Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 7, 1957, p. 1

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totiffwlk sribnti vol 67 no 41 the tribune stouffville ont thursday march 7 1937 twelve pages markham twp council asked to delay striking tax rate for 1957 78 mills needed for roads in pickering tp markham township council has received a wire from the department of municipal affairs statin it would not be advis- 1 able for council to strike a tax- 1 ation rate until further advised by the department as the form j of grants were being changed no information as to whether mrs ann liz couse fair- view ave stouffville captifed the south ontario ladies ski ing championship in the sla lom class at a recent competi tion held at osier bluffs near collingwoori in the c class entry mrs couse completed the difficult course in 206 min utes her time bettered the top competitor in b class mrs couse proudly displays the cup presented to her emblematic of hor skiing prowess mrs couse has been raised on skis born in the caledon hills she skied to school at an early age her jwo sisters are ardent ski enthusiasts helen of brampton captured the south ontario downhill and slalom championship in 1956 and greta of toronto won the allontario honours last win ter mr couse also enjoys the sport although he never enters into competition land erosion act of god says depreeve at the regular meeting of pickering township council on monday evening a letter was received from the west rouge ratepayers association request ing immediate action to stop the soil erosion caused through the wave action of lake ontario deputyreeve sherman scott said that certain interested par ties had made a study of this problem and considered the wave action causing erosion to be an act of god and could not be stopped dep reeve scott said that the cost of an erosion prevention programme would be enormous councillor glenn julian con tended that the matter should be given serious study clerk l t johnston pointed out that special committees of the pro vincial and federal govern ments had been set up to deal with the problem reeve w g lawson said he would contact queens park with regard to the matter tax collections a total of s22858 in taxes were collected during the month of february the present tax arrears is s103972 council felt that the collections were good considering it was a short month assessor wins appeals against division court assessor archie fleming of markham twp has received a favorable decision in three of the five assessment appeals taken before the ontario mu nicipal board mr fleming was appealing against a change made by the local court of revision and sustained by a county judge in three of the cases the board has reinstated mr fle mings assessment of 100 an acre in the fourth the owner had expressed some desire to subdivide but had been dis couraged by council a move which swayed the court of revision in reducing the fig ure to 50 an acre the fifth and largest of the appeals is still to be decided by the muni cipal board catholic diocese buys atha farm for cemetery the toronto diocese of the roman catholic church has pur chased the 150 acre farm at atha on the 7th concession of pickering previously owned by mr ed timbers the property will be used for a cemetery in a letter to pickering twp coun cil the board of health granted their approval councillor syd pugh stated that a petition sign ed by close to 30 neighbouring residents protested the purchase on grounds of inadequate drain age and reduction of property values councillor pugh said however that he didnt believe the property would be used for some time as a burial ground council agreed that the matter was now out of their hands this change will increase or de- 1 crease the local demand any increase in the grant would be i very acceptable as the audit will show a deficit in operations for 1956 of around s20000 largely i ilue to increased expenditure on i roads it is anticipated the sub- 1 sidy paid by the dept of high- ways will take care of at least half of the amount tenders for the supply of gravel were opened at mondays meeting with a representative of the dept of highways in atten- dance seven firms submitted tenders the lowest and success- ful tender being that of frarfk hjroberts sons the matter of continuance of j markham twp as game pre- serve received some discussion some members were in favor of j discontinuance but it was drawn to attention that if such action was taken the government i patrol now covering the area would be withdrawn further consideration will be given if supply of pheasants are avail able monthly police report shows cars covered 11737 miles at cost of operation of s36226 total calls were 492 communication was received from the dept of game fish eries stating it was not consid ered advisable to hold an open season for killing of deer in the twp a number of property owners have complained of loss owing to increase in number of deer in the district the reeve was requested to interview albert reesor regard ing continuance as weed inspec tor for another year mr reesor had expressed a desire to retire at the end of 1956 a deputation from the rich mond hill high school district requested permission of council to place a suggested program before them in order that they might be fully conversant with the amount required to be spent over the next three years this covers an enlargment of rich mond hill high school this year classes now being on staggered basis and not very satisfactory 195s build new school at woodbridge which would per mit of area taking care of stu dents now being paid for at weston cost of this school 700000 1959 arrange for in creased attendance at thornhill chairman of board stated he expected all the proposed aecom modation would be required for years council expressed apprecia tion for the action of the board in giving information and real ized that some action would be necessary but are rather at a loss to know how this continual ly increasing demand is to be paid or from what source funds are to be raised markham twp bears some 25 of the costs in the richmond hill area there was considerable dis cussion on passing a bylaw for a newjcourt of revision the fee was set at s700 for half day with 10 cents per mile for ex penses it was suggested the matter be further discussed on the evening of march 11th when parties concerned could be present the replacement of at least one member has been sug gested seventeen new homes for starvale subdivision with the sale last week of the starvale subdivision located north of main st east of park rd this subdivision opened a couple of years ago will be virtually completed doug me- harg ltd contractor made the purchase through the thos n shea realtors the meharg firm plan to erect seventeen 3bedroom nha bung alows in the 12900 bracket with down payments from 229500 a model home is to be erected almost immediately shea real tors report that three of the homes have already been sold present opp hockey trophy constable w s hilliard of the whitby opp presented the unionville jets with the police trophy emblematic of the midget c group champion ship the presentation was made on tuesday night to club captain john pettit the trophy last year was won by stouffville reward offered for return of tourist sign taken from in front of dr barkers residence the unionville juveniles were ousted from the b class on tario playdowns last week los ing two straight to gananoque the score in the second game was 115 claims township dump overrun by rats ralph spademan who picks up garbage in various parts of markham township told mark ham township council last week that the dumping grounds being used by the municipality north of ringwood is overrun by rats and not properly con trolled he also complained of the approach particularly in mild weather the dump is own ed by mr jacob grove and is used by markham township markham village and whit church there was said to be ample room for additional ref use if the place were properly supervised deputyreeve deacon stated that since the owner did not i and arrange themproperly into want the responsibility of look- j the title ing after the dump the town- 1 important ship should do something about once you have found the ror- it it might be a good idea also rect title use your imagination he said for markham to look i and submit what you consider mound their own township for to be a better title for the car- a place to be used for dumping i toon mail your entry to car- purposes toon capers the stouffville the final game of the junior c group roundrobin semi finals between aurora and brooklin will be played in the port perry arena on tuesday night commencing at 830 pm enter the cartoon capers contest this week on page five of this issue readers will find the first of a series of contest adv pages which will appear for the next six months as part of a com bined promotion program by lo cal merchants and the tribune on the page you will find more than thirty advertisements from local business people also a cartoon in the centre of the page extra words are placed throughout the page in the var ious advs which make up the correct title of the cartoon as a hint for the first week we will tell you that there are seven vords in the title read these advs find the extra words tribune stouffville ont these entries must be in our office not later than monday following the publication of each issue the best entry will be selected each week and the winner will be awarded 10 worth of merchan dise certificates these certifi cates are valid at any of the business places whose adv ap pears on the cartoon page 100 grand prize when submitting your week ly entry dont miss the chance to be eligible for the 100 grand prize at the end of the contest to do so you should attach to your weekly entry a sales slip from any of the business places competing in the contest which will automatically make you el igible for the grand prize at the conclusion of the 26 weeks the names of the weekly winner will be published each issue be sure you have read the rules and understand them now turn to page five and get your entry in the contest is open to all our readers juveniles score 61 victory in new series the stouffville juvenile team currently holding the hockey spotlight here rolled to a 61 victory at havelock on tuesday night in the first game of a new goalstocount series the two clubs will meet here on thurs day night commencing at 645 pm the winner will move on into the ontario semifinals tuesdays contest at havelock was ahairraising thriller bruce smith replacing bud thomas in the stouffville nets was sen sational in spite of a lack of practice the local goal guardian held the fort and turned aside many dangerous havelock scor ing attempts there was no score at the end of the first per iod stouffville led 10 at the end of the second and outscored their rivals 51 in the final frame the entire team played well don jackson was moved up on the forward line from his regular rearguard position and coach jack watson was pleased with his performance a number of carloads of stouff ville fans accompanied the team on the 100 mile trip band competition coming to arena the parade of champions a band competition is coming to the stouffville arena on satur day april 27th the event is sponsored by the no iso york lions band whose organization won the miami championship in 1956 six of the top bands in the country will be competing for cash awards with some three hundred bandsmen participat ing the giant mass band display will include fancy displays marching and use of american manoeuvres for the first time in canada this colorful event will draw band critics some fifty of whom are expected from all parts of ontario it will be stag ed under the rules of canadian bugle band association who will supply the judges at a special meeting of pick ering township council last week a motion setting the requirements for this years road budget at 75 mills made to be rescinded and boosted to 7s mills this amount which was found to be required will raise s968so00 the motion for the change was proposed by coun cillor chapman and seconded by councillor james further to the road department council agreed that tenders should be called for the purchase of a new maintainor without plow to replace one of the graders now in use council agreed to a recom- j mendation of the finance com mittee that the following grants be paid in 1957 soil and crop improvement 25 ontario and j york film council 25 clare- mont library 50 greenwood i library 50 whitevale library 50 brougham library 50 pickering library 25 fairport boys club s50 markham fair 50 south ontario ploughing match 75 brooklin fair 30 crippled children 25 red cross 100 salvation army 25 fairport ratepayers 15 the grants total 64500 dozen local dog owners summoned slouffville police cracked down hard last week on local dojr owners who persist in allowinjr their animals to run at large anil nearly a dozen summonses have been issued under the local bylaw the delinquent owners are called fo appear in court at newmarket on wednesday of next week a number liad previously been warned and failed to heed the police warn ing officers stated chicken coop home at green river condemned mr arthur thompson the by law enforcement officer for pic kering township has condemn ed a tworoom tarpaper check- en coop at green river the rented home of mr and mrs erwin bieri and their two chil dren erwin jr 2 and bruno 3 they must find new living ac commodations within 3 weeks the bieri family came to can ada from switzerland last sum mer they lived in montreal for two weeks later moving into markham township where they resided in a cabin on the 5th concession for a short time the father is employed at the hom ey farms east of green river as a skilled cheesemaker mr bieri informed the trib une that he lias looked every where for better living quarters without success he said that the rent is either too high or the owners will not accept the children they pay 2000 per month for their present dwell ing although the quarters are cramped the rooms are spot less it is considered to be a fire trap however reeve w g lawson of pick ering township said that the bylaw officer can obtain a court order and have them evicted he noted however that mr thompson would probably be hesitant in this regard especial- lyin the winter he said council would be willing to discuss the problem with mr beiri at a reg ular meeting mr beiri said that if he can not locate accommodations very soon he will be forced to send his wife and family back to switzerland may hardtop altona road last likely addition made to local post office a longawaited and much- reeded paving program for the pickering uxbridge townline running from echardts corner just east of stouffville to altona has been scheduled by pickering township in their road budget this year the sum of 2600 has been allocated by pickering for paving this mile and quarter of heavilytravelled thoroughfare pickering is prepared to go ahead with the work providing uxbridgc township will agree to provide their share and a simi lar 2600 pickering councillors like miny other neighboring munici palities are becoming increas ingly aware of the folly of try ing to maintain gravel roads with the traffic which they are called on to endure today and are endeavoring with restrict ed program determined restricted budget to york county mill rate unchanged for 1957 carpenters were busy last works department for some week at the local postoflioe jtime while there is some addi- building installing approximate- tional land at the rear of the ly 200 additional mail boxes the i present building it is not be- last addition likely to be made licv that the present site to the present building to arid ivould be used some prelimin- the new boxes it was necessary i ar survey of possible sites has to cut down considerablv the wen made but no definite action accommodation for the public in boen takcn n ihc matter the lobby basement rooms have i been in use for some time to i i handle the rural mail which s jers meet alllston dispersed from stouffville on j for group honors four rural mail routes polv mimo unionville jets york county mill rate for 1957 was set at 1015 when county council met at newmarket last week the mill rate remained unchanged from last years despite an increase in the bud get of s63253 because of an increase in the equalized assess ment of the county the 1957 budget is for s1015- 350 of this 675355 must be raised by taxation with the county levy accounting for 513427 and roads levy for the balance of 161928 the countys equalized assessment stands at 66500000 york county council last week approved the proposed expenditure of s63000 for the york county health unit and included that sum in its 1957 midget this was an increaseof 3000 over last year but 13256 less than the health unit board had requested the 1957 budget for york county manor the countys home for the aged yonge st newmarket was set at s65000 3000 less than had been requested by the manor com mission last years expenses at the home totalled s69030 miscellaneous grants totalling 1300 were approved by york county council last week when in its 1957 budget york county council allowed 5750 for grants to agricultural societies and related organiza tions included were plow mens associations east york king and vaughan north york each to receive 150 agricul tural societies 500 to each of markham woodbridge and sut ton 300 schomberg 200 to each of aurora richmond hill and the royal winter fair and a grant equalling that of peel county but not to exceed 150 to clairville additional grants were ap proved to ontario dept of agriculture s500 jr farmers extension 500 york county agricultural extension s600 barberry and buckthorn project 100 district- womens insti tutes four districts at s50 each 200 york county feder ation of agriculture 500 and ontario agricultural council fees 50 the first full years report on the juvenile and family court aurora was presented to york county council by judge doug- i las webster the court was j opened at aurora in november j 1955 a minimum staff was employ- the chicken coop dwell- and family it has been con- ships bylaw enforcement ing at green river is the home demned by pickering town- officer arthur g thompson of mr and mrs erwin bieri jim thomm in conversation some time ao with a leading postofnce inspec tor the tribune was advised by a j that trie erection of a new post- over a i offle building in stouffville has period of years hardtop the been on the agenda of the most heavily travelled roads dominion government public will meet ailiston for the jr d group championship the first game of the best of five series will be played at union ville on friday night the jets ousted klmvale in two straight and ailiston downed orange- villa ed when the court was opened the 1957 budget was presented j in aurora judge vebster ex- a grant of s200 was made to the plained it included one proba- canadian national institute for tion officer william outer- the blind a representative of bridge his secretary and a clerk the cntb appeared before coun- j the salary for judge webster cil to request a grant of s1o00 j for the one day that he piesidesj other giants approved were j in court at aurora and the sal- j york pioneers and historical ary of the court clerk arc paid society s200 york musical festival s150 york county oratorical contest 150 queens work rangers 500 and new market centenarv celebration 100 by the county the attorney- j generals office pays the other i two j judge webster recommended i that a second probation officer be appointed i the swiss family who came right they are mrs bieri spacious accommodation he to canada lat summer are erwin mr bieri and bruno 3 will send his family back to pictured above from left to unless the father can find more switzerland

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