Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 1, 1959, p. 4

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tt 4 the stouffvou thbune thcuy ortober 1 195 its oar guess that a pessl- early to bed and early to rie mist doesnt get any kick out unless you have enough moa- of looking into a mirror ey to do otherwise this for savins our 2account plan is planned savin j personal chequing account pay all bills by cheque on a personal chequing account a quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight the low service charges are prepaid your cancelled cheques are on file if you need them 2 savings account keep your savings account for saving add to it from every pay as your balance grows youll enjoy new peace of mind shirt planned saving ot our nearest branch now the canadian bank of commerce more than 800 branches across canada to serve you tribune writer describes interesting tour of dept work in simcoe forest i stouffville branch claremont branch f w todd manager h t green manager by a g thompson we journeyed out from bar- rie to the orr lake forest which is one of the five units making up the lake simcoe forest orr lake comprises an area of 2144 acres which is not all in one block but consists of areas running from 60 to 110n acres chiefly in the township of medonte with some parcels in tay and flos the first property in this area was acquired in 1928 with ad ditions in other years that have increased it to present acreage as the length of time taken to bring a tree to maturity in these forests is 80 years few persons who saw them start will see any mature trees in the stand of timber at waverly not far from the orr lake hq we viewed stands of timber that had reached a point at which the removal of each third row of timber was neces sary to permit growth thus of the 1200 seedlings first plant ed on an acre the first removal product is not wasted but sold as pulpwood for 1100 per cord it costs 700 for cutting 200 to put it on the road and the balance is profit when this removal is com pleted it permits of trimming some of the remaining trees once the limbs are sawn off even with the tree nature grows it over and any further growth is of solid timber free of knots it was mentioned that this trimming was a long and costly operation as the trim- i ming was to a height of 17 feet however the forester drew to our attention that only the 200 trees that were to be the final stand left to mature of he original 1200 planted were to be trimmed in another section we viewed the operation of setting out trees with the machine operat ed by a tractor driver and two men setting the number is 10000 seedlings in a day if over hills etc where it is nec essary to set by hand the num ber for two men would be about 1000 on our former tour we saw these seedlings set in large beds and left for two years after which they were transplanted and left for a further period of tea jimie johnson october 411 the peoples church 100 bloor east toronto jimmia johnson wfh preach eery weeknitjht but monday at 8 pm and at 645 on sunday the final service will be held in maisey hall on sunday october 11th if you wish reservations for a delegation of 10 or more at any service write or phone wa 39000 tenor soloist ed lyman will ting through the crusade iririrftiftiiftizizftikikitiicitkitiziftiiciziiftitiikiziririiz thursday october 1st jersey show landrace show horseshoe pitching open doubles friday october 2nd monster parade from morgan park 1 pm w lindsay band black white show 4h dairy 4h beef guernsey show horseshoe pitching tournament for local players old time spelling match midway pony party full card of racing evening in front of grandstand jack m gymnastic display scarborough club greased pole event pony riding demonstration special competition girls boys 1215 years j entertainment by vince mountford sons saturday october 3rd eksf fj open by dr m b dymo nd minister of health for ontario regional sheep show berks yorks tamworth regional show red white show beef breeds full card of racing light horses ponies heavy horses safety program demonstration markham girls trumpet band lindsay band horseshoe pitching central ontario championship dressed turkey auction at i pm vince mountford sons masters of ceremonies monsti in arena saturday ni6h7 m i d w a y rides f u n f o u a l i david j tran pres r h brillin cr 1st vice pres h m warrincr 2nd vice pre chas b boynton livestock director fred jnrinj secretarytreasurer god save the qpe e n two years in this planting it was stated the seedlings were four years old the question was asked if spring and fall planting were equally successful and we were told a larger percentage lived if planted in the spring robert trotter who recently joined the force at maple being transferred from one of the northern districts is connected with ihe wild life div he cer- tainly had nature cooperating with him on this day for as we were viewing the tree plant ing operation a large doe ran up the trail and crossed about 150 yards from the party in going on from this sec tion we go further north into the severn falls river manage ment unit the headquarters of this unit is located at cold- water the area covers an acre age of 110000 acres with out posts at severn falls honey harbor and six mile lake as each of these posts is in what is known as the fire area they each have a number of men employed in prevention and fire fighting the department has 1225 portable pumps and 700 miles of fire hose it was stated that they had fought eleven fires in the severn area this year it was considered to have been a good year fairly free of any large amount of damage and in this the department are quite ready to give the public the proper amount of credit for being more careful of smoking etc while in the bush in what is known as the fire area no person can set any fire from april 1st to october 1st without a permit from the fire ranger and it is generally un der a supervision of someone from the department the members of the county council were quite impressed by the organization but the area was not new to them as county council had made a tour of the area in 1958 in talking with the members a number considered the pro gram as expensive to the coun ty as i it took a considerable amount of land off the assess ment roll in that the conserva tion area did not produce any tax revenue the county was under obligation to service the roads in these areas by keeping them in repair in summer and ploughing of snow in winter it was considered that with an acreage of 25079 acres in the lake simcoe area that it was a point on which the govern ment might lend some assist ance we had lunch at port severn a point used mainly by those in search of a holiday in the sum mer months and almost totally deserted in the winter it is accessible by only one road from coldwater and with many more acres that looked as though they would be better utilized for reforestation the amount of topsoil being at a minimum we visited the headquarters of the unit situated at severn falls they have a very efficient building with radio connections from coldwater it is required as we were told that only one telephone was in the area and that was in the general store they gave a demonstration of the pumps and stated the force was quite satisfactory with a length of a mile of hose the large boat with an in board motor as well as several other smaller units was in the large boat house more of this same equipment was said to be at honey harbor and six mile lake but we did not visit these districts the chief forester mr ham ilton stated he covered these points in going over the area about once per month for the entire year his description of the area in winter would not tempt anyone to go there for christmas on our return trip we called at the provincial park at bass lake this was formerly a camp operated by a coop society but its use was not extensive and the directors sold the pro perty to the government a large expenditure was nec essary to equip the park with proper buildings they now have a parking area near the bathing beach a building or offce at the entry gate a large picnic club house wash room facilities in a near building a store which is operated in sum mer months the grounds have been ex tended to permit of the build ing of a trailer camp a wood has been cleared and divided into camping sites water is available at another club house in this area a well 215 feet deep provides 50 lbs pressure at the top the park is very popular and it was stated would have to be enlarged as many persons were turned away each weekend in speaking of the unit one of the officers said it was generally up to capacity of 5000 by 1 pm on a sunday the record showed 100000 used the camp in 193s with an expected 50 increase in 1359 the government has not only provided the place to gc but is j providing wild life to cover the land and waters each year some 15000 phesints are re leased in peel lork and on tario counties in connection with fishing soooo yearling speckled trout liired at mid- hurst are released to those who were on tour for the first time the work must have appeared as very in volved but to those on tour in the previous year it appealed to be a natural followup of the gathering of the seed the pro duction of seedlings and the general programme of securing good sites at whicii these might be planted and public parks established while many may say the pro gramme is expensive it would appear horn the use being made of the parks that the public appreciate the effort put lot ill to provide foi recreation giv life memberships in fionesr society honorary life memberships in the york pioneer and historical society was conferred on harry i price president of the canad ian national exhibition major a a mackenzie mc mpp and alfred h cowling mpp at the societys annual assembly in the scaddfng cabin at the exhibi tion grounds this action was by way of recognition of the services of these gentlemen to the cause of local history and particularly in the preservation of the historic sites of the ex hibition area of mr price the citation set forth in part we are happy to state that mr price has an appreciation of the place this area has in our countrys history this year the bay of the humber was again the scene of an occasion of historic import ance nearly a century and a half ago this shore was the land ing place of an invading army carried here by a hostile fleet the naval display of 1959 in the bay of the humber was an event marking 146 years of unbroken peace between two nations on tliis continent of major mackenzie it was stated he had an enviable rec ord of public service civil and military he has been and is a leader in conservation of yorks natural resources partic ularly its rivers and their ori gins he is also active in the marking of archaeological and historic sites thereby saving many of the latter from disap pearing this society has reason to be grateful for major mackenzies resolute support of its efforts in association with similar bodies for the preserva tion of fort york and its site the spot where this toronto j began when legislation to use part of that site as an express way was proposed in a bill at the last session of the legislature v4v hm check her lines check her style you can see the difference from half a mis les wilson motor sales main street slouflville phone 272w during that session much pres sure was brought with the strangely unanimous support for a while of torontos daily newspapers to authorize an ex pressway across the site of fort york the toronto civic his torical committee an honorary body appointed by the city council strongly recommended against the provision this committee advised that not only was the site of fort york the spot where british toronto be gan but also that toronto was under a perpetual covenant em bodied in a dominion statute to maintain the property as an historic site mr cowling as chairman of the municipal laws committee of the legislature declared his opposition to the provision this and outspoken objections of major mackenzie were supported by other govern ment followers with the result that the vandal provision was struck out the display in the scadding cabin included what is believed to be the only portrait in exist ence of alexivjder wood mer chant of york and confidant of its leading families the framed silhouette regarded as a notable find was found among the fam ily effects of col s a hewanj who died last year 89khn e i ii ilk m s 111 ilk imfm wh 111 lilllp ifihbr w cmsimj abbs wssa s38isr pst gggg gy fl- why it automatic electric water heater is best for your home 15afe a modern automatic electric water heater is safe because it is electric there are no fumes and the elements are completely covered a modern automatic electric water heater works quietly dependably efficiently f safety 2 clean a modern automatic electric water heater makes no sooty film needs no flues it can be installed anywhere in tho bathroom kitchen or laundry centre o xl m in j ffi economy cleanliness 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