Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 26, 1959, p. 8

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pt 8 the stouffyiu twbukt tfarchy weary 2 5f claremont and pickering township district teenage dance feb 27 i the recreation committee are holding a teenage dance this friday night feb 27th in the community hall at 7 jo all children ten to fifteen axe wel come the annua red cross i cam- j involved lsnwll start this week in j collision on the pickering township mrs g ss pjc townline weird three car collision causes 1950 damage allman is captain for the ttwralles south of stouff- age of claremont and has the saturday night total canvassers arranged w ecome z j1h h heon these canvassers when come to your door damage to the vehicles has been tne j estimated at 195000 the pileup occurred when a the february meetlngol lthe by yym e vanstone women s institute was held on bethesda collided with a uwlnesday afternoon in the- j auto driven by community hal with vice pres- barclay 19 oi claremont went mrs melvin johnson m jtay w was stopped at the chair mrs frank tson l h th was convener of the program i and read several items pertain- jfa he trafflc ing to agriculture and canadian another car drjven bv john c williams 22 of rr 3 stouff industry mrs wilmot hill gave the current events mrs ellis v yi ville crashed into the stalled bntton gave a reading da vanstone aui0 tossing it on top mem in eleven hours on satur- ob ones accompanied by mrs q roadside snow drift j carl devitt on the piano sang a y i hitting boy and his dog with 5 pound fee says reeve scott mr and mrs earl mcmullen for an increase in pound fees it will cut down on the dog their daughter charlene who is irom s1v to 5500 as recom population stated the reeve to be married this week men by a committee of j residents may have a house susan hayward daughter of council was turned down at a full of dogs if they wish stated special meeting of pickering j councillor ross hawthorne but burtons general store sold to sault ste marie couple the general store owned and i operated by mr and mrs chas i 1 r e j j burton for the past three jlltllor farmers jeed judging on march 21 the annual junior farmers monday march2nd mrw and i seed judging competition will 59 ford suffered 15000 dam- two adjacent parcels of land mrs mcgrath have two chil- he in tie l abridge high age i located on the shore of lake on- i dren thev are identified with school on saturday march 21st police chief frank edwards tario between frenchmans bay the united church the ontario county junior lar- of stouff ville was summoned tot and pickering beach were pur- j mr and mrs burton pur- mcr association sponsor tne the scene and was later joined i chased by ontario hydro chased the store from the f or- f judging competition and bv pc allan chadwick of the land will be reserved as mer owners mr and mrs j also the annual livestock judg- markham township police lev the site of a future thermal w padgett in july 1956 mrs j ln competition to be meld in roads have been blamed for the generating station and its pur- c l overland operated the may working m accident the collision was onej chase is part of a longrange business prior to that time mr j program of acquiring land close j and mrs burton will continue to to a water supply for further reside in claremont they will thermal plants to be built as j take up residence in their ree required none of the drivers were ser- iously injured the vanstone car a 57 mef teor suffered s1000 damaged the williams car a 5s ford was damaged- to the extent of 80000 the barclay auto at hydro buys pickering land years has been sold to mr and mrs gordon i mcgrath of sault ste marie the business will officially change hands on protest failure to blow whistle brougham half shows deficit in 1958 of seven accidents investigated by the markham twp depart a solo the speaker for the afternoon was mr frank bar- key of altona whose talk was enjoyed by all after the meet ing a hobby basket was aucj tioned off by mrs mcconnell there will be another hobby j basket for the april meeting the members later enjoyed a lunch served by the committee in charge on thursday evening last a shower was held at the home of mr and mrs frank hayward has been confined for the last week in the hospital in toronto the dance held saturday night township council on monday night reeve sherman scott stated in the community hall was a i that such a charge was hitting success there was a large at- 1 hard at the boy and his dog the reeve stated that some boys dog might run away for the first time but his parents might object to the fee and refuse to have it released why are we so anxious to increase the pound fee ques tioned the reeve the idea is to keep the dogs off the roads explained coun cillor edgar james isnt that the job of the dog- catcher queried reeve scott why blame the dog catcher said councillor james every time i raise this question thats the argument its not the dog catchers fault if the dogs run at large its the responsibility of the animals owners continued councillor james it will be imposing a great hardship on children suggest ed dep reeve mrs jean mc pherson tendance at this dance jim fisher and his orchestra played for the evening there will be another one this saturday night feb 28th with the same music several claremont people mo tored to alliston on tuesday evening last week to the hockey game between stouftville and alliston bantams during the game donald drake a defence player on the stouffville team injured his wrist and will be un able to play for a few games mrs stephenson of oshawa and mrs alex morgan of sar- nia are visiting for the week with mr and mrs roy morgan mr and mrs lloyd mason and grace of scarborough spent the weekend with mr and mrs carl norton mrs margaret wilker and dale devitt spent sunday in toronto the baptist young people en tertained aurora young people at a valentine party on satur day evening last in the church the programme committee of the womens institute are plan ning an old tyme fashion show for their fiftieth anniversary meeting on march 18th if any members or interested persons have oldfashioned dresses or wedding dresses would you please let the convener of the program know phone 32815 for further particulars the golden age club will meet on tuesday march 3rd at 230 pm at the home of mr evans ward mr and mrs h desjardins entertained her parents mr and mrs james robertson of willowdale at their home on sunday also present was mrs desjardins sister mr and mrs robt henderson and family of humber summit a number of sarco employees and their wives enjoyed a bowl- ing party at the stouffville alloys on friday evening last week about thirty couples tour ed the johnsmanville plant in scarboro mrs chidlow of orangeville a sister of mr jim briscoe passed away last week the keith steckley home in stouffville was the scene of a friendly party on saturday eve ning on the occasion of the couples tenth wedding anni versary present were mr and mrs earl cook mr and mrs wm browning mr and mrs wm gliddon mr and mrs r f cooper mr and mrs tom davis all of claremont and mr and mrs ken pascoe of broug ham mr harold barclays nearly- new car was involved in a ra ther weird accident on the pick- oringmarkham townline satur day evening damage to the rear of the auto was estimated at s200 it was driven bv nine teen year old john barclay two other vehicles were also involved the barclay car was struck from behind by another auto driven by wm vanstone of bethesda the young peoples organi zation of claremont united church have purchased a cross for the communion table which will be dedicated next sunday morning march first at the eleven oclock service eurlire results results of the euchre held on monday night in the legion hall were as follows ladies 1st mrs ray hill 2nd joan postill men 1st frank holt- ingshead 2nd wes lehman door prize josephine derusha mrs alex morgan of sarnia and mrs margaret stevenson of oshawa are the guests of i bluebelles presented savory mr and mrs roy morgan this dishes from leftover meati week commented on by gloria ash- we want to keep them under control councillor james contended that he felt if a dog was im pounded for a third time it should be destroyed it was agreed that the pound fee should be 100 for the first offense 300 for the second of fense and 500 for the third and all additional pickups on a recorded vote it was agteed that the license fee for unspayed female dogs should be raised from s400 to 500 the license fee for male dogs will remain at 300 the dead line for the purchase of licenses has been set for may 1st it was agreed that all dogs shall be confined to a leash with the exception of farm and hunt ing dogs when working it was requested that mr gerrigs the dog catcher should submit a monthly report to council councillor harvey spang in formed the members that the dog catcher advised against the impounding of cats or the em ployment of a catcatcher with the ontario department of agriculture uxbridge ronald werry presidenturg ed that all executive members the commission purchased i to the store approximately 264 acres with a lake shore frontage of 2336 feet contained in lots 21 and 22 in the township of pickering the transaction also included purchase of 80 acres contain ed in lots 19 and 20 i entlyrenovated home adjacent support these contentions and i cut jovyn the approaches to the the operation of the com- munity hall at brougham dur- mr s s pugh of whitevale ing 195s showed a loss of a former ward 1 councillor ap this re w piv peared before a special meeting at s meeting of of pickering township council paring township council on on monday night he informed monday ns- the members that a letter jsss total toal protest would be forwarded to yp were jo 50 the canadian pacific railroad i a pp statement showed over failure of the engineer to h was usm for 32 blow the trains whistle at a additional meetings where no level crossing on the green- 1 f was t th included wood road north of the 4th n lue concession mr pugh said that eatre group en clinics two a police cruiser was almost hit j j pl ot agriculture meetings when the whistle failed to sound i ratepayers meetings and he said there have been numer- 1 i ous other similar incidents r scott- noted that he be- iw- heved the hall should not oper- ex councillor pugh recom- ae at a mended that the township i should request permission to county jr farmers choir to present junior farmer revue the ontario county junior farmer choir was organized in january 1951 each year since that time the choir has staged many successful musical pres entations last year they pre sented musicana and the year before talent showcase this i an babv furnhure ts ordva year the choir is planning to sma part of the work done by twp red cross opens fundraising campaign the annual fundraising eamj paign sponsored by the picker- j ing twp and village branch of the red cross has opened it is hoped that the 3000 col lected last year may be sur passed this spring the drive will be completed at the end of march mrs d crichton president of the local society has publish ed a letter to residents of pick ering township and pickering village explaining the worth while work of the two branches blood donor services provisions of food clothing and shelter and the distribution of layettes present junior farmer revue the dates for presentation are uxbridge wednesday march 11 cannington thurs march 19 brooklin saturday mar 21 there are 40 boys and girls in the choir this year with such a large group the musical show the junior farmer revue should be a very pleasing per formance musical instructor for the choir as in former years is mrs elsie dobson accompan ist is miss gloria hastings of port perry the red cross mr j danielljenkins was the campaign chairman last year due to increased services more funds are needed canvassers will call at every home in pick ering township early dona tions may be mailed to mrs d crichton pickering post office an official receipt will be pro vided encourage participation crossing he said that the twp a publicity committee includ- road dept would do the work ing jeanne alsop shirley ap- but the railroad would pay a pleton ruby dusty and lois portion of the cost tregunna was elected for 1959 ratepayers want provision for twp senior citizens white gold is pure gold whit ened and hardened by adding nickel 120 girls participate in ont 4h home making day two achievement days have completed the fall project meat in the menu for one- hundred and twenty 4h home- making club girls in ontario county six clubs from north ontario met in beaverton town hall and seven clubs from south on tario met at port perry high school to exhibit their record books and recipe files the girls participated in several ac tivities they located cuts of beef and pork on a carcass dia gram they planned dinner men us to fit in with the breakfast and supper meals for four days the main activity was to identi fy ten actual cuts of meat and give the recommended cooking method for each the program for both days was under the supervision of i he ontario county home ec onomist miss wilda gordon assisted by mrs clarence mann of peterborough presentations at the beaver ton day were an exhibit uses of ground meat by scotch mills 4h homemaklng club and also savoury dishes from leftover meat by udney busy bees south a threeminute comment was given on each exhibit by a club member char lotte smith and jean robertson respectively skits were present ed by four clubs vary the meat in your menu by the sunderland salty stitch club included all their members making the most of our meat money was presented by mary ann mccarthy carolyn duffy catherine wright and marion gray of udney busy bees north this same skit was presented by rathburn county cooks and also beaverton busy beavers twenty five certificates of achievement were presented to girls having completed 2 more units successfully county hon our certificates and pins were received by margaret veale of beaverton margaret gray of rathburn catharina cornelius and beth mcginnis of sunder land velma duffy udney n beverly newman udney south these girls have completed six homemaking club units jean robertson udney was the recipient of her provincial honours she has completed 12 homemaking club units the afternoon programme in the port perry high school in cluded five exhibits bethesda enhurst uses of ground meat was the choice of brougham merry mixers and mount zion merry homemakers commen tators for these exhibits were dorothy willson and anna wil son respectively seugog junior homemakers presented how to choose meat wisely comment ed on by gloria robertson and heather mctavish spoke for the quaker hill exhibit var ious ways of using liver a demonstration the way to tender meat was given by marjorie cowan and ann bar- key of altona meat cooks brooklin happy circle club pre sented making the most of our meat money with mem bers carley seymour lois and marilyn downey taking part twentythree girls were recip ients of certificates of achieve ment county honour certifi cates and pins were presented to dorothy willson brougham mary kydd quaker hill and joanne pugh port perry provincial honours were re ceived by marjorie cowan al tona and donna samells of port perry for completion of twelve homemaking club units silver 4h homemaking club spoons were presented to all members completing the unit leaders and assistant leaders name committee for brougham school centenary celebration there are more than 350 ratepayeers in school section 10 of pickering township at a meeting at brougham school on wednesday february 18th less than 10 of those ratepay ers were present although each and every one had been invited through paid advertisement in the local papers the contribu tion of ideas and offers of as sistance of many can make a great celebration of the 100th birthday of a school which has meant so much to residents throughout the years it is reasonable to calculate that the efforts of an overworked minor ity cannot no matter how they try stage as brilliant an occa sion as can the wholehearted effort of every ratepayer the centennial celebration is sched uled for saturday and sunday june 20 and 21 a letter was read from a a archibald public school inspec tor who wished the committee every success in their under taking and said that it was in order to use a small amount of the school funds to finance it a resolution was passed that 30000 be set aside to provide for expenses at the moment these do not appear to be too heavy for the lunch committee have ascertained that several business firms have agreed to contribute almost all of the refreshments at no cost they are pleased to have a part in such a community enterprise a discussion of the nature of the programme took place and a programme committee was named mrs r masters mr h phillips mrs l t johnston mr a pearce mrs ross knox mrs h phillips and to include ross knox chairman of the school board and of the cen tennial committee there was talk of a band of a parade per haps a baseball or football game fireworks and of a short programme souvenirs for the children now attending the school background setting for picture taking a poleroid cam era to be on hand for taking photographs of this reunion a loud speaker all were dis cussed mr robert miller is still seeking show cases in which to place his antique dis play and will appreciate hear ing from anyone who can pro vide any on loan the next meeting of the com mittee and all ratepayers who are interested will be held at brougham school on thurs day evening march 12th mr wm fairgrieves of dun- barton appeared before picker ing twp council on monday evening to request that some consideration be given to the housing requirements of the municipalities senior citizens he said that in the majority of cases a 960 sq foot home was too large for elderly persons with no dependents it is unfair to condemn these people in their sunset years to institutional care herded to gether in rooms and suffering from lack of privacy he said the ratepayer suggested that areas should be formed for the erection of homes with the sup port of all levels of government we would not be extending charity but would be repaying a debt we owe to all our mo thers and fathers he contin ued we all are benefiting di rectly or indirectly by the con tributions made by them to our general prosperity he con cluded reeve sherman scott said that it was difficult to control such a scheme he said that the undersized homes would prob ably notremain in the hands of the senior citizens and there fore would not be selfsustain ing when occupied by others the reeve pointed out that as the municipality continued to grow it might be possible to lower the townships size re quirements this problem exists over the entire country noted the reeve i dont feel that there is any easy answer to the prob lem from our level of govern ment he said councillor harry ashton ag reed that the suggestion had merit and should be forwarded to the township planning bd on a suggestion by mr fair- grieve that the council provide the accommodation reeve scott frowned on any plan by council to embark on a house building programme he noted further that it would be diffi cult to assist in a financial way the promotion of such a pro ject the present council has too many financial problems to deal with at this time without subsi dizing a housing programme he advised altona dont forget the special rate payers meeting of ss no 17 pickering at altona tonight thursday feb 26th at 8 pm this is just a reminder as there was an error in the date in last weeks news a number from here attended the farewell party for mr and mrs norman neal and george on saturday evening they will be moving to stouffville soon the regular meeting of the altona wms will be held at the home of mrs m johnson on monday march 2nd note the change of night as special meet ings are being held in the church starting tuesday eve ning see elsewhere in the paper for details wish to join recreation association the claremont archery club has requested permission to be come a part of the pickering twp recreation association a letter was presented at a spe cial meeting of council on mon day night the archery club has a mem bership of 23 persons the fee is 200 the club is currently meeting in the claremont com munity hall the rental is 75 yearly by joining the town ship association they wish to obtain the usual grant the matter was turned over to councillor ross hawthorne a member of the recreation com mittee mrs carl devitt and friends visited with mrs devitts fa ther mr wright at whitby on sunday mr wright celebrated his ninetysecond birthday on monday feb 23rd help wanted j funds urnently needed by the pickering township red cross please welcome your volunteer canvasser greenwood the evening auxiliary of the wms held their february meeting at miss beatrice mc leans on wednesday night miss herbert of toronto spent the weekend with her sister mrs m minaker mrs spracklin of toronto and her little granddaughter visited with frank and mrs webb over the weekend we are sorry to report that mrs a morden was taken to the oshawa hospital last mon day night hope she may soon be home and feeling fine again mrs john brooks was in the city most of last week with her mother who is ill remember the annual oyster supper to he held in the base ment of the church on wednes day the 4th of march commenc ing at 530 until all have been served ham will be served to those who do not care for oys ters admission adults 125 public school children 50c mr and mrs e pegg and family were city visitors with the mcphails last saturday eve ning farm forum met at the king- stone home last monday night mr joe pegg left last friday for flint michigan to resume his studies and work the indonesian republic is made up of 179 million persons speaking some 40 languages and clustered on 3000 islands sprawled across the equator superimposed on the united brougham news mr and mrs k bent and little daughter karen of osh awa visited her mother mrs w hamilton on sunday mrs j ems and children are now visiting her parents mr and mrs s reaman after spending several months with friends in saskatchewan mr and mrs wm knox vis ited with their son john and family of hampton and also called to see their new grand daughter catherin jean little daughter of mr and mrs geo knox of enniskillen on sunday euchre brougham ioof sponsor a euchre each friday night at whitevale lodge hall and everyone is invited to join the fun prize winners last week were as follows mrs edith white mrs a phillips mrs m christian allan ellicott colin madill walter booth next euchre will be held friday february 27 mrs perry and daughter spent the weekend with friends at islington the february meeting of the wms of st johns church was held thursday afternoon feb 19th at the home of mrs w c willson with the vicepresi dent mrs e lindo presiding the worship service with the theme rare prejudice expos ed was conducted by mrs h plaxton and mrs a j gray a committee was appointed to meet with the womans associa tion to make arrangements to cater to a banquet for the coun cil on march 13 the program convener mrs ii plaxton with ing programme the theme of which was indiacanadians lunch was served at the close w c willson mrs jno w e mrs p weir and mrs lied johnston mr and mrs vern ellicott and family of uxbridge had supper on sunday with mr and mrs earl campbell and fam ily happy birthday greetings to mrs john tweedie who has a birthday on february 24 also to mr wm knox who had a birthday on- february 20th mr and mrs ross knox and daughters bettyjean and faye visited with mr and mrs b mcguckin of stouffville on sunday mr kromes of toronto and mr r ireland of oshawa are two student teachers who are at present assisting at brougi ham school renew garbage agreement with markham village the village of markham will be permitted to use the picker ing township garbage dump for another year the rate will be 1200 the same as in 1958 the garbage caretaker mr arthur carleton informed the members that there was still plenty of room in the dump for refuse from markham village he said that eight loads per week were brought in from the village pickering township de- he meeting by the hostesses fiaeon oaf commencing march 1st mr ralph spademan a collector in both markham and pickering townships will be charged on a yearly basis of 60000 this amount will be payable at the rate of 5000 per month recommend new truck the garbage committee of council has recommended the purchase of a new 12000 pack ertype garbage truck council lor ross hawthorne suggested that it should be considered as a longterm investment he pointed out that it could be used in the builtup areas of the township the township gar- i bage area has an assessment of approximately nine million and a population of close to 10000 reeve sherman scott suggest- i ed that the sanivan should the regular teachers meet- broughl in for a demonstra- ing will be held in brougham lio school on thursday afternoon february 26 a musical number audley mrs fred puckrln a number of the men attend ed the banquet on saturday eve ning at pickering united chu rch the choir sang during the program afterwards audley church service was cancelled on sunday afternoon to enable the men to attend the conference at pickering sympathy is extended to mr james mitchell and family in the passing of mr mitchells motherinlaw mrs taylor in her 83rd year the family at tended the funeral in toronto on tuesday of last week club meets on march 7 at the home of bert and mrs gu thrie some from here attended the concert given by the ajax high school band in the school at ajax last week some of the local students are members of the band visitors at the home of mr and mrs fred puckrin during the weekend included mrs puc- krins brother cecil and mrs hollinger and three girls of cherrywood also her nephew walter gale and friend of tor onto green river miss dianne postill entertain ed mr and mrs vanllassan on saturday evening the occasion being diannes birthday mr harold cassie is enjoy ing a very pleasant motor trip to florida and other southern points mr and mrs h ridge were saturday callers at the hutch- ings home we extend the very best of birthday wishes to mr fred wright who celebrated his birthday on monday last mr wright is in his nineties at the present time residing at fair- view lodge but in spite of his advanced years he still enjoys fairly good health and always looks forward to seeing any of the folks from here who would care to drop in and say hello to him at any time mrs cassie visited with her friends mr and mrs harris of stouffville this past weekend the ladies aid met at llis home of mrs a pearse on wednesday evening last in spite of the adverse weather conditions the attendance was good the devotional part of the meeting was in charge of mrs orville beelby afterwhichli there was a work session at j the conclusion a delicious lunch was served by the hostess mrs v ireson and mrs w chafen we understand that mrs al ton hagerman is one of the for tunate who left last week to spend a months vacation with her sisterinlaw mrs far- rant at new smyernia beach florida prayer meeting will be held at the home of mrs d shank on tuesday evening march 2 at 8 pm all welcome mr and mrs e laycock and family of scarboro junction were sunday visitors with mr and mrs j graham and family scientists calculate that al tree has to soak up about 1000 tons of water to build one ton 1 of wood will he presented by this school the regular centennial meet i ts a pleasure to this sure is serve you makes wonderful service my work easier to0- you coop fellas j with these regular give me dontkmow route calls what id do without it rf nearly 1000 varieties of i t states indonesia would reach the assistance of mrs ray elli- ufm the atlantic to the pacific cott conducted a very interest ing was held on wednesday cvej flowering plants bloom among ning february 18 with a good hie olympic mountains of wai attendance the next meeting shington about ten of them are will be held on march 12 the found novvhere else in the committee is anxious to get the world they grow mainly on names of as many expupils as i hie slopes and ridgetops above i possible 4000 feet mrs van luven and mrs da- vidson of oshawa visited with i their niece mrs geo perry d lennox and mr r pilkey one day last week euchre was held as usual on tuesday evening when the fol lowing were winners mrs ii pugh mrs h plaxton mrs ii barclcy mr f h white mr special prizes went to mrs p weir and mrs n burton sympathy is extended to mrs j wm ellicott and miss p bar rett in the passing ol ihcir sis ter ijrs gordon of toronto let us look after your petroleum needs we carry a complete line of gasoline fuel oil motor oil and greases quality products prompt service claremont coop phone 201 202 claremont ont

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