Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 14, 1959, p. 2

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tmt 2 the siouffviue tokjn time may u 1959 xte touffutlle tribune cstabljshzd us a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association jlatbortud j ccoadclm matt postooc dpt ottm member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont is canada 350 elsewhere 450 c ml noun fcbm us thomas estor our editorial comment idea of lower maj premier frost surprised no one when he announced that general elec tion would be held on june 11th nor did he surprise anyone when he re viewed the governments record on the 10th anniversary of his woming premier most people believe that there is little hope of any surprises in either the campaign or the result however most people we have talked to are of the opinion that the frost majority may be cut and all concede conservatives and liberals alike that this would be a good thing there seems little question but that the conservatives will be returned oriry seems general but how many seats they will hold in the new legislature is the question political observers in the queen city look for the conservatives to lose 15 to 20 seats the thought has even been expressed that mr frost would not be too unhappy to see the major- ity reduced after all an overwhelm ing majority can create problems for the party leader a government that is lopsided can get lazy can lose dis cipline and its sense of responsibility mr frost is a good leader and a good parliamentarian and it might well be that he might be pleased with the effect a stronger opposition would have on his own party your children could suffer a boy without his dog can be a pretty lonesome picture but that is the scene that may be confronted by a good many homes in stouffville within the next few weeks stouffville municipal council has appealed and warned against dog owners who per sist in allowing their canines to run at large not only contrary to bylaw but much to the annoyance of neigh bors some folks have even been fined and most recently one man paid 910 but his dog was loose on the street the next day at some considerable expense a dogcatcher is being brought into town and the family pets are going to be rounded up if they are found loose council agreed to this move last week and is preparing now to bring down the axe by the end of the month who may suffer the most the youngsters in town who may find their pets suddenly scooped up and taken away you citizens who fla grantly violate the law in this regard day after day and may even have children of your own think of this get an explanation ready now for that boy or girl of yours as to why fido has disappeared someone must pay a driver was the victim of a test case in vandorf traffic court last week he was charged with operating a sports car with a noisy muffler he was given the privilege of paying a fine and court costs or serving one day behind bars it is unlikely that a three dollar fine plus court costs would create any major hardship on a person who can afford a 4000 austin healey but the principle of the issue is what really counts an innocent driver was victimized either by the courts or by the company that manufactured his auto had he elected to serve time in jail he might possibly have become a public figure he decided to pay the fine we are in full accord with the law in their drive to check the opera tion of secondhand cars equipped with noisemaker mufflers in the majority of cases the extra equip ment is purchased for only one reason to make noise not only should the faulty muffler be removed but in most instances the auto itself should be banned from the road a 4000 cus tombuilt sports car can hardly be placed in the same class as a teen agers 500 hot rod it is unlikely in spite of the magistrates ruling that a big auto firm will alter its construction policies hence the driver will continue to be the loser for parents only quiding your small child by nancy cleaver dean neville scarfe one of the distinct disadvantage that a canadas top educationalists bright child is apt to hold out pointed out some time ago that for a bigger reward a better children are often given less bribe each time blackmail is guidance than they need but not just reserved for grownups they will be all right if they are reasoning like a river can go educated for responsibility and on forever this is a poor way freedom to control a child in a situation parents who are inclined to where obedience is essential at issue too- many commands to 0u1c1 8 a brle rea- small children may be inclined so wh a certain request is to disagree with dean scarfe on raaac often increases a child s this point the togetherness p willing coperation fltat should be a part of the re- control of a small chid by a latlonshlp between mother and p cannot be maintained by child may be seriously impaired adult who cannot say no by neverending censorship of because he is afraid to make a language and actions decision once he has taken a liil a j i ji stand he must see to it that f n tirmlii child follows most p 8sw s v vf cns realize that a command only through their own exper- shollld ncver be glvcn unic lences will they acquire knowl- neccssary n should l limrtx place themselves in a p icarns to count by the simple hduonwhere having given an k n- ot aposltlon iw ivni z u to enforce it getting rattled or w itl l vtz i i ab or unloving are all mis- l- l fttol- control after all the children love to branch out for m t b h themselves at an early age but j jf they need supervision by parent must have mlj displacing hat pins as they learn to play with each other in directing a child a parent must always keep in mind that thai goal of child training is not the immediate one of making so to discipline them that when ric adulthood is reached they will be able to take full responsibil ity for all their actions and en deavors parents use different methods to achieve this aim some put their faith in strict and some times severe punishment this form of discipline undoubtedly contributes largely to the in crease of mental illness now so prevalent a child should not be scared into being good by the threat of s whipping or s bogey man an ineffective method of con trol is that of deceiving a child jntry child needs the security which comes from knowing that his parent is one in whom he can nave faith confidence and trust rewards and bribes have ture of decision and authority along with a serenity of spirit children with few exceptions respond to a parent who makes it a practice of formulating and carrying into execution a rea- copyrlght one way to keep a teenage girl out of hot water is to put dirty dishes in it since its impossible to drive a power lawnmower from the back seat many a wife does it from the porch the apprehended thief who stole a 400pound church bell would be silly to plead that he did it in a moment of weakness at any rate none of the dg- arets advertised on radio and television adversely affect the wind of those who spout the commercials about them discouraging mashers has long been a problem for person able young ladles at one time the hat pin was a potent defen sive weapon now a probation officer at i london has produced a perhaps more effective little device that he terms a personaguard the personaguard is shaped like a lipstick and at a touch of a finger it ejects a substance which is nontoxic but for var ious reasons is highly embar rassing to any masher the inventor a veteran of 17 years police service states that for every attack on women re ported many go unreported but with the personaguard the public will know at a sniff or a a glance the sort of activities in whicli the masher has been en gaged the device operates on a blow- gun principle and fires a solu- i tion which has these effects i temporarily blinds the victim i and brings tears to the eyes i promotes ncezlng and coughing 1 and renders him unable to op- crate a car covers his face to the roots of his hair with vege table dye in various colors so i that the assailant may be read ily identified should he attempt to run away the device weighs one and three quarter ounces fits easily into purse or pocket and is equipped with a shrill whistle designed to summon aid while the attacker staggers blindly about the inventor hopes this de vice will soon be on sale in canada and the united states the operation of the device has been approved by the de troit police department it would seem that the need for such a device would be greater in the larger cities where women have often to go home alone from work or a movie and walk from the street car and bus stops there is no doubt that the personaguard should it be come available on the market will replace that evil looking long black hat pin that has long been standard protection for the members of the weaker sex and that it along with mad money and various other items will be come a must in miladys purse gait reporter f iiaff of the week nls w tin as uer b nm o hlb heels t jlm selves you con live with it a lady recently visited a doctor and told him of an ailment which was a constant annoyance after a thorough examination he told her there was no permanent cure for her trouble then added a great many people have this condition and you can live with it it reminded me of a story i saw in an english publication a woman was asked how her husbands rheumatism was she replied its much the same but he has made friends with it one can live even with rheumatism i know from experience ive had it for years although i can hardly say ive made friends with it there must be millions who have troubles physical or otherwise against which they rebel and chafe but the folly of resentment becomes obvious so they accept the situation and often forget all about it it isnt always a condition that others can see or understand rather it is some hidden secret which could easily poison ones whole outlook if allowed to do so the canadianborn explorer stefansson wrote a book with the title the friendly arctic when one thinks of the generally accepted view of the article it almost sounded amus ing we think of that grim land as the graveyard of brave and adventurous men stefansson claimed he could live there in comparative comfort and have a good time human adaptability is one of the wonders of life men and sometimes women go to faraway places where languages are unfamiliar and customs unknown and soon they feel at home here then are the two possible attitudes to frustration and disappointment first that of bitter resentment with all the sourness of spirit that goes with it these are the people that feel that life has treated them unfairly second one of acceptance which brings serenity and even gladness it was the blind george mathesn who prayed lord help me to accept my cross not with dumb resignation but with holy joy this year marks the centenary of cecil rhodes birth he was born in herefordshire england in 1853 books will be written about him and hundreds of articles appear in the press he was a strongminded man and made both enemies and friends he died in south africa at the age of fortynine ending one of the most remarkable careers of the nineteenth century as emll ludwlg wrote his grave clings in a vast lonely wilderness of rock he left no wife no son no garland there is no human being for a hundred miles the grave is seldom crossed even by the shadow of an eagle there is one thing about this strange genius we should not forget at the age of sixteen he stood in the office of a london specialist and listened to the grim verdict he had tuberculosis and could live only a very short time he heard the verdict in silence as soon as he could collect his belongings he left for south africa there he headed a score of important projects and became powerful as few men have ever been frankly rhodes wasnt the kind of man i am drawn to although his resolute courage was beyond question but the picture of that consumptive lad in the doctors office when the future appeared black setting his face as if to make the best of it that is something to admire and remember few lives are without frustration the thing we have to guard against is bitterness the psalmist tells us that after acertain experience his heart became sour when we do that we are like paul when he was kicking against the pricks he was a much wiser man when he wrote in later years i have learned in whatsoever state i am therewith to be con tent by this we understand that whatever came his way he would learn to live with it he believed fully in the sustaining power of gods grace our quotation today is an old saying what cant be cured must be endured cedar grove mmy 1 during the last few yars we in cedar grove have become increasingly aware of the dra matic story of ths pioneering in this area and the courage and skill of the earlv menno- nltes in particular the penn sylvania mennonlte story f be coming familiar to us but the history of the russian menno- nites is just beginning to em erge two hundred years ago the band which included all the fugitives of religious persecu tion was fleeing from one coun try to another all through cen tral europe william penn aware of the excellent farming and colonizing qualities of the mennonites encouraged many of them to settle in the united states catherine of russia also offered free land and the pre cious liberties of language and religion in the fertile plains of the ukraine the overland jour ney from germany and holland seemed less hazardous than the oversea voyage to america and many accepted the russian of fer in the ukraine the colonies flourished but the russian con ditions by 1870 had become once again intolerable and mi gration to the west began once more at that time cedar grove op ened its doors to the refugees and many of them were shelter ed here until they found per manent abodes in the new land most of these travelled still fur ther to western canada and kansas the loss of these mcnnonite farmers and the unfavourable world opinion created by their migration soon brought about i a change of pojcy in moscow land conditions unproved tem porarily but in 1917 the red revolution vetoed czarist prom ises and the soviet system of collective farming entirely dis rupted the mennonlte colonies and all who could fled west again by 1920 cedar grove was again making available shelter for these homeless tra vellers this is the background against which mr cornelius rempel himself born in rus sia will speak on may 19th x under the auspices of the york pioneers an illustrated lecture by a man well qualified to speak on the subject of russian men nonites the york pioneers ex tend a cordial invitation to everyone to come and hear mr rempel and to enjoy a menno- nite lunch following the meet ing there will be no admission charge may 19 in cedar grove school j there was a full attendance 1 at zion church on sunday mor ning to welcome mr john cur ry to his new parish mr cur- jry brought his wife and his 1 4 year old son next sunday j the sunday school and church wlu hold a joint family service at 1115 am upstairs please note there will be only one service i the mothers club have come up with another unique idea at their next meeting may 21 at doris lapps the experienced seamstresses in the group will i give then- help and advice to i those with less practical knowl- edge of sewing a fine seam if i i you want to cut out a dress put in a zipper or learn the tricks of the trade in sevving bring along your material pat- tern and problems and come to the next meeting on may 9 the mothers club- have reserved alleys in agin court for another big bowling- party euchre results mrs ellzac beth hollinger mrs harvew swain mrs james cole mr james cole mr e oldham mr e ciosson the carrying prizes went to mrs mike dean- and mrs e oldham next eu- chre will be on may isth si community club bowling par ty will be held at markham bowl on may 20th at 9 pm sharp six alleys have been re- served and a good tournout ls expected come one come alt 1 and have an enjoyable evening- bowling v sorry to hear the flu has not yet left the village this week the offens are prey to the bug dates to remember sunday family day at zion church may 19th york pioneers liv cedar grove school may 20 cc bowling party- may says it with flowers sometimes even after tourists get off an ocean liner theyre see sick if youre a person who wont stop at anything keep out of automobiles ethical a b cs granddad says most of us have to work to live we find it does come naturally we like to plan and work our plans it gives zest and reality but it does not come naturally to express tenderness and love to those who are unkind and mean who work against ones every move it is not natural for men to take a genuine delight in those who see no difference between legality and right but i think most folk under stand though they are captain of their soul they are not master of events thus their feelings they must control we know mankind cannot restrain impulsive natural inner springs this is the part the tempter plays in proving man in the scheme of things but in lifes scheme man plays his part he can discern tween good and ill and overrule impulses base that he lifes purpose might fulfil with gods help man can regu late his natural goads impulsive dart while steering his frail barque along if he makes his head rule his heart he must keep under his control his feelings words and appetite it he would gain his ends in life though he be tempted day and night mtd wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone 186w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal kwbetz construction co ltd stouffville ont phone stouff 200 vvss v wwvwn dont let yoar money run away from you open a hns personal chequing account keeping track of your money nickels and dimes that slip away unnoticed can wreck a budget in a hurry the best way to keep track of your expenses is to separate bill- paying money from spending money and sav ing and you can do this easily with a bank of nova scotia personal chequing account a persona chequing account is just one of tho many ways the bank of nova scotia can be of service to you why not drop in at your neighbourhood bns branch today ttie bank of nova scotia mw than 500 bronchos across canada london nw york chicago the caribbaan managers stouffville branch george h williams oak ridges branch w w bert thompson money problems solve tktm with a loan

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