Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 24, 1957, p. 1

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vt c rumii vol 67 no 35 the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 24 1957 twelve pages five new stores for main st mr robert sellers appeared before stouffville town council at their regular meeting on thursday evening and informed the members that he planned to sell lots for five or perhaps six stores on the north side of main street near obrien avenue mr sellers said he planned to construct a tenfoot laneway i from the main street to serve a parking lot at the rear of the stores he requested an agree ment in writing from council that- the lane would be tax ex empt lie request was the subject of much discussion among the i members who felt that a coun- ell couldnt commit itself with- out legal advice reeve elmer daniels suggested that the cost j of maintenance etc could be shared by the owners under a mutual agreement he felt that the members couldnt rightfully say that the lane would be tax free a council cant enter into assessing stated the reeve mr sellers said he would be agree able to deed the lane and the parking lot to the town reeve daniels replied that he wasnt surewhether the dept of high ways would favour a tenfoot laneway the reeve said further that such an entrance would be difficult to service i dont think a ten foot lane would be of much use said councillor wagg mr sellers pointed out that he would have favoured an ent rance from behind snowballs barber shop but was unable to get an agreement in writing reeve daniels informed coun cil that according to the official plan of the town a proposed street had been marked on the map which if constructed would pass through the sellers prop erty the reeve said the plan had been displayed at a public hearing and no objections con cerning the road had been raised as far as im concerned the planning board is screwy charged councillor wagg l fol lowing the meeting the clerk contacted the department of planning and development and was informed that a proposed road was not binding local veterinarians get radioequipped cars succumbs to accident injuries the funeral service for the late clarence stafford who passed away in the york county hospital newmarket on tues day will be held in the stouft- vilie christian church on fri- metro takes over conservation authority whitchurch advised according to word received i derstanding that this firm could by whitchurch township the make a private agreement with rdhp and humber conser- j aurora to provide sewerage fa- day afternoon at 230 rev f a vation authorities are being dis- cilities the plant is located dearmond will conduct the ser- so an a single authority north of the town on yonge st vice the pallbearers will be k as me toromo vis charles hodgson and eu- their p hitchurch had pre- ene paisley viously appointed l p evans mr staffords death resulted as council representative on the j from injuries recived in an acci- humber authority and ivan dent at the intersection of the mclaughlin to the rouge and 9th concession of whitchurch duffins creek association at and the bloomington sideroad regular meeting of council i on monday afternoon jan 14th new fire agreement whitchurch township council by resolution put final signature to a new fire agreement with aurora the new agreement pro- i vides for standby time of 350 year 70 for the first two hours of each fire and s15 for i lfl every hour thereafter council- mrs stafford vts also injured pn evening these ap- w suggested that a fur- but was released from hospital pointments were rescinded and ther claui be added which following treatment the de- mr mclaughlin was named as woum call the brigade into ceased was very active in church township representative on the wgrk and his sudden passing new authority no sewers after some discussion council agreed to a resolution advising choice cutup chicken ltd yonge st that the township came as a shock to his many friends he is survived only by his wife the former elva staple- ton the late mr stafford is resting at his residence north of stouffville the casket will remain open in the church from has n facilities to entertain ten oclock friday morning un til time of service miss lavina malcolm operates the receiver in the stouffville veterinary office county supports bus line york county council went on record thursday jan 17 that a public necessity exists for a bus service on highway 48 from sutton to toronto abstaining irom voting were the three southern municipalities of vau- ghan and markham townships and richmond hill who have an agreement for transportation by bus to toronto with the ttc mr larry needier of new market appeared before council to outline his proposed bus serv ice a hearing by the ontario highways transport board on mr needlers application for a license will be held on feb 8 in toronto mr needier explained that he now operates a bus service on no 48 highway from sutton to vivian corner into newmarket he is asking for permission to extend this service to toronto along no 48 and bayview ave he said adding that it is neces sary to prove public necessity and convenience to obtain the re quired license from the ontario highways transport board mr needier said he proposed to operate a daily service to to ronto and that he has made tem porary arrangements for a bus depot at a service station on bay street toronto at present a bus line is operated into mt albert only on a friday night- sunday night basis this new service would provide daily transportation from the north ern section of the county into toronto without having to go out to no 11 highway mr nee dle explained reeve john perry of vaughan drs ron smith and jim ste vens stouffville veterinarians are only minutes away from any farmer n tne district thanks to the miracle of twoway radio communication although the complet- set cost in excess of 3000 it is regarded as a price less piece of equitrhent prior to the installation o the radios the doctors could make approxi mately ten country cns per day thirty calls txvz consideied quite possible with this modern sys tem today dr smith installed the first twoway radio in his car three years ago he has had two new replacements since that time at a cost of 45000 each repairs to the mechanism costs close to 5000 per year the licence fee is 2000 paid annually to the dept of transport the depart ment has strict regulations with regard to the operation of the sets a monitorequipped ear tours the various districts where the twoway communications are in use and checks the calls as they are being transmitted a portable receiver is situated in their stouffville office a larger set is located at dr smiths residence in the even ings dr stevens removes he office set to his home where he can be reached during his off- duty hours the radio has a range of at least 25 miles dr smith lias been in contact with his office from oakville but conditions have to be favour able for longdistance reception dr smith informed the trib- continued on page 3 bad weather catches up with sewer work the rain of monday and tues- i day this week caught up with malvern- constructions sewer construction in town and coun cillors and newspaper were be sieged with calls from citizens with backed up water due to uncleaned ditches bankedup roads and piles of fill left here and there their request for sewage dis posal the resolution also stat ed that it was the councils un- neighboring areas as the town ship was becoming increasing ly populated and a brigade might find itself with two fires at on time however council did not agree to make any change feeling that in case of such emergency other brigades would come into neighboring areas run for commissioners nteresting county race reeves william hodgson of each group be represented in the king township and edward i offices of commissioners wriglitman of newmarket both mr pollock and mr were elected commissioners of i pegg indicated their interest in the county of york on wedncs- j seeking the second office of day jan 16 county commissioner next year reeve joseph fry of mark- j they are returned by their i ham village and mr hodgson electors they outlined their some of the chief complain- 1 contested the 1st position nomp municipal experiences and ants were on fairview where inated on the first ballot also mr p said it was close to lull ditches were sending water was reeve william clark of since a representative i into basements of new houses markham township but he with- 1 nort h gwillimbury had the malvern co had promised drew his name i weeks ago that this work would mr wriglitman received an be done but failure to press for acclamation to the second posi- completion of the job found resi- tion reeves longford pegg of dents and council alike into east gwillimbury township and drainage trouble calls coming into the news paper office concerning the flood ing and bad roads here and there were being directed to councillors elgin wagg and gar lehman who are the new road committee the sewer construc tion has admittedly been a try ing time for council but it would appear that pressure must be kept on the engineers steadily if streets arc to be pre served in any passable condition the malvern co had a num ber of trucks steadily drawing gravel on tuesday to try and keep ahead of the numerous caveins which resulted from the steady dovvnpour water again ba eked into cellars on miil st and company pumps were ke pt going lo minimize the miniature flood i dr ron smith local veterinarian keeps in touch with the stouffville office by means of the compact twoway radio set located in his car jim thomas triggerhappy youths are fined 200 guns are confiscated see council only by appointment three toronto youths fined a total of s200 by magis trate f s ebbs on wednesday when they pleaded guilty to of fences against the federal game act ross colin mcdonald 26 of imeia street was fined 100 at the close of the regular meeting of town council on thursday evening reeve elmer daniels suggested that in fu ture he believed all delegations desiring a hearing should make an appointment with the clerk prior to the meeting the reeve wore he stated that these birds which stated that such a practice live for 14 or 15 years mate for life and that when one spouse is killed the other is barren thus depleting the wild life of the country he told the court that on dec 29 he had noticed that the birds would benefit all parties con cernod deputy reeve bulk agreed pointing out that other councils demanded it a letter was received from mr wm haskett of newmarket re questing a letter of recommen dation from council for a radio and costs with the alternative of were very shy and would not station to be established in new- township recommended that mr i two months jail for shooting come to him he went on to tell market council agreed deputy- needlers request be referred to four canada geese out of sea- i of some expert tracking by reeve burk will represent coun- request be referred to lour canada geese out of sea- of some expert tracking by the warden and commissioners son i which he found the footprints of the new metropolitan for a report back to council i loronto conservation author this was withdrawn when it n youc was learned that county council i f eme and would not meet until after the william underwood 19 transport boards hearing markham township is not opposing mr needlers applica tion explained reeve william clark at the same time we cant recommend it until we j see what effect it could have on our agreement with the ttc l we arc waiting for more infor- mat ion he added 18 lor laushway that constable frank edwards be promoted to the position of police chief in the village council were agree able to the move mr ronald femson appeared before council with regard to a proposed subdivision to be de veloped on the former timbers property mr femson said he had purchased the land sub ject to the approval of the plan ning board a total of 58 build ing lots are involved the reeve instructed mr femson to meet with the planning board on feb 14th roy pollock of north gwillim bury township both withdrew their names in favor of mr wriglitman in withdrawing his name mr clark announced that if he were returned to office next year he would seek the office of county commissioner on the first ballot then mr clark is starting his ninth year on county council mr fry reminded council that lie had withdrawn his name last year when nominated for county commissioner indicating been elected warden or commis sioner mr hodgson was nominated by reeve william seller of sut ton and deputy reeve wilfred aitchison of king township reeve fred armstrong of wood- bridge and deputy reeve violet macnaughton of newmarket presented mr wrightmans name mrs macnaughton said mr wriglitman had served on new market council for four years and had proved most efficient as chairman of the roads and bridges committee as commis sioner for york manor last year mr wriglitman showed his capabilities to handle this that he wouldrun for the office rc adtieti in 1957 he said he had been in municipal life since 1917 and had served on county council since 1951 mr fry told the members that it was over 50 years since his municipality had had its mr wriglitman and mr hodg son said they would attempt to serve the county will showing no partiality to any section they considered their election as county commissioners an honour for their municipalities representative elected warden as as themselves they ex- or commissioner and suggested rpr that these honors should be dis tributed to all the communities the death occurred at the to ronto western hospital on mon day of this week of mrs george paradineof mussclmans lake deceased was the former flor- the p ree of king town ence boadway a cousin of for- ship was a county commis- mer resident businessman wes sioner boadway she was in her 62nd i mr hodgson has served on year besides her husband mrs i king township council for eight j- rm wn paradine is survived by two years and is startinc his sixth i i- sons clifford and norman the i jft n5ii vi mandcd for econdtlme when second remand two men charged in connec tion with the theft of chickens from a markham township year on county council he call- week will be conducted from the oneill funeral chapel with in terment in church hill cem etery there are seven urban and seven they appeared in newmarket i court on friday they will ap- rural municipalities within the i jan county and recommended that i pear again this week friday 25th some rural schools are miniature noronies says markham exreeve some of our rural schools to walk a mile and a quarter the type recommended by the are miniature noronies this north to school while the rest hope report under this system judge to hear assessment appeals judge ambrose shea will hear three appeals against the assess- statement was made by alfred lcmasurier at a joint meeting of markham township council and planning board with the inspector of public schools maynard hallman at button- ville on saturday january 19 walk a mile and a quarter the existing rural schools would south j continue to be used for the it is increasingly difficult to k one to six pupils while keep good teachers stated mr the sevens and eights arc taken hallman there is a 40 to to central points by bus 50 turnover in staff many of reeve clark suggested that them come here for a year or a dinner meeting with the trus- lemasurier did not state i two of experience and then move tees from all sections he held lity dep clerk charles jack- 1 the appeals had previously been j with numerous layers of paint arios paid in 195155 for rural son was given a raise in salary before the township court of inside and out with only one schools ii j fts st 2 s2 1 and a stove or heater z t with broadview avenue were each teet of v nimtii on 1to ivmiuie eiinnnetiui tint- i iti fined s50 and costs with the alh ternative of a month in jail for the having possession of canada j men tow which of the schools he had in onto the higher paying metro tentatively on thursday feb on jan 29th at 10 am the min but he a k j schools i 14 at which the budget could be given and common problems could be discussed in prepara tion for this the educational committee of he planning board will meet with the inspec tor next saturday in an effort to decide what the problems are and how to deal with them township was advised las week tl0 of an old frame building the provincial average of sal- r move thev made tellinp tint one rh i the appeals had previously been with numerous layers of paint aries paid in 195155 for rural ranh move tm nadt t lui that one son as given a raise in salary before the township court ofjinside and out with only one schools is 2800 which compares geese out of season out of season dr alan secord of goodwood i he added that he had found told the court that he had a e goose floating on the pond arge game sanctuary between with a wing broken by a gun mr perry said that was his concessions 3 and 4 of uxbridgc sllot wound and four empty 1 municipalitys standpoint war den w j taylor reeve of rich mond hill said the agreement with ttc and the three york county municipalities would not expire until 1960 for many years this bus ser vice operated at a deficit the outcome of annexation meeting much in doubt municipal quest- while council believe they to whit- have a good subdivision agree- twp he told he court that he kaiige shells nearby i is a qualified veterinarian and j dr secord said that the injrin has leen active in conservation e vh o each bird is abou work for 25 years 35 hut that it would be im- while stouffville he went on to tell of a flock possible to place an aesthetic council will travel of canada geese which res permanently on the sanctus warden explained the ratepay- explaining that they are migra- crs in vaughan markham and tory j he court te s h bir havc bc 7f t l t 3 1 ineat a profit and they are shar- 5 t hat thc prefer k of own wh on0 far failed to take any united voice concrete opinions ing be any agreement hospital costs i down in 56 it would be appalling to just coming from metro schools for sit here and not be able to do the attractions of rural living anything about such a situa- 1 in buying education as in i tion stated councillor d dca- buying merchandise it is only con right to examine what we arc r hospital costs for the ior the benefit of council and j buying as well as the price of county of york dropped in 1955 the board inspector hallman it mr hallman said many of from 13507235 to 7s1g230 reviewed the figures on enroll- the schools are overcrowded leading all other municipalities ment and accommodation in whereas a few could aecommo- jn reduction was whitchurch each of the school sections date more puplu townhin where clerk ciias hoover verified his i cy laurin past chairman of lary has so bers have been reluctant to the costs fell 01201 6000 stouffville only 474 10 ttj i reeded is a good longrange look in 195c and markham township there has been less progress at the problems we are likely to came down by 82865 to 8028- bc faced with in the next fifteen 10 costs for markham village or twenty years and the support and understanding of the public for the best interests of our children in solving them we must also be careful not to con fuse the shortterm and the longterm problem were up s55300 having only 12300 in 1955 ccn continued on page 3 his hand when he called them read the second in the nw tribune cartoon series- promot ing buy at home business ap- continued on page 3 councillors have failed so declare hers tailed to voice any stann inc cnn- j unc possibility mentioneo was ing ouy at nome misiness ap- any united decision on the re- cither for or against the request drcn irora victoria square have a thrccicvcl school system of pcaring on page 5 of this issue

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