New AdvertUmnU tale flolhlilud School Kent North York Jaciaoo fctlffWfft Cam ftflfl NEWMARKET TO JAN I s Jvv Train or te a JAN Our Toronto Despatch ToJtovto Us Two Jo Vi iCriMdtf mall ihu and art be fur on out Jut till a it now t1 i election will follow Jtftiaiftj olid of Jnd in ally M Of j li winter AMI4l ftoDirjcniX ftt Court JIdum1ii Ml- Jkr of Mow lectured lit Hit of Jectaon on VIM bbodfty fcflv Mr I 111 Tiiu women Whjjjbtniof Ibu ftll lu the o Monday wot of uftfuvoraijIuOayn there ouM for uluvtioncoring It was tak en out of ground to much roud cut up ftn J the low a thoroughly up ho fnn following of Tint bid do by it uh whim of vbo iStf bid of by and to filLhfalJf Jiifcii to do o U fell of Mid a old which for a bid ill In flJ offered hid ho employ lg op tod frit fatd rtj4od Id bid Mid a word or ulurprtuDled my Mr tba IJ Jo the it Office- Mr it Rita him the to kaow hit ft tilled of the lid bid ftDil he the Id ho rrJHjJ to fuf lotoreiti tod jiifjterity of ud hoped not it woaid tho Topo fox York Mr- be for hi Mr opoo fliHM lit AmUci Wild jikcitiK ftt to office vUvlodbKbitgo for of hi Thogioott touit Ibiooxbool vol very jfUIog od to ftiafoi bo aub to contribute to oar prosperity Mr K JlowdtD ctlltd oo lit for him In He out ft to defeat for the At took a turn from whit hot bo fo purpow At ft of ft lfojo the Mr hid way The out of way together Hon Mr Klt Ombi A ftlmoaxtood While of Interior ftdditM a mooting ftfUraoon next York As the Hon- roooDt- from trip to fa of in execution of leader of Rebellion id our Torn it rouoaahly bo that a will ho to in coonootioD of to Parliament will toon for of ftnd u a ilinitUar of it juat bo to of likely ho in inont program for may reasonably be ox pec that much to regarding of day presenting to ItCHron lido of Ibo various likely to platform at general election Id Parliaujeat Mr taken a lively inter cat in debate relating to the Policy of and fluent ho will tiadooht and criticiw by Itadora of on not afraid of discus- at re- of North York not what- over ho When John A and locality years ajjo a largo part of their Monday to hear Mr- White is glad to to Joio ly parly one wo make no doubt Mr A od Albert loft tor week with nUUrM at 11K Wo lof U4 of In town Aaj fermtrl of Bt Florid depoUa flfbo rootnUf treat to ih 1IL Hi following left for Toronto of morning Begirt Prior Join King Haw- market and Wen Sloan from Holland Land- Id Mr- inttrtd opoa of kit Monday for a Montreal aod ftaaLoed all the of Ilia Mr Jobs alio the for ft To- In all Weal of many bat ftiih heat of lock bur lhy ma iweltoyeaiaaRoft M hory for tha hoyv Mi from to a fritod over old and folleKlxg march ofpiognu wjiera ho luioclpii our Tillage an factory ehttw factory dry firatelaaa S ilo faraUuro 1 two pump maker 1 bop doctors a built at of heated hy roeaoa a aod for of Iho a two I on for dmgRiiti ahojat 1 ball to us a good very natural lo to tthiroa Tblaihoifa what it hoi imjirored Id It a homo and all cleared aom day of a trip yaoea to boo all you old 1j In- jut now it nftd holiday now their to fore of Uko laid School the ol Bit Mr J P from the Georgia Ward School Tniatoo all old The familiar ling of ached ball ii board throughout Haw hooka aro alttaya aatod at of tho year and Depot jut Rot last week ware at cry of fire The of prompt or water might bftKB a Tha door and roof ft brick a food firo tho of from homo at time A lid if JVlriiVa 1C1 101 Tidal 132 US 129 in Kt way very Mr two of too ohvttoii lr Word lining lb till after the promiaeot voiktn aud aupijrura of Mr way to committal ill WB1wiiM iuittlgti in tho to his aaccea hut oil iMily olid pav a ruiouyj he- a luo ftrriwJ the SI- ttVJ i Mr JmI All I eight ago lit Jut I Want fj4vc o id it uoa a will he A leu imuuh wre Ri who tioufidtfuce that oald or may re auutitd St will majority of my old Wid the from St Afidrctin to Mr a total of hrok out fa to fullest Mr Javt victory by olcc tora jireuot tho crowd The find Jaekioo from political pro- baa a leva you on heat at own Another telegram from Jtcove of Park follow to you old dog for hud road Another of the County Council from North York old to aa folio hi paper will bo elected before you j and If a vote fa I poeligo If htH fall to of at and up apprwtato lha of figures for this Township not reached hub polls Irwin for Deputy for 2nd and Clack for Councillor tho foregoing pub learn majorities arc Irwin over Gibbons Cherry over and Black IU over Rogers WIIITOJIUIICII hat a wanner than at firet Following are tho figures for the several polling bo that was by vote- good many will be to hear what lion gentleman will to fiay on the occasion For our own part wo Mr will not content with raon hut rather that bo will take opportunity to of live of so that can bo- tho and Tho Town out Monday for CouocU for bad ilaoatd to all on avaologa 9 oclock on the poured that obliged to retreat taken of CoqatUlora eight tbej iUrtedohtagalo although the w old that the froxa up heforo through or two of rlroa would only jetaUft ftad then boiog after night u in air In Patrick but aa oreoiugi ao tbat were added vied Iklldi a refreahcaeata to tho fuodt which tha ly de cided to to a to be to the Leader Mr Tboi for his the to their Local and Other Items no at the regular of Toko liat oreolog to op the of j it Look but you will require aoioe Pure You can get clear qqill at J Dont ho a Editorial Notes It that A trill Itaro aod tall for Canada of cot yet loto circufaUoa that Lieut I toward of the In the Nor lbWest had aoatped ho lalct a the hut 6 211 9 2 10 21 260 The elector of North York to to aext Monday with frooi floo- of fa of the jo1UIcj1 qoflitlotjicf lliodfjj a largo number tho opportunity to hear first mooting of all the elect for takes place at oclock Monday declarative of of office will he made All aorta of neither lately rain and cold on Tuesday aero below morale and rough It to Mutual Society at Hall fljturday at oclock make a cote of put an Ax rile ell Ottawa prohiUtlog barrel by convict labor thiacouolry without joymtnt of duly right con all the barrel a new without Stated labor into competition Kith our own irotkuieD to thu they pciirjug tiiuuipbiut did lit feel to thai took active elector to lL kid ftffvlca he fojgoltii had their the almost that had circulated D the of the to defeat do faavl appeared full of tiuthfut ud he would take he Ltd Mrtr to thaiU3iktbad hevtr with Mr to that a futocogauautva for their tot avara that Dr tauter tkvu coming to till he that at he via that lttrtt latiro by the Doctor to come all tray the mud to vote aUufJBj hid to the that it Mr Marat the leepcoF the of fttid a d equally aUurd all bet totit he to giro coo iClc it UvttJU of by had a very hot arid palling at whs aa follow foil No J Waf f d 08 In 2 9 HI iiclborn 94 43379 39 COVNCIUAM The Council elect for la therefore IZughcs and SOUTH ftwiLLJUHOUV returns Mr a majority of Mr- small majority of for Deputy- Colour vill to It wilt a loeamollra far being at CliavlM uitkeuo doubt tfill exitutcfd by roauy of world authorilHa what vould call old A on for contempt out of court Trails baa filled tha tvra frith declaring and Council and for Wo year to which the Mayor it fiorf to pay counsel with and the other Councillor to pay each and costs prices quoted Sir it J week exactly what he reduction and coupled with of bought at the roott a aile Division Today la Court Day aaw the adjourned half will before We la one jury caw Jotvn sta all flA Tub House A change of ad for Mr came la lata for thb week lie hat a lot of Dm reduced price undo in the I it tit low as for firatctsaTticlej groceries or of of Canada Dr ltobert of formerly of io Toronto Monday he had one of broken by a fall York aod was to the General Hospital to bo he waa taken to hta fftat at about half Ha of heart three hour later The were in charge of on behalf of craft la Toronto deceased bom on March When about eight of to with father tha lata Iter IUmuy If A n of Church of lead a Lodge of and a P of tha Grand of the Kolghu of Caotda of which ho practised with Dr owr whit with his to much to literary pursuit con work with principally to to and rep- Macule writer ta worldwide wai Grit brought to light a Mason to No Cletelaod Ohio 1600 was October year he was a Tern pbr nod Knight of Malta Com- Ho for and aoon obtained high aud dexrets is the craft While in Cleveland he firatcoov raeocwriiiogfortheMawolcprttbroogh of a with which ho was connected Ik fora Hairing to in Cleveland presented with a LPigfifient Since tided in where he wu interred on lay with honor deceased the deep heart felt of a wide circle of friend in their aid painful than liia now aAdartha of work la to be thta gat jOircv to mi to morrow at Roller See and after performance Marie by the at I0r Ad A little girl of the Michael Howard hid three end right bead finger It ft hand while gtdnR lo achool day It took folly hall id hoar to A Whoa W liable a the of iir Arrange befog to cow prtioleoi throe to re mora her hot jerked the chased them all the yard feot Mr Lout thrn along ha aeon tho cow he lead Lin with lo band gate All at Cow a plough the all broke op and ft bee line for with rope attached to dor head It fund Mr waa badly he laid for Medial auhUDcew telephoned for but ha that broken lie confined in hi bed but will be again lo a few change line tutu list in of public it to apeak tor and to hate done away except any or hi liberty to od a twenty word to of having with paying he would for tha and bo also to an day of liit of adbxriWrt hare town tbe hook by a Map tlio icatneai addition made lo the ayettfin in Ontario year There it iist of the Dime It and Towns and VilLyte and plica of Windsor in the and Montreal and in the tut A new fiftypoint at the Central office Monday and will pro- bo pat in poikion today to greater the large aumber of io Shi- ron and Landing Combination Band wa Saturday whrn Mr of tbe ovlted the ha bad an with Mayor t of ha relied it fortrntlng what bid tikeo Kjther roaair Sale Register Jooaary viiibfttoft to of valuable alock ana 2Ut In 5th tome e oclock Business Notices fin pit The by remiuy for coin all VetteUbytijlinu- riro tor be isjfit if lurry inn in- utur Oil ytKoy dUtrvliat tirwwlrHfi WtiAy nitJ od o vl lu rfyotn Itrdouk Jii i Lie tiiiuttj lov4itlti nil the to In feLllOl or iLrfiithM jti vj ilJIUlEril a ii with ud Ulaa Moore Who went the fonfler to fitter to Toronto They been worker hoth to lbeX flabbatb 8cbooli cheerfully wojie rated In all good They will be much mined In circle ha tha beat of all There only Montreal from njaiioo it b hoped that tie city will bo aoou rid of y am si in default payment of of It iHl yov Sutton Items paliIrmortAa Era with la where bsOtsplayftaacw neat at tractive of tad MrTramiyne baa been a of or pen lea year place would pot like itaolf ire re fate tti The meeting of the North Society to on the iojitriad iott in matter ill tnl may bj year Holland Landing election MImAI thvru vftA tin pom took la occasion by their viiior anit TtaonpaOO 1 LI bappeotnaa vllUo jloo Indict wereout urould brlltfy If hut of and I Jrlcndly j tr Ob fiO count of llm a fttrtjf ti rtyji into at all awarded a girl for Bed actional nod the young hi freedom I Jan a barrel oil caggbt fire at the 1 tank wade a magnificat up a large terriC A later despatch the had been got control Imncabtrr Pa Jan in the CA morning and higher than for twenty yean TV water up to back of the and Port Deposit Railroad Pennsylvania and Tide and the river are one fl a of Columbia fell into tho rivf morning and drowned About aftrnoon John of into the towr Mr Hodge and or two drew reiver I to fircj two Jv both in and not injured will not recover nU Jnoiwi It a 111 of Vul ire lturkltij iu irodclii J 4ri it prirnpt fur imitaltul Ct Altar HITitAt I Skin bid Hall of our into Year Day He the parpen of bit low out off Aurora but they Rot of While along all at lit front from the the iuto mud of bufy Trout the bind off ead wm left ftole occupant of retnaiof vero Quoted center of roid The livery una Iben explanation It of tbe rig were couple of who borne under thloflaen of lb ardent must broker tbe of the boggy and about it- oo one hurt and the hippy couple tvxu journey Such he oil own of tell when they The Womens Foreign on Every first of January that at imaginary on the track of lift a dace to 4ii or lie raby kurtat Hat ijjrvCMtr In bet UlvI wifti jtiij Vli tin vim fot furmof tiff JMy hiw op by cut Snr Wr dWplAt entirety you doles it la to treat l- o fcrur lu CO log Noll Jay Jan following ocqom Council olect but we unablo to the figures fit It Deputy T Park John exciting and spirited could bo ale- aired and on counting up for the it found a tie had created casting vote of Returning Officer was given for the old end Mr Thome again returned The new Council era filackeime Fred filills Alex Shield and Stew art Graham Councillors John Win lik Wei other ttlM I vrrrr ec- 1 A Warden and of the Central iu 1 of a fallen of through tut ttel A lo Jed Wednesday throughout Wrfol A will be glVcO oo the the day Hon Mr be entertained by hi constituent at Terrebonne frill Mr utterance the and of the French aectioa of the Dominion Govern at one and the Prom the lino of Mr Chileaue address it we may policy and actlen of Government in regard agitation a over worth of displayed In of the agency Id by Mr IL should It at once at It will be removed on Monday kind of work you mention can be a Domestic Depot The for compare the of tbo year and of barley tout and 1700 of turrets of floor bead live and of School first meet tog of held la the all elected Secretary Mr J Flanagan Treasurer on Finance Spencer and School McCaffrey and Iter J Beau aing- Halfyearly and Acditora re wero read and adopted the Tuesday of month at oclock p organs are giving currency to the report Dominion will not meet for till earlyin March This reason able from fact that Sit John pill not reach Ottawa before ict ho baa to accept tome of mo nt ration at of Canadian in York on hi while the Quebec aecliou of the il probably mike moat of Ibtlr lime and to thtrntelrea good grace of recalcitrant aa to ready for approaching day of tfUI Hon the to Terrebonne to tcdieato current of the tide- Serena Band struck oat about oclock on Net and continued tbroogbnnt till rnaic ro thoroughly appreciated by in AM the alao kindly extended an but at the boys not playing for they politely declined The toiro to bo having a bud of young men that conduct temperance which a a credit lo Kelt in at duiipg ft4UTiv mid he viy other fc and pear llamitton of illy waa log two or tilth JHebaid at i near In Mr W A J left for on Monday morning Martin trill la Newmarket Mr ft daughter wart la Friday making Wt- Entrance Exam The following are the name of the candidate provisionally admitted at recent entrance at Newmarket for foaling From Prank Maude Win 1 Mamie Millard Li Hi Millard 97 iUJ 385 Jennie Jloag Stocklog Wax From Aaron School aler Rutherford Fro Malta May Kate tara Doaa Hob land Reginald Tate link Campbell Section Ruth Blag Mary uu A of nf held the afternoon Webb in the and The appointed to apply for Grant the object and the The meeting proceeded to of the Webb- iitTi-Prw- 2nd IX Irwin J Phillips The Secretary lo procure tickets of membership The bill a received ordered to L Jackson and adreitiiing JU60 The next bo held In KewWuket on the p Management of Manure will by Mr Teneb The ata invited to attend aro for fattening cattle age weight by lit and compared with by to la Cat Pending before the Inititote held lo Dec 1 12 lba it 1 11 Oilcake daily Gain Ml dally for fattening from Prof I it I and od a for fresh exertion in Hie of our tea of the Kttllrby Union Sunday School Stiver and of to pwnLTIe fcuin When the yooog man over the front door while banging overcoat the wck to If he been tho lucky oce to come under What you doing old year away and the one lot Same meat that riogiog town belli to hid tied New Year Call wero among Paid ay This Wefc of Prayer nndtr the It not in to ffhobaraaarplci and they pot them to better Jo- Ward the nigger was billed for Torn on Years but at door vera not aCGcIent to pay the rent to aay nothing of printing and part of the corporation demand A chimney and ShPatrieVa Ward on night What abiottbe Day Aa ve can learn aboit changed in betting on the Monday All Agricultural Societies hold their meeting for tho election of officer for on afternoio next at oclock- captain of the army got of a tho rink which bean going lbs round thiavetV The people of area- bad they going lo on Ata We ant county in li ntf An lion en IbdulfM a ild cor tteh county ho tuny iill and be Art l lint can it KairjJjQ to but AMVcrCiRclulolio forcjmWencfiii by Any vjcoui mil energy no ivilrb ln3lfrii5l5roj4i nil Any dom lint win giro oar a thirty day trial rail to clear time 0hunod mil tbe HyuieeutorgORit like through and to ftt can return Jfij mi JfiTr wo Snt dubo flrauiiUI nod a cloy a rtiCh enormia In tars ftHiy III rtti wo out etnvKynaVLt who fox g once acun In Unit mil OH lu fatArltiaiy voiM sua alt Hie Pfuterf ati any reader In rcrdiiM at uco and at you will to Co Mount Albert Monday Mr John iicti fry or vnUrtBinrrpvbt mo cTC iinJ ltiVa of 111 Kick I- ap lor the wry to about Mr fcJircccuol tiiTlUitun a few friend aionUuy tfh learn wry p iimt clijot on Monday tut with a vry Vadt4Wtr the uf Mt It Junior in ate Mr Jmci Mr year by or Kewick Items M J tauog ou vprofcDon parly our and yvntlrHKU on the a fitc M and thoucbt try to It when lug mouth Itlver serein a cental two cool rJf hut fortunately nothing all a rtirvat to they jot friend with the Mctti on Sunday and Monday nod l will On Saturday evening the livre ihefr omcr for term Orih IK Ill- air no ri ft llELfAl faiivr Iy or iUfktufuto JIHX or otHMUit iHlvMTKivtfclly fttv HI lii or ttio ao of to or 2omb W fa ll and ln or or jut and or Mr a V JtaniMyr FURNITURE AM S J Bra Jinx J iter Ida Conn ell Witt Marrltl fiUterRUlltoaV rtipu IraLVIltecfen W Aatiulau ricriU- W Treiurr tyOntlaeh W Jfeollm-1- pw luM til Towmblp jttju Mr lly of and Mr for IXntyIUvVe by a en- tend to bifijiy recoDarnvndvO NJItn 0flfcb Bedroom Sets AT LOIVtar FINE PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS MUX- HEARSE rjeetire TO ill per TinK DAVID lLOYD ttmniitoner tot AHldaiiiir JIM lle lt of for Fife A bd fUiiO ilto Mils West Affairs Vnf- foAtfN from the es lnfliiW come lie attitude of lntllfni this section JnJcpJi- ami but within or it it will on or Kelly river Wore it ami ho country InJiAtis levy on jjrub and to bacco And pay it for of having and bum if IliO it will be OS new for public J OB fe IH 155 0 151 If 7 13 From IhU It it the firtt petcd to giro tho but in cond thtre too much ftlhatutnotd in proportion to the to it li in full which iru- frdiOgw mil worth folly It rtqolra id m of la tho ration proportion of With thU before of food with In tod for fore- ravntbi ml prophecies town on New War wu Ailing the lut cd the thorough- it rotter rink well fo M a c initio to of hind Saddeo lathe exia the roil rough th wet were their ia town Ifonijj Another new ftoey piloted cotton dUpltjed la front of IaiI The tnofemeot vlbcrfrl to aTbo of Public hold their rtgnlw Mr put cte et the by thelovlenifuiliUte the of tig ran the Tbo towo coon before a of ilttdlnx old to bo by adit they at they will all A force into the coun try would the In- Mutt who yjrj such as J Jm ftnJ the ity of whites have icriukd or women that but do not Out Dec an into the itorc of Ira and earned oil goods to the of 200 Upon lb yiten lift citizens suited in hot pursuit tho After a spirited chase of utiles and were one of trio making a d firing wo Constable whose was put the by having hi liivd at a distant of three tbe proved the wad liitn all lie was and toContvalL jail by the iliaii- i Short for Comforts at Home Our Newmarket Markets FOR DAY- at Calgary apprehend it will of Northern are to be urging rise The situation that if precaution not no tiling can avert a rising If however a precautionary Indiantt will of all tins in- I can ytlLT and inclined but in tho an outbreak of or will join them common it called a strong forco of poll Northwest especially at or near rMCrvfetwa Jo JLirIevir6uthel IM i do Clover pf lMir flub r tun tic J to 14 J 4 I r- i l i f ttW l i a A i it It l i two OK 1 tn oh 9 If ail et Put last He prompt every annoyance out of the way When good comes to anyone rt any ono uUvn apeak a word of sympathy i Tell faults nor of for every it u everything in its Hide ynur trouble to out Take bold of without fclantoiing tbo door If tho doorsqueakff apply drop of oil ftt Never interrupt any conversation but watch t patiently your turn to speak in every a cheerful viev of every event Carefully clean uuw and mud your in entering politely kindly to When inclined to angry pnu your lip and ay alphabet When by an unkind word or ask I never dona an ill aud deserved tr Bo euro and read in t A Our Toronto llaiketa ft Wbeat lo Hit try Co- 4Hllt ton paoJ ltUajtub barrel si CnckfpfTaTMf fit a a a a I ft a ii a J- til IS S3 I Leading Furniture -ANU- I UNDERTAKING HO pic jo a a W CHEAP for SIXTY THY J w