was taken to the ajax-picke- nng hospital for treatment a skin graft operation was per formed v mr baglier an assessor wim the twp of pickering is rent ing the al robeitson home in claiemont the victim has lived with the famiiyfor several yeais and is employed in scarboio ot uxbridge council on monday night and it was agieed that a 15 bounty should be paid for eveiy wolf killed within the municipality in addition to the special township fee reeve earl dows well reported on tuesday that the county would donate 25 for each pelt turned in i semifinalist markham girl in prov junior girls golf semifinals riding her favourite black noise shandah in the morn ing playing eighteen holes of golf in the afternoon and pitch ing softball for brougham int giiis in the evening is a regular routine for 15 year old carol boyes daughter of mr and mrs jack boyes paiadise ave markham her inteicst in the golfing game is paying off for the pretty teenager on fri day she advanced to the semi finals in the piovincial jr cirls championship at the trafalgar golf and country club before bowing to scar- boros gail harvey caiol can be tcimcd an all- round athlete in addition to golf tiding and softball she is an aident tennis enthusiast and has fiequented the courts in stouffville on several occasions in golf she has an edge over her companions since her father is the owner of the whitcvale course her interest in the game started a number of years ago when with her parents she travelled to florida she was bitten by the golfing bug and has been playing at it ever since the whitevale club has been in operation for the pat four years carol deeply tan ned and extremely agile can whack the ball a country mile she unleashed a staling shot fccfore the tribune camera lens on saturday afternoon carol is a grade 11 student at the markham dist high school she plans to onroll in ccurscs of either physical edu cation or business administra tion on graduation fifteen car old carol boy- ontario jr girls gou titlt es of markham shows the at the trafalgar gol and form that crcrried her into the country club on friday after- semifinal round ol the all noon