Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 8, 1959, p. 8

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pot 8 iis stqurrvruf to8uhc twsy ut 9 1959 citizens band plays important role in claremont community theres nothing like a band to ignite the spark of community pride claremont can be justly- proud of their revitalized organ ization which is presently play ing a leading part in local func tions and activities under the able leadership of their band master mr wm coates the twelve man troupe has been in considerable demand since they made their official debut in de cember of last year they hold their regular weekly practice sessions in the claremont com munity hall every tuesday eve ning a brass band in claremont is not a completely new venture a similar group was formed during the latter part of the 1800s and was once again re organized in 1906 some mem bers of that troupe were geo coates leader melbourne chapman ray rumohr clifford soden david pugh wm coates thomas adair wm bingham cecil slack geo wilson thos coates richard underhill thos birkett alfred bentley fred adair robt leggett ross so den james coates levi p lin ton john gerow wm levi lin ton and john soden the present band comprises the following members william coates leader leland john son wil evans milton pegg walter davis wm pegg har old dickinson geo pegg chas closson ed evans leslie gaus- lin and james coates the old est member of the troupe is mr ed evans of uxbridge at 81 mr jim coates is 76 mr coates retains a formal portrait of the earlier band thas was taken back in 1908 it will be reproduced in a forthcoming is sue of the tribune- messrs fred lewis and wal ter davis of altona were main ly instrumental in the reorgani zation of the citizens band they endured the severe cold of the stouffville santa claus parade and reappeared in the claremont parade one week later the group lacks for a reg ular drummer but hopes to ob tain the services of mr jack terry of uxbridge although the band is not booked for a sum mer schedule they may make several appearances at sunday evening services in the park it is rumoured that they may also play at the greenwood gar den party claremont news decoration day service a very impressive decoration day service was conducted in the union cemetery on sunday afternoon pastor carnegie of the baptist church presented a very inspiring message mr jim coates assisted in the ser vice the recently organized claremont citizens band led in the singing of hymns a special wreath of flowers was laid on the grave of the late g m for syth a charter member of the cemetery board the many friends and relatives present were impressed witfi the immac ulate condition of the grounds the plots were beautifully dec orated with flowers the ceme tery caretaker is mr fred ev ans miscellaneous shower on tuesday evening june 30 a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of mr and mrs earl mcmulien for miss mary schneider and mr stan mcmulien they will be married on saturday july 11th in the claremont baptist church the couple were the recipients of many lovely and useful gifts among which was a beautiful coffee table and a white bible from- members of the church on thursday july 2 the bride- tobe was presented with a gift as a token of appreciation for her faithful service with the junior choir of the baptist church miss schneider has been connected with the choir since it was formed the pres entation was made by miss va lerie ronnie at the annual pic nic held at cedar glen park relatives from chatham and woodstock and friends from whitby visited mr and mrs ralph oblenes claremont last week incorrect report a regrettable error appeared in last weeks june promotion reports from the pickering dis trict high school miss marian pegg claremont rr 2 was successful in passing from grade 10 to grade 11 with sec- end class honours and not with a pass standing only as was re ported in our issue of july 1st the local student received a high average of 71 percent the standing was printed according to a report received from the school mr wm voss was a weekend visitor with mr and mrs bill browning at their summer cot tage near orillla fifteen members of the local cub pack enjoyed a weekend camporec at the maples park 1n uxbridge township miss marion norton returned home last week from fort wil liam and immediately embark ed on an extended tour of the british isles and europe she is accompanied by two other staff teachers prior to her trip she was tendered a farewell party at the home of her parents mr and mrs jack norton work has been started on the new blake home mrs g blake turned the first sod in the pres ence of a number of friends construction work has also been started on the new bungalow home of mr and mrs carl nor ton claremont and greenwood battled to a thrilling 14 tie in a community softball league game on thursday night bruce rcdshaw and dave beverley formed the battery for the local squad the local peewee and bantam ball teams would appreciate your vocal support at their lea gue games a regrettable incident occurred in the local park recently when parties gained entry into the booth and stole a portion of the stock this booth is operated at a small profit and it is difficult for the park board to replace such losses parents are asked to warn their children against such practices since no leniency will be shown by police if the parties are found mrs lloyst has returned home and is now residing with mr and mrs grant taylor she had i months at tweed mrs roy thompson and susan returned with her and will spend a few weeks holidays here the young people of the bap tist church enjoyed an outing of miniature golf on wednesday evening and later returned to the home of miss marion gos- tick park st stouffville for refreshments mr and mrs w gliddon and lynn spent the weekend in tor onto visiting with mrs f udell mrs gliddons mother we are sorry to hear mr- udell is in toronto western hospital his friends in claremont wish him a speedy recovery mr and mrs howard gifford and family of scarborough vis ited with mr and mrs j ren- nie on friday evening the sympathy of the com munity is extended to the symes family on the death of mr wal ter symes mr and mrs mac middleton returned home after spending a wonderful holiday in western canada at vancouver and vic toria while at vancouver they visited with mr and mrs ke- therwood who is an aunt of mr middlotons they also spent three days at saskatoon attend ing the pion ere show mr and mrs bill pyatt of willowdale were weekend visi tors with mr and mrs g tay lor miss marion middleton is home to spend a few weeks vacation in claremont with her parents mr and mrs mac middleton mr and mrs arthur loyst of whitby visited with mr and mrs g taylor and family on saturday mr and mrs carl dopking and girls of dundas visited with mrs morgan evans mrs dop- kings mother and attended the decoration day services mr and mrs bill ware and girls of hamilton and mrs i dopking of toronto a former resident of claremont visited with friends in the village on sunday and attended the serv ices at the cemetery mr and mrs gordon graham of oshawa visited on sunday with mr and mrs lewis and mr and mrs sam taylor mrs clara neal was a recent visitor here and attended the decoration day services on sunday afternoon mr and mrs ken dopking and crystal of malvern visited on sunday with mr and mrs g derusha mxs doyle hardy and pete visited with mr and mrs r rcdshaw on sunday and at tended the cemetery service mr keith drake is in oshawa general hospital we wish him a speedy recovery field day aug 8th keep in mind the field day in claremont on saturday august 8th there will be baseball tour naments oldtyme fiddlers con test midway and many other attractions more information next week nonsewered homes questioneddepreeve the advisability of a non- that progress was already being sewered development of fifty- made on a sewer programme in six ranchstyled homes in the the west rouge and he felt that howard malcolm centre and brother george right of locust hill ontario the winning team in the 1958 under21 intercounty plow ing competition for tractors two furrows prepare to set out on a tour of western can ada including a visit to the calgary stampede as guests of british american oil they will be accompanied on the trip by ken bell left agri cultural representative for stormont county ba oil photo septic tank refuse brings complaint septic tank effluent in the will remove whistle stop stations the cpr plans to request approval from the board of transport for removal of the small whistle stop stations at atha and glen major in a let ter to pickering twp council the railroad asked that they be permitted to abandon stops at these depots clerk l t johns ton informed council that no trains had stopped at either place for the past seven years the request was approved councillor harry ashton con tended that continued pressure should be exerted on the cpr to correct the dangerous cross- been iivins for the past fcwns at atha pickering township garbage i dump has brought a complaint from a resident mr c c clemmer he charged that there is a noticeable odour from the refuse the complaint was aired at a meeting of council on mon day night councillor ross hawthorne stated that he believed the near est home was far enough away from the garbage pit that it would not be affected councillor harry ashton sug gested that the refuse should be covered with backfill garbage caretaker mr ar thur carlton informed the mem bers that it would take onehalf day to cover the loads with gravel he refused to do the work for a fee of 200 reeve sherman scott said he would discuss the matter with road supt jack chapman he re quested that dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson bring the mat ter to the attention of the coun ty health unit immm hi us ffliasemffivmg goodwood mr and mrs donald sheehey and daughters dawn and kim- berley of north bay are spend ing a two weeks vacation at the home of his parents mr and mrs ed sheehey also other heavy sideroad brush on a road east of altona and south of the pickeringuxbridge town- line is posing a problem for farm resident mr henry kerr and pickering twp council mr kerr appeared before coun cil on monday night to request permission to move a frame house from stouffville into the township he explained that he would not be able to transport the building to his property un less the heavy brush was re moved from a nearby sideroad reeve sherman scott inform ed mr kerr that roadside brush removal work was usually done in the winter and not during summer months he noted that the matter would have to be dis cussed with the road supt mr chapman and dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson permission was granted to mr kerr to move the structure into the township the house measures 1248 square feet and will be placed on a solid foun dation mr jos harrison of mt west rouge pickering twp was questioned by dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson at a reg ular meeting on monday night the subdivision has been pro posed by mr gordon mcbride he was represented by his so licitor mr wm g lawson dep reeve mrs mcpherson suggested that septic tanks would hardly be satisf actoi in an area that had caused both the residents and council con siderable headaches in the past she contended that the county health unit would probably re ject such a plan solicitor lawson pointed out project might be completed within a short time after the homes were completed mr mc bride verbally agreed on a pay ment of sisooo per lot grant the solicitor assured council that no homes woud be sold ur til they were completely finish ed mr lawson suggested to council that the sooner such de velopment was accepted into the west rouge the easier it would be to pay for sewer serv ices the only stumbling block in the west rouge development is the septic tank probem stated councillor ross hawthorne what council did accepted the tender of c e morley of 374615 for township insurance agreed to take delivery of a new grader from the dominion road machinery co authorized the township engi neer to contact the solicitor in regards to getting a drainage easement through the welling ton chester property the total cost including solicitors fees to be borne by the rouge high lands subdivision heard a sewerage scheme by prof macklin of marshall mac- win and monaghan recommend ing one system in west rouge and east rouge with an initial plant of one million gallon cap acity agreed to the engaging of an office management consultant experienced in municipal admin istration heard suggestion for new municipal building increased markham fairs grant from 50 to 7o gave three readings to a by law to control dust in quarries and roads leading thereto agreed that mr chapman should bulldoze a pond at white- vale for the children of that area to use as a swimming pool friends and relatives in and ar- 1 albert will be in charge of the ound goodwood ont moving operation brougham news a very happy gathering took place on wednesday july 1st when over fifty descendants of the late harry and emma elli- cott met for a family reunion on the beautiful lawn at the home of mr wm knox the heavily laden tables were set un der the trees at the back of the lawn which made an ideal spot after lunch the president mr g e holtby called the meet ing to order the secretary mrs k pascoe read the minutes of last meet ing mr randal ellicott was ap pointed president for the com ing year during the afernoon the little folk enjoyed races and older ones played ball and the still older ones enjoyed a real good visit guests were present from toronto solina and ennis- killen next years meeting will be held at the homo of mr and mrs k c pascoe we are glad to know mr rob ert perry was able to come home on saturday after spend ing some time in oshawa hos pital the june meeting of the wms of st johns church was held on thursday afternoon june 25 at the home of mrs reaman with vice president mrs lindo presiding the worship service with the theme fellowship was in charge of mrs n bur ton who was assisted by mrs j mitchell and mrs h plaxton mrs a j gray read a letter of thanks which she had received from the fred victor mission for the bale of clothing sent to them the secretary read a letter from mrs e cassic from california mrs lindo extended an invitation to the wms to hold their picnic at her home on the afternoon of august 20th and in case of rain it will be held on thursday august 27 the program committee for the picnic includes mrs j mitchell mrs n burton and mrs h miller the program on christian stewardship was in charge of mrs x burton who was assist ed by mrs r ellicott mrs rea man mrs bayles and mrs j mitchell at the close of the meeting the hostesses mrs rea man mrs lemmon and mrs w gray served lunch mrs lemmon spent the week end with friends in toronto mr and mrs r robinson and daughter rulaine washington dc visited with her sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs d a beer over the weekend mr m glidden of goderich visited with mr and mrs m ellicott over the weekend miss faye knox and donna pascce spent a couple of days last week with their aunt mrs surphlis of toronto the sunday school of st johns are planning to hold their picnic on tuesday july 9 at springhill park bus to leave the church corner at 11 am mrs crocker of toronto called on her brother w c and mrs willson on sunday the regular meeting of the womans association was held on wednesday july 1st at the home of mrs howard malcolm assisted by mrs robt malcolm and mrs lemmon the devo tional was taken by mrs robt miller while the program was in charge of mrs geo gray who gave a very interesting paper kay duncan favored with a pi ano solo which was enjoyed by all the card convener gave her report that during the past month she had sent out four getwell cards four sympathy cards and two overeighty cards plans were discussed for the august meeting to take the form of a trip meeting closed with wa theme and benedic tion a very dainty lunch of cake and icecream was served by the hostesses mrs h mai- colm mrs robt malcolm and mrs lemmon sympathy is extended to mrs ross knox and mrs ray elli cott on the death of their fa ther who passed away recently gravel pit change frank roberts son have now taken over the gravel pit on the watson fairies farm for- merly operated by union gra vel co the latter firm has moved to the murray ramer farm on july 20th the puckrin tax appeal will be heard at a meeting of the ontario municipal board on monday july 20th mr d gos- lin of the township assessment dept appeared before a regular meeting of pickering council on monday evening he requested solicitors advice in the case the case has already gone be fore the county court judge both councillors harry ash ton and ross hawthorne ex pressed some dissatisfaction and doubted whether anything would be gained by the town ship continuing its stand on the matter if its going to cost more money than we will recover in taxes im afraid we will end up only with a dissatisfied taxpay er stated councillor ashton it could bequite a costly vic tory contended councillor haw thorne fixed retainer councillor ashton suggested that it might be beneficial for the township to acquire a soli citor on a retainer basis rather than on their present system our township is growing said councillor ashton perhaps we wouldnt have so many ineffect ive bylaws on our books if we had acquired the necessary ad vice from a dependable solici tor mrs jane arbuckle dies in 90th year mrs jane arbuckle who pass ed away in uxbridge cottage hospital on june 23rd was in her 90th year she was the wid ow of the late william arbuckle and had been a resident of good wood for twelve years the cou ple had farmed at mount zion for forty years as a young girl mrs arbuc kle had attended school at pine- dale and the couple was identi fied with the united church mr arbuckle passed away in 1932 surviving are one son arthur and a daughter miss ethel both of goodwood a daughter laura mrs wilbert thorn of tor onto predeceased her earlier this year the funeral on june 26th was conducted from the mcguire lowe funeral chapel by rev cecil woods interment was made in salem cemetery green river now that school is out for the summer months and the child ren are free for the holidays one should be extra careful on our roads and streets when the fall trm commen ces there will be one new teach er as mrs johnston teacher for the senior room has taken a position with the school at lake wilcox mr tomlinson will be back in the old familiar place but in the new school which will be opened by then pleased to hear that mrs j hawthorne is able to be at home again and feeling much better we welcome back mrs r shoobridge who will be here with us for the summer months misses linda and marie pegg daughters of mr and mrs l pegg have gone to spend the summer vacation with relatives at goderich the friends of mrs m dra per are very sorry to hear that she is confined to bed for the present it is the sincere wish of all that she will soon be feeling much better in the near future mr and mrs w binsted spent a most enjoyable weekend visit ing with friends at gravenhurst dont forget the sunday school picnic of the first baptist sun day school and the sunday school here to be held at the pickering township conserva tion park on thursday july 16 a most cordial invitation is ex tended to everyone to come along with your picnic basket and enjoy an afternoon and eve ning together with us then safely was a word to jim aimed at others not at him william on the other hand practised safety on his land jim drove his tractor like a jet certain he would not upset william drove his with great care of its dangers well aware jtm was always having falls on broken ladders pitchforks wafts will was healthy careful wise on safety hed not compromise jim left this world the sudden way while blowing up some stumps one day wise williams living out his days because he knows that safety pays national farm safety week july 1925 cm cooperators insurance association spo by the ofa 8bccs in torato lasdao windsor hamilton 0ttaa owen scan i wedding i matching blue duster and whitt even if you are naturally a bit clumsy you can grow old gracefully atha friends of miss shirley dun keld will be glad to know she is improving and will soon be up again mrs ed macaloney and son brian left for england by plane on tuesday morning to spend four weeks with her mother whom she has not seen since coming to canada 14 or 15 years ago congratulations are extended to mr and mrs john williams nee carolyn tran who were married saturday a number from here attend ed the decoration service at claremont cemetery on sunday afternoon mr and mrs gordon over land and family from kingston spent the weekend with her par ents mr and mrs david tran they also attended the wedding of her niece carolyn on satur day afternoon mr harold carruthers mary and jennie from cashel spent sunday evening with the car ruthers family here mr and mrs coffin from mar kham called saturday eve ning on mr and mrs a draper before leaving for a short holi day in montreal birthday greetings to mrs g draper july 8th mr and mrs ernie carruth ers ruth ann and mrs a car ruthers spent thursday evening with mr and mrs russel ham ilton mr and mrs ellis melton mr and mrs murray dunkeld mrs thomas dunkeld called sunday afternoon on relatives in port perry sunday visitors with mr and it is doubted that the fast growing use of credit cards will ever rob cash of its popularity mrs albert draper were mr elroy clodd dr and mrs hodg son toronto mr fred draper eileen and little earl mr and mrs gren draper and iamily mrs a foster spent monday with her parents mr and mrs sam cave at maple mr and mrs howard baker and family are at present tak ing charge of the wesleyan methodist camp meeting at winchester ontario spencley philip the wedding of miss anna carole philip daughter of mr and mrs thomas george philip of brougham to mr donald robert spencley son of mr and mrs donald frederick spencley of goodwood was solemnized in a setting of- baskets of white gladioli mums and pink carna tions in the st johns united church brougham on satur day june 27 1959 rev a e cressweli conduct ed the double ring ceremony in the glow of candlelight mrs e dobson of uxbridge- was organ ist given in marriage by her fa ther the bride chose a gown of white silk organza with long lace sleeves lace appliqued roses scattered on the skirt and flow ing train a headdress studded with pearls and sequins held a shoulder length veil she car ried a white bible decorated with pink rosettes and feathered white carnations her single strand of pearls was a gift from the groom mrs william jordan was mat ron of honour for her sister and bridesmaids were miss patricia cliff of oshawa and miss jac- quey evans of toronto they were gowned alike in turquoise silk organza of princess line with short sleeves bands of pleating near the skirt bottoms and large bows centred at back large matching picture hats accented their costumes they carried full cascade bouquets of pink delight roses and de mure rosettes at the reception in the town ship hall brougham the brides mother received in a lace sheath dress of teal blue empire waist- ed with front panel of pleated silk organza her corsage was of pink feathered carnations and pink rosettes the grooms mo ther assisted wearing a sheath uess of avocado green embroid ered silk organza with matching bolero her corsage was of white feathered carnations and yellow rosettes mr william jordan of clare mont was groomsman and mr louis philip of brooklin and mr clive jones of siloam ush ered for a honeymoon trip to the prairie provinces the bride chose a white linen sheath em- accessories she wore a corsage of white gardenia with tinted blue feathered carnations mr and mrs spencley will re side at 41 brock st west osh awa donkey baseball july 18th saturday night july 18th will see a feature sports attraction in the claremont community park when employees of pick ering township and members of council meet an allstar aggre gation of softball players in a rousing donkey baseball game each club in claremont com munity league has been asked to select two players to round out a nine man roster plus three spares the township team will include the reeve sherman scott councillors ross haw thorne edgar james and har vey spang clerk lloyd john ston treasurer doug plltz road dept asst cliff dunkeld assessors bill glidden and maurice binstead and others the contest is slated to be one of the most hilarious events of the summer all profits will be used to support the clare mont community softball lea gue a similar programme was held at brougham last year and attracted close to 2000 spectat ors a monologue is a conversa tion between a wife and a hus band who just got home three hours late for dinner almost all of the terrier breeds are enthusiastic and effi cient ratters states the cana dian kennel club there are 23 different breeds in the ter rier family as recognized by the ckc dogs and puppies in particu lar should never be fed meat taken directly out of the refrig erator suggests the canadian kennel club leftover food should be slightly warmed in s little soup gravy or fat canned food taken from the shelf need broldered in powder blue with not be heated why pay more 210 lb 3lnl asphalt shingles 775 per square positively first grade terms cash k xbridge lumber builders supplies 94 brock street east phone 214

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