Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 8, 1962, p. 4

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fm the sroumaif mtm imr mny i mi neil patrick using it and the discount business financial investment experts are advising their customers these days to in vest in the dis count business for last profits discount is just a word like bargain or cutrate it may mean something or it may mean nothing it de pends on who is how and why in the automobile business a discount operator usually ham mers away at the word super market which he uses to con vince the public that he is doing a volume business and that volume means bargains the opposite is almost invar iably the fact no one as com mon sense confirms is in busi ness to lose money and any business man clever enough to master the laststepping adver tising footwork needed to suc ceed in the discount business is usually not the type to play santa claus a nonfranchised car dealer discounting various makes of new cars must buy them from franchised dealers these deal ers make a profit over their factory price and the discounter a profit on top of that profit repeated factory surveys reveal discounters average more per new unit than established reput able dealers how to you get a better-than- agerage price for a new car on which factory guarantees are meaningless and on which you deliver no service with lavish advertising used like a mata dors cape to confuse and mislead the public and by unscrupulous selling its not a career recommended to retired sunday school teachers patrick motors recommends that you compare our prices and what you actually receive for your money to satisfy yourself neii patrick motors ltd stouffville some people have no licence to hunt even though they have bought one 96 residents in york county home it cost 143075 to operate york manor the countys home for the aged during 1961 mem bers of york county council were told last week old age assistance paying residents and a provincial subsidy of 69478 left only 532119 of that amount to be paid by county taxpayers during the past year residents who had funds were charged at the rate of 351 per day the rate for 1962 is expected to be 3 a day old age pensioners living in the home have to turn their cheques over to the county which then gives back 57 month- ily for personal use while the home has accom modation for 163 people occu pancy at the present time is 96 leaving 69 vacancies the home was purposely built beyond the present requirements in order to take care of future needs it was suggested that the per diem charge to paying residents may be deceased as the home fills up and extra income helps to less en cost of carrying vacant space the average food cost for a meal served in the home is 24 cents medical reports showed residents to be in good condi tion all things considered dur ing 1961 fifteen organizations provided entertainment and made donations to the home the ladies auxiliary a volun teer group operated a tuck shop purchased a television held a bazaar purchased mater ials for handicrafts and render ed similar helpful services to residents during the year a fulltime craft supervisor was named during the year mrs carol proctor of king town ship and many residents enjoy ed the new activity farm land decreasing in york county former warden of york county jos fry along with commissioners in 1961 mrs caroline ion and ken wagg of stouffville making their reports to county council last week pointed out that the county was last developing into an urban centre farm assessment now only amounted to 128 of the total assessment in the county total equalized assessment is now 166 million and the popu lation 115000 they reported that the total tax levy for the county which was all collected amounted to 1228463 no effective defence against nuclear attack warns u of t professor wedding bouquets corsages i funeral arrangements don lewis nurseries stouffville 790 victoria sq united church women following is the executive of the victoria square united church women honorary pres ident mrs a f binnington pres mrs lawson mumber- son 1st vicepres mrs earl empringham 2nd vicepres mrs s defoe recording sec retary mrs wilbur brumwell assistant recording secretary mrs cecil story treasurer mrs carl walker asst treas mrs n bell corresponding sec retary mrs f mcroberts rep resentative to official board mrs l mumberson nominees for election to stewards mrs c walker mrs wm orr com- mittee in cooperation with christian education mrs stan ley boynton mrs h mccague committee on missionary and maintenance mrs w madill mrs m styrmo manse com mittee mrs m jarvis mrs e empringham mrs h hill press publicity periodicals mrs wm sandle flowers co mmunity friendship and visita tionmrs john mccague mrs m joyce mrs g brands nom inations committee mrs reid brumwell mrs h mortson mrs l hart mrs j mackness mrs a orr membership mrs f bennett mrs h collard mrs wm orr mrs h mc cague mrs e empringham auditors mrs herman mort son mrs gordon mcwhirter wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone 186w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rfnt 4hkkmmxxlclxkk farmers bulk mixing service right at your barn molasses blending bagged off or blown into bin cob corn grain prepared feeds we can help you formulate your mixes o add up to the best profits for you thorn mobile feeds phone unionville 137 government municipal and corporation bonds preferred and common shares inquiries invited russell beare 213 main street markham trlephont 46t subagent ef wood gnndy company limited sunday school lesson lesson for february 11 christian family living exodus 2013 proverbs 18 mark 7913 luke 239 52 john 192527 golden text honour thy father and thy mother exo dus 2012 the lesson as a whole the sickening story of wreck ed marriages broken homes and consequent juvenile rebel lion is well known to everyone who follows the news these days the fact that one out of every four marriages leads to domestic ruin via the divorce court has become so common place that when we read such slatistics we tend to yawn and turn to the sports page this disregard for solemn marital vows wrenches not only hus bands and wives apart but fre quently sets the children adrift on a sea of irresponsibility the recent alarming increase in public violence against law officers in the major u s cities is doubtless partly attributable to this condition it is not the time to cry how did the are begin but rather how can we put it out the bible lays the responsi bility squarely on the parents it is they who are accountable to god for the behavior of their children but inasmuch as the vast majority of parents do not really know the true god and are therefore not subject to his will nothing much may be expected from this source christian parents however are different they are under gods authority and the father especially is his representative in the home to him is commit ted the responsibility of setting the example and of teaching the youngsters the fear of the lord where this predominates the home becomes a little reflection of heaven upon the earth the heart of the lesson under the law of moses full est instructions were given and amplest provision made for holy and happy family life in fact the delightful expression days of heaven upon the earth deu teronomy 1121 applies to this sphere and indicates that it was ever gods intention that the believing household should be a reflection of gods household and of his spiritual family the father is gods represent ative authority is vested in him and he is to rear the chil dren in the nurture and admoni tion of the lord see ephesians 64 but the mother is to share in this responsibility sec prov 38 needless to say these both must be daily examples of their own teaching if it is to be effect ive children are commanded to be not only subject to parents while young but to honor them by an unselfish and sacrificial attitude throughout life they owe them a debt that they can never fully discharge their ob ligations to them never lapse this side of the grave it is helpful to notice how our lord and saviour perfectly ful- filled his obligations to joseph individuals might survive an allout nuclear war but all na tions involved would be destroy ed professor david p gauthier told the pickering and district home and school council jan 23rd at a meeting called to dis cuss home and schools attitude towards canadas possible entry into the nuclear club the meeting firmly endorsed a suggestion that canadian home and schools 325000 mem bers should take a stand against the spread of weapons to coun tries not now possessing their voting showed 36 in favour of the resolution with 5 against and 5 uncertain all home and school units in canada are being asked to re cord opinions on the controver sial issue the decisive vote will be taken in may at the annual meeting of the canadian home and school and parentteacher federation most meetings re ported by ontario associations to date have favoured opposi tion to the further spread of nuclear arms professor gauthier univers ity of toronto lecturer said no form of civilization as we know it could survive in any country involved in nuclear war there could be no effective defence for either side already the great powers have devices that could deliver multimegaton missiles a distance of 8000 miles within one mile of target in the fore seeable future there could be satellite missiles circling the earth continuously needing only a radio signal to release almost limitless destruction on any se lected area mankind will never be able to forget how to make the atom bomb he said if and when the on the farm front a a wall agricultural rep resentative for york count- its a good time now to think about ordering fertilizer there are many different analyses made by different companies and sold for different prices its a real trick to figure out which analysis to buy some farmers get in the habit of us ing one particular mixture and they stick with it yecx after year like an old reliable friend fertilizer is not something to get sentimental about its an investment and to make it pay the mixture used must meet the needs of the crop i know of lots of fields that have had an old reliable like 42412 put on for years a soil test is the only guide we have in knowing whe ther the crop can really make good use of this analysis or not in quite a few cases i find now that soils need more potash and less phosphate a soil test gives the only accurate answer but for the many farmers who have no test to go by here are a few general ideas on the analysis to use for grain 101010 is a good one for grain following grain that does not get manure and is not seeded down 52010 is a good one where the crop is underseeded 52010 is also good where the field has been given a light coat of manure where a field has had a heavy coat of manure or where the crop is following a good legume sod the nitrogen can be left out and 02010 used the usual rates for grain are from 200 to 300 lbs per acre if the rate has to be cut down on some fields for pocketbook protection its not wise to cut it on a field being seeded down lots of plant food for small grass seedlings is good insur ance if a person wants to save 1 would suggest using only superphosphate on the fields that have been well manured although grain crops get most of the fertilizer hay and pas ture fields will often give better returns from it 52010 02010 depending on the leg umes in the mixture will in crease hay yelds lengthen the good pasture season and add a year or two to the life of the sod masking tape from 1 vz inch rolls down fo 3 inch the stouffville tribune and mary obedient to them in all things the grace of god rest ed upon him during those sil ent years of his youth at nazar eth as he honored his parents angels must have wondcringly pondered his lowliness and de pendence it was during this pe riod that isaiahs prophetic sketch particularly applied he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground chap 532 western and communist powers agree to disarmament there will have to be a world authority armed with a limited quantity of nuclear arms as well as with strong conventional forces to guard against secret rearming possibly by small unsuspect ed nations the big powers will be reluc tant to set up a supranational police force but they must ac cept it eventually as the alter native to national destruction professor gauthier asserted canadas most useful function in international affairs at pres ent is to provide a bridge of communication between west ern and neutral powers her ability to do this would dimin ish seriously if she lost the con fidence and respect of neutrals by joining the nuclear club he said however it would be a mistake for canada to consider withdrawing from nato as canada would lose her place at the council tables professor gauthier saw rus sias genuine fear of west ger many as the min obstacle to progress in disarmament nego tiations he thought little could be expected until russia was satisfied that germany would not be allowed to have nuclear arms mr bob calladine vicepresi dent of the council thanked prof gauthier and mrs a g toogood manager of finance of the home school federa tion who had opened the meet ing by describing the manner in which home school had be come involved in the current controversy this meeting also set up an international committee of council to investigate ways in which the home school can help decrease world tension through liaison with inter national organizations mrs a guest mr a vanderhaut mrs a tyas and mrs hertz- berg became members of this committee it was announced that a citi zens meeting is to be held in the dunbarton public school wednesday feb 7 at 8 p m to look into dr alcocks proposal for a peace research institute which would mount a scientific attack on the problems which stand in the way of peace the meeting conclued with re freshments served by the vaug- han willard and green river associations i tloral designs weddings funerals corsages a specialty grahame w hudson 2s obrien ave stouffville phone stouffville 532w if you are a teenager think ing of college or if your chil dren are approaching college age you should be particularly interested in four of sun life of canadas leaflets in its values in education series the value of a college educa tion and why study the humanities are selfexplan atory scholarships and bur- saricx tells of assistance available in canada and abroad so youre going to college outlines the major problems facing students be fore going to college sun life offers these leaflets in its values in education series free of charge and without obligation for all or any of these leaflets just use the imson below j sun life assurance company of canada jim abell i phone 237- stouffville i pleat send m a copy tfc inftetv i i havfl checked- j the value of a college education j why study the humanities j q so youre going to college d scholarships and bursaries stouffville radiator repair phone 108 repairs recores exchanges fob cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed and rateoflo tested fast pickup and delivery phone stouffville 108 winona drive stouffville tots to feens milk natures most nearly perfect food and so delicious in so many ways they never outgrow their need for milk and its so easy to always have enough on hand our convenient homedelivery will supply ail your fresh dairy needs markham dairy ltd phone markham collect 286 early morning service stouffville area in business directory accountants john c wylie fjjl itftmnt public accountant auditor office residence wylie acres musselmans lake boad bsl2 stouffville phone 495 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bar of nova scotia buildinjr aurora telephone pa 79151 dental neu c smith ljxs dds office over canadian bank ox commerce telephone 16tw stouffville graduate of university of toronto auctioneers w d atkinson none stouffvuxe s63 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays off and means money in your pocket phone stouffvnxe 363 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario muliken po ph ax 35987 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 lloyd f harvey kb1 gormley phono gormley 5369 wuattom koto jgrtemoatf ttviiwt gq state turn life inttfraoct co j ram rift ai ciwtrtr c tttwj offlcat toronto onl a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 5311 address gormley po 6935 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sat nights wed and fri vtar appointment call stouff 465 chiropractors toos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service telephone 716 eveningsgordon r birkett 111 les clarke 281 bob hassard 682 legal kennedy chiropractic office a o hart kennedy dc 17 church st s stouffville hours mon wed fii 2 pm 9 pm phone stouffville 617 answering service wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 3012 am 24 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am 327 main st n markham ont telephone 701 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98w william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w po box 820 phone m stouffville button coon barristers solicitors- notaries 33 main st w stouffville phone 666 667 solicitors canadian bank of commerce h reg button ba 103 obrien ave phone 239 i david a coon victoria si phone 1155 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries c7 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime phone markham 25 main street markham phone 25 paul w j mingay ba barrister solicitor ci main street markham ont phone markham 707 48tf optometrists b a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville in stouffville at the james mccrelght residence 58 main st eon the following mondays and tuesdays jan 8th 9th feb 5th ss 6th garnet v gray od optometrist stouffville medical centre phone 616 for appointment hours 1000 sm to 800 pm every tuesday robert w mcvey barrister solicitor suite 514 c2 richmond street west markham toronto phone 339 phone em 30389 seat jdecertm u new york cit meal central location between 5tl avenue timet square and k radio city clota io jha theatres night clubs jrfy fcoppfog- jfojjfl i tv and radio julljfl i airconditioning ilnljij i sables nam sj50 ii fl i imuh from tt00 ljljjug i saa your travel ljtc i i agent or writ a ssjafcyjjjfc jinc5iparbjfotel iso waal aalt l my 30 hv hmmjimmi 2aeoo for office supplies see the tribune i

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