{a._p.% GARDEN. ,BR-O\VN--G. E. I. Brown, Jar- fdine, Leach, McEachern, 4. V MOOR-E-`Law,T Moore, Wood," 3. PICOTTE--Picotte, J. J. Mitchell, 1 i l . ' UAKUlL`N-15al1, Bell, _].1'\. Brown, S. Caldwell, G. Campbell, Cunning- ham, Garden, Little, McConkey, Mc- Nabb, Sanderson, Todd, W'attie, `Walker, 14. I i/\-I-xv-up A \VU'\ 11 4 4 up vvCwJ_CV)_i5yEII:.:{iND-Cope1and, Lovering, Millard, Ney, Picotte, Ruby, _Staord, tTrain, 8. 15 0.. -up .a C C 5 Ws"iV1V\7II3'sON-.Devitt, Martin, J. J. `Mitchell, Potter, _Scanlon,' Simpson, Tudhope, 7. , ' ; Tudhope, v b MITCHIELL J. H.---J. Caldwell, ;F. Campbelf, Dundas. Goodeve, J. 1H. Mitchell, Pierson, 6. ' MO-ORE-'-Law, Leach, Moore, Wood, 4. . ' A T I 1\'\t\ ;- wu . -. _ - E. J. Brown, Jar`- dine, McEachern, 3, _ Dd-ITIU. J - H Barrne. Ont. \Ii\[.L[1.bLV-'Di1.lJ, Dcu, 1.11. DYUWII, J. Caldwell, `S. Caldwell, GA.` Camo- bell, Cunningham, _Garden,. Little, McConkey, McNabb. Picotte, San- derson, Todd, Wattie, Walker, 16. MOOARE-F. Campbell, Dundas, VGo6_deve, Law, J.H. Mitchel}, _M90re,' $Pierson, Potter, Wood, 9. . lL\-IJ4I.JL`jLJQll .lJ Il KIVVII, E s."ca1dwe11, G. Campbell, 3;;r1:i`c.m- ningham, Garden , Jardine, Little, `McConkey; McE_achem, .McNabb, Picotte, Sanderson`, .Todd, . ,Wattie, Walker, `I8, - ' "tt`\'t\ IN 1-1 1-` .1` k `-|` }'- SIMPSON-Devift, Martin, J. J. Mitchell, T Scanlon, `Simpson, ' Tud- hope", `6.. % - in 1-1 up -5 - o COPELAND'-.-TCo7pTei;1nld', Lovefing, Millard. Ney, Ruby._ Stafford, Train, I- L\\J'VL": J4. J _.I.)|,\)I dine, Leach, EicEachrn, 4. lcgII1},`i7eff,i5'J{da`sf' G cod x?e","1& oor`; {P1erson,_Pott er, W`o'od, Law, Leach, ll . H. Mitchell, II. ` ' - r1vu`p4r\t\4'\\v pt: 4 1 `In - O\ % " s1i\1PoN:f " Caldwell, Devin`, .Martin , J. J. Mitchel1, Sca_nlon, Simo- % son; _ Tndhopq,-' 7. T "(-50 i)-'---Cope1and, L'ove`1-ing, Millard, Ney, Rubv, `Staord, Train, '7" .%six:h"B_ano;.% Ls. Caldwell, -G. Campbell, "Clark. Cun- ningham,V Jardine, "Garden, Little, `M_cCdnkey,` McEachern, _McNabb, LPic0t,tie, Sangiersop; .1`odd, Wattie, _ _ _ MIT'CHE-bL;I E. J.` Brown, J; " I GARD.EN4-Ba11,.Bell, LA. Brown; we have been in the lime-light as Porraitl makers in this beautiful Town of. Barrie. We are not yet weary or lax in giving you the very best that brains and new methods pf work can produce. Our studio is up-to- date and we aim to give you the best. _ 1v1J.J_.\.1 J..uu.L; _y.u..-'LI. 1.2. J. uluwu, Caldwell,` F.` Campbell, Dun_das_, Goodgve, Law, J`.H. Mitchel_l,% Moore, -Pierson,Pot_ter, 10: ;-n)-x-'-so-no"A1v-nu-u 1'! 1 I 9` "|_ -owu_vs-, _ vv-V. - " T COPELAND--rCE)peland, . Leah, ;`.L_ov`ering,4 Millard, " Ney, Staffoxd, +Rtiby. Train. 8. - % ` A -rnnnnrxxv ,1\.'__: 1.' \t-`_-;:..~ 1` 7;. QnvIIIKJ -.- wu- ; A.SIMPSC).`1-*3;-"Dvitt', Martin; J, J; `Mitc hell`,'. ,Scah!on;": '_Simpson_,-; '_I`ud- I hppe; W'o od,j}"-'-7-.. " a1`ci7i.'.E n1, El.'. ell, Clark, Cun`ni.ngham;,Garden, Jar- |di'ne,.~;La`w. ,I_.'i;t1'e_`f,j! J; , J. Mitchell, .M'-~ .Corgkv._ M:cE.a_c`hem, _` ; MicNabb,: ;.San.-J j. { :;.5t:a11I(if!i;' L-Wzjigtiy J, _` g -I-do ;. lJ.>|>_VJ>VjIl> , .5-_ 5&9? 57:11. Bgxndq '=~~Good4ev:e..a1aeach; H Mme: GARDEN-r}a11, Bell, J.A. Bro_wn, (`ab-l....-.11 A (".......k..|I f` ..... .... Potter received one vote. ` Fourfh Ballot. V GARDEN-Ball, Bell J.A. Brown, (`..`1'.1...-n Ac r~..1.a..... r~ . r-_...- E. J. _B1:o`w'n, Jar- :nn T Ann A .v -v . Fifth Ballot. E GARDEN-Ball, Bgll, J.A. Brown, f"..1.l....dI ('1 (".....\.`-.k..l1 f`I.._`l- ft-.. FOR ABOUT TWENTY` %YEARS`=v% '1C4'6b RE;G. E. '...~...L.-.11 T\'.....,1..- ',GAR-DLENE-` ;a:t1;.3% Brown. ` t~-r.1~_-.'.. .`h',". (`.3;I";:';2...`I -(`.a;..., Third Ballot. |KERRl.0DGE VISITEDI luv: 3r.;.w.A.sm:1., of 1mv.1e,| ? ..-Kerr. Lodge; _A.F. & A.M., enjoyed ;.an,oicialLvisit on Friday evening by NR. W. Bro. W. .A..Sneath, Elmvale, D.D,G.M. qf Georgian District No. 9. ;There was a large turn-out of th ;memb_ers' of the craft. . - J. l':1.'_a_nk Jackson .~'I\ nrn nnnmn AYVIVD {in the initiation of four candidates, jthe wo_rk__being excellently perform- Ved by the. and his brother of- `icersp The D.D.G.M. was highly pleased, and warmly complimented `the Lodge on the eminent satisfac- tion the work had given` him. II? 7'1 "he first degree; was exemplied c cur 1 cuvur - Bro. Meaford Webb, W.M. of , the .Lodge, presided -at the banauet ; held afterwards in the assembly hall, `the usual happy sentiments prevail- ing. During the banquet sweet inusic was discoursed by the Masonic Or- chestra. Among the toasts duly` hon- oredwere: King and Craft, Sis- ter Lodge, responded to by W. Bro. -F. Sneath and Bro. F. Redditt, .Vis- iting Brethren, responded to by -Bro. Smith. of" Minerva Lodge and W. Bro. G. B. McLean of_ Midland Lodge, Grand Lodge of Ontario, resnonded to by the D.D.G.M.. R. W. Bro. Sneath, Elmvale. _ _ .._-v_._-_ 1,--- . __ tve course of the evening spirit- ed songs were sung byVBros. O. G. Hart, Sprott and Hammer and W. Bro. ,G. B.- McLean. Bros. V. Sim- % mons and H.` Wolfenden favored with -'a comet duet. _ H: 1 1 Members in attendance were: AW. Bros. Meaford Webb, F. T. Grafton, W. .C. McLean, T. Beecroft, O. H.. Lyon. J. F. Palling, I. F. Smith, F. ` C. Harper, E.,R. J. Biggs; Bros. Sprott, Stephens, Crew, Haight, Fisher, Simmons, Leighton, Boyd, 0. G. Hart, Gordon, Merrick, Arm- strong, L. I. Vair, Stapleton, Rusk, Pullan. Wo1fenden,' Griffiths, Brun- ton, Guthrie. Hanmer, A. `S. Jamie- son, V. A. Hart. P 1 .Bretlu-en present from visiting [lodges were: R. W. Bro. A. lsneath, D.D.G.M., Georgian Dis-tric-t, `No. 0; W. Bros. G. B`. McLean. No. 247, P. Love, F. Sneath, G. G. Smith, G. Monkman, R. G. Manuel, No; 06; Bros. S. HL*Smith, No. 304. Lowe-, Hoblev, Black. Felt, R. L. VVol`fen- den, Redditt, F. Otton. Bell, Jackson, W. B. Webb, Carley, Landon, Aiken, `D `D Tatum n no: nK |1NJuNc'rIoN IS DISSOLVEDI Proceedings at Osgoode Hall Result A in Favor of Michael Fraser, the Midland Bnfidegroom | VV. p. vvcuu, \.auc.y, 1. ;R. B`. Johnson, No. 96. \. Mr. JusticeTC1ute at Osgoode Hall Lon Monday refused to interfere with the affairs of Michael Fraser, the eighty-four-year-old man. of Midland who married Miss Hannah Robert- son of Dundas, twenty-four years of age, and dissolved the injunction- which was obtained on behalf of Fra- ser s cousin,` Catherine McCormick, as next of km, restraining the bride s. father, Rev, -Wm. Robertson, editor and manager of the Dundas Banner, and others from interfering in the matter of the marriage. His Lord- ship gave costs to the defendant in any event. He saw nothing in the material before him justifying the continuance of the injunction. say- ing that 'he could only nd evidence that Fraser was addicted to_liquor, but_ that there was no. proof of insan- ity, as alleged by those who are seek- ing to have the marriage declared illegal and void. Mr. A. E. H. Cres- wicke, K.C., asked for an enlarge- ment tolenablehim to cross-examine the plaintiff _and out in alienists evi- lldence, -but this was successfully on- posed by Mr, John King. K.C{. who apneared for the plaintiff LE-) 17......`- .-u apllualuu Lu: I.n;\v y -------- -- ; The'~ injunctipn, ti,ed uo Frasex- s lpropertv, which: lS vanously est1mat- ed at- from $8o,ooo= to $100,000. Alleged Insanity.` -The p1aintiff s lawyer held .that _Fraser, the survivor of seven broth- at cnjuabfgy , Esta'blished_-I865.`_.,_.,.; Totalissets Oct. 30th.` IOII`.~. A: .Lv`-- `Take your bgristing and chopping. to Wi1kin_son s Mill; Chopping every dz) . Sc pea 100 lbs., weighed in and out. ~ ' IVIUIVEI III I.)-rwuv We inave a large amount of money to loan it lowest current rntemelther in small orin large Kmounfs. on the security of good farm mort-. .9. McCAR'l`I 1'}'. BOYS& MURCHISON. II. . nnlnn Gr:-Ant. Rn 'M%onfrGA_GE SALE or TOWN PROPERTY `talnpdin atom-tain Mortgage. which will provlncedlatthe time of sale. there will be ofered for sale by public auction. by Mr. Alex. Rrownlee. Auctionper. at the Queers Hotel. in the Town of Barrie, o`1..So.t.nrday_ the 19th dai _ot~. Fehru; . 3910.31. the `hon: --wt 12 o`3lnc 31901;. the nllowintz uroperty. namely : The . gt lot number one on the north side of -;N,u:t.hl' .;-Hm _'the Town of name aforesaid. ' ITNDEH. and by virtue at u_1e pnwurz-I uun. be V .. V . plnnNo_13-*~ `- - A...-:n.v:..s..:n~ ` Jmhu mactedon `aid lnndsla my-terl*of;qu ocnegmoro or less. tena man no La. . rare as! to be erected on lands a ho?:3;:g?}hbJoct to a re- r T awn . V . - '?19h: i?#%?b:g:$%Inmmt to a QR?-"&.'-1,5.'l`WW&R'l`s , 4n.9.c;M. of Georgian District, Iwwwu--vvw- .-.._._._ .you `an-'e sure,` at some timc.:~. t1o5" either want or` need.a few hund-. -red dollars in cash. ` T: ..l.:.....a ....-. nu-nnnv 1rnII " HQQII` -3. IVICUAIV I I1 1. I unloustlx-ee `Bar:-'le. % _.V%0h J. P5?.F..`.`:..}`.{` .P.`L.`1`:`. .uo.t...a~ ?.I':iE ?1 `$.93: Atte.ndJ_s-large Gathering Fanwcisv TO LQAN - - I..--u. 1--nan-at C vnnn; FARMERS 1 :{c'1.oVo on nation In Aovmct IIQOLI COPIIO PIVI I'lI_`l'O lcommmnas smucx Cduncil Makes it: Appoint- _% menu for the year-Name: -red aoua-rs 1n cam. ,-A V If things go wrong you'll need it--if they go right yoti .ll` want: it to` take aclwjntage _of_ some:-of= the nancial` op`portun1tie tha_._t % come your way. . A f`.....1.-I Ir!\II `O17 lune stancung commxttees of the County` Council 'fbr the year hgve been struck asfollowrs : ----- --unuwau use AUIIUVVD Finance -- Scanlon, . (Chairman), .Copeland, Brown G. E. J., Moore, Bell, Ney, Devitt. Leach,`McConkey', Sanderson, Jackel, Campbell F., Wood,. Campbell G `P vow- m_('Io;1'nty .Property--Picotte (Chair- man),Iardine, Cunhingham, Tudfrope, A Jackel; Pierson, McConkey, Clark, Mitchell J. J., McEachern, Goodeve. I.`A......4:-._ 'u'-- - 7 Roads and Bridges'--Moore` (Chair- man), `Simpson, Mitchell J.H., Scan- lon, Caldwell S., Millard,`Ball, Clark, Brown G.E._I., Dundas, Train, Wood, Todd, Mitchell J. J.,. Lovering, Jar-' dine, McNabb, Ruby, Walker, Cope- land, McEachern, Campbell F. .Good_eve,. Stafford, Caldwell J., Mar: `tin. Potter._ - , ....... -- _,. _,., u_;~a.4a\.ucxu, UUUUCVC. Education -- Millard (Chairman), Mitchell I. H`., Little, Todd, Martin, Wattie, Bell. _ ..---', ll Printin-'g:.Campbe11 Geo. (Chai'r~- man), Caldwell S.,. Leach, Tudhone, Dundas; Brown J. A., Wattle, > 'D...'I____ , - _ _____ _.-, _.Vuu Jo Ala VVdl.l.lC.' Railways and Canals - Train (Chairman), Ball, Stafford, McNabb, Sanderson, Picotte,. 1\:ey. D is - \yua.uu1au), nan, btattord, McNabb, Ney. House of Refuge-Pierson (Chair'- man), Potter, Caldwell J. _.-_,, ..--...., uunuvvpxx Legislation - Law Levering, Brown I. A `ningham. _Contingencies-Devitt `Simpson, Ruby, Walker. come your wa.v-- .V V 3 Could you lay your hand on a few hundred to-day? ' 2 TL- nuanlulv urn`! t'\VI'\l`l'\Qf-;I'II' ers, was of unsound mind. He read. from affidavits, in which it was stat- ed that three of Fraser s brothers had` died insane. "How do you know that? asked Mr; Justice Clute. Well, they died in the asylum. John King, K.C., for the other side, denied this, and quoted from four medicafmen to the effect that Michael Fraser was not insane, and. was quite capable of looking after his own `affairs. rq_______, ,_ ,. . . I usa uvvu ,au.au D. Counsel for the plainti said that Miss Robertson had tried the last summer to captivate Fras.er,..but no. marriage resulted. then, because she could notrhave access to him. It was said that -c'ven=~when he was married to Miss Robertson, on January 13th, his hair was untidy, he was in. his shirt sleeves, and his general appear a.nCe W35 I1npI'ep0_SSeSSinH. The nhh 4>-- AL:--* 7 I\no-eAo`- auuc W an ull[Jl CpU_55C5S1ng. The only person to" object was te bride, smiled Mr-. Justice Clute-_ Amorous Old Swain." _PIainti s counsel. considered. it & sxgniant peculiar1ty__ in the case o an amorous old swam. It was add- ed, too,_ that while Fraser was 84, the bride was onlv_ 30.. ' \XfnnIA Ab n-- A11 ---A- L ` unnuc -vvaa Uu1V_ _jU.. 3 Would, not an old man be more xlikely to marry 30. than 80, with. a. `view to an heir, enquired Mr. Jus- ticlet Cltgg. LL99 VIHLC. Mr. King_denou'nced the proceed- inws as unheard of. The McCor- micks had no right to interfere with the man's marrirgeg. 7 'p,,__ 4.1,, 7ur,_r*.,____..:--1-..-. :1. _._-- .A.,-,t SIMCOE COUNTY S VICTIMS OF WRECK 51: 1:11:11 0 llldll Id C.. For the McC'ormi'cks>, it was urged that the man- was old. 61171.-. -r Ll-,. a9s- 1 1 11' 1- Luau. Luc Luau waa- UUJ. What of that'?'aske{i Mr. Justice Clute. V5/`hat if he had been 90? The reply to` tfs was that age i c.- (Continued~' on Page Eightz) Geo. McLaughlin, of Anten Mill and S. J. Saunders, of Qriilia, Among the Killed. T Simcoe; County did no_t.' come off -unscathed in the .Webbw.ood. dxsaster. Hard & son WOOD Ssxwed 3; spli- j Geo,. McLaughlin of. Anten. Mills, ;son oi. Mr. ,O. McLaughlin, a young man`. 22 years` of age, was among theT'v.i:.:tims. He died. on Saturday 2.. LL- C-_.IL--___ U-n_:L-` . an (I 4-n:~u`L LIIC V.lS'.I'.Ll-L13. LLC |.Ll\4.\-l. U11 \ in the Sudbury Hospitaias a result of the terrible injuries r_e_cei.ved. The body was shipped to Midhurst, arriv- in; there on T_uesday.. I...` -`.I...... ...-L3on 1-urns C V T, Qatari- Ill - mac Uu .I.ucau-sq. ` \ he other vxctun was. 5.. I. Saun- ders, a commercial traveller, of _O_ri1- who was -drowned in the dmmg car, The body was recomered. ,'The'standi1ig committees of the nnnhr (`nurse-3| '35-`- `L,-. 1.....- I.____ ,M%A1%LN%E%%%& SUN %??nm=9 % y - -_u-u vuvuvvni Ilv IIUVI for Balls and Parties % . GO"A.'T:-Emning dress. VEST-White. single or (3.1). 0-uU\4\f91\$I\'Q Q__`_- _- _....L E`. .14.. 9 `FOR SALE - Good frame barn. 38x50 ft.. rst-class timber. `Can .10 easily moved. A bar ain , . . F. JACKSON. ,` 4-4p ' , ' E QARRIE. 'i5f:.sil1sLEZ'LLoI ' Q. . - canal lI.VI."\3l'l|' s --<'m'r..p1am white. cu attached. M (`:OLLAR-.-`Standing. K VG!.O VP:S -A-fwhm. ' Ra:V7A.'I`-`-.\Vhi'ze tie. broad end. l`v.\\fEIA;jRY-'--Pearl links and duds. of the Clhimen. `on-rect Dressi `xix : :[ou'mx?rrnnsq 4H9`P#*9vV 8% A "(Chairman). Little, Cun- (Chairman), ll Furs. Furs VOL. ux. 'u'o."4 < ' ,\IvIf-I`(iiI I."I'A%?I"c`j`.`_.~::_o`V4I`V` THOIIPION cum. PQOPIQIYQI2 ~ : _-% g. _ ; _ IvIIIvuI\jU - P. O'Connell. PupEsto{-. om . (`.IT\'- MARKET ' ' . 140 Princess Street Peg First-(`.lu.ss Accommodation. Remodelled and Ru-furnished Throughout. \\'1u:.\' TRAVELLING Was? an SU'1u=." AND STOP AT THE V M A %;.i7!E?.f!' E L i We hill pa! A uusxmvrs caught a;L.__ys_(m.y\_g,[ L`Kl Nsuows` I - 7__A II. II] - Y_I.- Q WNW-Evjsr AnvERrIsEMz$x`rs., ICW nunurcu Lu-uay &_ A A- , s; , The surest way toprepatfe for .: that need--or `want--is to_ ppen;_a. Savings Account at opce .111 thus F Bank, and to add to It as often. and 'a~s_:je gu1arly as you `can. W L `will `add Interest at highest`. current rates. Savings Depart -e merit `a`t'e`v'e`ry Branch, 1 , ; . BARRIE BRANCH ` W. D. MORTON. Manager. C OAL '1:h'one -23. Oxce. Yard 8:. John Our arinual Clearmg Sal'e Furs and Wintet Gogds tic`>_. make foam for.` the" Hats now on the way` --j.VT ' Choice Manitoba. ahmii; Low Prices. Best Valugs at--7 All Kinds. [TOWN RESIDENCE FORSALE. ~- A brick-clad house. beln No. 28 Penetangsto 120 feet frontage. 5 land (1 Situation Town "water and gas. Sma I orchard Including small fruits. Applybo ALF. RAYNER. -M1 139;:-c_>i'_ P'0B7l"R'Ai'ESw CEDAR wnwran -_..I_ _._SJ `__ FARM FOR SALE __ \___. FOR SALE. 53.jo e Best Quality-. L. VVo I-'J1D\J\'l!4o Cookstown Ont. V `1with"the_ Pa_i-kdal.,Se niors. ono4uo4uo4nucMMusuQavonnvonuocubgnr V tebiif %i*:'1` thief A lI:ijs't'd;1_ I6a.i V, ggt`iog _ vot `takes, place fto-marrow, %` th51nst: ,.%.*i' T'- *. I %.T lya` A*llanffCru'sA, flast .s,e%ason s g_oalL _ten'- der for the ?[Co1ts, ` is` now . playing v ----`v -w-v_ - C1` -r-`-qyu|v_-r ,_,.--`;_--.--.- -- I. Aiffed Ra};:r', whb".has` ta`lci1 JA3vg1;| S. H. Reynolds grocery `busine_ss,.] will enter ; into .poss_ssio_'nVon .`.Feb. 1st. Mr. Reynolds contemD1.ates go- ing to the W",es_t. ; * . ~ D .Q,, "`' -' *"' " .-"r."~ "For annoying ` the V occupants of ` jthe, Court House and) b;eing*drunk and disorderly John `Ryan will .._`spend7 three weeks with. Governor Sissong.` `P. C. Lambie` made the`arrest`._ % V Purity Flour, 4 ptockfof this "now; celebrated our always on `hand, at Bo_rl_1wel_l s. ` ` . -:--\_(;);;'can dro Jim at E. .H. W'il- liamg . Dunlop St.,. and `procure your ma`rri_age"lic,ense. Nq delay art. 1 n ` -n 1 _,__-____,- -_,___-. _.,_ '7j*"P\ \ Enczineer Mitchell will be request- \ed to attend the next committee ;meeting of the Town Council and iexplain why such large sums are al- lowed as extras on "the 'sewer2con- } struction in Ward 6. Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds of Dry. Hard and Soft Wood, `also Slabs, sawed and split any length you inisg V and sold per card, not box on s. A : 1 on I\IC|\l9O b Tempest and*Sunshine; a drama ~at.ization of Mary J. Holmes novel of that name, will be. seen at the Grand Opera House to-night. It is `said to be very good and interpret- ed by an excellent company, I'|_I,',,,_ I"-,__. ,1 n__ `as: aw; noon V--vvnovuau vw.--rune]: -The Robinson Corset anTd'; Cos- tume Co. are iholding their annual- sale; I have a stock of their goods, ;including skirts and`children s waists, to dispose of, some belovtf cost,.sa1e to_ commence next Saturdav, Mrs. `Heard, 13 Ross Street. ____ . \l"'l\,, V AN".`HJD--GENERAL SERVANT. at once. Apply to Mrs. BEECROFT,-Collier St- I `Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Capt. MacDon-' al`d s subjectwill be The Reckoning Day. Sunday, Feb. 6th, is the date of the ygung people sJannua1. Thurs- day. Feb. nth, the young people will ,giy,e.a!1"ent`ertainment and the S:mv._ prizes `will she dist`:-ibuted. 2... LL:_ . The Tankard primaries for this `group were played` here yesterday. At the time of going to press, Bar- rie Thistles had beaten Churchill, and Collingwood had won from Penetanguishene. The t-wo Barrie clubs were pitted against each other for the afternoon `game. Collingwood drawing the bye. ' --V.-. --- --vv -' _. There are fty good reasons why you should buy Sealshipt oysters. First; they are solid oyster meats. Second; they are sold` by us in a` clean white andblue Sealshipticase .with all theirsea-avor saved. The other vforty-ejght` reasons will be ` found in the oysters themselves. We are .regist_ered agents for Barrie`. R. POWELL, Butcher, opposite .W ellington Hotel. T - ' 71- IIf'II'.,,_-_ 11_____:_!_ 1______:.__ .,.....,.,...., ..... .. -E. H. Williams, Barrie s favorite jeweller, does ne script engraving free of c_harge on articles boughtin (this store. ' - . A` n ,1 -. Much sympathy is felt for _the rela- tives of the late Mrs.` Matthew R0.- ibertson, of th_e fth-line of Vesora, ewho oassed away on. Sunday, Jan. ;23rd, after air illness of one year's :duration. The deceased lady; who was in her 41st year., was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends. As sorrowing husband and a littlegirl are left. i Lnterment was made in Union cemetery on. Tues- day,-, Rev. Dr. "McLeod ofciating 1 an _ . _ _ - ._ rl\_. `L2- 2-..`..- `IA I-\\aVu Au . .ua.\A-.4v\.I\.a \Jlnnvov~v~.-av Monsoon `Tea, this iamous `old English breakfast tea can `always be ob_a_ined at B_othwell s. 4 V . ` Vail-&nnnw& vow -rvv.-vv was -w There was a special meeting ofthe 1Town Councilon Mondav ,e_ver_ung to authorize the signing of` oetitions to the Lieut.-Governor. and the Leg`` islature to ratify and conrm the [agreement between. the Town and the Barrie [Tanning Co. This 1` step is rendered necessary by 'reas`on%i-of the fact that the statutory limit for` exemptions and fixed `assessment, etc., is ten years. Anythingibeyond this has to beaqthorized _ .by`.a `pi-it Vvatt'e_Abi 13l_.t i ...L;-.4j__.'. _fL'-....-r_-'_ -L-.-L ` '1 .v- jg`;-vjuwj >- v_yv CC'V~I cu-Gr 'I`E\TI)ER8 areasked to~ he sent to the.under_V-. aimed on M before` the l5t.!_i` `day Lot. February` next. for the l_!l`3hlI/88.,(\f nllor nnxwor.thq s V desirable .bul dlnsflntn 1 AthMe:;townTof Ban-in .. known apLon. Numbers .our..; .l!`ive. % Six V I.ctbe`h..wean;1a)taT 'l`hreeL.a.e(19l1 ;.4n oyv a cloud. V b%et>a1I\ou rmw, %. axgntgf g .. wk]; 1 Numb-T`I`wd'.` `T? . t`-I tN'.t'n , 1! `ti; "` g... _ ,wQ.`(nizQtV?c1o`i1fV 1 VCLC Ullli - ' ; On Saturday` afternoon about 4 so clock' P.C. s Lambie. nd"Sweeney jnoticed a couple of strangers acting; 1 suspiciously `in ixont. of Myers store. |Oj1e was in the act of,hidi8 it oair iof shoe packs underlhis coat fwher; ' the ,ofcers, pounced upon the gtwgin; They gave. >t`he'ir names A as. '_Ere_d.; Hayes o`_f`To;-onto and Tho s. `Mul|ip`~ of Ottawa- ` In.['the.A.pj_p1icg. cou'rt,.g<)n_ M;o;nday,.mornin:z;,:..t1;e.M,aaiis,tsa;e.J;`.a1:- ylofwedj the} 13t..1%1?.,;?t0-?*v-: b a>:>9!1';~,9.Yefdid vsnt,r'IceL.- b_lff"-H115 1"1.i8.; ;,t"-"t}'E`fVl`._*.=iI. -`c_,0_}t'11;-%_ Av -n99s2$,r%%qsiy dz 31%,? W ` 1 vaoia subf % % tn_o-.r,euor)ahle whuilding `!"e;I_t1`lc_LiAI_)nsA. - .. under not `:1 AAAAA maws town TEN;3`WANT5i :'.;1*Htg Iif|:"|t``s 1`;_s .or Aa`\R _Ii?'j "l'fl-it. co (iic 1`v% [oi] sniucovt and A1-a-is: 1oo_ahIuIoia"`;cr `OANADI goua cnrrcmon. 1mo. 27. . xgo BARRIE GETS THE WARDENSIHP . # wins on EIGHTH BALLOT- Was the Meat Strenuous Contest} V Seen in Years --Copeland of l I % Penetang Ruener Up. | iWARDEN S PUBLIC CAREER] .:_...._:___.:.__.... WAN'l`ED~-YOUNG MAN to `MANAGE FANCY GOODS FAIR IN BARBIE 3%ericnced. Applv with references to Mr.` Naou, care w. BRYCE. 489Que'1 3:, `West. Toronto. I On the eighth ballot, "after battling ;for nearly three hours, the County `Council on. Tuesday afternoon elect- ed Reeve Garden to the `high and honorable position - of Warden for 1910. It was the `most strenuous contest seen in years. While a large number of candidates appeared at- the outset, thestruggle narrowed down, to ve, viz: Reeve Copeland of Penetanguishene,` Reeve Mitchell of Alliston, Deputy Reeve. Simpson of `Tiny, Reeve Moore of Tossoron- tio, and Reeve Garden of Barrie. Seldom has there-been so stronga eld of. really eligible names present- ed as was this year. Councillor Gar- den had a commanding lead at all stages,,even against the many kalei- doscooic combinations that develop- ed.- At onetime the south` would pull for Mitchell, then for Moore; in the north Copeland and Simpson would `alternate in carrying strength of that portion of the Coun_ty. On_ the seventh ballot, Gar- den. lackedonly one vote, and it could easilv`v`be`foreseen that another ballotfwould decide the issue; So it proved. The 1ast_was a straight rzht between Copeland. and `Garden, the .Barrie representative,tak1ng 29 votes out of the 43 cast. 22 being necessarv forchoice. `Deputy Reeve Jackel of Midland was the only absentee, Fol- lowinsz are the results of the ballot- ( ing in detail : the 4 l AS; Caldwell, yG. Campbell, Cunning- :Na`bb, _ Sanderson, Todd, Wattie, GAR1.)'l.EN-.-Ball, Bell, LA. -Brown, ham, Garden, Lit_tle, M_cConkey. Mc- W'a1ker;A`I4.-- ' - Anlxsrupriw A iv-Ix; in .q_ __ 5 1- ___7___g__ 1 l .`7" .~ ~' `dune, 2; ` 'f\I'\PR ...... , -.,.. T l ' 'E~O'PELAND`--Cop`e1and, Loverinpg, Mil1ard,'.!N:ey,> Ruby, Stafford , Train,` ., . . _ . _ I % M1'rcH.1~::uL J." H,--J. Caldwell, _Dundas, J. Mitchell, "Pierson, Pott_er., Scanlon, 6,: .4-v-up-u\nr\1`v 1\, 9...` in"_,_L!.. -(*:._-_ vvvvvv .-, v, * 7iKiPoN-Devitt, `M'a1:ti_n,. & Simp-i -son, Tudhope, 4. `y A . B.ROW'N-(G. , E; Byovn, Jar-` rn`A' O - ' W MOORE-Moore,T Lagv,_ 2." ' H ` _Gooleve, Pjersotiy. J'.irdine,. Wood and. P1Jc.otte4 eacl} ;rggived_` op:-r yote. , V seconcyngnot.` . : G.ARD:EN`---B511, 'B_.e,iI\l`,_'J.A. Brawn", S.` Caldweil, G; ;Camf)be-ll,` `Cunning- ham. Gvardgn; VLtt-le, MC._Conke , `Me - Nabb. , VSande1js,' \r%1_;,` f"'.E..91f;rl._ % attic . run-\-\o\o.'A \vr\ `I! I`:--_ I "P"'_,__.;!'...V-?: u v -n--cu. ..-'u z`; coPELANn-C;e15na, ;.omn.;,: Milard,.A_`Ney,v l`?,g1b3,;r.,._`S4taord, Iraint -V g.` EIITZO A complete set of pump and well tools. 9.11 in perfect order: 1130 u number of pump tops made up. and a. quantity of top and bottom umber, suckers and handles. and, some excel- lent hardwood lumber. `Big bargain for quick sale. For further information app] to ' '1. W. P SCOE. I R ' nnbnfnuun (`hf V f. 1\`1'I'l:`QH}F:-LL % Ca}dwl1.`[ * F: `Campbell; . 'Dun.da_tsrJ: ~ -H. ;lII1t.chel1. PiersonPotteta1ii{%.%:VA % V % .'~.u.-'..u7.'.'q'~.v4-;'~';1_-u`.o'.=->.. ,,l.1u' at, .12.; ` 6---: ;i,s_ }:gagA,:a:%rVeo: 7 .Distx:it ` " 11 ? Qfiia T on`, v vift,5,L- artin, . Scan-' :J- I\-IU\l|"-`I-' `IQ szMrsd?Ne V IIIV, _ PjOTTER-H-Good,eve.,_ 1.1. Mithell, First Ballot. Warden oi-'Si'x';1c:>`;: for 1910. 9131:` iv cunt - 1: Highest price in cash aid for good cedar shingle bolts, devered in Barrie or at any 'g`v.'1`. . siding wnhin one hundred miles of Barrie. J. H. CLARK. Shingle Manutaotutgcfar, Rn l'l']n nnt