auction sale yorkshire jigs farm implements flrmtlee etc ox mt 7 concession s makkham township jam north of maswyharris farm the property of w j spears friday oct 11 machinery etc mccormick derin 10x20 trac tor oa rubber this tractor is ood 3furrosced ace bottom mccor- mlckierirz tractor pio set blsse tandem disc har rows ihc 13dlsc fertilizer i grain drill mh manure spreader set 3section dras harrows set 4section dras harrows mh cora cultivator eteel land roller deering mower 3 ft cut walking pow cood farm wagon gear rubber tired set bob sleighs good flat hay rack cement mixer band or power eelava milker 2 single units complete with piping electric motor vessel grain grinder set weigh scales loo lbs horseford draw rope hay irk slings etc tod rolls farm fence fanning mill number of grain sacks 3way well pump 60gal gasoline tank with pump number of steel fence posts number of cedar fence posts number of round silo rods number of sio planks quantity of 2nd hand lumber number of cement blocks wheelbarrow jamesway poultry feeder or hopper mh cream separator australian genuine pigskin rid ing saddle with bridle number of other useful articles pigs yorkshire white brood so bred aug 2sth yorkshire white brood sow bred aug 39th yorkshire white brood sow bred sept tth yorkshire white brood sow bred above mentioned sows are all home bred and carrying 2nd litter 9 good white chunk weigh approx 100 lbs 4 rolls new low farm wire fence above mentioned pigs etc are the property of mr jas mul- rooney who is quitting furnitcre stee framed lawn swing number of odd chairs favorite electric washing ma chine set of babcot milk testers with bottles real good gurney white enamel kitchen range coal or wood fall leaf table kitchen cupboard wash stand 3 steamer trunks leather suitcase 4 lawn bowling balls number of other articles sale at 130 pm sharp terms cai no reserve farm sola ken clarke prentice auctioneers- auction sale farm implements live stock ietumtlke ford tractor and equipment holsiein cftttle and heifers ox lot 22 concession s xokth vqrk towxsiup east of yongo st 875 cummer avenue the propertv of walter richardson saturday oct 12 cattle 1 holstein cow due nov 22 i baek o v ir j 3 black cow due mar 21 4 4 holstein yearling heifers 5 3 holstein calves poultry 20 hens chicken brooder and egg grad ing utensils machinery ford ferguson tractor with side mounted mower attached ford ferguson tractor 1350 austin car for parts 2furrow ford plow ford snow plow hydraulic at tachment manure spreader 3ection harrows hav rake rubber tired wagon 2 i hp- iocycle electric motors potato plow grindstone large quantity of scrap iron 100 feet of 1 rope garden seeder slush scraper quantity of timber electric fencer crosscut saw quantity of bags no of othr useful articles furniture 40inch moffat electric stove wood cook stove- dining room suite s treadle sewing machine kitchen cabinet wooden kitchen set 2 iron bet washing machine small table quantity of other miscellaneous articles terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers auction sale f irxiiure electric stove refrigerator electric washing machine studio couch dishes antique articles etc property belonging to the estate of the late mrs esther grove at lot 15 concession 8 makkham township tuesday oct 8 electric frigidaire delicious fruit serve often sprat brand sstd halves peaches 15 oz tin nippy tangy richmello canadian coloured by the piece old cheese serve chilled serve often i clarks fancy tomato juice ixgersol cheese spread freshly ground richmello c0ffe ready for sandwiches richmello interleaved cheese slices cut bread costs carry it home a richmello white sliced bread 48 oz tin 16 oz jar lb pkg 8 oz pkg 24 oz loaf 31 59c 83 29c 17c qolden promise dbnnerware adequate supplies of golden promise dinnerware now available set of four pieces for only 99c all merchandise sold at your dominion store is guaranteed to give 100 satisfaction prices eflfcctivo thursday friday and saturday october i i at dominion stores ltd stouflvlllo ont suctrle i2rr stor happy thought cook store kitchen cabinet large findlay condore ge portable mixer i standard sewing machine acme round heater studio couch like new large glass cupboard 2 rocking chairs i electric washing machine i antique rocking chair s dining room chairs 3 large dining room chairs high chair antique cup and saucer large large extension table number of toilet sets walnut antique mirror antique parlor lamp office swivel chair quebec heater book case writing desk iron kettle 2 square tables and stand occasional chair 2 jardiniere stands antique walnut couch electric range and coal annex gurney wah stand bedstead dresser wardrobe chest of drawers wash stand steel bed springs mattress feather tick clothes hamper antique chair clothes horse large antique chest of drawers dresser and wash stand bed springs and mattress large cedar chest antique wicker chest small trunk oil stove small stool small stand number of oil lamps antique bake tray walnut drop leaf table ordinary dron leaf table antique wooden tub antique apple peeler antique churn no of fruit jar crocks no of antique flat irons 2 lawn mowers electric clock eight day clock number of mirrors 2 large benches quantity of cooking utensils quantity of good china quantity of good bedding number of pillow cushions antique arm chair oak stand no of rugs antique knives and forks electric toaster large stool many other articles too numer ous to mention sale at 1s0 pm terms cash no reserve alvin s farmer auctioneer medical coop patrons eligible i for govt plan we have been assured that those ho are members of co- j op medical services will be elig- ibe for the governmet hospit- j goodwood mrs k may al plan as soon s it is available the stourrvole twwne thorny october 3 1957 pioe 7 better quality potatoes through better storage to payroll groups stated mr j paul meehan manager field- man for the provincial coop medical services federation he was speaking at the annual mee ting of ontario county coop medical services held recently in uxbridge mr meehan also told the well- j attended meeting that they could not afford to ignore the opportunity to take the hospital j plan subsidized by the federal and provincial governments even though indications are that the premium paid direct will be more than members of the coi op medical services are paying now the increase in age expect- j ancy poses a problem contin ued the speaker to quote an j international authority at vhej recent conference on ageing i held in toronto it will not be long until we live to 110 mosti causes of death are manmade mrs hurst of oshawa is vis- f iting her brother mr isaac fos- ket and their sister who is visit- ing from england mr george jones visited with mr and mrs les wideman on every fall in ontario large should be applied on a sunny friday quantities of potatoes are placed day with a minimum of wind a serious accident tookptace in various types of storage to and with rain rot expected for at the art parratt farm on i supply consumer demands until 24 hours careful spraying is wednesday when little xancy a new crop is available the fol- essential to ensure complete lowing year in many instances coverage and conventional po- poor storage facilities and im- sato spraying equipment has proper storage procedures re- proven satisfactory for apply- suit in potatoes being marketed ing mil amine that suffer from mechanical j in view of the present avail- damage undesirable chemical ability of ml amine for inhibit- change sprouting and shrivel- j ing sprouting the following pro- ling such lowquality potatoes gram is recommended by prof are harmful to the potato indus- j franklin for harvesting stor- try and create many problems i ing and marketing high quality for government inspectors mar- potatoes for culinary and manu- keting agencies processing facturing purposes plants and consumers 1- the program for high-qual- there is no simple solution to fzz sris arts tv aerial installation repairs channel 17 a specialty all work guaranteed tf phone av 54374 in memoriam byer in loving memory of my dear husband d f byer who passed away suddenly oct 3 1951 when all is still and silent and sleep forsakes my eyes my thoughts are in the silent grave where my dear husband lies sadly missed wife martha daughter agnes and sister hannah klinck in loving memory of my husband harry kllnck who passed away october 2nd 1956 wonderful memories are cherished forever ruby for example we eat too much onehalf to keep us alive and onehalf to keep the doctors alivel the medical coop meeting was chaired by mr john a ball president reports indicate a good increase in membership i during the year fiftythree per- 1 cent are covered by the coop surgical plan and all have the protection of the catastrophe supplement twentyseven members who had excessive costs of illness during the year received cheques totalling s3068 from the 195657 catastrophe fund most of these members were present to re ceive their cheques in person the members voted to in crease the catastrophe supple ment fee from 200 per family to 400 per year this increase should assure that after pay ment under hie hospital and surgical contracts the catas trophe fund will take care of j the excessive crippling costs of illness special nurses are often a big factor in a catastrophe claim these charges may be in cluded as well as the cost of the doctors and the hospital char ges which are often only one- third of the total cost of an ill ness the ontario county coop medical services will continue to increase their business in the surgical and catastrophic fields after the government hospital plan comes into operation mr alex johns of manchester and mr russell batten of ash- burn were elected to succeed di rectors ryerson beare and wal ter kerr mr wallace maclean of udney and air clarence hal- lett of whitby were reelected to the board for a three year term the officers for the coming year are mr john a ball pres ident mrs walter carruthers vicepresident and mrs irven mclean secretarytreasurer redshaw in loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother mrs george redshaw who passed away oct 4 1956 mother you are not forgotten though on earth you are no more still in memory you are with us as you always were before alvin fern and family schell in loving memory of priscilla schell who passed away oct 5 1947 sweet memories will linger for- ever time cannot change them its true tears that may come cannot sever our loving remembrance of you the family vanzant in loving memory of our mother catherine vanzant who passed away oct 5th 1955 a page in the book of memory silently turns today lovingly remembered by the family wilson in loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother elizabeth jane symes wife of andrew wilson who died on october stb 1956 a year has passed since that sad day when one we loved was called away god took her home it was his will within our hearts she llveth still sadly missed by morley and bertha margaret and martin garry and grace rust no problem if barberry eliminated stem rust of grain and leaf rust of oats which cause so much damage to crops would cease to be a problem if the common barberry and europ ean buckthorn were completely destroyed says the field crops branch of the ontario depart ment of agriculture a rust spore overwintering on rass straw or other refuse can produce only one infection on grain the following year un less a host plant is present in that event when the spores op en up in the spring they are de posited on the new leaves of bar berry or buckthorn plants where they are multiplied a millionfold and wind borne to fields of grain this red rust when once estab lished will go on to infect other fields of grainat great distances from the original infestation common barberry and europ ean buckthorn have both been added to the list of noxious weeds under the ontario weed act and must be eradicated the ontario department of agricul ture has a policy of financial aid to assist all counties undertak ing a clean up program bolivias seat of government la paz is the worlds highest capital the city is situated in a sheltered valley at 11900 feet its ski run starts down from a height of more than three miles who will be three on oct 13th ran out in front of the corn binder to catch a ride on the tractor both legs are cut badly and she is suffering from loss of blood and shock our prayers are that her leg may be saved and she soon recovers miss doris woodland enter tained the members of her sun day school class at a birthday party for irene scott on satur day mr and mrs john may enter tained some members and fam ilies of the donlands church choir at a hay ride and corn roast on friday evening mrs mae swem from los an geles called on her cousin mrs gladys norton on monday the wa of the united chu rch are holding their meeting at the home of mrs herb wagg on thursday afternoon with ladies of fifth line as guests the bypu had a hay ride at the bert may home on fri day all report a good time enjoyed devotions and the soup and sandwiches for lunch mr and mrs john may and michael spent the weekend with her brother and family at grav- enhurst little patty returned home after spending a few days with her uncle silo filling and digging pota toes is the order of the day beautiful sunny days and frosty nights make it like fall last thursdays frost took the vines and a lot of the flowers the goodwood friendship group met for the first meeting of the fall term at the home of harry and marjorie woodland on sept 24th with an attend ance of over thirty president harry woodland opened the meeting and conducted the busi ness it was decided to give a donation to the work done by mr and mrs rae of stouffville gladys slack led some choruses reuben and kathleen may took charge of the devolions and dorothy bennett and olla for- sythe provided an interesting fellowship hour a delicious lunch was served by our hostess and her helper mary hockley the overall problem of storing this means that proper atten- and marketing high quality po- tion shoul1 given to factors tatoes states prof e w frank- s as sj 5 cultural me- lin department of horticulture fertility and spraying or oac but a simple and re dusting for insects and dseases lively inexpensive method is 2 at the correct time before now available not only for pre harvest apply mil amine to that venting the undesirable effects p of cr t0 store of sprouting but also for im i for marketing after january 1 proving the oualitv of stored 3 lf necessary use vinekill potatoes by using higher stor- n bcfore harvest take all precautions to ensure that the tubers are handled as age temperatures the food and drug division of the department of health and welfare has granted per mission in canada for the use of malelc hydrazide known in the trade as mh amine as a sprout inhibitor for potatoes treating potatoes to prevent sprouting has many advantages it will eliminate the directly undesir able effects of sprouting such as loss of dry matter increased shrinkage and the labour in volved in removing sprouts carefully as possible during har vesting operations and when fill- in the storage 4 after filling the storage give the rubers a twoweek cur ing treatment at go to 65 deg f and high humidity this will hasten wound healing and thick ening of the corky periderm which in turn will prevent many rots and reduce the moisture loss 5 following the curing treat ment reduce the storage tern- the english mastiff is believ ed to be a direct descendant of an ancient asian dog often de picted on greek assyrian bab ylonian and egyptian artifacts some relics show the mastiff was flourishing as early as 3000 bc but of greater importance is perature to 50 deg f and main- the fact that treated potatoes j tain it at this level together with i can be stored during the sprout- a relative humidity of about 90 ing period at 50 degrees f ra- percent for the duration of the ther than the 38 to 40 degrees storage period normally required to stop sprou- 1 6 market the potatoes that ting a 50 deg storage temper- 1 have not been treated with mh ature will result in much better j amine before sprouting becomes quality potatoes for food pur- i a problem poses than the 38 to 40 degree temperatures mh amine is applied as a spray to the foliage after the tubers have formed but before the tops die or are killed the correct time of application has been described variously as 2 to 6 weeks before harvest 3 weeks after full bloom one week after blossom drop or 2 weeks before top kill earlier appli cations tend to reduce yields and injure the plants suggested strength of the so lution is 6i pints of mh amine in 100 imperial gallons of water per acre such an application will provide satisfactory sprout inhibition for 8 to 12 months when the tubers are stored at 50 to 55 degrees f for good re sults the mh amine treatment v why do it the hard way i w irs so easy to sell with an ad in this newspaper anbi j youll reach more people s invitations s announcements informals accessories fdwmmumiib iet us assist you with your wedding puns come in and ask for your free bridal gift register the stouffville tribune gardeners to the of unionville nurseries limited new free gifts hundreds of useful gardening supplies jast as long as they free draw 1 first prize 18 toro whirlwind power mower 2 handy 2vi gal sprayer 3 fertilizer distributor grass seed and fertilizers many other valuable prizes come and see 20000 sq ft of garden wonderland magnificent show of plants and flowers free movies on gardening friday evening 700 pir friday evening october 4fh saturday october 5th all day i