Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 24, 1959, p. 5

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walls washed by machine just in time for fall cleaning fast efficient asolutelr no drip or mess rooms 500 to 800 also floors expertly cleaned and waxed by machine for a free estimate phone stouffville 96904 office cleaning inquiries invited just arrived plant now over 100 varieties on display unionville nurseries ltd no 7 highway unionville phone 95 les wilson motor sales stouffville ont main street w you can get office supplies from the tribune sunday school lesson gods call to faithfulness lesson for sept 27 malachi golden text mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me psa 101 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson malachi last of the minor prophets writing about 425 b c was gods mouthpiece to the jewish remnant in palestine which had returned after the captivity in babylon he is the prophetic link connecting the old and new testaments mal achi heb means my mes senger he looks across the in tervening 400 years and predicts the arrival of his prophetic suc cessor john the baptist 31 see matt 1110 who would pre pare the way before christ the jews needed a stern re buke in their initial burst of religious and patriotic enthus iasm they had rebuilt the tem ple and fortifications of jerusa lem and reestablished the an cient worship of jehovah but now their ardor was cooling the flesh corrupt and deceitful as ever was asserting itself a voice from heaven was sorely needed malachi reminds israel of gods unfailing love denounces her corruption pointedly ana lyzes her sin and warns her of impending judgment he brings to her remembrance the gra cious promises of the lord he declares that israels messiah would come his arrival an nounced by a messenger of god and finally the day of the lord would break when those that feared god would be spared and divine wrath would be visited upon the wicked the heart of the lesson israels sin was worthy of severe reprimand malachi blun tly exposes it and summons the nation back to the path of faith fulness to god the priests had proved un faithful surely after their dis tressing experiences in baby lon they would have remained true to their holy calling when at long last they were back in their own land but such was not the case their offence was threefold first they presented unwor thy sacrifices to god the mosaic law stated that animal offerings should be without blemish but they despised gods table and altar and used polluted bread and blind lame or sick animals 17 8 13 14 second they were more con cerned about their priestly pay than about the performance of their sacred duties third they went about their task in per functory formal fashion with no holy zeal whatever the people too had wander ed from god like people like priest hos 39 they were guilty in several respects forst they had profaned the holiness of the lord 211 by intermarrying with foreigners in the land thus defiling the hebrew blood strain and then in many instances by divorcing their wives when called to ac count for this fault they had im pudently defied the lord sec ond the people had robbed god in their tithes and offerings 3 8 selfishly retaining for their own use what they should have dedicated to the lord from all this waywardness and transgression malachi earn estly urges israel to return to her god in her worship daily life and stewardship she must once more be faithful the names of the jews who had not apostatized but had remained true were inscribed in the di vine book of remembrance 3 16 as belonging to god but the wicked would receive their just due at the coming of the day of the lord when christ the sun of righteousness would certainly arise 42 county planning board discussed in special meeting of council a special meeting of york county council was held on thursday evening to hear mr pearson of the dept of plan ning development and dis cuss the proposed establishment of a county planning board in summarizing his remarks mr pearson pointed out that the county could not hope to plan on its own without cooper ating with those municipalities on its borders he said that in the past the thinking of council had been mainly rural but in the future it would have to be expanded as much of the coun ty was becoming urban his advice was to proceed slowly with the full cooperation of all existing boards 3500 to start mr pearson in answer to a question estimated that a plan ning board would cost the coun ty 35000 in its first year of operation and that this would likely expand to 50000 inside of five years he said they would require a planning director and public relations man present boards would continue as they are he said asked about those municipali ties already in metro jurisdic tion and there are six air pear son said that he believed that the county board would be busy enough handling the remaining sight without seeking to obtain jurisdiction over any others reeve claike of markham twp said he thought this would be very difficult to establish if all municipalities were not in cluded the speaker said that all incorporated areas would have a member on the board without regard to population only a bedroom mr bryan chairman of the woodbridge boaiu asked what the county board could do for an area that metro could not do he said that his board consider ed that metro wished to grab all the industry and use wood- bridge only as sleeping quart ers with all the exoense of edu cating the children mr pearson replied that he would hope that if a county board was organized it would be in the spirit of cooperation and not controversy lome evans formerly of whitchurch twp said that he considered the county board de sirable but 25 year lo late the question was left with the county planning committee for consideration the stouftyiue tribune thursday pt 24 159 pjj 5 typewriters and supplies are available at the tribune j jgaegacacsac thomar walter 91 deacon 50 years thomas percy walter 91 of main st markham until a few years ago a farmer in picker ing jericho and scarboro died at his home on saturday he operated a 200aere farm at arkona and while there was a deacon of the baptist church for more than 50 years he leaves his widow and nine children mrs clarence east man arkona harry of bright howard of thedford anna henrietta and dean of mark ham joseph of agincourt mrs joe beyak of rainy river 24 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren 99th anniversary st james presbyterian church stouffville sunday september 27th 1100 am rev j a munro mc dd the church in the nation 730 pm rev j a munro mc dd the church in the world special music at both services you are welcome the bank off nova scotia meet unexpected expenses with a towcost loan through iaaae8 cedar grove news sept 17 many a man brags of his wifes culinary ability but few can prove it as conclusively as can john petrie this week john is proud and rightly so for bea petrie not only won first prize for her white cake at the cne but did it with one hundred marks an unprecedented record at the ex glory came complete with pictures in the paper and a warm handshake from elsa jen- kens in fact cedar grove was well recorded at the exhibition this year did you notice the cute pictures of arthur and meredith lapp viewing the grandstand show bruce petrie did pretty well with his cooking too but did not get recorded for posterity whoosh one day we are run ning fans and the next we are running furnaces better clean off the snow shovels the autumn crocus predict snow for the middle of october why not a crocus predicting everything else does didnt notice any jubilant cele brating in the village on mon day after lunik struck the moon wonder if there would have been a gayer reception if the good guys had made it first if the moon people are anything like our science fiction has led us to believe what ever are they going to do with all those russian pennants they just might already have a lead er however mr krushchev ar rives in a blaze of glory he may find a trip to the usa is a more daring adventure than a journey to the moon a new music teacher will soon be established in cedar grove marian burkholder who has successfully reached grade nine music is now taking pupils up to grade six she has the blessing of her own teacher msc lanes markham phhi 5 and 10 pins announce the opening of markham shopping centre bowling lanes bowl in air conditioned comfort on 20 lanes brunswick crown imperial equipment bookings now being taken for ladies mens and mixed leagues anyone interested in bowling contact harry watson phone markham 1266 ladies who wish afternoon bowling may leave their children in our supervised nursery free of charge snack bar for your convenience blanche raymer who hopes some of the youngsters eager to begin will start with marian saturdays will be her teaching days cedar grove learned with sad ness of the death on sunday of george often george came to cedar grove as a small boy when his father took over the store and his public and high school days were shared with many of our villagers he work ed with his father in the store and finally ran it himself until he moved to carrying place about twelve years ago his associates in cedar grove were many and his sudden death was a great shock to his friends here we extend heartfelt sym pathy to his brother jack of cedar grove and to his wife and family rally day will be held next sunday at zion church with one service only at 1115 am the children will take part in the service and the girls choir will provide special music sept 20 sept 21st monday euchre will be held in cedar grove schoolhouse all players cordial ly invited last weeks winners were mrs albert booth mrs allan mrs wm ham william ham herb jarvis levi coathup car rying prizes went to lillian dean and mrs albert booth the mothers club will open their fall session on thursday evening at 830 at the home of elsie reesor topic for the eve ning is french conversation o0nt be fqoled 8 ike price of kt alone i aos- smke g tigeektokr froubleftse onecoal any black sheep in the family usually is also the goat the job you put off until to morrow adds to your fatigue to day f0 o akklj s 35niore pressure 20 more water ilk gwk in or phono a bra ym era sow j lcnthoizpomrl sbgwiof pwfarjsehwi costs lass to use bnbb tnsciiep crtess tsstdjjgl mow 10oo colours with pbessacolour also in matching semigloss colors beiz sup all types of pumps and water systems fittings holesale retail market street stouffville phone 200 visit our booth at stouffville trade fair go modem real 4ss clears c silent dependable econom9cal convert yolflt heating whatever its type whatever its fuel low cost easy to do i montwy iratoki complete gen forced air furnace nduding labour and materials to connect wfeh tearei exhtfng b cacti monthly imtalli go converijon burner fit rxttt furnace include cutomatlc control ah units for deufin furnaces free bvmizr szkme nothing down easy payments over 5 years tow gas company does not employ door to door al9mm nor telephone canvassers for information about deafen licensed by the ontario fuel board to ml and snstab natural gas equipment coll or write tm sates depta latent of 5 ru

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