Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 26, 1959, p. 1

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wwpwf m m five year old david hamer holds an eight inch pet crocodile markham man liaises pet crocodiles in his basement would you like to have a crocodile for a pet mr harold hamer rouge st markham has them for sale the reptiles carry a price tag of 350 the crocodiles are imported from south america they are captured by the natives in large nets and transported by plane to toronto where they are received by an importer and distributed to numerous agents they had previously been obtained from the ever glades of florida but the united states government has now banned their sale when bom they measure from six to eight inches in length in captivity they will grow to a length of five feet in five years in its natural habitat a crocodile or alligator may grow to a length of thirty feet mr hamer keeps his young crocs in an aquarium the basement of his rouge street home has been transformed into a menagerie of tropical fish and reptiles the water tempera ture must be kept at a minimum of eighty degrees dry land and shade must be available for the crocodiles to thrive their main diet consists of small fish raw meat and worms mr hamer claims that there is a growing need for pets in the district he told the trib une that modern equipment in cluding thermostatically con trolled heaters now make it possible for anyone to raise tropical fish and reptiles he noted that previously the death rate among such rare pets was quite high mr hamer explained that when a pet crocodile reached a length of four or five feet they should be considered to be dangerous when theyre large enough to eat small boys then one should sell them he sug gested he advised against turn ing them loose to play havoc with people and animals crocodiles have become quite popular in the wrestling world this attraction has increased the reptiles value mr hamer noted however that as their value increases as the reptile grows their appetite also in creases thus making it quite costly for the average owner to keep them in captivity a young crocodile is as harm less as a turtle or a goldfish they will bite but their teeth are not sharp they emit low nasal sounds as they crawl laz ily through the water or on the land mr hamer is confident that there is a growing market for his unusual pets the supply is still quite limited since young crocs are only available dur ing certain seasons of the year set road budget of 15000 ask extra money for hardtopping stouffvllle municipal coun cil set the 1959 road budget at 15000 during thursday nights meeting this amount is made up of 13800 for roads s500 for bridges and s700 for engi neering in addition council will petition the dept of high ways for an additional sum of possibly 7000 to be used to continue with their program of paving the dept of highways pays 50cr of the cost of roads and 809c of the cost of bridges new fire equipment councillor laushway chair man of the property committee presented a requisition from the fire brigade for new equip ment amounting to approxi mately 1100 councillor laushway said he believed the fire department should be kept up to date and a few hundred dollars spent each year could accomplish this if a small amount was spent each year he said it would not be necessary to lay out such a large amount at one time some of the items being asked for had been asked for previously he said and not obtained deputyreeve wagg stated that the 1958 council had not received any request the present requisition in cluded new hose a new alumin um ladder nozzle and coats council agreed unanimously to the request lions club launches 1959 easter seal campaign stouffvllle lions club will spofford dr button or bert launch their annual easter jackson tribune offlcel seal campaign this week easter seals too enrol the throughout this locality there are more than 13500 children and teenagers afflicted with disease and other crippling con ditions and for them march is the month of hope easter seals go on sale feb ruary 26th and stouffville lions club is one of 221 service clubs which act as a means for the people of ontario to help these youngsters this year the serv ice clubs of the province have an objective of s770ox from the sale of easter seals last year the stouffville club collected more than s1300 for the fund and are aiming this year to reach the 2000 mark members of the welfare com mittee will be busy this week preparing the 2500 envelopes which are being sent to the resi dents in stouffville and immed iate area in addition contain ers will be placed in the various business places for your conven ience contributions can also be ejeft with neil patrick welfare committee chairman harold services of leading physicians and surgeons who give their time and skills at the clinics which the crippled childrens society and service clubs organ ize at strategic centres in on tario purchases of these seals mean membership for the buyers in a crusade of mercy and service to children who through no fault of their own bear enormous burdens of affliction municipal service co presents plans for house numbering a representative of the muni cipal service company appeared before stouffville council on thursday night and presented their system of municipal house numbering this company has handled the numbering in more than seventyfise municipali ties including richmond hill and blenheim the actual cost is s2 per buil ding this price includes all the necessary maps the numbers and the installation the repre sentative explained the system and pointed out the ease with which numbers on any street could be followed and any resi dent located he said that the company had a number of regular employees who would do the work but that they would use unemploy ed in the municipality if any available he also said that an allow ance would be made should a service club wish to contribute assistance in the installation of the numbers approve services plans council approved the pro posed plans for services in the cedar pines subdivision at the east end of town subject to the approval of the public util ities commission on water the plans will be forwarded to the water resources commission for their approval mr femson cedar pines de veloper and mr woods real estate agent were present at the meeting mr femson said e rtbnnt vol 69 no 38 the tribune stout fvtixf ont- thursday february 26 1959 twelve pages markham twp police investigate seven accidents in one day accident investigations han dled by the markham twp po lice dept in a single day broke all existing records between the hours of 855 am and 1115 pm on saturday total dam age resulting from seven sep arate collisions amounted to more than 6000 altogether twelve vehicles were involved in mishaps ten cars and two trucks hit horse van the first accident occurred at 855 am on cone 5 north of no 7 highway a northbound car driven by henry fehr of toronto crashed into the rear of a horsevan the driver his wife and two girl passengers were admitted to scarboro hos pital one girl suffered a bro ken leg the other was treated for a broken nose the truck was owned bv s c tomlin ltd toronto sgt wm shearn investigated collision at square at 9 am two cars were in volved in a collision on the don mills road near victoria square one auto was driven by francis lyle hess lot 31 cone 5 mark ham the other vehicle was driven by joseph warner of rr 2 stouffville neither dri ver suffered serious injury pc john mccague investigated hits hydro pole at 305 pm constable bill gunn was summoned to another accident on the don mills rd a gravel truck driven by guilio viscardi main st stouftville skidded out of control on icy pavement and snapped oft three guide posts and a hydro pole the driver escaped injury the truck suffered only minor dam age at cedar grove a 1959 hillman car with only 20 miles registering on the speedometer was badly damaged at cedar grove at 410 pm on saturday afternoon pc dukes investigated the vehicle driven by roy chaplow 39 of scar boro went out of control and crashed into a tree it came to an abrupt halt at the edge of a sixty foot embankment the car was purchased on feb 20th and partially wrecked on feb 21st the driver was operating the car with a sixty day permit near byers bridge at 8 pm a threecar pileup occurred at byers bridge on no 48 highway three miles north of markham village the collision was turned over to the vandorf opp detachment ac cording to police one driver was attempting to free a strand ed car from the ditch when an other vehicle crashed into both autos pc don dukes and pc allan chadwick were summon ed to the scene the formal in vestigations were conducted by the provincial police extensive damage damage totalling more than 1900 resulted when three cars were involved in an accident on the markhampickering town- line two miles south of stouff ville this collision occurred at 915 pm police chief frank edwards of stouffville and pc allan chadwick of markham twp investigated a car driven by wm e vanstone 23 of be- thesda suffered 1000 damage another vehicle driven by john c williams 22 rr 3 stouff ville was damaged to the extent of 80000 a third car driven by john barclay of claremont suffered 15000 damage g rumney injured geo rumney suffered only cuts and shock when his car crashed into a tree on the don mills road at 1115 pm mr rumney was pinned in the wrec kage but was released by mark- council sets up new tax payments 3 months structure moved ah ratepayers in stouffville will have an opportunity this year to pay their municipal taxes earlier in the year according to a new taxing bylaw passed by council on thursday evening chief change in the new bylaw is earlier payment taxes will now be payable on june 1st and nov 1st previously the dates for payment were september and december the new bylaw provides that on june 1st if the first instalment is not paid within fourteen days the total taxes become due and payable and bear penalties immediately a 2 discount will be allowed on the second in stalment if the total taxes are paid on the first due date june 1st the penalty clause provides that if neither pay ment is paid on the provided due dates a penalty is added of per month following the current year if either payment has not been paid the penalty is one- half of one per cent per month until paid councillor parsons in presenting the bylaw ex plained to council the various clauses the change will bring money into the town coffers earlier and in addi tion will not crowd the payments so close to the end of the year councillor parsons said that the form of the local tax bill would be altered and simplified it would no longer contain coupons as formerly each taxpayer re ceiving a standard receipt form road conditions in spring may present problem here ere ead an engineer representative of the dept of highways has sug gested to the council of whit church township that exten sive breakup in road surfaces may be expected this spring this breakup has already be gun where road surfaces have been bared and pot holes are evident on tarvia tops council meeting on thurs day agreed to adopt march 1st as the date for beginning half load regulations but did not set any date for ending the re strictions road supt davis stated that obtaining sufficient salt for sanding purposes was quite difficult he said that supplies were short and companies were doling out the supply in small lots he advised council that a total of 2000 yards of sand had already been used this year and more would be re quired 21 truck tenders council received eleven ten ders for one truck and ten for another the net price in all cases was quite close but the amount being allowed for the machines being turned in var ied considerably the successful bidder on both machines was slessor motors ltd newmarket the new trucks will be a gmc halfton and gmc 3ton the net price to be paid for the halfton is 189575 with extras the net price for the 3ton machine is 476385 council accepted these tenders subject to the approval of the dept of highways ham twp police and passing motorists his car is a total loss p c don dukes investi gated metro frowns on new subdivision at unionville education week stouffville public school boards will observe education week in ontario with an open night at each school next week the open night at the main st school will be wed nesday march 4th and at the orchard park school the fol lowing night thursday march 5th both evenings will be from 730 to 930 oclock there will be exhibitions of the pupils work and the teachers will be present to explain the course education week is being ob served next week throughout the province of ontario and the public is invited to visit the schools during this period to examine the progress being made by the children mr fred wright who is a resident of fairview lodge whitby marked his 92nd birth day on monday mr wright is a brother of the late mrs thos gostick of stouffville who pass ed away just a few weeks ago two dams are proposed to pro metro conservation propose special levy for flood control here representatives of the metro toronto regional conserva tion authority appeared before stouffville municipal council on thursday evening to present a tenyear hood control pro gram this program is in addi tion to the regular levy for op eration of parks and adminis tration total cost estimated for the extensive program is s35- 000000 the extensive program if agreed to by all the munici palities in the authority would be presented to the federal gov ernment who would contribute substantially to the cost stouffville council was told that they would not be asked to contribute to either the down stream dams and reservoirs or the downstream benefits which are the largest amount of cost tlie 1012 annual payment by stouffville would go towards the acquisition of land and gen eral benefit of flood control structures the village of stouffville ly ing immediately south of the head waters of duffin creek is traversed by a tributary stream which flows into the west branch of the duffin creek the duffin creek has a long history of floods the village of stouffville however lying in the head water region has not been the recipient of flooding of this type as a result the ben efits which will accrue to stouff ville from the measuresplanned for duffin creek are of an in tangible type rather than tan gible the brief on flood con trol and water conservation is a comprehensive plan that would affect the economy of the entire region and benefits would accrue to every member municipality of the authority on this basis the authority proposes to levy all municipali ties according to population measures proposed for duffin creek as it is more practical and economical to acquire flood- plain land than to construct the protective works which would be required no major flood control works are propos ed for duffin creek however vide reservoirs for recreational purposes careful operation of the res ervoirs would provide a mea sure of flood protection audley dam and reservoir the audley reservoir is lo cated on the east branch of duflin creek about three miles north of pickering and about 12 to 15 miles from stouffville forming part of the greenwood conservation area the audley site is already owned by the authority its primary purpose is for recreation but could be used for emergency flow regula tion under extremely dy sum mer conditions the reservoir would cover 82 acres with a capacity of 756 acre feet at a cost of 39300000 green river dam reservoir this site is located on the west branch of duffin creek just north of- the village of green river and about 7 miles south of stouffville the reser voir would have a maximum area of 82 acres with a storage capacity of 986 acre feet rec reation is the reservoirs prim ary purpose but summerflow regulation is a secondary use the estimated cost would bs 58600000 effects on stouffvllle social benefits are provided by the recreational reservoirs creating areas for hiking camp ing nature studies swimming picnicking and winter sports for persons of all ages fishing also would be an available pas time these benefits would be closely available to the people of stouffville in the three areas mentioned as well as on the acquired flood plain lands teletype machine for markham markham twp council has approved the installation of a teletype machine in the police office the teletype will record all metro calls and aid the po lice in tracing stolen cars the rental fee will amount to 6000 a month markham township council expressed disappointment mon day when informed in a written report by planning director r forrest that the metro planning board lias indicated it would strongly oppose any plan to develop the 120 acre sub-divi- sion at unionville on lots with a frontage of 75 feet and con taining 10000 square feet coun cil had earlier agreed to reduc tions in the lot frontages from 100 to 75 feet providing the subdivider supplied storm sew ers gutters and curbs origin ally the subdivider had suggest- ed a plan of open drainage with catch basins but this proved unacceptable to council metro stated that markhams plan if accepted would event ually require a sewage disposal plant mr forrest reported that metro favoured lots one- half acre in size metro will that he was anxious to begin also muiv tno maer oi work as soon as possible pref- sew or the subdivis nv erably in march the new sub inslnictcd the p director division contains 202 acres of to scck mctro approval not land and is subdivided into an o sx deputy- sixty lots the services to be w dean who acted as i installed by the developer in- chairman of meeting in the c jjwjrnn anrearrmnf f roatl sew absence of reeve w l clark iuooivision agreement ers sanitary sfers water tne plannink director and en- township coun- 1 rna hydrants- and street e will meet with council i friday regarding not only the unionville subdivision but also whitchurch cil met with the township plan ning board early this month to lay out the draft for a sub division agreement for the mu nicipality solicitor j d lucas and kngineor jorgenson were both in a tendance asked if it would be possible to accept cash in lieu of the 5 of land for park purposes the solicitor advised that this could not be done unlefs the town ship had an official plan plans for building council has discussed at var- vaughans proposed spring val- dents on the east side of yonge street among other things it will affect three streams flow ing through thornhill and don- caster an application from mr c thompson of langstaff for a secondhand dealers license for his property was held over for further study by council mr thompsons property is 84 feet by 400 feet and he plans to establish a used store for the sale of used car parts council made it clear that the property couldnt be used for a wrecking yard such yards are banned in markham councillor l mum- berson wanted to know the feelings of the residents living cast and south of mr thomp sons property clerk h crisp maintained council couldnt is sue such a license as the area in question is zoned industrial you are asking council to break its own bylaw stated mr crisp markhams police committee councillors mumberson and macneili will shortly confer with their opposite numbers on markham village council re garding a proposal by the vill age force for a telephone com munication system between the two forces under the system any calls not answered by the ious times municipal office accommoda- south of thornhill council has tion and the possible moving received a lengthy brief from of the fire department to a newlvaughan outlining the drainage location the outcome of these in the subdivision which aspect discussions was a resolution on i markham is vitally interested thuray night authorizing the in for some time now mark- property committee to investll ham has maintained such a gate better accommodation for large development will present village calls for eight hours in council and fire truckvo a drainaje problem for its resi- every 24 the need for better ley acres subdivision located three member village force would be handled by the town ship police this could work into a lovely racket for mark ham village remarked coun cillor mumberson he felt the township police could very well find themselves handling the roger stover a member of school has broken the exist- the junior baskctbauam at j rik record formerly 1 r n in rv tn l held by gord hckardt the the stouffvule district high g u student has c0 a total of 104 scoring point with one game left to play the previous record was 91 points

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