iketdir my h 1961 the stoufrvlue tribune page 7 that mrke the mmil i wmuasbweeebssmmbbasbatmam tern shoulder spsre bibs 15c lb baby bee liver sliced 43c lb pork sgusoge 39c lb minced beef 3 ik im si wieners 2 lbs for 75c pio by piece or sliced 29c lb oboyles meat market we deliver phone 35 s r o u f f v 1 1- l i special values and reminders this week money saving specials ida brand ib ounee stomach powder reg 9se 219 79c 189 snow white reg 29e 2 for 57c facial tissues 27c 2 for 49c reg 123 bufferin 60s 98c 65c value cutex oily polish remover 45c reg 200 150 nestle lite desert flower or friendship garden dusting powder 1oz reg 150 plus 22oz summer cologne both for 150 mothers day sunday may 14th boxed candies smiles chuckles jioiks gadburys t howxtuees fresliness guaranteed perfumes laxvix arpege my sin irefevtc haktxel tin iiv cosmetics hetexe kiiiixstlix uubaickv max fac tor billfolds 9sc 250 up compacts 150 up jcwelile hair brush 100 keystone hair brush natural bristles 295 other hair brushes max factor hisociety lipstick max faclor hypnotique cologne max factor primitif cologne lentheric tweed cologne ienthcric tweed toilel water mist lentheric tweed bath powder desert flower toilet water desert flow er spray cologne i5c up 195 225 100 225 100 200 300 275 250 150 200 300 aekems pharmacy formerly storeys drug store 35 main si w ihoxe 2s6w stouitville ofxn evening except sat sim frl 11 pm the good c staples you require heres everything that yol prime rib roast of bee lean boneless dewing beet it we deliver jf rs for mothers day 500 geraniums to go c a plant 10 for 4150 roses floribunda hybrid tea and common varieties only 99 and up 10 variety bushes for 925 mums potted mums l green plants shrubs maple birch lilac trees 3s3 main st east stouifvilk phone 112 ww- for mothers day shop i choose your gift from our wide se lection of elizabeth arden revlon yardley and many other attractively boxed gift items lehmans shoes 9 ma ix st w phone 9av by caitets xoble a baxter at 1900 hrs on may 2 xo 91 stouffvllle district squadron held its weekly parade at the stouffville legion hall after a successful tag day the three cadets with the highest imint collected in each district wcr presented with gold watches by flight lieut falkowskl the three cariets arc kicky thomp son of exbrifige bill keeping of stouffville and wm koblcn- sky of markham the squadron i wishes to congratulate thec boys on their ctorts on tag 1 day j gift wrapped chocolates by jenny lint i black magic cadburys and ncilsons our staff will giftwrap your mothers day purchases free of charge ps we have a complete selection of chanel perfumes sheaiter pens cameras artificial flowers and flower arrangements houstons the rexall drug stork phone 229 stouffville free delivery