ribmie vol 67 no 15 the tribune stouffviixe thursday august 30 1956 twelve pages no issue of the tribune next week there will be no issue of the tribune next week a- te staff enjoys the annual vacation period the commercial print- ins plant will close down on thursday noon of this week for ten days reopening on sept 10th the business office w ill be open from 9 to 12 noon and 2 to 3 pm each day with the exception of wednesday and saturdays during this vacation period missionary convention in november the evangelical mission mis sionary convention will be held in the veterans memorial hall on november i 7 8 and 9 rev reinhard xeuman a missionary to the canadian indiars will be the guest speaker th mission held of quebec will be xepresent- ed as well as an opering mes sage and testimony by a convert ed priest there will special instrumental and voc 1 selec tions publisher leaves for overseas trip heart seizure dies m wheel joseph c fret2 70 of centre- ville suffered a heart seizure and died behind the wheel of his car on highway 8 last wed nesday night his wife was seat ed beside him police said mr fretz collapsed at the wheel within a matter of seconds of buying gas and oil for his car at bill yaremas service station just beyond kitchener city lim its the station attendant jo seph swiech said mr fret seemed to be in good health as he waited for his car to be fuelled he said the car stopped before proceeding onto the high way ft then moved slowly across the road and came to rest against a post mr fretz taught school in his earlier life and for the past 18 years had been manager of the golden rule book store in kit chener until his retirement in 1955 he was born in markham son of the late mr and mrs manasseh fretz and was mar ried in markham in 1918 to the former martha reesor he was a member of shantz mennonite church baden surviving besides his wife are two sons john of salem oregon tind walter of toronto two dau ghters mrs cyril ruth gin grich of toronto mrs clayton pauline cressman of moore- field five brothers samuel and oren of stouffville edward of markham lewis of selkirk ont fred of st jacobs four sisters mrs chris smith of kitchener mrs elvin synder of puerto rica mrs orval weber of petersburg and mrs vernice hoover of selkirk funeral services were conduct ed from the first mennonite church kitchener on sunday afternoon at 1 oclock with a second service at the wideman mennonite church markham at 1 pm prior to burial in the wideman cemetery rev a j metzler from the scoltdale publishing house gave a short talk and was assisted by rev aaron grove rev elmer burkholder and rev emmerson mcdowell minister approves official plan for stouffville approval by the minister of insure that street lights would the department of planning and j not be left out for more than a development has now been week at a time ive brought given to the official plan for the j this matter up two or three village of stouffville as prepar- times now and cant seem to get ed by the local planning board any action declared councillor it was revealed at the regular laushway were paying for meeting of council on thursday the lights when theyre out the evening council has now direct ed that the planning board pre pare a zoning bylaw to enforce the various zones as laid down in the plan and this bylaw will be presented to council for con- sideration and probable approval when the zoning bylaw is was working on new lines all approved by council it will be day possibly it wasnt done sent on to the department of thats no excuse for the municipal affairs who will hold lights being out i know of one a public hearing to hear objec- or two that have definitely been tions to the bylaw prior to final out for more than a week said oyer 700 entries in horticultural flower show here last week same as when theyre on he continued you should notify the com mission office replied the reeve he went on to say that the town electrician was suppos ed to check the lights twice a week but sometimes when he passage lights out councillor laushway request- ied some action by council to cecil wallace passes suddenly death came suddenly to mr cecil wallace on saturday mor- 1 ning august isth 195g in the york county hospital newmar ket he having suffered severe heart attack ten days previous mr wallace younger son of the late george wallace and elizabeth la fraugh was born in 1900 in uxbridge township where he spent his entire life with the exception of the past five years in toronto as an em ployee of the workmans com pensation board in 1925 he was married to bertha stewart and has resided at siloam since that time he leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing wife and two sons stewart and keith the tuneral service was held on tueday august 21st 1956 at the mcguire low funeral chapel uxbridge and was con ducted by rev douglas mcphee with interment in goodwood cemetery beautiful floral tributes indi cated the high esteem and re spect in which the deceased was held pallbearers were walter beach douglas beach george stewart john wallace bruce wallace and everald toole the flower bearers were allan chapman george hosie oar tribune publisher mr c h nolan and mrs nolan climb aboard the cnr passenger train here on the first leg of their overseas trip that will take them to the british isles and europe they will be among a party of some sev entyfive publishers and their wives to visit such wellknown cities as london glasgow paris and rome prior to their jim thomas transocean journey aboard the empress of britain they will attend the annual canadian weekly newspaper conven tion at murray bay quebec local publisher among editors leaving for england a party of some seventyfive will provide special functions publishers and their wives in cluding mr and mrs chas no lan will sail from montreal on sept 4 aboard the empress of britain on a six weeks tour of the british isles and europe the party is made up of mem bers of the canadian weekly newspapers association who will be feted throughout the tour by various government heads and the british press as sociation this is only the second time that members of the canadian weekly association have been entertained abroad the first be ing in 1921 when the late a v nolan then publisher of the tribune was among the party the party will be entertained by civic heads in edinborough glasgow and london as well as by the british press association and roy thompson wellknown newspaper magnate the city of paris and government of france as well as the canadian am bassador to italy who is arrang ing for an audience with his holiness the pope a visit to the battlefields of france and the placing of a wreath at vimy are also planned other countries to be visited are switzerland ger many belgium and the home of grace kelly in monaco mr and mrs nolan left on monday of this week for manoir richelieu murray bay to attend the annual sessions of the cana dian weekly newspapers asso ciation which are being held there prior to the overseas trip of interest locally on the trip to england will be a visit to the world plowing match being held near oxford where bob tim bers wellknown local plowman is competing during the local publishers absence mr jas thomas asso ciate editor will be in charge of the tribune publication petition government for removal from ation following receipt of resolu tions from the councils of u- bridge township and ajax vil lage requesting provincial gov ernment action to exclude them from the local conservation authority stouffville council passed a similar resolution read ing as follows that the gov ernments of the province of ontario be petitioned to exclude the municipality in the duflins contribute nothing to the town taxwise he said the licensing powers of council were very wide and required no govern ment approval to implement reeve daniels agreed that such licensing would give citi zens protection against unscrup ulous businesses and poor work manship councillor wag councillor laushway reeve daniels reiterated his stand that the commission office was the place to take the objec tion escape artist too slippery in death cell the ontario amateur soft ball association has ruled that two markham pitchers red fleming and peg oneil are ineligible to compete in inter mediate c class ball since both these players have taken part in the two games played by the aces the team has been thrown out of further competi tion mr len henderson club secretary was notified of the decision on tuesday night the news came as a surprise to the markham team who were unaware that either oneill or fleming were competing in higher class ball apparently they both play for clubs in to ronto when the oasa learned of oneills ineligibilty they order ed the second game of the mar- khambrooklin series to be re played since oneill was mark- hams pitcher in that particular contest the replayed game which went 12 innings was won by markham 31 red flem ing worked on the mound for the aces with neil bramley handling the hurling chores for brooklin however now that the oasa have ruled flem ing ineligible and the markham team has been disqualified brooklin will continue on into j the next round brooklin cap- j tured the year ross bowers ontarios notor ious escape artist is being kept under close guard in the death cell of torontos don jail the noted escapee was arrested last month and later turned over to markham township police for questioning bowers and an ac complice were held in custody at buttonville and then transferred to the toronto don jail he is charged by markham police with possession of stolen goods arti cles were found in his car be longing to mrs f b housser and mr paul keller of cedar grove and mr alex jones south of ringwood on july 9th bowers escaped from the lindsay jail after hav ing obtained hacksaw blades and sawing his way through the bars of his cell and a window he climbed over the prison wall and made his way to freedom two weeks later he was recap tured in a toronto hospital where he was receiving treat ment to an injured arm he cut his left arm and hand in a brawl in a toronto store bowers will not be returned to lindsay to stand trial but will be retained in the don jail crown attorney lome w jor- don stated that their prisoner was too slippery a customer to hazard a chance of bringing him from toronto to lindsay he is being held under very close guard and officials do not want to take any chances of his escaping again only recently while in the don jail bowers managed to obtain tools and money as a result he has been transferred to the death cell of the institution besides charges being laid by markham twp and lindsay police toronto and peterboro police have a war rant for him also it is expected he will be tried on all counts in toronto editors convene at murray bay more than 500 editors from across canada including the publisher of the tribune are meeting at murray bay que this week for the 37th annual convention of the canadian weekly newspapers association registration begins tuesday night aug 28 and a welcome dinner and directors meeting will follow the full convention program however does not be gin until the following day in addition to forums concern ing industry problems encount ered by the editors special spea kers will discuss policy matters related to canadas hometown newspapers a panel discussion wiil also be held with represent atives of the association of can adian advertisers audit bureau of circulation and assn of can adian advertising agencies a highlight of the convention will be the presentation of special awards to newspapers which have won cwna better news paper competitions during tha year there were more than 700 entries in the colourful flowr show sponsored by the stouff ville horticultural society on wednesday evening of last week the floor of the arena was trans formed into a mass of magnifi cent bloom a large crowd was in attendance the flowers were judged by mrs rossiter and mrs hooper of toronto mrs clark young mrs g maynard and mrs gar net franey judged the baking and fancy work included on the excellent program was the youth for christ trumpet trio with paul and bud ratcliff and marlene cake mrs alma old ham and mr del ryder were guest soloists and the east york barber shop quartette presented four- selections mr eugene baker showed coloured slides rev d davis was the master of ceremonies the president of the new market horticultural society was in attendance he congrat- ulated the local members on their fine show members of the agincourt society were also piesent as well as other interest- i ed workers from district organi zations noted radio commenta- i tor dick the amateur garde- j ner from hamilton was present and spoke briefly the president of the stoutr i ville horticultural society this year is mrs win timbers other i officers are mrs harold dixon ilst vice pros mrs fred byer 1 2nd vice prcs miss margery mertens secretary and mrs if j o klinck treasurer the diree- j tors are mrs a farthing mr e r good mr eugene baker mrs eugene baker mr r mac- kay mrs m storov mrs b tail miss a lehman mr w timbers mrs t baxter mrs r davis mr 11 o klinck mrs n oboyle mrs e caclieux mr f griffin mrs stewardson and mr tom brown 300 taken as coop robbed the beaverton farmers co operative association robbed an nually by thieves since 1953 was robbed again thursday leslie watson manager of the coop returned to his office after lunch and found 300 had vanished from his desk the biggest haul was last year when 3000 was taken jim thomaa the annual stouffville hor- ries little lois mae farthing iicultural society flower show 4 year old daughter of mr and was held in the arena on wed- mrs elmer fartfting stouft- nesday evening of last week ville feels right at home among there were more than 700 ent- a colourful display rt gladioli lions draw a doll dressed in 50 100 bills will be given away to some lucky winner at the stouffville trade fair onsaturday evening sept 29th tickets on the prize may be purchased from any member of the local lions club money obtained from the draw will be used for welfare work in championship last 1 th town and new plant near markham to cost 137000 reeve a lemasurier of mark- raised the ham township announced this only dissenting voice to the pro- 1 week that the firm of white- creek watershed from the metro posal contending that the rodgers ltd has been granted toronto and region conserva- 1 licons was only a protection for a building permit for the erec- j local business people which he tion authority as constituted by i the conservation authorities i did not agree with amendment act 1956 the j action was taken at the regular a date meeting of council on thursday j alliutrh kai t evening the chief objection to remain ing in the authority is fear that if and when the authority is joined with metro toronto largescale conservation projects tion of a manufacturing plant which will he located on the 8th concession directly north of markham village the new plant will be of mod ern design and will cover 20000 square feet refrigeiation heat ing and air conditioning electric controls will be manufac- tured the building will cover 27 in a report received from sgt estimatcd art harrison of the vandorf increases for month of july such as expensive dams in the iopp the accident rate for thc toronto area will throw a heavy j momh o juy in ontario show- w ian s 5 financial burden on such munici- an increase over the previous canadlan subsidiary of palities as stouffville which have months figure during july nothing to gain from such pro- tncre was a tota 0 o s02 motor jcl vehicle accidents as compared considering license bylaw j with 2166 in june there were councillor walters gave notice i 70 fatal accidents last month to council that his committee claiming 76 lives in june there was preparing to bring in a f were 60 fatal accidents and 7i recommendation for a licensing persons died a total of 1202 bylaw for various businesses in persons were injured 21 town than in june mr walters contended that vehicles were the am erican firm with head offices in st louis missouri it is planned to have the plant completed by next january some 30 to 40 persons will be employed and this number will be steadily in creased the employees will mainly be women the plant will be erected in more lcn a way as to allow for fu- f so urc expansion a service road checked 2 sa afford accc to no is fncc brown harold brown ebb jtocos and russell johnson 1 in o do similar work and who such licensing which is used j warnings issued and 13350 char- nj extensively in other municipali- 1 ges laid tics would regulate the manner j in which these businesses were plan to attend the stouffville christ church anglican conducted as well as draw a con tribution from outidws coming tournament here sept 3 on the labor day holiday monday sept 3rd a nine team soccer tournament will be held here in the stouffville park the first games will commence at 10 am and will continue through until night the finals will be played under the flood lights the entire tournament has been organized by the stou ffville lions club a beautiful lions club trophy will be pre sented to the winning team the trophy has been donated by the stouffville sand and gravel company the teams that will be com peting in the tourney are au rora newmarket lindsay osh- awa inter markham claremont bradford oshawa ukes and stouffville two fields will be used in order that all games may be completed on time mr and mrs robt burton of detroit mich six year old linda davis beside a prizewinning display- daughter of mr and mrs how- of glads the show attracted ard davis stouffville stands a large crowd local and visit- at cnk at least 5 and possibly 7 wi bus trip stouffville womens institute bus trip to peterborough on have returmdi of hc ioral horkphoc thursday sept 13th will leave home after spending a week at will be competing at the j the post office at 830 ajn trade fair which will be held new time for services will be j the home of his brother mr and jcxe next week the partici- sharp tickets 170 may be in the arena on sept 27th 2sth 10 am sunday school opens on i mrs orval burton albert st p cntcr n0 qualifying obtained by calling mrs a but- and 29th sunday sept 9ih at 11 am and other relatives l round on thursday sept 6th gin at 50w2 stouff during the jim thoma ing musical talent took part in the program rev d davis acted as chairman day or 350j evenings basket lunch mr and mrs wrn clarke virginia beach were sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs w c hall springhurst farm ninth line