Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 24, 1959, p. 12

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je 12 the stoutfvttte tbeuke tfairkby sept 24 1959 1xfkki0b ofnclattsg the seasons largest sports crowd attended one of the mot thrilling games of the current softball year in stouffvilles memorial stadium on saturday night the eleven inning championship encounter between the local ladies and their wheatley rivals packed all the thrills and chills into a single game that we may witness here lor many a day in spite of numerous errors on both sides the cloenes of th score and the importance of the contest kept more than 300 fans sitting on the edge of their grandstand seats it is regrettable however that the game had to end on a rather sour note through no fault of the players or the management we would contend that tlie officiating was the worst we have ever seen we point the finger not only at the umpires but at the provincial association to our knowledge it was not represented there was no trophy on the field for an official presentation it recalls an exact rerun of the stouffvutewheatley junior finals at port dover last year t oba representative was not present the trophy arrived here midway through the winter season we have watched a goodly number of ball games in the local park and on outoftown diamonds including preseason exhibition games the officiating on saturday night was the most ridiculous chmoze ever to mar a content we dont i ofess to be any expert at the business thats not our job iiicse men however carded registered umpire certificates ard re paid a set fee to handle the game if the girls were as confused as we were on a number of infield cails then its little wonder that te management stormed the players cri i and the spectators moaned on oiu- occasion the enii e vvhe t- iv infield were grouped around the mound while a stoufvte player meed around tee sacls ahrost at will to our knsjv- letge two plays one at second base and another at thud lro yet to be called we would not wish our rebels to get any ideas that tlie stouffville club is not a worthy champion they most certainly are they proved themselves in the series opener at wtieattev when they drubbed their opposition by a score of 176 right in their own back yard all the breaks didnt go in favor of the local team but the right for four stouffville runs to cross the plate in an eleventh inning rally is quite questionable we feel that down deep the stouffville girls would have been quite content to have met their wheatley rivals on a neutral field in a third game rather than have their championship joys tainted with doubt one could hardly blame the wheatley coach for being more than irritated his club had travelled nearly 250 miles for a game orf a foreign field one minute they had the contest in the bag the next minute it was all over a portion of his protest could be attributed to a natural disappointment we felt however that for the most part he had some wellfounded reasons on which to base his arguments we feel sure that coach oneill and company would have been equally irked if the shoe had been on the other foot and rightly so to our knowledge it is the first provincial ladies champion ship in the history of the town coach oneill has worked faithfully with his protegees and those closest to the club knew that the eoeted cup could not evade the girls grasp for long we offer our congratulations and hope that the team will return next season in defence of the hardfought title lions bringing two big hockey teams for exhibition game stouffville sports fans are go ing to have an opportunity to see two of the countrys top amateur hockey teams and at tlie same time help along the local lions club in their boys and girls work the whitby dunlops 1958 world champions and the kit chenerwaterloo dutchmen who will be canadas 1960 olympic entry will meet in the stouff ville arena on friday night october 9th game time 9 pm in addition to the meeting of these two top hockey teams en tertainment will be provided be tween periods there will also be lucky draws and other feat ures the advance sale of tickets will commence shortly admis sion price will be 1 and your attendance will give a real boost to the lions work which includes minor hockey in addi tion youll see some of the top hockey performers maxwell fires nohitter to upset claremont 42 any preconceived ideas that greenwood would be knocked off quite handily by claremont in the semifinal round of the community softball league suffered a rude jolt on thurs day night the experts failed to consider the potential pitching prowess of righthander bill maxwell the whirlwind mound ace stopped jack rennies boys with a dazzling nohitter his mates tapped rival speedballer bob redshaw for five hits to post a thrilling 42 victory jim cruikshank and bob cher ry were the big guns in the greenwood attack both play ers whacked home runs cher rys blow came in the first in ning with one mate aboard cruikshank teed off on a 32 pitch and slammed it into the deep out field the sacks were empty at the time gord gaits- lin romped home with the 1th and final run for the winners in the sixth inning claremont looked weak at the plate they worked hurler max well for eight walks uilf glid- don scored the first run after grant jones flied deep to centre- field and gord allman popped out to third sacker bob cherry doug allman counted clare- monts final tally in the seventh inning tlie home run blows by cher ry and cruikshank told the tale bill allans single preceded cherrys roundtripper les wil son rapped a single off reg san dersons glove in the fifth but was left stranded gord gaits- lins long ball drive into left field evaded earl rowes glove he scored easily the two teams were rained out in their return tilt on monday they will hook up again on thursday night sid smith kktikks playing coach sid smith of the whitby dunlops has retired from the hockey wars he per formed with the dunnies for two seasons when they captur ed the world championship at oslo norway in 195s and the allan cup last year the 35year old veteran has been replaced by ted oconnor softball history was record ed in stouffville on saturday night when the local girls entry captured the provincial womens int c champion ship by edging wheatley 1110 in eleven innings they swept the final scries in two straight games they took the opener by a score of 176 saturdays game attracted the largest crowd of the season to the park the management and the players are pictured here fol lowing the championship con test they are left to right rear row gord pilkey mgr joyce roberts marion gayman donna seebeck jean halsteti joan raymer lenora loyst helen gayman doug oneill coach front row left to right- natalie belch gwen kennedy mavis trunk audrey muri- son ha redshaw doreen jar- vis and lenore sykes cadieux studio the stouffville merchants int c entry in the provin cial womens softball association playoffs are the new all- ontario champions they swept through to the title by beat ing wheatley in two straight games 176 and 1110 they had previously knocked off richmond hill and burnhamthorpe to advance into the provincial finals the largest crowd of the season attended the crucial contest under the lights in the stouffville park on saturday night fielders star although errors were quite numerous in tlie tensionfilled game the outfielders for both clubs completed some brilliant defensive plays joyce roberts gwen kennedy and ha red shaw of stouffville gathered in some wellhit balls that ap peared headed for extrabases jean bergam of wheatley was equally sensational gwen kennedy made the first daz zling catch she gloved a long ball from the bat of wheatley pitcher beth hodgson in the fourth inning leftfielder joyce roberts brought the crowd to its feet in the ninth inning with a brilliant backhanded catch on a line drive shot from the bat of wheatleys bernice wilkinson stouffvilles ha redshaw literally saved the day for the local club on two separate occasions with the bases loaded she gathered in a long fly ball hit by beth hodgson in the seventh in the top of the tenth with two on base she grabbed another long ball belted by evelyn willan each putout halted a determined wheatley rally the visitors jean bergman hauled down two potent drives one from the bat of marion gayman in the ninth and another from gwen kennedy in the tenth held in check stouffvilles power hitters werent hitting in the entire eleven inning contest only one extrabase blow was belted out of the infield marion gayman looped a texas league double over second base in the bottom of the eleventh it was much the same story for wheatley pitcher beth hodgson poled a triple in the sixth their remaining hits were con fined to singlebase blows stouffvilles natalie belch twirled a nifty eighthitter wheatley righthander beth hodgson yielded 11 safeties doreen jarvis was stouffvilles top batter she hammered out three singles audrey murison snapped out of her batting slump she tapped out a pair of singles but was left stranded on both occasions lenore sykes kept pace with team mate murison and also collected two singles weird inning the majority of home town rooters were ready to vacate their grandstand seats after wheatley pushed three runners across the plate to lead 107 the story of what followed in the bottom half of the eleventh inning will never rightly be told a combination of hits errors and stolen bases saw three successive batters complete the circuit to tie the score by some weird oddity a fourth batter gwen kennedy found herself on second base and when tlie dust had cleared she was parked at third she later romped home on a wild pitch to end the game the series and tlie provincial playoff trail work strategy tlie late innings saw both coaches work all types of strategy in an effort to produce a gamewinning combination it appeared to work with considerable success although pinch- hitter donna seebeck was an infield out pinchrunner lenora loyst later scored the tying tally wheatleys betty mcdonald a pinchhitter for donna mckeen belted a single in the 11th and completed the circuit on three separate occasions infield decisions brought the wheatley coach off the bench his verbal protests fell on deaf ears the trophy emblematic of inter mediate c superiority will be presented to the stouffville champs later this fall ouffville trio wins a stouffville threesome com prising elmer daniels reta lau- shway and marg wagg captur ed the birkett bowling trophy in a mixed trebles tournament on the local greens on saturday night they were high for three wins second high fc three wins were geo middldton hat- tie storey and marion farthing high for two wins were robt johnston eleanor crossen and doris farthing high for one win was a claremont rink skip ped by mr ward local bowlers have had a busy season both on their home green and in neighbouring cen tres on aug 22nd donald ba con eleanor crossen and elmer farthing won tlie ocedar tro phy in a mixed trebles tourna ment at brampton on sept 16 lou beare skip hattie storey and agnes wallace posted a high for three wins in a ladies trebles tournament at aurora high for one win was mrs watts nellie klinck and eva boadway on sept 12theleanor crossen reta laushway and hilda middleton were high for two wins at a ladies trebles com petition for the clement trophy in richmond hill on wednesday sept 16th mr don bacon and mrs eleanor crossen took part in a mixed doubles tournament at bramp ton the twosome captured the dale estate rose bowl with a high for three wins to meet on september 27 the organization meeting of the stouffville community hockey league will be held in the office of the stouffville arena on sunday afternoon sept 27th at 230 pm all teams interested in icing clubs for the 195960 season are requested to have a representative in attend ance to dale nine clubs have shown interest in icing an entry in addition to last years teams markham agincourt and ux- bridge will file entries if suf ficient ice time is available only tuesday night is available according to the arena mgr w t rennie the league op erated on friday night last year claremont are currently the defending champions other last season clubs were green wood altona brougham bal- lantrae ringwood and peachs claremont is expected hack the decisions of tlie other teams are not known yfc broadcasts over shortwave the stouffville youth for christ radio program has been accepted for weekly broadcast ing by radio station hcjb the voice of the andes quito ecuador south america the first short wave broadcast will be heard here this friday at 230 am est the youth for christ program will be beamed particularly to the australia- new zealand area and to western europe but may be heard in eastern can ada on the fringe of the euro pean beam the youth for christ broad cast which originated seven years ago is now heard regu larly over five ontario stations pichmond hill orillia kirk- land lake north bay and tim- mi ns bowling organization meeting of mens leagu e to be held at bowli ng alley 2pm sunday sept 27th all teams are urged to have a reproentative present we hope to expand the league this year so two or three pew teams are needed for information call stouffville 290 the junior cardinals could wrap tip their second straight provincial championship with a victory over hagersville in the stouffville park on saturday afternoon the game time is 330 pm riding along on a sparkling 3hiuer tossed by ace righthand er harry barber the cards squeezed out a tight 51 victory in the scries opener at hagers ville on saturday afternoon of last week gord eckardt com pleted the circuit twice ted su- j tiki harry barber and brian j hathaway counted single runs hagersville jumped into a 10 1 lead in the third inning on three j successive errors stouffville staged a tworun rally in the fourth on a walk to eckardt and singles by hathaway and bob stover two errors and a sin- gle by john little pushed front- runner ted suuki across the pltte in the fifth to give the visitors a 31 lead hagersville evened the score at 33 in the bottom half of the sixth a triple and two errors scored two runs the cards outscored their rivals 21 in the eighth inning gord eckardt led off with a single harry barber followed with a singlebase blow and bob stover belted a safety to keep the rally rolling keith scott and roger todd loaded up the sacks but ted suzuki was a strikeout victim to retire the side hagersville scratched two of their three hits off barber in the bottom half of the eighth but only one runner completed the circuit the third man went down on strikes with the bases i loaded both sides were retired j in order in the ninth coach don haynes of the cards spoke highly of the hagersville opposition they are a young club and the majority should be eligible for junior ranks next season the playing field had much to be desired and was partially responsible for the six errors that plagued the locals lineup coach haynes looks for a real tight battle when the two teams hook up again in the return tilt on sat urday afternoon hagersville ousted wheatley they won the opener in extrainnings and took the midweek game by default jr coach bob cherry wellknown hock ey and softball star will return to the coaching helm of the whitby hillcrest- again this winter he led his club into the group finals last year before bowing to newmarkci the semifinal series between brook- lin and whitby attracted sell out crowds the new ciud man ager is arthur ashici if you build a better mouse trap the world will beat a path to your door you con get the same results says a contempor ary by not paying your bills i yfc banquet the annual youth for christ championship softball banquet will be held at the youth centre on tuesday evening at 630 the trophy will be presented to the coach of the dicksons hill club the admission price is s 00 per plate markham beats peachs 136 to lead series after battling to a 99 tie in the semi-fie- sties opener markhams jr aces rallied on monday right to whack out a 13s victory over peachs in the claremont community lea gue playoffs they need only a tie on thursday to advance into the finals nebbie gayman delivered the payoff blow with a three run homer don moddleion belt ed a double and a single bert beckett ron hiltz and ted matthews saw mound action for the winners the peachs trio of pete dunec eric pilkey and jim noble handled the pitching chores for gord pil- keys squad in the first game on thursday night of last week it was a parade of pitchers for both clubs altogether six men saw service four for markham and two for peachs bert beckett finally put the stopper on the peachs plate attack with an excellent relief effort he ent ered the fray in tlie sixih in ning with only one out the bases loaded and his club trail ing 98 he forced don thomas to hit into a fast douole play to end the inning in the bottom of the seventh he retired the side in one two three order ken beckett completed the cir cuit with markhams tying tally jim johnston poled a home run for markham don middle- ton and bill johnston baqged doubles earl brooks belted a double for peachs new curling rink for richmond hiil good progress is being made on the construction of a new curling rink in richmond hill the ciub hopes to open in nov ember there will be six sheets of ice locker rooms for men and women and a lounge overlook ing the ice surface anyone in terested in joining the curling club is asked to contact mr don little at av 51105 why is it that a heavy rain washes away tons of topsoil but doesnt remove an ounce of dust from a car motomasyer extralife save make oihi wak chevrolet 194953 moll 193458 moil op to 50 sat rstce ree i muffler j j safetx check j 04 sj jo an- i wti 1954 ho and so 1955 58 20 ond 22 moil iiooebaker champioh qjq 1 947 54 sim1 vino for mo installation cam a defective muffler wastes gas and power replace now at bigger savings factory duplicatefit a heavier outer shell double locked scams heavier outer beads tubes installed while you wait drop in for free muffler inspection our servico department is completely equipped for fast efficient service at the lowest possible rales for your convenience the service department is open both thursday and friday nights automatic adjustment rideomatic shock abs0 0 new car quality steady on the curves f take the bounce out of bumps banish nose- diving stops eeplace that rack and roll jounce and bounce witb smoolh- ridfcu level action eide o matic shock absorbers bet ter steering less road shock canadian tire 1sawes you up to 50 498 each fast installation while yob wait 85 to 190 pat unit front end parts ttaplacm worn and floppy coil springs and front wheel parts at c tiros greater saw oat mmim i associate store phone 918 open 80 m g30 pm daily thursday friday till 9 pm open all day monday highway no 7 markham

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