Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 8

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8 the sto0tfv1ue tribune thondiy december 7 j961 harmonies of fragrance hecrhape socpi 4 end ba gran rower milt 1 oz moke a pretty pair 225 blue gran bath cubes 4 and bath mit a delightful gift for girli of all ogej 225 travelpale dinting powder and irland and body lotion in a sym phony of june geranium 275 cametfon bath oil and juna geranium bath soap add a lovely fragrance to the bath 300 christmas specials colorful tree ornaments reg 150 gq special fy c reg 100 s sc reg 75c aksv special 3c christmos ribbons and bows reg 29c rf special fc reg 35c ha a special lyc reg 9sc special 9e wide selection of christmas candles from 20c to 200 houstons the hexall drug store stouffville ph 229 bloomington mr grainger of stayner was a weekend guest with mr and mrs j k tranraer mrs e nesbitt was hostess to a quilting party on wednesday the quilt was donated by mrs i smith and mrs thomas the ladies of the wa went o york manor on thursday afternoon and presented a pro gram for the residents there mr and mrs e smith of to ronto and mr and mrs e smith were sunday guests with mr and mrs m ramer and ber- nlce miss lawson of stayner com menced as teacher in the junior room of our public school on monday we hope that mrs bur nett may soon be completely recovered our sunday school christmas program will be given in the sunday school auditorium on monday evening dec 18th whitchurch voting lawyer charges blanket warrant illegal document the use of a blanket search warrant by an officer with the vandorf detachment of the on tario provincial police to in spect the interior premises of a bowling alley at musselmans lake was declared illegal by a toronto solicitor during a leng- 1 thy court hearing before magis loak ridges 67 46 37 33 23 2 wilcox lake 144 190 70 27 33 3gorrnley 33 24 27 13 21 4eethesda 92 56 75 46 81 5lemonvilie 65 27 23 18 53 6 bloomington 57 36 14 11 63 7 musselmans lake 37 46 28 48 75 8 bogartown 41 5 21 16 36 9 pleasantville 128 34 93 75 114 10 cedar valley 52 29 49 29 50 11 vivian 47 51 31 40 79 763 544 470 356 630 successful candidates totals shown in black face type trate o s hollinrake in new market on thursday mr ir ving himel representing mr geo villemere and mrs una spears contended that the war rant produced by cpl bruce pratt did not specify the particu lar premises that was to be searched and therefore was in valid mr villemere and his daughter were charged with il legally keeping liquor for sale the case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence although three additional charges are still to be heard it is an invasion on a per sons rights stated mr himel it would be a very dangerous adtwl4laajhaaaha christmas trees 2500 reward whitchurch conservation club is offering 2500 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of any person or persons unlawfully entering or taking christmas trees anywhere within the township of whitchurch such information should be for warded at once to ontario provincial police vandorf phone pa 79494 appreciation my sincere thanks to those who supported me in mondays muni cipal election in stouffville and my congratulations to those can didates who were successful k n wagg whitchurch township federation of agriculture presents its banquet and annual meeting at vandorf hall friday december 8th at 7 pm guest speaker dr f 0 sargent land economist from the ontario agricultural college everyone welcome bruce clarke president grant wells secretarytreasurer and most remarkable proposi tion for the police of this prov ince to have the right to enter any premises at any time on ap proval of the commissioner of police of ontario he continued a mans home is still his castle he said he suggested that if the warrant was illegal then the officers evidence would be inadmissable magistrate hollinrake conten ded that neither the warrant nor the manner of police entry into the building had any con nection with the issue he point ed out that the type of warrant was a matter that could be tak en to a higher court and judged on its own merits crown attorney arlelgh arm strong noted that evidence even if obtained in an illegal manner was still admissable in court local and personal happenings mrs gordon miller church st was a vsrkend visitor with mr and mrs harrv warriner markham rr mr and mrs len buckland and family of bethesda have moved to a home on main st e local realtor mr harold wood plans to erect a new real estate office in the westend of stouffville adjacent to the joe sider residence friends will regret to learn mr fred griffin is presently in the shouldice hospital bayview ave mrs lou oneil and mrs john colleran of uxbridge are visiting with mrs will birkett this week mrs bob brown of vandorf spent sunday with her cousin miss margery mertens mr and mrs joseph wilson of uxbridge spent sunday with mrs i brubacher and miss myrtle sider mr and mrs albert smales and bert of toronto visited their cousins mr and mrs percy tarr on sunday a fine new aerial ladder has been acquired by the stouffville public utilities commission for use in replacing and repairing electric light fixtures tree trim ming etc mrs cecil carpentier of sut ton is visiting her mother mrs blake sanders the forty acre farm owned by the late seth wideman of gorm- ley has been sold the transac tion was completed last week by harold wood real estate of stouffville mr and mrs wm gilchrist j are making preparations to move to fort william early in the year mr gilchrist has been made manager of the pepsi cola co at the lakehead city notice e a grubin ro optome trist will be in stouffville at the james mccreight residence 5s main st e on monday after noon and evening and tuesday dec 11th and 12th york manor home womens auxiliary the womens auxiliary of york manor home gathered for the monthly meeting at york manor on friday nov 24 the president mrs fred boyes was in the chair bazaar committees reported a very successful day the treasurer reported 300 tea tickets sold total receipts 500 the handicraft convener ask ed that members renew their ef forts to bring in used nylons used christmas or occasional cards odd shaped bottles beads our need for these things in crafts is constant and ever in creasing the nominating com mittee are mrs wm turner chairman mrs n h van nos- trand and mrs a e starr the december meeting will be held on friday dec 29th grant foreman forward with stouffvilles junior d entry suffered the less of two teeth in a hockey accident during a game here last week he was forced to miss fridays contest at al- liston w a meeting the w a meeting at the united church held in the church parlour nov 20th was opened by the president the devotional period was in charge of mrs march taking as her topic the task of the church to wage war on evil to preach christ care of our fellowmen she reminded us that we of all countries have been most priv ileged to have such a wonderful heritage wherein the word of god can be spoken without fear not because we deserve it but through the blessings of god working through our forefath ers mrsfleury gave a reading are we a gloomy people mr mcrae pastor of lemonville church gave a message based on the new testament he ask- ed that we use it for our devo tions and as a chart to guide our day let us store our minds with its truth miss lynda nolan favored the meeting with two well chosen solos one fleeting hour and have faith in god rev da vis thanked mr mcrae for his message and also presented a communion set for the lemon ville charge tiie meeting closed with prayer and a social hour in christian liturgy decem ber 26 is observed as the feast of st stephen the first chris tian martyr and during the cen turies when journeymen and ap prentices were in the habit of levying upon their masters cus tomers christmas boxes were collected on st stephens day voice of scriptures talking bible the complete king james version of new testament on 35 unbreakable records not a word has been changed or omitied for demonstration call h r road rr1 goodwood stouffville s35j3 does that man in your life need an adding machine for his office if he does we have just the ticket a new underwood- olivetti with both addition and direct subtraction can be yours at a new low price of 11950 see them at the stouffville tri bune mr donald forgie an em ployee with the weston firm has acquired a position at king ston mr and mrs forgie and family plan to move there when the sale of their westlawn cres home is finalized there is still time to drop a gift in the christmas gift con tainerto bring surprise and joy to a patient in one of our mental hospitals the christmas gift containers stand in hous tons drug store and aikens drug store until december 10 your support of this worthwhile project would be appreciated mr andy williams rose ave nue was the winner of two grey cup tickets in a draw con ducted in the stouffville arena on thursday night more than 39000 was raised for the pro motion of the local junior d hockey entry the tickets were made available by mr tom wedseltoft obrien ave time is getting short if youre thinking about getting that son or daughter of yours a typewriter for christmas now is the time we have the latest smithcorona and underwood portable models on hand heres a gift theyll really prize see them now at the stouffville tribune miss jean gciger secretary- treasurer of yeotmal biblical seminary india addressed the evening congregation at stouff ville united missionary church last sunday dravvin attention to the fact that this institution with which she serves is a co operative venture of some twen ty evangelical missions she stressed the necessity for better understanding between mission ary groups in a country where too many divisions are a hind rance to the basic aims of all evangelical missionaries miss geiger showed a num ber of beautiful coloured slides depicting scenes of life in and around the seminary these pictures with suitable comments by the guest speaker served to illustrate and round out the message of the evening lets look at teen town this saturday night is the next teen town dance all are welcome to attend and the ad mission will be 75c 50 cents for members norm muir is expect ed to be in attendance so every one should come and join in the fun a christmas pariy for mem bers only is now being planned by the committee but another meeting must be held before it is finalized because of this party membership sales should go up at this weeks dance re member teen town this sat urday at the masonic hall nn patrick mr and mrs cliff lemon rupert ave visited her uncle mr and mrs jim mitchell at utica although 86 years of age mr mitchell operates his 100acre farm child health center stouffville child health clinic will be held friday dec s from 130 to 3 pm in the york county health building main street free immunization mrs m stewardson miss g sutterby and mr and mrs har ry stouffer visited at the home of mrs stewardsons niece mr and mrs m hand in etobicoke on saturday night mr and mrs walter pipher sunset blvd were entertained to dinner on saturday night in newmarket by mr and mrs orville drewery baker hill this was the occasion of the piphers 34th wedding anniver sary miss aleta widdifield and mr russell allen both of newmar ket mrs tom hargrave and john and mr walter hargrave of toronto were visitors on sun day with mr and mrs harry stouffer second st james herold of ballantrae seriously injured in a car acci dent north of stouffville recent ly has made a rapid recovery and was released from the scar- boro general hospital last week he was the driver of an auto that rammed into a ditch on cone 9 north whitchurch twp a companion robt heise of stouffville was less seriously injured miss susan and master greg brown of st marys were visit ing their cousins nancy and russell stover over the week end mr and mrs paul aubin and lise and mrs bill crawforth of whitby were recent visitors with mr and mrs ivan goudle mr and mrs jick pennock of aurora spent sunday with her aunt miss jane burkitt mr and mrs gord wagg gavie and wendy had sunday dinner with her aunt and uncle mr and mrs norman banks of pickering mr and mrs jim smith park rd and mr and mrs harry stouffer spent thursday in huntsville miss lois smith home econ omist of newmarket will be attending the meeting of the 4h club of altona being held on saturday at the home of mrs fred byer mr and mrs andrew bow- den of markham and mr and mrs wm gilchrist and kim- berley were visitors on sunday with mr and mrs jim mann mr wm palmer wellknown claremont resident has been re leased from the brierbush hos pital and is presently conval escing at home mr and mrs emmerson ma- dill of bradford and mr and mrs roy law and children kathy and timothy of toronto were sunday visitors with mr and mrs o madill east of town mr and mrs scottrafter of hamilton visited on sunday with rev and mrs earl hons- berger baker ave mrs scott- rafter was a former resident here having been miss alma raymer daughter of the late mr and mrs eli raymer her sister lorna is a high school teacher at mattawa mr and mrs wm reaman and family of glasgow were dinner guests on sunday with mr and mrs wm j reaman sr and girls of gormley the occasion being their 56th wed ding anniversary on wednesday dec 6 also present were mr and mrs elmer reaman of ste- vensville mr bruce reaman and family of st catherines and miss lillian reaman of gormley seventyeight students of the university of waterloo were honoured with scholarship pres entations at the first annual scholars dinner on wednesday evening of last week included in the group was a fourth year engineering student allan b strong of stouffville altogether students at the university of waterloo have won a total of 81432 in scholarships bursar ies and prizes this year w i meeting the december meeting of the womens institute will be held on dec 13th at 215 pm wed nesday at the home of mrs b mitchell 294 main st west the roll call tot be answered with a gift for a shutin the quilt draw will take place at this meeting make sure your book stubs are all in the drum for the draw mrs b mitchell pro gramme convener theme carol singing and music also a chris tmas message the usual gift exchange will take place note the date is a week early and try to attend a welcome to all la dies who would like to come to our christmas party need some ft small items fa fa for those fr christms stockings get a -si- cowboy hot pencil sharpener only 15c the tribune the fire brigade was sum moned to the western sand and gravel pit to extinguish a blaze on monday morning on friday night mr and mrs frank burkholder attended a birthday party for his sister mrs frank barkey of picker ing gerald and karen cook fam ily of mr and mrs earl cook of claremont were recent visi tors at the home of mrs hazel wilson russell st they viewed the santa claus parade on sat urday afternoon bahais believe that the holy prophets deserve our gratitude and veneration because our peace and tranquillity are the re sult of their effort and en deavour and our guidance and instruction the result of their blessed teachings want a power fuj dependable used chain saw get a mcculloch choose from i all saws my large 1 0 reconditioned selection of ttj and inspected feardrive and js to insure i directdrive flawless models 0 condition low prices also headquarters for tha new mcculloch saws7 models world bestsellers altona feed supplies ltd claremont ph stouffville 210 now i the sweetest surest tuneup ever with our amazing new shopen analscope tm jentric ot snafon tooli corporation electronically analyzes troubles that cause missing stalling hard starting low gas mileage electronically pinpoints ignition defects instantly shows faulty plugs points rotor cap other defects gives the most accurate tuneup analysis ever offered anywhere drive in now have your car tuned for top performance tho modern analoscope way farm service centre highway 47 north stouffville thone 1013 ffijfeygtoct kim fa hendricks hardware main st stouffville dolls carriages games bicycles imported toys phone 600

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