Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1906, p. 1

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Hem Fur - 1 Door East. Of Barrie Hotel. Oice, nuuiop Sc " PHONES 33 dipd 8%. Frid 8y. January 5th; . ROWLAND R CLIFFORD `Jhnannf Planat Ro.l);1-;:fs'>;1" gtore. The Sweetet Story ever Told. Wholesome Clean. Refreshing. An exceilent production. at af i)ig re'ducfion this month, `We have DRUG STORE Priced. 2?c._35_c. 60c. 75c. .='..= .:_`.... YOUNG GIRL children of 4 M 7 smd aleen 8. JVVLJILLVIJ X \JIJ.I.l.`l.`\-I11. Present The Emphatic Success --TAKE YOUR- so QE_[~I]`S 8?, Son : THE INTER3STS .03 BARRI3._ THE COUNTY SIMOOI `AND '1`!!! 7 . , , . i Matters About Town `VVVVVVVVVV . V. 3 QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A_.LAAAAAA '90 no 600000} `e "93 .'1`he-B. C. I. re-tapened yesterday. ` V .1 Orvoe T-olwnsnzp returned its oldi O3-uncll on Monday. Thn Dnvuvdn (`n}nIwn'I f1Ik I1!-`Y1 `M -J4 ` OR SALE OR REN'1`--house (um 140 Lil our: Village of Angus, known as `the Turton proper: . A l n the premises. 42-tf y pp Y0 A T. DOBSON. I-`HG-1 Jule], ._l.lifllll\f 15:15: uwru Rhffbugn \ ~Ver'y;'nn_n_e!:. 0n `V on, `cl urea and Vlumoyutv I .1; . . unwelvu. \: ,_, _.. i~'_\, . _ - V>:l>, ,, gt, - ---g, -- -- v--~ James Ma.rti.r'1'c-I New unwell" wgs -elected Ga-unty Cammlssloner, `or Dlvlsion No.` 5 by a majority or_ 140 over Mr. James Ooutta. - . . where will be"a. spec1a1 song service in Oolalieratreet Methodist `church on --- vwraucvo .vaIaQ vvu Qlvwodtru-I-cw w---- v-- v-v Sunday evening. 0Y8'l'EIls--'l`hono lino large OYIIQPI are arriving fresh daily at B01`!!- - wnnms. -.- _. .- - `pa. . ,,,,_r.1 uv.ruu\.'u vun monuay. V -The Barrie Cricket Club will hr:-li a. banquet in the near future. Inniflii b.7.d{z1 r'r:o2-et;1"`V E: David - 'H111`s, C:-aigvale, on Monday. 8th of January, at 11 am. T- . no 0. Innlsl Council for 1906 is composed of Mr. R. J.*Hi1I, Reeve, and `Messrs. Todd. Mcoonkey, Leslie and .Wa.-mica. Ctouncillors. V - . ' __ --. 1 `pt, , vs "Remember the musical treat tic- night by the English Grands Concert Oompany, ~at`the Opera. House here. This will probably be the finest: at- traction not its kind this season. 1 T Chas. Ereby, vwtlacasg trial was tt,'an\s- t1_erred v tb:_the Sessioona tr:om2#~t,he-"Au- tumn Asaize Cr.m_rt owing to one of the ju_mz:s,.hsy1_qn_gl discuaied the case durlnk" aln `a.djmi1fn`mnt. %ca_,me up again can Friday. The charge was':u~ --q us. - ~u1%w1i;1afnw1 kwo;w1e;s1se*%rct `Marv Si I-Ia.A3r:d.!z`>r\1 ,X;;5.!_:` _Ir,!ibeg,`V alndi .a. gm:d~ deg-1_!;-(rev-1de`nd` "_iayA's;V_aVubm2tted. P1-1- _ `:ir:i e~r.7:t`9m13.d":%1ir>~1;!Ir-`eivh be_hg-11 ; ` zononuooowoououog \J|U'|lnlI|aLuI IVS 3 Mr. Geir)-r-ge E. King a.ndtM13s Ber-` `the. Powell furnished music! for the clerks a.nnualVdance and the bache- 1ors"bal1,at Orillia this week. NOTICE is hereb given that the annm meeting of the hcreholders of the Ben; Tanning Company. (Limited) will take` place, the head oice of the Company Braqlq Stree in the Town of Barrie. on I`UESl),Ay- the 1 DAY or JANUARY. mos. at;-103 o clock p.m., for the purpose of recelvinau," report of the Directors for thcpast your, ee ; ing Directors of the-`said,-Co1npnnyfor,` " ensuing year, ' conrm a` Bsyvlauw oauth` ingEh.'_a'sale of Lots 38,` `end 0, South or lopgstraet. Barrie. and .transo.etin .-such busgpoga ct thegcompnuy as may E : lfilggf 31,16 Board. . ;i.-W `er Q . After several years` illness death came on Saturday as a_ha_ppy_ release to Ettle A., daughter of Mr. and o_M1'S. .J. E. Emms ,Dun1o3~p. St. Funeral baok place an Sunday t:a Da1ston. . 1.T!ie_ trustees of -ghe R. A V.~.`_hbspZ- -a1,apVer`gM_r. mqhn Rogerson, Treasurer, acknowledge "with thanks the follow- ing Christmas dmmtione, V Mayor Ross, ;$fI__5: .Alg _/_I,rs . Fr_e__f3k. $5.: James Chees- ~mI}n,:$6_,;_ Mrs. Pears'.\n,.T$5.,'a1_sp .tha1r`=lindebtednea's tad . Mr. -John Main-, .pr1e fro-r !:,x-g%a_.;lg';~}_.r;g;;._g:x';;_>Vur`1_ci__ tor {veget- dbl < gardhg ~?'w'1't'h` 3 ear`-lyln tun-___....'Il..:..L_.. .;.__I......'.'. - L_.I-I ;____. La . .... Mr. `B. s. -TB1.a`ck, son of Rev. lJ,a R. Black, a. former pastor, will preach in the O0-ngregatiuonal church next Sun- day `morning andevening. Mr. Black is a young preacher W3! great pm- mise. ` Dcon"t -1 Ioa'get.the lecture on Mon- day.evenlng, January .,16th., by A. H. Leake, Esq., on ,technica.l education under. the auspices 01' B. C. I. _See advL " {rLsBrZ`'1'E1.Jn; `i:;;u'1'ft;ad A; 1101- lupws-'-Reeve,' Jios. `Caldwell, A,' Councillors, C. F. Wattie, 322; Alex. `A Finlay, 275; Isaac D:_.w ney,' 262; Hecg tor Camervon, 221. mu. .._ IcrAnI_n..__-_I.. $7.: _nI _l__l_ -4 aw-o u-nnqvovvzny unus- Govto Wilkinson : for all `kinds oi dryllard and Son wooo, alum slab- -oawed and upllc, anv length you with and sold per cord. ` not box loulu. Inn _ I, _ _ 1,, _,1`L1.I_ ,_ __I The Advance was hue-naxred this week with a call from two subscribers, who-se combined ages reach the total of one hundred and seventy years. F:-V . C. Hxougg, convicted on three charge of theft, wasuan Friday sen~ tenced by Judge Boys tin" one yearrin the. Central for each ortence,' the terms to fun concurrently. Barrie zsnow entirely free from small-pox. The 19.27: quarantine was raised`yesterda.y. All otthe patients at the isolation. hospital have with one exception been released. The re- maining case is convalescent, but will not be liberated for a few days yet. -The Union Bank has consented to` act as agents for the shareholders or the York County Loan &. Savings Co. in llqeuidatin-"n in this virinity. Share- holders may leave their _-bzioks or cer- tificates at the bank and a receipt will be'given for-same. No charge will be_made for this service. ;- V A mo-st-`entertaining dance was that given" by -the L. A. to B. -0! TR. '1`. in the Town Hall on _New Year's night. All enjoyed themselves ttlmroughly, and it is understand that the was a financial success 9. well. IX I'I&I`I On reasonable terms. a rough cast house at .20\/Vellin ton St., acre garden. stable with; accommo ation for 4 teams of horses; For further purticlllars apply to W. GRACEY, Oakley Park Farm, Barrie, 1-lp I The annual meeting of the sub- scribers of the Barrie Public Library will be held next Monday `evening, Jan. 8th., 1906, at 8 o clock. All sub- scribers are requested tun be present, 1\_____r- , -_.Ll._-I__ __-- D_.-,,. Next week local. theatre-goers will have` opportunities every evening to see popular plays at papular prices when Gem-ge H. Summers. and his big stock company will be here.*H:a open- ing play will be the celebrated Eng- llah "melodrama. '_"1`he,Bl9.c1~: Flag and large crowds should. be` in attendance. -A_';_`.I ____9.a."._A. _A 1.1. . .L,__, -_A_-j An'*:?`zd resident of the town passed away on '],`hursdaY.~ 28th 'u1t., in the person -of Mrs. Ann W. Crfmv. Mrs. Craw was in her 74:31 year. Re'v.,eDr. _McLeod oftlciated atTthe~ funeral, wmch. bank 'p1__e.'ce :on"S:turday after-. nsuvm .to` Union ce;me'ery.' Rev. G; I. C,r',a.w_r:-I lfhornton is 0, son of deceas-A % . 4- '- n u 1 ' n 1A pa.ri:.ial_1ist or the ne1v".I";1sticesnr the Peace mt Simone appear, in this issue. The remaining nameslwill be given next week. Oaths vi! qualifica- tio`-n,`oftice and allegiance "must :be taken bet-oAre~ March 21st . BARBIE, COUNTY. OF SIMCOE, ONATARIAO. JANUARY 1906; T A large crowd` witnessed the hockey match on Monday attern-oo. when the St`. Gexo-r3'e s.-ot]`.Toronto, et the lo- cal senior team. It materialized into 3. rip-snn~rting_ oontestu `The teams- were tied atytuil time,,anditwas al- lowed tio stand as such, owing to the visitors having tb return by the early evening train. The only change in the Barrie line-up was that ot~Ge:e re- placing Liightgb.t, the latter handi- ing the hell with general satisfaction. Janet C`a.1dwe11,; wgxo `was bmugtgt here` 'f'n_or_n -Lwondon by P. C. Jamieson last week to answer three charges of fraud, was yesterdaysentencd tn 3 4m-ohths in galol on conviction before P. M. Radenhurst."The . young w-:)man_ from Scotland only last 5P1'iYlE- . V L It was gala dar at the 0::nVgrega- tionalvchurch last Thursday night. The church mortgage was burned-in the presence _or` a crowded audience. Rev. J-. .W. Pedley _was more than `ain- terestlng as he told 01 the -jubilee fund mnvement amo-ngpvthe Congrega- tional churches not Canada. Large debts have been -paid, wait by large congregations, but rather by ear- nest and can-nsecratedvpesople. The Con- gregational demo-mination is now a`.- most tree from, church debts, having raised over two hundred thousand" dollars in `the two years-Just closed for this one purpose. -iLeave- your orders for can, cinna- ter of baggage,_ and cartage at J.- G. Scott s office, Phone 86. J as. W. cott. ~ T ANTED-. atonce. | Death visited the home of" ex-A1d.l Lewis,` Hazelh:olme, on New Year?s evening when Mrs. Lewis wascalled away after a few days illness. The deceased lady was` 70 years of age, having been born in Ireland in 1836. She was married to Mr-.`Lew1s in 1855, and last year their golden wedding was fittlngly celebrated. Of a family of ten, 4 sons and 6 daughters are still living; Mr. Andrew Thompson of Thornton and Mr. Henry Thompson of London, are brothers of `deceased. The funeral has been arranged for Friday afternuobn at 2.30. Deep sym- pathy is extended to the bereaved re- latlves. The Bill. Poudre on'Thursday even- ing last drew a. large czsowd of those who" take pleasure in the terp3iclror- ean art and proved to be a. brilliant social success. ' The sexes _were pretty evenly divided and the disparity, of other years in this respect was conspicuously absent. A bewltching concentration of. feminine loveliness was sufficient to inspire the young gallants tn put forth their best ef- forts, and nought transplred to max- thegeneral enjoyment. The fare- 'thIo-ughtvo-f the committee was abun- dantly evidenced in the attention paid to every detail with the result that the function will long .be. remembered by those who took part. The out-of- tnwn attendance was noticeably large. _, _______ .____.l___'_ T._ 9].`. . An exceedingly pretty wedding back pace on .Wed_nesday. Dec. 27th., at the name or Mr. and Mrs. Angus Camp- bell when their daughter Susie was united in the "holy bonds or matri- mony _ta Harland` A. Marshall, of` Grentel. The ceremony was performed. under an arch of evergreens decorated wit_h wedding bells, the bride being given-awayby her father. Mlss'.Emma Parr, cousin of the bride, played the 1 wedding march. The br;d.e into`-ked charming, gaoewned in white silk, with trimmings or chit!-ofn and _silk ribbon. She carried a bouquet of whiteIc.arna- tions and maidenhair tern and _we.s _a-ttended by her sister,Jessi`e who was gowned in = cream `. silk lustre wlth V trimmings ht - insertion and lace and `; carried .a. bouquet int -pink and ~. White carna.tions._ Miss Ella Marshall.-niece_ 9: the groom; made `a charming3_l:ttie5. Vtlbiwer girl attired in white silk.` _'i_3_hg._ egrnbmsman wasiM?r.` 'G.'-. E; " Rsojwe,` '-"qt ' Aiibrbhto. .Rev. ,Mr.'? Marshal1,~.-ibrother jncxateu. A~1ter.c0n8!`9;-tulatip `Per? fhe.:,%annrt tes`onn19i P1 that fr-niirbi 'aind5B9V.{5`i'%_`Rth.. Off - 50l1y_.di:n `Q id*slww" .e " lT'l`m;-marrow 'venixIg, an. 6th., wzii` be seen at the Grand Opera House 't`re play or Dora Thorne, _which has been attracting much attention owing `tnthe popularity of the novel, "Dora '1`horne," as a story is too well known ' for comment. but it must be admitted that the playwright has impnoved `up- an the pilot to such an extent that the play is far more interesting than the `bunk. Dramatic license is `somewhat elastic at times to say the least, .and in the play the most exciting and dra- matic points of the book are brought wt with decis1ve_act Jan and powerful" clearness; nor; is the comedy 1-ound wanting, much humor is inter-ming- gled with the. episodes of the drama, making as a whole aCplay novel and interesting in the extreme. A dam-. pany at players well suited but their respective rules has been engaged to interpret the well_ known characters, and a most enjoyable evening's enter- tainment is promised. . ` An Edenval; Wedd ing. or czuuna OUR cm-rnlou. MoNnA%v'sg ELECTIONS BARRIE caoosms Anumaum Eda 1906-MONEY BY-LAWS canny. I I V I` B I In _the Presbyterian Church, Owen Street, Barrie. lady's gold pin set with_ small diamond. Owner may have same on provmg property and m1ii 3g exp%nses' ROBERT MARTIN. (`.9 rats. Inn`. set with pearls. Nmenous, beautiful I presentsstvowed `the wide esteem in \ which the newly married cc-uple are : held. Monday's elections created a few eurprises,thnugh, owing to there be- ing no imayoralty contest, interest could not be said to have reached lthe teverpoint. A fairly heavy vote was polled; Both money by-laws were car- ried by subetantiel majorities. `Of `last year`: alderman only nine aotught re-election and of these two `were defeated, viz., Ald. Powell and Ald. Campbell. It is rather signifi- cant that these Awere the gentlemen ` who fathered the locale option - by-law in 0orun`c1l.v Aid. Powell's defeat is re- grettable as in many ways he showed a. good grasp, of municipal problems. He, however, failed to get. the temper- ance support that he should have re-' celved, while excltingthe keen ms- tllity of the liquor interests. ` naIw\aocv-' --- v"--- ; `y_.g,..umai.;7im;.c. E. Wright, G. E. (`.gplnnd,".Allons6f.;'1'IIi91'o W- M. 1'Iomp. 7`ou,`f,`D;.J:Shqi1ahii:fif.[ -:~: A I I ' ~ , ` .. ' `>- - . `_ _`_-_. `n;;_n_ n_`5;11 .111.-J... u..-..`..1I A . Messrs. `A. C. Garden, Geo. Wilson and Chris. I-Ioorstield occupy seats at the Council btoard tor the first time. .W.. A. Turner and R. A. Stephens have bothhad experience in former Coun- cils. 01.the new men, Aid. Garden is a. decided acquisition and his pres- ence adds considerable strength to the progressive element. A-Id. Wilson, too, gives promise oi being a. useful ai- derman. sol Int-U09 tr -'-' v-v -vvv-vvv-' AM4;'rcna:li-`As_ViI--0lMiv9r Barrow and E. W. .Ki0h6n} LL`V,},Pi_|,_l[- .`.L`_`::..`L_`z...~_` A 1-: ur_:_L. in In 8011,, U.`-~ Q. alulnuuul.m. - :.M -1n1A.4.2_zn--Frisnk _Udok'g.;.ighy :Hor::i1l,A:> ` W-e.`* W ` ` .:--r 4 V ' 0no-$Wm. Wiggins and James Ross. I Guthrie; Charles Atkinson, Geo. Raikea and Frank Ball, Barrie; Geo. Caldwell. Gilchriht: Duncan G Auderlon, John S-. Litater. Silas 'L6kie,`Ja.mes Ball and Robert B. Anderson, Rugby; W. Q..Wi1|on, J. W. Shaw and R. W. Metcalf, H.a.wke1tonq;, Hunhlark, Jar- ralVt.'t..o.l_(.`.orx :'ex's;Zi;D.vldi Bfeath and James, Mil- bee; ,ngnsun; mrreq Calclwbll, Crown mu; Arthur Bell. Qro Sbgtion. ` d is .-o On the whole the Council of 1906, while far below what` it might be,h9.s 9. little on its predecessor as a govern- ing` force. But, this remains tn be seen. Aldermen, (First 2 named elected.) ,.Wa.r'd I.-F.,M. Watt 88, C.., `G; Strange 85, .W. Taylnr 48,. Charles Mc- Guire 47; ` I CHOICE -BUILDING LUTB run. aA.un-- each 66 feet frontage, on Owen street. ' GEU.vVICKERS. V V51-u `V4.1 --*-----: *"u"*-*~ - ~ 1: TAY-W. J. Beetty. Goldwater; Thomas Rqhimon end James Mccree, Veeey; J amen A." St.e'ord,I Midland; Walter Lawson, Sr`, Lawson; `Alexander McMahon, Waverley; George Crooke iizdwlohn-A. Eplett. Victoria Her hear; Thoma": Carter, Weubaushene; John Shelton; `Fesaerren; `Richard McCormick, Midlgndgeo; Joilea, Vauey. _ . n _, __ 1'I,__ .Wa.rd V.-W. A. Lowe 193,. Chris. Horstield 130, C. .W. Palk 109. ' \ ward VI.--Geo . Wilson 124,'s'. J. McMorran,102, M; Campbell 59. T Pub1lc School Trustee. Ward IV.-A.` J. Carson 133, Rev._ Thaornley 46; the tlrst named being elected. libvvas vu -~ __.._-- -_.._ _ _ ORILLIA TOWNSHIP--Richard Holmes. Ardtrea; David Miller, Washago; Henry Elliott, Uhtho; David Wainman. William Calverley and Arch. Thomson, Sou uh Orillia; Hepburn 1`. Fox, Fuxmead. : Trustee Carsbn easily defeated Rev; ; W. Thornley in the `only contest for a. 7 place on the School Board. The figur- i es- ) .Ward IV.`--_W.'A. Turner 120, Alex. joowan 119, R. Powell 91. ' NEW J. P. s FOR SIMCOE. |- 0BILLIA- Town -Robert H. J upp, J. W.` Slaven, G. J. Booth, C. J. Miller. Chris. Moore, J. I. Hunt apd G. H. Clark. Y\0,I ,_.J I"I-I__-_ Mnnos'rx-John Craig, Thomas Moon, Moonstone; `John J. Mitchell. Creighton; 'l`-. E. J. Fitzgerald, Mount. St. Louis; Joseph Brown. H. L. Loverin ,` C. G. Millard, and Andrew Paterson, Col water; James Dunlap, J. B. Russell. and John Graham, Eadv; Thou. Craig, Crnihnrst: R. C. Bip'well,F'air Valley; Malcolm eith. Coulcon; J as. Diaby, Hobart; Wiinm Cunpbeltand P. J. Frnw. ley, Hilladale; Benjamin Teaky, Wnrminster. on... n1-1 *n_-La._ l1-I.1.....-L..... fl'\l............ .Ward II.-A. C. Garden 146, `A. `NV. Beardsley 99, W. C. Hunter 74. ' L1. -50 Street. PARTIAL 1.131` 05' MLGISTRATE8. `Ward 1 .Wa.rd 2 .Ward 8 .Ward 4 .Ward_6 Ward 6 .Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 .W9td 6 Majority fbr Majority for .... .. Money By-`Laws. 161 .. 120 Alarm. ` 58 .2: ` 68 E3-.-. Against 75 37 .. 100 38 H... 114' 68 65 28 74 67 ` `-7 `V V I . WANTEl)-.&-capable cook and housemaid. _ Apply to MRS. J. R. CO'1`TER. Owvscgnlst. Cement. E91-. Against 376 406 256 245 38 55 32 56 42 23 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. `Cunningham and` son, Troronto, spent New Year s in tl?Wn- .. `Miss Greenwcbd is visiting hereon-T sins at Edgar. Miss Marcella Cronan spent New Year : with friends in Edgar. Mrs ; McDev1tt of Pittsburg is visit- Ing Mr. and Mrs. E. Byrne, Owen St. Mr. Babvbhy RJowe was In Meanor last week attending the Old Boys Be- union. - .Mrs.` L . H. Kirkpatrick. so: rIm+.wood has been visiting her parents,MMr. and Mrs. R. King. - n Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hind of u`.l`.oron- to Junction were "in town over New Year`s, guests at "Be11evue. Mrs. A. S. Burton gave readings at . a. cvotncert New Yea`:-`s night in the Guthrie Presbyterian church. rvrn Qifit. The property of the uxidcrsigned on the N. E. 7 corner of Mulcaster and Peuetan streets. Bar-_ rie. Good 7-roomed house with a [modern con- . veniences. in splendid state `of repair. nice i` garden and lawn. RUBT. CROSSLAND. 50-lp Mis Clara Martin and Mr. Melvin Martin were In Oolllngwcuod for the holiday.. 3 ' Miss Jessie Gardner, of "lzrronto spent New Year s with Miss Carrie Greenwood. V _-_|l' -.- Miss Annie Rayner, `Mlmicr:-, is visit- ing. at her. tather`:4, Mr. Alfred Ray- ner, sr., Sunnidale ma. . Mr. and Mrs. James Gardhmse 191' Owen Smmd are staying with Mr. and Mrs. N. Gm-Vse for `a. few" `weeks. 1 Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Hinds anti son or! Tm-onto have been spending a wgek with Mrs. B. Hinds. S Mr. J. Osfen Dougall, of Toronto, wmo has been visiting in town:-tor the past tn days, returned home yester- day. Dr. T. H. Sneath or Dromore. and Mr. Henry Sneath of .Woodstock have been visiting friends in town during the holidays. ` Messrs. H. M. Dyment, 1`.om._ M3- Cabe and Clarence Griffith spent. New Year s in Oollingwood, attending the G. & M. Hospital ball in the evening. qua nuauvx u uugc .DU_y5 UDla8I'EU.7 ll I101)-SUI`. -Frank O Leary and Geo. Gordon were glaintitf and defendant, respectively, in a suit or the recovery of a quantity of grain and a. hay rack seized under an execution against lainti"s mother and brother, Joseph Leary. All the arties came from South Simcoe. Plainti became the purcha.s~ er of a farm about thirteen years ago, a deed of which was made in escrow to his brother Jose 11. This deed, however, became regis- tere unknown to the plaintiff` and the execu- tion in question followed. Phe plaintiff then brought action. The case lasted one whole die)`, the jury eventually failing to agree. Mr. J. T. Partridge, or Weybm-n," Sask., is here to spend a month with his Ontario friends. It is three years since Mr. Partridge was In Barrie 1_ast. . One Sorrel Mare. 1200 pounds, eigl1t_year old. or will exchange for one more smtable tor, tlnlivnrv xvnrrnn JA MES VAIR. 5? ' Mr. C. B. Max-sland went up Quake- tnwn on Tuesday to relieve the ma- nager otthe Unbon Bank of; . that place, the latter being engaged in opening `a. new branch at Thornton. Mr. Marsland expects to be absent but _some time. ` Mr. and Miss Ethel Hunter and Miss Helen.Bert1-am, Toronto, are visiting. their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton, Bradford street. Mr. `and Mrs. Fred. Stevens, not 153-- mrntn,~have been. spending the Xmas and New Year's hoiidays with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ottoon. `Mr. Sydney Fletcher n-t'the C:.n::- dian Bank of Commerce, '1'~oronta-,- Col- lege and Yonge St. branch, is home on sick leave. Mr. Fletcher will spend a. few weeks here for the pur- pose bl recuperating. Mr. John Benneft of Vandeleuf, 00. Grey, was in tnwn on Tuesday renew- ing acquaintances of thirty year; ago. jl 111161153 V., uauupueu. 711118 W88 Rn Sctlon` brough by Geo. P. Hughesof Tottenham to recover a. furnace and pipes which were in 3 house sold by his assigneeto J as. Campbell. At the conclusion of the evidence for plainti` His Honor Judge "Boys entered a non-suit. .l1`ranlr n r.norn anti (1.... (V---I - - - - - -- Mr. w. R. iaoyd at the Union Bantt. Portland, Ont., has been attached to the staff or the local branch. Mr. A. S. Burton, also. is one ot'the`.1-ecent additions to the staff. When Court reopened after the Christmas vacation the first case heard was that of Hughes v..CampbelI. This action hrnnahf. hv (Ian D !1'.....1..... -0 m-u.-..L__- A- Come. see what you can get {bra little . money at our Overcoat sale. A T ' 1 THE CLOTHIERS 8; menu ` I V We've got too man Overcoats for this season of the ear an we are going to sell them. They`! go at once. if prices will force them out. o ; `It you need an Overcoat now or if you expect to need onenext season or the season after, here's your opportunity. Buy M now, while you can get _w1u excnnnge I0!` 0116 xuuru delivery. wagon JAMES VAIR. Tvio Overcoat for _Ong Dollar of Money. .than Standard .011 stock. ' Her`s investment that will pay hotter Hunter % Bros. 0 v e r c o 3 t 7 `....Sale.... County Cgurt. Cases. --:1u-:--1 {:1-.oo mm ANNUm`n'rA'nv4'lic3 SINGLE COPIES FIVE Olll ' BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 3% 90 good dry buildin lots between Barrie and Aillandulekfor Is3al_e. .f mizgtzxgcs waggfxiom car. 1- wor' . nce rom u . p to kg S G.pH. mx. : 4~t Over Bank of 'l`oront_'o. OPE|:LK:; `L II CIIl\IUI IJV Hard and son. ' and Split EU \1lJCIIIJO 01:)` b s ` 1 I \x.I:'u:..|.v IJ "1'.`',`u3,i ALL NEXT WEEK Asummsns s'I'OG|( rna`iE`ma! l'Ullbd5C Uu U "cu DUI. VVIv)\JA|r(i|lV-Llllb uuun av: vac ot. III. Seven green houses, steam heated, cob` ner Owen an Welhngton Streets, 8000 feet lass, otting sheds, ga.rdener's rooms. etc. \ App y to D. M. STEWARQ`. Esq.. Stewart & tewart, Barristers. Barrie. . 46 Ll. ouuumg lOl.S OI! JBVCI g1'u1_1nu. I` ILL] LUUL I rontage on Owen Street,extend1ng back across - n1 , 1 MIN QVWHO - NM BARBIE J:J:w.::..a.u 5...... eposit receipts issued. Savings Bank Dopt. terest paid and credited twice a. year. T -- -. g nnnnrikf ugnqan 1111; ynupunv uv llovuvnnv vvvu`-es... -..J ....u wu\rU organ. Barrne. - _ 1. Twelve roomed resxdence. cellar through- t furnace, bath room. electric light and all otlern c0m'eniences,with outbuildings. lawns. rdens, large and small fruit, extending to velground at. base of hill. Five minutes 1:11; from centre ottown, Entrances on Owen ng Wellin ton Streets. ' V ' |.u' nn- Into nn Yawn` l'YIOI\I1VI!` Tffv fnnl I .----:u----n-- T . , The property at present occupied by Mr. J.C. nro-an Rn rm n. Walk u'uu1 UCULIU UL Luvvu, Jauuauuua uu v vv, md tot -W Chopplhg every day 5 CENTS II. buili ingllots on level ground. Fifty foot LBS. Satisfaction guaranteed? vnnfnovn nn wnn Htranhnrfnndinlz hank across IIIU-II Illlllll V-I u....._ filmt-3':r:'..e.:B.r_:_sH:a313 1a'5"'v hpital Paid Up. $3,00o.000 ' 1.300.000 , ' Iaets Qyeg - 025,000,000 pen SALE on RENT-House and Lot innthe vmmm nf Anmm. known as Ul UV`: ~ .._,- - - , RESIDENT. ANDREW THOMPSON. . mvmcsrnanr. HON. JOHN sH.uu>Lu:s_ NERAL MANAGER. G. H. BALFOUR BARBIE BRANCH -_, , , .4 _-_...:..o. Imannri Qavingg OARDERS STREET. NOTICE. ir;.:: 4 gm}; "-- '\' -. ~-:----v--A -BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-`- . ...,.w. m feat fmnt.a.R`e. atregt. 1 'i\fen_; Soldlinglrairs, with or f-1eat_`hAe'r gases. p 1oea_81.0_0 to-Q3550? A,`-_ _.____..________._._._____.__.._.._ GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED . .at once. Apply EP WORTH, 5l511VIa.ry `nnf _ 1 {7} , .. ,..0I}E'x.v No.!1 A * WHOLE -No`.s1os Wmsuw 8; Cum Prom-ietorsy x . . ____{f ' '1" ullu UIWIJIUUM. v vv av B).mLiORTON. iiager. ju------__>, V V saw Aovnnrlsnmnnrs. ` ,*_...._...._.. Plan at Robertson's Dz-ng`$t.ore. iam- mm hum I All kinds; am` quality. MONEY TO LOAN. .. ___-.__L A 'II..2--..L Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents _ V )-A good general servant wanted ... Annlv as cLAPPER'1`0N~.5'lj. FOR, SALE. -1-fqla sAL_.|-: _ _._`..._...._-.n A Apply 38 I:- WANTED AT 33 WORSLEY For Sale. TO-REN - -__--...I. ---~ __._._..._._..-.- WANTED to play with two 4 .\n.l'l`. vnnr. fl`0IIl 8 8oJn- to 7 ILAHLLLV . Caretaker. ' 24:1" `qcre I JVLIIICJ 51-tf ;_f;gonAu`n open HOUSE U LU! A lecture. under theetxenices otlthe BARRIE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, willbe given in the TOWN HALL on MONDAY. JAN. 15TH. beginning at 8 run by ALB!-:31: H. LEAKE, 50., Government Inspector` of Technical Education. c-wnrulull-VI-\II nuuorv ran 1'f'I'1~v!vlIr\All|!l`I'\ UL SUI/IIIJAUDQ Ianauvunvavano The LECTURE WILL BE ILLUSTRATED by lantern views and will be of special interest to all adults. : . The Rev. Dr. McLeod has consented to.a.ct-as chairman. There will be no charge. . GEO. A. RAD_ENHURS'l`, ` Chairman B.C.I. Board of Trustees |AI{otherDrop i L 5` Before you purchase your next load of : wood call and get our pnices for 2 ft. and 4 ft; maple Best quality can and split. Hard `and soft wood. - ~ ' ~ V MIGKLE, IIYMENTA % -xV'S. o o9,rr.y 'il1Wl.argleartAt1uta:utity am`:-5 best assorted; lines of` _>onfectione\ry_ Iuor'th of `T-oronto. . Fine Ohoqola'tes-15.VE:\eIn-ts -per 1-b.- Speoial Greams-10 oennlts pv.`.r lb. German Creams-150; per lrb. _ F _.B ~11 .-10 . ; i -Pleuiile ftyw-'11sgyg318'g`*Tz@zb. ' -Ta y `Bnu`llseyes-10 cents 0. lb. . Oooounj-u*t =Bq1ls`e'yes-j-10 `cts. 11' lb. ` ,Bu`llsc`yes-'-10-- ~beu*t`s 1! lb: ;.n?t-.-' 1:: - 1 ~ . ~ n..`..;u.v|r:-~I~.n....cAIasg;a Hm ;c.m- Qn; - 2.5ImpQ'rial ~f'Mi,x_-e,<%_I` `I(_J;a1,1_ 1-Us Ifoor ` - To Wilkinson's Mill} Ffgpning every CEN `rs PER 100 ha. Sntinfnntinn mm:-n.ntm=-.- ` LECTURE on PRACTICAL EDUCATION. =n..-`a;;"'r1.o.-..e| g - Manufacturing Furriers. A g ......m;;mm nwoowwoouwwwooww ` % . l | Marriage licenses Issued. ?_{o+o+$+o+`+Y ll}odLivEFOi%l KT .oi6507,9oooo b`U_R` ?EN'rIRE% STOCK oF lo oen~1:a.V - % g T . B0 1 hMi_xe-d Canldies-`-3 lbs for 2512-. .`N9w~aMixed Nva*ts+--2 `pouunvd-s for 25c. on % -4-1a=aaaT zoom 1"-dK >z9n.' 9- 15-f*?;5 19$? @459,`- mun:-.1 nu Luau. V.z A We have a large amount: of Priva;te Funds O.:`:nd at 4; and 5 per cent on the security pf Food farm mor ages. MCCARTHY, BOYS 3; IURCHISON, unlop Street, Barrie. Dramatlzation of BERTHA M. CLAY 3' _ Famotls Novel. V t twin` 2 ' Forvthe usual Doar size at; in. Raccoon] illag Dog, Buffalo and ` ombat, LADIES FUR COATS In Attachan, _Bokharan, Seal, Russian and. Persian` Lamb. oh! an-A -IQAIIIJA IIDI-IV \II-IV. urs is made fresh every few days by ourselves from the f very best % Norwegian Oil. It is a Fifty Per Cent. A Emulsion and costs only 1 .31; QT`. We still have a complete range of Fur Coats in all sizes and kinfls. a. noun Jllllitluo w."-'ou can NOW as reasonable as you can in March simmons& co. MEN s FUR` cons VI U JIGVU COO on - M 7'I`he question bf Freshness is an important one.` r\___.-_ ;_ ___V_ ,1, n 1 H0bertson s VvAN'l'FJU [0 play Wluu uvvv and`6 years, from 1y ADVAEIYE 13411.. and sleep at home, App OFEIOE. -

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