ftit 6 the stouffvlui tkihme vanity jaaury 16 1958 the space age is here get rid of old world inessentials miscellaneous pianotuning and all repair guaranteed workmanship tsser or music camp o u royal coajervatory of mtulc eaorches schools etc fre estimates for imormmto and or appolntmenia pteaa phoc collect ambrose kdi ii av 63365 hit canadian cancer society richmond hill dimrict call for information 01ms talks welfare and services call richmond hill tc 41404 thornhlll av 51805 maple av 52008 cnlonrllle 230 markham 82j 87tf stouffvllle 40j8 electrical wiring installation serrlce ft repairs oil bonier service leslie leonard ph 780 stouffvlll 11tf miscellaneous cntd sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hoar service c stuxdem lstf richmond kill ph ttj 41x45 bulldozing and trenching weeping beds nd road building a specialty 16tf bruce timbers phone clnrcmont 83717 rik itrxiodkllina ro-tyl- ib ilr ni alterations vi i iltm 24tf wk lu vfmulm mlllno 10 iji anil haxiklag of meat fur farmer ollolea heal market ra s stouff u cars trucks 19l bu1ck for sale fair con dition reasonable ph stouff vllle s3 i c bunkers sand fir gravel pit at goodwood for cement gravel concrete sand stone all and chvee top soil wo deliver lclx phone 552nl stouffville custom killing clrixg smoking meat for farmers we are prepared to pick up and deliver 33tf schells meat market stouffrllle phone 230 have your interior decorating done now at cheap winter rates painting and paper hanging a specialty caiii r eims gormley 5310 324 electric wiring houses farms and cottage wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toaster irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlemlss 16tl phone 367 stouffville n goldkind son we buy au kinds of poultry 13tf highest prices paid for thro poultry 427 manning ave toronto ph ru 17881 chalk refrigeration king city ont we sell and service all type of commercial pnrin jft domwtle refrigeration air conditioning i1kattvda1ukool bulk muk coolers phone oak ridges exchange prospoct 3550a 52tf 11 dodge 5ton stake for sale hoist in good condition good rubber ph stouffrllle jcs transportation transportation wanted ballantrae area to west tor onto st clalrkeela arrive at 330 pm leave at 1300 midnight phone stouffvllle 29twl help wanted hair dresser wanted in markham duties to commence immediately ph markham 431 ditch lady wanting to visit home would like a reliable woman to take charge of household for two months commencing about feb 25 pb stouffvllle 91114 wanted all the wheat pro ducer in york county to vote for the proposed ontario winter wheat marketing plan on friday january 17th 10 am to 7 pm polling booths at king newmarket button- ville and sutton good opportunity for parts man for car dealership should have working know ledge of ford stockkeeping system write giving details of age and experience to edgevale motors box 501 stouffvllle or phone stouff vllle 215 aurora stouffvllle pa 74162 65130 j e guthrie electrical contractor oil beating specialist vacuum 24 hour cleaning service 23tf quilty heating station road pickering gas oil aircondltionlng unit coal gravity furnaces sheet metal work eavestronghing 43tf 1 year free service parts easy payment plan local agent r a hall telephone stonflvllle 02vrl jseryictpi for prompt and efficient service call stodffvtllb radio television centre main street stouff 124 49tf shoe repair your shoe repair can all be handled at georges shoe repair fall or half sole and all type of repair all kinds zipper work dons all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep yonr shoes in good repair located in the holder block 27tf slain st stouffvllle phone 743j electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service arts tv aerial installation repairs channel 17 a specialty all work guaranteed tf phone av 54374 salesman wanted salesman for new and used cars mercury lincoln met eor franchise demonstrators supplied wage and commis sion for further information phone pa 75827 and ask for mr rankin live stock hoistein heifer for sale due soon pb gormley 5684 for sale 3 vaccinated hol- steln springing heifer close due j barry stouffvllle pb 261 purebred yorkshire gilts and boar for sale large litters sired by boar whose dam is qualified in at t f lxwnde keswick pb 229rl3 queenaville 33tf baby chicks fleming farms limited new modern hatchery at mount albert on highway 48 is now open before buying chicks find out about flemings prov en stralncross white leghorns and our high producing brown egg crosses white rock batching egg flocks wanted phone 364j mount albert or call at hatchery 334 sale register auctioneers a 8 farmer phono gormley 581 1 hellers a atkinson ph ax 84771 stonff 888 for rent furnished room for rent with board for 1 or 2 people pb stouffvllle 112 sixroom house for rent in stouffvllle iae j11000 per month option to buy call mrs e plpher em 31055 6room home for rent with modern conveniences near stouffvllle albert brown ph 762j3 stouffvllle hay st grain baled hay for sale mixed eldred king phone stouff vllle 92808 323 baled clover hay for sale excellent quality warren moyer ph stouffvllle 95303 cob corn for sale good dry quality also 3 varieties of baled hay will deliver ph stouffvllle 94204 322 good mixed hay for sale wire tied will deliver phone after 6 pm peter fintelman gormley 5693 322 good quality mixed clover hay for sale 35c per bale 40 bales per ton must be sold now phone ron ross stouffvllle 217 real estate wanted attention mr m nash pay cash prices for all live poultry ph sto 64j3 9tf highest prices paid for sll kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 741 36tf quantity of nol turnips wanted all slies morley brown ph stouffvllle 176 wanted 5 used pulsators for delaval stirling milker pb claremont 30402 hardwood logs and heavy timber wanted cut or on the stump large or small amounts r forsyth phone stouffvllle 554w6 hid bulldozing and drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van derkooy 49tl phone gormley 5537 e h neville sons yonr admiral dealer main st stonffrflle phone 340 17tf radio radio and television repair i at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape recorders and tapes scarfes 42tf thix paints smith radio- electronic service stouffvllle phone 376wl work wanted spanish electric guitar player desires dance band work modern rock and roll western box 541 uxbrldge 332 work wanted young wo man for general housework by day or week apply box 93 co the tribune stouff- ville estimates wanted on barn renovations close to man chester apply a miliigan box 23 pickering ph pick ering 124 332 ken clarke prentice ph ax 85087 markbam 840 we are always in the mar ket for a limited quantity of good quality table turnips free from watercore worms phone art steckley gormley 5675 31tf wanted to rent about 20 acres of good garden land preferably with a creek would like to rent with option of buying box 90 co the tribune stouffvllle 323 stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tf plant phone 125 office phones 870 a 128 qts floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimates sstf spoffords stouffville phone 18 4flb0p bulldozing specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary art steckley phone gormley 5075 clare preston head operator s2tf phone 05428 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 10tf wm greenbury phone 29v2 stonffvhie farm service dead horses cattle and bogs nothing under too lbs picked up for disposal we buy old horses for slaughter phone collect uxbrldge 541 or woodvliie 32rll ed peconi 14tf bb precast septic tanks approved for yonr area septic installations trenching a ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffvllle 290 15tf cats pabusatbblwin iwrauium xm am orc mtxt oak me tu svmi miscellaneous enfd available fulltime organ- irer for amateur talent shows apply box 94 co tribune stouffville chimney fires cause fire chiefs a headache morticians more business all you get is grief prevent chimney fires by using fire chief chemical cleaner for fal at stouffville coop claremont coop auction sale dates book ed jan 15 18 25 feb 18151922 mar 1-6-8-11-12-15- 22 29 farm sales wed jan 15 sheldon walker sons sharon wed feb 19 john t keeler brougham thurs mar 6 r c baker claremont tues mar 11 w h holies nobleton wed mar 12 rollea scott stouffvllle w d atkinson sale mgr auctioneer saturday jan 18 auction sale of 25 head of good short horn cattle 11 milk cow number of fresh and spring ers bred heifers purebred scotch shorthorn bull 5 york shire brood sows all bred 26 good chunks purebred hog approx 600 lbs team of horses 3500 lbs good to work approx 50 tons of baled hay surge milking machine etc the property of w r stevens lot 16 con 3 whit church twp 2vt miles east 1 yt miles south of aurora or 3 miles north of gormley note this is an exceptionally good herd of cattle cows are real good milking strain a choice lot of pigs sale at 130 pm terms cash reg johnson buckwater auction eer ph sunderland 66rl2 i saturday jan 18 exten sive weekly auction sale at the stouffvllle sales arena the only sale of its kind in the county selling all classes of livestock by weight or by the head we have a good market for good springers fat cows steers veal calves pigs all sises why not give us a trial the farmers mar ket handling fresh meats poultry eggs honey cheese why not buy from the pro ducer rawleigh products new clothing shoes boots rubbers coats dresses plas tics yardage toys etc also the miscellaneous auction out side special feature this week will be the amateur auction eers contest at 1 oclock sharp come and hear the future auctioneers watch for special features next week if you have never attended this sale the management gives you a special invitation to attend and you will be amazed how this sale is grow ing 4 auction rings whether you buy or sell it is an edu cation to attend one of these sales remember the auction eers contest at 1 pm sharp jackson atkinson pollard gafer auctioneers thursday jan 30 auc tion sale of household furni ture at part lot 6 uxbrldge twp at glasgow property be longing to the estate of the late ethel brown at the same time and place there will be offered for sale the property house and barn with i acre lot terms on chattels cash property sold subject to a reserve bid terms on pro perty 10 day of sale bal ance in 30 days a s farm er auctioneer ralph faulk ner clerk wednesday feb 19 dis persal by auction of 35 head registered and high grade holsteins all tb tested dec 1957 vaccinated 3 unit surge milker milk cooler ferguson tractor thresher with shredder nearly new tractor implement rodney garry oats suitable for seed feed grain baled hay wire tied at lot 23 con 6 pick ering township 1 mile west of brougham on no 7 hy and mile north the pro perty of john t keeler farm sold positively no reserve terms cash faulkner and woods clerk sale of cattle 230 sale starts 1230 pm w d atkinson and gordon smlerj sale mgrs and auc tioneer for sale in stouffvllle modern 7room brick house main st west oil heat sew ers garage box 92 co the tribune or phone 133wl for sale 6 roam insul- hrick house and small lot on highway no 4s 4 miles north of markham village at dicksons hill garage hydro water pressure system 3- plece bath upstairs wash room bus line passes door close to school and church immediate possession for particulars call geo hoover ph markham 358r or stouff ville 352w 323 50 acres clay loam brick house hydro hip roofed barn stone foundation j2000 cash balance 5 interest 332 jas ryan broker cannington phone 00 90 acres brick house hydro barn stone foundation on paved road 3200 cash bal ance arranged 332 jas ryan broker cannington phone 09 implements used machinery for sale 1 hammer mill 1 corn planter 1 rotary hoe all in good con dition ph stouffvllle 29912 ford tractor parts sod service delivery new com bine and engine complete guaranteed list 3100 only 1450 cash or term moffat motors mt albert 31010 a 1963 cockshutt 40 trac tor serial no 5142 being the tractor mentioned in a certain chattel mortgage dated the 19th day of march 1967 and filed ax no 11431 will be offered for tale by public auc tion at the stouffville sales arena stouffvllle ontario at 3 pm on saturday january 25th 1958 332 new 1w pricks on spreader chains can now save you up to 25 on replacement chain and flights complete assemblies supplied for all makes on special order expert repair to all farm machines w a jones fir son phone 203w3 322 coming events the regular weekly bingoi under the auspices of branch 459 canadian legion will be held in the legion hall every saturday evening at 8 pm sharp 32tf the second euchre for 1958 will be held in atha school on wed jan 22 at s30 and will he held every other wednesday thereafter prizes refreshments admission 50c everyone wel come progressive euchre sponsored by the goodwood loba will be held in the goodwood town hall on wednesday jan 22nd at 830 pm one game of bingo share the wealth admission 35c lunch and prizes special services are being held in webb school house this week and next conducted by misses white and gantert of the faith mission in canada evening services are held each week- night except saturday at 8 pm there will be a sunday service on jan 19 at 730 pm everyone is welcome for sale one five roomed cement block bungalow builtin cup boards 4piece bath oil heat ing laundry tubs hot water tank full sized basement one seven roomed 2 story brick house 3piece bath new hot water heating large gar age centrally located sale to close estate 1 insul brick bungalow story and a halt builtin cup boards 3piece bath coal fur nace full sized basement for information call ira rusnell baker ave phono 812w thos oakley real estate broker richmond hiu 322 when baying or selling real estate consult ra d rusnel stonffvhie ontario phone stouffville 84sw representing 13tf thomas oakley real estate broker ph richmond ru av 54181 for all your real estate problems consult the dixon hill cemetery co take notice the annual general meeting of the dixon hill cemetery company will be held in the dixon hill church on wednes day jan 22nd 1958 at 230 pm for the purpose of receiving the report of the directors for the year 1957 for the election of a boord of directors for the year 1958 and for any other business that may be brought before the meeting all who are interested are invited to attend roy moyer secretary produce quantity of feed turnip for ale will deliver morley brown ph stouffville 176 8ebago potatoes for salt elmer reesor unionville pb gormley 5591 or gormley 6699 19tf off shaped potatoes for ale 50c per bag or 10 a ton john bosworth ltd cedar valley phone mount albert 21401 11tf spy apples for sale 1st an 2nd grades john grant ani wm ham phone ax 5879 corner of markham rd and steeles ave 334 cobbler potatos for sale grown from certified pei seed suitable either for seed or table use earl dowswell goodwood ph stouff 97106 articles for sale wood for sale 3200 per cord delivered ph claremont 33603 after 6 pm week day anytime on saturday choice young beef for sale by the quarter or aide cut ft wrapped for the freezer s a stouffer phone stouffvllle 94106 314 cedar fence posts for sale all sizes clothes line poles corner posts etc cedar shrubs contact art rundal ph stouffvllle 90wl 33tf norge electric range for sale apartment size al con dition also mcclary coal and wood range ph stouffvllle 76w3 baled hay for nale good qual ity also good dry straw 40c a hale at barn free delivery on load lots 4burner electric stove with side oven good enamel 3500 a e fretz phone markham 561j3 appliance tradeins one 4burner range with oven good condition only 3900 two rangettes 2burner with oven 1500 each hendricks hardware stouffvillo automatic washer bargain brand new westlnghouse auto matic washer regular 345 we can offer this popular unit for only 17500 hendricks hardware stouffvillo cards of thanks i wish to thank sll my rela tives and friend for the lovely cards fruit flowers etc sent to me during my recent illness also the kind inquiries they were deeply appreciated ira burkholder markhams oldest skate exchange we now buy direct from the manufacturer enabling us to sell cheaper and make bigger allowances on tradeins new figure hockey and speeders in stock we buy sell and trade in used skates our used skates are cleaned sharpened with new pair laces lavttons shoes repairs markham 21tt in memoriam we would like td take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness the flowers and condolences received during the passing of mrs john sweeney husband and family town aho couhtsy shcmusts residential land easiness commercial 43tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services phone office 100 res 201 817 mortgage funds available 1st and 2nds bought sold and arranged 6tf dont wait until its too late phone ax 35481 buying selling rural urban property contact 51 3 harlock manilla 21rl3 or harry jekmyn whitby mo 83322 j a vondette real estate forrest and agnes johnston wish to thank the neighbors and friends who helped with the work when he was sick and those who sent cards and the goodwood wa for the christ mas box we wish you all a happy and prosperous new year in the midst of my great sor row i wish to thank my friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness sympathy and floral tributes extended to me during the loss of my beloved mother also a special thanks to those who were so kind and helpful during my illness doris dolphin graham in loving memory of my sister margaret gra ham who passed away jan 19 1962 upright and just in all her ways loyal and true through all her days silently suffered patiently bore god took her home to suffer no more lovingly remembered by mary cowle lapell in loving memory of my dearly beloved husband john lapell who passed away january 18th 1967 just beyond the sunset is that dear husband of mine he has gone to hi home in heaven where the sun shines all the time i cannot touch your hand dear i cannot see your smile but i know that you are waiting and watching all the while lovingly remembered and sadly missed wife olive i would like to thank the many relatives friends neigh bors goodwood united church the wa and the baptist church friends for the many lovely cards letters flowers kind in quiries and prayers while in the hospital and since coming home a special thank you to gertrude morgason mr robt hope 104 dondas st w whitby 4tf when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 244 31u mrs lyda sproule of the maple glen old age home in gormley wishes to thank all her dear relatives and her many friends around the vicinity who so very kindly sent her so many gifts cards and letters their christmas calls were so very en joyable mrs newman gave us all a lovely turkey dinner be sides other gifts i appreciate this greatly lapell in loving memory of my dearly beloved father john lapell who passed away january 18th 1957 as i look up to the sky to sec the stars that shine the one that shines more bright ly is that dear dad ofmine he always used to tell me one day wed have to part i didnt know the sorrow it would leave within my heart lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter gloria and soninlaw robert high land prices curtail extension of vivian forest reforestation supervisor s r hamilton of the maple district office of the dept of lands and forests addressed the final session of york county council following the presentation ot the reforestation committee re port by chairman longford pegg mr hamilton recently re placed jack slmmonds who retired another newcomer to the maple office is douglas drys- dale who replaced robert bur- ger mr drysd was zone ior ester for york ontario and peel counties mr burger has been transferred to the department forest tree nursery at ford wu- 11am no additional purchases of land have been made to vivian forest york county refores tation project the committee reported the curtailment of land purchases is due to the high price of land the total area of vivian for est is approximately 3500 acres of this 2700 acres are planted with trees and the remainder is natural woodland forest sales since the last report to york county council in may 1957 the 300 cords of pulpwood which had been cut last winter were shipped to the ontario paper co thorold approximately 450 bain poles were trucked to trenton several truck loads of form lumber have been sold to sib- balds point provincial park future orders are anticipated from this source there were 4000 christmas trees sold from vivian forest prices per tree cut and piled at the roadside ranged from 143 to s1s8 projects a new road has been con structed recently in the west block of vivian forest it pro vides access for loaded tractor trailer trucks a small pond has been created in the north block it will provide fire protection the winter program of cut ting 250 cords of pulpwood and more barn poles has been start ed five men are engaged with this work from the natural woodland woodlot improvement projects are being carried out which produce fuel wood from the thinnings forest tours- each year several tours take place in vivian forest two re cent ones were made one was by the canadian institute of forestry and the other was by forestry students at the univer sity of toronto the annual tour of vivian forest is made by county coun cillors in june in addition to the large org anized tours frequent requests are received for conducted vis its by smaller groups of inter ested persons the committee reported that vivian forest offi cials welcome the opportunity to show people what is being done for conservation in york county cooperation in this work is received from the prov ince and the county county councillors were ask ed to notify the reforestation committee if they knew of any suitable land in the area that mightbe purchased reasonably when land becomes available the vivian forest will be ex tended spruce and balsam account for 84 percent of the wood used by the canadian pulp and paper mills we wish to thank all the wonderful folks at ballantrae for their gifts letters and cards at christmas there are no words to express our apprecia tion to mr and mrs alf yates who for many years have visited us on christmas day we say stafford in loving mem ory of clarence stafford who passed away jan 22 1957 loving and kind in all bis ways upright and just to the end of his days sincere and kind in heart and mind what a beautiful memory he left hehlnd always remembered by mervyn grace paul and sherrlll forestry terms the stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles ror sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cain rat 2c per word with a minimum of 50c must be paid week of insertion if charged an additional 25c will be added a charge of 35c will be mad for all replies directed to this office the canadian forestry asso- a special thanks for your photo- elation points out that the corn- graphs for it was as though you mon use of the terms soft- were both with us on christmas wood and hardwood is often day thanks also to ml king conifers or cone- for your lovely rift andwe rio- 1 hope you are feeling better may i faring itees should be used i we sincerely wish you all the ln p t softwoods decid- very bst wishes for 1s5s j nous or annual leafshedding jack mickey gerry trees is the more accurate term caylc k robert palron for hardwoods box 11s5 poaoka alberta i notices coming events cards of thanks 2c a word with a minimum of 75c births engagements marriages 75c pr insertion in memoriams 75e minimum for 4line verse plus 25c for each additional un verse display classifieds 1 00 per inch with a minimum of on inch addluenal inser tion at the same rates all classified ada must be to thlj office not later than 12 oclock noon wednesday send ch sumps or money orders and sav money clip this out for rarenc-