7 i NEWMARKET ERA JANi JhwUHTB aDa eon A if to I ton- AW to fiJKVoiofHXcjH WiddlfUU for Hendry Call J p OlaMai AMD WITH IS3UB Era mil at Homo Ira a no ffAturtoiLkt FRIDAY JAN Qui Toronto to alst Mayor end Aid The fret divided In in aajtpott of lb The On Company lb The bit offered allow competent lo boo the or At dock Wed whole of Heater la all will wHl of Walton fall down elevator at Ontario building end In ilea tbt died lit ttfOboara una Pursuant to atatute nomination or Municipal Council took pise Following thos local Interval Mayor Cane J For Deputy J P Hunter and Uod Cuuncitiora St Ward and Ricliardion St Andicwa McDougall a Cody A St J T Someivillo and Mmnirii and McCor- tit Deputy Lemon Baker and A Ilogatt Councillor SkinnerClark Powell and a to east For Reeve lit Deputy- acclamation and Deputy Wm and For Councillor Richard Boyd J Squire ana Samuel Vandeatv For ReeveVjaa Cberry S Lemon lit by r Amftige Anton and Ireland yd Ed ChiVpej Luke Gluboni and John Counoilliifl McGill One to elect In each position Reeve John ag Silver Councillor Ira Morion John HOLLAND Reeve acclamation Councillor who on the ballots Goodwin Lane Morning Shlelda and Weil to elect School who will on Bell Foster and Moote J Rout MCIellan and A For Deputy Wesley and Phil Shier John Kay t ni op of Mr rf horn tor Mr Towih nl to JSfidford for Cbritlnitt fit WW Ilia Birr villi ilrKoljl Da with Town Br iogtHoOrtoimoaofTorkMilU la to A ftbTlog Mr Wbtttbuicb lib Mitt of list with hero A iwlt ftf Mr r Mr li over from But for Mr Will QibtCtX tad lady t Mr td of I CborcblM Wfk or fc Snooks Ball at light Bar Thomson fa bar in Toronto Mr Wall Mr and of Toronto apeotObrtilmuatharfalbara Mr the at Mr Mayor and family At Homo to Mr of Toronto Strata home Mr Mr Mod of at Mr V Daooa Mr who a leaching Ontario Mr of la Irjfl iha holiday with bit Mr Roy fliallaid Mr who been employ- to tor year till A gaibbtlni of family took at Mr It on waa homo for after away from Town for Mr J and of with her parent Mr and Mra 9 Tba Cooa family a parental root day Meure Jib aiid ware Op for Cbrl MraA Swore of Toronto ar father Mr John Si Toronto Grandma hi two Sarah of are In Town HIM Ada of Toronto here to Join the family gathering the parental roof on day Little Pear Smith la bach from aha has with bar aunt Aver Mr Mortimer of Toronto waa here or flonday of Kennedy who baa been teaching aeboo Kington rpend- lotf at her bom Town Miaa Annie of baa returned where aba Mr and and I oined the dwtaa family Toronto on day There wero 16 at family at Dowery day In lug Mr J Darker of To ronto COLLEGE CORNERS Happy New Year to you fine cold appean to we new New Year day Mr of ihoc low not much hope of Mi at present Rom Scdote who ha been In the li at home A number of her and relatives entertained feef one evening lait with and and a most enjoyable time spent A person cap tured owl a short time ago after a It measur ed nearly six feet from tip lo tip Mr Foreman of been miking friendly calls on old Ho preached a grand on the of Mr Edward of old time wn on hopeful ones He carries Elm a fife and a fine rclection of one of which la bis choice baby mine The revivali at the Free in Not roanv cmc out but we are looking lor an out ranks to the of lilc A very happy event took place on the from the result of two entering upon the Kite of matrimony receiving document they pro ceeded to iho minister of on last day of court each one vowing their wills when he meted out to them their sentence as mm and wife and amidst the shower of rice and wishing Joy they took their trip Our played a funny one night not long ago kept the bota of a faouso out In the and won hit pretty girl the window The tee Is in a smooth condition now and number the pleating on steel runners Some cut their namesand perform other acts while others not only need on their feet but on their We all enjoy this healthy open air exer cise sled escaped one trip hear the hum of his chariot as he drove over the roofs of the houses The stir at and Chrlitmai Trees We wonder if principal of the collegr at College Comers la have one The Duck OAK JUDGES On December at St Johns Oak Rural Dean united la the bond of matrimony Edith lo Mr VVm- Tbe bride was attended by her shier the groom was Mr Frank The presents were numerous and costly Mr Mrs took the train for Hamilton amid a of rice and good withes Mr John Sutherland left to spend Christmas at Bradford Mr Char Watson and daughter of Weston were visiting here over Christmas of Col lege arc spending the holidays at the home of their grandfather Mr The oldest daughter of Mr J SiufHes died last week from Inflamma tion Last Wednesday Mr married to Miss Rachel daughter of the late Joseph Harrison from Vivian came here In search of a man whom they said stole a Though they appear to be so that they hard ly knew what they were doing they took their mm to StouffviHe before P and be got clear Mr has gone to Utile to It la said thai his sister Laura married recently to a young man to ltbtldKe- The entertainment Christmas Dr Forest has moved Into fine new brick residence and the Drug Store In the front fa now being lined up In city atyle The a great deal to the apptatahce of ihe business part of the village and reflects much credit on our local con tractors Men I and Brooks various parts are surprised at Its excellence and convenience throughout AURORA KESWICK gather- of Toronto Reeve- J acclamation Gull Button S Macdonad and Our Is putting on appearance once more all w need is plenty of snow and the ratiry jingle of the hells to make appear like Mr wife and family frtendk In Toronto The Womens Home Mission Society of this place to of a number of pr families of this neighborhood by pre- leniiog tbem a number and boxes well filled with toy provisions and the are forming a branch Sunday School on Sc at th residence of Mr Geo Mr and Mrs Jos are spending the holidays in We understand that oi numerous Is the winter village fJj Electoral Division has a cinch on the Council Mr and of Miss of Strtt weie calling on here the past week Mr of St his been a few with hit patents Mr Milne Principal of Lome Public School is borne for vacation Mr Turner Woodstock is his vacation under she oof a Mr Link of Toronto Is spend a couple of weeks in this village Mr I and wife are residence of Mr Win Mr and daughter of a couple of Mr Shepherd is in our for a couple of ton and Mr Matthewi of villa peot at the A Belfry Beaton and Iter Moore of at Mr P a of day this week Me Tench baa working at St Marys all sum mar was home for Ho Is goto back again In a week or two Mr of and Mr fas Height of Woodstock with their father Mr Height of Mr Winnipeg for- North gave Eat a call having and over feet of enow Mr Webb of Cookatowo Mr of Holland Land log alto Mr or 2nd were Mr of Prospect now ti from the to bit acoldeaiatty fell sod to bra He improving yesterday of Con Cain who very tow with typhoid fever io Toronto return home a agree able to parents Mill Rachel Scarlett of op on Monday on of the death of employ over years in always like one of the family was deeply affected by the sodden call Mr Johnson of a for Council was at one time a of employed ascterk to the a Vote of Bark and Harrison If a has had years experience life and fa wall for the He modest In card for fob vote knowlog that moat people fo of Whit- will Mr a very ea to hit ability gH The recent cold has bridged once more the bay with The mild weather of the first weeks A December kept the bay open later than usual this year was very fine clear and cold Good roads but no sleigh ing Mr Herbert Winch and Mis Maggie Irwin teacher in S No were married on the Dec Mr Stephens formeriyof Pleasant recently returned with a new made bride Mr Richard Pollocks was the scene of a targe family gather- tog this year This annual dinner has been held by the families turn for the last fifteen years Etch gathering has been blessed with the the parents Pollock Sris now in his year most of the children and an in creasing circle of grandchildren This the gathering numbered which were grandchildren These family reunions are not only pleasant hut beneficial Thev unite he who once formed family circle in days and pleasant mem ties of bygone year- are recall but with these some sad thoughts and feelings will arise- Within the last two years two mem bers of the family have pissed from our presence never more these social gatherings meetings still continue in the MeihodVstChuchat Keswick Revival services are also befog held in the Free Methodist Church Dry Town under the new Mr Walker Both revivals are well attended despite of North has turned over a new leaf Township Council elect ed by acclamation last Monday at the nomination meeting held at haven This is the time with in our memory of North returning a full Council by acclama tion a Miss Rush teacher S S No an In the school- house on the of Dec at the close of the school term Rev Spencer of the Methodist Church as present as well as a number of the parenis and yoting of the section Mr of Pelhaveu acted as Speecher dialogues etc Cited the pro- a happy New Year I The their mae a neighborhood Mr jr of who from homo for the peat year Master Fred of To- ronvu and a Toronto connection with held vanIngwasedeoidcdaacoeM waa only and a great nomber admitted free the gross proceeds amounted to nearly ft The Christmas gathering at year numbered same of lir ft now a yar had a and cot able to take a step The revival meetings are being in the shti Is the week of is expected thsy will close a Watch Night on New Years 5ve a number have their Uvea to eervtoa Christ she baa wooderfolly We are having rather a qui week la nwljg to lbs fact we are not an election for either or to This la certainly are We David Esq loeelebrat Wedding lha 2nd good akatLog the Bay now and some of folks are good dm of It Mr and Howard their Christ- tan Iq Mr Mrs sum their at Mr Mr Mr Arthur la tha this weak i Our football club who won the Championship of York Dlitrict Beaton were grouped on Christ mas day Esq Rev Amos op day Mr Sept and wife of Chrlitmas at her fathers Mr l Browning Mlis David and Miss Wells Christmas In Newmarket Mr and family of New- spent at her father Old who was on Monday and boned soday With her latter years a story of and devotloa lira Wheeler and look several homeless ones whom apparently with all of parents Of one left them and for years past baa maintained the old lady by and to her last boor did all In bar power to make her and Miss has won for bar esteem everyone contest steads Mayer Heave Baldwin Deputy D Rogers by aoclamatlon MMtloga and A Foil lips Centre by Vf A Holland A Pollock J Thoa- Lloyd Taylor and John Btepheoson Traslae North Ward Dr Centre A Brodtft Booth all by visitors to town was Geo flravBnaorjaoo for of the of this place managing a la Stale Mi- for which he la paid a liberal salary Mr Adams occupied Mr delivered moat WHITE The Pastor Rev HLee preach a sermon to children on Sunday last from the parable of our Saviour feeding the multitude with fire bailey loaves and fiibct He was very good Mr Jos and family spent with friends In Toronto pleased to sec the face of Miss Smith in our She has been visiting friends In city Mr and Mr of Newmarket were visiting at Mr Brookes on Sunday Ii to be a watchnight ser vice In our church on New Years eve to commence at and to be conducted by the Notice out calling for tenders for the mall contract Between dorfand Aurora to commence the first of April neat From ail appear there will bo a lot of anxious men tho fifth of February next and Miss M of at the par ental home Johnson of Ella Is at Mr Miss Evans gave a email party to her list week at the residence of Mr P Smith Miss Evans taught our for the She has succeeded getting a school nearer her home We will miss her and smiling at White Rose A largo family gathering held at the residence of Mr John Forester Sr day when a very pleas ant time was spent BBLHAVEN There has been stir In the village during the holidays The 8 officers for the elected on Sunday There are weddings- and rumors wedding but no sleighing yet Mrs Irwin and family have moved toMarkham They will be misted by many as they won for them selves a large circle of friends A very pleasant time was apent by a few of their rainy friends and neighbors on the eve of their departure Mr Love of Roachs will- ad dress the neat Sunday Darius Mann has moved to Keswick Mr Jno North baa mov ed into her house here The nomination wai unusually and there is little excitement council was elected by acclama tion Make a long mark for old Miss Clarke of Union Street was visiting in last week Miss is spending a few weeks at her home In Mr and Mrs Neil Morton spent Saturday and Sunday in Little Britain Mr and Mrs E Draper in Brampton act the ilea to firm iiui an raar trm fctlacaEaclrtUja are apanclea Mr- rum ibcra The time la wutn am BIS piOalelP to PS VI foi ibc ls MI Mi lb A ptj4 worthy We close today Thursday the Moot we have ever had To our fehouaands of we say tf aloalDS ibji el lb ileatof are dt or edit that Of kind ha rtifptora well satisfied atfi And wish Every Reader of this Paper a Successful and Happy New Year lut Davis has to fill the lecture of Mr Bowaln Methodist on Hew Yeaa a Happy New Year to you I Chlstmaft as usual was a- joyful event in locality Many visitors to share the toast fowl and plum pudding The millpond was well during a moon by the young folks of both sexes The skate and shinny stick were into active play It Is some winters since we had such a long term of clear freezing without snow it has afforded much pleasure to the akaters as the ponds and rivers afford a run on the ice having to pay at the rink Quite a number frorn br attended the Temperance Concert at lskay on night some to take part in the program They report a splendid and a jolly lime At the Foresters meeting on Wed- night of last week seven new members were added to their already large number and several more are expected at their next meet- will here correct an error that appeared In last have read there was Mr Walter a long res of tociBlT but was in Crfiley of this vicinity on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr Thus uncle The of the quia sort happy for their new heme after the event We wish ihemmuch happiness Wednesday of week was well attended and the rated fairly good Word has retched us of the death of Mr Amos Hodgini a native of this locality but for a Rood number of years has been living in Toronto He leaves a two children about grown up lo mourn depart They will have the sympathy the friends in this community Mr the at home has been attending the Owen Souad Col lege MJsiTilson of spend ing holidays among relatives facte Mrs J Curtis spent in her lister Mra Kirk- Mr Will Curtis bas been away to start a new clover machine tunning He rent by the Ma chine Compaoy of as be li quite an In that line The nomination of To look here on Monday- people next present tome blood In fold HELLS The little village scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday last week when Miss Irwin was married to Mr- A Winch by the Rev Mr Sturgeon of The bride ele gantly attired in white trimmed with lace froct caught with rhtnestones carried a bouquet of bridal roses maidrn hair fern and hyacinths The bride was ably as sisted by her sister who presented a very handsome ap pearance in a cream dress trimmed with lace carried a bouquet of carnatiofts May Irwin and nieces of the bride acted maids of honor and looked very in white Mr Drap er supported the groom The bride was the recipient of many and coiily The happy couple left amid a shower of rice on trie train from Newmarket for a trip through the western states with the best wishes of all Too latijor tail VIRGINIA VIBRATIONS Among the many visitors spending their holidays with parents and friend are ai follows Mr Evans of High School Mm Maud Evans and Miss Sidney of St Ladies Collie Mr NN Toronto Medical School Mr- AKay of and Mr Kay University It is rumored that parties are to take place in the Immediate vicinity In the near future- Mr and Mrs Stephens are their fix Queens- Mr Shyers occupied the pulpit of our church last Sunday delivering a sermon which reflects credit upon the parson What about In possessing as it does so many winsome lasses and stalwart youths HOLLAND LANDING Election is quiet here Reeve elected by lion The first Reeve ever elected by acclamalion in this place The party on the at Mr Taylors Hall was a grand success which was given In honor of Mr Dunning Some or were pre- tent and a very enjoyable evening was pent Mill McKenaie also had a number of invited on night and all spent a pleasant evening Last but not least the Old Folk Party which took In Taylors Halt on Monday evening last the was well attended by people from far and near Some people were present We under stand that the next party will be got upon a different system and only those holding tickets will be ad mitted Mr- Welsh who resides on the Bradford Road Is very dangerously III wiib and very alight hopei are entertained for bis re Visitors for Xraas were Angle Taylpr Miss Murphy Re Tate John Murphy E Luck Owens Johnson and several others from Toronto Mr Sep One for the Council In Have lb elector day of how member for two or three discharged their dalles Mr had been waste- and ttltavagant say of com loo era who were respon sible to none was For Instance an Item that came his own the repairing of bridge at Wesson and Mr Boll had got an estimate for repairing of bridge from a local mason and be do It for This recommended to lb Ooflncll who sent Engineer MoDoogall 10 It alone he charged then be lot own contractor and before It was flnlab- It bad coal the some Thay had money they voted for new maps to bo which they had a of Hod lo by allowing It to to tba city having any rent for It for seven year Moat of these extravagant be aald were reelection CAUTION A to in bo tew FOR SALE A Popular School TORONTO In tor Clwtdp lo 11040 next W WANTED spent K Opt Mala WANTED ATURDAY Township Of Bctoraibo Whitchurch la For lb dotBcUlor year To the King Our Stock Must be Reduced This is an Opportunity to Winter Goods at Reduced Prices just when you want them i lor ho a tot lUt TMr HW n off iff IVff ISM he or falls Udt year VOTE LEMON- A SOTHB Of THE Town Oentlemtnl YOUR VOTK and For lb Cor 1193 Polling NO ICE aanaaiMsetraaof CEMETERY CO will In Mr Wright Monday Jan cb4a or rilOR A have a Choice Selection of SPECTACLES Reasonable mil for if IN fall In JOSEPH expect ere of sevc- A AMD Undertaking House A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Portrait With Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Of Work at JOHN MILLARD NEWMARKET Might 0 at Btroet J NOTICE NEWMARKET DAIRY ASSS Wednesday Jan 3th 1897 At faun J p ibs fufiht of nd order Pharmacy PR CAMPBELL PROP County Cbuncil Election pcc and re- are HJOHNSON com- if jroMr Ubt- ait alt other cUc la At AarortAM York County LQ JO ftDbeHfafhintf ASTRAY ha AT A a by ml Of THOMAS Cinncils Act AGRICULTURAL PUBLIC ill be a catdldalt- mark IRS iQorUltotibcs JOIIKi oil rat lar ks fl the Oil Of Mr Deri i a aOo flnttftono to I Mr P YoajreyBj- on ih lcM of f people ihiYiecikm with a program of mean call io when it was that we were to be again favored we wendefl our way on the evening of sand towards the school of our youthful days Nor were we for so We were entertained to content with recitations dialogues and tab Meuri and violins on the own by Mrs Sepheni re ceived encored at every appearance A duet Domestic Squabbles was well and reilinicaly redered by Mr and Ma J Stephen Mr Donald Ego proved himself an ex pounder worth of a place the first rank in hi from the teal Old Mother Hubbard sent to the Cupboard Miss flrgshaw of Udora favored the audience with a recitation which well rendered Another feature the club by Master Stephens of The remainder of program was provided entirely by the pupils each put sell taken re flecting credit not upon them- selves hut alio Mr S ephens their teacher o whose the of the due Mr John Kay occupied the chair ajagr Ha lie to dill If li no- At anfil bribe Bar Ira onh Tnwablp of JUL tier II Mr to diBihierol Tomb Jta Board- vtti tCQKa fjlta lira Utter Jto It fcT o sn Itoatoa to iToxsxaaIo a it IVb nil J iToatsra I IT data tar Or S COualB of a d kiudaifj it tUrrfa Co t TWO PR0tal169crlUt6aplac I A At food- VII a aortea an dairy aloe or mile Aurora h IS ralrcd boh A turn Fete on iloo nd sortifeLiHT are In a rood lneUr BENPnY MORTGAGE SALE OP A FARM IN abort Room Newmarket At oclock If wllltdfclld lYCiKat p u Notice to Creditors OF MARGARET MOORE tukui ivLtir St MorbsUUof at dCvaUrd Of 3rd dir of ict coo do Co tltfJtotcJ ittiildMrfirei ttj fridftfua Mid a o- led heir md will 4 ihtro ha flex tl hid lor or tor lbM to f not of ELECTORS 1 I TO IttJA I to viitncraM towblcb jUtJUtuiortucl SHARON for Vd I or civ poplar accost If A f at Widil4lf well rttsd TJ lit li J KS I LLOYD W mark at ft a el a ciiejt bill cicala Id wLi prdoc4d tilt Lot No A I lioltf Saturday Jan tfciock itt lot- fattcid Twitl0 loiKtCclcf if ixcrjo li aVfid oUid a tci oaf TaTpUI ft liHa4 10 whta a l fnf to Notice Creditors SABA ba SJ all I iiOiC Afu I a ltf fc lb AnwiSLirKtl Yfata ta d4 At tttf t Vwrtttkcl J itaaf fait ftttU lblrav4CaH BBiLali to htlJ US not WM ibtoUirtl v4 f ltj lit i We are selling Toilet Articles and Novelties Celluloid Silver Oak Plush at Greatly Reduced Prices A Large CHOICE PERFUMES Received Scotts NEXT- POST OFFICE Bast GwllUmbury kirn ANNUAL MEETING Of itt vht bo Hotel tad tec rt cat vVlb II to HORSES HEAVY DRAUGHT HOUSES a o wllr a vlia- to a l ft a a I A I