ptge 4 the stourrylui tobuhe tiuvsrf wmury is 1961 how often should you buy a new car every year every two or three years or just when your old car is worn out im convinced there isnt a redblooded driv er living who doesnt have an opinion on this controversy s o im passins aong the verdict of a rroup of auto in dustry statisti- neu patrick clans whove made a study of it after a cost accounting of de predation and wear in todays market they have concluded that the best time of all is every three years they base this conclusion on the declining rate of depreciation as a car ages weighed against the mounting cost of upkeep the deprech- tion factor is the most notably important in the first three years depreciation is highest start ing with the first year though it is compeaatod to some extent bv service costs being almost nil the second year deprecia tion rate decreases but service costs go up third year depre ciation continues to decline nor mally but service costs jump sharply to which additional cost of new tires and battery must usually be added style changes and engineering features of a threcyearod car become notie- ablv out of date and this affects its tradein value as a used car if one human point might bo mentioned ami that is the simple pleasurable pride in own ing a new car every yetr then there is much to be said for the economics of trading yearly it is a well known fact that in todays competitive market that dealer overallowance or discount akes much of the sting out of the first years depreciation neil patrick motors d stoultville federation of agriculture says taxes acute problem to york county farmers masking tape from 1 vz inch rolls down to 3 inch 39c to 98c the stouffville tribune presenting the annual report of the york county federation of agriculture before county council on wednesday presi dent francis redelrreler cover cd the farm problems of county agriculturalists and told the acute problem which taxes had become to farm land mr redelmeier said the vork county federation is associated with other feder ations cooperatives commodity groups junior farmers and womens institutes and so pro vides a channel of communica tion between these groups in other counties provinces and 2g countries of the free world the federation of agriculture has no political affiliations but works with all governments for the improvement of agriculture and the economic and social life of farm families tills county is among the most densely populated in the prov ince but there are still approxi mately 200 farms chiefly oper ated by owners and their fam ilies while there are some part- time farmers in most cases the farmers income is limited to what he can produce on his land it must be recognized that about one third of the countys population is rural and while urban population increases stea dily farm land should not be taxed for urban development or above its ability to pay we would also stress the fact that the agricultural production of the county plays a very im portant part in its economic life it is not only in the interest of the farmers themselves but of importance to the other busi nessmen who provide goods and services to the farmer it would appear desirable for this council to make a sincere effort to maintain the agricul tural area of the county as long as possible in a profitable and productive manner we would therefore urge the council to do all within its power to prevent uncontrolled urban development avoid excessive speculation and premature expansion we hope that the york coun ty council will recognize this principle and be guided by it in its long range planning york county has always been one of the good agricultural areas of the province and it would be a severe loss if taxes and other matters would interfere with the farmers ability to produce quantity and quality farm pro ducts municipal taxes on farm land have become an acute problem urban development the proxim ity to a large city and an at tractive summer resort tend to aggravate the situation the recent experiences of farmers in scarborough have terrified farmers in york lest they find themselves in the same position whereby their land is assessed at a supposedly future development value this is in direct conflict with the assess ment act we were pleased that judge mcdonagh in his decision for scarborough farmers upheld the validity of the assessment act and clearly stated that farm land must be assessed at its agricultural value and that con sideration must be given to fac tors affecting the productive capacity of the land we have placed copies of judge mcdon- aghs decision on your desks we would request the county council to review the assessment procedures of its township as sessors to make sure that due consideration is given to the aforementioned points together with several officials of the federation our secretary- fieldman mr fred wicks close ly followed the scarborough as sessment appeals and he per formed especially valuable serv ice in the legal reassessment of the farms involved at that occasion our attention was drawn to the judicial system in the county it is apparent that the load on the courts in the county including as it does the city of toronto is increasing rapidly the federation of ag riculture therefore would like to request county council to investigate this situation in the interest of more rapid handling of cases and possibly at lower cost to the county it might prove advantageous if the coun ty were separated from metro politan toronto for this pur pose it has become very apparent that the assessment of land for educational purposes is out dated and we would ask this council to meet with other gov erning bodies and discuss re vision of the taxing structure in this connection we quote from a submission by the bc federation of agriculture 1 that provision must be made for all children to have like facilities for a high stand ard of education 2 that an alternative be found to land or property tax ation as a means of paying for education in that it imposes an unfair load on farmers as com pared with their fellow citizens in other fields of endeavour even for urban dwellers land and property tax creates injus tice by the fact that there is lit tle incentive for them to develop their homes and properties as it automatically increases their contribution towards the cost of education and other kindred ser vices if the county council sees fit to give further study to this vital problem we would be grateful for an opportunity to present our ease in more de tail the york county federation of agriculture is working very closely with associations repre senting hog producers poultry producers wheat producers beef producers and others in their marketing plans these plans are designed to improve quality increase re turns and allow the producer to market his produce in an order ly businesslike manner the federation of agriculture through its many units is stu dying a system of planned pro duction in an effort to over come the depressing effect caus ed by small amounts of unsale able produce the ontario federation of ag riculture has a property depart ment that assists farmers with problems of land expropriation casements rights of way as sessment and similar matters this service is available through the local units of the county or the county secretary it is our hope that the county council will confer with the fed eration of agriculture before granting permission for the con struction of roads pipe lines railways hydro or other pro jects of this nature which large ly affect farmers it is our belief that with pro per planning and information much inconvenience and bad feelings to all parties could be avoided in this connection we would like to commend the ontario department of highways in their handling of land acquisi tion for highway 404 to date the meeting held last decem ber in buttonville to acquaint follow the pioneercafeteria program for more pi6s per litter faster early growth lowest cost of gain more gradea carcasses here it is positively the topmost program of pigandhog nutrition for lowcost hog pro duction under canadian conditions it doesnt miss a trick when you feed sows and pigs the pioneercafeteria way and keep them in a comfortable place you can count on out standing results every step of the way more pigs bigger pigs faster growth more pounds of gain per ton of feed a higher percentage of gradeas and more money in the bank when the pigs are sold dont wait start tomorrow come in and let us explain the attractive pioneercafeteria finance plan or quote you todays cash prices pick up a copy of the new booklet pork complete line for dry sows nursing sows weanlings feeder pigs thorn mobile feed service unionville phonet unionville 137 property owners affected and the general public with the pro ject was well conducted many facts were clearly disclosed and it is to be hoped that future ne gotiations will continue in the same spirit of mutual good will at the same time we would like to express the hope that it will not be necessary to close any concession roads and that it will be possible to provide di rect access from the picent highway no 7 to the new hwy 401 the federation is pleased to note the establishment of the york county hospital cora- mission we recognize the great need for adequate hospital fa cilities in the county we realize that this need can only be pro vided at the cost of increased taxes but would none the less urge this council to proceed with this study as quickly as possible the federation has a contin uing program of education and information so that farmers may be better informed on mar keting plans farm legislation organization and ways to in crease the economic and social returns to those engaged in ag riculture our biweekly newspaper rur al cooperator is sent to 3200 farm and rural homes in the county in order that you may have a better understanding uf the fed eration work we have placed on your desks a copy of the last annual meeting of the ontario federation of agriculture last year we requested that our grant be restored to 51000 as it had previously been for a number of years at that time we received 500 and were in formed that the matter of in crease would be referred iu this years agricultural comiuittee the federation was forced to severely curtail its organiza tional fieldwork and its service to farmers in the county in or der to balance its budget and maintain a reasonable reserve this year we would repeat our request for the restoration of the grant to the earlier figure of 1000 this year there may be marketing plan votes for one or more of four commodities each of which will require a bell dial exchange for claremont the bell telephone company received a consent from the pic kering twp planning board to purchase a parcel of land in clarcmont at the regular meet ing on friday feb 3 the com pany stated that they wish to purchase a lot 100 x 152 com prising the rear halves of the lots owned by mary taylor and edward lewis the bell telephone company plan to construct a new auto matic exchange building on this property it is hoped that the clarcmont district will be con verted from the manual type telephone exchange to the dial system by the end of the year business bibectoby great deal of held work and other expenses also the min ister of agriculture has suggest ed the unification of farm organ ization the federation will have to take the lead in this program on county as well as provincial levels this will un doubtedly require extra clerical and organizational work the federation is moving toward the establishment of a fulltime field service executive directors 1eg1 past president harry fergu son pros francis redelmeier vice pros oliver bales james darlington ofa member f brumwell township directors dalton rumney donald hunter don ald brodie miss cora brodie carl boynton mrs geo foster john naylor john mnginn al lan gellatly john fawcett hen ry vanderpost bruce clarke reg gibbons mike vannost- rand mrs ross armitage herb wright murray crone mrs sidney jones frank marritt e j norris representatives credit un ions floyd forsyth john sy- tema womens institutes mrs calvin mitchell mrs douglas parsons mrs walter kidd mrs james darlington dairy products james faris gordon forgy clare eves beef producers allan hop kins hog producers oliver bales york medical paul sni der plowmen art mitchell coops robert lewis harry warrinor crop improvement clifford winger members at large chas grubbe mrs jas faris junior farmers to be named secretary treasurer field- man fred wicks what do you need most you can bghrow at low cost through a i rrjmy iii convenient monthly instalment adjusted to your family budgot yes a iny branch of the bank of nova scotia you can torrow for worthwhile purposes to buy or refinance your car to furnish that new home or room to pay your taxes or insurance premiums to consolidate debts to meet medical or dental expenses and your loan will be life insured at no extra cost to you the bank of nova scotia a network of offices across canada and abroad managers sfouftville branch george ii williams oak ridges branch w w bert thompson accountants john c wyl1e fla licensed public ariountint auditor i main st w stoultville telephone os residence 5sjl resident rr 1 stouevil auctioneers w d atkinson phono stouffville sc3 licensed auctioneer nnd sal manager balks tomircted a xv where specializing in the preparation ind selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sale3 bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized er rice really pays oil and means money in your pocket phono stoukfvhie 303 ken clarke prentice auctioxkkrs licensed nnd authorized for the counties of vork and ontario minikon p 5 ph ax 359s1 slarkham p o ph mark 34g prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer conntlm of york ontario farm stock fnrnliure sales a specialty telephone gormlcy hsu address gormley po 5935 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon jov oneill davs tups thru sat nights wed anil fri for appointment call stouft 4g5 margarejs beauty salon corner rupert westlavyn cres for appointment call stouflville 4g1 7tf chiropractors kennedy cthropractic office a o hart kennedv dc 17 cluircli st s stouttviuo hours mon wed fri 2 pm 9 pm plione sioufiville f17 answeriiik servico wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray qrs 1012 am 24 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am ss7 main st n mnruham ont telephone 701 dental neil c smith lns nns oraduato of university of toronto office over canadian dank of commerce telephone i07iv stouiullle dry cleaners aida cleaners and dyers insured fur garment storage slouftviiio markham s43 891 funeral directors l e oneill stoukfiiixr funeral director and embalmer cool inn on telephone service li or nlrlit phone slouftviiio 9swl magic markers 79c and si 10 the latest development in marking devices ti2 stouffiie tribune insurance state farm 1 insurance f02 insurance caiu v 1 4 a lloyd f harvey rri gormley phone gormley 5369 stats fan ucaial auont 8 triurince cflj sfc riml isib cj s3lt farm fire srj cly co ucad otlce toronto ont tiios birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stonfrvillo ontario insurance in reliable companle at reasonable rat3 prompt service phones 716 nnd 253w2 fred m pugh mutual life of canada li general insuraueo wo have often hoard of the man who doesnt believe in life insurance but have vet to hear of the widow who doesnt pnone stouffville fw legal william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w po box 820 phono 448 slonltvillo mccullough button barristers solicitors notaries s3 main st xv slouftviiio solicitors canadian bank of commerce n nfrj nutton ba 103 orrin ave ih 339 david a coon ba gormley rr ph gormley 5387 kennedy kennedy rtanlsters solicitors notaries c7 richmond st v toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 735 aimiim a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham s32 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime phone markham 23 main street markham phone 25 paul w j mingay ba barrister solicitor 51 main street markham ont rhonc markham 707 48u robert w mcvey barrister a solicitor suilo nil c2 richmond street west markham toronto phono 339 phono em 3038 optometrists e a grubin ro oitometrist plcfon stouffvllla tn stouffville nt the james mecrelriit residence 58 main st e on the following monday and tuesdays march gh nnd 7lh april 3rd and 4th garnet v gray od optometrist stouffville medical centre phone cic for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday for a perfect madetomeasure suit tailored from the liest material anj at the lowest prices possible see 25u uxbridgo cicnncrs dyers ll 25j71 uxbridge