pnc 8 the stourrylue twsunf thsiitr mjrcfi 7 jm7 claremont and pickering township district friends from toronto visited mrs geo stallan and family vith mr and mrs jim mc- i left on saturday by plane for guire on the weekend j california where she will join we regret to report that mrs i her husband mrs stallan is the s towner has not been wtil i daughter of mr and mrs fred and is presently under the doc- j morley tos care i mr and mrs v j padgett z ir and mrs eric wallace are presently holidaying in flo- i rrl daughter spent the week- rida mr and mrs padgett were trl with mr and mrs beare the former owners of the gener- quite a large number of local al store here now operated by residents attended the bantam mr and mrs c j burton ard juvenile hockey games in the stouffviile arena on satur day night although the ban tams were put out the juvenile series remained deadlocked the omha has ordered a new series with the second game in stouff viile on thursday evening at 7 oclock mr gordon gregg of blind river and miss jean gregg from toronto were last sunday visitors with mr and mrs hugh gregg and called upon their aunt mrs condy last wednesday evening the wa held their regular meeting tarvtreasurer the remainin jack norton heads local park board mr jack norton has appointed chairman of clarcmont park board a meet ing of the executive was held last week mr l p lippert has accepted the position of secre- in the united ss room with mrs lehman in charge of the programme assisted by mrs dean and mrs macdonald at the piano mrs lackey sang a solo miss jean linton mission ary from nigeria north africa showed many interesting slides depicting the country and peo ple orphan babies little chil dren nurses and parents their dwellings and native fruits the missionaries residence is a big redbrick manywindowed cot tage she is very enthusiastic about her work and intends to return when her furlough expires mrs carson on behalf of the members of the wa thanked members on the board are messrs randy carruthers frank hutchins george hill nnd harold redshaw although the new board has numerous plans for the coming year mr lippert the treasurer reports the funds to be at a low ebb at the present time svith less than sick on hand might sell home if no access to 401 highway says pickering councillor a member of the pickering showed 672 vehicles per day and township council told an ont sss south of the highway a municipal board hearing that count on dixie road showed an he would seriously consider average of 28 north of the high- selling his house if certain way and 51 south roads in the township arc not as a safety engineer he said given access to highway 401 i he would not favor an inter councillor glen julian speak- j change between lansing and li- ing to the board at a hearing in verpool he said that the depart- whitby was the first objector ment promised an overpass over to be heard in a department j 401 at moores road traffic been 0 highways application to close from fairport beach would use of the roads which cross hillview ave in fairport beach highway 401 at grade on a to reach moores road cross to stretch between liverpool and highway 2 and seek access to the scarborough boundary 01 either at liverpool or lan- hearing the application are j j sing hillview he noted is one- a kennedy qc and v s mil- half mile long over hundred at wedding shower for audey couple brougham the regular weekly euchre was held as usual on tuesday evening when the following were winners mrs h barclay mrs w carlton mrs a carl ton mr thos ogden mr w htill 1 ill ardy and mr g hodgson spe cial prize went to mr n bur- talk and made her a presenta tion of money to be used in her work biblical pictures with verses of scripture are being accepted by jean who will make use of them in teaching the children when she returns to africa refreshments were serv ed by ladies in charge dont forget the st patrick tea and bake sale on saturday march 16th at 2 oclock in the united sunday school room mr and mrs les lye and family visited last sunday eve ning with mr and mrs burnell and family miss sylvia johnston and miss marie eby of toronto also mr and mrs herb white of newmarket were sunday visi tors with mr and mrs harold johnston mr and mrs howard hock ley visited on sunday in oshawa hospital with their soninlaw mr ernie maye who has been very ill with plural pneumonia for a number of weeks mrs may and her sister from vic toria square arc his constant attendants the womans day of prayer is on friday afternoon march s c ommencing at two oclock all j ladies of the community are in- 1 vitcd to be present mrs drake i and mrs sanderson will be in j charge of the programme the lady members of the young peoples organization oc cupied the choir loft last sun day evening at the united church their presence was greatly appreciated by members of the congregation the young mens quartet were singing at altona church the south ontario red cross canvassers are making their annual rounds among the var ious sections of the community ton world day of prayer will be observed in the church here on friday march 8 all ladies wel come mrs h shea of whitby is around renewing old acquaint ances for a few days this week mrs w hamilton celebrated her birthday on sunday by at tending a family gathering at the home of her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs k bent and family of oshawa mrs r ford and daughter gloria of highland creek vis ited with her parents mr and mrs wm ellicott on saturday mr g winton and miss l fice of oshawa visited with his aunt and uncle mr and mrs d a beer on sunday sympathy of the community is extended to mrs fred ham ilton due to the death of her brother the late mr walter white of pickering mr and mrs robt davis mr and mrs r davis and family mr and mrs w davis and family and mr and mrs j shean of toronto visited their mother mrs j davis on sun burn of the ontario municipal board representing the depart ment is r b robinson of to ronto and representing the township of pickering is t m moore of whitby harry new man of pickering twp is also objecting to the application and states that he represents all the rest indicating residents of fairport beach and french mans bay also at the hearing are repre sentatives of the bell telephone company and grenshaw hold ings ltd mr robinson first told the cburt that this application had nothing to do with compensa tion for any damages any resi in reply to a question by mr newman mr robinson reported that the department would build a service road on the south side of 401 running from the dixie road to fairport beach none of the roads in question he said would be closed until that service road is completed douglas g lawson planning and design branch of dho re ported that it is about three and onehalf miles from lansing to liverpool sites of interchanges and when this present plan is completed there will be two fly overs one at rougemount and one at moores road between the two interchanges william kinnear engineer dent in the area might feel he stated that the cost of an over- will suffer if the roads are closed i pass or flyover is about 200- the hearing he said is only to i 000 he said that 401 was never altona roofing and siding galvanized steei or aluminum check these tripuh15 advantages avjllifren jck utv mr to z tiy ett jnittfitre fur l el t reji i i3jtite ut sue i fei n ij bj a j kf itiiv j see us for oescriptivr triplerib literature and free estimate cikremont the regular meeting of the altona womens institute will be held at the home of mrs merv bunker on wednesday march 13th at 2 pm note change of place mrs c bielby convener of historical research is in charge of the meeting motto do not resent growing old many are denied the privil ege roll call how many years have you been an institute mem ber paper past years of our community contest childhood photos chorus by the grand mothers everyone welcome the ladies of the wms held a sewing meeting at the home of mrs f goudie on tuesday evening the next regular meet ing of the wms will be held at the home of mrs m dunkeld on monday march 11th at s pm this is your invitation please bring more material altona school pupils and some of their mothers enjoyed skat ing at the stouffviile arena last wednesday afternoon a num ber of the children were unable to go due to colds which are prevalent in the community we hope everyone will soon be feel ing better with spring just around the corner there are plenty of crows around now if thats any sign of spring mr and mrs d kerr and fam- hcar objections to the road clos ings the only objections raised were to the closing of the dixie road the fairport beach road and moores road or as it is sometimes known whites side- road john jackson senior inspector of surveys for the department reported that 451 registered let ters had been issued to residents in the above areas announcing the proposed closing and the ap plication there are 12 closings he said but there were no ob jections for most of them since some had never had access to the highway beginning at the west of the stretch under the application the lansing interchange or clo- verleaf he noted that it is about one mile east to the rouge- mount road where there is an overpass over the highway threequarters of a mile iarther east he noted is moores road which is about one and onehalf miles from the liverpool inter change thomas e mahony super visor of records for the depart ment stated that his studies had shown that controlled ac cess highways that is highways upon which there were no inter sections at grade had the low est accident record of any high ways in the province quoting figures he said that in 1955 the accident rate per million vehicle miles on four- lane divided controlled access highways had been 15 for sim ilar highways without controlled access he said the rate is 29 the highest rate he noted was for fourlane undivided uncon trolled access highways with a rate of 43 all rates he said were for 1955 the last year with complete data the fatality record for four- lane divided controlled access highways per 100 million miles he said is 23 the lowest of any form of highway in ontario fa tality rates for ontario high ways ranged to a high of 198 per 100 million miles on three- lane uncontrolled access high way in the past 25 years he said 18470 persons have died in acci dents on ontario highways in 700000 designed to be a local road and the increase in the volume of traffic on the highway caused this application to be made at this time mr moore called councillor julian as his first witness he maintained that it would be more serious to funnel traffic from fairport beach onto high way 2 than it would be to build an interchange at moores road rather than a flyover he main tained that he had received no registered notice from the de partment about the proposed road closing although he lives in the area mildred puckrin the club met on saturday evening at the home of mr and mrs arch bell with the presi- denj bill guthrie in charge five dozen cups and three ta bles have been purchased following the business fred puckrin introduced mr w c murkar of pickering who show ed many beautiful pictures of scenes taken in western can ada last summer he gave a very interesting description of places isited of special interest were the pictures of the rockies and vancouver geo izatt and brian church yard sang 2 numbers young love and the banana boat song as brian accompanied on the guitar the ladies served refreshments over one hundred attended a shower on friday evening in the baggotsville school for el eanor bell and bill bennett who are to be married on march 14 mrs george squire gave the chairmans remarks introduc ing bill to the group following this a decorated wagon filled with presents was drawn in by- two of the girls other children carried in many more the rest of the evening was spent in dancing and playing cards fol lowed by lunch the wa is holding a crokin- ole party in the church base ment on friday evening march 13th mr sydney blake of fort wil liam called on his uncle mr u blake last wednesday marvin barlow visited his brothers at vernonville on sun day miss agnes broadtoot of the rcaf spent the weekend with her brotherinlaw and sister mr and mrs ron cox sympathy of the community is extended to mr and mrs james davidson on the passing of mrs davidsons father mr smith of medicine hat alta on feb 23 we welcome mrs charles ma- cellaro and her nineyearold son jimmy of new jersey usa who are staying with her uncle mr u blake and hilda ontario county paving program largest in history 145000 ontario county will this year had only gravel surfaces i embark on the largest paving j this 28 miles this year repre- program in this history of the sents more than 50 percent of for the paving of more than 26 miles this will not be the total pav ing in the county because there will be six miles of oshawa sub urban roads paved and five and onehalf miles of development existed in ontario countv in 1952 scheduled for paving this year are road 19 rama twp high way 69 to udney road 175 miles road is mara twp east from highway 69 on section con- county of 3s26 miles of this to tal 28 miles of pavement is planned for roads which have federation meeting tuesday manchester the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the south ontario county federation of agriculture planned a meeting of all county members to be held in the manchester hall on tuesday march 12 the ontario president lloyd jasper and the general secretary herb arbuc- kle will be guest speakers the meeting will start at 1030 in the morning and will also fea ture agricultural opinions from eight ontario county farmers with plenty of discussion from the floor after each panel and each guest speaker the county federation will provide coffee and doughnuts and all farm folk are asked to bring a few sandwiches their family and neighbors and make this an out standing meeting the federation passed a mo tion to transfer its bank ac count to the manchester credit union which the federation started two years ago as soon as chequing is started by the credit union it was agreed on motion to pay five dollars each for ten participants at ihe folk school which is shcriiy to be held at the home of mr and mrs larry doble uxbridge new mailing lists have been received from whitby and reach townships and it is hoped that very shortly lists will be completed for the other town ships atha greetings to mrs- j tran and miss shirley dunkeld who will have a birthday on satur day also to little doreen leh man who will be four years old on saturday march 9th mr and mrs frank robb markham visited sunday after noon with the carruthers fam ily- lorraine draper spent fri day night with her little friend patsie wilson and miss marie draper spent friday night with her cousin miss joanne draper there were 11 tables at the euchre last week next is march 13 at atha school prize win ners were ladies mrs cotton mrs grove mrs riddle mrs j tran travelling p gents- mr j tran mr a hammond mr l tran cons travelling prize mr j sheridan yes mar 13th is the date at 830 sharp the carruthers family spent friday evening in whitby with mr and mrs fred brant and family mr and mrs reg strong and son dougie from lansing spent sunday afternoon and evening with the carruthers mr and mrs bert howard and family from toronto were sup per guests with mr and mrs cyril bielby and family on sun day evening mr and mrs gardham tran and blanche from markham were sunday dinner guests with mr and mrs david tran mr and mrs nejson case elizabeth way from dixie road from mt albert were sunday accidents in the past supp guests with mr and mrs five years he said o218 persons i murray dunkeld and family have died more than 1000 pen dr- hodgson toronto called year i on mr and mrs albert draper citing the strip of the queen on sunday afternoon ikh wv nivi ml and mr ed macaloney to highway 10 now a controlled access highway he noted that in the jast seven months of 1956 there had been 28 accidents on and brian spent monday eve ning with the carruthers green river congratulations to mr and mrs w woolhead on the arri val of a little daughter sorry to hear that mr r hamilton is under the doctors care mrs t weisman visited with her sister at clifford this past week mr and mrs r beckett have moved into the apartment at the alf michells home mr and mrs wm michell and family have moved into the house formerly occupied by mr and mrs r beckett mr ross martin entertained a number of friends from to ronto at his home here on fri day evening i the many friends of mr t kraynick are sorry to hear he had to enter the hospital again we trust his stay will not be too long there the ladies aid will hold their regular meeting at the home of mrs shank on wednesday march 13th at 8 pm word for roll call prayer greenwood the sigmac boys met in the church basement on monday night the ypu held their regular meeting in the church last sun day night with david pegg in charge of the worship service the worlds day of prayer will be observed in the mt zion church this friday march 8th at 230 pm rev mr h moore took for liis text last sunday faith or certainty the choir sang the anthem angels of jesus the service was much appreciated the afternoon wa will hold their march meeting at mrs james brooks home on thurs day the 14th ter supper on wednesday the 13th commencing at 6 oclock admission sl00 for adults and 50c for children our sincere sympathy is ex tended to mrs robert brown in the passing of mr brown so sud denly last week miss herbert of toronto spent the weekend at the minaker home mr and mrs lewjcryderman of hampton were visitors at the percy clarke home last sun day mr and mrs fred byers spent last sunday with mr and mrs c burroughs of brooklin mr bob mcvey of markham was a caller at the les wilson home last saturday evening the evening auxiliary of the wms met at the home of miss beatrice mclean on wednesday evening feb 27 miss e orm- erod led the worship service on the theme why ye did not so learn christ the program en titled conservation on hong kong and formosa was pre sented by miss e ormerod mrs c closson mrs f webb miss b mclean mrs c mctag- gert gave some highlights on the address by mrs taylor at the 29th annual meeting of the oshawa presbyterial wms held at whitby president mrs r jackman conducted the busi ness plans were made for the worlds day of prayer to be held at mt zion on march 8th a so cial evening followed road paved making a total mile- structed in 1956 19 miles road age to be paved this year in the j 14 mara twp west from brech in retread on old uneven pave ment s miles road 15 thorah twp retread east from road 13 1 mile road 13 thorah twp 222 mllesl and brock twp 44 miles north from highway 12 to 3rd concession road 2 brock twp north of manilla 2s0 miles road 12 brock twp east of cannington retread 50 miles road 9 reach twp highway 12 to port perry 230 miles road 7 scugog twp south from cen tre of twp to meet existing pavement 2 miles road 11a scott twp york townline to 3rd concession 270 miles road 11 scott twp retread over old pavement in sandford 25 miles road 1 uxbridge twp road 1a to highway 47 on 5th concession 130 miles road s uxbridge twp west from uxbridge town and 25 miles in siloam 105 miles road 5 pickering twp east of york townline 120 miles road 1 pickering twp brougham to cpr in clareraont excepting re paired section 450 miles total cost of paving the 2671 miles noted above is estimated at 145000 of which the prov ince pays half or 72500 and mrs allan carson mrs wm sadler of highland creek is spending a few days with mr and mrs ralph jones the world day of prayer for the greenwood charge will be held in the mt zion church on friday march 8th at 230 pm mrs elmer wilson spent the weekend with her mother mrs morgan pugh and mr and mrs jack willison at athens the wa will meet next wed nesday march 13 at the home of mrs wm harbron roll call something on faith mr and mrs alfred parrott and grant of ashburn and mrs j briggs of oshawa visited on sunday evening with mr and mrs b jamieson mr richard wilson of brook lin visited on sunday with mr and mrs lloyd wilson the young peoples union are sponsoring the picture martin luther in the church on sun day night march 17 everyone is welcome tswhicli church did the apostles betond balsam mt zion mrs b jamieson the mens club entertained their families to a night of bowl ing friday night at the red wing recreation hall at whitby mr and mrs r day enter tained a number of friends to a party on friday night miss audrey tiffin of orillia dont forget the annual oys- spent the weekend with mr i here is much unnecessary confusion about the beginning of the christian church the early new testament church to which the apostles be longed much of this confusion is rooted in the fact that some segments of christianity in the twentieth century have claimed the early new testa ment church as their own exclusive ancestry in so do ing there has inevitably been distortion in presenting the picture of the early church the fact is the early church did not have various faiths and denomina tions it was simply com posed of those who came to believe in the risen saviour jesus christ through their faith in christ they knew that they would be saved from the wrath of god the bible says that the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved acts 2 47 biblebelieving christians today do not maintain that the church is made up of just one sect or denomination the basis of membership in the church has not changed since the first century the church is still composed of all those who believe in jesus christ as saviour it still made up of all those who are saved 1 there is close fellowuhj today among biblcbelievmg christians in nomerou pro testant groups just as there was close fellowship among the various groups of believ ers in the days of the apos tles among these believers the bible has always stood as the supreme authority m spiritual matters through the bible message of salvation these christian believers have come to know a newness of life which was known to the apostles and to all believers of their day the bible says that if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new ii corinthians 5 17 if you would like to know more about the church the great fellowship of those who believe on jesus christ as saviour you will want to have a pamphlet which has been prepared for your bene fit you may have it free of charge if you fill in and mail the followinc ml the national association f evangelicals box 7411 washington 4 d c please send free pamphlet ea7 name street city zone state jj this ad inserted by the evangelical mission of converted monks and priests stouffville ily were sunday dinner guests of mr and mrs bob lewis and lfjl boys mr and mrs jim miller sam my and paul of north bay vis ited on saturday at the merv bunker home mr and mrs harold lewis and family were guests of his uncle ira and mrs rusnell of stouffviile on sundav buffet style clarcmont baptist church members of clarcmont bap tist church are planning a mammoth buffet supper for all i dents one fatal in four year- to attend objective of banquet at fairport beach road 28 acci is to provide funds for purchase dents and at moores road 17 taken over as controlled access there had been 61 accidents in seven months in 1953 98 acci dents in 1954 and s7 accidents in 1955 records for the last 4 years he said showed that there were 222 accidents involving 380 ve hicles in the stretch of 401 from liverpool to lansing eight fa tal accidents where nine per sons died and 76 of these acci dents or 342 percent had oc curred at intersections of side- roads at the dixie road the first irossroad west of liverpool in terchange there were six acci- coop phone 38 ugett of gowns for the junior choir it is the intention of the mem bers to provide all the food a person can eat for the price of one dollar 40 cents for children under twelve quiet supper music from the organ is provided for your com plete relaxation a cordial yel- i come is extended to all accidents mr mahony also reported on traffic counts he had made on the three sideroads this year they showed an average of 261 vehicles per day north of 401 on moores road and 524 per day- south of 401 the count on fairport beach road north of 401 he said i pickering township liberal association annua meeting on thursday march 14 at brougham to elect officers and to hear dr claude refreshments vi pond ontario riding liberal candidate 830 pm