Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Dec 1871, p. 2

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lie Advoi tiscraonta NEWMARKET ERA DEC 221871 Esq from Commute on Cre- to we go to press reported the name of dele- ha boon received It is gate chosen to lhCoie away froM iT j 1 K l which probably ac tion and on iho roll called lie edelsv following gentle wr time as well aa In Newmarket less than seven candidate being at follow nam present Jaraes Walter James B John Ferguson Duncan Jhnon Thomas Andrew Ward llnsK Daniel North York Forever Henry Bacon J T Lane J 11 Thompson and A We not board what local taioea are For Aahton For Strange acclamation By reference to our report of the Reform hold in Lloyd on last will bo now Jacob Walton Peter red Hon Gaoaoi llaows to arrangement a rasa J J Spink John nomination reform moating of the ratepayera of Now date for the Commone lor old North market will bo held in tie Cooncil The a h Chamber on J llavid Archibald John t eer convened in constituency I to questions of rolat- Snyder James embraced among ila members to municipal affaire Chair Ilamlly John of most prominent local to bo at Frii v j Dawfd In- and I j HI DA DEC T Janes it also Included Ball AlJaandcr Thomson foiv old veterans of reform Public Meeting The Prince of Wales Our will be glad to team the joyful intelligence that Royal J politician of thai Owl- John trosn jool ban enteral Rich Highness or all I Walton lll J aleadily to improre Stenben Wallace lor the future Jarod Lloyd Jmno Snyder Thorns After lion Mr immli0U j lb unlay eight wan the for hearty This rendered in tier tiontiry stylo aid with decided while the appUtme at lit approba- of tbe audience programme took of two boon 10 complete and although between two aid three hundred were praeent nearly all till the and order ob tained It an evening long to be remembered and alike creditable to the partioe taking part and the man- of the Inatiiate whole audience joined Id singing God save Her J is to lecture before the on inat giving trip to London and during the World Fair Mr Gemlsy too well and favorably to need more than a pawing notice to draw a fall Whitchurch Council ling bulletins hnvc tinned and only ono loaned toon each day All clatwoa of Her If ijhjinll in this Dominion Thc New Ministry Ontario lit Lloyd alerted Two or three John to this re- John the would bo ho J Wilkin in having that gentleman aa tit Moms 2nd many Vernon Km I Thoma- strong Cook Wri l occupy a place John ii Flint flor thervby enabling fliction and rejoice in prospect of WiKmtri John im to returning convalescence of Jnrnc Patterson i cliomca in attempts Baker lt ol rights ami render John in Playter Jacob lnttlo on of Win It Jo liunal liberty tho of unUnK lot Ithly Monday Tuesday and Wed KAiTtwiLLirBr on of this week the ladiea in Phillip- Howard tide that with thai linn gentle- connection with the Human Catholic John A J Hughe- bearer Church of placo held a W Samuel Mia would crown the llie Mechanic Hall Wm tintum Jr vmiIi of the Roman Catholic Bazaar i HI km A Word with the Electors ieaisd Mr to being GoTornmon ing Act by a had no option but to help these rail- amendment ways lie alluded to the fact that control the Opposition had charged that Sir ture and at the John A was under tbe fere with ud Hit control of Sir Cartier and existing Act am that former bad appointed Col created lt7 claims- Mr Blako rkjth wen true bow cam it that that it Col Gray blamed for favoring House to pledge itself to Ontario The fact that appropriation of a fund Gray had shown a true of amount as the Sor He Hon Wood held come and that JLislice had not been done to Up- while his roKolution per Canada in had been interests it prrridtf withdrawn from her unfairly and for that amendment to that bad through the desired which whilst eats of tbe aatern Town- control to ships and through not taking this appropriation gave indemnification into account when an tee of Parliamentary ipportioning and method and mat nor of Mr Wood went menu Mr that in dealing with the rvationawitaaj law of the t municipal loan fund the Govern i would not overlook tbe claima of those House adjourned jmanieipaliliee which were out of debt one fall compensa- tire foreign Colonial tion Ho finished at oclock Mr Calvin followed on terial aide Mr Dawson tbe bar for Kent supported Tweed in the Took Ail amendmentonconitiiutionalgroandsi- Mr Grange of Lennox bis the Grand Jury ii I Intention of voting for amend Mr 8 Macdouald supported the on original motion but at tho same time it wan denounced the Manitoba policy of Tweed ami charged Ontario and Dominion government of felony Upon fartaersaZ At critical juncture Mr other four Indictments iniig lh iiii directed against a itv ofSouth Norfolk moved the following upon the amendment to tbe amendment at once wailed cm Tweed tad That inasmuch as of the a warrant upon him Provinco remain greatly s ItuaaidlBlk unrepresented in this i hit the all of son of ft doublu return and no inun resignation of will W I of the people Belfry I lv Mai MM Wilson J a- Robe or Other Sam Cole I not tli GwtLLiuicar Fair larac Morton If in iiid of the building fund for a new church For a length of timo past have boon busy a variety of useful and ornamental article- Those were di- Ih tho view to ol a wo would the rowtn was otherwise decorated generous support to with evergreens flags Carpet are prepared to give Bugs Sofa Cushion Toilet Mats thou bt childrens ought o Bead Fancy ami 11 liope Sir John A One of article of Toe repb J Morion i f suili a ioislilien a foal -J- J i Mr U a in J tor views Ibis Wo ilock with 10J Dr Sl lU re form party of this ltilin very little onirics to ladies Dr more were sonoil AN J whole timo all to par- who luU nk I day time largo forOInno Hall from country I tho a local man ill and in the evening our villagers of bo to the all classes thronged lb party in support of Hon balloted for and lliiowafor the raa Jf faekl and the young people entered kin Si St 1 A J J Irwin Aiken Strange iry Silas or idcly IV social with a luuliont Ibis waa tb J And atraw added to on camels 1 Irwin Ju lack lions lodUnanllypepKart- 1 John Esq from Ik Committee on lies of a reprroni J- T recommend Altogether tbo Baaaar waa at once Mr was That Esq on- score no decidedly and we con- mediately wo bo 1 force The the its manager and our readers upon Jatkon of Dominion Parliament are as j Mr who exereiwod trance to place and power of a pare and Meesrs in their as Dominion I a Jones 11 Howard and SilaiLundy itell ami dealt from a j part government ID the rf t actional standpoint atiatnry of combined He give name tee- j 2nd That a twothird vote of Con- Hon Mr therefore a re- effort to a their enter graphed j be considered necessary to a precnUtire man and a Premier Mr Edward Blake with- party politician perbapa the There force other points in most unobjectionable man the Con- 1 Mechanics ReUnion Mr report not requisite make pub- Mr of Public lie being mere matters of Agriculture Mr A I Mr suggested that Mr AtlyGoncral Mr Adam Crook Stevenson be added Assistant Commiuioncr of Crown Lands Secretary which waa acted upon Mr Scott I The report was adopted and the A Convention proceeded had Mr Blake statod ho hud undertaken ftrmatim of a now Cabinet and given i of what had time wed him than the defeated Pre mier moved motion similar in char acter double fhuffle resolution of former years but the goo stnae of House indignantly rejected the vole of to 12 Mr Macdouald then quiet ly subsided tho in dignation of that his opponent practieed that ii the follow ing name srartj Hon Geo Brown T Konnetb P Irwin Jame Pant- ham Jackson Wm Gornam and Amcliua the of Canada and that gentleman able bo beard on the aide of the people Elections Kino For Reeve and no opposition to the gentle men occupying those offices during ilyear but Irving Before the lot for Munie the name or W Jame and Amelias Irving were I Phillip Deputy- Jloerea by two former at their One of the moat given by tbe Mechanic Instate for a lengthened period lick Fri day evening the Presi dent Mr K occupied the chair when following program waa rendered Tb aw jurats as a if Mr Clerks J and emmiblo of so of jirido would l baa and the Those lley m of but it appear last statu of the worso than the and SundtlcM of the truthfulness of tho ad Poor bad some hope of him but ho loo to by the board Mr Wood left the ship in time partially to redeem hi reputation the other being pnfesaed political opponents wo pas them by But wo can rejoice that ice long delayed ha been meted out at Inst and treachery of 1867 partially atoned for two former at their I present councillors aitd Copt An The ballot with following Hon Geo Brown Wm Jackson P Dr Kenneth Him Maty strung of are itch This Township did precisely the same King mi tar a electing it Reeve and two by acclamation but there a change In the For two office of councillors there are four candi date running John Randall Esq The Aurora Orchestra furnUhed a has been elected Reeve and Mown class of muaio not often heard here Jones and P Deputy- nd gave Mia Reeves For Council Mcasr Joel Hillary and Mrs Field performed on ballot The ictu- Baker A Henderson Robert Smith I upon piano Dr Hillary and Mr lineer having made report Messrs John are candidate two Willi Island 2nd violin Mr With- Irwin Munsie Jackson ami North and two South These gentle- row and Mr Irwio baa and double Bo ley intimated their request to bo men all occupied Boat in the and Mr Ireland trumpet withdrawn in the face of so largo Council in former year jcornopean Tho selections vote for Hon Mr Brown and Mr GwiLLmBCRT with a grace of and suggested that choice be baa been reelected Hoove by precision of lime more worthy of Local Summary A of tbe Newmarket Church Rev Will be Sermon Rider Fowlbb S STca Parly for Mr Brown For The Convention however thought who now that lie ballot ought to be portion and Mr P ii lime as provided by tho North York Reform Convention en tiering Newmarket ttOX Pursuant to call of the North York Reform primary meetings were held last Friday in Iho several municipalities in Riding and delegate which last The organized by ap pointing Mr Chairman and Mr Jackaon prC On motion John A J Hughes Crofts Gorham David and Silas appointed a com mittee on credential On motion P I Mar nit James J Phillip P Ifwio Dr Bentley and Robert were nominated a committee on organ nation Convention then took recess till oclock to enable above Amuooi rMumed about one than musician duet by Mi Kato Graham and J Sievenson For three of Bradford gat much required Messrs George and dehorvedly applauded Mis Graham in that beautiful and Howard in nomination oiig Youll noon forget Kathleen chief Issue will probably lako waa loudly encored Mi place on the iicaninco on the her declared Ho making a Geobuix For Reeve Mr in a duet Love is Beaut The Scrutineer having Donald McDonald an I J Stevenson the signal for applause Henry Treloar lection well and they id do tun of plea- by tbe audience Mi France Comer Bingham played piano r With total of reported the Geo amid A resolution to make vote un- and Hi then mode on being pot In thfa from chair only three or foar the chief question dividing the nay ha reference to the was then moved and the market Mr is in performed the Tho Chairman of tbe Conven- ination for reelection for Although a mere child she with with ship and MrW i a Irwin and Cane bo a committee as bis Mr does not pro- j that older might copy with to acquaint Hon Brown of the for the however j profit air Conlin sang a couple or action of this Convention and to re and wo are authorised to he is comic songs and created a good deal reult of conference to not a candidate for the Reeve I of entitled lb of this Convention will run for Councillor We under Molly Matilda Jane waa encored will run for of thanks arrangements been ken The reading by M then tondereu the tor bis of for a compromise ticket for the 1 very good selection David 1 1 conduct in tbe but whether this will really lament over the death on Ab- A motion to adjourn to meet be effected remain to be seen given with the call of Chairman in toc tliefourCouncillor required the Tb applause following of Hon Brown were made it conclusion marked the appreciation consenting to aland a Candidate Sutherland George of the Canon Ramsay then adopted and the Jo Way acceptable Three cheer were then w heprI ly happy given for Hon George Brown three Road Geo aid for Chairman and three for the Queen Ten Wo the committee at Holland telegraphed to ascertain when laaje Esq re-elect- 1 and Canon retired amid it would be convenient for Hon Goo ed by acalaxanion For Council Mi appearance on 1872 Thanka to the The Lindsay Post By the lai tb In rfflrMcUa Tb r inl lb ocesJ- tor MMrHvrrn mofiitfi Tbe old Bombay created much and while the clever hit at oclock p whn Brown to receive the delegaiioa but the aketon are to hart a jolly I lo Burn Sat- have been iasued Vancouver Island end three members to Ottawa and mainland a like number Mr is almost certain of being elected for Victoria American Broad lion Immediately Us an ighth Tweed a elect- Metropolitan Hotel where ban thereto it f expedient farther to Mr i the question involvetl in the as a lvday mid amendment till the com are duly represented on fton- of the lloue then tiled Being loly Mr- Blake the ihc jwojilt Speaker dwided that thi paragraph hi Dec The following is the route of Grand Duke IJoton on Thurs day morning cm and for Montreal there and rclnainiiig until wben he for Ottawa On 1 day he leave far re maimng until mi en he leavo and next day On Buffalo fur he tl Saturday lei he On Delrojf Chicago York Dec New and ft developments have been with would iai added to Blake tho grow i Hand iiMillieh the invol A 1 weed had in pnisal The llooe of ihe ho shown might vote the j might that act tho whole to policy the corpus ho a in do anything but a i in liio iel menMire pntjosKd by the Opposttiou I It na once Tmly and tho and of the hi counsel lrught not go further tho ltaiwhi Why wa trick intercepleil on Ii in ihiTaal at such a Why three out by the Tho curt of Cabinet had ajiokeitlcrnwitid After iirguieal M was thia reflation suddenly sprung l Judge Barnard said upon the Chamber For no other luevr do to w ivaaoii than that a debate lil rfith criminal I or voucher HaiTrty 2 lll bad found This charge the high Bank now in the torn Im are not lh C be thoroughly beaten hut I nothing to only Three notorious char- at any chance parttro from the ordinary who have to Europe no how dihonorable with all procedure I order therefore are with the theft Their deperution of men engaged in a be lo bail la the i employ art John il list Win Cook re el in the Department of Publi Work and an ward thief Warrant for their arrest have been sent lo Smallpox la spreading in Brook lyn There were nine new caeca ye Pcier Sweeney ha loft city Tbe general belief is now that be is guilty with Tweed Btirraio Doc lth Mr Horace Sprague residing death poMsd that a debate that bad a turn could proceed without introduction of asperities and Co New Dec that Mm the iy language the trickery that dollars make a all bo know about the for statesmanship whilst At tor- intimate that General not caring for the fact Mr Gurvey that be was asking House practi- cally to declare it own sewing machine Kg and Henry Smith delivered himself of pro expffurei may If looked Corner of anxiety for of agent for with a razor clock thia child his wife made his escape noming Oswboo Dec The flouring mill with carding attached located at upper of Warwick canal this was destroyed by flro tonight mill was owned by B Randall jr Ontario Legislature Toronto Pec Speaker took chair at 3 clock Mr Blako introduced a bill for the protection of persons lands under a of title he ilo introduced a bill to declare true construction passed in the 13th year of Elizabeth and Chap ter 6 and entitled an act trad lent deeds Mr of Monk resumed the would opposed the vote to aid railway but would not now op- pone it for to do would bo to those railways of aid Mr Clarke said it an iiHiml thing for a Parliament at menl happen lo be unrepresented Dr Clark Mr Boaltbee Mr and Mr Prince joined in dbcua- Gov rnmsnt then of the House defeated by 35 to Having -h- frauds I Toronto Dec 330 pm A number of Guelpb ComBSBJfc Connolly offers lo worth of property Baffl I sator of the House Mr further Is SB risen tod to an I BaV A London coireeooaafl calcu that tho will coat the whole nit l0 appointed and tbe debate on lb Ad dres continued Mr In re- ThsrasssJ Burning the debate endeavored to de of the Grand Duke is to tine his own position urged that be brilliancy first waa justified in course ho had Highness telegraphed taken Mr attacked this forenoon that he deT ment of Government that allowed to House could donothing until which one ty eat wore tilled it declared that iho ball wa not to weakness and allowed tbey were in co of the lib shrinking from defeat He charged Pi the Government with deliberately violating pledge given last year the ball ii to that they would bring down a more lions prehoiiive plan of dealing with of Wale ineaMiin at the Mtmu tho Qui power in ii Mr Wood said that the lopic tin- debute had Issen tbe time Thu had been charged iut the I he nxt dn of the he Govt t the to the readi to give every iusn with reginl Ho challenge rplu and the Mr I Royal ha- taken flatly challenged WUh ith having l of i be the Grand Trunk Officials defeat at General on market the authorise I thelinkm id as handled Mr Bykert i lerublc length gvi if three of ISM pe j jki on Mr Share Her- are wwaaaj amendment and Was let by l aivpmusi greatly ssi Calvin I position rihe laiiik ll Clarke the srntwNtej placing of the lion policy Mr Webb fa or the Government now rather than wait to be wi ttoaieii alter were of the apki Craig cl Cumberland Deroctie ham Grange Guest Harrington Mac I maid Cornwall any M vrdelivvroJ either in Grey Canada which mlareJ Durham Wood Brant loar and exhibit of the finance of the country a hi statement had contained Aa to the drainage scheme of the Govern- Norfolk Clcmcnn Cook Crook menl be able to that no Dawson municipality had been favored at the Golbraith expeose of another Hear hear Ho referred lo Act McKellar He which was a pnblle necessity Old Oliver Pardee Patterson Pax- counties had former received aid in on Sextan the way of grant lo the Grand Trunk Sinclair Webb Wil- Great Western and Rail- J I Hamilton Wilson wsys bad also been benefitted by expenditure for ordinary Thia of debate oil was f r that new counties should J on amendment was receive aid for railways Mr Wood South especially contributed spoke concluding proposing a largely to the revenue by Mr her to say that the the that it was Act contained find the of j I- IWrlt I hr Mti tot Ilarl jSHI win an

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