Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 24, 1959, p. 1

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vol to no 16 tfe tribune stouffville onx thursday september 24 1959 fourteen pages statement by youth admitted as evidence in current theft ring case remand for sentence to septso j been involved in miscellaneous a voluntary written statement thefts over a wide area includ- corneating time it makes little difference to a young boy whether a juicy cob of corn is roasted over an open fire or cooked in a closed pot it still tastes good ten year old barry zellers son of mr and mrs roy zellers park drive stouffville shows complete eating satisfaction as he prepares to take a big bite out of this sample staff photo inquest jury recommends whitchurch twp help to control beaches a coroners jury at vandorf enquiring into a drowning at shadow lake on july 19th called on the provincial govern ment to take a hand in enforc ing strict provincewide water safety through the licensing of all public bathing areas and the lifeguards to control them the statement also said the jury had decided to arrange a meeting with whitchurch twp council to bring about some control over beaches in the municipal ity so far this year six per sons have drowned at township bathing areas the july 19th drowning was that of donald laur 8 and the jury said it strenuously rec ommended adequate legislation in a bid to reduce the mounting yearly drownings the jury sat before chief cor oner smirle lawson and found that the laur boy had died from accidental drowning due to as phyxiation the jury said it would press for the adequatersupervision of bathing areas after a crowd ed courtroom heard how would- be rescuers wasted several min utes frantically searching for a lifeguard to recover the boy from six feet of water only one lifeguard emmett shundoff 16 of toronto was patrolling the 400foot beach without a designating uniform where more than 200 persons were swimming far too inadequate snap ped the chief coroner proper lifeguard equipment and dress and the erection of tower observation posts along the beach was urged by the jury marker buoys and depth posts should be installed at all town ship beaches the jury said goldfish breeder fined in 46256 tax evasion george aston bayview ave- a fish breeder known for years as canadas goldfish king was fined 6950 with the alternative of six months in jail when he admitted evading a total of s4f- 256 in income taxes from 1950 to 1957 the goldfish supply co ltd of stouffville which mr aston heads was fined an additional 6950 by magistrate graham for withholding taxes the court was told that the 70yearold fish breeder who has won hundreds of cups at compe- tions and who once walked up yonge st leading a walking fish on 3 ribbon has paid the fed eral government the 46256 plus more than 10000 in accumu lated interest during the eight years said walter g cassels who appear ed for the crown mr aston paid 27276 in income taxes when he should have paid tax totalling 73532 an official of the department of national revenue testified that the tax evasion was traced through cash on delivery orders issued from the stouffville com pany through the canadian na tional railways in most cases said the official these orders were omitted from the records of mr astons company and it took more than 1000 man hours for the department to complete the investigation sewer contractor given final completion date after hearing of the list of items still unfinished by aprile construction co on the stouff ville sewer project council on thursday evening instructed their engineers to advise the firm to complete the number of small jobs by sept 30th or the municipality would do so and deduct the costs from the contract crosswalks some time ago council com municated with the department of highways concerning author ity to install crosswalks on main street a reply was received on thursday evening stating that the highways dcpt was not concerned if the town wished to install crosswalks clerk ralph corner advised that a new uniform system of crosswalks and signs was ex pected very shortly and council with this in view agreed to post pone any action for the present taxi license mr ray sargent appeared be fore council to request that he be granted a license to operate a taxi in stouffville at present the towns only taxi is operated by mr harry lee the license fee is 10 council discussed the question as to whether or not the present taxi was giving ser vice and will withhold their de cision until oct lst council incensed by police chiefs report stouffville municipal council along by writing stuff like this given to the richmond hill pol ice dept by joseph herold 16 of musselmans lake was ad mitted as evidence on monday as the theft case against four local youths went into its sec ond day before magistrate os hollinrake in newmarket pol ice court roy wm smee of north york and formerly of stouffville joseph herold of musselmans lake harland mills and john hector blair bateman both of stouffville have been charged with theft of automobile accessories and gas oline from stouffville markham village richmond hill mark- ham twp and woodbridge dur ing a five month period extend ing from february to june of this year sentence will be pas sed by magistrate hollinrake on sept 30th police chief ed wards of stouffville recommend ed that the boys should not be retained in custody since all were well known to him crown attorney harold sanders said that to his knowledge they had no prelous records present statement herolds written statement was read to the court by pc kenneth sider of richmond hill it was presented as evidence when the musselmans lake youth pleaded not guilty to the theft of auto accessories valued in access of 50 in the state ment herold admitted that cer tain members of the group had ing the hamlet of goodwood on the east to the village of wood- bridge on the west magistrate hollinrake threatened to have one or more parties expelled from the court room when they laughed openly at a portion of the statement that included the thefts of milk bottle money and doughnuts sell at pwn shop pc sider told the court that both roy smee and joseph her old had admitted ransacking a car near the village of wood- bridge and stealing a movie camera one flash camera and a light meter the movie camera and meter were sold to a toron to pawn shop for 10 the pawn ticket was turned over to police by smee both items have been recovered and are presently be ing held by metro police the flash camera was broken and has not been recovered both youths were convicted of this charge take car radio roy smee and joseph herold were convicted of taking radio from a car owned by mr allan hoover of gormley on april 28th it was valued at s7 the radio was recovered by consta bles cliff cox and douglas trib- bling of markham twp police in herolds car the youths ad mitted the theft in signed state ments messrs herold mills and smee were also convicted of stealing a spotlight from a car parked on elm st in markham village it has not been recover ed roy smee was convicted of stealing gasoline from parked cars owned by keyson motors norman oboyle and truman baxter all of stouffville evi dence was presented by police chief frank edwards of stouff ville paint fender skirts pc cliff cox told the court that roy smee and harland mills had with signed state ments admitted stealing fender skirts in markham village the property of mr douglas joyce toronto the officer said that the skirts had been painted and had not been recovered a con viction followed the presentat ion of the evidence mr blair bateman pleaded guilty to the theft of one car aerial in rich mond hill valued at 700 roy smee pleaded guilty to the theft of car blankets car mirrors and a miscellaneous quantity of tools also in the richmond hill district takes ninety minutes the hearing was opened on monday sept 14th when charg es by the markham twp dept were heard the case resumed on monday sept 21st at 1145 am and was not completed un til 115 pm the parents of the four youths were present in the courtroom on both days mag istrate hollinrake will bring down his sentence on wednes- i day sept 30th bud spang gets contract for municipal office norman bud spang of stou ffville was awarded the con tract for the remodelling of the former park theatre building into a new municipal office when council convened thurs day evening the tender price was 23000 mr spangs was the lowest of six tenders submitted for the work but only 89 lower than the next nearest competitor k w betz construction co sev eral tenders were submitted by outside firms and the highest price asked was 3216800 the theatre building was pur chased some time ago by the municipality but when tenders for remodelling were called in the early summer only one bid was received and it was deem ed to be too high mr leman the architect who was present for the opening of the tenders was instructed to prepare a contract which it is expected will be signed by mr spang and the municipality this week wafer resources report a report was received from the ontario water resources commission setting forth the details of supply at the local reservoirs and plans for expan sion reeve lehman stated that with the exception of a few minor details the plans for the enlarged reservoir had been ap proved by the ontario commis sion asked when it was expected the job would be done he re plied id hoped it would be done this fall but since its so late i dont know free admission parents of players performing in stouffvilles compact minor hockey league will be admitted to all games without charge tliis season the 10 registra tion fee per player will provide hockey for each boy throughout a seven month period commenc ing in october and continuing through to the end of april families with more than two boys in the league will not be required to pay the regular fee the ten dollar fee also in cludes a protective insurance policy court of revision named members of the court of re vision to sit on the assessment roll as completed this fall were named by bylaw at the regular meeting of stouffville council on thursday evening the mem bers are erie lehman ira rus- nell ed logan win timbers and harry brillinger their remuneration was set at 10 a day must finish roads two subdivision owners in the west end have been given until nov 1st to complete the paving of their streets this de cision to set a deadline was taken by council on thursday the street in the cedar pines development must be brought up to grade and orchard park which is in the forfar subdivi sion must also be completed or council will not allow the re lease of any more lots for sale lot sizes the cedar pines plan of 111 lots for the land lying north of stouffer st was placed before council and reeve lehman poll ed the members as to their con sideration of lots of under sixty ft frontage which is required for rl zone residential coun cillor parsons said he was not opposed to smaller lots bet ter have smaller lots kept up than larger lots full of weeds he said councillor laushway com mented weve already thrown out one plan and made the own er increase the size of his lots i would be opposed councillor oboyle was also opposed to the smaller lots deputyreeve wagg was absent from the meeting at the tlms of the question attending a county meeting the developer has asked for smaller lots stating that th land is not well located being adjacent to a wrecking yard the matter will now be return ed to the planning board markham twp will let a con tract this wednesday for the complete landscaping of the grounds at the municipal office on don mills road five ten ders have been received for the work was visibly incensed on thurs day evening following the read ing of a threemonth report from chief edwards of the stouffville police dept council expressed the view that the re port was an attempt to discred it theother officer on the force in addition the report listed various investigations and ar rests made by chief edwards over the three months thats the last straw said reeve lehman on hearing the report there are statements there that were almost sure arent right he said hes doing just what he was asked not to do and what his own police association warned him not to do said deputy- reeve wagg councillor oboyle made ref erence to one item concerning constable vankoughnet and said why the chiefs assoc warned him never to bring that up again and here it is right back again on the next report hes not even trying to get stated councillor parsons what about all the work the other officers done theres no mention of him anywhere said councillor laushway hes leaving us no alterna tive said deputyreeve wagg id move that the police chiefs association be advised of this report declared the deputy- reeve theres certainly no harmony between the officers and thats what we asked for and there never will be as long as one man- is running down the other this is the end as far as im concerned said reeve lehman the report wlich aroused council listed only the work done by chief edwards and in addition described personal mat ters concerning officer van koughnet council requested the chair man of the police committee to take the matter up with the ontario police chiefs associa tion impaired driving charges bring heavy fines in court bruce harper scores highest i points in county pasture competition thirteen members of the york county soil crop improve ment association have recently completed a pasture manage ment competition which was scored in the months of june and august with the high total score of 2s5 out of 3q0 being awarded to bruce harper of stouffville second prize went to carl boynton of nobleton with 263 points while lloyd doner of gormley with 256 nosed out ernest crossland of newmar ket by one point the other 3 prizes went to r j darlington maple douglas hope newmar ket and stuart watson mark ham the watch donated by dunns farm seeds of canada goes to bruce harper as winner and w m cockburn agrlc rep at newmarket has just learned that mr harper has since won the zone competition open to seven county winners mr ken neth fallls of the ontario crops branch who scored the zone contest last week was very much impressed with the carry ing capacity of the harper 12 30 cows for the entire summer burn reports that carl boynton putting up a can of milk per acre per day bruce will now compete against the winners of four other zones for the cham pionship of ontario which will be scored in october for a tro phy and substantial ash prizes by the canadian seed trade and cyanamid of canada ltd the harper pasture was vis ited by over 200 members of the soil crop improvement asso ciation on this years sunrise tour nd his many friends will acres of irrigated pasture which j wish bruce success in the final has carried an average of over contest incidentally mr cock- second prize winner was entire ly zero grazing while lloyd do ner followed a programme of zero grazing and regular pastur ing the score card for all the judging is divided equally be tween the management and the productivity of each contests pastures anthony abclman was fined 14 and costs in local traffic thomas w postill of green river and leonard cumby of scarboro received heavy fines in newmarket court on mon day morning when they pleaded guilty before magistrate o s hollinrake on charges of ability impaired postill was fined 100 and costs or 7 days cumby was fined 150 and costs or ten days postill was charged by pc darrell dewar of the markham village police dept with oper ating a motor vehicle while un der the influence of alcohol at the intersection of no 7 and no 48 hwys pc dewar said that the defendant was slouched over in the front seat behind the wheel of the car he said he had difficulty in getting out of the auto and was very unsteady on his feet he was taken to the buttonville station and placed in a cell the incident occurred on sept 7th at 730 pm in ad dition to the fine postills lic ense was also suspended given blood test pc cliff cox of the mark ham twp dept told the court that a blood test taken by dr robt seaver of markham show ed leonard cumby of scarboro had 24 parts alcohol he plead ed guilty to a charge of ability impaired pc cox stated that he arrested cumby on yonge st he said his breath smelled of alcohol and he staggered badly when asked to walk an imagin ary line the officer said that his car although proceeding at a slow rate of speed was swerv ing erratically from side to side the defendant is the father- of seven children he had no pre vious convictions in addition to the 150 fine his license was suspended case adjourned a careless driving charge against patricia farr which oc- was adjourned until sept 28th she pleaded not guilty to the charge the officer was not pres ent safety classes open here on saturday an educational safety cam paign for stouffville young people is being launched this week by the local homeschool association the initial event in connection with the campaign will be the inspection of bicycles this saturday in memorial park in addition there will be police safety talks and talks will also be given by a safety director from the city traffic division talks will take place in the schools and the campaign will continue through he schols throughout the year this saturday the youngsters will be given an inspection for their bicycles and put through an obstacle course certificates will be issued to those who have completed the inspection and at tended the safety talks in ad dition there will be skill awards it is expected that some three hundred young enlists will be on hand for this saturdays event te campaign is pattern ed after the alberta safety council program parents and teachers alike are asked to co operate with the homeschool organization to see hat every youngster gets in on the pro gram whitchurch road costs unduly heavy in 59 road supt e davis told whit church township council that road expense had been unduly heavy this year the- amount spent on dust layer had exceed ed 28000 with the result that the amount set up for mainten- ancce had been exceeded or would be by the end of the year he- said that the amount in the budget for the proposed new garage was 40000 the estim ate from the highways dept including the cost of the hoist was 51000 after considerable discussion council decided to drop the con struction of the garage for the present year it would be taken up early in 1960 and completed in the spring the amount of 40000 contained in the budget j for this purpose if spread over construction and maintenance would permit council to keep within their budget figures in addition to the desireablllty of keeping within the figure it was considered almost impos sible to do without the present buildings during the fall and winter months and these will have to be removed prior to starting the new building court of revision council named five members to the 1959 court of revision which will convene on october 28th at 10 am the members of the court are ac marsh rc baycrof t fred timbers and ce toole official plan ha babcock consulting en- gineersreplying to councils en quiry on cost of producing an official plan submitted a cost figure of 2500 to3000 council instructed the firm to proceed at once with the work paving commenced this wed nesday on the victoria square to richmond hill slderoad court this week for failing to curred on no 7 highway in dim his headlights i markham village on august 22 be sure to take in the stouff- villehagersville junior hard- final in the local park this sat urday afternoon this is the second game of a 2 out of 3 scries phony salesman cough two slick gents were rec ently in town peddling cham pagne at 10 a case to local residents according to the local police when they were finally apprehended in whit by it was found that their socalled champagne was little more than cider fall has also brought out those phony storm window salesmen and they have op erated in town in this manner one man engages the house wife in conversation down stairs while his pal goes up stairs to measure the win dows then they find some excuse to leave and once theyre gone the housewife finds that the cash she had stached away upstairs is miss ing police warn householders to beware of these door-to- door peddlers wm johnson president of student council bill johnson grade 12 is the new president of the stouffville dist high school students council the annual election was conducted at the school on monday morning of this week the campaign speeches were held on friday the new president succeeds mr norman hendricks who graduated at the conclusion of the june term ho is 18 his foremost hobby is music other members of the coun cil executive arc 1st vice john corner grade 13 2nd vice max vague grade 12 treasurer linda sanders gr 12 secretary jeannette mont gomery grade 12 bib johutoa

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