Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 3, 1957, p. 6

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psoe 6 the stouffyiue tjuiune thmiti october 3 1957 a large return for a small investment thats the classified adv story miscellaneous pianotuning and a repairs guaranteed workmanship tuner for jlusic cam of the royal conservatory of music churches schools etc free estimates for information and or appointments please phone collect ambrose engii av 53365 45tf canadian cancer society richmond hill district cnlt for information films talks welfare and services call richmond hill tv 41 10 thornhlll av 61305 maple av 52008 unlonville 239 markham k2j 17tf stouffville 49j3 well drilling pump installed fast service frank gerkits aurora kh2 3tf phone plrkvlew 75273 ready mixed concrete for footings floors patios etc gormley headymixed concrete limited phone gormley 5001 stouffville 320 8tf trenching septic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds back-fill- ing and grading 50tf arnold hrillixger stouffville box 95 ontario phone 211 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 21 hour service c stunden lstf richmond hill ph to 41245 bulldozing and trenching weeping beds and road building a specialty 46tf bruce timbers phone clarcmont 33717 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k n middlcnuss 16tf phone 367 stouffville d booth and n goldkind son we buy am kinds op poultry 13tf highest prices paid for live poultry 427 manning ave toronto phone wa 25260 or call booths ph 123 stouff or 80tvl for prompt and cfllcicnt service call stouffville radio television centre main street stouff js4 49tf shoe repair your shoo repairs can all bs handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all typos of repair ah kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located in the holden riock 27lf main st stouffville phone 743j electrical equipment tv a radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service miscellaneous cnldl cars trucks we do custom killing also 1950 pontiac s sedan for curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 35 stouff 49tf c bunkers sand gravel pit at goodwood for cement grave concrete sand stone fill and choice top soil we deliver 16tf rhone 552wl stouffville prevent chimney fires use fire chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sale at 2 8tf stouffville claremont farmers coop chalk refrigeration king city ont we sell and service all types of commercial farm domestic refrigeration air conditioning beattv dar1kool bulk milk coolers phone oak ridges exchange pkospect 35502 52tf aurora pa 74162 stouffville 65130 j e guthrie electrical contractor oil heating specialist vacuum 24 hour cleaning service 23tf roofing b v geromette roofing siding general repairs flat roofing a specialty time payments at no extra charge 49tf phone toronto pl- 72100 or stouff 90j2 quilty heating station road pickering gas oil airconditioning units coal gravity furnaces sheet metal work kavcstroughing 43tf 1 year free service parts easy payment plan local agent r a hall telephone stouffville 02wl septic tank installations precast or poured septic tanks complete installations only at new reasonable rates all work manship guaranteed call 47tf murray raker newmarket twining 54151 bulldozing and drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van dcrkooy 49tf phone gormley 5537 radio radio and television repairs at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape recorders and tapes scarfes 42tf thix paints smith radio- electronic service stouffville phone 270vl stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tf plant phone 125 office phones 370 120 bulldozing specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary art steckley phone gormley 5075 clare preston head operator 32tf phone 05428 neville sons your admiral dealer main st- stouffrllle phono 310 17tfl precast septic tanks approved for vour area septic installations trenching a ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffville 290 15tf sale private ph stouffville 5sw help wanted articles for sale sump pump for sale miss a duncan ph 3981- new potatoes for sale el mer reesor unouvlhe ph gormley 5591 11tf real estate 3bedroom brick bungalow for sale or rent on the out skirts of stouffville phone stouffville 3s7 housekeeper wanted to look after 2 schoolage children ive in small home phone markham 119w evenings truck driver wanted for coal and oil delivery phone stouffville 277 help wanted to dismantle buildings must be reliable good wages ph gormley 5216 female typist required by township of pickering apply lloyd johnston clerk muni cipal building brougham women make money at home assembling our items no tools sewing or experience necessary lee mfg s507w 3rd los angeles 4s cal 1s2 hay grain for sale quantity of fluid corn and straw stack phone uxbridge 9 5r5 after seven hay for sale suitable for bedding 10 a ton ph ax 35162 for sale 45 rows of field corn also hubbard squash pie pumpkins floyd ratcliff rr4 stouffville ph stouff ville 64s0s custom baling jack pollard phone stouffville 01813 tf implements pulley for ford or ferguson tractor for sale phone stouff ville 472j forage blower for sale used with pipes 7500 stouffville coop ph 121 beatty stanchions water bowls for 20 head of cattle ph gormley 5216 miscellaneous enfd electrical wiring installation service repairs oil burner service leslie leonard ph 7s0 stouffville 12tf nursing richmond hill registered nurse has accommodation for chronic or convalescent pa tients reasonable rates ph turner 41440 or write po box 1512 richmond hill 172 well tile 30 36 immediate delivery 1112 prefab septic tanks lome baker son concrete products xcwmnrltet phone twining 50781 dominion rentalls we have obtained the services of expert mechanics all types of mechanical work on garden equipment motors outboards and chain saws etc all parts carried in stock hid phone ax 30871 for fall a winter season have your storms cleaned and put up by reliable window cleaners windows and floors cleaned apply box 24 co stouffville tribune planning a home alterations kitchens cupboards basements also budget home improvement plan 25 years experience mast van gent at 22093 184 staines rd rri agincourt no 1 table stock sebago potatoes extra good quality ph lloyd grose mt albert 22701 or 358r markham 1si quantity of apples for sale macintosh delicious snows and talman sweets all well sprayed clifford l winger phone 5217 gorm ley 1s2 apples for sale wolf river snows winter mcln tosh and spies fred nighs- wander phone 61920 stouff ville 1s2 standard typewriter for sale underwood fully re conditioned and in use for cash 6000 the stouffville tribune place your order now for your thanksgiving turkey special attractive prices on larger birds satisfaction guar anteed ph c l wideman stouffville 65515 1s2 for sale 2 boys gray flannel suits size 10 good coop space heater large en terprise kitchen range oil burners and grates phone gormley 5294 apples for sale baxter variety fred shadlock ph gormley 5355 173 12 gauge boltaction shotgun in perfect condition for sale cheap ph 19 claremont combination coal and wood annex for sale good condition reasonable ph claremont 11 oil space heater for sale good condition reasonable don shank joseph st mark ham canning tomatoes for sale by the bushel 150 per bus murray dunkeld fh 30306 claremont off shaped potatoes for sale 50c per bag or 10 a ton john bosworth ltd cedar valley phone mount albert 21401 11tf for sale boys hockey skates size 3 girls white figure skates size 13 phone stouffville 387 dry hardwood for sale sawed to any length deliver ed price 900 per ton hugh miller phone 32s02 clare mont 163 used building materials prices reasonable ph gorm ley 5216 boys bicycle for sale good condition h allen stouff ville 61028 used structural steel tor sale 16 ft and 30 ft lengths ph gormley 5216 pears for sale joe herold rr2 stouffville lot 16 con whitchurch 18tf floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimates 3stf spoffords stouffville phone 101 for sale coleman medium size oil burner used two sea sons potatoes by the bag earl dowswell goodwood ph stouffville 67106 172 fresh roasting capons for sale from 6 to 7 lbs or ders taken till wednesday noon delivery friday tom hastings stouff 64901 174 for sale a canvas canopy on aluminum frame fit half- ton truck in good condition arthur boyd phone gormley 565s plate glass for sale 66 x 4s rounded edges flawless suitable for picture window crated art burgin ph 747 stouffville for sale girls red wool winter coat size 12 also a plaid wool jumper size 12 mrs earl doner park drive north stouffville ph 471 w apples for sale baxters blenheims greenings 175 per bus bring your contain ers r c reesor rri pick ering 2 miles west of brock road 4th con 18tf for sale kodak 35 mm camera kit bag and flash at tachment also jigsaw with motor and b d elec tric drill and kit ph stouff apples for sale all var ieties 1st 2nd grades will deliver all bushel orders on thursday mornings john grant jr wm ham ph ax 35s79 184 for sale ladys teal green suit size 14 girls gray winter coat with red velveteen trim size s girls white figure skates guards size 1 all in good condition phone 301 hip roof barn about 36 x 60 unusually good ph 5216 gormley for sale reasonably priced new 6room home scenic loca tion oil heat all conveniences phone uxbridge 373 new bungalow for sale 3 bedrooms living room dining room modern kitchen 4pc tiled bath full basement gar age lot 66 x 165 apply art brown boyer st stouffville new 5roomed bungalow for sale all modern conven iences oak floors oil heating this is a real bargain for a quick sale apply everett jones church street north stouffville mortgage funds available 1st and 2nds bought sold and arranged 6tt dont wait until its too lae phono ax 35431 brick bungalow 3 bedrooms 2000 down full price 10000 south of unlon ville near kennedy rd on large lot with hot water heating fire place and garage any reason able offer or down payment will be considered call maurice farquharson real estate insurance 13tt gormley 5407 av 54242 buying selling rural urban property contact m 1 harlock manilla 21rl3 or harry jermyn whitbv mo 83322 j a vondette real estate 104 dundns st w whitby 4tf when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 214 31tf when buying or selling real estate consult ira d rusnell stouffville ontario phone stouffville 342w representing 13tf thomas oakley real eslnte broker ph richmond hill av 54101 for all your real estate problems consult town and countsv spkiausts residential land business commercial 43tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services phone office 100 res 201j 317 accommodation 2 rooms to rent partly fur nished ph stouff 294j1 for rent 3 rooms to rent upper floor large bright rooms mrs a pattenden vandorf cordwood- for sale good quality dry hardwood split and sawn 1 16 or 2 delivered within 20 road miles of claremont 2100 cod for full cord phone victor symbs 174 claremont 33110 mums now is the time to put new bloom in your flower garden good sized plants in bloom 20 colors to pick from at reduced prices 75c each or 10 plants for s500 come now for your choice cut flowers by the hunch 25c fred griffin main street east end phone stouff 70v4 personal earth mover for rent 1 cu yd capacity hvdraulicallv controlled move dirt dig ponds ditches spread dirt or gravel chas cooper ltd pu 103 or ioi claremont spirella sale of beautiful materials in custom made garments effective until oct 19 look for our unique display at markham fair free figure analysis mrs elva mcconxochie stoultiille mrs i c sinclair markham your figure stylists coming events the regular weekly bingos under the auspices of branch 459 canadian legion will be held in the legion hall every saturday evening at s pm sharp 15tf ioof meeting in the ma sonic hal on monday oct 7th all members urged to be present wanted attention mr m nash pays cash prices for all live poultry ph sto 64j3 9tf highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 741 36tt work wanted typing at home phone 547w2 stouff ville 17tf manure wanted any quan tity gribble bros goodwood ph stouffville 5j1 after 6 pm 182 wanted brooder house size 10x12 in good condition ph stouffville 67s15 used list type well pump wanted must be reasonable phone stouffville 541w3 wanted 3 tons haled wheat or rye straw gribble bros goodwood phone stouffville 556j1 after 6 pm 1s2 farmer with family look ing for a job with free house and everything else found decent wages apply wm lilley co w p sellers rr2 uxbridge ont 172 middle aged widow would like work in or around stouff ville call stouffville 55j3 want winter care for about 15 donkeys also have a few suitable for children which may be had until june 1st in exchange for care for details contact bud smith stouffville 65s12 east side island lake organ wanted small reed type in good condition phone stouffville 67305 or toronto mohawk 8983 work wanted dressmak ing alterations experienced mrs v simpson main st e ph stouffville 79j3 table turnips wanted anyone with turnips to sell please contact us now so we may include you in our buying for this season art steckley ph gormley 5675 or stouff ville 299wl 182 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 10tf wm greenbury phone 20w2 stouffville custom white washing stables and house cellars gary st john phono 01103 164 stouffville ont all models cars a trucks wanted for wrecking highest prices paid used parts tires etc for sale b a a auto parts tu 42230 1 mi north of no 7 highway on 3rd line of markham twp mailing address 17tf b a a auto parts rr2 gormley co m j acreuian farm service dead horses cattle and hogs nothing under 300 lbs picked up for disposal we buy old horses for slaughter phone collect uxbridge 541 or woodville 32rll ed peconi 14tf the stouffville tribune phone 152 sale register auctioneers a s farmer phone gormley 5311 sellers atkinson ph ax 84771 stooff 80s kex a clarke prentice ph ax 83887 markham 840 saturday oct 5 weekly auction sale at the stouffville sales arena on hy no 47 selling all classes of livestock by weight or by the head selling more livestock by weight each weekk why dont you make this your weekly market farmers market which is becoming an important part of the ser vice rendered by the sales arena miscellaneous articles by auction at the rear if you have anything to sell you bring it well sell it why dont you come to the sale- your neighbors do everybody welcome sale starts at 1 pm sellers atkinson pollard gafer auctioneers tuesday oct s auction sale of household furniture electric stove four burner electric frigidaire -efrigera- tor like new electric wash ing machine studio couch number of antique articles in cluding dishes china arid cooking utensils at lot 15 con 8 markham township on mt joy sideroad the estate of the late mrs esther grove no reserve terms cash sale at 130 dst alvin s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 9 auc tion sale of household furnish ings consisting of refrigerator modern style moffat elec tric stove clock timer good kitchen set pearl 3 pc chesterfield extra good comb radio record player limed oak bedroom suite twin hedroom suite walnut cedar chest rca tv rugs bedding dishes also 1954 sedan delivery truck note this furniture is in extra good condition see it before you buy new the property of c dyck on baker ave in stouff ville property sold owner moving to usa no reserve terms cash sale at 130 pm sellers atkinson auc tioneers friday oct 11 auction sale of pure bred yorkshire sows and pigs farm imple ments ihc tractor furniture etc on lot 7 con 5 mark ham twp property of w j spears sale at 130 pm no reserve farm sold terms cash ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday oct 12 auction sale of dairy cattle young cattle ford tractors farm implements household furni ture etc on lot 22 con 2 north york no 875 cummes ave east of newtonbrook property of walter richard son sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve proprietor quitting ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday oct 12 com plete dispersal of the well- known registered and pure bred english yorkshire swine herd of glen robbie farms of claremont the property of r c baker will be auc tioned at the stouffville sales arena at 230 pm consisting of 35 registered and purebred sows registered hog used as herd sire 8 sows with litters balance to farrow oct nov and dec all sows have had one or more litter note mr r c baker is discontinu ing his farming operations and will sell his good line of tractor implements early next spring this is your chance to get some good breeding stock w d atkinson sale mgr auctioneer saturday oct 12 seventh anniversary sale at the stouff ville sales arena on hy no 47 selling springer cows fresh cows stockers veal calves sheep goats horses ponies saddles will have a surprise for you being sold in the auction ring also the miscellaneous sale in the hall at the rear selling boots shoes clothing yardage ma terial of all kinds dont for get the farmers market de partment that is proving so successful ilememher the complete dispersal of the r c baker swine herd will be at this sale this is your chance to get some foundation stock be sure to pay us a visit on our seventh annivers ary everybody welcome sale at 1 pm sellers atkinson pollard gafer auctioneers wednesday oct 23 com plete dispersal of the register ed holstcln dairy herd vac cinated 2 tractors manure spreader side rake cutting box seed drill milker grain haled hay and straw at wil low lane farm located on lot 5 con 10 markham twp li miles south of hy no 7 and 1 mile fast the pro perty of gordon dimma note this is one of the oldest established herds in york county farm sold no reserve faulkner woods clerks terms cash sale at 1 pm w d atkinson sale mgr auctioneer saturday oct 26 import ant auction sale of 3s head of registered accredited jcrey cattle dion threshing ma chine span of horses milking machine and cooler and mixed grain on lot 22 broken front pickering tp on liverpool road south 2 miles wet of pickering village 3 mil south of kingston rd at fe-firr-i- bv property of ft w btlion sae at 2 pm sharp terms cash no live stock fresh cow for sale vaccinat ed m holllnger cherrywood ph markham 30sw3 11 pigs for sale s weeks old jos forsythe balsam phone claremont 31212 3 registered hereford bulls for sale s to 9 mos old earl dowswell goodwood phone stouffville 6710s 171 300 pullets for sale rhode island red and sussex 4 rpos old 175 each a lageer ph mt albert 22520 for sale jersey cow due oct 15th jersey heifer due dae 13th reasonable phon mt albert 22504 s chunks for sale yorkshires applv robert n smith ph stouffville 62105 100 pullets for sale white leghorn laying lloyd push ph claremont 32713 for sale purebred suffolk ram lambs also purebred 2- yearold ram j a campbell rr3 newmarket ph aurora pa 743s4 172 for sale 25 pullets light sussex x barred rock also a gramophone and records r couperthwalte phone stouff ville 62306 cards of thanks i would like to thank the many friends relatives and neighbors for cards visits in quiries flowers and any other kindnesses in any way during my sickness at home and while i was in the hospital it was all greatly appreciated wm j reaman sr gormley ont i wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who made inquiries and personal calls and sent cards and letters while i was in the private patients pavilion toronto gen- oral hospital and since coming home a special thanks to my music pupils for their cards to the evening auxiliary of the united church for the shower of getwell cards and basket of flowers also to the bible class and mrs ross wintersteln and mrs w d atkinson for baskets i of flowers and to the others who brought various gifts while in the hospital and since coming home everything was greatly appreciated myrtle l watson transportation transportation wanted ar riving in toronto 715 leav ing toronto b30 gormley 5358 teacher wants transporta tion from north gormley to beverley acres richmond hill ph gormley 5267 ontario department of higtiwats property sale no 40jj buildings for removal or demolition mistorey frame house 32 x 27 and garage located on west side of high way no 48 about 3j miles north of village of rtngwood at the vandort side road tenders close at 1200 noon est on thursday october it 195t information and tender forma ob tainable from the tenders secrftarv room 1412 east block parliament buildings toronto highest or any tender not necesiar- lly accepted department of highways ontario 181 reserve farm sold ken and clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday oct 30 auc tion sale of holsteln dairy herd consisting of fresh cows calves by side springers vac cinated and tb tested new surge milker 15can milk cooler the property of albert brown at lot 27 con 10 markham twp lva miles south of stouffville note bulk storngc is reason for selling sale at 2 pm terms cash faulkner woods clerks w d atkinson sale mgr and auctioneer thursday oct 31 auc tion sale of holsteln dairy herd 2 tractors 1955 loa pickup with racks like new used only for farm gehl hammermill new power mower tractor spreader case bale elevator new rubber tired wagon new auto- steering case 17t hy duty cultivator like new case 15m fertilizer drill new frontend loader new 3 mo double disc- is blades like rewf tractor plow on rubber new bulldozer blade new circular saw surge milker 2000 hales hay 1000 bales straw at pigs sows with litters cob corn etc the property of farb farm r located at lot 2 concession 4 whitchurch twp on don mills ltd 14 mile north rt gormley not the im plements are all like new bought in the last 2 yean farm renting no reserve terms rsh sale at 1pm faulknr r woods clerks w d atkinson sale mgr and auctioneer

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