Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 1, 1959, p. 2

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tt3t 7 the sto0tfv1ue trjbwff tburjr october i 1959 zsta3usbzd us a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and tha che jtonffuuie teributu ontarioquebec newspapers association authorized u ftecoodcuss mail postofsc dept otutw jlember of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c r nolah pubssber jas thomas efitw ias mckfjut ilfmtrw our editorial comment safety program an excellent project on saturday morning the first wheels of a three week bicycle safety program were put in motion under the sponsorship of the stouffville home and school association and in cooperation with the local police de partment the attendance of close to ninety young cyclists must have been gratifying evidence to the promoters that their project has caught the in terest of our pedalpushing boys and girls it was evident that considerable thought and work had gone into the preparation of the saturday safety scheme the program was well or ganized and every test was completed without a trace of confusion the amazing array of bicycles in the park on saturday presented a rather interesting sight to any local citizens who happened to pass by at the time no two were alike every thing from fenderless hand-me- downs to chromeplated racers passed by the inspection stand for a com plete checkup some minor adjust ments were made on the spot while others were redirected to the exper ienced father or older brother a complete written record was retained on the condition of each young own ers bicycle we are pleased that such a safety program has been reorganized here many will recall how a similar project was instituted in stouffville a number of years ago by pc hill- iard of the ontario provincial police following the withdrawal of the opp the scheme was dropped we sincerely hope that the current plans will not meet with a similar fate accidents take no holidays and play no favorites danger lurks year- round on our main street only a safety program operated on a simi lar basis can overcome these hazards markham fair this week another season of rural fall fairs is with us and this week comes the largest in the local area markham fair more than one hundred years in existence markham fair is one of the finest and most largely attended in the province undoubtedly its proximity to metro toronto helps at tendance wise as many city folks en joy a fall jaunt into the country fall fairs have been a thrill for the rural population even before confederation they began in 1854 and one hundred and five years later they are showing more vitality than ever like all fairs markham is at the mercy of the weatherman but the directors will agree that this big local show has certainly had its full share of fine days during the last few years rural fall fairs have a flavor all their own it is possible to take in the whole performance the grandstand show the animal judging including the parades of award- winners and exhibits of the 4h clubbers boys and girls markham directors have improv ed their premises greatly during the last few years with new buildings and other facilities this year there will be an oldfashioned spelling match added to fridays events in front of the grandstand on friday will be the jack fraser calf scramble and other innovations which should greatly boost the attendance on this day dr m b dymbnd minister of health for ontario will officially open the fair on saturday this years president is david j tran one of the bestknown farmers in the area and he is supported by r h brillinger and h m warriner as first and sec ond vice with a smile from the weather man this weekend markham could well break another attendance record dont travel too close for some weeks now fines have been levied against motorists in local traffic court for travelling too close ly behind the car ahead this follows a provincial police order to enforce this section of the traffic act the habit is one of the most unnerving on the highway the section of the act is quite clear it says the driver or oper ator of a motor vehicle shall not fol low another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon and the condi tions of the highway when prosecuting a case of tail- gating in hamilton recently the crown attorney said there should be 20000 similar summonses issued to day in this case the driver was described as travelling 4045 miles an hour and the magistrate said this meant he should have been 10 car lengths behind the vehicle in front of him as tailgating becomes a public issue the ontario safety league has issued a timely word of warning al ways help the driver behind you to pass suggests the league keep well to the right and slow down if neces sary but dont carry your courtesy to the point of waving him to come past if you do and a mishap follows you can be held legally liable lets fill the churches we have there is accommodation in the combined number of churches in stouffville for possibly fifteen hund red persons each sunday however we can safely say that never more than half this accommodation is ever used now we note that still another church is to be started in our midst in our opinion this is getting a little ridiculous we have ample churches in town for those who wish to use them and until they are filled to capacity there is certainly no need for any further church services after all church people are sup posed to all be headed in the same direction all with the same destina tion in mind and just because you put a different interpretation on one or two passages in the bible is no reason in our estimation to set up another church this has always been one of the failings of the pro testant church the great number of divisions we have had a parallel in service club work in town as well several years back we were contacted on giving help to begin a rotary club in stouffville we refused as we be lieve that one service club in a town this size is quite sufficient if that one is supported the way it should be there is no need for any other likewise if the churches we now have are supported the way they should be there is no need for any other in fact there is less need for any other under present conditions every town is plagued by a num ber of persons who have a mania for starting new organizations in most instances there are too many already there are just so many individuals in a town who will support various clubs and societies the more organ izations you thrust upon them the thinner you spread the support and this rule holds for churches clubs and sports organizations alike forecast by oste a garrett are you a match box collector recognizing that the humble match folder will always have keen competition from ihe light er a leading match manufac turer is putting out his product in design series the first was the world series which was 24 different costume designs from all over the world these appealed to the ethnic groups of new canadians who are mov ing here from all the countries pictured in the series tue edu cational value to the rest of us is not to be overlooked either for christmas they will feat ure timely designs and the re cent royal visit and opening of the st lawrence seaway was used showing a map of canada and indicating the fea ture dates for each day one of their newest series will show designs of the 30 most popular sports matches used to be pure ly functional but all this as well as boosting sales will make the collectors happy a wellknown magazine carries a monthly feature entitled the most unforgetable character i have known it has often led me to think of interesting people i have met although at the time i didnt fully appreciate them a few months ago a man died who stands out as one of the most interesting men i have known he came to canada from england through one of the agencies which places boys on farms early in the nineties nf last century he was taken to a newly developed part of northern ontario the people with whom he lived were themselves poor they went where land was cheap and the work of clearing bush difficult he remained there the greater part of his life many miles behind the railway working hard although always in delicate health his chief characteristic was his complete devotion to the teaching of jesus christ his humility and selfeffacement was such as i have seldom ever known although not well educated he was intelligent and deeply religious i have known many prominent churchmen in whom there was little humility men vocal in the councils of churches but whose gifts and respon sibilities had made them selfwilled occasionally domineeting i am not writing this critically i know leaders have to be clear and emphatic and the church needs men who have strong opinions and convictions but no one would say humility was a characteristic of our age this backwoods farmer was different there was in him a deep strain of something which made others think of jesus after our removal to toronto my wife and i decided to ask him to visit us during the national exhibition he had never seen even a town and we felt sure he would be thrilled at the crowds and the exhibits it would be a highlight in his experience he came and in his first visit to the fair he lost two hundred dollars which he had in his hippocket characteristically he blamed it on his carelessness he refused to think he had been robbed it had just fallen out two hundred dollars in those days and to a man trying to eke out a living on a stoney backwoods farm was a lot of money my wife and i were quite distressed but his own attitude to the incident was something i have remembered over the years he said if the man or woman who found that money needs it more than i do its all right with me there was no bitterness or resentment not even a trace of selfpity just a hope that some unfortunate person had been benefited what kind of a world would it be if it were made up of men like that i do not dare to hazard an opinion in any case it would be only a guess a great british newspaper man wrote a book a few years ago in which he spoke scornfully of those who allowed others to push them aside in lifes keen competition stand up for your rights he urged and dont let others get in your way he wouldnt have thought much of my friend from the north he would have called him a fool the two men were poles asunder when saint paul was writing to the corinthian christians nineteen centuries ago he set forth the christian ideal he wrote love sceketh not her own if he had said that love does not seek that which belongs to others we could understand him better but he insisted that love does not say ill have my own nobody will put anything over me ill have my rights perhaps my northern friend wasnt such a fool after all anyway he passed on recently at the age of 77 leaving behind him the record of a blameless life fumstrlp vew one more little development and im away photogra phers 35 mm film trips can now be viewed without pulling down the shades turning off the lights setting up a screen or using a projector there is a new selfcontained filmstrlp daylight viewer just out which flashes a brilliant 7x9 picture in color or black and white on its own builtin rearprojected polacoat screen it folds up like a suitcase its light in weight and easy to use by salesmen designers interior decorators and architects but ordinary camera fans would get much enjoyment out of it too e save 200 a year on gas the latest thing in fuel-tsav- ing devices is claimed to be the super stratospark it clips onto the main wire that runs along side the spark plugs takes 30 seconds to install costs s39 and is said to save up to 200 a year on gas gasoline engines will run on an airfuel mixture varying froma thin mixture of approxi mately 17 pounds of air and one pound of fuel to a rich mixture of eight pounds of air to one of fuel best operation is over a somewhat narrower range ap parently no technical data is available but they do say now run your car half on gas half on air this device is claimed to boost power at the spark plugs and produce a threelayered spark not only the gas is ig nited but oxygen as well now think of that isnt it amazing im all for weaning cars off gas altogether a gentleman is one who holds the door open for his wife while she carries in the groceries always warmly welcomed mark special occasions with a lovely bouquet of flowers chosen from our wide selection of every ones favorites youll make a real hit stouffville floral floweks for all occasions telephone 70 plumbing heating hot water warm air furnaces bath rooms pressure systems sheet metal work dj smith co unionville phone 96 world day for animals wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouflfville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone lsgw stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent our quotation today is by goethe ripening corn bends his head in humility a good man like sugar and spice how about a spot of book re viewing this week for a change anyone who doesnt read books and there are plenty of them might as well turn to the classi fied ads because this wont interest him inordinate and uncontrollable reading is one of he several major flaws in my character print on paper is to me what fermented or distilled liquor in a container is to an alcoholic like the anky i prefer the good stuff if i can get it but if theres none around ill take whatever is available some times when ive reeled through a reading binge and theres nothing left in the house and the booksellers are closed i wind up gulping feverishly from such fare as the ladles home jour nal a superman comic or one of the kids think and do books tve even been reduced at he end of such a lost weekend to reading in french and english the literature on the breakfast cereal boxes i have no idea how many books i read in a year theres no way of keeping track of them i deliberately read four or five at a time keeping them in different places in the house in order to confuse my wife who abhors ray addiction i read crunched over the back of the toilet while im rubbing the lather into mv by bill smiley face for a shave little brown dog with soft wise eyes your plate stands empty your pillow lies in the sunny corner you loved so much and fingers ache for the silken touch of your head thrust into a curv ing palm little brown dog the cats may prowl on the gar den wall without your bark and the postmans call brings no click of toes on the polished floor my footstep rouses no joy at the door no frenzied ecstasy crashing the jam little brown dog ill fetch my slippers myself to night find my own paper and where the light in the corner always suited us best ill sit alone yet your head will rest on my foot i know and your tail slapslam gently little brown dog little brown dog though youve gone away to some upland slope where sunbeams play day in day out with your scam pering soul your spirit lingers an aureole of adoring love wherever i am little brown dog m j campbell sent in by dolores dover now is the time to save money and have your old chesterfield reupholsfered for half the price of a new suite easy terms five year guarantee specialist in draperies and rugs for free estimates call stouffville 684 iqcaogaasaaaoiao i frequently when i have fin ished writing this column about 2 atn ill sneak into the living- room puli a brand new paper back from under the piano and guzzle it before going to bed this produced sympathy the first couple of times i tottered down redeyed and careworn to go to work in the morning but she caught me at it one 4 am anyway ive swilled my way through a few interesting books lately and thought id mention them dont expect a scholarly censors scaredycal publishers and timid head librarians no you cant borrow my copy it is a brilliant bawdy book haunt ing and hilarious some of t is as funny as anything ive read some as tragic the morons wont understand it and the teenagers wont have the pa tience to sort it out so i dont know whose morals is threatens another id dr zhtvago by boris pasternak it won a nobel prize which russia wouldnt let him collect and i dont blame them its a devastating picture of russia from 1900 to about 1950 a fine poetic work if vou body fender repairs diico dulux refinishing estimates without obligation w g garreff and son main street stouffville ont phone 265 review with plot outline tracing n stomach the interminable of symbolism literary anteced cnts and all that jazz i leave it for the pipesmoking professors and the earnest english stud ents ive been nipping at one of the books between paragraphs of this effort its written by harry golden of whom i have never heard and is called only in america golden is a jew who lives in the deep south and puts out a newspaper in which there is nothing but editorials ills book is a collection of short pieces pithy shrewd witty learned and very human highly recommended as a bedside com panion if you cant do better than a book ive just finished lollta the book which has had such an in- 1 russian surnames nicknames given names and pet names and there is watch that ends the night by montreal novelist hugh maclennan this is a revolutionary approach to the modern novel in that it tells a story its language is apparent ly simple but what it y is sensitive wise and strong one of canadas best maclennan has a control and maturity few writers of fiction on this con tinent can boast this book alone ls ample proof that canada pro duces more than hockey players maple syrup and rye whiskey there you are four books as different as could be and if tve interrupted you just when ihe mickey spillane hero was about to kick the lady in the groin i come to the tribune office for your office machines and supplies the baffles by mahoney m rubbing the lather into my flammatory effect on wouldbe hope youll pardon the intniikm

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