Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jan 1900, p. 8

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V Trill NEWMARKR oiton that the WW la or inactive Mow follow For a prompt two or liver toko While they the jail action of the do not or pain do or the Internal org bat have a positive Ionic At All druggists or by wall of Hood A Co Mi Stub- fif fell HEAD TOKONTO paid up TOW iwarlv A Branch of Mild Jhmk J at BRADFORD iIjrNltji lire revive or iipr Discounting Fanners Notes Ami Sale Nous fit LOWEST FATES For formal ton to JOHN Agent iradforo BO EXPERIENCE TnADE c a end description job our opinion wotuitr mi JnTCodon Handbook on tent free patent taken Co coarse in loo of bjrcluntinc brail nDirfiilfiAlcrf dr on of four Car four rawttii Branch g wound the AND TO II its holding mealing in the y ids her fts ill our tho at her homo in ftftcr which will school near Aurora At of lait fol lowing officers were elected Colin Campbell 1st- VicePres ident Henry Humbly 2nd Alma 3rd Vice Janet WjsJIh Vietv Wclk Robinson and John homo from Mani toba Archibald of vaii in our midst this week Several of this vicinity attended the concert in a pleasant time with Olio it being crowd Mr Archie of vifiitinj friends Mian of is holidaying with Alia J met with a serious while coming up out of the cellar evening She trip ped and fell breaking her RcpoPts right arm Child fen Cry for Me for a quick cure for COUGHS AND COLDS valuable Remedy in all to of the g THROAT or LUNGS Large DAVIS IAWRHWCE CO loops of ftl Tiro America Um M lO iity finwtio flmtill hani of Dont you by culling or you turn NEW J a fie I I rtturu fiufltr- no fjQtn by our Tito ind lh6 ieUnj3i Thousands of young aro their wzuol vigor vilaHly failed by ore frequently ilccn- p wlioti iuobtu Iiack of botbocaue- family do on you lively you for ww w cwpt for fl CURES GUARANTEED BOOKS fiS 11 write org Michigan Ave and Shelby St MICH Among those spending in the vicinity of we have noted the following hi ins Minnie of Toronto with her parents Mr Frank of Peoples Supply House Toronto at hie home Mr Wiggins also of House Toronto with his sister Sits James Murray Mr V Stokes of the Weeks contractor firm Toronto with his sister Mrs Proctor Miss Kendal of Toronto with Mrs Rams- den Mr Sanderson Manitoba with his Mr K Love Mr Jos and family of To spent with his parents hero Mr will no doubt re member his trip from depot on Saturday evening When the homo of Rogers between and Con the team took fright at something and in the dark whirled around in the road tipped the occupants out upset the democrat and ran away making quite a wreck of the rig Fortunately no was badly hurt Mrs and her daughter Miss Etta spent with friends in this vicinity Miss of Toronto is spending her holidays with her mother Mr John and family of Bradford spent the day with his par- here Miss Emma has returned from a visit with friends in the city Mr Alexander is spending holidays with his Brother Fen nel in Michigan The Kcttleby Methodist School ore preparing the Children to give a Concert on the evening of the and on the Sabbath previous the Children will occupy the raised seats and do the A special address and collection will be taken up for the School further par ticulars see small bills Quite a lively time was spent on Friday last at the Nomination the chief interest being centered on Bonus Bylaw Among those who discussed it was Lawyer Lloyd of New market of Armstrong of Mr Reeve Lemon Council lor Gallagher and air J Crossly of King City Mr Si Robertson and a- gang villagers had quite a chase the other morning after a rabbit but went to Church and the gang went home Iff Or FOB SO SOHlIJ omon Poll rir Ill jyiiiv lock Jtnitt 1- McMillan He Crittenden George Dorothy Pollock Than den Thompson Bmce MoMillan Edwards Maud Pi Willie and Arthur Edwards Charles Draper John Smith Klla Archie Average attendance for in Teacher Children Cry for CASTOR I A Valley In a recent article on the of Professor I Bloke a most authority on the subject rein that the no grand and 1niUvlve Is In fact only a minor feature of the above It through hutul rod a of square miles of the Sierra professor that the Ice must have tilled the gorge and much to a thick- of reel- and with a pressure upon the of the vnHcy of pounds to the square foot the tre mendous force of Hitch a weight on the under surface of which was a broken mass of rock like diamonds In drill grinding planing nml cutting ran scarcely he Imagined for untold ages too this mighty force was at work polishing the face of the country through which It The character of the rod being granite close grained and verti cal En structure with points of fracture it would appear that the great mass of Ice down upon this vertical rock ft was broken and knock ed over by the moving Ice Unking off at the places of Thus according to the of Rata lime federal deputy tell you a little after the opening of one of the Mexican roods which a locomotive engi neer got married to a native belle in to nil at the lower end of his ruu op housekeeping- Among oth er thing- they need Id a cooking Ill could gel exactly what wanted on the American aide hut duty on hardware of that kind was ex tremely high cud nicked his to think of dome way to slip it down to home without paying the exorbi tant tariff A cooking Is about easy to smuggle as a baby elephant but at he struck a brilliant scheme and on next trip he simply the thing to the pilot of his engine It looked much out of place an a piano on top of a hearse but the yardmen were and pulled out In triumph When be stopped at the customs the Mexican stared at the stove In amazement but they concluded at that It wan some new Yankee device In connect loo with the locomotive and nuked no lions for fear of betraying their Igno rance of up to date machinery The consequence wan that the engineer got hla stove without paying a cent of duty was formed and thus Is explain ed the dome shaped of the mountains there A Story of Iadc Henry of Vermont was a life long Democrat or hidge Mai lacks was for a brief a a Ho After lie gut to be a Judge he became a Whig While court hi St Joluishury he occupkl a room a I the leading ho tel which as was usual during court lime was dull at night Mr Keyos arrived wild wanted a bed The landlord Informed him that bed In the house bad two In it except the that was occupied by Judge Mai- tacks Go up and tell thai Henry Keyes wants to sleep with hliu The landlord went up rapped at tin- judges door and him his errand Henry said the judge half asleep Henry of Newbury i Oh yes Ive had It once Let him Iil Sun Argonaut ALL YOUR A Chest In Quick for and BO liottloD- BEWARE OP IMITATIONS BUY THE of KdvIn Edwin had a very sweet char acter and a at re hearsals which be detested 1 think after Hamlet his In the iToola was his flnest rep resentation He threw his whole tout Into It and It was indeed a perform ance to be remembered Mrs John In fU till county to their own and wining pay curly Coolrljititaployuifnt wilb unusual Bo a a Wary Prim doesnt distribute tracts any more No met other day she dreadfully of peppermint Prom tracts or extracts Cleveland Plain Oh lid for A You may have heard about SCOTTS EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is codliver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea It is codliver oil the purest and the best in the world but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it Nearly all children like it and ash for more mnr looks like cream it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence II bears about same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk If you have had any experience with other socalled just as good preparations you will find that this is a fact The that aie combined vIUi trie oil additional value to It tone up and strength to the body Joe SCOTT A iioVLjfc A A- sw I1 Wan The whii WflH irylnj to ihi St lot hunt was two Intc an he tore along Etlver lie sec the steamer bands off the ropts an he nearer and hum out of his way he for the dock The gangplank had been hauled In and he nose of- the had swung feel out Into the river when he finally reached the edge But that did not deter hi in- He was going to upend Sunday In Michigan or know why With a giant awing he tossed his va lise aboard and then Jumped for the lie caught a rope a post held fast Every on the boat expected to see drop Into the river and hells jangled as the peered over the side When he taw the Intrepid passenger was fe the captain was twice as mad as if he had dropped Into the water- Shaking fist at angrily he yelled Here you by crickets doot you ever do that The passenger had hauled himself aboard by this time aud a look of scorn at the paid What do you think Tin going to do jump back and try It over Chica go Chronicle When ivc- Glories of the isVi of the olden limes it as if the tor- KjJ depict were almost beyond the invention of the most depraved and fiendish mind and vet here hi our own enlightened an d and in this Nine teenth Century of Civilization thousands of tender women our own sis and wives suffering from some unnatural delicate if their arc daily undergoing an equally terrible physical anguish martyrdom teemed ff ifilicre wit fin Iron band around ray head and it WH lighter and llghkr the a York lady tier ttmnlfr i could wrlk my without dreadful palm lady Mi tones of Ave Mich In a letter to of I was troubled I had suffered for twoyearfi I inking your medicine but cow a three lottle or Favorite Prescription am from pain do my housework and vtMX wherciplfflsc II l medicine that relieved libit said Mis P of Co Ohio In very ft Is trie only medicine Invented that d eh tale piling women can upon lo jive them and relief- other was devised that so thoroughly rejuvenates the entire nerv ous of women healing and curing all weakened and conditions of the and restoring wom anly and completeness It is the only proprietary remedy ever devised for lids one special purpose by an educated and eminent a specialist of wide in articular field of No woman need or ought to allow her whole nature and mental to be undermined by such ailment when by writing to Dr Pierce ay ob tain advice free of l- If r Do you think of you do write A ciyww vrjcj THIS SUMMER Oil I w LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ILL THE UTE7 Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork- The tin mi or Royal and colors vary with nations and times hot Bluet Abel blood red Ijiik the of re volt In the fail lest revolt known to history when the rose their king yearti ago they were led by a blood red during the Hots which took pi nee In Iuris the men In the blood red caps were ldlow by the mob A blood red flag waved over liuner Hill when Americans fought for liberty and It was the emblem of the German In their great upris ings Id 142 rrU was the color of the trade union tlnga during the middle ages and it formed the background of the emblem of the Swiss confederacy in Through the whole of Trench and every other history those striking Id their own ways for liheiiy have worn the blood her cap and nail ed the blood red banner as their leader It Is a curious fact that never has a monarch chosen It as his color It has been left sacred to revolutionists Lon don Answers Didnt Object to fit Creed The English language reminds me of aome of these typewriters game of whist looks sim ple but the further you go along the more complicated provok ing It Is have all heard of he muu Who told his sweetheart that before marrying her he must that he was a somnambulist Oh I dont that said the dear sweet girl we are Presbyterians ourselves hut we are not a bit nar row Louisville Times City Cities are more to women for statistics chow that more boy babies die under months In than girl babies Families according to the statistics are larger In cities than lo the country There are mora marriages In proportion to the popula tion In cities than lo the country a ad also more divorces The foreign popu lation In cities Is being eliminated and In years from now we shall practically nothing but American cities St Paul Globe Sot OK of ft Popular Nobody seems to know much about that man In uniform who slipped out of the carriage while the crowd was cheering the general and tveut back to the hotel Bless you no tie Isnt one of heroes While the brave fellows wore fighting at the front he was nursing yellow fever patients the hospital Chicago Tribune An Problem lie she tnnde a fool of me She I wonder why It Is a never recovers from a thing of that kind Brooklyn In a dark corner near the west en trance of Winchester cathedral Is a door composed of four pieces of Iron grill work which have the distinction of being the oldest specimens of their kind Id England There are over in zoological gardens I I ill I 1 lit lid ft i WIttfcrlBMisiJiii ioy Sir Factory in Canada for manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct nighGrade and all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co ZrlUtTt NEWMARKET vtf Key iA tJntij NATIONAL to turned AAA A A AA AA not to be confounded with any of the cheap elixirs and cough syrups Such remedies so called simply soothe the sufferer They are mere palliatives They never touch the root of the disease or cure a chronic cough Dr Cherry Pectoral a real remedy it is the pre emption of a practical physician and not the preparation of an medicine maker It a and all colds coughs and lung diseases a stanclardand a staple remedy and should be kept on hand in every household About a year ago I had an attack of bronchitis by a dry acting This developed into quick consumption I had of the curative prop of Cherry Pectoral and commenced using that medicine at once Before I had lako one of a bottle I better in a time I vz9 entirely W A COKER caught a bad cold which melted in asthma so that I was threatened vim suffocation whenever I attempted to lie down in bed A recommending Avert Cherry Pectoral I began to take it and soon obtained relief and finally was completely cured Since then I have used this medicine In my family with great success for colds coughs and croup S H UTTER Editor Kollnk Stevens Point Wis I a severe cold which settled on my lungs and did not yield to the various remedies tried I Cherry Pectoral extensively advertised I had traveled and decided to give it trial I purchased bottles and before I had finished the first one I almost cured and I now in perfect health My work subjects mo to very severe but find that a timely dose of Cherry Pectoral acts as a preventive against colds and coughj HULL Road London Some time since I had and could not sleep on account of coughing A friend at Van Ark recommended AyeKa Cherry Pectoral I procured a bottle end never had anything afford me Quick relief or a more permanent cure J RIGHT Cheater Arlc w Address J Co Lowell Mass A A 1 LAarV i fffc

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