Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 7, 1957, p. 6

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tap thl stourtyiui tei8un6 thurtday march 7 1957 buy your tickets now for the springtime mce be v ue to be presented by the stouffvilie skating club on friday march 15 8 pm in the stou ffville arena reserved seats s125 at arena box office contributed in the servite community by john labatt local gideon group marks ten yrs service varied program lor horticultural convention anyone interested in horticul ture will be welcomed when the ontario horticultural associa tion holds its 51st annual con vention at the royal connaught hotel in hamilton on march 7 and 8 the convention gets under way with registration at 830 bm thursday march 7th dur ing the morning there will be an address by the president ken gardiner of brantford re ports will be heard and there will be a discussion period in the afternoon prof l a mc eermott of the oac will speak n life in earth thomas w thompson metro parks com missioner toronto will dis- topics as annuals bulbs and per cuss the trend in public ennials and soils fertilizers and planting and mrs h brooker insecticldes wm be dea witn of brantford will have as her j in tne aternoon f w warren subject junior work at 645 pm the annual ban quet will be held in the crystal ballroom with a civic welcome being extended by mayor jack son of hamilton hon w a goodfellow minister of agri culture and honorary president of the association will bring greetings from the ontario gov ernment the guest speaker will be john f clark of toronto of dundas will show colored slides of british columbia fol lowing this the election of offi cers will be held r f gunnell of hamilton will give an illus trated talk on cavalcade of the north and leslie laking roy al botanical gardens hamilton will speak on recommended trees for various purposes the york county camp of gideons are celebrating their tenth year of service to the stouffvilie and district citizens it has been their goal to have the scriptures in bible and tes tament form placed in as many local hospitals schools hotels motels prisons and other pub lic institutions where the doors have been opened to them this group of dedicated christian bus iness and professional men have been going about their appoint ed task taking time out from their regular duties and they are pleased to report that over 2000 bibles and testaments were placed in the schools of the county in 3956 also in the spring of last year close to 600 hospital testaments were dedi cated and placed in the green acres moeto home in newmar ket further evidences of their progress are witnessed in the facf that since january 1956 over 400 bibles wore dedicated in memory of loved ones laid to rest through the gideon me morial bible plan which has been faithfully promoted thro- ugh the kind efforts and co operation of the funeral direc tors throughout the entire conn- the york county camp of gideons are also playing a part in the task of supporting the work of fellow gideons in the new fields of ministry opening up in mexico and south africa this endeavour has been under taken by the gideons interna tional in canada with all local camps assisting with funds to to personally thank all the scriptures to be distributed the same way as we do here in york county funds for the sup port of the overall gideon min istry are obtained through church services conducted by qualified gideon laymen in the leading congregations of the area through the gideon memo rial bible plan grants from church budgets individual gifts and some 35c through gideon membership contribu tions all the members of the organi zation would like at this time to personally thank all the peo- people of stouffvilie and dist rict who have so faithfully as sisted them throughout the years in carrying on this re warding interdenominational ministry joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffvilie 98w2 william st north marie jack hairdressing lloyd ave stouffvilie permanent waving hair styling and shaping phone 381 the sunday school lesson unlimited forgiveness j this portion will reveal that the lesson for march 10 problems under review are not matthew 18 to 20 concerned with the enemies of roi dfx text lord how the kingdom but with its friends fi shall mv brother sin agits servants it begins with a a nst me and i forgive him lesson about greatness vs 14 till seven times jesus saltli in response to a question on the unlo him i say not unto thee the powder puff beauty salon joy oxeui for appointment call stouft 405 open tuesday and thursday nights closed wednesday after hours call stouff 08wl until seven times but until seventy limes seven matt 18 2122 the lesson as a whole part of the disciples which indi rated that some of them at least had their eyes on place and promotion following is a lesson on of fenses vs 514 with special reference to little children approach to the lesson j wn our lord intimates that as we saw last week a new ou t sphere would division of matthew gospel be- come from y wor the indi- gins at 1621 presenting the cations are that they might also king in his passion a new note come f members of the king- is introduced there the note of dom o heaven therefore he the cross even before those took occasion to insist on the events began to take shape that jg of little children in the hastened our lord to the cross he was moving toward it as to certain goal in other words fellowship of believers next is a lesson about disci pi pline vs 1520 our lord j of the ingrate could not but he was living in his passion j wa us that one of the prob- 1 arouse the resentment of others same reckoning as in verse 24 this debt would be 1250 the vast difference between the two debts is an important item in the parable the kings forgive ness had hardened him instead of making him tender verse 29 besought him have patience with me and i will pay thee all notice the exact echo of his own prayer v 26 which should have stirr ed his compassion verse 30 cast him into prison till he should pay the debt the mercy he had re ceived he would not show to a lesser offender prison is a poor place to make money to pay off a debt verse 31 his fellow serv ants were very sorry told unto their lord all that was done the disgraceful conduct business directory dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of unlienltt of toronto office oter canadian bank ot commerce telephone 10tr 6toafitille e s barker lds dds honor graduate ot university ot toronto office over harold grill thone 27st stouffvlllo medical dr s s ball physician and surneon xray office corner ot obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county drs mitchell smith physician surgeons xray phono 230 stonltville office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 s j1b auctioneers sellers atkinson pa attn lolwj pa 8to m licensed auctioneers ind sale managers oter so year experience sales conducted anywhere spe cialising la farm stock furni ture and property sales all mies personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at so extra cost our rate are most reasonable for thla complete service wmca really pays off no aale too big or too small chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvilie monday and friday 9 to 12 am and in the subdivision to which i facing the new commun- j who rightly felt that it ought we gave this title 1621 to 2034 ity would be that of one mem- 1 to be reported to the king o thou wicked our present lesson is a part of matters were to be handled for more muscle on mr lakings address will also the fourth great body of teach- the salvation of the offendei tha morning of march 8th i be illustrated the convention ing 181 to 191 to which we and the wellbeing of the whole will include demonstrations and will close with a meeting of the gave the title the problems of group discussion periods when such 1 1957 board of directors the kingdom a careful study of finally there came the les son about forgiveness which constitutes our lesson portion this also came in answer to a question asked by peter and doubtless elicited by what our lord had said concerning disci pline if we were to analyze mat thews gospel geographically we would have to make the di vision in 191 where we are told of his departure from gal thisweeks lesson is found j ber wronging another so he verse 32 it will be noticed also that gave directions as to how these servant t forgave theeyll that debt because thou desiredst me the wicked doubtless refers both to the behavior which brought him into debt and to his treatment of his fellow serv ant after having received such mercy from the king verse 33 shouldest not thou have had compassion as i had pity on thee the kings conduct should be a pattern to the servants and one to whom great pity has been shown cer tainly ought to show pity to others verse 34 and his lord delivered him to the tormentors wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 10u 34 79 ana by appointment wednesday excepted 327 main st x mnrkhnm ont telephone 701 j r kane dc doctor of chiropractic consultation by appointment phono stonft 455 mon to sat 24 pm main st phone 435 stouftville located above spofford co optometric ilee our present lesson then 1 ends the galilean ministry as i tin ne should pay all that was i far as matthews record goes i due the seven and a half sin my hi verse by verse matt 1821 how oft shall i forgive him till seven times peters question was doubtless an outgrowth of christs teaching in verses 1517 forgiving seven times was the most magnanimous of the rab binical suggestions the more general being three times based on amos 24 verse 22 i say not seven times but seventy times seven the rabbinical generosity is put to shame by our lords startling answer some read seventyseven times whichever is the correct read ing the real sense is that for giveness is to be unlimited not calculated mathematically verse 23 a certain king would take account of his j r in amos 24 p sug- servants the servants here jested the higher figure but re- are stewards who had access ceived an answer which really to their kings revenue it was j took forgiveness out of the not unusual for slaves to fill lcalm of arithmetic altogether million dollars had been forgiv en what then was due omit the words unto him verse 35 so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if ye forgive not the answer to the question under verse 34 will determine the interpretation of this verse the lesson however is clear see ephesians 432 the heart of the lesson jesus had given directions for dealing with an offending bro ther matt 181517 this rais ed the question of forgiveness in the mind of peter most rab bis held that one might forgive another three times but on the fourth offence was not expected to forgive some stretchedit to seven adding the three and the e a grubin ro optometrist picton stonfftllle at stoufftllle office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays april a 00 a 80 may 27 2 june 24 a 25 phonos 86j3 and 25j1 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorired for the counties of york aad ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual eerrtee for the price of one mlltken po ph ax 35js7 markbam po ph mark 3s prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townshins farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone t gormley 5811 legal robert w mcvey barrister a solicitor 102 rouse crest drive 3551 markham toronto phone 339 phone em 35101 ambulance service b y r ambulance 84 hoar jervlce ambulance a taxi rlclunond ii iii richmond htn ttj 41500 tu 41408 bay cnbs k cabs garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors test of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment boars 10 nm to 500 pm every tuesday evening hy appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffvilie ontario insurance in reliable compantei at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259wj the spirit of forgiveness is not interested in such calculations to press the lesson jesus gave a parable the day of in ventory finds one of the kings servants in debt to the tune of about seven and a half million if t hauling power you want looktododge trucks first imodol for model these brawny new v8 thrlftlesare the perform- ingest trucks on the highway youu find dodge v8s have more horses to begin with from 180 to 232 hp and they feature unique domeshaped combustion chambers that get full power from regular fuel resist carbon buildup short piston stroke cuts friction wear to a minimum too of course youll discover a whole truclcload of other outahead advancements waiting for you dodge trucks bring you the in dustrys only fullopening alligator hood bifxest onepiece wrap around windshield roomiest cab easiest handling plus optional pushbutton driving on d100 ton models for real touchgo haul ing ease try dodge today domashaped v8 combustion cham bers exclusive in forward look trucks convert more heat onergy into pulling power centrally located spark plugs assure more compefecornbustion to stretch gas mileage dependable longfamous dodge sixes timetested and proved mil lions of miles over in gruelling on-the- job service and 6 or v8 the exclu sive fullopening alligator hood offers extra elbowroom for servicing chryilcr corporation of canada limited 0700tfic1orndtfiir satattmottigcw 11000 its euigvw dim will milk dtlittry boil 15000 lbs oncv dm0 rsta stil bod iooisi nil tvx dioopisl 50m lsscn gvwj from 4250 lbs cvw to s5000 lbs ccw tha highstyled choice for all your hauling needs the office of steward verse 24 c one was brought which owed him ten thousand talents it is not easy to calculate the value of this sum in todays money a talent was 730 ounces of silver at a dollar an ounce the debt i dollars the whole setting sug- would be 500000 the likeli i bests that it was not a legiti- hood of a slave owing that mate debt but a matter of dis- amount does not enter the pic- honest dealing yet out of pure ture the parable requires an compassion for the man in his enormous figure extremity the king pardoned verse 25 he had not i him and cancelled the debt on to pay his lord commanded he human plane it is fantastic him to be sold and pav- but it has to be in order to rep ment to be made the saie resent what god is doing for would not meet the amount i sinners every day now available coop fire insurance higher coverage tiowcr rntes 72 f better service john byte ma newmarket phone 211j4 brierbush hospital dai and night service maternity medical and surgical member ot the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stonffvlde funeral directors l e oneill stouff vtlie funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone servite day or nlgbt phone stonffvtlle 98wl ken laushway general insurance phone j70wl 370wl stoiffvllle ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency fire life auto a casualty main st east stoaffvllle phone stonftrllle 223w fred m ptjgh general insurance phone stoufmlle ssm men not machines make money investigate the advantage of keyman or partnership business j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service tflfphone 90 markham ontario stouffvilie machine tool works telephone bm rear of cnk station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs owed but it would be penalty i but the forgiven man did not wl 7 i ucsf tm st s keyson motors ltd with the forward look j phone 390 for incurring such a debt tjiis understand forgiveness since presents the hopelessness of the he was now free of debt he condition j reckoned that all he could make verse 2g the servant would be clejr profit so he de- worshipped him lord have termined to have the trifle that patience with me and i will another servant owed him when pay thee all worshiped is a man sets his heart on money the correct word here but must pity and gratitude are expelled be regarded in the sense of be- so the man who was forgiven seeching while of necessity sub- the illegitimate debt of seven mitting to his lords will the and a half million dollars re- promise to pay all is absurd fused to forgive a legitimate arising out of the mans panic debt of twelve dollars and fifty verse 27 then the lord cents was moved with compassion such ingratiiude must be and forgave him the debt dealt with if forgiveness does xotice that the king did not free not boget forgiveness other his servant to pay the debt but meihods must be found called freed him from it again before the king the of- verse 28 one of his fender is sternly rebuked and i fellow servants which owed him handed over to the torment- life of canada representative accountants john c wylie fcis chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tax retnjm itr2 stouffviltie telephone g4bj1 country accounting seitle accounting and income tax services an hundred pence took him ers by the throat pay me ihsl learn the lesson that kindness j ttou cwest following the rad no taught him william e davis accountant formerly with dept national rerenue taxation division in whose hand he would j salle 504 m richmond st w empire 40s55 r- pill couoct erf stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers efes 70w

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