COPIES PRINTED Serving Newmarket Aurora and the Rural Districts of North York TOTAL PAD ERA 103RD YEAR EXPRESS HERALD 60TH YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 8 1955 SINGLE COPIES GENTS EACH Here and There Around Town By Fred Hartley bassbaritone was one of the guest artists pre sented by the Canadian Concert association to local music lov ers at the High School auditor ium on Tuesday night This visit to Newmarket was almost like a home coming for Mr Hartley Mr Hartley Is a brother of Harold Hartley who was the first skating Instructor of the Newmarket Figure Skating club Just as Harold is making a name for himself in figure skat ing circles Fred has an enviable record as a singer Since he- ginning his serious study of music in 1050 Fred Hartley has been a consistent winner at music festivals and competi tions and has won several schol arships He won the grand championship award at the Can adian National exhibition in COUNCIL LEADERS FOR A local businessman Howard Morton who unsuccessfully sought election to the council an agricultural township took defeat philosophically The results that the farm ers of East wanted farmers to represent them on their council It they had liked me only half as much as J liked them he commented sadly Id have top ped the polls Another story that had its or igin In the municipal elections on Monday concerns a local citi zen who approached one of the candidates for council requesting transportation to the polls Drive me to the Legion hall so can vote for you he sug gested No thats against my principles answered the candi date who by the way was elected to Newmarket council dont want votes If I have to go after them I want people to vote for me without any persua sion on my part After further discussion the candidate agreed that It was a long distance for the man to walk and the sidewalks were slippery after estab lishing his point that he hadnt solicited his vote the candidate provided the transportation to the polling booth only to dis cover that the mans name was not on the voters list He was the only person I drove to the polls the date said later when he was re telling the story to a group of friends and even then I didnt get vote Newmarkets mayor for is again Herbert for a third year elected by acclamation Serving with the first magis trate and as Newmarkets representatives on York County council will be Reeve Kdward and Deputyreeve Mrs Violet Mrs MacNaughton was acclaimed and Mr Wright- man defeated the reeve for the past two years and a veteran of six years council service Mr Joseph Dales REEVE WRIGHTMAN Students from the grade two classes of Holland Landing Pub He school will appear on the CULT program Open House today The program begins at pm The children will sing Christmas carol a repeat per formance of a number present ed at the school concert last week Although their first appear ance in this now medium Is ex pected to last only two minutes the excitement In anticipation of the event has been contagious Their teacher Is thankful that It Isnt a dally for them as It Is for another Holland Landing resident Ted Hope He Is the shows producer Call Christmas Recess For Swim Pool Fund 30000 Total To Date A recess has been called until after Christmas for the campaign for funds to build a swimming pool in Newmarket The cam paign committee reports that the drive has been highly suc cessful so far Over is the amount in hand now through collections pledges grants and so on toward the total estimated cost of 05000 for the pool The objective for public sub- Town Divisions Made For Kindergarten Proposed divisions in Newmar ket from which pupils will attend kindergarten classes from Janu ary to June have been announc ed this week The kindergarten classes to be set up in the King George school Park Ave and in the J Bell school In the William Lyon subdivision at the north west corner of town The of Areas from which pupils will attend the King school kindergarten sure indicated as follow Those who live in the areas be low in A will attend in one group and shown in B will attend in another group A South of St but not including and south of an Imaginary line running from St to Yongo St and east to the tracks St and north of St cast to tho railway tracks but not Including Millard extension west of Lome Avenue and subdivisions In the J Bell school area The boundaries of am from Which will attend the J ft Bell kindergarten are Indicat ed aa follow Those who live In the areas show below in A will attend in one group and in will attend in another group A All cost of the railway tracks on Queen St and north of Queen St together with Millard Avenue ex tens run west of Lome Avenue and the subdivisions in tho J L Bell Ail east of the railway tracks end south of Queen St The public school board and the supervising principal of schools have encountered numer ous difficulties in arranging kindergarten classes for this first term In Kindergartens been so ar ranged in two schooli to avoid moving students from class to class in midyear It has been pointed out that kin dergarten classes are not requir ed by the department of educa tion The moving of grade stu dents is avoided because or- dor of the years courses varies in classes These reasons why board Is not sotting up kindergarten classes In every school Difficulties also are being en countered In hiring kindergarten teachers Advertisements have been placed without much suc cess so far teachers general do not change schools in mid term is 50000 the remain ing 15001 being provided by grants other sources The recess has been called because canvassers and volunteer work ers busy in the proChrist mas season campaign will be resumed early In January but In the meantime contributions con be made to any of the bank branch es in Newmarket A committee member points out that some people may want to Includo con tributions for deductions on income There still many homes to canvassed in Newmarket and the farm community has not yet been covered said Peter Gor man chairman of the Recreation Commissions swimming pool committee In addition service clubs are still planning their con tributions to the fund and more businesses and individuals are known to be planning contribu tions The whole project is picking Up now and the enthusiasm shows that it cannot stop now said Mr Gorman committee requests that canvassers turn In all their pledge cards to Mrs Phyllis Brown so that the machinery can be sot up to resume the in January Blank cards as well as those already filled nut are relinked by the committee A number of recent con tributions have not yet been pub lished They will appear In the Era and Express when cam paign starts again in January B AND P CLUB PLANS XMAS PARTY Business and Professional Womens club of Newmarket will hold tho annual Chriitmaa party on Tuesday Dec at pm at the home of Mrs Rank Queen St East- A program of carols and games will precede the buffet luncheon Mrs Santa Clous will distribute gifts The Safety Campaign Reduction of traffic accidents and resulting deaths in Ontario by as much as 50 percent during the next year is the objective of the current Traffic Safety Through Law Enforcement campaign of the provincial gov ernment It was started last month under the direction of At torney General A Kelso Roberts The launching of this drive against traffic infractions and re sulting traffic accidents was marked by appeals on the part of Lieutenant Governor Louis Premier Leslie Frost and other provincial leaders to the public for cooperation Since the beginning of the campaign Provincial police and municipal forces throughout On tario have been conducting a 24- hour watch for lawbreaking mo torists AttorneyGeneral Rob erts ordered every available ve hicle and constable of the Provin cial police assigned to traffic duty Stressing the importance of the safety campaign to every citizen Lieutenant Governor said it is my sincere hope that the people of Ontario will give their fullest support to this great effort by being ever alert to the dangers of the high way For its successful accom plishment the safety program requires not only the approval of the public the efforts of all police forces and the coopera tion of other branches of law en forcement it requires also that every man woman and child upon the roads and streets of the province upon a bicycle or on foot exercise reasonable caution at all times Premier Frost issued the fol lowing message about the cam paign 4 program to reduce accidents upon the highways and streets of Ontario is not to be regarded as just another safety drive It is an allout aggressive plan to rcduco accidents and death caused by highway traffic It represents a great effort on the part of the provincial govern ment to render our highways saf er for the motorist the and the pedestrian alike so far human ingenuity and ef fort can do so Remember Just as we can not afford to lose one life unnec essarily not one of us can afford to be careless even for a mom ent upon the highways Pointing out that safety on highways could not be without safetyminded people Highways Minister Allan said The con struction and maintenance of the finest traffic arteries that sci ence skill and experience can provide is an function of the Department of Highways The reduction of accidents and making of those highways as safe man is capable of doing is of more than equal import ance But the most modern high waybuilding techniques the lat est scientific traffic studies fullest law enforcement ef forts arc not enough Of para mount importance to our safety program Is the reasonable con duct of every user of every street highway Whether you be on foot or in vehicle do your part to save a life Re care ful all time 56 To Be Year Of Changes For Most Municipal Councils New To Change Newmarket Election Results St St St Georges Andrews Patricks Advance fa Total REEVE Dales 239 5 693 Totals COUNCILLORS 281 Choppin 321 Downward 1GG Hands 357 204 884 362 3 Hopper 101 Kent 202 171 393 5 Totals 30 County Council Personnel Wrightman Has Strong Majority Belugin Heads Polls A little less than half the total number of electors in Newmar ket cast ballots in Newmarket Monday to elect a reeve and six councillors The deputy- reeve Edward won a strong majority over reeve for the past two years Joseph O Dales won to There was a good vote to de cide six councillors among the largest selection of candidates in many years A a councillor for the past two years headed polls with bal lots in his favor Second was Gladstone Ridler a newcomer to municipal politics with ballots The other four candidates elected were Robert Wonch reelected with Alex Hands reelected and political newcomers George and John Choppin Defeated council candidates Help The Lions Club Give Christmas Baskets Thirty families in the New market districi have been con tacted by the Newmarket Lions who deserve Christmas baskets this year In all there are children On display at Charles real estate office window Main St Is a typical basket of groceries and articles of cloth ing which the Lions give out to time A request of public contribu tions Is being made by the Ltoas Club this year They may he made at the Rank of Montreal the Toron toDominion Bank or they may be sent or given to Lions treas urer Frank or any member of the were Bert Kent councillor with voles Bill Hopper with and Gordon Downward with 451 There were more possible elec tors this year because of new comers moving into new subdi visions In the largest the Wil liam Lyon subdivision on the north west side of town the vote was said to be light Totalling votes for the reeve ship St Andrews Ward on the south west and mid west area polled heaviest with St Georges was second with on the east side of town St Pat ricks at the north end totalled 377 Mr was successful The elections for this area will be remembered for the num ber of chaises they brought There are new reeves In New market Aurora East King and Whit- townships For and East the change was brought about by the retirement from public office of the present reeves Ralph Corner and John Rye In the other four instances the Incumbent reeves went down to defeat at the polls North and townships were the only ones in York county that re turned their reeves by acclama tion Roy Pollock Alfred Marshall were returned to office with out competition Sharon police village and the village of have not held their nomination meeting as yet Sharons tonight and the one at Markham is on Friday Dec That will complete the election picture for the county for this year Aurora Mayor Dr J Henderson Mrs Jean Moffat Reeve Clarence Davis J Murray Deputyreeve Victor Jones Council Keith Bailey William Davidson A J Child and Cliff Corbett Public School board for two- year term by Gra ham John Offord and Har old Hydro Commissioner twoyear term Donald Hamilton R Smith Leslie Council Kills Clarence and Alec Mercer School board Kenneth Stevenson and Rae I King Newmarket Mayor accl Herbert Reeve Edward Joseph Dales 603 Deputy reeve accl Mrs Vio let Council first six elected Alex Gladstone Robert Wonch LOUS Alex Hands George John Choppin Bert Kent William Hopper Gordon Downward and Sheffe Public School board accl John Donald Cam eron and Bruce McClymont Separate School Reeve William Hodgson Elton Armstrong Deputyreeve Wilfred Aitchison Council first three elected Raymond Jennings Douglas Wcllcsley Douglas Norman Taylor William Fuller School area John and Carman Township Reeve Alfred Deputyreeve Clark Council one elected In each ward Ward Verne Frit- fin Mrs Kathleen James ward Donald Deacon Mrs Helen Strickland ward Ar chie Little 293 Fred 138 School area first two elected Ray Rick William dell James Vote on Kindergarten for North Reeve Roy Deputyreeve Clark Martin Council accl J Doyle Wil liam King and Frank loughby Vaughan Township Marshall chy Deputyreeve Albert Ruther ford Kenneth Doyle Frederick Day 243 Council first three elected Robert Kirk William Agar James Reld Frank Belcher James Woterworth Whitchurch Township Reeve P Ivan McLaughlin Wl board accl- Dcputyreeyc accl George Coming Events POLLS in nil three wards but his heavi est majority was in St Andrews had highest number of votes in all three wards as well for the councillor ballots his heaviest being in St An drews THURSDAY DEC at Aurora Legion hall over In prizes Share wealth Jack pot 140 Admission for 18 games FRIDAY Euchre Pine Orchard School pm sponsored by Pino FRIDAY DEC Modem and old dance hall by King City Lions club lunch door prizes Admis sion per person FRIDAY DEC Dance In Sharon Hall sponsored by Shar on Homo School Asbji Orchestra welcome TImo to Cafeteria lunch SATURDAY DEC Bingo In Newmarket Town Jackpot Sponsored St Johns Church MONDAY DEC Euchre Snowball school Door prize Lucky draw other prizes Lunch TImo pm Admis sion MONDAY DEC Christmas concert by Newmarket scouts guides browning cubs Scout pm Sliver collection Sponsored by Mothers Auxil iary Public welcome TUESDAY DEC Red- Cross will quilt sew nt Trin ity United church from oclock until five Lunch served TUESDAY DEC Euchre In Sharon sponsored by Womens Institute Prizes lunch Everyone wel come WEDNESDAY DEC Bingo In Legion hall pm Jack pot Poultry merchnnd- so by Newmar ket Canadian Legion Ramos THURSDAY DEC Fowl In Mount Albert Town Hall pm Sponsored by the Canadian Lotion FRIDAY DEC Sharon Junior Farmers sponsoring Square Fall Dancing School Hall Every body welcome Time pm AdmlRsIon DUMP SATURDAY DEC Branch Canadian Legion is draw for complete Christ mas dinner ami ft consolation at Newmarket Town rail Tickets each for Can bo obtained from members Proceeds for welfare work SUNDAY DEC and DEC Acres will ho serving Christmas dinners Now Years dinners January and Early tip- every Saturday 8 every Thursday night at In North Memorial Centre wick Euchre Club Contributes SI To Hospital A donation of has been received by the York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary from Andrew St Euchre club Hie club holds euchres the home of Mrs Anne ouch Wednesday afternoon to which I lie public Is Invited to at tend The club was originated in by Mrs Mrs Bert For tho first the euchre parties were held homo but then they been Andrew St donation represents the proceeds of the groups oper ation for Mrs McComb Mrs plan to use the money each year for charity or community project In contribution president Mrs J Edwards that It was most welcome as needs would be moat with the comple tion of hospitals new She recommended to Individuals In as an effective means of raising money for hospital work Charles Albert and A A Conlln Hydro Commission Rudy Reeve Dcputyrcevo Walter Rote Council first three Angus Harrison Shel don Walker Charles Crone Gorogo Richard son Howard Morton 480 and Walter Rose Reeve accl Howard Anderson Dcputyrcevo Krnost Richardson Council first three elected Clifford Frank Williams Delos Graham John 441 William Card City Vitiate trustees William Barker Harry Edwards and Smith first three elect ed William Keneth Ken neth Foster William Sad ler Pane 7 Col CHECK CLASSIFIEDS FOR Dont checking classi fied advertising page in this weeks Era and Express and In subsequent You may be the lucky winner of a free pat to Theatre Young Men Convicted Of Seven Fraud Cases A scheme operated successfully for two weeks for a pair of young men William Cannon alios Bill Snider 20 of Oak Edward no permanent address were arrest ed for fraud and brought to to appear before Magis trate On Tuesday pair con victed of seven charges of fraud remanded a week for sent ence They face two more charg es of fraud on Dec which been laid by Newmarket pollco Provincial arrested Can non in Ottawa on Dec after a bank manager there became suspicious that were men wanted by communities in York County of youths had lost his wallet which contained all thoir illgotten cash and o one of the girls who was accomp anying thorn attempted to cash cheque The manager recog nized her name and telephoned local to confirm No charges were laid against the two girls and youths pleaded guilty to all fraud charges According to police the pair would enter ft store and pur chase something such as a radio They would in payment writing tho cheque for a larger than the pur chase price They left tho with valuable merchandise and cash in return for their worth less cheque Next would toko ra dio to another community and trade it on a more expensive ngain cashing a cheque for a greater amount than the new purchase They operated this scheme for less than two weeks In such areas as Vaughan NtWv market and be fore their In Ottawa i