ttfi thi stooffytui twtuwt tnaratiy octob 3 1937 plan first pioneer for oct 5 metro approves appointments to punning board appointment of toronto twp musselmans lake and ballantrae district business directory the flmt annual pioneer fes- veloprrent t a c tyrrell a i cipes thral to be held under the spon- gala program is being arranged j there will also be demonstra- 8 t b th t0 tions of spinning and weaving onto 4 region conservation au- life of the average lotn century r thority wiu take place saturday farmer and his family in the i and the making of hooked rugs october 5 on the grounds of area by several local handicraft org- the dalziel conservation area in the pennsylvania german so- anizations archery tournament suburban north york township ciety of york county will take by members of the humber val- reevemrs ilary fix to the i still a little too early to see the the conservation area is lo- part in the festival with mem- ley archery association a dis- metro planning board was de- countryside in full colour bers recreating the work of pio p of wood carvings and dolls j jerred because of an objection i monday was a busy one too neer farm men and women by oldtime music and square danc- from the village of streetsville for the old school house the demonstrating the use of pro- j streetsville told metro councubs held a corn roast in the in addition there will be guid- cil that no elected or salaried school yard and had as their sunday was a beautiful day and a busy one around the lake the colourcade sponsored by the telegram made one of its stops here there were about 15 buses and many private cars j we spoke to several people on the trip and they felt it was cated just east of no 400 high way and one mile south of no 7 highway the festival will be officially opened at 2 pm by the deputy duce in the fine art of making sausage apple butter sauerkraut ftows of the pioneer museum representatives of municipalities i guests the scouts and girl minister of planning and de- and other foods from original re- sj on the conservation should be allowed to sit on the guides over 50 boys and girls i area and described by leading board j were present and 12 dozen corn us historical officials as being council approved appointment and almost 3 gals of cocoa dis- one of the finest collections of of representatives for the other appeared to everyones delight pioneer equipment in north am- three semirural areas beyond j the kids had a wonderful time erica i metro boundaries included in and its many thanks to mr visitors to the festival will be planning area they are w j watson who scrounged the corn able to feast upon such delights grant messer for the east ds- d cooked mrs atson mrs as barbecued pvrk pioneerstyle j iaj pickering picker- campbell and mrs archie wat- apple pie and canadian cheese s township alfred lemasu- son cleaned it mis vern davies dlus authentic anole cider i ner the northeast district supplied the cocoa and mrs wy- according to a hrkhnl richmond hill markham lie did the preparing and serv- onhalrn of the amhsiv- jstouffville markham twp r jng it was a fine show of co- it u iffls that the lesttval u kirk for the northwest dis- operation all around the cubs iviubecelualvent tnct woodbridge toronto scouts and guides im sure 1 gore twp v aughan twp stouffville figure skating club season 19575s registration at the arena wed oct 35 pm skating starts mon oct 21st skating days are mon tues and fri afternoons fees children under 13 years by nov 1st 1500 seniors 1800 special rates for family group 3 or more senior dance group registration tues oct 22nd at the arena skating every tuesdav 730s30 pm commencing oct 22nd fees 812 includes y hr professional instruction j figure skates not necessary everybody welcome sflbowabboooowssatsaooabobssse sunday school lesson paul writls to the corinthians we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w retz construction co stouffville ont phone stouff 195 with a fixed determination to know any thing among you save jesus christ and him cru cified the apostle paul had concluded that whether a city golden text for 1 deter- were cultured or uncultured mined not to know any thin i learned or unlearned rolling in among you save jesus christ j ijj and him crucified 1 cor 22 1 corinthians 1 to 4 lesson for october 6 say thank you after the corn roast was cleared away the grownups took over to hold a special rate- not payers meeting the meeting was held to elect another trus- tee to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of mr tom phill- tiie lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the corinth which paul vis ited was a new city built by julius caesar in 46 bc on the site of the old corinth which had been utterly destroyed by a roman general lucius mum- mius a century before the new city had quickly leapt forward to a place of leadership among the worlds centers and in pauls day its port of cenchrea was as busy as any port on the medi terranean corinth was a weal thy city and used its wealth to put on an air of culture setting itself up as a rival to athens whose learning and refinement were universally recognized be neath the veneer of culture however corinth was a cesspool of iniquity its abandonment to immoral practices made it a by word in all greece even the term corinthian- became syno nymous with moral degrada tion the temple of aphrodite with all its magnificence sup ported a thousand ministers of vice to this city the apostle paul came immediately after his hu miliating experience in athens the journey between these two cities was marked by profound contemplation they were sol emn miles as the apostle faced great issues and made great de cisions as he himself later told the corinthians in a letter which we know as 1 corinthians he came to them in weakness and in fear and in much trem bling nevertheless he came was but one message for it that message which is the power of god unto salvation the gospel of our lord jesus christ his letters are sufficient evidence that his conclusion was right so far as corinth was concerned for there a church was estab lished which despite grave weaknesses was a mighty wit ness to the saving power of jesus christ verse by verso 1 cor 11 paul apostle through the will of god and sosthenes paul is a roman name and means small here he affirms his apostleship which in some quarters was dis puted see chapter 9 where he defends his position we have no way of knowing whether the sosthenes of acts 1817 is the same as here now converted and become a companion of paul verse 2 unto the church of god at corinth sanctified in christ jesus saints with all that in every place call upon the name the church con sists of sanctified or set apart ones and these are the true saints this epistle gives lots of evidence that saints can be very far from perfect the term call upon the name signifies invoking as god in every place suggests pauls realiza tion that this letter would have wider use than among the cor inthian christians verse 3 grace and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ in true epistolary form paul begins with a greeting grace is the announcing the new 12th series canada tmmmmmmmm savings bonds sbasbas a better buy than ever on october 15th thousands of canadians will again have the opportunity to join in this easier way to save many thousands will take advantage of it as they have each year for a round dozen years theyll have a special reason this time because the 1 2tb scries offers the highest interest rate in canada savings bond history making this issue stand out from them all arrange for your bonds without delay save them to speed worthwhile plans toward realiiy if an emergency should arise they can be redeemed quickly and easily for cashface value plus earned interest canada savings bonds can he ordered through banks investment dealers and trust or loan firms or through the convenient payroll savings plan where you work interest first 2 years 3 remaining 11 years 4 denominations 50 100 500 1000 5000 and in fully registered form 500 1000 5000 limit not more than 10000 of this series in any one name divine operation for bestowing freely upon sinners all the bless- ings of salvation and peace is one of these blessings verse 10 speak the same thing no divisions among you joined together in the same mind the fact that paul deals first of all with the divisions in the corinthian church shows how seriously he regards these to him they were an evidence of carnality 314 verse 11 declared by them of chloe that there are contentions among you chloe is a womans name but we know nothing of her beyond this reference those who re ported the divisions to paul were willing to be quoted gossip mongers generally add but dont quote me that is coward ice verse 12 i am of paul apollos cephas christ the division in the cor inthian church revolved around personalities which is gener ally the case frequently the personalities involved are seek ing a following but it was not so in this case the schisms were doubtless as much a grief to apollos and peter cephas as to paul verse 13 is christ divided was paul crucified for you these are devastating questions showing up the unreasonable ness as well as the shame of these divisions notice how paul repudiates factions which as sume his name he is not a saviour he is not the head of a cult verse 14 i baptized none but crispus and gai us crispus is doubtless the ruler of the synagogue mention ed in acts 188 gaius is called mine host and of the whole church in romans 1623 ap parently the church met in his house verse 15 lest i had bap tized in mine own name ap parently paul made it a general rule not to do the baptizing but left that to other hands just to avoid any misunderstanding he was not out to build his own church verse 21 it pleased god by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe the knowledge of god is not based on worldly wisdom but is a matter of revelation the preach ing or rather the thing preach ed is foolishness to the worldly wise but is salvation to those who are simple enough to be lieve verse 22 the jews re quire a sign and the greeks wisdom see matthew 12 38 161 mark 811 12 john 218 as the jews looked for supernatural signs so the greeks in their sophistication went af ter subtle argument verse 25 because the fool ishness of god is wiser than men weakness stronger than men we must take these words foolishness and weak ness as signifying what un believing men see inthe cross which actually displays the wis dom and power of god but what man regards as foolish and weak in the cross of christ is infinitely wiser and mightier than the wisest and most pow erful that man can produce the heart of the lesson there is no promise in the bible that we shall find the work of the lord easy whe ther he be an evangelist or a pastor the servant of the lord will find himself face to face with many difficulties so that he will be utterly cast upon the allsufficient resources of god paul was both an evangelist and a pastor in his relationships with corinth he was first the one and then the other and in both relationships had his prob lems as an evangelist he found his difficulty in the varied reac tions of those to whom he preached the gospel as else where he sought to minister the word of life to the jews first he found that the corinthian jews made the same demands j upon him as the palestinian i jews made upon christ show j us a sign said the jews to jc- ips three people were nomin- ated mr tom clark mr jack watson and mrs john wylle mrs wylles name had to be i withdrawn since she was not present at the time of nomina- tion she arrived just in time j to be too late the vote was taken on the two remaining j candidates and mr tom clark was the victorious one the vote j was 19 to 7 to mr clark we j all wish much success in his new job the term of office will be that which remained in i mr phillips term about four- i teen months there was a fair i turnout as you can see by the vote not good just fair out of some 150 pupils in the school it isnt exactly a credit to the community that only 26 people j are interested enough in the l progress and development of our school to show up at a pub- lie meeting you can all make amends by j coming to the next general j meeting of ballantrae home and i school an interesting and vho- j ught provoking film programme j hasbetn planned so come and see and say a few words too i refreshments will be served as i usual dont forget home and school wednesday october 9 at 830 pm mr and mrs tom phillips susan and lynne moved from ballantrae last saturday as we said before they will be greatly missed by everyone we hope they are settled in their new home and tom isnt get ting too much home work from school dont forget to keep in touch folks the local farmers have been really busy this week picking potatoes lets hope its a good crop this year au available hands are out in the fields the countryside is looking good now but im afraid its just to lull us into another winter dont mind the winter really its just the ice snow and cold weather i dont care for and im sure im not alone now that the fall and winter activity has started dont forget to send us any news you have about whats going on dont forget cubs and scouts its back to your regular time next monday 730 and bring your books for sure for the grown ups we hear the euchres are on the planning board and the first one should be ready very soon watch for further details auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agio zolvl pb sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers oier so years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing la farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost oar rate are most reasonable for thla complete service which really pays off no tale too big or too email ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized tor the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mllitken po ph ax ss9s7 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer fork cty uxbrldge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po tolephono gormley 031t ambulance service b y r ambulance 24 hour jervlce ambulance taxi richmond hill richmond hu1 tu 41500 tu 41403 b r cobs b cabs brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street enst stouffville sus again and again and the jews of the dispersion said the same to paul when our lord spoke of his coming death to the jews of palestine they stum bled over it this was even true of his little band of disciples they could not conceive of a crucified messiah although it was plainly written in the scrip tures and when paul preached christ crucified to the jews of corinth it was to them also a stumbling block then when he turned to the greeks he found their reaction quite as disconcerting now the corinthian greeks aped the athenian greeks and put on a great show of wisdom since the apostle paul had not come to them with wisdom of words and subte arguments but with a dogmatic message of salvation through christ and him cruci fied they regarded him as a fool and his message as foolish ness nevertheless there were both jews and greeks who be lieved and discovered with paul that the message of christ cru cified was indeed the message of salvation the powder puff beauty salon joy oneill open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 45 after hours call stouff 08wl chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 1012 24 79 and by appointment wednesday excepted 327 main st n markham ont telephone 701 optometric e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stonfftflle at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays september ltlth and 17th oct 21 22 nov 18 ib phones 80j2 and 2511 marie jack hairdressing second street stouffville permanent waving hair styling and shaping phono 381 joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styline razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffviila 98w2 william st north garnet v gray ro optoretrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to fs00 pm every tuesday evening by appointment stouffville machine tool works telephone 2j58 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant formerly with dept national revenue taxation division suite soi 02 richmond st- w kmplrc 4-ovj- call collect tnrririrtrarrrirn asaafcatap stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stonffrui e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto office orer harolds grin ihone 8741 stouffrule medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county drs mitchell smith physicians snrgeons xray phone 230 stouffville office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 7 9 pm wednesday office closed in am sundayoffice open 2 3 pm legal robert w mcvey barrister solicitor 102 rouge crest drive 355 markham toronto phone 339 phone em 35101 donald c hindson barrister solicitor stouffville office hours tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursdav 1 pm to 530 pm friday 700 to 900 for appointment stouff 79 8 hedges bldg over snowball mnrkhnm barber shop phono 000 stouffville phono 700 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phono stouffville 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtes1 service telephone 90 markham ontarie insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companle at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259wj ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl a 270wl stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g als0p insurance agency fire life auto a casualty main st east stouffville lliono stouftvllie 223w fred m pugh general insurance phono stouffville 38w2 men not machines make money investigate the advantage of keyman or partnership business insurance with your mutual lifo of canada representative accountants john c wylie fia licensed iulillr accountant auditor spofford block stonffrille telephone office 336 residence s45j1 william ii couper chartered accountant toronto 5 1077a avenue road h id son 1i352 private wainnt 43a43