t j th stouffvtuj tmwhf tkniy apgat 23 1956 the stouffville tribune established 1bss a- v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized a sccoodclaaa mall portesn dpt ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 360 elsewhere 460 laff of the week c h hmn pubfiiies in tfcoaus associate edrtot could be worse rain has been underfoot and on the tongue of everyone this summer but it could be worse according to statistics a place in california holds the world s record for the greatest oneminute rainfall 65 inches but that doesnt compare with the worlds record rainfall for one day this unwelcome honor goes to baguio in the philippines with 4599 inches or almost two inches of rain every hour for a 24hour period peculiar brains it may be surprising to learn that while muscles take up 441 per cent of the weight of the average body the brain accounts for 19 per cent actually the average brain weighs a little more than three pounds proving again that valuable things are done up in small packages an unusual feature is that the male brain weighs a few ounces more than that of the female any male who feels a witty comment about this coming on would do well to use the little extra brains he might possess to curb the urge reading project the summer months with extra free time for the small fry would seem an ideal occasion for parents to encourage more reading by their children we have in mind diversions other than increased consumption of comic books or the pulp adventure magazines a bit of guiding psychology and wise spending can get this project off to a good start the proper choice of childrens books takes con siderable thought there is a wide selection on the market today younger children can derive a great deal of pleasure from having a story read to them grade school youngsters can learn a great deal about the world around them in an exciting manner the reading can be tied in with summer travel and vacation activities reading can give children a vivid picture of the world about them there appears for them a realistic impression that they are living in a marvelous world of people animals and material objects which go un noticed day by day 0jsr gentle men i have bum thnocmc of an old man i knew when a lad he was bent nearly double and walked along the streets with hands behind his back he seemed to suffer from curvature of the spine or some kindred ailment he was a great favorite with everybody but especially with children i have never known a kinder and more unassuming person he had no ambition to be thought of other than as a humble christian yet by sheer transparent goodness he became probably the bestloved man in a town of about 30000 people i left england before he died but friends told me his funeral was one of the largest ever held there he was a member of one of the protestant churches but children from all the schools including the roman catholic followed his body to its last restingplace in a local cemetery he never held office in any of the local organizations he was the humblest man in town he did teach in sunday school sometimes sophisticated lads would draw his attention to passages in the bible that seemed vulgar he looked pained but patient as he tried to explain thalr place in scripture but his sheer purity of life shamed the youths and increased their respect for him i had at that time some office in a band of hope temper ance society several times he came and spoke to the children he was no orator but i shall never forget his earnestness as he stood before the children modestly dressed but completely carried away with his subject by some strange law of the spiritual life even restless youngsters understood as he spoke asdldhls master with authority the word gentleman has come to have a meaning suggesting social prestige old tommy herron never earned more than enough to keep himself in decent clothes and maintain a frugal style of living but if by gentleman we mean kindness culture and goodwill he qualified one hundred percent all kinds of people sought his advice although he had very little formal schooling no man i have ever known made me think so much of that striking sentence st paul used when writing to the corinthians love seeketh not her own that was it he never would have said ill have my own he did not insist even on his rights it wasnt what he did or said but what he was that counted he lived a selfless life he was that rarity a gentle man i have known quite a lot of men like him obscure humble but dependable they are the salt of the earth although they would be the last people in the world to think it but there they are like the foundation stones of a bridge unseen but necessary people like tommy hebron whether they are men or women make me think of jejus a lot of belligerentminded people try to make us think that jesus was assertive and capable of anger they are constantly quoting that incident when jesus made a scourge and drove the money changers out of the temple from that they work out a system in which jesus was a heman as they term it subject to passionate outbursts not long ago a man who heard me preach on the gentleness of jesus wrote me a pretty scornful letter in which he said i made jesus out to be a sissy he went on to say what he thought jesus would say and do in certain emergencies it was a dlffeent jesus than i had always believed in i have in mind a picture of jesus i think of him washing the disciples feet and telling them that the greatest of all must be the servant of all i remember his words except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abldeth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit i recall that with his dying breath he said concerning those who crucified him father forgive them for they know not what they do c of coarse i shall expect to receive your statemest promptly on the first of the month mr nod mw for parents only morning slow poke by nancy cleaver tommy is a slow poke in the i ry greeting and a morning morning he takes ages to get j kiss when he comes to break- dressed i despise mothers who fast if possible give junior a small chore which he likes such as bringing in the morning pa per or the milk or letting the pussy cat outside before he sits down to the table children do his slowness in the morning relish a bit of fun at breakfast continually nag at their children but what can i do to cure him mrs black asked her mother dont worry too much about aug 20th 1915 render unto caesar for the prm- i lege of living in stouffville acheque was issued lastweek ta most cass lhe red by the stouffville board of o teese notices are agreeab trade for 62315 being pnnei- surpriscd l0 that the amount pal and interest sufficient to dernanded is somewhat reduced retire the mortgage on the me- from that of vear mortal park property the pro- bowling has a wondsr- perty was acquired from the fu sco ot lo rang church of england the mort- from the smau to the a gage being held by the synod 0n the loca u at the regular meeting of the wcek re butt a juvenile school board the secretary was p unba two of the instructed to purchase from the iieading bowlers and as a result royal ink co sufficient powder ioi hls wins ls now sport the to make a gallon of ink burkholder diamond pin police are investigating the i hon geor s henrv minis- recent chicken thieving epidemic i ter 0l h awarded the in the neighborhood among contract for the supplv of 1926 many farms mentioned was that aut markers to the mac- of mr fred winn just north donald manufacturing co the of town who lost fifteen white price jng gs per pair last rock hens some being of a par- vear pr was i cents per business directory auctioneers ticularly choice strain tax collector h perry has now got his slips distributed in forming each property owner of total cost oiabout3300a the amount he is expected to pair the color for 1926 is to be pearl grey and black some 300000 plates are being ordered up bond interest rate as inflation feared interest rates on this years issue of canada savings bonds have been boosted to encourage canadians to save and help bat tle current inflationary trends finance minister harris an- last may in a story appearing nounced the new bond issue in on the leasing of trout streams the house of commons saturday j by farmerowners it was men- test case on fishing thrown out of court hes only a little fellow but he should have time to eat a decent breakfast and i dont want him to be late for school dawdling over dressing may seem a small fault but it is terribly annoying until a child starts to school the exact time when his dressing is completed does not matter very much to his mother but once he has that nine oclock deadline for greeting teacher then dawdling over dressing may become a real problem in a busy household it is a good plan to establish the earlier breakfast hour for a child several weeks before he or she goes to school for the first time adults must remind them selves that although time means a great deal to them to a small child the passing of time means very little children hate to be hurried sometimes one of the simplest ways to overcome tardi ness in the morning is to call the child a quarter of an hour earlier see that he is out of bed and thus give him a longer time to put on his clothes a large alarm clock on his dresser with the time marked when he should be starting on his way to breakfast is useful for some youngsters choosing what he is to wear and laying out his garments on a chair beside his bed the night before is a practical suggestion when a little girl is sleepy it may be confusing and take sev eral moments to decide whether to wear the blue dress with the white collar or the green jumper anti yellow blouse small socks shoes and underwear are apt to be misplaced under the bed or in the clothes closet or bath room in the process of getting ready for bed make a game the night before of leaving them all out in readiness for the next day mother should check on the physical condition of a child who dawdles continually is he slow because he is feeling slug gish perhaps he needs a tonic or a medical checkup a low grade sinus infection can make him feel very loggy in the morning it might be that his bedtime hour is a little late or his sleep has been interrupt ed maybe his bedroom is not well ventilated more rest and fresh air may make all the dif ference if more mothers would take time for a little nonsense in stead of worrying so about nourishing meals and prompt ness at school there would be less dawdling once in a while the real rea son why a small child lingers over getting his clothes on is because he doesnt want to go off and leave mother perhaps being at home is much more fun than going to school maybe he feels shy with teacher or afraid of some of the bigger children it is quite possible that he thinks his clothes are different how he dreads the other youngsters making fun of him if there is a real reason why he is dawdling over dressing mother should try to discover what it is and do something about it copyright after warning that there is risk of inflation in canada he said the higher interest rates are designed to encourage canad ians to save the finance minister made the announcement in a brief speech launching debate on the spend ing estimates of his department the 151st day of the session second longest since confedera tion in 1867 prorogation prev iously expected by saturday is expected now by the middle of this week prefers interest mr harris warning of the risk of inflation was contained in a reference to last weeks an nouncement by the bank of can ada that its interest rate had been boosted to a record 3vi what the bank of canada has been doing has been to mod- tioned that the one drawback was the farmer who invites his friends to catch trout after the lessees have stocked the stream such a practice does not go down too well with fishermen who lease streams they often spend considerable money in re stocking streams and making the grounds attractive a test case was heard in han over police court last week when harry lumsden charged three men trespassing on a stream he had rented from e d owens on lot 29 concession 10 of norman dy township mr lumsden said that he along with harry henderson and irwin fisher had rented the stream from mr owens june 24 the three had found raymond leonard joseph wat- sellers atkinson ph asia 101 w pb sto 3sj licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cialties la farai stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally usted and ad- rertlsed bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small accountants ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorised tor the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mlulken po- ph ax 35987 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty usbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 0311 barristers erate the rate of increase in the son ard milton d scott all of expansion of credit so as to keep ayton and willie owens son it in a reasonable relationship of owner e d owens on the how silly can one get if you cant be good be care ful is one of the commonest of admonitions and is sometimes brought to mind by someones lack of carefulness a sample was furnished by a news item from toronto last weekend it seems the police picked up a motorist who was convicted on a charge of im paired driving which is another way of saying drunk driving only that it doesnt sound so bad and does not carry such a heavy penalty which is probab ly all right since ones ability to drive may be impaired but not destroyed it is supposition on our part that the police searched his car for liquor and in the search it came to light that he was a distributor of irish sweepstake tickets and in his possession the officers found the names of 320 agents whom he supplied pro secutions of these agents is in progress according to the news item referred to the thing which stands out in the incident is the utter silli ness of that distributor he was engaged in a business which is legally wrong whether or not it is morally so one would think that if he found it to his advantage to be not good he would at least protect himself and his staff by being careful if there are several children to avoid actions which are wrong with the growth of production he said this helps to prevent the present condition of expand ing production from spilling over ihto one of speculation in flation and instability mr harris announcement of the new bond issue was ampli fied in a statement issued out side the commons by the bank of canada the issue the 11th since the second world war will go on sale oct 15 dated nov 1 1956 the bonds will mature 124 years later on may 1 1969 average yield of the bonds to maturity will be 376 percent a year compared with a flat 3i percent for the 10th series to carry 13 coupons the bonds will carry 13 cou pons the first covering a six- months period and the remain ing 12 a oneyear period each the first two coupons will pay interest at an annual rate of 3 the next two at 3v4 the next two at 3 and the re maining seven at four percent a bank of canada official said the longer canadians hold these bonds the better will be the average interest return mr harris said the high level of economic activity in 1956 in cluding an 8000000000 capital rate increase he said let the government clean its own house let it look at its own swollen expenditures which represent one of the biggest and strongest inflationary factors in our econ omy today if the government wanted to ward off the threat of inflation it should direct its efforts to ward increased production harry a white pc middle sex east said the government is starting late to prevent infla tion you cant prevent a dis ease you already have he said stream mr lumsden charged them under the petty trespass act mr lumsden said the three had fishing poles but couldnt swear they were fishing magistrate e c spereman of owen sound dismissed the char ges when mr lumsden failed to produce a copy of the lease be tween himself and mr owens during the trial defence coun sel alex j mcnab of walkerton asked if the charges had been laid as a result of a 10 bet be tween one of the accused and dr j j hergott of ayton on the outcome of the case if taken to court mr mcnab said that although the trespassing of fence was supposed to have taken place june 24 the charges were not laid until july 12 willie owens testified he had invited the three ayton men to go fishing on his dads place the father claimed it was the understanding he would have fishing privileges on his own land the trio leased the stream from him about eight years ago for 15 a year bruce h grose ba barrister solicitor office spoflord co block hours mon to fri 9 am to 530 sat morning 9 am to 12 evenings by appointment phone 330 res 270wl john c wylie fcis chartered srct public accountant auditor income tax return rr3 stolfpvillb telephone 91j1 tountry accounting service ambulance service b y r ambulance 24 hour jerrlce ambulance taxi richmond h1u richmond bill tu 4130o b v cabs tu 4u08 r cabs dental nel c smith lds dds graduate of university ot toronto office over canadian bank ot commerce telephone 107w stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto oftlco over harolds grill phono 274v stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien a main phone 196 coroner for york county paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor wideman block markham tuesday thursday evenings saturday mornings phone 708 residence eckardt avenue union vmle phone 334 resident member of mcdermott mcmahon rogers mixgay barristers solicitors a notaries 302 bay street toronto 1 phone em 42194 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison kcgd rcnl estate broker phone 244 dr f j button dr d w brodie tolcphone 371 378w xray hours dally 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment olllco otcr button blk drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons yisay fhono 230 stouffville office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometric funeral directors brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed sfaln street east stouffvillo ou quotation today is by henry ward bcecher nett is wot teeokneu it is ttrtngih htld in rcjerv gentle- in the family the business of getting ready for school may be delayed as they argue with each other one mother finally made the rule walt to talk until you get to the breakfast table another parent discovered that arranging for two brothers to dress in different rooms speeded up this process if they were together inevitably they started fooling around and laughing at each others antics still another parent gave special praise to the first child to appear at the table some children arc not very dextrous with their fingers a little help from mother in tying shoe laces or doing up a button may be just what is needed to finish getting dressed most chil drens clothes today are simply made and easy to get into but if a child is a dawdler mother should check that buttonholes are large enough and zippers are easy to handle a pleasant prospect ahead is a real inducement to finish a task like dressing what tiny mui legal and moral view- dirts for there is nothing to be said in favor of drunk driv ing mat guy was certainly not careful and his impaired driv ing brought trouble to himself and to others as is so often the case we saw just recently an edi torial on the folly of attempts to suppress gambling it is a human trait or frailty which enters into all activities from the cradle to the grave every business activity is a gamble you stake life itself every time you enter a motor car or cross the street the farmer who risks his labor and seed in the spring gambles with the elements on his crop return the element of hypocrisy ent joy beauty salon here sellers of lottery tickets work on a hushhush system in france italy mexico and other countries they are like our gov ernment liquor stores on the permanent waving l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffvillo 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 mnrklimu ontario e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays sept 1718 oct 1h16 nov 1213 dec lo 11 afternoons and evenings only phones 8sj2 and 2511 garnet v gray ro optometrist wm b1rkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to 800 pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance main drag with prominent signs certifying their official standing its not a crime in canada to drink liquor if you pay the gov ernment for a licence and buy where the government gets its rakeoff but its wicked to beat the government out of its share we may be holler in canada than they are in other countries but its more likely that we are i just hypocrifs the writer of this comment on gambling and lottery regula- 1 tions is the editor of the ridge- town dominion and with his view we heartily concur to i stand on one side of a fence as one does at the race track and individual stylintr razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 ers into it too canada bans the make a bet which is perfectly irish sweepstakes because its legal and to step outside and a lottery we cant see why its make the same wager and be wrong to take a chance on a arrested for it is utterly false horse race unless the govern ment gets a rakeoff when it becomes all righ its and nonsense betty beauty salon victoria street coid wave machineles8 hair stymng shaping phone stouffville 287 it itadgrro professional services available stouffville machine tool works telephone 203 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259wl now available coop fire insurance higher coverage lower rntcs 721 better service john 8 v t e m a newmarket phone 31 j g b bent consulting engineer complete subdivision services layouts sewers watermins i roads sewage disposal etc hy does a chicken cross the phones sin apparently to run street used to be a common nuinc av vanni bingo game for yourself but question now its how docs a iteaidenre ftrr 6 pm youngster doesnt enjoy a chcc- its fine ard dandy for a charity j chicken cross the street j be 12320 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl u i70wl stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance slouffville ontario klre mfe auto casualty 1 2th year in business main su east phone 22w fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffrllle 38a your nldow wont be able te meet regular bills without s regular income consult yoqr local mutual mfe of canada representative fred m pugh insure today the coop way for information enquire your local coop or write to john sytema enmarket pb aijjt