we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w betz construction co stouffville ont phone stouff 195 missionary convention continues over weekend stouffville united missionary church thursday april 18th sound film entitled the gateway to asia miss ruby wilson will speak on tlie subject missions why and will show slides of the work she is loins in west africa good friday services good friday afternoon 800 sound film entitled indias sorrow rev earl honsbergcr missionary to nigeria will speak good friday evening 800 bound film entitled to every creature rev g sloss will show slides and briiir the missionary message mr sloss works among the yuroba tribe saturday night youth rally saturday apriii 20th 800 pm rt r rcilly will speak at the youth raivia on the subject pagan peoples repent rev rcilly has just returned from a tour of our mission fields easter sunday services philately the study i and collection of stamps and the letters were sent by about three quarters of an inch post into all the kings provin- wide and seveneights of an inch i ces esther 313 high this has been the standard from prehistorie times man- size for the great majority of j kind has shown an inclination to over 150000 different stamps is- collect things of oddity things of beauty and even things of ugliness that please his fancy for something different from those possessed by his fellows or something better or larger or more extensive stamp collect ing known as philately sat isfies those inclinations in a greater degcee perhaps than any other hobby philately is from the two greek words philos fond of and ateleia exemption from payment lit erally then tokens of exemption from payment as the word open sesame revealed to ali baba the wealth and wonders of the cave of the 40 thieves so do the words stamp- collecting or philately reveal an even greater wealth of knowl edge wisdom and enjoyment for here is an open door to ro mance history travel educa tion adventure and discovery which take one away at once from lifes everyday problems and worries indeed a veritable utopia of new joys come through philately it has been well called the king of hobbies and the hobby of kings per- sued since isio in about one hundred years a few smaller stamps and many about twice as j large have been issued mostly for special issues for tne sake of brevity the remainder of this article will be confined mostly to the postage stamps of canada up to 1s41 great britain man aged her colonial posts from london but in july 1s49 the brit ish parliament passed an act enabling colonial legislatures to establish inland posts so in 1s30 the legislative council of the province of canada now ontario and quebec passed an ordinance transferring the do mestic postal system to its own control the colonies of nova scotia and new brunswick pass- ki similar legislation and these three colonies fixed similar rates for internal and intercolonial mail matter on may 25 1s49 a measure was passed in canada which stated that postage stamps for prepayment be allowed and that colonial stamps be engrav ed also that provincial post age on letters be three pence haps best of all it is a perma- j currency per half ounce the sunrise service 700 am rex weybnrn johnson missionary from india will speak en the subject the power of his resurrection sunday schooi 10 am mrs earl honsbergcr missionary from nigeria will speak bout the work being done among the natives sunday morning 11 am rev weybum johnson missionary to india will speak on he vibject the extended right hand closing service of convention 730 pm rev richard rcilly who is the foreign secretary of the united missionary society which hns major work in nigeria wa and india recently returned from an extensive tour of the field in nigeria he will speak on the subject the lords compasslonnto disciples nent continual source of pleas ure entertainment and new knowledge within the financial reach of all for a thousand dif ferent foreign stamps showing scenic wonders of the world and people of all ages red and myth ical may be bought for a dollar or two such a package can be the source of countless hours of pleasure enlightenment and ed ucation philately is a compact hobby requiring little space it may be carried by the traveller wher ever he goes it may be laid aside for a week a month or years without attention if nec essary when opened it will have increased in value if properly selected behind every stamp lies a fascinating story a magic carpet to carry one to distant lands and strange scenes and with little expense stampcollecting has been a hobby for only about one hun dred years because the first ad hesive stamp the penny black of england was issued on may 6th 1810 the issuing of this stamp and its successors was promoted by sir rowland hill the english postmaster it show ed the profile of the young queen victoria with the word postage above and one pen ny belpw it is said that black was the colour of ink selected because it was much easier to print in black at that time and the ink was much cheaper many countries of the world quickly followed the lead of great britain the united states issued 5c and 10c stamps with pictures of washington and ben franklin respectively in 1847 followed by canada in 1851 the first penny black adhesive stamp of great britain was head of the sovereign was and still is the chief feature for a series of postage stamps but for higher denominations and for special issues such as coro nations jubilees etc scenes of the life and geography of the country are commonly used on april 21st 1851 three de nominations of stamps for the province of canada were an nounced they were a three penny red with a picture of a beaver for the regular rate a six penny purple pictured the head of prince consort albert for double rate and a twelve penny black with the picture of queen victoria mainly for use abroad it was marked twelve pence because the depleted ca nadian currency required fif teen pence to equal one shilling sterling these stamps were printed in sheets of one hundred and had to be cut apart because they were not perforated between the stamps it was not until 1859 eight years later that the sheets were perforated between the stamps to allow for easy tearing apart because postal rates were changed and the immediate popularity of adhesive stamps other values were soon required so in 1855 a 10 penny blue stamp with a picture of jaques cartier was issued followed in 1857 by a one halfpenny rose a six penny purple and a seven and one half penny green all showing the head of queen vic toria in 1859 canada changed its currency from pounds shillings and pence to dollars and cents this was largely to simplify the rapidly increasing transactions with the united states so the york county preschool polio vaccination the york county health unit will give polio vaccination to all preschool children over six months of age who are brought by a parent or guardian to one of the following clinics in order to avoid waiting you are requested to bring the children at the time suggested according to the first letter of your last name eg allan black clark etc there will be no preregistration of these preschool children markham and area veterans hall monday 15th april a to e 900 am tuesday 16th april l to p 900 am ftok 130 pm q to z 130 pm stouffville and area masonic hall wednesday 21th april a to e 900 am f to k 1030 am l to p 130 pm q to z 300 pm ballantrae and area school friday 26th april a to k 900 am l to z 1030 am the second dose will be given at the same place at the same time exactly four weeks later light coloured cars are involved in most accidents regular rate was made 5c and prepaid postage was made ob ligatory failure to prepay caus ed a penalty of two cents ad ditional to be exacted the new cent issues of 1859 were in simi lar design to the pence issues and were issued in one two five ten twelve and one half and fifteen cent denominations meanwhile the colonies or pro vinces of nova scotia new brunswick prince edward isl and and british columbia had issued stamps in both pence and cents but immediately fol lowing confederation in 1867 the 1st dominion of canada stamps were issued in 1868 these have been followed by over three hundred different stamps with the name of canada on them in addition special stamps have been issued for special ser vices these include registra tion stamps first issued in 1875 postage due stamps in 1906 spe cial delivery stamps in 1898 war tax stamps in 1915 air postage stamps in 1928 official stamps for government use that is regular stamps overprinted o- hms or g in 1949 also there were revenue stamps issued for collecting additional revenues such as cheque stamps hunting permit stamps foreign exchange in ternal revenue etc great care is exercised in the j design printing and distribution of postage stamps in order that there may be a minimum num ber of errors in shade design perforation etc the texture shade and thick ness of the paper used are also of great importance philatelists are constantly on the lookout for any variation as they add to the value in the mind of the philatelist this is but a brief introduction to the pleasures and profits of stamp collecting hundreds of books and thousands of articles have been written and published about philately many business organizations have promoted stamp collecting among their employees because they find it develops orderly minds neat ness accuracy honesty and care ful conscientious observance of details counterfeit money sel dom passes a philatelists eagle eye some collectors still collect stamps from all over the world but a majority specialize in various ways some save only nineteenth or twentieth century stamps in fact specialization has grown so phenomenally that almost any taste or fancy is followed some subjects are pic tures of monarchs geography mountains rivers lakes flow ers etc others collect such stamps as relate to religion or music science medicine or any of a hundred other subjects said one collector breathlessly you just dont know what stamps can do for one and finally stamp collecting or philately is heartily recom mended to give wonderful pleas ure also relief from professional strain it greatly encourages friendship and even provides physical mental and economic sustenance for old age are you driving a death trap sgt wilfred henrich head of kitchener police traffic squad says some drivers may be risk ing needless death even if their cars are 1957 models sporting every safety device in the book its the color that counts the traffic sergeant said since the first of the year the officer has kept a record of the colors of cars involved in acci dents involving rightofway at intersections during one month 57 percent of cars hit at intersections were light gray or sand in color statistics showed that black cars or ones with light colored tops were almost as often in volved by contrast only one red car was involved in an acci dent during the month other statistics showed that light green cars figured in many earlymorning crashes and light j blue cars in accidents at dusk i these colors seem to blend i into the surroundings making 1 the cars invisible to other motor- j ists the officer said it is some- thing motorists should realize the traffic officer said he is i conducting a continuing study of accidents in which cars are failed to be seen he expects to draw statistically sound conclu sions before long as a guess i expect that green cars will be involved in many accidents during spring months he said results of the tests are being watched with interest by the ontario attor neygenerals department which has charge of police affairs in the province sgt henrich said eric silk senior solicitor for the attorney i generals department has asked to see results of the kitchener experiment ive suspected a connection between car color and accidents for a long time the sergeant said this is the first time i have had statistics to show it the officer oy tre way drives a car that is predominantly bright red youil enjoy going anywhere by hits no driving worries no parking tr0ubus fares are low leave stouffville to toronto a 700 am a 350 pm b 025 am b 820 pm n except sun hol b sun j hoi standard time take the wheel a button fiashahead put a new de soto through its paces nnd you discover this car was built to do all the things that make driving a pleasure instead of a chore for instance acir pushbullon torqucflilc auto matic drive frees you from oldfashioned gearshifting just press a button and you surge ahead with all the authority that up to 295 horsepower gives acre torsion fire ilitle is incredibly smooth and quiet youll like the way de soto fireflite 2door hardtop torsionaire wrings the bounce out of bumps keeps you level on the turra and level when you stop lctc control anil safely is another plus you get in a de soto you can have effortless pulltime power steering on any model you choose brakes are the new totalcontact type that take hold fast and shorten stopping distances come in and see us about guestdriv ing a de soto this week the pleasures ours and yours youre always a step ahead in cars of the forvard look chrysler corporation of canada limited min tnth st s keyson motors ltd pbont 399 white grub damage likely in 1957 white grubs the larvae of the june beetle are expected to cause extensive damage this year to lawns cemeteries and goii courses and susceptible cul tivated crops commonly the june beetle follows a threeyear cycle with heaviest damage from the larvae occurring the year following the flight yesrr the adults seek out grassy unculti vated areas to deposit their eggs which hatch into tiny larvae in the fall the small larvae go deeper in the soil where they remain over winter and in the following spring come up to within a few inches of the sur face to feed ravenously on the roots of plants in most areas of york county a very heavy flight of the adult beetles oc curred in may and june of 1956 and extensive damage from the larvae is likely to occur this year lawns are very subject to damage particularly those on lighter soils and chemical treat ment to kill the larvae is recom mended crops such as cereals potatoes strawberries and gla diolus which are susceptible to attack should not be planted on grubinfested soil and if this is not possible insecticides should be applied to the soil before the crop is planted the insecticides recommended for the control of the larvae arc aldrin chlordane dicldrin and heptachlor kull information on the amounts and method of ap plication are eiven in the ont dept of agriculture circular no 283 white grubs which is available at the office of the agricultural representative at newmarket as pointed out in this circular two cycles occur along the shore of lake ontario from oshawa to burlington where the other brood caused considerable damage in 1956 cottage cheese is highly per ishable and hould be kept cov ercd in the coldest part of the refrigerator axe best glass container round trip fares between toronto and buffalo 630 new york 2423 chicago 2115 montreal 1640 oitawa 1290 tickets ard information at mr r snowball barber shop phone 270j2 oxkwkwxkkxxxxxxxlcx r b tax consultant estate planning income tax returns completed phone union ville g9 t township o mmkham residents your attention is directed to the provisions of bylaw no 1313 re setting of fires in the open air 1 no person shall set a fire in the open air after 9 pm or before 6 am in any day 2 no person shall set a fire in the open air until he has first notified the chief constable of his in tention so to do giving the following information a day and hour the fire is to be set b the place c the name of at least one adult person other than the applicant to be in attendance d the means of extinguishing the fire the township telephone numbers are unionville 40 avenue 51103 and gormley 5550 rtme3e3mjlj5raj5wjse3jsirajjt 3se3ssxszsssssszxszssss3 sxsk cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from 800 to 1200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co j to have our truck call phone 186w miiimmhhvvmtmvlnu and seb mluypovi now your whole family can be covered by one life insurance policy with one low monthly premium every new arrival is automatically included after age 1 5 days at no increase in premium lou meydam montreal st stouffville res tclephone 784 about prudentials family policy to or mail this coupon- m l meydam stouffville ont i please lell me more about prudential s family policy name 1 address phone tho prudential insurance company ot america canadian head office toronto 1 x