Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 16, 1961, p. 2

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jw i thi sroomnur mvm nadn wmtnr w i editorial watereddown plan finding considerable opposition to the initial plans for hospital con- struction in york county which pre sented grandios buildings total cost of which was to be s8700000 less grants of two and a half million the york county hospital commission has now come forward with a more realistic plan at 1350000 less grants this new plan would leave the county with a 32900000 amount u raise rather than the original 56200000 plan this program would be project ed over a period of several years and could provide county residents with 325 beds an extension on the new market hospital and a new building at richmond hill editorially in last weeks issue we balked at the original multi- million dollar program as more than the taxpayers could stand however in presenting the report to county council the committee has now ap proximately sliced the expenditure in half which brings it within the grasp of the average municipality we certainly admit as we did last week that additional hospital more acceptable facilities are necessary and our only concern has been the amount of dollars and cents to which we might be committed if 4u beds are what the experts say we should have per thousand population but we believe we can only afford 3 lets have the three at least thatt better than the one and a fraction we have now year by year our debt is climb ing both in the county and in our own municipality and unless govern ment is able to come more to our aid we must take a very long look at every project and try harder to stay within our limitations for paying we would all like to have six or even seven hospital beds for every thousand persons ii would be won derful but we simply cant afford it so we must do the next best and cut the program to what we can handle without sinking the financial ship even in the reduced state al most half the members of county council still remain skeptical of the cost the vote which approved the committee report in principle was only passed by a vote of 14 to 13 and the following day this approval was rescinded to you i from time to time we hear of a local church or church organization receiving a bequest of money or pro perty as a beneficiary in the will of a citizen or old friend of the commun ity who has passed on a great deal of pleasure is expressed at the time over the thoughtfulness and gener osity of the person who saw fit to make the gift over the years the value of such a gift is often referred o and the memory of the deceased and their kind deed lives on some such gifts are even made during the lifetime of the giver and to thus have the pleasure of seeing some of the good brought about by their generosity bequeath with taxes what they are in canada today there should be real encouragement for people when mak ing their wills to include the institu tions of their local community among their beneficiaries the money can be put to excellent use as anyone can readily see by inquiring into what has been done with gifts received by stouflville in the last quarter century no one should hesitate to take such action since even the smallest gift looms large especially when it is added to others which down through the years gradually build up a fund of tremendous and everlasting benefits to the worthy institutions of our fine town water witching may the shortage of water through out this area and in many other rural neighborhoods in ontario brings to mind the interesting question is there anything in the traditional witching to find where to dig for water some people claim to be able to find water without fail through the use of a forked stick no one ever seems to know where the custom originated but it has apparently been in use for centuries engineers scoff at water witch ing as having no scientific basis weve heard others who think its just superstition one oldtimer even told lis one day that it works regain popularity because the fellow on the end of the stick is in league with the devil however the most sensible sug gestion seems to be that some people are born with an instinct that tells them where water is we have had a number of forked stick operators in this area men who were described as being able to smell water animals and birds have an in stinct that guides them to water when its miles away it could be that primitive man had a similar instinct anyway there is one thing about lhe water shortage that is for sure a lot of farmers who built farm ponds are glad they did and a lot who didnt wish thev had industrial commi the suggestion made hy reeve ken wagg at the last council meeting that stouffville should have an in dustrial commission is a good one it certainly cant be all the answer to bringing some industry into town but its a step in the right direction a small group whose entire job is to contact and negotiate with firms seeking locations certainly is far ahead of the little effort put forth so far by other boards for whom seeking industry was only a sideline industry is not easy to get hundreds of communities across the country are aiming in the same direc tion and competition is keen how- ssion could help ever little by little our position is improving stouffville today has the services and all the services and now it apiears that our lack of suffi cient land is to be remedied it may be necessary for the commission if and when it is ap pointed to option land in order that it may be made available to industry at a reasonable price the commun ity may be called on to spend some money to this end not a great deal but at least some in order that more of our citizens and our citizens child ren may find employment at home to this end we look with anti cipation and interest on the formu lating of an industrial commission not a council cure it would appear ihat some resi dents in the west rouge area of pickering township have problems that no council will ever cure last week mr clifford laycov a repre sentative from ward live stated in all sincerity that he had been plagued by complaints from homeowners con cerning the operation of the assess ment department he said that some calls had been received at two and three oclock in the morning we would suggest that such per sons should lie directed not to the reeve or the assessment commissioner but to the neareset psychiatrist we would suggest also that the majority of thes criticisms should not be taken too seriously these residents can always contact the assessment department personally or place an appeal before the annual revision court certainly no prob lem constitutes such dire importance that it need be aired during the early- morning hours the jstnuffmllc rlbunt rltabltshkd iii a v nolan son publisher member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and th ontario weekly newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c h noun fubbka jii ihowas tum jas altkean 14tmx atf l ik tuesh report from ottawa by michael starr mp minister of i -bou- way back when jan 29 1s25 1 their i round from mount on thursday evening feb 12 j kore knocked out in 1923 the wfo and the cfi se d rouni b brant wo will give a free ovster ford locai rmk vvei w supper to all club members ard j mather c armstrong j s their families and all those j dougherty aniru sanders- farmers ard their families who well well feeling a tittle belter this morning 1 see sugar and spice by bill smiley i well in this column t was did you read that big blurb about me in your local paper re- 1 cstiy about he np cently it got headlines like g x readers tha wnat this in many weeklies sugar i made me ed ba gjvp or and spice columnist most wide- takc nundred thousand ben in 5916 mr speaker instructed the i sergeantalarms to bring into the house a wooden mace which was used by the house for some months after the are while wait ing for a new mace to be fabri- cated i in so doing the speaker spoke t as follows i thought perhaps all hon- i ourable members did not know that we had two maces the second being the one which is on the table today and which served the house as the symbol i of its authority during the inl terval between the fire in feb rnary and the presentation ofi the new mace in june of 1916 j the house went on to conj sideration of budget resolutions relating to tariff duties covering goods of a class or kind made 1 in canada the object of the resolutions being to tighten up on manufactured goods and pr tvjj a v equipment coming into canada suii iri x of a type which were being or i could be manufactured here on monday the house debat- ed a private members resolu tion which would have the effect of making unemployment insur ance benefits available to the i widow of a claimant entitled to such benefits litis was one of a number of i resolutions dealing with unem ployment insurance others included a resolution to discuss with united states between 6 and s pm iemouviile lemonville is very nearly snowed in these days no side walks in sight feb 5 1925 baptists decide to build more tangible results on the part of the stouffville baptist church congregation toward building a new church was in evidence this week when a quantity of gravel was deposited on the new site at the corner of obrien ave and main st the building committee reck on on a structure that will cost around sl1000 and of this am ount s6q0 is now promised curlers won and lost the two rinks of local curl ers who entered the ontario tankard games in toronto won mil st raetured fall he was carrying a cordvvood stick whet he stumbled over the saw- horse with the painful result its not unusual for horses to throw men and fracture their ribs and sam who has worked around them all his life says he never anticipated any such treatment from a saw horse at least on saturday morning jan 31 istt at eleventhirty just 51 years ago the doubleheaded engine which ran on the toronto and nipissing rr exploded at stouffville station killing three menthrovving one 22 rods and wounding four others mr cowley was station agent jo seph ainley was baggage mas ter and old mr toaze carted th freight from the station with a black stifflegged horse how many remember the time school lesson ly read in canada thats pret ty heady stuff to read about yourself however it didnt im press me much as 1 had writ- ton the story myself ton and i have the same circu lation his mail averages 30 letters a day mine averages 30 a month and 24 of them are bills offers from magazines and final notices about insurance premiums it said in the story thai this column is now running in one hundred and eleven newspapers tha convlnced nie across canada lets have a i nevcr lm reb famoll look at that in round figures nist and mt prctt aek abm round figures are the only sorlj it r tnollk bee not controversial enough oh which have any attraction for nie and most redblooded col umnists except women feel the same way reading he was bragging mod- authorities the question of mak ing unemployment insurance benefits available to canadian woodsmen working in maine and xew hampshire another resolution provides for unemployment insurance tor persons unemployed on ac count of illness there was also a resolution to limit coverage to persons mak ing s4000 a year or less and also to disqualify married wom en whose husbands earn in ex cess of 4000 annually this i resolution would also disqualify persons under lhe age of is residing at home where the supposing the average circu lation of these weeklies is 2000 that means there are 220000 subscribers exposed to sugar and spice heck lets make it an even quartermillion and lets say an average of three persons reads eacli paper in which the column appears a fair figure all right we now have threequarters of a mil- j lion potential readers of the col- i do you know something id ive attacked in my day such things as motherhood the prot estant churches capital punish ment children the home social drinking temperance sex and the weather but i just cant seem to get my teeth into some thing vital like used car deal ers or vacuum cleaner sales men the sort of thing that gets people worked up then i began thinking about the sort of letters t doget from readers and i felt better and umn each week ah it a million and be it when r gel tossing figures like this around in my head t start feeling pretty important- by fjeorgc i think there arent many fellows writing s column for which a million or two peo ple are waiting feverishly each week lust imagine all those people from yarmouth- ns to chilllvvack bc fighting to gel the paper first hanging on every word with this in mind i set out to impress the family with the famous personality in its midst do you know that there are a million people reading sugar and spire every week i ask young kim pretty good dad she says can i go to the explorers sleighride tonight 1 try hugh do you realize that my column is read from coast to coast i enquire how come we cant afford a tv set then he wants to know lets make i trade incomes with pierre ber- done with j ton but i wouldnt trade mails ill bet most of the letters he j gels are either hacking his col umn lo bits because the reader disagrees with him or lauding it to the skies because he agrees that would become boring af ter a bit theres nothing boring about the letters i receive from read ers they are warm and friendly and personal and they arent trying to grind an axe or have me grind it for them they come from all over the country from mrs james nickerson of west roxbury mass men- tioning a column she liked be cause it reminded her of old times in nova scotia from walter stark of oxenden ont claiming id make a good mp and wishing a happy new year from jack cooper of vernon bc saying hed just celebrated his 69th wedding anniversary feels great and reads my col umn because im a damgood writer from jack cornet of la salle ont whom i havent i head of the household earns in excess of 51000 i these were some of lhe 45 private members resolutions currently on the order paper others included a national housing act for elderly per sons increase in pensions for railway employees establish ment of a department of indus try atlantic provinces capital investment fund municipal loans fund national develop ment fund greater assistance for education expansion of technical and vocational train ing national flag and national anthem canadian sports coun- cil communications council national health insurance there were also resolutions dealing with lhe textile indus try finance companies employ ment for older workers con trolling expenditures for elec tion campaigns juvenile delin quency traffic accidents and kindred subjects of social and economic interest many of the subjects mention ed were already under consider ation by the government and some had already been dealt with in any case the members con cerned would have their day in court and would have the sat isfaction of having a full dress debate in the house on subjects in which they or their constit uents were vitally interested meanwhile preparations were going ahead for the observance of technical training week in canada in early june this would be in conjunction with similar observances throughout the commonwealth at the insti- losson for february 191 the lord of life and death john 10 u golden text i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though be were dead yet sliall he live and whosoever livelh and be lieveth in me shall never die john 1 1 25 26 the lesson as a whole the two chapters that are the basis for our study point up the deepening hostility of the jew ish religious officials against this somber background shine out with increasing vividness the grace and power of christ both as good shepherd and as the resurrection and the life as the good shepherd he ent ers the jewish shecpfold and calls forth his own sheep they hear his voice and follow him this pictures the believing rem nant of israel but there are other sheep who have never been in the jewish fold at all and they too will respond in hearing and following him both companies unite in one flock and recognize one shepherd see john 1015 16 asv by this parable the lord il lustrates the basic difference be tween the fold of judaism and the flock of christianity the raising of lazarus was the lords crowning miracle it is he seventh sign of his mes- siahship in john and was so climactic that it became the turning point in the activities of both the pharisees and the i old jesus religious antipathy was aroused to the point that it became a determined conspiracy lo kill him this gathering storm caused the saviour to de liberately withdraw from the crowds and to move in secrecy see john 1153 54 this miracle therefore should be considered as a great fron tier in the lords ministry the heart of the lesson the raising of lazarus by je sus the son of god provides a little preview of what he will do to the bodies of all of his own at his return at that time he will raise in incorruptibility by his descending shout all of the dead lazaruses this will issue in triumphant glory for him and everlasting blessing for them 1 thess 416181 but the christ who gave phys ical life lo this loved one at bethany is able and willing to communicate spiritual life even now and just as lazarus receiv ed this life by hearing his voice so we today may have eternal life hy hearing his word and receiving him as sa viour see john 524 it is possible however to have life and yet no liberty the gravcclothcs may still cling im peding the walk and binding the hands so as to prevent proper work the napkin of death may still cleave to the face hinder ing any intelligible confession or testimony wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cent more per pound butlerfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone ls6w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent punchv hut still seeking some scpn for year end recognition i approach the old book he wr on curling con- girl how ritany papers do von taming nothing but blank pages think are running the column and entitled what i know about curling that reminds me you forgot i lo put tho papers out with the i wouldn something if garbage this morning she says i p readbr ot s and i had to go out in my i d to dressing gown in the snow and h f 1 nearly broke my neck on those l hack steps when are you going elizabeth mmid- 1 land ont know what id do id take the whole million of them drive lo toronto in a lo start looking after things ar ound the house like other men j this is rather daunting but it t doesnt completely dismay me j im like an old prizefighter who has been knocked to the canv j so often that his bum is more j tender than his beezer i just i wander away mumbling to my- self that some day ill be fam- 1 ous and then theyll appreciate i mc by golly and theyll mis me when i die and stuff like that strip a i g of his royal highness the duke of edinburgh meelings were held in ottawa this week of federal and pro vincial officials to lay the ground work for observance of this spe cial week throughout caiiada on monday the minister of pierre berion i public works honourable ija- n j vid walker told the house that housing starts and loans financ ed through new amendments to the national housing act had increased considerably for de cember the number of units truck hire six men to carry i thousand fin them up to sertolis offloe dump i through amended lending them on his desk and my policies had made december a thirty letters a day f pkltccord month erre this is my average week ly mail thatd shake him dater and numbering stamps full line in stock 60c lo 95e rut t must admit i became extremely depressed the other day i was reading pierre ber- tons column berton for those j otitslde the limited range of the toronto daily for whlrh he works is a brilliant product of west coast newspaper circles skftssr dm ithe stouffville tribune get them at hargrave greenhouses m u m s cut flowers weddings funeral floral thone 7aw2 and corsages and any designs between a m i pm after hours v2w how about telling daddy that he ncedi more life insiiranre now that im aiouuri theres a sun life representative in town ami sun life you know iv one of the worlds great life insurance companies why not ask daddy to call him today jim abelt rnone 23 stouffvujjs sun life assurance company of canada k

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