suggested tract license reports that farmers may have to buy licence plates for their tractors and wagons prompted quick action a the special members meeting of the ontario federation of agricue- lure held in toronto may 5 members parsed a resolution asking that any impending leg islation in no way adversely affect the continue use and movement of farm tractors and wagons on the highways this resolution also takes in to account any legislation that may limit farmers from using public thoroughfares to get from one farm to another with small or large equipment far- i mers have to use the roads also to take produce to storage cen tres and markets ofa members mindful of the moral responsibility of far mers to observe safety meas- tires requested that the minis ter of transport distribute to farmers rules for safe operation of farm equipment on all roads ten reports and 20 additional resolutions made up the rest of a busy meeting in the royal york hotel education was dis- cussed at length with members deciding to publicize opportun ities and facilities available to farm people to further their ed ucation along vocational train ing lines and to send federation representatives to educational conferences coming up in the near future these include the ontario conference for educa tion and the conference on ru ral adult education to be held in guelph on june 5th and gin several resolutions from the recent poultry producers asso ciation annual meeting were en- do sed by th ofa support was given to obtaining arcend- r-ir- to the farm products marketing art setting up a na tional poultry committee within the canadian federation of ag- rkuiture and lo distributing information on the egg mark- eting plan likely to be put be fore producers within the year land assessment problem i were discussed as well as zon ing problems created by plan ning boards in ontario mem bers were disturbed by re ports that planning boards fre- i quently recommend zoning ar eas as farm lands without re gard to productivity or good land use principles the difficul- ty here is that zoning an area in practice generally freezes the land to that use only a i resolution was passed asking that planning boards and the department of planning and development be required to sub- j mit their recommendations to the department of agriculture and the ofa before sanction- ing or amending any bylaw re- j stricting or governing the use of rural land one of the last resolutions to be dealt with granted support to bill c77 the agricultural rehabilitation and development i act introduced into the house of commons by agriculture minister alvin hamilton ontario hydro was criticized i for the differences in rates be- i tween rural and urban users members requested as they have for the past several years that the rates be made more equitable to farmers protest husdiy may ii 1961 iht mourrvlut uiourtt pje 1 sb grove news i thats my sister shes in when she isnt oil the phone the bathroom may 41 about a month from now the census takers win begin their tjunds of counting and ques tioning approximately is mil lion people some misleading information has been in the air pertaining to the question that will be asked and the one that is stirring most loyal canadians is the question ol ethnic origin it has been said that we are still not able to identify ourselves as canadian not true question 9 on the census form reads aie you a canadian question 10 asks to what ethnic or cultural group did you or your ancestor ton the male side belong on com ing to this continent so we are at last canadians in the eyes of the canadian government on reading over the census questions there seems to be most interest in origin education and means of livelihood all ac understand ably of interest to the govern ment and none are impertinent or offensive one question is going to rile a few hou lwives if the census taker is not a diplomatic soul no hi asks did you have a job of any kind last week on the fast of june after a solid month of housecleaning that one better ba asked gantly euchre results ella coak- well maori reesor vera tay lor ben lot ton walt brignall eg i k heres a car that doa all you want it to there is no value like chevrolet value do under nil driving conditions anji no value that can even come close does it effortlessly and what macnili m morc 1 youthful style more zcsttul performance vent response chevrolet performs with vcs morc a vound car wlh lhc a zest and a flair thats all its own spectacular chevrolet gr0 dramatic and most practical outside chevy is slimmed down offers a more manoeuvrable car with a silhouette thats pure perfection but inside past chevrolets widerthancver doors theres a new world of roominess nggfr this is the car that establishes its leader ship in an undeniable fashion year after year it outperforms outtylcs and therefore outsells the closest rival a competitive manufacturer can offer by a country mile chevys revolutionary ps ms m 1 tt 3 is corsairs truly in a class by it self air cooled engine inde pendent suspension unistccl body practically flat floor full family roominess just a few reasons why corsairs bail to do more than youll eser demand pirst in salesfirst in per formance first in econ omy first in engineering first in service first in all round reliability it cant be equalled modti ulilraltd monlo club coup canadas fastest selung truck chevrolet seetrybuy the most spectacular in chevrolet history chevroletoldsmobile limited sioufqiue ontario louis slack carrying prizes went to mrs ben lotton and charlie forsythe next euchre will be held on may 15th joyce lapp has been uphold ing her bowling reputation and last saturday wonsecond prize at the markham tournament dates to remember may 16 tuesday dr geo miller will show pictures in the zion church on the subject inside darkest africa every one welcome giltoood the evening wa met at the home of mrs e trimble on wednesday evening of this week a meeting of the stewards of the church was held on tues day night the womens association have accepted an invitation to kinsale bazaar on saturdav the 13th rev t fleetham spoke on rural life on sunday at tiie church service sunday may 14th a combined sunday school and church service for family day will be conducted at 1130 am mr and mrs ross disney and family visited with mr and government municipal and corporation bonds preferred and common shares inquiries invited russell beare 213 main street markltnm telephone fbl subasrnt of wood gundy v company limited mrs white toronto nee carol mcveyl last sunday afternoon mr jas brooks left for eng land last thursday night to visit relatives mrs ern lageer and amy of churchill visited at the stan ley byers home last sunday afternoon mrs w trolley is spending a few days with an aunt in the city this week mr and mrs gordon wilson of goodwood visited at the les wilson home last sunday af- i ternoon kathy pegg returned home sunday afternoon from a visit with her grandparents in the city jack colwell of scarboro spent last sunday with mr ed pegg masking tape from 1 vz inch rolls down to 3 inch the stouffville tribune xmttgpg at any appliance dealer heres how you get your free 20 food certificate buy an electric home freezer now may 15 to june 30 at any appliance store display ing the supermarket in your home insignia this offerwill apply to an attractive range of chesttype or upright electric freezers or dual zone combination refrigerator- freezers of 13 cubic ft capacity or larger frpezers check these four ways a home freezer can cut your food bills x you can buy in bulk when prices are low 2 you can take full advantage of special food sales 3 you can budget your food needs more efficiently 4 you get a free 2000 food certificate if you buy cooperating manufacturers include the following bcatty brothers belwood appliance co canadian general electric coronado dom inion appliance co frigidaire general steel wares gibson gilson kelvinator philco rca roy united coops westmghouso main stiiebt stouffville dealers kaxlin furniture appliances phone 102 hendricks hardware phone boo herb krinj furnilure appliances phone 6l6r crest hardware phone ob sloultvillc coop phone 209 or 122 neville appliances phone 346 stouffvsise public utilities