Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 26, 1959, p. 7

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classified cards of thanks i woum lilt to think all raj trltrix acd relatives for their ctvtl tithes gifts acd pray ers juries my ules a pcul thanks to the neighbors for help around home dent brotrc we troalij like to uke jji opportunity of thanking ail our frleada neighbor and relatives for their many act of klndcees and sympathy during our sudden bereavement of a dear wife and mother all was very much ap preciated b otter and family john otter and family i would like to express my sin- eere thanks to my friends rea- ttvj and neighbors for their many cards beautlfui flowers and fruit sent to me djring ray stay in the hospital and since coming home the thousrhtful- ness of everyone is deeply appre ciated helen mairs i wish to thank my relatives and friends also neighbors for all the lovely cards and beauti ful flowers and boxes of fruit and candy during my stay in hos pital and at home it was all tery much appreciated i do thank everyone again will harbron friends neighbors and relatives for cards received while in hos pital and at home for cowers plants and magazines thanks to the vouas mens claw of the kingwood sunday school for the lovely plant and to the excelsior glass for their box of fruit my grateful appreciation to all aimi vague i would like to take this op portunity to thank the neighbors and many friends for the beau tiful flowers cards and other kindnesses shown me during my recent illness and enforced rest at home mrs milt burk we wish to express our thanks to centra and the stouflvtile eire brigade for their prompt response in answering our call last week when our furnace ohimney was on are aso a thankyou to the neighbors and friends who helped mr james harris my sincere thanks to the we would like to express our thanks and appreciation to all who so kindly assisted in any way jn getting ready for our auction sale and special thanks to mr alvin farmer we would also like to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and neighbors lor the lovely gifts j received at the going away party hold at the home of mr and mrs ivan mclaughlin many thanks to everyone mrs wm beach clarence laura phil hetu the stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles fob sale livestock fob sale real estate wanted cabs for sale lost found etc cash fut 5 pee word lt tk with a gntnimun of tie lit wfc 59c for tratr conctii ml m b pid wk f lejttio u charged tdditkisfti tic wd t dd4 a charve of zsc will b m4 for ail replies directed to tit cfic notices coming events cards op thanks tc a word with a minimum of slm births engagement marriages 109 pr tmcrtiob in memobiams si 04 minimum for 4lin terac plus f 0t for each additional 4line vcaa displat classifieds 125 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional rosaecuttva insertion at si 00 per laeh all classified ads must be in thla omce not later than 12 oclock noon wednesday send caih stamps or money orders and save moner- clip this out for referen lost found the baffles 6y mahoney lost tool box between hag- ermans slderoad and mtlliken corners on kennedy rd wed nesday night around oclock reward john schmucker ph unionville 41wi in memoriam gleesov in loving memory of wubur b cleeson who passed away feb ii 1951 this day we do remember a loving thought we give to one no longer ith us but in our hearts h lives ever remembered by hi rlsters minnie and margaret miller in loving memory of a dear husband and father john miller who passed away feb 2 1958 gone from us but leaving mem ories death can never take away memories that will always linger while upon this earth we say sadly missed by wife and sons gerald hilliard and family i if outside its smart and sensible inside its large and luxurious i its thelark f by studebaker tffiks5e23x iscitkls m in mem white in loving memory of our dear husband and father harry c white who passed away feb 25th 1956 he is gone but not forgotten and as dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of him are always near days of sadness will come oer us many think the wound fa healed but they little know the sorrow that lies in the heart concealed lovingly remembered by wife and family brillinger in loving mem ory of a dear husoand and father walter brlllinger who passed away february 26 1958 there is a link death cannot sever love and remembrance last for ever lovingly remembered by wife and family no parking problems at cashway 15 acres of lumber and building supplies 40000 sq ft of warehouses speedy courteous service hzzesbeaashs mason ite products woodgrain vtxixf 147c ft it4x8 untempered prestdex jix4xs 56c ft tempered x4x8 105c ft 412 sheet 170 sheet 179 sheet 336 sheet b leatherline 4xs scored unscored 412 sheet aeroboard untempered 105c 336 sheet power tools 1 j highest quality tools n drills only 16s8 1777 ffl jig saws 3095 5 sanders 3650 blade saws 5695 exterior siding ranch wall special carload price at cashway iifxixv 167c foot only 534 sheet buy some now for spring use large supplies of tentest sheathing i 68c ft low low price 218 sheet y 68c ft low low price 245 sheet builders hardware wrought bronze finish passage sets 239 bath sets 325 key in knob 495 brushed aluminum tubular passage sets 129 bath sets s1s5 aromatic cedar closet lining carton covers 32 sq ft 895 brooklin cashway lumber brooklin ont phone 1150 brooklin store hours week days s to 6 sats s am to 5 pm tile tile tile vinyl asbestos 9 x 9 13vsc each 1st quality 10 colors to choose from lino tile 1st quality 9x9 9 vic each large selection of patterns and colors momma cedar grove feb 19 magazines and newspapers average about one article a week on what is happening to the present teenagers if you eavesdrop on the last generation or the one before you can hear all about the countless joys and endless pleasures that todays young people are miss ing they have nothing to do they dont have any fun they dont enloy themselves per haps but not in cedar grove j lets take a look at a few of the activities that our teen agers find interesting or enjoy able j glance over your programme for last weeks production of the mikado in markham youll have to go by the program bsj cause on stage you would never recognize joan and roberta whittaker or david ramer it never suffered from forgotten lines miscues or faltering voices no this five night runj was a fulltime venture for our young musicians the churchs young people are a very active group at zion they are not only busy with their village activities but they trot all over tile country the stouftylue tribune tfcny unify 26 w pa 1 fined 50 for use of legal fishing tackle motion to rebuild york manor quashed for present stanley auckland mt al bert was fined s30 and costs on tuesday when he appeared in vandorf court charged with using a snagger in fishing through the ice officer harold vanwyck and officer terry ross of the department of game fisheries presented the evidence they stated that in one case prosecuted they had walked fourteen miles over i the ice to secure the necessary i evidence auckland pleaded guilty he admitted that he was found with the line in his hand and on this being brought to the surface it was found to have a snagger at the end officer ross said that the basket in the hut contained several fish that from their mangled condition it was ob vious they had been caught by a snagger magistrate kelly commented that it was regrettable that per sons living near lake simcoe attractive to tourists and pro- j viding a living for many in the area would not be protected by those residing in the area leslie r lockbie of kes wick also pleaded guilty to securing fish with a snagger and he was likewise fined 50 and costs reginald tomlinson re ceived a similar fine for the i a motion by reeve arm strong and reeve perry to re build the present york manor which is the york county farm building was quashed last week as members declined to vote without more information in discussing the manor reeve armstrong stated that it had been the intention to re build the manor as far back as 1953 the motion immediately met with opposition and it was finally agreed to shelve the matter until june reeve clark of markham and i reeve perkins of richmond hill moved that the county rec ognize the need for a new home and that a full report be pre pared and made ready for the june session deputyreeve wagg of stouff ville stated that he would find it difficult to make any decision in view of the lack of a report reeve armstrong stated that it was expected the farm would show an increase in the 1939 return of about 2000 reeve luck of newmarket suggested that this seemed a small am ount reeve anderson suggest ed that mr luck try farming if he wished to find out the meagre returns in the business today farm manager ritchie declin ed to place a valuation on the countys herd of cattle number ing 27 he said that many fac tors could enter in valuation such as the purpose for which they were to be used reeve richardson of whit church said that he expected the farm manager to make a profit but as the manor receiv ed the support of the county he expected that the farmers in the county would benefit from any increases in the herd he noted that the herd had been increased in the iast five years from 14 to 27 head linked with others tinder an or ganization encompassing all i united churches with partici pation comes experience in the conducting of meetings public speaking and organization the mennonite young people lay heavy emphasis on music and their lovely choral work is a gratifying hobby with many of them at christmas shutins all over the township are car olled by travelling groups and there are still quilting bees here too quilting is a necess ity and a happy social event not a sentence in a history book for the high school set there is so much to do there is little time for anything else last week for instancea skiing par ty was arranged for skiers and wouldbe skiers to collingwood several busloads of teenagers took in this happy gettogether in ontarios wintry north a valentine dance in the school was one of many that mark every special occasion through out the year there is high interest in the agricultural groups among our young farmers and this year some are old enough to take on executive responsibilities bar ry little is now treasurer of hie 4h club and caroline lit tle is president of the home- makers those are the highlights but hobbies athletics and dates too fill in any second that happens to be left over from homework and need we add our young people do well in high school just watch their grades when the results are published next spring anyone who keeps a diary in cedar grove will record with glowing phrases sunday feb 15th it was a glimmering glor ious day that bold blue sky and every tree bedecked with jewel ry that would have made any mere mortal look outlandishly gaudy on a maple or a walnut or even a weed it was some thing to behold and on the dogwood oh my what did we ever do to deserve such a day a car went off the road at woodland park it burned you can see the dark blotch on the snow to prove it hew why who i dont know it was the fastest accident and the quick est removal of evidence in re corded history we are sorry to hear of the death last thursday of mr jo seph barkey of cherrywood and extend sympathy to his daugh ter esther mr and mrs morley ryan welcomed a baby boy into the family on feb 9th we join in the welcome and congratulate the parents just because they dont fit in to the teenage category is no reason to omit from praise alex allen and charlie whitta ker for their parts in the fine production of the mikado community club meeting for february will be held at the home of mr and mrs archie little same offense lockbie was not fishing when apprehended but on returning to the hut with the officer two snaggers were found magistrate kelly stated it ap peared that many persons had little regard for the law and less for the fih he added that if the present fines did not prove deterring he would in crease the amount lewis ros of brown hill and william green of the same address received similar fines when they appeared to answer the same charge too many fish john ellis charged with hav- ing more than two trout in his possession was fined 15 and costs officer vanwyck told the court that he trailed two cars to discover the fish on the stand ellis stated that he was under the impression that the limit was two trout per day and these tiiree were not caught on the same day officer vanwyck stated it was illegal to have more than the legal catcli of fish in your possession at any time ellis requested time to pay up the fine sympathy is fine for every one until it gets you into the habit of wanting it christ church anglican iter j d tlilku hector sunday march 1st 1959 3rd sunday in lent 10 am communion service wed mar 4 choir practise s pm thur mar 5 11 am com munion service thurs mar 5 4 pm junior auxiliary thurs evening xo lenten ser vice no confirmation classes for children or adults united church stouffville kcv douglas dnvls sunday march 1st 1959 sunday school 945 am junior to senior 11 am nursery to primary 11 am mornins worship 2 pm communicants class 3 pm the elders 730 pm evening devotions monday 7 pm explorers tuesday 730 pm- cubs wed 730 pm scouls thurs 7 pm cgit 815 pm choir sat s30 pm couples club thurs mar 5 230 wms 1 parlors churchill musselmans lake bible school sunday marcli 1st 1959 1030 am bible school classes for all everyone welcome second maltkham liakli 11111 fellowship baptist churches itcv llruco illscy sunday march 1st 1959 second markham prayer service each wed s pm suntluy xext bible school 10 am gospel service 11 am subj who are the elect touns peoples 730 pm mr lambert stouffer will speak linker hill prayer service thurs s pm sunday bible school 130 pm r service 230 pm subj the consecrated man ah are welcome gormley united missionary church rcv c 15 htuikliig miuiiter sunday march 1st 1959 broadcast dial 1300 10 am- sunday school 11 am arid 730 pm rer dwight deeks mrs decks will sing general conference meets this week it new carlisle ohio the kiwi new zealands be whiskered burrowdigging tail less and almost wingless bird is waging a losing battle for survival against the depreda tions of stoats ferrets rats house cats and bush fires ford fori ford ford ford ford ford for motors ltd i cars and trucks clean sweep 25 clean and readytogo cars trucks all covered by 1yr warranty 56 ranch wagon 1575 2dr meteor like new low mileage 57 plymouth 2dr 1450 real clean 2lone brown and beige 56 dodge 4dr 1250 low mileage radio 2lone yel low and white 54 meteor 4dr 800 radio good tires medium blue 55 fiat 1100 1450 4dr 8000 miles 2lone blue and white 58 ford fl demo 2460 4dr blue 2tone 6 cyl padded dash 2000 miles united missionary church rev c e hell minister sunday march 1st 1959 dickson 11111 945 am spiritual transfor mation 1050 am sunday school 730 pm evening service wed 8 pm prayer bible study markham 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service thurs s pm prayer bible study faith removes mountains or tunnel3 through them vivian mccormacic memorial church rev ilrucc ilisoy inistnr sunday march 1st 1959 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship tues s pm prayer meeting thurs s pm young peoples see the rest at stouffvilles best new and used car dealer edgevale lm ford phones 215 216 stouttville ont a niio4 tlhim nno4 oho oho flwm mioi st james presbyterian church stouffville rev d it mclulljcnii it a iid sunday march 1st 1959 10 am morning worship worship with us united church melville charge rev g lavlon sunday march 1st 1959 10 am peachs 1130 am melville 230 pm bclhcida 345 pm church membership cjasi melville church frl kob 27 bcthesda ypt at the van dcr kooy home s pm tues mar 3 melville wms 230 pm stouffville united missionary church rev arthur wnlsh minister sunday march 1st 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship ed herbert will preach 630 pm young peoples meet- ing 730 pm evening worship ed herbert will preach thiira 8 pm prayer bible study stouffville baptist church rev williams imtor sunday march 1st 1959 in am bible school all ages 11 am morning worship 7 pm prayer meeting 730 pm evangelistic service wed s pm prayer bibla study thurs 4 pm childrens ser vice bloomington christian associated cjospel church mr i- x simmons minister sunday march 1st 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service what i3 a christian 7 730 nm evening service what u a slnnor aitona christian united missionary church llcv doiv sargcant inmor sunday march 1st 1959 1030 am sunday school 730 pm preaching 730 pm service wed 8 pm prayer service coming event special service march 313 itcv i a llaarar da constantlne mich sun 730 pm weeknlthu 8 pm brethren in christ church ilcisc hill gormlcy pastor llcv win vnnucrbcut sunday march 1st 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm midweek prayer meeting kingwood christian church sunday march 1st 1969 10 am sunday school 1110 am 730 pm wor ship service speaker mr leroy sopor mon 8 pm ce prayer met- ing memorial christian church sunday march 1st 1959 10 am sunday school 11 n in morning worship mr martin uecf will be the speaker 730 pm goapel service mr reef wed 730 jr choir practle wed 800 sr choir practice thurs 8 pm prayer bible study at the home of mr and mr silverthorn tucj mar 2 2 so pm pil grim worker at the home of miss nora staplton

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