p4 i the stouffyrte 7mkwe twt iubt k ttfel editorial weedinfested lots this has been a growing season intermittent rains coupled with hot humid weather has produced rapid growth as cultivated crops have flourished the weeds have also at tained near record heights this i certainly evident in many lots within the limits of stouffviile township councils take a very dim view of these eyesores if after proper notification the acreage is not cleaned up an employee will move in and do the job the cost is charged on the properties taxes we fee that a similar get tough policy must be put into practice here waisthigh weeds present a rather discouraging incentive to adjacent residents who do take some pride in their lawns and gardens with some of these lots fronting on main street it is hardly a promotional type of advertising for our town a potential killer a potential killer was on the loose in the cormleybuttonville area of markham township on saturday night he held in his hands a weapon more destructive than a common re volver the lives of many persons were at stake luckily no one was injured the potential killer was a drunk en driver his weapon was a 140 horsepower automobile as police attempted to intercept the motorist the auto veered off the highway anil crashed into a tree two persons were hospitalized just think of the circumstances for one minute a holiday weekend heavy traffic moving out of toronto lo the resort areas visibility reduced to a minimum at nightfall to these hazards add one drinking driver and the safety of dozens of innocent law- abiding citizens is placed in jeopardy if todays staggering traffic tolls are not enough to cause alarm it must also seem necessary to toss in a few of these nuts for good measure theres a jot of truth in the say- in youre only as old as you feel its interesting to notice how old age recedes when we were five or six any adult aged twenty to thirty seem ed old parents grandparents aunts and uncles were all lumped together in the category of the aged however as the observer himself has grown older he has begun to distinguish among his seniors as a young man of twenty we thought that fortyfive marked the beginning of old age we think most young fellows hold the same view when a young fellow reaches fortyfive him self provided his health is good he is likely to consider he has another good twenty years ahead before he chance to spike the practice we refer to is tip ping there are few local residents who have not been subjected to this infamous habit when visiting hotels or travelling on trains this is cer tainly one department where airlines have a distinct advantage over rail 1 ravel you pay for your ticket hand in your baggage and thats it the chance the government has is one which might well stem from the current royal york hotel em ployees dispute the strike which appears to be petering out has aroused little public interest one quite plausible reason is the general belief that hotel workers do quite well financially because of the tips they practically extort from the guests this is a highly methodical prac tice wherever one goes and as more and more people are travelling hither and yon each year more thousands are added to those already indignant growing older attains the degrading status of sen tor citizen most pension plans have been based on the theory that old age begins at sixtyfive but those who have reached that age are not in full agreement with the pensionplanners again provided that they have been blessed with moderately good health they contemplate deferring thoughts appropriate to old age until they are in their eighties and to the mod erately active seventyyearold the haven of old age happily remains somewhat beyond the horizon it may even be in doubt for a man in his mideighties like sir win ston churchill we know he would admit to maturity but never old age unpopular practice about the practice at hotels in par ticular the guest is greeted by the doorman and from that time until he departs he is handed along system atically from one employee to the other so that as many as possible may have an opportunity to tap his pocketbook the outstretched palm greets him whichever way he turns it can be a real hazard to the inex perienced traveller who hadnt an ticipated this extra expense it should be abolished the dispute about wages in hotels would be a good opening for the government to do something about it labor laws could be amend ed lo require sufficient straight wages with no tips allowed the workers would then end being beggars and guests would not have to put up with the expense and nuisance of paying a second time for service that should go with the room or meal be it in a hotel or train three millionth copy of bible the 3000000th copy of llio holy scriptures was dedicated and placed in the royal york hotel on sunday afternoon ju ly 23rd the canadian room of the royal york was filled to capacity for this historic event the president of the gideons mr s r bernardo of brantford presided and made the presenta tion to an official of the royal york hotel who staled that after observing the conduct of gideons and their families dur ing a five day convention he could foresee a good and happy future for his country dr sldlow baxter an inter nationally known bible confer ence speaker and author was the convention speaker there were 1826 registrations for the convention and about the same for the saturday night banquet mr howard armcrdlng presi dent of the vntcrnationa gid eons was the special speaker this historic convention mark ed the 62nd anniversary of the gideons international and the 50th golden anniversary of the gideons international in can ada the local mens choir joined with the ambassador mens choir of toronto to provide mu sic at the convention in the af- now is the time to transplant iris when clumps of iris become large here is too much compe tition for food and water the best answer is to divide them and reduce size of the clumps every few years professor j c taylor horticulturist at the on tario agricultural college in guclph suggests these meth ods dig out a whole clump of rhl- zoncs rhizomes arc the thick underground stems that store food for the leaves cut the rhizomes apart with a sharp knife each division must have at least one fan of leaves lo serve as a growing point a portion of healthy rhi zome and a number of wcll- dcvclopcd roots when separat ed from the original iris clump each division is ready to be re planted if you dont want to rcdividc the iris again for three to five years make small divisions make bigger divisions for larger clumps and for more flowers the first year after planting then rcdividc these in three years transplant the iris in a differ ent part of the garden the new environment will help it to thrive tcrnoon and at high park bap tist church in the evening fee strjuffmjir rtbuiu a v established lltl nolan son publishers mcnaber of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aslhcruvd a ikuiciui rah rcs dtr- otuw member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffviile ont in canada 360 elsewhere 5150 t h noun pubfckw us ih0aus jas mtkuh jurartmnf another saturday lecture j you to get an early start twis morning- but no you had to have one more try for that smaumcatm bass j wow ve voktt get homeftllmlphlcht jimmystop scratchim i yovr pol son tv y janet quit blubbkr1n about mur sun burn i said voud stt fried lovxhsteomtdettaca ail day im itchy mvselp aster three weeks op mosojuitoes j amdjjoijujif- you hadnt swilled so mvchred eyeant ottfer jonkrtjui stomach wouidnt feel like af aamowia cocktail j lfift year im gcwoto take my vacat by stayuvgl40rve j j ac fiww sugar j and spice by bill smiley c for parents fmly hints fob 1iaity holidays a happy vacation for parents is one when all ihe members of the family keep well many of these suggestions for living comfortably out of doors at a cottage camp or in a trailer you may know but ihe import ant thing is to got the family to cooperate in following tlicm why not read them aloud dis cuss them and make plans for healthy holidays the very first essential for a good camping site is safe drink ing water this is the one thing with which no chances can be taken because various sickness es especially typhoid fever are caused by germs in polluted drinking water the appearance of the water has nothing to do with its purity crystal clear water may contain harmful bac teria the one reliable rule to follow is when in doubt about drinking water always boil it for half an hour or treat it care fully according to directions with commercial preparations such as chlorine tablets during the hot weather child ren perspire freely and need to drink sufficient water to make up for the loss of moisture through their pores small boys and girls should not he given too much icecold fluid lo drink by nancy cikaykb boiled drinking water should bo cooled and then poured track and forth from one container to another to aerate it and make it palatable small quantities of charcoal dropped in water will absorb any odours the public health authorities in any pro vince eoooerate in testing water from wells a safe milk supply is also a problem in some vacation areas it is against the law in many provinces for unpasteurized milk to be sold coltage-pasieur- izing over a wood flro is a bit arduous for a mother and so many families resort lo the use of condensed or powdered milk a generous supply of fruit juic es is a good health investment a camping site should not be chosen near a stagnant pond or a swampy district where mos quitoes breed a she where ihe air can circulate easily should be picked some of these ropell- ants lo keep away mosquitoes and black flies are a bit strong in their odour but each year they are improved cheesecloth sprayed with an insecticide pro tects a small child in a crib or carriage from bites while he is asleep the canadian entomolo gical branch developed the fol lowing excellent repcllant for mosquitoes midtres and pies a fluid oz oil of thyme i fluid oz concentrated extract of fy- rethium 2 to 3 fluid oz caslor oil an inquiring small boy in the woods may be slung by a honey bee hornet or a large bumble bee if the sling remains in ihe wound it must be scraped oul and antiseptic applied the indians used crushed jewel weed juice to soothe insect stings ammonia or baking soda dissolved in water can be dab bed on an insect sling wei mud or clay also relieves he swell ing a rarer affliction is a snake bile harmless snakes leave a row of small punctures on ihe skin a poisonous snake usually makes two punctures a tourni quet should be applied lo an arm or leg bitten by a poisonous snake if medical help is difficult to obtain quickly a short cross cul should be made over ihe puncture and ihe poison suck ed out of the wound if lliere are no cuts in the mouth ihe poison from the bite will not have ill effects on the mouth or stomach parents should teach their children to avoid unnecessary hazards in camping and also what remedies should be used for accidents a simple first aid kit should be carried when travelling keep it in a locked cupboard with medicines out of ihe reach of tiny children furrow and fallow by fairbairn 6rv0aoai an emergency meeting on the feed grain situation hecausc of ihe drought in western canada was held in toronto last week it was called by ihe ont fed eration of agriculture but in cluded representatives of all farm groups interested in feed grain of provincial and federal departments of agriculture and cooperatives who sell feed as well as marketing farm prod uce the general impression we re ceived from ihe meeting was that as many farmers in eastern canada stand lo benefit from the western drought as stand lo lose by 11 farmers who grow most of i heir own feed and many dairy and beet men do seem to have prelly fair crops and are not worried about in creased prices of feed grain or even concentrates if ihe latlor do happen to go up teed prices have risen a little as the resiil of increase in grain prices from about lie a bushel on wheal lo almost 30c on barley 1oullry producers may he affected more adversely of course but there will probably be a 2 million bushel surnlus of ontario win ter wheat this year which could be used as feed one of the recommendations of the meeting was that the federation ask oac specialists j to update studies on the relative feed value of winter wheat so producers ran substitute it in telligently in the feed rations it was also brought out in this meeting that the coarse grain growing areas of western can ada have not been hit as severe ly by ihe drought as have ihe milling wheat and grain areas its a good thing dairy farm ers dont have to concern them selves too much about feed prob lems because they are facing j one of the most difficult periods in their marketing history im mediately following the an nouncement by the whole milk league that it was taking steps to become a marketing board c incidentally early petitions re turned indicate a favourable re- 1 sponse but these arc only from very small markets the other 3 dairy groups cheese cream and concentratmsent a dele- gallon to tell agriculture min- i ister goodfcllow they were pre- pared to proceed with a mark eting pun for the groups if fluid j milk afcjpperi did not wish to join in any overall plan wo predicted this possibility a week ago bul had hoped il would not happen wc still fool lhal chaos will result in milk marketing if there arc two agencies the two producer groups would find themselves competing willi one another for ihe milk market and any sur plus production which there is now would place cither or both in an almost untenable bargain ing position apparently ihe hiroe groups are afraid llio league wants lo have a marketing plan of lis own operating before proceed ing with ihe overall plan 7oi- gue officials explain lhal they only waul lo lidy up their own back yard before cooperating willi ho olhor groups ii would be unfortunate if suspicions of one anothers intentions pre vents llio development of a uni fied marketing plan lets face ihe fact lhal some pressure is being pul on the fluid shippers lo gel them lo join and some resent and resist tills lhats natural some of this pressure is coming vc suspect from ihn federal gov ernment which is not happy about butter and powdered milk overproducllon some of this is quite likely being applied lo ihe provincial government and ii in turn is reluctant to step into ihe picture wllh production con trols or any oilier stale controls lo counteract excess production so the producers arc being irgod nol openly bul in more subtle ways- lo lake over eon- rol or milk marketing and im pose ihelr own measures after nearly fifteen years of complete bewilderment i think im beginning to understand the old liatileaxe at last this sum mer im taking a course in psy chology and it fits her lic a suit of wet long underwear i used to think she acted the way she did because she was a woman or because she had a largo dollop of pure irish in her or because i wasnt making enough money or wasnt a good enough father or didnt do the chores around the house but it wasnt any of these things it was because shes just about as psychological as they come m its all beginning to fall into a pattern witch 1 began taking these lectures there seemed something familiar about them as though id taken the course before then 1 realized that my wife was a walking case his tory and that shed had prac tically every one of the neu roses wo wore discussing at least once only lasl wook i realized thai all these years shes boon suff ering from an inferiority com plex as he fellas say ya coulda fooled mo but now im trained in psychology i can see the signs ii says in my notes that the poison who is over- compensating for failure lo achieve his goal a typical in ferioritycomplex case may become pugnacious and belliger ent thats my girl of course sometimes ihe per- son who cannot solve a prob lem or roach a goal succumbs lo another way oul it says this results in llio emotional ex plosion or as you oldfashioned lay people might term 11 the temper tantrum this is usually produced in babies by a restric tion of some sort such as hold ing i heir arms jt is produced in exactly the same way in ladies who are hying lo clobber you they become oven more violent when you wrap your leg around theirs so they cant kick you on the shins this re quires a ki leal of facility in standing on one log just call me stork another liltle jjem ive culled from the course is reason and emotion dont mix apply reason and it will rut down on emotion well ie tried that with the old girl when she zci emotional i get reason able im afraid theyre going to have lo remove that maxim from the books maybe theres something wrong with the rea son i apply but every time 1 do il its like applying a torch to the drapes strangely enough im scarce ly psychological at all myself however in all fairness 1 must admit ive found a couple of labels hat apply lo mo when 1 am frustrated 1 have what is known as the indirect re action instead of the emotional explosion in this bit you can do one of several things lo com- ponsalo fot your failure one is having delusions of grandeur this one i have never managed its impossible for a father and husband in these times a second reaction i lite suf fering hero this i one of my favorites and i use it often i see myself lying there after the accident covered with blood cold stltt amaiiiikly handsome all of a sudden ami my wifa hurling herself weeping bitter ly on my chest she shrieks ifirlhnr come hack o nie i didnt mean n word of it youv boon n wonderful husband while lie kids stand by bawling plteoitsly and for once not wanting to lake ihoin swim ming i the other typo of indirect reaction is rationalization and h lii too this consists of con vincing yourself of something that n not necessarily true bul this ive boon doing tor about ihe pnsl 35 years so i might a well relax and chiov it however those arc mild and harmless renelion so you can see lhal its nol inc hut my wife about whom im concerned its difficult in understand how a person can live all those years with someone as normal as i and sllll be so psychological another of her troubles is that shes obviously a passive periphrastic woops just a minute ive wandered over into my latin notes no here it is shes a straightforward case of anxiety this is lypified by wor ry foreboding dread inner dis tress that is something is go ing to happen or you think it is some of the anxiety symp toms are depression for no apparent reason upset by little things snaps al attempts at kindness angry al nothing at all nervous edgy streak of cruelly this is our place prac tically any sunday morning its fascinating even if a hum disturbing to see someone you know so well unfolding right before your eyes but wer only scratching the surface we havent coine to ii in the courm yet but im looking forward to earning the psychological mot ives behind her taking up play ing the organ and her throwing a perfectly good ginandtonia all over me last saturday night ill fill you in as we get lo them masking tape from 1 vz inch rolls down to va inch the stouffviile tribune tjione 152 stouffville taj do attention thats jsst the method ttiey tue to beat you dawn ta tsr tea dala