Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 2

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p9 3 the stpofryrle to8uhe tfarafay bxtmlm 7 w6t editorial another crowd pleoser stouffvilles annual santa claus parade on saturday proved to be another crowd pleaser several thous and jammed into town to witness this biz event and all asxeed they had enjoyed another great show chairman ross giles and his assistants can take a bow for a job well done such an undertaking re quires the support and active parti cipation of a great many people as well as the financial contributions of the business people main st with ite fine new pavement never looked better the three officers of the local police force had a job to handle and like everyone else who had anything to do with the affair they turned in an excellent job the weatherman too cooperated and undoubtedly helped swell the crowd stouffvilles santa claus parade has won fame far and wide and it regarded as one of the best north of the city as far as you want to go two thousand treats were hand ed out at the santa claus stand and old st nick had his hands full with the endless line of youngsters who were all agog to have a chance to get near the merry fellow the goodwill and popularity which the town gains from such an affair cannot be measured in the dollars and cents rung up at the cash register on the day of the parade but it is a wellknown fact that such events do go a long way in community promotion local business people who spon sor the parade can take real satisfac tion from the success and the host of favorable comments heard on every side too big for one bite one ratepayers association from one section of whitchurch township has been exerting considerable pres sure on the council in an effort to acquire some action that will lead to a rather costly roadconstruction pro gram on the sixth concession the figure for the project has been esti mated at more than 540000 or a large percentage of an entire annual budget we viewed this particular area recently and can certainly understand the feelings of the residents in the section especially those who have young children walking to and from the hillcrest public school we looked at the steep hills but are there not other hilly areas in other districts of the township we drove through the narrow gullies and ravines but are there not other gullies and ravines within the same municipality cer tainly other sections have a gravel truck problem and we would suggest that their dust nuisance is even worse these hills and ravines appar ently did not prevent the present homeowners from buying their pro perties and we doubt if any have moved out because of their existence with 140 miles of road in the town ship many punctuated by steep hills narrow ravines and sharp curves the ratepayers on cone 6 should not feel that they are the only fish in the frying pan we do not suggest that the rec ommendations from these residents should go unheeded but we do feel that it would be unfair to other areas in the township to have such a big chunk of the years road allocation expended over 3700 feet in a confined section if the council can see its way clear to spread the cost of this pro gram over a four or five year re construction scheme then everyone will be happy and no one would be hurt to do and pay for this work in one fell swoop appears completely out of the question shirtsleeve comfort the finest project to be complet ed in the local arena since the pur chase of the automatic time clock is the heated enclosure at the westerly entrance of the rink already the shirtsleeve temperatures have result ed in increased patronage at the gate instead of flocking like so many sheep into a single dressing room or re main shivering in the cold spectators can now congregate in comfort for an entire game or during the between- period intermission viewing winterice attractions under such ideal conditions makes the entertainment one hundred per cent more enjoyable if fan interest should warrant any further renova tions no doubt the arena board will consider the extension of this pro gram although we were rather pessimistic concerning the spectator- appeal of this project we already would consider it money well spent smsmmammsmbsbssoei spice smiley tamum bi do you know something we havent any national character theres no such thing as a typ ical canadian were just a vague unformed glob of human beings who happen to live in the s ame vast hunk of geogra phy isnt that a fine state of affairs with christmas coming on and everything i learned this while reading a couple of new books about can ada this week the authors seemed not only disturbed but displeased because they were un able to put down a list of adjec tives point triumphantly and say there you are a typical canadian this search for a canadian identity has become a regular parlor game among writers and intellectuals i find the whole problem remarkably undisturb- ing id rather be a typical hu man being than a typical can adian have you ever noticed that when people say hes a typical american or english- man frenchman or german they dont mean it as a compli ment however in the interests of pure truth i thought id look back through a number of irlcrds and acquaintances and sec whether i could come up with a typical canadian after more than forty years of con sorting with the species there was a huge happy livelytongucd quickwitted fel low with whom i once trained ax pilot in the dead of a typi cal canadian winter he didnt have any special advantages of wealth schooling or social posi tion bat jake gaudaur presi dent of the hamilton tigcrcats football club is doing all right these days a typical canadian there was a skinny starved- looking little guy at college who was so shaky physically and financially that i didnt think hed graduate but he had a wicked wit and a powerful way with words his name was ja mie as professor james rea- ncy poet playwright novelist and editor of a new magazine hes doing allright a typical canadian there was the frenchcana dian kid who worked witli me as bellhop on the lake boats be fore the war when he started that summer he knew only 3 words of english all of them bad i couldnt help hooting when i saw his name in the paper the other day a disting uished member of the clergy in quebec a typical canadian there were a couple of young screwballs who wrote and play ed in comedy skits when i was at university next time i saw them was in a troop show over seas they had improved i saw them on television the other night theyre getting by as wayne and shustcr typical ca nadians then theres dutch once a wild and woolly australian he taught me to fly spitfires in kngland he came here after the war and is happy as a trout hotly pursuing his first million in toronto a typical canadian and chuck his old man was a ukrainian we were in prison camp together and when the russians were getting close he taught me to say dont shoot in russian he was a firstrate cartoonist and last i heard he was in vancouver a typical ca nadian and three georges one was a quiet student who bought a belgian pistol from me after the war and paid me 10 more than it was worth because i needed the money hes managing these days between directing plays at stratford and on television a typical canadian another george repaid the yanks for burning york in the war of 1812 he went over to wall st made a million before he was forty and carried it glee fully back to his northern lair a typical canadian the third george used to be a czech he was in a concen tration camp during the war now hes a dentist in canada has a splitlevel home a two- car garage and a real aversion to paying so much income tax a typical canadian i can think of a dozen others the country is full of charac ters but theres no such thing as a typical canadian any more than there is an average man i for one am heartily glad of it who wants to be a typical do you want to be a typical farmer or typical mer chant or typical laborer or typ ical housewife or even a typ ical millionaire not a bit of it no more than i want to be a typical school teacher the only thing the characters above have in common is that they live in this country and love it and that goes for me loo how about you business directory editors mail slouffville ont dec 1 1961 editor the tribune stouffville ont dear sir congratulations on your edi torial of last week entitled the same old story i am not a ratepayer in the glasgow sec tion nor was i present at the latest meeting held in the schoolhouse but i certainly agree wholeheartedly with your stand on the issue to permit a teacher to be chastised in public is a detestable situation that should not be permitted regard less of whether he is in the right or in the wrong i have attended similar gath erings of this type and have discovered that whenever em ployees are castigated to their faces it tends to create illfeel ing no matter what the final solution to the problem might be in this particular instance i agree with your views 100 per cent thanks for permitting me to air my thoughts on the sub ject i remain a subscriber goodwood ontario dec 1 1961 editor stouffville tribune stouffville ont dear sir i do not mean to direct any unfair criticism toward the suc cessful candidates in last weeks uxbridge township election but i must say that the people in this community goodwood certainly showed little gratitude for the untiring work done here by bob nesbitt during his last nine years in office as was re ported in the tribune it was the goodwood poll that actually sealed mr nesbitts fate the annual spring thaw was one of the biggest headaches that many residents in our ham let had to contend with year after year who was the main promoter of the pumping sys tem that was installed for the protection of our properties it was mr nesbitt apparently only 47 persons thought enough of this project to cast a ballot in his favour this writer is as much at fault as anyone else but as so often happens the ones who are agin ye are the ones who work the hardest i feel that our new deputyreeve will also carry his fair share of the load but i also feel that this township can use the services of a man like bob nesbitt and i for one hope he will be back in the running when another nomination rolls around a voter being asked to give our coun cil their consent to purchase land for industrial sites on sep tember 25 1961 when discuss ing my land assessment with mr goslin who valued my farm for the township at 3220500 i oftered to sell my farm 66 acres for 1600000 to the township of pickering this offer was confirmed and ieg- istcred to mr goslin on septem ber 29 1961 to date i have not had an acknowledgement of this offer i moved to pickering town ship in the year 1946 since liv ing here my farm was reassess ed and at that time i was ad vised by the assessors for the county of ontario that land assessments were being equal ized for the county and the townships as in years past land assessment was not on an equal and fair basis for the county of ontario since then my land assessment has been around 3600 per acre i was at the court of revision nov 15 1961 and i heard of land being assessed as low as 900 per acre in the south part of the township where they have services i live in the north- cast part of the township and assessed at 13500 per acre without services mr goslin is that your definition for equaliza tion yours truly john c sherin lot 1 con 8 r r 1 ashburn ont december 4 1961 editor the tribune dear sir should the township of pick ering buy land at 200000 to 250000 per acre when they can buy land at 213 per acre now the ratepayers of the township of pickering who are claremonl ontario 28th november 1961 the editor stouffville tribune stouffville ontario dear sir while i appreciate that the impression obviously given to you as per your news tem in your nov 23 paper was not meant to cause me any embar rassment it is nothing but fair that this error be corrected by publishing this letter otherwise it may be prejudicial tc rrc being an interested subscriber of your valuable paper and a public spirited defender of the ingredients of civil rights i went to the court of revision at pickering to defend such rights not only in my own be half but in those of other tax payers as well if not in fact at least on principle unfortunately there verc no reporters in the court at the time since my case has been perennially always called first when the press is not there to report what actually does hap pen as though i were an es pecially prepared guinea pig by which they could impose a comparison with similar prop erties it appears to me that you received your news from the municipality boys who gave you erroneous news of what happened consolatory to them selves and prejudicial to me by supplementing what actually happened with something that was neither said nor did happen about my throwing the court in confusion by calling the members a kangaroo court etc i dont even know what a teitr touffmlu terilntiu kstacl1shed ims a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association ad the ontario weekly newspapers association aulbartlm icoa4eum mmiu poto3c dtl otuwft member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouftvillo ont in canada 350 elsewhere s150 c h noun pubfabw us thomas mtot ms utkuh mertuing kangaroo court is and that two members walked out giv ing the impression to your read ers that i was some sort of a cracked pot that even the paro chial pickering intelligencia wouldnt listen to what truly did happen and what was said in front of the entire court plus the public who were present was as fol lows gentlemen i have come to comply with the act by being present to tell you my com plaints as invited by your not ice of september 1961 if you really want to hear them please do not interrupt me until i am finished and continued it is common knowledge amongst the average pickering taxpayer that no one can beat this court this opinion is also shared by many lawyers who simply refuse wasting their time and their clients money by coming here and continued by all the rules of common logic there are only three types of elements in our democracy which cannot be beaten in court 1 they who have unquestion able inalienable rights in a lair court of competent jurisdiction because their honesty and integ rity lias been is and always will be gods greatest creation 2 they who by opportunism arrogate arbitrary interpreta tions of any act for their own consolatory benefits in a deceiv ed court of questionable juris diction 3 they who succeed through subtle intrigue and deception a situation by wheh a fellow- man is defrauded in a corrupt court of incompetent jurisdic tion and continued in my honest view i suggest this court is the latter and not a taxpayer should consider this court short of its being a iiaud to judge by their modus operandi that is to say the manner in which they imple ment the act and continued today widows orphans work ing men returned soldiers far mers businessmen investors etc etc as well as those on the verge of bankruptcy are penal ized by the pickering township for living here what has pickering township to justify such insult to our in telligence as though it were a monte carlo or the riviera in stead of the proverbial horses derriere today gentlemen it appears to me that you are trying to put tiiat over not only on the pick ering township taxpayer but on all other townships in the do minion of canada who will sure ly be inspired to emulate the pickering township commissar iat which by all the sense of common decency should become a russian commissariat more than to the principles of com mon justice in our canada penalizing anyone for the sim ple reason of living in picker ing is equivalent to penalizing him for living at all which is tiie most insidious cruel brutal and corrupt imposition on the people of this dominion as though we were in congo land and our laws were tantamount to legal headhunting not one man denied my re marks not one man offered the promised ruse to stand up for assessment department for an explanation but this is what they did one of the members of the court of revision looked at the commissioner who promptly gave him a nod whereby that member of the panel got up from his scat and passing the nod to another member of the panel he too got up and walked out whereupon the chairman of the court looked at me not with admiration for upholding his ovt rights nor the precepts of justice but with the sinister snicker of an accomplice and very parsimoniously said you accountants john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence tvylie acres mussulmans lake road kk2 stouffville phone 495 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nova scotia buudlnr aurora telephone pa 79451 auctioneers w d atkinson thone stouffville s63 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays off and means money in your pocket phone stouffville 363 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario milliken po ph ax 35987 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormlcy 5311 address gormley po 5935 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sat nights wed and fri for appointment call stouff 465 chiropractors kennedy chiropractic office a o hart kennedy dc 17 church si s stouffville hours mon wed fri- 2 pm 9 pm phone slouffville 617 answering service wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 3012 am 24 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am 327 main st n markham ont telephone 701 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98w geat docao- it new york city ideal central location between 5th avenue timei square and k radio city cloie to jm theatres night elubi uiv ts hopping iftnin tv and radio timm airconditioning i jjijj single m 550 1 fl doubles from 800 u i see your travel j i agent or write txsjifjxjlj i iso wel 4lh at nv 3 nv phmmjudn 23900 see mr roy all you have said just does not mean anything be cause as vou can see there is continued on page 4 insurance state farm insurance eoftjmsutancecall j lloyd f harvey krl gormlcy phone gormley 5369 far mutual automobil iniunnc cft stilt farm lift insuurct co sbu farm fin and caiuilt co v head offlci toronto ont thos birkett am son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service telephone 715 eveningsgordon r birkett 717 los clarke 281 bob hassard 682 blutual life of canada general insurance fred m pugh we have often heard of the man who doesnt believe in life insurance but have yet to hear of the widow who doesnt thone stouffville sw legal william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w po box 820 phone 444 stouffville mccullough button barristers solicitors notaries 33 main st w stouffville solicitors canadian bank of commerce h reg button ba 103 obrien ave ph 239 david a coon ba 45 victoria st th 1155 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries 67 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime phone markham 25 main street markham phone 25 paul w j mingay ba barrister solicitor i main street markham ont phone markham 707 48ti robert w mcvey barrister solicitor suite 514 2 richmond street vesf markham toronto phone 339 phone em 3 0389 optometrists e a grubin ro optometrist pldon slouffville in stouffville at the james mccrolght residence 58 main st e on the following mondays and tuesdays dec 11th and 12th garnet v gray oi optometrist stouffville medical centre phone 616 for appointment hours 1000 am lo 800 pm every tuesday dental neil c smith lds dds office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouftvillo graduate of university of toronto

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