ct fouffrthe ftrftntnt vol 68 no 33 tbk tribune stouffvuxe ont thursday january 16 195s fourteen pages tentative approval given for new school here in 58 stouffville municipal council 1958 stouffville municipal coun- cil held its inaugural meeting on monday afternoon pastor rev j d tiller of the angli can church officiated seated around the table are the fol lowing members of council burk reeve elmer daniels left to right clerk ralph councillors garland lehman corner dep reeve m b r f fair and k n wagg pickering to charge markham 1200 for use of township dump pickering township council should be set meeting in special session on desires increase monday evening agreed to mr arthur carlton dump charge the village of markham maintenance man requested a 1200 per year for the use of their fifth concession dump keeve j v fry and dep reeve chas reesor of markham vill age were in attendance reeve fry explained to coun cil that the village garbage was presently being taken to a dump near ballantrae he explained that this location was to be closed on feb 1st he said that the collection amounted to ap proximately 10 loads per week a privately owned truck is used he stated that he wished pickering to set the rate reeve fry said that although the vil lage was continually growing he doubted if the garbage would reach an excess of 10 loads per week during this year mark ham villages population is 3500 dep reeve sherman scott pointed out that the garbage collection in markham village was almost equal to that of pickering reeve lawson noted that the cost of operation of the garbage dump in 58 would be approximately 2200 councillor robt stewart con tended that even on a 5050 split in costs he doubted if the town ship would break even picker ing employs a full time mainte nance man at the dump both road engineer mr godson and mr arthur carlton the dump caretaker agreed that there was unlimited space in the pit mr godson said additional space could be made through removal of gravel both dep reeve scott and councillor mrs jean mcpher- son agreed that a charge of 10000 per month should be made if was agreed by council that a rate of 1200 per year month 1000 per week increase in sal ary his present wage is 10000 per month he has worked for the township for 2 years appoint committees the new appointments were made to the pickering twp- recreation committee they are as follows mrs wm gliddon claremont mr donald beer brougham mrs livingstone pickering beach mr jack pat terson fairport beach and mr ed orchard east woodlands councillors edgar james and robt stewart will represent council on the committee appointments were made to the game preserve committee they are messrs kenneth reesor lewis jones lome jones wm newman howard plaxton clare balsdon wm newman s s pugh and ross hawthorn members on the pickering twp planning board are messrs geo todd wells rit chie jack mansell h j clarke w g newman j s scott w g lawson david lennox and a e calvert due to ill health mr calvert has requested to be replaced a new member will be named at a later date councillor mrs jean mc- pherson will be councils rep resentative on the south ontario county health unit resigns mr wm ellicott township weed inspector requested to be replaced for the coming year his salary was 100 per hour plus mileage he asked for an increase in salary for his duties as caretaker of the municipal building and community hall his present salary is 10800 per unionville street widening still under discussion trustees of the unionville police village appeared before markham township council on monday night for further con sultation regarding the widen ing and repaying of the main street late in the year 1957 the en january gigantic sale month in stouffville this issue of the tribune contains opportunities galore for the careful buyer stouffville merchants are going allout this month to clear old stocks and are offering the greatest list of bargain buys ever put to gether in a single issue in many a day spofford co arc offering a host of afterstocktaking bar gains on page 4 with yard goods a feature on page 9 weldons store is blazing with a great dog and cat clearance sale you have to see it to believe it moving over to page 12 is len wilkes offering a store- wide clearance in wearing ap parel with lower than low prices l e oneill furniture is offering customers that once- inayear mattress sale with added features the- great serta line is going at a phenomenal low price with a silver tea serv ice lo each customer read all these great bargain busters in your tribune this mr alvin h blades has been week hundreds of householders appointed assistant agricul wul be flocking into stouffville tural representative for ontario in the next three or four days see that youre here early for count hc sartcd hs duics the best selection the rush n january 2nd fa on j mr blades was born and rais- would improve goodwood park reeve earl dowswell in his remarks at the inaugural meet ing of uxbridge township coun- gineers made a survey of the cil on monday stated that the goodwood park and buildings were showing neglect he said that some action should be tak en to place them in a more ser viceable condition the goodwood association in terested in sports had at one time kept the park in good con dition however it was stated that since the government tax ed any efforts to secure funds they had withdrawn any sup- port belief rising welfare officer isaac cather- wood reported to council for the month of december and it was apparent that uxbridge township like the neighboring municipalities was finding more persons seeking public assist ance some concern was shown concerning a family with six children who had received a bailiffs notice to vacate by jan 18th mr catherwood found his work increasing and council granted him an additional 100 in addition to his regular hourly pay and mileage roads over budget by 3000 road foreman stan slack ad dressed council stating that the budget for 1957 of 31000 would be overspent by some 3000 but it was hoped that the dept of highways would pay a subsidy on the total amount he presented accounts to clear up the 1957 bills of 691891 making the total for last year 3483166 he requested council to bring in a program for 1958 at the next meeting as he wish ed to prepare an estimated total expenditure for the dept of highways for 1958 and it was hoped that the authoriza tion for an increase would be approved necessary workrfvhich was pre sented to council but no further action was taken by the village trustees the delegation was ad vised that it would be necessary for the township engineer to contact the hydro regarding the widening and necessary moving of poles it would be necessary to advertise the move and it would also be necessary to place the expenditure before the mu nicipal board and a possible hearing the delegation consisted of harold dukes chairman e h featherstonhaugh and don al lison the members stated that there was a certain amount of sentiment attached to the big trees on main st by the resi dents reeve clark stated that coun cil could not give any authority until the entire project includ ing the debenture issue was ap proved amounting to 65000 and it was hoped the govern ment would provide a subsidy on the entire amount there was some mention in regard to the narrow bridge at the northern limits of the vil lage but reeve clark advised that no plans for the widening of this structure were on the agenda for 1958 complain on slowness of cashel bridge project a delegation of twelve men appeared before council from the cashel area 6th con mr roxborough acted as spokes man and drew attention to the fact that the contract for the bridge had been let in august but that the work was not com menced until november he also considered that the con tractor had not made the usual progress in construction with the result that residents in the area were driving many miles daily in the detour to get to work and return he stated that the sideroads in the area were not standing up to the increased traffic and the damage to cars from pot holes was heavy reeve clark replied that the contract was let aj stated but no work could be done until permission had been obtained from the municipal board by the time this was obtained the contractor had commenced work on another project mr jorgenson engineer stat ed it was considered the time of construction would be three months he said that since the bridge was being built to serve the public need for many years it was better to put up with some inconvenience at present in order to obtain a satisfac tory job the deputation left with the assurance that the bridge would be opened not later than march 1st to guarantee deb sale tentative approval has been given by the ontario municipal board for the expenditure of 150000 for the erection of a second public school in stouffville a communication to this effect was placed before the municipal council at their inaugural meeting on monday afternoon tentative approval empowers the school board to proceed to call for tenders for the erection of the school and thus be able to present to the municipal board the actual cost of the school an additional stipulation was added to the tentative approval which is to the effect that in addition to obtain ing a firm contract bid on the work a firm bid must also be submitted for the sale cf the debentures before final approval will be given in connection with the new school council was also advised that the public school board is desirous of a meeting to discuss the matter of sewer service for the school sewers are presently available as far south as clark st council agreed that the matter should be left to the property committee which would look over the site and advise their findings prior to a meeting with the board pay rate up for all markham twp council young canada nightjan23 stouffvilles annual young canada hockey night will be held on thursday evening jan 23rd admission tickets are now on sale three games will feature the evenings hockey entertainment commencing at 645 pm the first contest will match stouit- villes peewee allstars against the bantams second team at 8 pm the bantam allstars will meet either uxbridge or port perry bantams at 9 pm the local midgets will take to the ice in either an exhibition game or an omha playoff con test council ames 58 officers stouffville municipal council meeting for the first time in 1958 on monday afternoon ag reed on the standing commit tees for the year and bybylaw made the various municipal offi cer appointments the standing committees are as follows streets and walks councillors lehman wagg and fair property and police dep utyreeve burk and councillor farr finance bylaws and ad ministration councillors wagg lehman and reeve daniels the first named in each case will be chairman deputyreeve burk was reappointed as stouffvilles representative on the metropoli- the high schools senior bas- 1 tan conservation authority and ketball team has dropped out of district competition according to a recent rerjorta number of players found it difficult to mix studies with extracurricular activities death- watson at the sick child rens hospital jan 13th don aid mark 11 months beloved son of dr and mrs p m wat son barrie and grandson of mr and mrs lambert stouffer richmond hill midgets hand ed stouffville a 61 setback here on monday night in a north york contest sun school convention here today the annual markham town ship sunday school convention is being held in the united mis sionary church and the stouff ville christian memorial chu rch today thursday president lome wideman will be conduct ing the various sessions the morning will include ap pointment of committees and secretarys report there will be a childrens service at 115 in the christian church conducted by miss dickson riley the evening session will be highlighted by an address from rev t w hazelwood pastor of st pauls united church ave nue rd toronto the theme of this years con vention is a thriving sunday school makes a thriving chu rch henry ogden was reappointed to the planning board for a pe riod of three years y- a resolution tentatively re appointed wm malloy as fire chief at a salary of 150 walter smith as deputy chief at a sal ary of 50 and fred castle care taker at a salary of 100 the annual appointment by law named geo foord to the library board for a period of three years elgin wagg as weed inspector and henry og den as building inspector the members of the community centre board will be council lors ken wagg and gar leh man ted cadieux mrs bert tait mrs les wilson ken laushway and miss jean piph- er a bylaw was given the requir ed three readings and passed by markham township council oh monday which gave pay in creases to all members of coun cil including the reeve the in creases were the recommenda tion of the finance committee reeve clark will receive a salary of 2000 plus travelling expenses to and from the meet ings he is required to attend this remuneration is to be paid in monthly amounts councillors will now receive 10 per meeting as against the present 7 and this is to in clude all committee meetings that are called by the chairman of the committee also mileage of 10c per mile reeve clark stated that while he would state that the reeve of vaughan twp was receiving 3000 per year and markham village reeve 1500 he said that the new rates were deserv ing and according to the muni cipal act could have been set at 1600 to meet on markham hs problem at the suggestion of council reeve clark will arrange a meeting with markham village council in order to settle the dispute in connection with the amount of levy payable fori markham district high school deputyreeve suggested that the reeve might brief the new members of council on the pre vious discussions in order that they might be conversant wits he did not ask for any increase the present situation a g thompson returned as high school chairman mr a g thompson was re elected chairman of the stouff ville district high school board when this body convened for their inaugural meeting on wed- children on the first bus out at night after some discussion the matter wasleft to the transport tation committee for a later re nesday night mr a h wili port liams was elected vice chairman i other members of the board are i n r mrs june button represental rccvt danitlj tive of the stouffville public school board albert king rep resentative for markham town ship and merlyn baker repre sentative for whitchurch twp mr thompson and mr williams represent the village of stouff ville and county of york re spectively the 1958 committees as set up by the board are as follows property mr king and mrs button transportation mr ba- kerapdmr king management mrs button and mr williams finance mr williams and mr baker rctition received a petition was received from a group of lemonville rate payers numbering seven fam ilies who desired a change in the high school bus route it was stated that the children from these homes are the first on the bus early in the morning and the last to be delivered home at night however it was stated that none were being required to valk more than pre scribed distance and that one alteration had already been to speak at new g building opening york countys new adminis tration building at newmarket will be officially opened this wednesday by warden w j taylor prayers of dedication will be offered by rev james oneil of richmond hill and rev capt perdue chaplain of queens york rangers speak ers will include in addition to warden taylor reeve daniels of stouffville chairman of the property committee former wardens j w rye r e cor ner marshall mcmurchy li col j a mcginnis of queens york rangers n w long of the toronto and york- roads commission grant crawford deputy minister of municipal affairs and major a a mac- kenzie mpp guest soloist will be mrs c l knappett of richmond hill patrick motors have made generous donation to the cllp per hockey club for the pur- made in the route to place these chase of new uniforms goodwood drainage to be completed soon ed on a farm at chaswood nova scotia he is a graduate of the nova scotia agric college at truro and a bsc graduate 1956 of macdonald quebec his work in ontario county will be very largely with the junior farmers and 4h club members the conservation authority advised uxbridge township council monday that the water drainage project for goodwood would be completed by jan 31 however it was later suggested that the date would be nearer the end of february as the pump for the station had not arrived council will have to arrange for the local supervision of the pump and will decide whether such expenditure is a charge on the general area or on that of the area having the benefit however it was expected that all would be in readiness to eliminate the annual spring flooding in 1958 up assessors salary the township assessor fred w clubine will receive a sal ary increase this year of 500 bringing his pay to 1500 driv ing expense remuneration was raised from 200 to s300 mr clubine stated that he was re quired to travel 4000 miles in 1957 in the performance of his duties he suggested that coun cil adopt the rate suggested by the county assessor of 1 of the total assessment roll this would have brought his salary to 2100 reeve dowswell stated that he did not favor a system where by an increased assessment meant increased revenue to the assessor mr clubine accepted the new rates as put forward by council need deeds council passed a resolution authorizing building inspector harvey bunker to demand a deed of property before issu ing a building permit it appear ed that in some cases land was being used that did not bear a registered deed and some confusion could result if these parties wished to sell their houses five generations mrs asa sider main otreet stouffville will celebrate her 9lth birthday on saturday feb 1st last week members of the family comprising five generations gathered together for a group photo front row left to right is mrs asa slder of stouffville a great-great- grandson scott mallory two mos a daughter mrs jesse dcwsbury of richmond hill rear row mrs foss mal- lory a great granddaughtcr- of aurora and mrs sheldon- walker a granddaughter of sharon