Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 23, 1956, p. 5

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fn jiuurrklul ttotorb tcmsjy toga 75 1735 fog 5 friends of the oldtimer are still active in and about the district i started out to write or at least finish up at the little ham- 1 let of lemonville but there are four hardworking men i want to mention everett barnes at bloomington harvey clen- denlng on lot 1 on the sixth of whitchurch william hunt on lot 12 on the fifth and george preston on the fourth on lot 13 these men are all alive and still working i dont know of any other four men alive today who have gone through more real hard work and they all live in the one township i suppose ail of them have helped to thresh when the old horsepower was used a the mill was fed by hand i called on everett last spring during a big snow storm his hair was as white as the snow that was were a lot higher than the wag- coming down but his memory j ons of today was first class he told me he i well remember when i work- played football with lincolnville led on the late truman holdens when they held the picnic in j farm south of stouffvtlle rat- alfred bakers field north of the cliffs bought the bush on the baptist church on the eighth in the year 1888 or 1ss9 i was in conversation with harvey clendenning yesterday before the arena meeting back in the year 1920 a small girl fell back fifty acres and harvey and the late john nicely would be back in there skidding logs be fore seven oclock in the morn ing i could tell of many things harvey did in his younger days in to the pond at ratcliffs and i but if you would like to talk to had it not been for the quick j this clever fellow go to the smart movements of this hard horseshoe pitching marches and working man she would not be i there you will likely find him alive today my older brother william hunt is still going told me that when harvey was j strong and working on his good i his teens he picked up an i farm along with his son russell okashioned barrel of salt and j he worked and sawlogged and placed it in the box of one of i threshed for years and is a first- fiose standard wagons they class thresher i know for i helped to thresh many a day at that time he later bought the blacksmith shop at bethesda will used to shoe horses by coaoi lantern in the morning and use that same lantern again at night harvey told me yester day that he has done that for him when he was drawing logs for ratcliff brothers i may write more about wiil when i get over to the 5th concession if i ever do last but not least george preston i have been told and i guess by himself that when he was a small boy in his early teens he fired the old horse drawn steam engine for his fa ther william and ran the old stationary steam engine in the sawmill at vandorf that was situated north of the new hall where the police station is the engine was fed by water from the creek that runs through the parii he later owned a sawyer- massey machine and threshed in nearly every barn on the 4th and 5th of whitchurch from townline to tovvnline i remember the old dancing team of horses he had jim and frank the old grey team he also threshed in barns in markham twp the late james brodies on lot 35 was one of them he now runs prestons park in the summer time and goes to florida in the winter for a holiday ill never forget george and a railroad engineer who had the long whiskers the time the mus eum train stopped at aurora for its 100th anniversary george and this longwhiskered fellow spent about fifteen or twenty minutes looking over the old wood burning engine standing there i was standing a lew rods away watching those vet eran engineers george was a first class man with a steam en gine chas tupper pypher is an other man i would like to men tion many times i have seen him derive an engine up the barn bridge put the belt on back down again and it was lined up straight as a die ready to go ahead and thresh of the many threshing incidents i could men tion one occurred on the well- kept harper farm south of o brien avenue when the late ellas hoover owned that fine farm in 1903 willie pipher threshed there in the winter with the waterloo machine the old rakers were still in use and the bands were cut by hand jonas byer dan connor and ms son will john lewis will holden allen pipher isaac jreaman and several others in cluding myself cut the bands there are only two of us alive allen pipher and x well id better get back to lemonville i heard a farmer say one time he would never buy a farm if it didnt grow l burdocks well by what i see around on some of those farms 11th line of west gwillimbury and there were burdocks theit j higher by far than my head i enough to seed down the whou township if they were distrib uted evenly i dont know who j the owner of that farm was but he couldnt have been a mem ber of the federation of agricul ture or the soil improvement society or a weed inspector if there is any weed i hate to see on a good farm it is the burdock but apparently some people think they are an extra nice flower next to roses or ger aniums oldtimer in that vicinity he could buy them nearly all i was on the clothes make the man and his wifes may break him matthew 4111 james 1 the sunday school lesson strength through trial stability of the sea surge is the character of the doubter lesson for august 26 vcrse 7 for et not that i man think that he shall receive while faith is encouraged to ex- golden text blessed is the man ject from god unbelief has no that endurcth temptation for right to answered prayer it when he is tried he shall re- shuts up the storehouse of hea- eive the crown of life which ven the lord hath promised to i verse 8 a double minded them that love him jas 113 man is unstable in all his ways jthis belongs to verse 7 and is tilt lesson as a whole a further description of the it is quite evident that this soul a jfkyu-and- epistle was written by one who h sort of pson incapable bore the name of james but oi taking firm ground several in the new testament i vcrse 9 the br oi had that name notablv james iow de re ln that he ls the son of zebedee and brother exalted the believing slave is of john james the son of ali free man the s is phaeus sometimes called james lift01 from the dunghill and the less or james the little man made one of god p so and james the brother of our cial rank does not eotlnt in the lord the writer of this epistle i kingdom of god presents himself simply asi verse 10 but the rich in james a servant of god and that le ls made ow rank and of the lord jesus christ which aie very temporary pos- would fit any one of the three sessions the believer from the while a ninth century manu- upper straulm must jully script attributes the epistle to ake his p wih he pr james son of zebedee this claim and mca he brethren has little or no support we are verse n the sun shut up therefore to one of the withereth the grass so also other two shall the rich man fade away as a matter of fact it has been in his wa the simile is de- contended that james the son of ve n his verse for fa- alphaeus who was one of the shlon read face riches are a twelve and james the brother p ob of trust or glory of our lord brother used in the verse 12 blessed is the man kense of cousin were the samc endureth temptation person this would involve con siderable difficulty including a seeming contradiction of johns statement neither did his bre thren believe in him john 7 5 apart from this problem which we shall leave for the scholars some support has been rallied for the belief that the epistle was written by the lesser james of the apostolic band the preponderance of evidence how ever seems to favor james the half brothcr of our lord jesus to whom he appeared after his resurrection and who later is found occupying a place of lead ership in the church at jerusa lem acts 15 this epistle is considered the earliest of all our new testa ment writings it was probably written from jerusalem for we have no indication of any wider ministry for this particular james according to tradition he died in jerusalem being put to death by order of the san hedrin after the death of festus and before the next roman cur ator arrived as the opening phrase indi cates it was written to the 12 tribes scattered abroad this can hardly mean that he was writ ing for all jews for the epistle contains no appeal to unbeliev ing jews to accept jesus as the messiah the phrase must be interpreted as signifying believ ing jews it is interesting to note that while christians they are still jews although christ became a stone of stumbling and was a cause of division in israel it should still be empha sized particularly in witness ing to jews that a christian jew is no less a jew indeed he shall receive the crown of life back to the subject of temptation it not only minis ters to the believers present sanctification but has promise of eternal reward life is a gift rom 623 but the crown of life is a reward rev 210 verse 33 let no man say i am tempted ofj god here temptation in the sense of in citement to evil is definitely in view a holy god himself free from such enticement will not so entice others verse 14 but he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed temptation is defi nitely attributed to something within ourselves contrast luke 42 the part which satan plays in our temptations is probably exaggerated our big tempter is within us our own desire drawing and enticing verse 15 lust sin sin death we only need to give our desire rein and the fruitful offspring of sin will quickly appear sin on its part is the father of death this leaves little room for boasting about our natural goodness verse 16 do not err this belongs to verse 15 the thought is let us not be deceiv ed about the source of tempta tion which is within ourselves verse 17 every good gift from the father no shadow of turning on the other hand all good comes from god the gift may bo a holy desire a pure thought or any other bless ing but it is always from the unchangeably holy father do not be deceived on this score any more than on the truth of verse 15 verse 18 begat he us not until a jew believes in the lord jesus christ is he a true with the word of truth jew for only thus docs he enter i flrstfrults of his creatures into the promise of the fathers verse by verse jas 12 joy when ye sin begets death but god begets us to eternal life to give us a place count it all i of priority among his creatures fall into divers his instrument in this divine temptations- the temptations j operation is the word of truth here are not necessarily incite- nients to evil although that will he included all situations which i the heart of the lesson our first lesson in the epistle of james puts the emphasis on present opportunities for sin he subject of temptation the are in view we need to be tried word is used in two senses first in many ways joy seems a second enticement to strange reaction to such test- evil the former may involve ihgs i he latter but not necessarily so verse the trying of at the same time any situation your faith worketh patience which constitutes a test means here is the reason these tests he possibility of failure and are to prove the reality of our hat of course means that every faith and in the meantime new situation which constitutes a graces are being gained in the crucible particularly patience or staying power verse that ye may be perfect and entire wanting no thing patience is needed in the maturing and rounding out of christian character where patience is lacking the other graces are not being formed verse 5 if any of you lack wisdom ask of god that glvcth and upbraideth not wisdom is needed in facing our temptations if we would extract good from them it is our privil ege to go to the source of ait wisdom and obtain it god clcvs rot rebuke the one who knows his need and seeks his face for its supply verse 6 test carries in it an clement of temptation in the sense of an inducement to sin in reading this portion we should be care ful to note when the more gen- oral sense is in view and when allurement to evil is definitely the thought in verses 2 and 12 the more general sense is im- plied but in verses 13 and 14 we have the morally evil connota tion how are we to react when sit uations involve temptation com ing our way james says count it all joy there must be some basis for such an attitude the w titer offers three reasons- first these situations have a gracious purpose that of prov ing our faith with a view to its ask in faith i bfln approved in other words re the buick super opassenger 4door riviera a general motors value at a pip of a price times awasting while you could be enjoying the fun and thrill of a new kind of power performance at the wheel of the best buick yet and right now the value ot your present car is at its peak you could make a whale of a fine deal on a greatbuy buick with something really new in soaring might its not just that buicks new v8 is 322 cubic inches big that it develops more torque and horsepower than even buick has had before- theres the new guided dynamite that makes die most of all this thats he latest version of variable pitch dyjiaflow its so muscled that it delivers swift new acceleration with less than an inch of pedal travel and save gas in the doing and when the occasion demands you can unleash the full power at your com mand on a shaved seconds notice tromp down on the treadle and you switch the pitch theres an instant safetysurge of power that leaves trouble fading away behind you jjut theres a lot more to buicks new performance than the smooth sheer might at your command as youll discover its eyeopening best until you boss a new buick and its still only august you still have months to be driving the most modern car on the road you still can take advantage of this months high value on your present car to deal yourself in on the best buy youll get in many a moon so why wait today is a great day to buy a buick the best buick yet by far were ready to open your eyes with the why and how how about right now you just cant know todays driving at aaii advanced variahu pilch dynajlow the only dynajlow buitk builds today it is stand ard on roadmasur superand century optional at mcltst tra cost on tlxe special enjoy 4seajon comfort in your new buick with genulno prioioairb conditionino bestbak mcnl gliasom 0 tv when better automobiles are built buick will build them nothing wavering like a jp h ri r avc of the sea this p to8 of temptation they are dh o n p 37 upon words is not in the greek i opportuniuw to show the l i i u ii fc j x svavtrinf is doubling the in- continued on page 71 main st w stouffville

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